Research Methodology in Computing and Technology (RMCT) Assignment: Project Paper

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Research Methodology in Computing and Technology (RMCT)

Assignment: Project Paper

Summary of Assignment:

Module Code: CT098-3-2

Module Title: Research Methodology in Computing and Technology (RMCT)
Weighting: Coursework weighted at 80% (report) + 20% (presentation)
Assessment Title: Research Paper
Assessment Type: Individual work
Hand out date: 12 June 2019
Submission date: 5th August 2019
Table of Contents

1. Abstract & Introduction 3

2. Background. 3
2.1 Different Type of PHRs (Personal Health Records) & EHRs (Electronic Health Records). 4
2.2 The Purpose of PHRs. 4
2.3 The Effectiveness of Mobile-Health Technology. 5
3. Problem Statement 5
4. Aims and Objectives 5
5. Research Questions 6
6. Significance of the work 6
7. Methodology 6
8. Overview of the Proposed System 7
9. Conclusion 8
10. References 8-9
([email protected])

Abstract treatment options. In the North America, the nation

relies on the information online to understand health
This study is initiated to give an overview of important care knowledge. Meanwhile in United States, it is
as well as the usefulness of the personal health records stated that 87% of nationwide keeps their health
(PHR) tracking, health information management records for themselves, sometimes for family members
mobile applications as well as the access to PHRs in, too. This has proven that PHR is helping patient to
Malaysia, Asia. The statistics from several researches increase their awareness towards health care and
on health awareness topic have majorly stated that the promotes the usage of PHR. The increasing demand for
level of awareness of Malaysia’s citizen is low PHR is growing as it adopts the previous system EMR
especially the teenager comparing to other developed (Electronic Record System). Primary care physician is
countries. Concurrently, the public healthcare system often playing a role to increase the advice and educates
in Malaysia has grown extensively with the support patient for using self-management health system. PHR
from the local government. Hence, it is an opportunity has great potential to growth further as it helps patient
as well as a goal to increase the access to personal in their decision making in health management, also
health records health tracking and management ease the providers to keep tracks of their records.
process. To this end, a personal health tracking and
management mobile application called Health Pocket is 2. Background.
proposed which allows users to track, manage their
health records and update their personal health The traditional way to store and obtain medical records and
information which is integrable with most of the information is difficult way for patients. All the
healthcare systems in Malaysia. Besides that, it allows health records are stored and keep by the health
the healthcare centers to retrieve the patient’s personal care provider like hospitals, clinics and others
health information and records easily once integrated health care providers. To allows patients to access
to the user’s Health Pocket. In this paper, it describes their health records more easily, the personal
the new features that makes the Health Pocket ease to health records which short form as PHRs is one of
use, the comments about this mobile application, the the efficient ways to ease the users to access their
evaluation as well as the methodology that is used to health records and history. It is highly demand by
develop this mobile application. the patient nowadays.

Keywords: Asia, mobile applications, health Since there is no exact definition for PHR, it is described
information management, public health care, health as a device which gives the patients to collect,
records. organize and manage their medical health
1. Introduction
The US Joint Electronic PHR Task Force has defined
In this era, Malaysia’s health care is managed by the PHR: “Electronic personal health record (PHR): a
government’s Ministry of Health. There’s 2-tiered private and secure application through which an
health care system in Malaysia which are public and individual may access, manage, and share his or
private. A health care system enhances the nation to her health information. The PHR can include
access their medical records easily. The ministry of information that is entered by the consumer and/or
health mission and aim to have an efficient health care data from other sources such as pharmacies, labs,
system which able to increase the quality to care about and health care providers. The PHR may or may
their health, decreasing the numbers of diseases burden not include information from the electronic health
for both CD and NCD. CD refers to communicable record (EHR) that is maintained by the health care
diseases and NCD is non-communicable disease. In provider and is not synonymous with the EHR.
this study, it is all about the PHR (Personal Health PHR sponsors include vendors who may or may
Records) which it eventually will be applied into not charge a fee, health care organizations such as
mobile application. hospitals, health insurance companies, or
employers.” [1]
By the increase in numbers of internet usage and
availability of medical health information on Google,
Baidu and others web browsers, it has made patients
more aware of what symptoms, the type of diseases,
it’s causes and cures for the diseases as well the
PHR connected and linked to healthcare payers'
information systems.
iii) Third‐party PHR

PHR provided by non‐healthcare related organizations

(e.g. Google Health, HealthVault).

iv) Interoperable PHR

Centralized system with collection, sharing, exchange,

Figure 1.1 Personal Health Records PHR and electronic and self-management functions.[6]
health records EHR relationships illustration.
Figure 1.2 above illustrates the spectrum of the PHR
2.1 Different Type of PHRs (Personal Health and its independency towards complexity.
Records) & EHRs (Electronic Health Records).

