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Republic of the Philippines

National Capital Region

Division of City Schools
Batasan Hills National High School
IBP Road Batasan Hills, Quezon City
S.Y. 2020-2021

“Analyzing the Perceptions of Selected Senior High School Students on the Sangguniang 

Ortiz, Sean kevin P.

12 – F. BACON

In just a year from now, the Philippines will be having another national and local elections.
While most of the attention ahead of the 2022 elections is focused on the presidential and
vice presidential races, it should not be forgotten that the country will also be having its
barangay and Sangguniang Kabataan (SK) elections next year. 
It is very rare for the SK elections to get media attention because there are so many
candidates running all across the country. Nevertheless, it will be wrong to overlook its
importance in the lives of the Filipino youth because the SK has long been described as a
training ground for the future leaders of the country. 
Efforts to give the youth a direct role in the nation’s politics and government has been
going on for decades. During the martial law years, then-President Ferdinand Marcos
organized the Kabataang Baranggay Initiative with his daughter Imee Marcos as a leader. 
The Kabataang Barangay project ended when Marcos was ousted as President in 1986, but
efforts to strengthen the youth’s involvement in the nation’s politics and governance.

Article II, section 13 of the 1987 Constitution, which was approved during the time of then-
President Corazon Aquino, states that “the state recognizes the vital role of the youth in
nation-building and that it “shall encourage their involvement in public and civic affairs.”
The 1987 Constitution remains in effect to this day.
In line with this, then-President Fidel Ramos signed into law Republic Act 8044 of 1994 or
The Youth in Nation-Building Act of 1994. This law paved the way for the creation of the
Sangguniang Kabataan and the National Youth Commission.
Since the 1990s, the barangay and SK elections had been held simultaneously. Eligible
voters for the SK elections can vote or one SK chairperson and seven SK kagawad.
Previously, only those aged 15 to 17 can vote in the SK elections but it has since been
modified to 15 to 30 years old. 
Given their stated purpose, it is not surprising for Sangguniang Kabataan councils across
the country to receive millions in government funds every year for the purpose of
implementing their programs. However, over the years there had been continues discussion
about the proposals to abolish the Sanggunian Kabataan citing the supposed incompetence,
irrelevance, and dishonesty of the people running it. 
This paper, therefore, aims to analyze the perceptions of selected senior high school
students of Batasan Hills National High School toward the Sangguniang  Kabataan or SK
as well as the factors that shape their opinions on it.   

Statement of the Problem

1.How engaged are selected senior high school students in the Sangguniang Kabataan?
2.What are the perceptions of selected senior high school students on the Sangguniang 
Kabataan system?


This study aims to analyze the perceptions of selected senior high school students of
Batasan Hills National High School toward the Sangguniang  Kabataan or SK.  The
objective of this study is to help the senior high school to shape their opinions,  political
perspective, to know their political rights, to become politically aware, and to have
community involvement towards strengthening youth involvement in political sphere and
In governance. “The states recognize the vital role of the Youth in the Nation-Building and
that shall encourage their involvement in the public and civic affairs”, thus towards Good
Governance. This study will not only help the senior high school or the eligible Sagguniang
Kabataan voters to decide whether whom to vote, but will also help the Sangguniang
Kabataan to fill in the gaps of the misconception from their constituent and might be able
to address it.

1) The  Sangguniang Kabataan can be considered as the most basic unit of government,
and since it is geared toward strengthening the youth’s involvement in the nation’s politics
and government.
2) There is substantial debate about the relevance o the Sangguniang Kabataan, and this
study takes a closer look into how selected portion of the youth perceives it.
3) SHS students are likely to be first-time voters come 2022 elections.

Researchers assume that the target participants will cooperate willingly.
Researchers assume that the respondents will respond to the questionnaire with utmost
The researchers believe that the participants would be available within such a
predetermined period of time.
The researcher assumes to know and understand  how the youth shapes its opinion in the
Sanggunian Kabataan SK 
Majority of the respondents are already registered SK voters, or are at least planning to
That they are planning to vote during the 2022 election.

Scope and delimitations

This Reasearch is are exclusive for the students of BHNHS only. Voting age (15 years old
above). There should be no restrictions on sex and gender. The selection of respondents will
be done online.and students are almost exclusively residents of Barangay batasan hills.
Time period for the study is one (1) week and days allotted for the survey should be

Limitations of the Study

Researchers consider the respondent's background of citations to be one of the drawbacks
of the analysis, since it might establish a difference with the findings if certain students
have more expertise than others. In addition, the internet access of the respondents will
also influence the results of the survey they will respond to for the purpose of data
collection. Lastly, there is a shortage of prior study studies on the subject. Since the topic is
unique, there is a lack of similar study on the subject that may theoretically allow
researchers to establish their own study.

