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Mental Health

Literature Review

Maryam Akhlaq
Literature Map
Mental Health

Definition Types Awareness Perceptions Stigma


Three components Posit

mood disorders Definition of young people Societal views

emotional well-
anxiety disorders Ways of promoting of teachers Cultural views (avoi

psychological well- Tried and tested of other

personality disorders Religious views
being means professionals

social well-being psychotic disorders of general people

eating disorders


substance abuse

Mental Health

World Health Organization (WHO) defines mental health as "a state of wellbeing in which every
individual realizes his or her potential, can cope with the normal stresses of life, can work productively
and efficiently, and may contribute to her or his community." 

Mental Distress

Mental distress is typical, expected, and normal response to everyday life stresses. For example: writing
an exam to going to a job interview. It is a sign from your brain to you, telling you that you simply need
to adapt to the surrounding. It is the basis for adaptation and resilience. In other words, mental distress is
a stress indicator to the control center to notify us that we have an issue that we need to acclimatise
to it. 

Stress responses are responsible for resilience and developing new skills. We don't need to protect
young people from this as it builds capacity.

Mental Health Problems

Mental health problems are indicators of stress adaptation or coping skills being challenged by the
stressor's extent. Negative emotions characterize them, challenging cognitions, and various difficulties
with behaviour. These can be severe at times and of either short or long durations (for example, death of
a loved one, loss of a job, etc.) Almost everyone will experience these states many times during
their life.[ CITATION Man15 \l 1033 ]

Mental Illness
The Diagnostic and Statistical Manual, 5th edition, of the American Psychiatric Association (DSM-5)
defines mental illnesses or mental disorders as ‘dysregulation of mood, thought, and behaviour’. 

Mental Wellbeing

Wellbeing is the condition of being agreeable, sound, or glad.

Mental wellbeing depicts your psychological state – how you are feeling and how well you can adapt to
everyday life. Our mental wellbeing is dynamic. It can change from second to second, every day, month
to month, or year to year. [ CITATION Pom20 \l 1033 ]

Types of mental health


Depression(Major burdensome Disorder) is a typical and genuine clinical disease that adversely
influences how you feel, the manner in which you think and how you act. Despondency a disposition
state described by trouble or misery sensations of uselessness and withdrawal from others. Occurrence
at least one major depressive disorder (2 weeks duration)


Mental state described by exceptionally misrepresented action and feelings including rapture, inordinate
energy or peevishness that bring about hindrance in social or word related working. Actually depression
and mania are opposite ends of a continuum that extends from deep sadness to wild elation, representing
the extremes of mood . Whereas depressive disorders involve only one troubling mood (Depression)
those with bipolar disorders (previously called manic depression). A person experiencing a manic
episode is usually engaged in significant goal directed activity beyond their normal activities. A maniac
episode will generally last 3 to 6 months whereas a depressive episode lasts rather longer,
approximately 6 -12 months without treatment.

Types of depression

Major Depression

This is characterized by the ccurrence of at least one major depressive episode which is typically two
weeks long. The patient has no history of mania or hypomania. This type is much higher in females and
can occur to any individual of age average onset in late 20s. Its life time prevalence(%) is 14- 16.

Persistent Depressive Disorder

This typically includes depressed mood that has lasted for at least two years with no more than two
months being symptom free. It is much higher in females and often shows up in childhood or

Bipolar Disorder

Somebody with bipolar turmoil, which is likewise now and then called "hyper misery," has state of
mind scenes that range from boundaries of high energy with an "up" mind-set to low "burdensome"
periods. At the point when the patient is in the low stage, you'll have the side effects of significant
melancholy. Drug can help manage your emotional episodes. Regardless of whether you're in a high or
a low period, your PCP may recommend a state of mind stabilizer, like lithium.
Psychotic Depression

People with psychotic depression have the symptoms of major depression along with "psychotic"
symptoms [ CITATION Coe21 \l 1033 ]

Situational Depression

A depressed mood when you're having trouble managing a stressful event in your life, such as a death in
your family, a divorce, or losing your job. Your doctor may call this "stress response syndrome."
[ CITATION Haa21 \l 1033 ]

Psychotherapy can regularly assist you with getting a time of sadness that is identified with an upsetting
circumstance. [ CITATION Man21 \l 1033 ]

Seasonal Affective Disorder

Seasonal Affective disorder is one of the sorts of burdensome temperaments. In contrast to other mental
issues, it is a state of mind issue that is just restricted to a particular season/climate of the year [ CITATION
Ogu21 \l 1033 ]

People have mood changes and disturbed routines during that specific season. Furthermore, the
American Psychiatric Association has defined this mood disorder as a "winter blue" because the
symptoms usually occur in the months of January & February. However there are consistently
exemptions as certain people face burdensome temperaments in summer as well.


Stress is the body's response to a challenge or demand.

Any job can be stressful sometimes because even when you love to do what you are working for. Work
stress ( burn-out) can affect mental wellbeing. You may be astonished by how influenced by work
environment stress you are the point at which you have a distressing morning. When you start the day
with planning, good nutrition, and a positive attitude, you might find that the stress of your job rolls off
your back more easily. In these times of covid-19 people around the world are working from home and
it’s more stressful for people to manage home and work simultaneously. [ CITATION Dhu21 \l 1033 ]

Mental Health Literacy

[ CITATION Jor15 \l 1033 ]Remember – language is powerful. While these changes in the words we use
may seem small, they reduce the stigma and sensationalism surrounding mental illness. Being more
aware of the terms we use to address and depict psychological instability goes far to break
generalizations and advance a more mindful and educated local area. The proposal here isn't that we
should all become language police. There is a challenge not to overdo it with censorship, mainly
because of mental health stigma's silencing effect. We don't want to be so frightened of using language
around mental illness as to prevent healthy communication and expression altogether. There's still a
need for discussion and understanding. Thoughtful reflection of the words you use and how you use
them is a good start.