PHR is categorized to different approaches and

designs. PHRs are form of records and usually
supported by information system or even an
application. For electronic types, they are portals,
mobile applications. As mentioned earlier, PHRs is
tetherable to others information system normally are
towards providers like hospitals, physicians and clinics
or even to employers whom needs to refer to the
medical records of their employee. For untethered Figure 1.2 Range of complexity in various approaches
PHRs, it normally installed to personal computers, to personal health records (PHRs).[4]
websites, or portal itself which required login to access
the health data. Commonly, patient to doctor
appointments is usually recorded in paper PHRs and 2.2 The Purpose of PHRs.
keep a copy by the doctors.

From the investigation of Joint Electronic Personal In simple words, PHRs are generated and stores
Health Record Task Force, they mentioned that there patient’s medical health records in a mobile application
are several parts of the PHRs is differing from each using mobile phones or even computers. Complex
other.[2] PHRs is tethered to providers information systems,
Additionally, the National Committee on Vital and which it comes with many features like personal record
Health Statistics states that the differences between keeping, tracking, managing. Besides that, it helps
PHRs are the scope of information, it’s source of patient to book appointments, renew prescriptions,
information, features and functionalities, the custodian medical history questionnaires, e-visits and access to
of the records, content storage locations, technical patient’s medical records from the medical records
approach as well the party who access the information. database and able to view their previous records and
[2] While from The International Organization of medical fees statements.
Standards (ISO) has divided EHRs to four category
which are: Communication between patients and providers

i) Patient self-maintainable and self- As for the storing PHRs in mobile application rather
manageable HER. than keeping it in paper-based by the provider, it
ii) Third party manageable and maintainable greatly increase the communication between provider
HER or web host provider. and the patient as all the features like renew
iii) Health providers or physician maintains prescriptions, schedule appointment booking can be
and manages HER. done through Health Pocket as compared to the
iv) Patient self-maintainable and manageable trending email communication (sending emails to
integrated EHR. providers). It informs the provider side if the patient
place order for the prescription and other features as
For the PHRs, they are categorized into: well. This will notify the provider more efficiently
rather than reading and checking email each of them
i) Provider‐tethered PHR individually which will cause human mistakes or could
have skip the emails.
PHR is linked and tethered to health providers
information system. Changes in lifestyle and health education
ii) Payer‐tethered PHR
Personal data which stores in EMR and personal data, a smoking intervention based on text messaging
a PHR is capable to store difference types of (txt2stop) more than doubled biochemically verified
information like social status, living environment, work smoking cessation [3]. While for other low-quality
environment or even family status. But PHR mainly trials, it enhances diabetes control but have no effect
stores patient’s health records, health lifestyle like diet, towards body weight controls by text messaging. There
weight loss, working habit, smoking habits or even are suggestive benefits for other condition but not all
exercises they do. In a research, it is reviewed that cases have their benefits of intervention.
PHR in mobile application used by patients and
providers greatly increase their communication and 3. Problem Statement
their health knowledge. An article stated that after 6
months of using PHR is greatly changes their lifestyle In the problem statement, PHRs is traditionally stored
and their health situation in the way of (exercise, diet inside USB drives, CD drives and others electronic
as well as their habits) approximately 25%. In this storage devices that is attached into wallet cards,
mobile application, patients can share their information bracelets and other possible devices. The main purpose
at the community forum sharing section to discuss of this PHRs is just to store the health medical records
about the similar problems which it largely enhances and history that can be used to access when meeting
their health status and changes lifestyle. physician or providers as well in emergency time. This
early innovation of this devices had some limitations of
Self-management by patient as it is lack of interoperability, lack in security &
assurance as nowadays increase in number of data
The PHRs allows user to self-manage their own exploitation by hackers, also it would be useless if
personal situation and data. They able to edit, add, devices hardware failure everything will be lost.
search and update their information, viewing their Besides that, it is not stand alone and it relies to using
medical history especially for chronic disease patients, external device like computers, tablets, or phones to
weight management, activity logs as well glucose and access to the records as well some of them required
blood pressure level. This allows patients to monitor software before accessing to the records which is not
their personal health more efficiently, also early that convenient and secured. The providers
detection towards the critical disease which they able information system EHR is less flexible, patient
to do prevention before it’s too late. couldn’t access their health records at anywhere but to
go to the providers place to access the records which is
2.3 The Effectiveness of Mobile-Health Technology. quite time consuming and very inconvenience.[4]