Definition of Terms
The researchers presented definitions of the relevant terms used in the analysis to
educate potential readers.
Practical Research 2. A course that aims to develop critical thinking and problem-solving
skills of Grade 12 students through the conduct quantitative research relative to their
interests and senior high school track and strand.

Quantitative Research. Is the process of collecting and analysing numerical data. It can be
used to find patterns and averages, make predictions, test causal relationships, and
generalize results to wider populations.

Review of Related Literature (RRL). Is a detailed review of existing literature related to

the topic of a thesis or dissertation.

Sangguniang Kabataan (SK) . Is the legislative body of the Youth Assembly or the
Katipunan ng Kabataan of each and every barangay. They shall be chosen by the members
of the Katipunan ng Kabataan in the elections of the Election Board (COMELEC).

1987 Philippine Constitution .Is the constitution or supreme law of the Republic of the
Philippines. Its final draft was completed by the Constitutional Commission on October 12,
1986 and was ratified by a nationwide plebiscite on February 2, 1987.

Plebscite. Is a form of vote or a proposition for legislation. Some definitions of 'plebiscite'

indicate that it is a form of vote to amend a country's constitution or government. ...
Advisory-Meaning that the outcome of the vote is just to help the government make the
final decision.

Political Opinion. Is made to a wide category of attitudes that people may have on matters
that affect their state, their government, or their society. ... Such imputed political opinions
could form the basis of political persecution

Politics. Is a collection of practices relating to decision-making in communities or other

types of power relations between people, such as the sharing of wealth or status.
Public affairs. refers to engagement activities between organisations, often in the form of
business-building or government relations. 

Civic affairs. Is exercising of political power over acts, relations, etc., the political entity,
the citizens, etc., as well as the execution of those duties for that unit or body; the action of
governance; political law and administration.

Nation-building. .Is the creation or structuring of a national identity using the authority of
the state. The goal of nation-building is to unify citizens within the state in such a way that
it remains politically secure and sustainable in the long run.

Good governance. Is a government policy that is committed to developing a justice and

peace structure that respects fundamental human rights and civil liberties. ... Participation
demands that all populations, including those most disadvantaged, have direct or
representative access to government processes.

Survey Questions:
1). Are you a registered voter  for  the Sanggunian Kabataan election.  (YES OR NO)

1.1) IF yes, Why? 

a. It is part of my responsibility as a Filipino citizen.
b. I was influenced by my friends.
c. For the sake of having government Identification card.
d. I believe in the significance of the Sanguniang Kabataan.

1.2) IF no, Why?

a. I have no time.
b. I am not familiar with the registration process .
c. I am not interested in politics.
d.The Sanggunian Kabaataan makes no positive difference.
e. Others

2).Do you intend to vote during the 2022 Sanguniang kabataan election.
a. Yes
b. No
c. Undecided
3). Which of the following Initiative  of the Sanggunian Kabataan are you aware of?
( Check all that apply).
a. Sports tournaments
b. Relief assistance to the victims of disasters.
c. Donation drive for various projects.
d. Conduct of seminar workshops on various issues encountered by the youth.
e. Job Fair.
f. All of the above.
g. None of the above 

4). Do you support the current proposals to remove the Sanggunian Kabataan.
a. Yes
b. No
c. Undecided

4.1 If yes Why?

a. They are not doing enough for the youth.
b. The Sanggunian Kabataan Officers are usually related to other Elected politicians.
c. It worsens the problem of corruptions in the Government.
d. Elected Officials are not qualified and are incompetent.

4.2) If No Why?
a. They are doing meaningful projects.
b. They give the youth the opportunity to be part of the government.
c. It is a training ground for future leaders.
d.Sanggunian Kabataan officials serve as good role models for the youth.
e. Others

5.What factors Influences your perception on the Sanggunian Kabataan, (Check all that
a. Personal Observation
b. Discussion with friends.
c. Conversation with Family and Relatives
d. School
e. Community
f. Media
g. Others please specify.

There is already a significant body of research related to this study titled “Analysing the

Perception of Selected Senor High School Students on the Sangguniang Kabataan.”

It covers the historical and legal background of the Sangguniang Kabataan, the recent

debate to abolish it, and a discussion on the Filipino youth’s involvement in Philippine politics

through the decades. In the last portion of this chapter, the research gap that this research seeks

to address will be highlighted.

A. The Sanngguniang Kabataan

As mentioned earlier in this paper, the Kabataang Barangay from the 1970s is the

previous version of the modern day Sangguniang Kabataan.

According to a 2018 article from website Rappler, the Kabataang Barangay was created

by-then President Ferdinand Marcos to promote the development of young Filipinos by initiating

youth-oriented projects and activities that are "consistent with the guiding philosophies of the

New Society1.” Marcos appointed his own daughter Imee Marcos as the national leader of the

Kabataang Barangay.

