Case 1

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M S. B ·F A. B ·S M. G ·D F. P

After completing and discussing this case you should be able to
[1] Identify business risks for Internet-only business [5] Recognize issues surrounding the privacy of
models customer information
[2] Recommend internal control improvements for [6] Describe audit implications when
an eBusiness-based company transaction evidence is solely electronic
[3] Understand selected eBusiness related revenue [7] Recognize threats to eBusiness strategies, which
recognition issues rely solely on the delivery of services via the
[4] Identify accounting issues that arise when Inter- Internet
net-only companies exchange banner ad services

After being in business for only two years, has quickly become a leading
provider of online income tax preparation and filing services for individual taxpayers. Steven
Chicago founded the company after a business idea came to him while shopping for individual tax
preparation software. As he stared at all the software packages on the shelves at a local computer
supply store, the following thought kept racing through his mind:

“With all of the tax law changes from year to year, why should I shell out $50 for a CD
that will be obsolete next year, not to mention the $20 I have to pay to file my taxes
electronically over the Internet? I’d rather pay a company a small membership fee to use
continually updated tax preparation software.”

Not long after his shopping experience, Chicago, an entrepreneur at heart, decided to create such a
company. Less than one year later, began operations in time for the next tax

OVERVIEW OF YOUR1040RETURN.COM OPE TIONS is an entirely Internet-based tax preparation website for preparing and filing
federal and state individual income tax returns. Most of its revenues come from individuals seeking
to avoid preparation of a paper-based tax return and who are willing to “rent” access to a popular tax
preparation software package through Other revenues come from individuals
wanting to electronically file an already prepared paper-based return.

The case was prepared by Mark S. Beasley, Ph.D. and Frank A. Buckless, Ph.D. of North Carolina State University and Steven M. Glover, Ph.D. and
Douglas F. Prawitt, Ph.D. of Brigham Young University, as a basis for class discussion. is a fictitious company. All characters
and names represented are fictitious; any similarity to existing companies or persons is purely coincidental.

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For a minimal fee, provides an interface for individuals to electronically
file their returns with the appropriate federal and state regulatory bodies. Typical users come from
middle class households wanting to simplify yearly tax return preparation tasks. These users are
generally searching for an accurate, easy, and economical alternative to other professional tax
Individuals can access these services through’s website. To log on,
customers must first register for a user name and password. Once the customer indicates that he
or she wants to register, the website asks the customer to provide information including full name,
mailing address, Social Security number, birth date, phone number, email address, and a major
credit card number. This registers the individual on’s website and initiates
the credit card approval process. Once the credit card number is validated, customers select from
one of three service packages: Silver, Gold, or Platinum.
The Silver package provides basic tax services, including electronic access to tax forms,
schedules, and publications. Customers can enter tax return information directly onto the forms and
schedules, and will file the completed materials electronically, eliminating
the need for mailing paper copies to tax agencies. The Silver package also provides a service that
allows customers to apply electronically for a return extension. The Silver package, however, does
not give subscribers access to the tax preparation software package.
In addition to the benefits of the Silver package, the Gold package grants customers online
access to a commercially developed and continually maintained tax preparation software package.
The package helps customers easily prepare tax returns ranging from the simple 1040-EZ to a
complex return, such as one filed by a self-employed businessperson with nationwide real estate
investments and actively traded securities. Both the Gold and the Silver packages provide access to
services for one tax season only.
Premium services are offered through the Platinum package, which allows customers to sign
up for membership ranging between two to five years. Through this multiple-
year package service, customers receive year-round access to the tax preparation software provided
to Gold customers, which allows them to continually track changes to their tax basis in securities and
periodically evaluate tax implications of possible transactions. Furthermore, Platinum customers
receive personalized attention and real-time tax support from qualified income tax specialists, who
work on a contract basis, via an online instant messenger program. experiences high seasonal demand for its services from early February
to the filing deadline of April 15. Because allows customers to apply for filing
extensions online, the company also experiences strong demand for its services just before extension
If the IRS finds a problem with a return submitted through the company’s Web service, does not correct the problem, but informs the customer of the problem so
that the individual can correct the error and refile the return free of charge. The estimated frequency
and cost of expected refilings are factored into the price of the service packages. does not handle tax refund or tax liability payments. If a customer is
eligible for a refund, the IRS remits the payment directly to the taxpayer. If a customer is required
to pay income taxes, the IRS simply charges the appropriate amount to the customer’s credit card
number that is electronically submitted with the income tax return or the customer can provide
bank draft information to electronically transfer funds from the customer's bank account to the IRS. assumes no liability for inappropriately filed returns or the tax positions of its
customers. All liability resides with the customer who prepared the return. recognizes revenue differently for each product. The revenue for the
first year of Platinum service is recognized immediately after the customer selects this option. The
company assumes customers will use the package for an entire year without cancellation even though has a fairly simple cancellation policy. All revenues from subsequent years of
Platinum service are recognized in like manner. For the Gold package, a portion of the revenue is