The effective way to enhance the rate of self-manage Contemporarily, a patient's health record is typically
about health care towards the health care customer is to stored in an electronic health record (EHR) system.
conducts personal consultations and through the social These systems, typically managed by a health care
media, and most importantly is by using mobile provider, have contributed to improving the quality and
technology like smart phones and computers to deliver safety of health care and are a central component of
the health message. The message can be delivered health care providers' employment of information
anytime in anyplace at any time. For examples, a technologies. As health records are generally stored
obesity person is trying to lose weight, therefore with the health care provider, access to his/her health
regular text messages or even instant messages can be data may not be readily available to an individual to
sent for motivation purpose. Health Pocket, the latest support such personal health activities as decision
services using mobile technology in the mobile making and health planning. To provide patients with
application, the new effective solution to increase the access to their health data, health care providers are
health knowledge of the patient and deliver to them now supplying their patients with either a paper or
easily. In the below reviews, the researchers stated out electronic copy of their records which is inconvenience
the benefits of mobile-based technology for both to patients.[6]
intervention of behavior changes and self-managing
disease. Since PHR technology is steadily increasing and
demanding among most of the developed country but it
A study has studied that 75 trials outcomes of patients stills a product that is unaware by most of the citizen in
in receiving their intervention by using mobile some country especially Malaysian. In United States, it
technology. The result has shown a statistic of 26 trials is expected to have seventy million to access to PHRs,
used it to change their health behaviors and their health however the usage is still low. As the demand for
lifestyles while the remaining 59 trails is resulted to electronic health records is demanding rapidly, the
manage low quality disease management, normally patients are desperately looking for more reliable and
from the high-income countries. In one high-quality easy access solutions to keep tracks their health records
trial that used text messages to improve adherence to and managing their records which results the idea of
antiretroviral therapy among HIV-positive patients in storing PHRs into electronic personal device which is
Kenya, the intervention significantly reduced the mobile application.
patients’ viral load but did not significantly reduce
mortality (the observed reduction in deaths may have By this supports for the problem statements, this
happened by chance) [3]. In two high-quality UK trials, mobile application Health Pocket is highly demand and
it will provide the better solution instead of storing in the cost is low, the providers able to invest in more
individual laptop or USB drives also eventually meets high-tech health devices to cures patients more
the user’s expectation. efficiently. This are the benefits of the Health Pocket
for the providers.
4. Aims and Objectives
For government, it greatly decrease the subsidies of
This study paper aims to give an overview the government to help the community to reduce the cost
importance and the impact of PHRs tracking and of medical of the country when everyone is self-
management in mobile application towards the managing their personal health records and regularly
community. check about their personal situation and having
The objectives of this study are to identify the discussion in Health Pocket forum and will be educated
purposes of developing PHRs tracking and through the forum itself. It might reduce the
management with mobile application at the same time government budget for subsiding community and
create a user-friendly design for the mobile application eventually contributes to a healthy community where
and eventually to deliver this mobile application to the everyone is educated to be healthy. Therefore, Health
stakeholders like patients and providers to ease their Pocket idea should be considered to make everyone life
access to their personal health records. healthy and happy.