The Kabataang Barangay project ended when Marcos was removed from office following

the 1986 People Power Revolution 2, but the succeeding administration led by then-President

Evangelista, Alex (2018). “Kabataang Barangay: Get to know the forerunner of the Sangguniang Kabataan.” (

Madarang, Catalina (2018). “History and controversy of ‘Kabataang Barangay’ goes back to Martial Law era.” (
Corazon Aquino still recognized the need to strengthen the youth’s involvement in the nation’s

politics and governance.

According to Article II, section 13 of the 1987 Constitution, “the state recognizes the

vital role of the youth in nation-building and that it “shall encourage their involvement in public

and civic affairs3.” The 1987 Constitution is still being enforced to this day.

By 1994, then-President Fidel Ramos signed into law Republic Act 8044 of 1994 or The

Youth in Nation-Building Act. This law mentioned the creation of the Sangguniang Kabataan or

SK and the National Youth Commission4.

The SK elections are being held together with the barangay elections. A Every Filipino

aged 15 up until 30 are allowed to vote in the SK elections. The most recent barangay and SK

elections was held back in 2018 while the next one will be held by 20225.

B. Efforts To Abolish the Sangguniang Kabataan

Given the important purpose that it serves, it is not surprising for the Sangguniang

Kabataan units around the country to receive millions in funds every year. The Republic Act

10742 or the Sangguniang Kabataan Reform Act of 2015 orders that 10% of a barangay’s yearly

budget should be set aside for the youth council6.

“1987 Philippine Constitution” (undated). The Official Gazette of the Republic of the Philippines.

“Republic Act 8044” (undated). National Youth Commission website (
Ranada, Pia (2019). “Barangay, SK elections moved to December 2022.”

Official Gazette of the Republic of the Philippines (undated). ”Republic Act 10742: The Sangguniang Kabataan
Reform Act of 2015” (
These funds are supposed to be used for different projects like job fairs, sports festival,

pageants, livelihood workshops, programs for out-of-school youth, among others. However, the

Philippine Daily Inquirer reported in 2019 that the Department of Interior and Local Government

has reminded SK units around the country to be more effective in using their funds 7. This implies

that at present, many SK units are not doing their most basic duty.

SK officials around the country are not new to allegations of financial corruption. Two

scholars, Sulpecia Ponce and Domshell Cahiles, did a study in 2013 about the corrupt practices

of young elective officials in Iligan City in Lanao del Norte 8. In 2015, then-Congressman Terry

Ridon of Kabataan Party-list that many SK officials are being used by barangay officials as

accomplices in their illegal activities9.

Aside from raising allegations of corruption, supporters of the move to abolish SK

mention that it is only dominated by members of the youth that are from established political

dynasties10. This reality prevents other potential youth leaders from taking part in the process.

C. Youth Involvement in Philippine Politics

Gonzales, Catherine (2019). “DILG reminds SK to start utilizing funds for youth welfare.” Philippine Daily
Inquirer (

Ponce, Sulpecia and Cahiles, Domshell (2013). “Corruption Practices Among Young Elective Public Officials
(Sanggunian Kabataan) In Iligan City, Southern Philippines.” Jurnal Studi Pemerintahan

Panti, Llanesca (2015). “Proposed scrapping of Sangguniang Kabataan draws mixed reactions in House.” The
Manila Times (

Lato,Ruffollo, et. al. (2018). “Corruption, pols’ bad image turn youth away from SK.” The Philippine Daily
Inquirer (
Ahead of the 2022 elections, a lot of attention is being given to make sure that eligible

first-time voters are actually registered to vote. James Jimenez, the spokesperson of the

Commission on Elections or COMELEC, said last January 2021 that they are expecting as much

as four million new voters.

Most of these are Filipino youth who will be turning 18 on or before May 2022, including

this researcher11. A report from Vera Files indicated that a little over two million new voters

participated during the 2019 elections12. There had been claims that the so-called “youth vote”

can influence the outcome of both national and local elections although author Pristine Gabrielle

Ramos of the European Institute for Asian Studies explained that this group “cannot be taken as

one bloc as their political views remain disparate and often conflicting13.”

Apart from exercising their right to vote, the Filipino youth can also take part in

Philippine politics through other means. In recent months, there has been much discussion about

youth activism. Student leaders from the University of the Philippines and the Polytechnic

University of the Philippines recently spoke out against the increasing presence of military forces

in the campuses14. Student activism is nothing new, however.

Patinio, Ferdinand (2021). “4M new voters seen for 2022 polls.” Philippine News Agency

Bacungan, VJ (2019). “How to make your vote matter in the May 2019 elections.” Vera Files

Ramos, Pristine Gabrielle (2019). “The voice of the Filipino youth: Silver linings in the 2019 midterm elections.”
European Institute for Asian Studies (

Bagayas, Samantha (2021). “Student leaders call on Congress to oppose end of DND’s pacts with PUP, UP.”

