DA Dow Letter To Gov Newsom Re Royce Casey

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-f= DAN Dow

Assistant DisThct Atlomey

Dis(rict Attorney Chief Depujy Dislnct Attomey

June 1, 2021
LISA B. .'vJriscagi
The Honorable Gavin Newsom
Governor of California l:)iie{, Bureau ol Investigation
1303 10' St. Suite 1173
Sacramento, California 95814

Re: Inmate Royce Elliott Casey K78120

Dear Governor Newsom:

This letter is written regarding the grant of parole on March 17, 2021 to the above inmate,
who was convicted in 1997 for the 1995 murder of 15-year-old Elyse Pahler of Arroyo
Grande, California. We ask that you exercise your authority pursuant to Penal Code Section
3041 and reverse the grant of parole to inmate Casey, as he remains a threat to public safety.
Elyse Pahler was sadistically murdered in July 1995 by inmate Casey and two crime partners
who remain imprisoned. Casey was 17, and his crime partners Jacob Delashmutt and Joseph
Fiorella were 16 and 15 years old, as was Elyse. The murder was accomplished by first luring
the girl to a remote area, then strangling her, stabbing her multiple times, and finally by
stomping on her head and neck. She bled to death. Her body was hidden in brush and not
found until inmate Casey, feeling guilty, came forward 8 months later and con?fessed. He
implicated the other two. All three entered pleas of first-degree murder and they were each
sentenced to 25 years-to-life. Special circumstances of torture and rape were dismissed.
The motive was that the perpetrators, who had a rock band called "Hatred," thought by
killing a virginal girl and sacrificing her to Satan, that their death metal music would be
enhanced. As outlandish as this sounds, it is what they told law enforcement authorities.
There was also a sexual motive to the killing as they discussed killing a virgin. However,
there was insufficient proof that she was raped during her murder, mostly because her
murnrnified remains could not yield forensic evidence.
Inmate Casey has been relatively well behaved in prison and has done some programming
in the 25 years of incarceration. He was 17 at the time of the crime, a youthful offender, but
it was not an impulsive crime. This horrific crime of murder was planned and discussed
months in advance. Inmate Casey was also from a good home with a normal loving family.
He has never adequately explained why he participated in such a sadistic and heinous

1035 Palm Street ? San Luis Obispo ? CA 93408 ? http://slocounty.ca gov/DA ? (805) 781 - 5800 Fax (805) 781 - 4307
June 1, 2021 Page 2 of 2
Re: Inmate Royce Elliott Casey K78120

crime. In prior hearings, he did admit that while young Elyse was on the ground, after being
strangled and stabbed, she cried out for her mother and for Jesus. When Royce Casey heard
that, he stomped on her neck and head.
It is our position that the parole panel on March 17 basically disregarded and gave
inadequate weight to the horrific crime this inmate cornrnitted and looked instead at Casey's
behavior in prison. In fact, there was little discussion of his crime in the March 2021 hearing.
These Cormnissioners did not correctly follow the law. We maintain that Casey still has not
developed insight into the character defects that allowed him to participate in such a
hideous crime, and we ask that you review the case of In re Shaputis (2011) 53 Cal. 4" 192,
which held that the presence or absence of insight is a significant factor in determining
whether there is a 'rational nexus' between the inmate's dangerous past behavior and the
threat he currently poses to public safety.
We ask that you review the case carefully and use your authority to reverse this incorrect
and improvident grant of parole.
Very truly yours,

Dan Dow

District Attorney
County of San Luis Obispo

1035 Palm Street - San Luis Obispo ? CA 93408 ? http://slocounty.ca.gov/DA - (805) 781 - 5800 ? Fax (805) 781 - 4307

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