Coffee Shop Business Plan

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The key takeaways are that this business plan outlines the goals, operations, marketing strategies and financial projections for a new coffee shop over a 5 year period.

The objectives include increasing revenues by 5% in year 2 and 10% by year 3, and achieving a profit margin of 5.2% in year 2 and 6.9% by year 3.

The mission statement commits to products, employees and values like excellence, passion and quality which they believe is the recipe for market success.

Coffee Shop


John Doe
10200 Bolsa Ave, Westminster, CA, 92683

(650) 359-3153

[email protected]
Table of Contents

Executive Summary 4

Objectives 4

Mission Statement 4

Guiding Principles 4

Keys to Success 5

Financial Summary 5

Net Income 5

Business Overview 6

Ownership 6

Owners 6


Legal Form 6

Start-Up Summary 7

Location and Facilities 7

Products and Services 8

Products/Services Descriptions 8

Menu 8

Product/Service Sourcing 8

Inventory Management 9

Warehousing and Fulfillment 9

Future Products/Services 9

Market Analysis 10

Industry Analysis 10

Competitive Landscape 10

Products, Operations, Technology 10

Market Size 10

Industry Participants 11

Market Segments 11

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Market Tests 12

Target Market Segment Strategy 12

Market Needs 12

Market Growth 13

Positioning 13

Competitive Analysis 14

Competitive Comparison 14

Main Competitors 14

Roasterie Cafe 14

Take Five Coffee Bar 14

Homer’s Coffee House 14

Marketing And Sales 15

SWOT Analysis 15

Strategy Pyramid 16

Unique Selling Proposition (USP) 17

Competitive Edge 17

Marketing Strategy and Positioning 17

Positioning Statement 17

Pricing Strategy 18

Promotion and Advertising Strategy 18

Website 18

Marketing Programs 18

Sales Strategy 18

Sales Forecast 19

Sales Programs 19

Legal 19

Milestones 20

Exit Strategy 20

Organization and Management 21

Organizational Structure 21

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Management Team 21

Management Team Gaps 21

Personnel Plan 21

Financial Plan 23

Important Assumptions 23

Start-Up Costs 23

Source and Use of Funds 24

Projected Profit and Loss 24

Balance Sheet Projections 25

Cash Flow Statement 26

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Executive Summary

The Cooper’s Cup will be a new cafe located in the Phoenix city of Arizona. The
 Cooper’s Cup 1,500 square foot café will be located in the newly constructed Market Square
Plaza located on the northeast corner of 135th Street and Mission Street. The
anchor tenant, the Price Chopper grocery store, has already taken occupancy
and the excellent location brings more than 10,000 shoppers weekly.
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The Cooper’s Cup, aptly named for the aromatic brown liquid that will fill the cup,
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The primary objectives of the business plan for Cooper’s Cup are below:
 Cooper’s Cup
To increase revenues $36,000 or 5% in Year 2 and $73,000 or 10% by Year
Achieve a profit margin of 5.2% in Year 2 and 6.90% by Year 3
Be the Cafe of Choice in the Phoenix area and recipient of the BestRead More 
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Mission Statement

The Cooper’s Cup is committed to its products and employees which they believe
 Cooper’s Cup is the recipe for market success.

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Guiding Principles

The Cooper’s Cup is committed to values such as excellence, passion, quality,
 Cooper’s Cup integrity and leadership which allow them to navigate challenges and provide for
future opportunities. These core beliefs start with their commitment to their
products and their employees. Cooper’s Cup rewards excellence and cherishes
loyalty. The cafe will work with its employees to build strong businesses and a
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secure future.

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Keys to Success

The Cooper’s Cup stands out from the competition. Below are their Keys
 Cooper’s Cup to Success:

Great Products – providing exemplary products at market prices – will make

customers want to return again and again
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Hire Quality Baristas – Pay employees rates similar to the larger chains

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Financial Summary

Net Income

Sales Gross Margin Net Profit





Year1 Year2 Year3

Financial Year Sales Gross Margin Net Profit

Year1 200000 60000 50000

Year2 250000 70000 65000

Year3 300000 90000 80000

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Business Overview


 Cooper’s Cup

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John Doe
Owner - [email protected]
The Cooper’s Cup will be owned 100% by John Doe. Mr. Doe a graduate of Arizona State
University has an undergraduate degree in business administration. During high school,
he worked as a waiter in a local hospital coffee shop that purchased its beans from a local
roaster. In addition to being an avid coffee drinker himself, this job allowed him to learn
about the business first-hand. In college, Doe worked in a campus coffeehouse for four
years, eventually rising to the position of assistant manager. Following graduation, Doe
secured a business development position for a regional restaurant chain, which provided
additional first-hand exposure to the food and beverage industry—especially the steps
involved in establishing new locations.