5. Research Questions 7. Methodology

These are the research questions should be discussed in For implementing this mobile application, a survey
this research paper: will be conducted to identify the public opinions
towards this idea. A quick survey will be initiated
i) What is Personal Health Record (PHR)? through Survey Monkey to get the results of the survey
ii) What is the purpose of PHRs to be as well as having a survey to patients, providers as well
applied to mobile application? as the Ministry of Health about this idea before
iii) What are the types of PHRs? implementing it. Based on the results of the survey,
iv) How effective is the mobile technology in 90% of the people who done the surveys agrees that
health care? this is a great idea which the positive feedbacks
v) What are the challenges faced by motivate to initialize this project.
implementing PHRs in mobile
application? Another method of gathering data is through
vi) What PHRs mobile application benefits questionnaires, a series of fixed questions will be asked
to all the stakeholders and community? to all the possible future users of this mobile
application. The questions basically asking about:
6. Significance of the work
i) Where do you store your health records
PHRs storing in mobile application, it is worth to currently?
implement as it brings a lot of benefits to the ii) What do you think of PHR mobile
community mainly to the patients, providers, application?
government, community. iii) What are the features that you will be
interested to have it in the PHR mobile
Benefits to patients, as mentioned in purpose of PHRs application?
it is the similar as benefits patients able to easily keeps
track their personal health records, medical histories The analysis data obtained from surveys and
and other information. By tethering to the providers questionnaires, it is then be analyze through content
like hospitals, health care centers and physicians is a analysis method and narrative analysis and eventually
convenient and faster way of communicating with the presented in a bar chart the end final-result.
providers and perform some transactions. Throughout
this Health Pocket, it has a community forum session Once the data elicitations and data analysis are done, it
which allows the patients to share among the is proceeding to the selection of methodology to be
community about the common health issues they are used to develop this mobile application. The
facing as well sharing the healthy diet lifestyle and methodology that chosen is Rapid Application
their diet plans as well. Development (RAD).

Providers like hospitals, clinics, health care centers The key of choosing RAD as it is a efficient approach
and physician, when the mobile application is tethered to develop this application as it is fast and focus on
to them. It makes the process easy as patients will self- prototyping while welcoming changes in future.
manage their own health records and perform Besides that, it also hires only experienced software
transactions like renewal prescriptions and others in developer which saves a lot of cost of hiring
this mobile application. This greatly increase the intermediate developers. The first stage of the RAD
efficiency of the providers and decreasing their budget basically is requirement planning which is the meeting
of keeping patients records in paper-based PHR. While
of stakeholders to discuss the requirements and their Commentators have noted that in clinics with
expectation, the breakdown of the first phase is: underserved patient populations, portal use is
particularly low. Likewise, people with disabilities and
i) Researching the current problem of the elderly may be unable to take advantage of PHRs
PHRs. because of physical or mental limitations. If physicians
ii) Collecting all the stakeholder’s rely on PHRs to communicate with patients, those who
requirements. do not use them (often members of vulnerable
iii) Finalize the requirements and get populations) will be significantly disadvantaged.[7]
approval from stakeholders.

For the second phase of RAD, the user design which 8. Overview of the Proposed System
all the stakeholders must participate in this mobile
application design session and discuss what the design System Architecture
they want and software designers will create a
prototype for the stakeholder to view and if any Health Pocket architecture is basically three tier-
changes it will be make during this phase until it is architecture. For the presenting layer is basically the
fully satisfied. Next phase is rapid construction, which mobile application interface which users able to
the steps are breakdown as below: performs all the functions and then pass it to the server
side, for this server is using cloud-based virtual private
i) Rapid construction preparation. server to store database, applications and stuff which is
ii) Mobile application development. using Microsoft Azure. While after communicating
iii) Software engineer do coding. with the server side, it is then update or retrieve the
iv) Software Testing. data from the database side (using MySQL). This
architecture is applied to all types of PHRs connection
The last phase of the RAD, the Cutover method. like tethering to providers, providers has to login to the
Since it is a completely new system, it will be in Pilot Azure to do integration with their information system.
Changeover method which a group of users will be This application is highly secured with cloud flare
given to use the application first, if the application is multiple encryption level and being encrypted with
working fine then it will be totally released to the SSL as well. This mobile application supports both
public. IOS and Android version and developed using Java and
These are limitations in this mobile application, which
are firstly is the patients are over relies to physicians or Below Figure 1.3 is the architecture of Health Pocket.
health care providers instruction instead of trusting the
truthful answers and the solutions as well as the
consistency of physician to promote this mobile
application to patients, the researchers presented the
idea of this PHR mobile application but end up patients
are over relies with what physicians asks them to do. It
may a slow acceptance rate and slow growing
application as not all the nation can adapt to the mobile
application as quickly to cut over the previous paper
based PHR or health records that printed by EHR in
provider system.

