A Comprehensive Survey On Alternating Fluids Used For The Enhancement of Power Transformers

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S. Gopakumar Dr.T. Sree Renga Raja

Assistant Professor, Dept. of EEE Professor, Dept. of EEE
Rohini College of Engineering and Technology, University College of Engineering Nagercoil,
Tamilnadu, India.. Tamilnadu,India
[email protected] [email protected]

Abstract — In recent days, the insulating fluids plays an for domestic consumption. The distribution transformers are
essential role in the design of power transformers, because the used to distribute the power to the remote locations, so it is
performance of the power system is highly depends on the widely utilized in many industrial applications. The benefits of
transformers used in the system. Conventionally, the mineral oils using the distribution transformers are as follows: small size,
are used in the transformers for increasing the cooling effect, but
reduced magnetic loss, and easy installation, however it works
is less biodegradable and has a reduced fire resistant
characteristics. So, it is important to identify an alternating at low efficiency. Then, the measurement transformer is used
insulating oil for enhancing the power transformers. Due to this for estimate the power, current and voltage of the power
reason, this research work intends to survey the characteristics of systems. Among the other transformers, the power transformer
various alternating oils used for the power transformers. In this is highly efficient and is big in size, so it more suitable for the
analysis, the oils and its characteristics have been surveyed with high voltage power transmission systems.
the specific usage. It includes the vegetable oil, ester oil, magnetic In the electrical systems, the power transformers are one of
oil, silicone gel, and nano fluids. Based on this, the characteristics the essential and important component, which are ubiquitous in
of the transformer oil can be enhanced by mixing the nano human environment. The oil filled transformers has attained a
particles with the vegetable oil. Then, the conditional assessment
significant majority, because it has the capacity to produce all
of these oils are validated by using the measures of breakdown
voltage, viscosity, dielectric constant, flash point, fire point, and ranges of voltage and power. Moreover, the performance of the
acidity. power transformer is highly depends on the oil used in it [10].
Generally, the mineral oil has been used as an insulating
medium for the power transformers [11]. But, it produces the
Index Terms — Power Transformers, Insulating Fluids, Power risks related to noise, vibration, electric shock, energy loss, and
Systems, Mineral Oil, Vegetable Oil, Nano Fluids, and Magnetic power loss [12]. Due to these reasons, an alternating oil can be
Oil. selected for improving the transformer performance [13]. This
type of oils can be developed by the mixture of vegetable oil
I. INTRODUCTION and nano fluids. The detailed discussion about these oils used