Legal Form

The Cooper’s Cup will be formed as an S-Corporation wholly owned by Mr. Doe.
 Cooper’s Cup

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Start-Up Summary

The Cooper’s Cup will have seating for 40 patrons. The rent is $2,075 a month,
 Cooper’s Cup with a three-five-year lease available. The site consists of 1500 square feet of
leased space consisting of a dining room, a coffee bar, two restrooms, and a
storage room in the back. To be used as a restaurant, this storefront needs to be
plumbed and wired appropriately. Painting, new floors, and countertops are also
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needed. A custom coffee bar needs to be built. With materials bought on sale and

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Location and Facilities


 Cooper’s Cup

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Products and Services

Products/Services Descriptions

The Cooper’s Cup’s primary offering is gourmet roasted coffees with such varieties such as mocha,
carmelicious, white mocha, candy bar latte, and brewed coffee. Complementing the coffee will be a smoothie
line including wild berry, strawberry, peach, mango, and lemonade. Rounding out the simple menu line will be
pastries obtained with an outside supplier, freshly made and delivered daily. The pastry offerings may vary
with seasonality but the primary line will muffins, bread, cookies, scones, and rolls.

Mocha Carmelicious White mocha

Candy Bar Latte

Product/Service Sourcing

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The Cooper’s Cup has negotiated supplier agreements with several local food-
 Cooper’s Cup service wholesalers and coffee wholesalers in the Phoenix area that have a
reputation for quality and reliability:

Mean Beans Coffee Roasters

Phoenix Brewers Read More 

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Inventory Management

Warehousing and Fulfillment


Future Products/Services

Young families which comprise the third largest market share in Phoenix, are
 Cooper’s Cup often overlooked in the coffee market. Coffeehouses traditionally have not been
considered ‘kid’ friendly. To overcome this hurdle, the Cooper’s Cup has long term
plans (5 years) to open a 2nd coffee shop: A combination indoor play area/coffee
bar. This concept allows parents and caregivers an opportunity to meet and relax
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with other adults while the children can enjoy the indoor playground amenities.

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Market Analysis

Phoenix, Arizona is an award-winning place to live and work and is considered
 Cooper’s Cup the leading business community in the Midwest. National publications and
organizations recognize Phoenix for its business environment and livability.
Here’s a sampling: 6th Place, America’s Best Places to Live Money, Top 50 Cities
to Live and Play, National Geographic Adventure, 3rd Hottest Town in the U.S.,
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Money, Among 20 Best Places to Live & Work Employment Review, One of only

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Industry Analysis

The US coffee shop industry includes about 20,000 stores with combined annual
 Cooper’s Cup revenue of about $10 billion. Major companies include Caribou Coffee,
International Coffee & Tea (The Coffee Bean & Tea Leaf), Peet’s Coffee, and
Starbucks. The industry is concentrated: the top 50 companies generate more
than 70 percent of sales. Coffee shops are part of the specialty eatery industry,
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which also includes retail outlets specializing in products such as bagels, donuts,
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Cooper’s Cup
Consumer taste and personal income drive demand. The profitability of individual
companies depends on the ability to secure prime locations, drive store traffic,
and deliver high-quality products. Large companies have advantages in
purchasing, finance, and marketing. Small companies can compete effectively by
offering specialized products, serving a local market, or providing superior
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customer service. Specialty eateries, which include coffee shops, are labor-

Competitive Landscape

Major products include beverages and food. Beverages include brewed coffee
 Cooper’s Cup and tea; espresso drinks (cappuccinos, cafe lattes); cold blended beverages;
bottled water; soft drinks; and juices. Food includes pastries, bakery items,
desserts, sandwiches, and candy. Many coffee shops sell whole or ground coffee
beans for home consumption. Some coffee shops sell coffee or espresso-making
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equipment, grinders, mugs, and other accessories. (First Research)