Another limitation is the authentication of user login

to access the system. To maintain the medical integrity
of record, the accurate authentication is the important Figure 1.3 Health Pocket Mobile Application
key to maintain it. It is a challenge to identify the architecture.
unique identification of the patient access. It is
important to check the authentication of user as the System Functionality
health records and personal information is very
sensitive and high privacy which couldn’t be leaked or i) Renewing of prescriptions.
being deleted in the system by hackers or other ii) Claims processing claims and payments.
unauthorized users. iii) Appointment scheduling.
iv) Checking of drug interactions.
Besides that, PHRs has limitation which is v) Health reminders and prevention
exacerbation of health disparities. PHR surely able to reminders.
provide wide range of health information to everyone. vi) User able to access the mobile application
But it could exacerbate health disparities too. Patients to manage and full control of their health
that doesn’t has high technology skills or the records, medical history, personal
knowledge of using mobile phones or even have a information including privacy and
mobile phone, they will feel uncomfortable with PHR. security.
vii) User’s health data and health records are
integrated. [4] Paul C. Tang, Joan S. Ash, David W. Bates, J. Marc
viii) It preserves the data consistency as well overhage, Daniel Z. Sands, Personal Health Records:
Definitions, Benefits, and Strategies for Overcoming
the synchronization to providers.
Barriers to Adoption, Journal of the American Medical
ix) PHR interoperates and able to data Informatics Association, Volume 13, Issue 2, March 2016,
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x) Community forum for sharing
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As a conclusion, this research paper aims to identify
[8] John D. Halamka, Kenneth D. Mandl, Paul C. Tang, Early
the overview of PHRs and its usefulness which
Experiences with Personal Health Records, Journal of the
nowadays mobile application has been a trend and American Medical Informatics Association, Volume 15,
smart phone has been widely used by all the nations. Issue 1, January 2018, Pages 1–7,
The existing electronic personal records and paper
based PHR, it indicates the future needs of PHRs
mobile application to help patients to keep their health John D. Halamka, Kenneth D. Mandl, Paul C. Tang, Early
data and health records. Based on the limitations that Experiences with Personal Health Records, Journal of the
had discussed in the paper, the enhancement needs to American Medical Informatics Association, Volume 15,
be made to overcome this limitation is best approach is Issue 1, January 2018, Pages 1–7,
to uses face to face authentication when user login to
access so it confirming the uniqueness of the user [9] Noblin, A.M., Wan, T.T. and Fottler, M., 2012. The
while for another two limitations which will be solve impact of health literacy on a patient's decision to adopt a
this issue by giving the proper education to the public personal health record. Perspectives in Health Information
through public talks, digital promoting, social media Management/AHIMA, American Health Information
promoting and others in future but not only the Management Association, 9(Fall). Kharrazi, H., Chisholm,
limitations above but also in terms of its R., VanNasdale, D. and Thompson, B., 2012. Mobile
interoperability, capability, security, maintainability. personal health records: an evaluation of features and
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useful to all the patients should be implemented. [10] Detmer, D., Bloomrosen, M., Raymond, B. and Tang, P.,
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10 (e1001362)
RMCT Marking Sheet Student Name: Chang Shao Hang
Student ID: TP041183

Criteria weig

C1 English Writing, Grammar and Spelling 5

C2 Background of the Research/Literature Review 20

C3 Problem Statement and Research Questions 10

C4 Aim & Objectives 10

C5 Justification of the Research 10

C6 Research Methodology 10

C7 Overview of Proposed System 10

C8 Citations and References 5

C9 Presentation 10
C10 on (20%) Slides Quality 5
C11 Questions and Answers 5
Total Mark of this assignment * 100