Stigma attached to Mental Health

[ CITATION Rui21 \l 1033 ]Self-stigma: It refers to people with mental illness who internalize negative
stereotypes, leading to shame, social withdrawal, and demoralization. People with psychological
instability may feel they are not commendable or ready to seek after their life objectives.

Public-stigma: It happens when individuals from the overall population underwrite pessimistic
generalizations and victimize individuals with psychological instability. Social isolation and impaired
social networks, unemployment, education, and housing opportunities. Stigma and discrimination are
typically experienced as social defeat, which in turn is associated with suicide. [ CITATION OLo21 \l
1033 ]

Structural Discrimination: Cultural guidelines can methodicallly weakness individuals with

psychological maladjustment. Generally insufficient subsidizing of emotional wellness benefits as
contrasted and actual wellbeing administrations, more unfortunate nature of care, and decreased
admittance to psychological well-being administrations.

Cultural stigma

Living in a culture where talking about mental health has been a stigma for years and where women are
subconsciously taught to keep other’s needs before their own, people often tend to mix self-care with
selfishness. [ CITATION Lau07 \l 1033 ]


Generalizations are particularly productive methods for ordering data about social gatherings. They are
speedy since it creates impressions and assumptions for somebody who has a place with a generalized
gathering. They are social because they represent collectively agreed on notions about groups of
persons. [ CITATION Kee21 \l 1033 ]

Commonly held stereotypes about people with mental illness are that they are:

- [ CITATION Kha11 \l 1033 ]Incompetent (they are incapable of independent living or real work),
and are to be
- Blamed (because of weak character, they are responsible for the onset and continuation of their

Coping Mechanisms

The Digital Era is bringing great advancements in several fields including the field of psychology. As
the world is developing, human brain science is advancing appropriately. Discussing Human
Psychology, feelings are influenced fundamentally by advanced media. Analysts have begun exploring
the effect of online media on passionate prosperity and they have found some incredible realities
[ CITATION Bar21 \l 1033 ] Human beings are social creatures. We need the friendship of others to
flourish throughout everyday life, and the strength of our associations gigantically affects our
psychological well-being and satisfaction. Believing that people are becoming more empathetic because
this connectivity and social media are allowing them to see other people globally in a way that they’ve
never been able to see before. What is significant is that individuals comprehend the advantages of
innovation and where they need to set up cutoff points. We have those examples of conduct that we as a
whole realize the best approach to focus on ourselves, self-care.  But, we now have to learn how to do
this in this new environment. We have to extend our living space, so to speak, into the online arenas.
Therefore we have to find out the way to set online boundaries. we have to find out the way to respond
things. [ CITATION Sia21 \l 1033 ]
[ CITATION Rui21 \l 1033 ]Give your mind some rest. Do it throughout the day and not just when you’re
done with the day’s tasks. If you have a long day at work, take out five minutes to pause and give your
mind a break. Take deep breaths, meditate, look at photos that have a special meaning, go for a water
break, stretch, or walk round in the corridor. People need such mental stops to keep working during that
day with a filled glass of water as opposed to an unfilled one.

Changing a troublesome circumstance is additionally one of the methods of self-care. In case you're
worried over work, you need to investigate what elements would assist your work with getting less
unpleasant and what changes your workplace needs. Would it be useful to separate your assignment into
more modest errands? Would it help conversing with your manager about changing where you sit?
Would it help to have a plan for the day or breaks between errands? Recognizing one's own triggers and
miens likewise makes a difference. In the event that you feel that after a specific point from time your
perspective beginning harming or your garments begin feeling hot, possibly it's an ideal opportunity to
change your shoes or wear lighter garments..[ CITATION Apg21 \l 1033 ]

COVID and Mental Health

The current pandemic is influencing individuals both actually just as mentally.

" It is assessed that the world will be hit by a Mental Health consequential convulsion from the
emergency that is relied upon to be bigger than the actual emergency. "

[ CITATION Sch17 \l 1033 ] Young people are in great stress, as are not aware of the upcoming future
challenges. Adults are facing unemployment that can lead to sadness. Close by individuals lamenting
from the awful and abrupt loss of friends and family from the episode, the failure to acquire conclusion
can bring about indignation and disdain.

Health care worker’s Mental Health is also affected due to this outbreak. Frontline medical are in danger
of unfavorable actual results from COVID as well as mental misery. Noted before that forefront laborers
may create side effects of post-horrendous pressure problem, despondency, and substance use issues.

The silver lining in these times of crisis is that we are physically distanced but socially connected . It's
when individuals are associating with their friends and family, investing energy, gaining experiences,
and above all sharing and seeing each other's feelings. No matter what the stress level is, people are very
resilient. They are dealing with their life normal and the burdens of the World. Utilizing inward strength
can assist individuals to get past this time with a solid psyche. Individuals are utilizing their imagination
in the hour of episode for keeping up their psychological prosperity. Rehearsing fundamental self-care
will keep your invulnerable framework solid and your passionate saves full.

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