Products, Operations, Technology

Market Size


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The US coffee shop industry includes about 20,000 stores with combined annual
 Cooper’s Cup revenue of about $10 billion. Major companies include Caribou Coffee,
International Coffee & Tea (The Coffee Bean & Tea Leaf), Pet’s Coffee, and
Starbucks. The industry is concentrated: the top 50 companies generate more
than 70 percent of sales. (First Research)
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Industry Participants
Within 5 miles of the subject, are 37 businesses involved in the coffee industry, including chains, restaurants,
and tea houses reporting annual revenues in excess of $54 million. Of these 37 businesses, 20 are Starbucks
coffee shops capturing $35.7 million in revenues or 66% of the market share. An additional 8 coffee houses
are franchises capturing $9.7 million represent 18% of the market share. The comparables – those closely
held coffee shops/cafes that will compete for the subject’s business represent $8.3 million in annual revenues
or 15% of the total market.

The Cooper’s Cup is targeting three primary groups residing in their direct marketing area. These individuals
prefer unique venues and avoid the big chains and franchises. They prefer their local neighborhood and will
support local businesses if the business warrants.

Name Count Revenue Market Share

Starbucks Coffee
Tea House

Other Franchise: 18.0 %

Tea House: 1.0 %

Comparables: 15.0 %

Starbucks: 66.0 %

Market Segments

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The Cooper’s Cup is targeting the three top segments of the population
 Cooper’s Cup representing 39% of the population in the Phoenix area:

Boomburbs (29%) – Younger families with a busy, upscale lifestyle. The

median age of 34. Most households operate on two incomes; median
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household income is $100,000. Product purchases reflect a suburban

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Market Tests

Research from Yelp, FourSquare, and google places, indicates the Phoenix
 Cooper’s Cup market is in need of a new local cafe. The locals have been clamoring for the
current private shops to improve service and/or reduce prices to keep pace with
larger chains and franchises, thus providing a unique niche for the right entrant.

While employed by a national restaurant chain, Mr. Doe was constantly Read More 
patrons to offsite coffeehouses for those seeking that final dessert and cup of
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Target Market Segment Strategy

Most adult coffee drinkers said their lifelong habit began during their teenage
 Cooper’s Cup years. In fact, 54% said they began drinking coffee between 13 and 19. Another
22% reported their coffee cravings started between the ages of 20 and 24. This
means that 76% of adult coffee drinkers began drinking coffee by the time they
were 24. So, despite a large amount of marketing and advertising directed at the
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younger age groups, savvy coffee shop owners will not forget to cater some of

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Unique products (specialized roasts, local ingredients, locally themed or

 Cooper’s Cup
named drinks, custom drinks by the‘star’ barista, etc.)
Games, puzzles, mind benders and other activities that encourage
customers to linger over their coffee
Hosting or sponsoring local events (entertainment, readings, book Read
More 
Market Needs

Despite the economic woes, 37% of total coffee consumed in the United States in
 Cooper’s Cup 2011 was classified as “Gourmet.” According to the National Coffee Drinking
Study, This suggests consumers were set on drinking good coffee and visiting

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their local coffee shop even in the face of an uncertain economy. (First Research).

The sales of coffee dominate sales of hot beverages, making up 83.3%Read More 
of the

Market Growth

The Russet Mug will position itself as a local coffeehouse or a ‘suburban’
 Cooper’s Cup coffeehouse providing a sanctuary for those in the ‘burbs’ without the hassle of
having to drive downtown

By charging similar prices as the large chains – the service and quality of the
product will commensurate with the price Read More 


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Competitive Analysis

Competitive Comparison

The research methodology is based on unique coffee shops/cafes in the greater
 Cooper’s Cup metro area and omits larger chains or franchises. The findings reveal eight unique

4511 W119th St Leawood, KS 66209 Read More 
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Main Competitors

This competitor has been operating in the greater MSA since 2005 opening its
 Cooper’s Cup first cafe in Brookside, Arizona and then at the Leawood location in 2010. The
3,300 square foot cafe offers an assortment of pastries, bagels, and cookies.
Beverages include Harney and Sons teas, signature blends, espresso, and
specialty drinks. The cafe has 11 employees and generated $11 million in
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revenues in 2011. The subject’s advantage is its smaller, cozier environment.