RMCT Assessment Criteria and Marking Scheme

Paper (80%) Distinction Merit Pass
80 - 100 70 - 79 60 - 69 50 - 59
(C1) English Writing, Excellent and professional Clear and consistent writing, Generally good writing, some Writing is not very good, but
writing, few grammatical or with few grammatical or errors, inconsistent spellings. still understandable, with
Grammar, and Spelling spelling mistakes. spelling errors. some errors and
(5%) inconsistencies.
Outstanding evidence of Very careful reviewing, Evidence of reviewing, Incomplete and not
(C2) Background of the systematic review using systematic combinations of possibly complete, and using systematic, but adequate to
Research (20%) multiple searches, multiple search terms. appropriate approaches. identify part of the literature.
The research problem is The research problem is clear The research problem is The research problem is
(C3) Problem Statement clearly defined, and relevant and relevant, and supported moderately clear and understandable, but not very
to the programme of study. by LR, but could be written relevant, but it is not strongly clear and relevant to the
and Research Questions PS supported by very recent better. RQs are clear and supported by LR, and need programme of study. It is not
(10%) references. RQs are very clear relevant to PS, but need some some adjustments. RQ could sufficiently supported by LR.
and relevant to the PS. minor corrections. be written better. RQ need to be modified.
(C4) Aim & Objectives Aim and objectives are Aim and objectives are well Aim and objectives are Aim and Objectives are
(10%) concisely elaborated. Original selected. Clearly relevant ROs identified and mostly relevant described clearly, but not
and highly relevant ROs are are determined. to project. Relevant ROs biased from PS.
clearly articulated. outlined, but could be tighter
in their focus.
The significance and scope of The significance and scope of The significance and scope of The significance and scope of
the research is clearly the research is clear, but the research is clear, but the research is moderately
(C5) Justification & Scope described. The research is could be written better. The there is a lack of strong clear, by weak support from
of the Research (10%) strongly justified and research is justified and support by reliable references.
supported by reliable supported by reliable references.
references. references.
Creative and highly Methodology is well argued Methodology is explained and An appropriate methodology
(C6) Research appropriate methodology is and justified. appropriate for the project. is broadly outlined, but details
clearly articulated and are not always clear
Methodology (10%) justified.

Excellent description of the A very good description of the Clear description of the Description of the proposed
proposed system is provided, proposed system is provided, proposed system is provided system is provided, with some
detailing the detailing the with very little omissions omissions in description or
(C7) Overview of System features/functionality and features/functionality and the deliverables.
(10%) how it addresses the problem how it addresses the problem
statement. Description is statement.
supported by appropriate
There is full, accurate, and Source are generally cited Citations are mostly done, and References and citations are
(C8) Citations and professional citations of very correctly, the majority of references are up to date, but acceptable, but lack of high
recent sources and reliable references are recent and there are some outdated and quality and professional
References (5%) references with correct reliable, and format is mostly non-reliable sources, suitable sources, acceptable format
format. correct. format. with some mistakes.

Presentation (20%) Distinction Merit Pass

80 - 100 70 - 79 60 - 69 50 - 59
The presentation was The presentation had a clear The presentation had a clear The presentation had a
excellent, with a clear structure and included most structure and included most moderately clear structure
structure and included all the of the necessary parts and of the required sections, but and included the required
necessary parts and contents details. some details were not contents, but details of
(C9) Presentation (10%) with details. Time Management and presented. contents are not provided.
Time management, and English presentation were Time management and Time management and
English presentation were good. English presentation needed English presentation were
excellent. to be improved. satisfactory.
The presentation used The presentation used very The presentation used good Slides were satisfactory, but
excellent slides, in terms of good slides, in terms of slides, in terms of content, but slides are not prepared in a
layout, content, consistency layout, content, consistency some feature of a professional good manner in terms of
(C10) Slides Quality (5%) of formatting, order of of formatting, order of slides are not provided, or content/Inconsistency of
information, title page, page information, title page, page inconsistencies in terms of layout and formatting
numbers, references, etc. numbers, etc. However it layout or formatting.
could be improved.
The student was able to The student was able to The student was able to The student was able to
interpret correctly the interpret correctly the interpret correctly the interpret correctly some
questions, and answer questions, and answer questions, and answer questions, and answer
accordingly and very accordingly. Responses to accordingly. Responses to accordingly. Responses to
(C11) Questions and confidently. Responses to questions were at the correct most of questions were at the questions were mainly at the
questions were at the correct depth, and in an appropriate correct depth, and in an correct depth, and in an
Answers (5%) depth, and in an appropriate language given the audience. appropriate language given appropriate language given
language given the audience. A knowledge and the audience. A knowledge the audience. Knowledge of
A deep knowledge and understanding of the subject and understanding of the the subject area was
understanding of the subject area was demonstrated. subject area was mostly satisfactory.
area was demonstrated. demonstrated.

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