24 © 2015 Pearson Education, Inc.

recognized when the customer accesses the tax preparation software package via the Internet for the
first time. The company recognizes the remaining revenue when the customer submits the return to
the IRS. The company does not recognize revenue for the Silver package until the customer submits
a return to the IRS.
In addition to fees generated for its individual tax preparation services, Your1040Return.
com engages in ad swapping with a number of major Internet companies. For example,
swapped a significant amount of advertising with from January to April of this
year. placed a banner ad on its website reminding visitors to visit
for all of their tax needs. In exchange for this ad, placed a similar ad directing
its visitors to shop online at


Protecting unauthorized access to customer information is a high priority at Your1040Return.
com. The company houses its web server and microcomputers, which run critical applications, in
a key-coded room accessible only to the programmer and Chicago, the CEO. The web server is
also protected by a proxy server firewall to prevent outside hackers from attacking the database. In
addition to these security measures, all customers are required to create alphanumeric passwords
that are at least six characters in length, to prevent unauthorized access to customer accounts. does not maintain a “bricks and mortar” storefront or interact face-to-
face with customers. The company engages in all transactions electronically and stores all purchase
orders, sales invoices, and advertising contracts in electronic form. The company backs up data
daily, but the backup data are not readily available at all times. After six months of soft storage on the
company’s server network, backup files are removed from the network to free up the limited storage
capacity. The files are downloaded to DVDs for storage and future retrieval. A significant upgrade
of’s limited information system is in the planning stages.
The company has hired several tax experts who monitor tax code changes and help ensure
the underlying tax preparation software is accurate. In addition, engages a
national CPA firm to review the accuracy of the tax preparation software. The company contracts
with a software design firm that develops the actual tax preparation online tools. Two of Chicago’s
nephews – Nathan Randall and Matthew Gilbert – oversee the operations of the information
technology platforms that host the tax preparation software and’s internal
applications, including the company’s financial accounting system software. Both of them have some
prior experience in IT operations; however, each has less than 5 years of relevant work experience
following their completion of undergraduate degrees in computer science. Emily Parkin serves as
the company’s CFO, responsible for’s accounting and financial reporting
activities. She joined after three years of audit experience with one of the Big
Four international accounting firms.
Given the growth in the number of individuals using’s services,
several marketing executives have recently begun to offer Chicago large sums of money to purchase’s customer lists. Although Chicago has yet to formally draft an official privacy
statement for his company, he feels responsible for the privacy of his customers’ information and is
unsure if he should sell the lists. The cash offers have been tempting, however, given that the money
would allow him to move ahead with planned information system upgrades. In the meantime,
Chicago arranged a line of credit with a local bank to fund the upgrades. As part of that financing
transaction, the bank has required an audit of’s annual financial statements.

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[1] You are an audit senior with Gooch & Brown CPA, LLP, a local accounting firm specializing
in audits of information systems and financial statements. engaged your
firm to perform its financial statement audit. You have been asked by the partner to perform the
following tasks:
[a] Why does need to have its financial statements audited? How might
understanding the reasons for the audit of the financial statements inform the auditor about
potential audit risk?
[b] Describe to Steven Chicago why it is important for your firm to have an understanding of’s business model.
[c] Identify’s major business risks and describe how those risks may
increase the likelihood of material misstatements in’s financial
[d] Indicate what should do to improve its internal control.
[e] Explain what audit implications arise if you decide that the controls over electronic records
at are inadequate to ensure that records have not been altered.
[f] Steven Chicago has indicated that he is exploring upgrades to the company's IT systems.
Your audit partner would like you to explore whether cloud computing is an option that
your firm might recommend for consideration by Steven, Perform research to explain what
cloud computing is and why it might offer benefits to
[g] Authoritative literature provides guidelines for proper revenue recognition policies for
transactions such as those discussed in the case. Analyze’s revenue
recognition policies for the three package services. Provide appropriate citations to
authoritative literature.
[h] Explain how you can obtain evidence that ad swapping actually occurred between the and Describe accounting issues that arise when
Internet-based companies swap ad services and identify relevant authoritative literature.
[i] Address a memo to Steven Chicago detailing the appropriate contents for a customer
privacy policy. (You may want to visit other company websites, such as,
to see an example of a privacy policy). Why is it important for to
have an explicit privacy policy? How might the lack of a policy affect’s
financial statements in the future?
[2]’s main business strategy involves the delivery of services via the Internet.
What are some threats to the viability of’s business strategy?
[3] When customers register for the Platinum package, they have online access to tax professionals
who are paid on a contract basis. If you were in Steven Chicago’s shoes, how would you
compensate those professionals for their services? What controls could
implement to ensure that the company does not overpay for those professional services?
[4] Auditing standards provide guidance for auditors when evaluating electronic evidence. What
are the implications for an auditor when a client’s accounting system produces and stores
transaction evidence only electronically?

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