Roasterie Cafe

This competitor operates from a 3,300 square foot space. The cafe has WI-FI. In
 Cooper’s Cup addition to serving coffees and smoothies, the cafe offers more food offerings with
a full-service kitchen offering light breakfasts, and sandwiches and wraps. In the
evenings the cafe has musicians performing on a small stage. The Cafe also has
a full liquor license. The broad offerings of amenities do not make this a true comp
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for the subject.

Take Five Coffee Bar

This competitor operates from a 6,300 square foot space in a shopping center.
 Cooper’s Cup The shop was established in 2001 and in 2011 reported $2 million in revenues.
The shop employs 21 employees and provides music on the weekends. The
subject’s advantage is its smaller, cozier, and quieter environment.

Address: Read More 

5606 Johnson Dr Mission, KS 66202-3323
Homer’s Coffee House

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Marketing And Sales

SWOT Analysis

The SWOT analysis examines the cafe’s strengths and weaknesses that need to
 Cooper’s Cup be addressed. Further, this section examines the opportunities presented to Cafe
as well as potential threats.

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Strengths Weaknesses
Based on its smaller size, the fact that it Franchises are the easiest way and
is not a franchise, the Cooper’s Cup is a often the safest conduit to start a cafe;
unique coffee shop concept unlike any the cafe will not have the backing of one
other in the Phoenix market. of these established entities.
The owner has firsthand experience, in The Cooper’s Cup has a minimal budget
operating and starting new restaurants, and is competing against larger and
Handpicked baristas will bring more established coffeehouses for
professionalism and enthusiasm to the market share.

Opportunities O TThreats
The Phoenix demographics support the The Morning Glory Coffee shop is
need for a uniquecoffee shop. currently for sale; should another
Additional opportunities to target the independent purchase this cafe, it could
active and recently retired target market pose significant threat to market share.
and 45 years+ age group.
A small slice of a much bigger pie is the
goal. Only40 percent of the nation’s
coffee drinkers are consuming premium
ground and whole bean coffee.
Encouraging coffee drinkers to become
coffee connoisseurs is the key to
continued growth.
The local coffeehouse/cafe market is
$54 million

Strategy Pyramid


In the short-term, a number of promotions and activities are planned around

 Cooper’s Cup
the launch of the business to create awareness. The coffee shop will have a
contest offering 20 bottomless mugs and will publicize this promotion via
radio advertising, as well as countertop displays and posters in the shopping
plaza. Read More 
In addition, during its first year of operations, the coffee shop will pass out a
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Unique Selling Proposition (USP)

The Cooper’s Cup truly stands out from a crowded sea of coffee chains and
 Cooper’s Cup franchises. What sets them apart from the competition is primarily its smaller
cozier size combined with premium coffees served by knowledgeable baristas
providing so much energy and enthusiasm for the products they sell.

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Competitive Edge

The Cooper’s Cup’s competitive edge, its size, is also its greatest attribute.
 Cooper’s Cup Because they are small there is no red tape, and they can easily adjust business
hours to say accommodate an after-hours book reading session whereas the
corporate chains do not provide such accommodation. The Cooper’s Cup will truly
cater to its patron's needs.
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Marketing Strategy and Positioning

The Cooper’s Cup utilizes a focus strategy on its market. By specifically targeting
 Cooper’s Cup three primary segments they can cater specifically to their needs.

Senior Market (age 45+)

The Cooper’s Cup will target this market simply by its well selected location.
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Although this demographic group could readily drive downtown, they prefer a local
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The Cooper’s Cup is a gourmet coffee lover’s gem. It is truly one of a kind coffee
 Cooper’s Cup house offering outstanding gourmet coffees and blends, served by enthusiastic
and knowledgeable baristas, in a warm, relaxed environment. It is the place to go
to visit with friends or cozy up in a quiet corner with a good book either from the
library or from one of the patron’s personal E-Books.
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Positioning Statement

The Cooper’s Cup primarily utilizes competition based pricing. The cafe does not

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The Cooper’s Cup primarily utilizes competition based pricing. The cafe does not
 Cooper’s Cup utilize coupons and discounts (other than opening promotion) because they
believe that the most valuable customer demographic of daily coffee consumers
is not influenced by discount programs or coupons.