Rappler (
The Marcos dictatorship, for example, faced strong youth-led rallies including the “First

Quarter Storm15” protests near the Malacanang Palace as well as the Diliman Commune in the

University of the Philippines-Diliman campus in Quezon City whose 50 th anniversary is being

commemorated this month.

D - Research Gap

While there has been an extensive body of literature covering the history of and

controversies involving the Sangguniang Kabataan as well as the Filipino youth’s involvement

in politics, there is a need to also look into how senior high school (SHS) students perceive their

SK leaders and how these opinions are shaped.

SHS students are highly likely to be registered SK voters, and this proposed study can

provide insights into how the SK as an institution is seen by a segment of the people they


“Analyzing the Perceptions of Selected Senior High School Students on the Sangguniang 



This study aims to analyze the perceptions of selected senior high school students of Batasan
Hills National High School toward the Sangguniang  Kabataan or SK.

Cellona, Jonathan (2021). “LOOK: Diliman Commune's 50th anniversary.” ABS-CBN News (https://news.abs-
The Sangguniang  Kabataan or SK the primary purpose is to improve socioeconomic,
democratic, Economic, technological, intellectual, spiritual, political, and physical growth of
Young People.

“Developmental Theory of Democracy” Faulks, (2000), The Emerging Theory of Democracy It's

convincing that political engagement in itself is seen as successful. It's something. That all

person can play a part in and by, and thus not only establish their political role, Competence, but

also to forge the ties that shape civil society. As far as this research is concerned, it is assumed

that the respondents appear to feel that they have an active voice that could effect their daily

lives as a whole. The political system, thus, interested in engaging effectively in the next SK

Election. As said from the rational choice theory, The logical calculations of human beings In

regard to the right way to optimize utility or advantages. As far as this research is concerned, it is

Assumed that respondents appeared to be more interested in the SK election personally, Since

they feel that in exchange, they will get something. This is to identify or analize the perceptions

of Senior High School Students on the Sangguniang  Kabataan. About their existing knowledge

about this Political system, their opinions towards abolishing the Sangguniang Kabataan, about

it’s effectiveness, etc.

“Analyzing the Perceptions of Selected Senior High School Students on the Sangguniang 


The Framework of this study shows the concept of this research entitled “Analyzing the

Perceptions of Selected Senior High School Students on the Sangguniang  Kabataan”.

The  Sangguniang Kabataan can be considered as the most basic unit of government, and since it

is geared toward strengthening the youth’s involvement in the nation’s politics and government.

And as of now there is substantial debate about the relevance o the Sangguniang Kabataan, and

this study takes a closer look into how selected portion of the youth perceives it. The purpose of

this framework is to identify or analize the perceptions of Senior High School Students on the

Sangguniang  Kabataan. About their existing knowledge about this Political system, their

opinions towards abolishing the Sangguniang Kabataan, about it’s effectiveness, etc.

and efficiency
if Sangguniang
Awareness of the
Survey Questions: Kabataan.

1). Are you a registered voter for the Sanggunian Kabataan election. (YES OR NO)

1.1) IF yes, Why?

a. It is part of my responsibility as a Filipino citizen.

b. I was influenced by my friends.

c. For the sake of having government Identification card.

d. I believe in the significance of the Sanguniang Kabataan.


1.2) IF no, Why?

a. I have no time.

b. I am not familiar with the registration process .

c. I am not interested in politics.

d.The Sanggunian Kabaataan makes no positive difference.

e. Others

2).Do you intend to vote during the 2022 Sanguniang kabataan election.

a. Yes

b. No

c. Undecided

3). Which of the following Initiative of the Sanggunian Kabataan are you aware of? ( Check all

that apply).
a. Sports tournaments

b. Relief assistance to the victims of disasters.

c. Donation drive for various projects.

d. Conduct of seminar workshops on various issues encountered by the youth.

e. Job Fair.

f. All of the above.

g. None of the above

4). Do you support the current proposals to remove the Sanggunian Kabataan.

a. Yes

b. No

c. Undecided

4.1 If yes Why?

a. They are not doing enough for the youth.

b. The Sanggunian Kabataan Officers are usually related to other Elected politicians.

c. It worsens the problem of corruptions in the Government.

d. Elected Officials are not qualified and are incompetent.


4.2) If No Why?

a. They are doing meaningful projects.

b. They give the youth the opportunity to be part of the government.

c. It is a training ground for future leaders.

d.Sanggunian Kabataan officials serve as good role models for the youth.

e. Others

5.What factors Influences your perception on the Sanggunian Kabataan, (Check all that apply).

a. Personal Observation

b. Discussion with friends.

c. Conversation with Family and Relatives

d. School

e. Community

f. Media

g. Others please specify.

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