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Pricing Strategy


Online Advertising - The Cooper’s Cup will advertise regularly on popular

 Cooper’s Cup
social media sites, such as Facebook. Compared to traditional print
advertising, this is a cost-effective tactic that will allow them to reach
prospects in a highly targeted way (e.g., based on criteria such as age,
gender, geography, etc.). Read More 
Web Site - the Cooper’s Cup will develop a simple Web site, which will
Promotion and Advertising Strategy

The Cooper’s Cup will have a simple website identifying its menu items of
 Cooper’s Cup gourmet coffees, smoothies, and pastries, along with the address, map and hours
of operation. The website will also have a calendar of any upcoming events or

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The site will also have links to their social media sites – such as Facebook,
Twitter, and Pinterest.

The cafe will also rely on signage and draw to its location. Price Chopper brings
 Cooper’s Cup 10,000 shoppers weekly to its location.

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Marketing Programs

Sales Strategy

The Cooper’s Cup will use the following methods to increase sales revenue (as
 Cooper’s Cup recommended by Andrew Hetzel on Better Coffee, Better Business):

The menu will focus on the most profitable products sold. The cafe will
always draw customer attention to the most profitable products.
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As warranted, the cafe will raise prices to bolster brand image. Prices

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Sales Forecast
The sales forecast assumes a conservative 5% increase in revenues during Year Two and 10% increase in
Year Three. The following chart shows estimated sales over the next three years.

Annual Sales Forecast:

Annual Sales Forecast Year1 Year2 Year3

Products/Service 1
Products/Service 2
Products/Service 3
Total Income

Cost of Sales
Products/Service 1
Products/Service 2
Products/Service 3
Total Cost Of Sales
Gross Margin

The Cooper’s Cup will run employee sales contests – The baristas are the
 Cooper’s Cup salespeople and have a great deal of influence over the customer ordering
process. All baristas will be required to have sales and customer service training
to make each transaction. The sales contests will emphasize high margin items
and cross-selling.
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Sales Programs


The Cooper’s Cup is organized as an S-Corporation formed in the state of
 Cooper’s Cup Arizona.

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Listed below are the milestones for the Cooper’s Cup:

Milestone Date
Secure occupancy Phoenix location [Date]
Tenant improvements and build outs [Date]
Purchase furniture and décor [Date]
Assemble and hire barista team [Date]
Advertise on local radio station/mail fliers [Date]
Open for Business [Date]

Exit Strategy

In the event the store would have to close for business all assets would be sold at
 Cooper’s Cup auction.

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Organization and Management

Organizational Structure
The Cooper’s Cup is formed as an S-Corporation wholly owned by John Doe.

Management Team

The Cooper’s Cup will be owned 100% by JohnDoe.Mr. Doe a graduate of
 Cooper’s Cup Arizona State University, has an undergraduate degree in business
administration. During high school, he worked as a waiter in a local hospital coffee
shop that purchased its beans from a local roaster. In addition to being an avid
coffee drinker himself, this job allowed him to learn about the business first-hand.
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In college, Doe worked in a campus coffeehouse for four years, eventually rising

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Management Team Gaps

The Cooper’s Cup will rely on it's POS (Point of Sale) system to generate daily
 Cooper’s Cup accounting and cost activity reports. Mr. Doe will supply these to an outside
bookkeeper for preparation of annual income taxes.

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Personnel Plan
Initially, the cafe will hire 1 manager, 5 baristas, and 2 part-time servers. In Year 2, the cafe plans to hire 1
additional full-time barista.

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Year1 Year2 Year3
Full-time barista
Full-time barista
Full-time barista
Full-time barista
Part-time employee
Part-time employee
Total Personnel costs

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Financial Plan

Important Assumptions


The sales forecast is conservative and assumes a 5% increase in Year 2

 Cooper’s Cup
and a 10% in Year 3.
The analysis accounts for economic seasonality – wherein some months
revenues peak (such as holidays ) and wanes in slower months.
The analysis assumes the owner will take a much smaller salary compared
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to his baristas; at any time it is assumed that the owner’s withdrawal is
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Start-Up Costs
[Amount]Following are the needed start-up costs associated with the Russet Cup:

Startup Expenses Amount

Operating Capital [Amount]
Salaries & Wages [Amount]
Insurance Premiums
Beginning Inventory
Legal and Accounting Fees
Rent Deposits
Utility Deposits [Amount]
Supplies [Amount]
Advertising and Promotions [Amount]
Licenses [Amount]
Other Initial Costs [Amount]
Working Capital (Cash on hands) [Amount]
Total Startup Expenses [Total Amount]

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Startup Assets Amount
Real Estate [Amount]
Buildings [Amount]
Leasehold improvements [Amount]
Equipment [Amount]
Furniture and Fixtures [Amount]
Vehicles [Amount]
Other Fixed Assets [Amount]
Total Startup Assets [Total Amount]

Source and Use of Funds

Source Of Funds Amount

Owner's Contribution [Amount]
Commercial Loan [Amount]
Commercial Mortgage [Amount]
Line Of Credit [Amount]
Total Source Of Funds [Total Amount]

Use Of Funds
Fixed Assets [Amount]
Operating Capital [Amount]
Total Use Of Funds [Total Amount]

Projected Profit and Loss

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Year1 Year2 Year3 Year4 Year5
Product/Service-A $151,200 $333,396 $367,569 $405,245 $446,783
Product/Service B $100,800 $222,264 $245,046 $270,163 $297,855
Total Revenues $252,000 $555,660 $612,615 $675,408 $744,638

Expenses & Costs

Cost of goods sold $57,960 $122,245 $122,523 $128,328 $134,035
Lease $60,000 $61,500 $63,038 $64,613 $66,229
Marketing $20,000 $25,000 $25,000 $25,000 $25,000
Salaries $133,890 $204,030 $224,943 $236,190 $248,000
Other Expenses $3,500 $4,000 $4,500 $5,000 $5,500

Total Expenses & Costs $271,850 $412,775 $435,504 $454,131 $473,263

EBITDA ($19,850) $142,885 $177,112 $221,277 $271,374

Depreciation $36,960 $36,960 $36,960 $36,960 $36,960
EBIT ($56,810) $105,925 $140,152 $184,317 $234,414
Interest $23,621 $20,668 $17,716 $14,763 $11,810
PRETAX INCOME ($80,431) $85,257 $122,436 $169,554 $222,604
Net Operating Loss ($80,431) ($80,431) $0 $0 $0
Income Tax Expense $0 $1,689 $42,853 $59,344 $77,911

NET INCOME ($80,431) $83,568 $79,583 $110,210 $144,693

Net Profit Margin (%) - 15.00% 13.00% 16.30% 19.40%

Balance Sheet Projections

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Year1 Year2 Year3 Year4 Year5

Cash $16,710 $90,188 $158,957 $258,570 $392,389
Accounts receivable $0 $0 $0 $0 $0
Inventory $21,000 $23,153 $25,526 $28,142 $31,027
Total Current Assets $37,710 $113,340 $184,482 $286,712 $423,416

Fixed assets $246,450 $246,450 $246,450 $246,450 $246,450

Depreciation $36,960 $73,920 $110,880 $147,840 $184,800
Net fixed assets $209,490 $172,530 $135,570 $98,610 $61,650

TOTAL ASSETS $247,200 $285,870 $320,052 $385,322 $485,066


Debt $317,971 $272,546 $227,122 $181,698 $136,273
Accounts payable $9,660 $10,187 $10,210 $10,694 $11,170
Total Liabilities $327,631 $282,733 $237,332 $192,391 $147,443

Share Capital $0 $0 $0 $0 $0
Retained earnings ($80,431) $3,137 $82,720 $192,930 $337,623
Total Equity ($80,431) $3,137 $82,720 $192,930 $337,623

TOTAL LIABILITIES & EQUITY $247,200 $285,870 $320,052 $385,322 $485,066

Cash Flow Statement

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Year1 Year2 Year3 Year4 Year5


Net Income (Loss) ($80,431) $83,568 $79,583 $110,210 $144,693
Change in working capital ($11,340) ($1,625) ($2,350) ($2,133) ($2,409)
Depreciation $36,960 $36,960 $36,960 $36,960 $36,960
Net Cash Flow from Operations ($54,811) $118,902 $114,193 $145,037 $179,244


Investment ($246,450) $0 $0 $0 $0
Net Cash Flow from Investments ($246,450) $0 $0 $0 $0


Cash from equity $0 $0 $0 $0 $0
Cash from debt $317,971 ($45,424) ($45,424) ($45,424) ($45,424)
Net Cash Flow from Financing $317,971 ($45,424) ($45,424) ($45,424) ($45,424)

Net Cash Flow $16,710 $73,478 $68,769 $99,613 $133,819
Cash at Beginning of Period $0 $16,710 $90,188 $158,957 $258,570
Cash at End of Period $16,710 $90,188 $158,957 $258,570 $392,389

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