I N Power Systems, the transformers are one of the most

essential component, which transmits the power between the
in the power transformer are presented in the following
circuits at same frequency [1]. Then, it is a kind of static device
and contains two or more coupled windings [2] that is used to
perform the mutual coupling. Normally, the lifespan of
transformer is highly depends on the insulation, because it leads
to moisture, oxidation, faults, and thermal aging [3]. Different
types of transformers are available for the power generation,
transmission and distribution, which are categorized based on
its windings, voltage levels, and core medium. It includes the
following types:
1. Step up and step down transformer [4]
2. Power transformer [5]
3. Distribution transformer [6]
4. Potential transformer [7]
5. Auto transformer [8]
6. Measurement transformer [9]
In which, the step up transformer is used as a connecting device
that has many windings on the secondary side. It works based
on the principle of energy conversion, and it operates a
megawatts of power. Similarly, the step down transformer has Fig 1. Oil based Nano fluids
many windings on the primary side, which is mainly designed
POWER TRANSFORMERS Normally, the mineral oil [15] is a mixture of various
In this part, the alternating fluids used in the power transformer hydroban compounds, which includes naphtenic, paraffin,
are discussed with its physical, electrical, and chemical hexane, benzene and aromatic. Dumitran, et al [16] intended to
properties. It can be categorized into the following sections: develop a new method for estimating the lifespan of mineral oil.
 Insulating fluids In this study, the single ageing test is conducted to evaluate this
 Mineral oil method under high temperature and activation energy.
 Ester fluids Moreover, the Differential Scanning Calorimetry (DSC)
 Magnetic oil measurements have been used to demonstrate the oxidation
 Silicon gel reaction. Typically, the accelerated ageing experiments have
been conducted at different temperatures based on the air
 Vegetable oil
circulation. Chereches, et al [17] studied different cooling
A. Insulating Fluids solutions based on the fluid flow and heat transfer for the power
The insulating oil is mainly used for cooling the transformer. Normally, the cooling channels are utilized to
transformer [14], which is generated from the fractional reduce the heat of power transformer. Here, the mineral oil is
distillation. In the past decades, the insulating oil is used in used to reduce the heat of power transformer by analyzing its
many electrical equipment due to its technical parameters. Also, electrical and thermal characteristics. Typically, the inlet and
it is a kind of non-renewable fossil resource, so it is not highly outlet of the oil used in the large transformers are gaining the
suitable for the power transformers. It must be replaced with an heat released by the conduction. Based on the difference of
alternating fluid for enabling a high degree of sustainability. In density, the oil flow inside the transformer can be manually
recent days, various alternating oils [13] are available in the estimated. The numerical analysis of this paper stated that the
electrical equipment market, which is categorized into the mineral oil has the better cooling capacity, but it has the oil
following types: aging effect on viscosity. Anishek, et al [18] determined the
1. Synthetic ester oil cooling capacity of the power transformer, where the optimum
2. Natural ester based oil spacing between the sections of radiator is defined. Modenes,et
3. Silicone oil al [19] investigated the insights of vegetable oil and mineral
The characteristics of these oils are discussed in Table 1 with fluids. During the evaluation, the toxicity and biodegradability
its own benefits and demerits. assessments are conducted to select the most suitable fluid for
the power transformer. The test results depicts that the
Table 1. Characteristics of different transformer oils vegetable oils are highly biodegradable compared than the
Type of Oil Properties Advantages/Disadvantages mineral oil. The vegetable oils considered in this investigation
Mineral Oil Extracted Disadvantages: are soy, sunflower, crambe and canola. In which, the soy type
from the non- 1. Reduced vegetable type offers the high toxic effects compared than the
renewable Degradability other types. Cavallini, et al [20] illustrated the characteristics of
resources 2. Low fire point mineral oil based on the nano-additives of the magnetite,
silicone dioxide, and grapheme oxide. In the traditional power
Silicone Fully Advantages: system designs, the mineral oil is used for cooling the
Liquid synthetic 1. Better flash point transformer. Due to its biodegradability, an alternating fluid has
2. Improved thermal been selected for the power transformers. In this work, the
stability nanofluids is generated by adding the magnetite nanoparticles
3. Self-extinguishing with the oil. During the experimentation, the breakdown
Disadvantages: voltage, nanofluids test chamber, and PD measurements have
1. Deprived lubrication been utilized.
properties C. Ester Fluids
2. Reduced bio- Due to the increased biodegradability and sustainability,
degradability the ester based alternating oils are widely used in the power
3. Increased viscosity at systems [21]. These fluids [22] are highly depends on the
high temperature volume of disposed liquid, composition of ester, and time
Synthetic Extracted Advantages: required for biodegradation. Hao, et al [23] analyzed the
Ester from 1. High oxidation conductivity characteristics of natural ester used in the power
chemicals capability transformer. Here, the accumulation analysis is conducted by
2. Biodegradable analyzing the characteristics of ester fluid and mineral oil. The
3. Strongly hygroscopic parameters that have been considered in this evaluation are
Natural Ester Produced Advantages: density, dynamic viscosity, permittivity, and volume resistivity.
from plat 1. High flash and fire Moreover, the effect of electrical field strength is determined
seed oils points by analyzing the natural behavior of mineral oil and ester fluid.
2. Biodegradable From the comparative study, it is observed that the conduction
3. Finest renewability current of the natural ester is high than the mineral oil, and also
it provides a better insulation property. Rozga [24] analyzed the
potential of using synthetic and natural esters for selecting the of the natural ester and mineral oil. Typically, the natural ester
most suitable fluid for power transformers. Here, the positive oil is considered as an alternative for the mineral oil, in which
and negative properties of esters are analyzed to correct the the dielectric strength and thermal stability are analyzed for the
design process with proper exploitation. Also, the authors stated impregnated solid insulation. The properties that have been
that the ester oils are the best alternative for the mineral oil, analyzed in this work are acids, moistures, and breakdown
because it provides various benefits such as better flash point strength. During the ageing process, the absolute moisture
and bio-degradability. content of the natural ester is analyzed. Here, it is stated that the
breakdown voltage is one of the essential parameter, based on
Table 2. Physico-Chemical properties of ester oils this the strength of the oil can be determined.
Parameters Units Synthetic Natural Mineral D. Magnetic Fluids
Ester Ester Oil Skumiel, et al [28] analyzed the heating characteristics of
transformer oil based on the magnetic particle concentrations.
Physico-Chemical Properties Typically, the magnetic fluids are utilized to design the smaller
Density Kg/dm3 0.95 0.9 0.81 and efficient transformers. Also, the Specific Absorption Rate
(SAR) is estimated to analyze the side effect of magnetic fluids.
Specific J/Kg K 1873 1848 1820 Moreover, it intends to determine the relaxation and hysteresis
Heat at 25°C losses during the changes of external magnetic field. Jeong, et
al [29] suggested a Finite Element Method (FEM) for assessing
Thermal W/mK 0.14 0.17 0.11 the cooling performance of Magnetic Nano Fluids (MNF). The
Conductivity thermal conductivity of the fluids is accurately determined with
the help of transient hot wire system. To integrate the precise
Kinematic mm2/s 69 82 25 material property with the netic-thermal fluidic conditions, the
Viscosity coupled analysis is implemented in this work. It measures the
25°C thermal conductivity of NF by using the hot wire transient
system. Timko, et al [30] investigated the magnetodielectric
Pour point °C -57 -21 -50 properties of the transformer oil under varying volume
concentration. Normally, the magnetic fluids are the
Fire point °C 320 360 165 combination of ferromagnetic particles and organic solvents. In
this paper, the magnetic fluids transformer oil is utilized to
Flash point °C 260 310 152
increase the performance of power transformer. Moreover, the
Bio- % 90 96 10 dielectric behavior of the magnetic fluids is analyzed based on
degradability the external magnetic field and relative orientation. Chaudhari,
et al [31] investigated the use of ferrofluids in power
Dielectric Properties transformer by estimating the Degree of Polymerization (DP),
Dissolved Gas Analysis ((DAG) and moisture. Then, the
Breakdown kV >80 <80 70 characterization of ferrofluid is analyzed based on the solid
Voltage insulation. Here, the oxidation stability is determined based on
the evaluation of resistance of oil. Mansour, et al [32] intended
Permeability - 3.15 3.08 2.2 to analyze the effect of nano particles based on the di-electric
at 20°C properties of NFs. Also, a new class of liquid dielectrics are
utilized to analyze the efficiency of power transformers.
Asano and Page [25] intended to increase the performance Moreover, the specifications of mineral oil is validated based
rate and reliability of power transformers by using the natural on the properties of specific gravity, pour point, interfacial
ester insulating fluids. In this paper, the impact of transformer tension and flash point. From the paper, it is observed that the
design is discussed by analyzing the characteristics of oxidation oil based NFs are generated with the help of titanium oxide
stability, dielectric, viscosity, and temperature rise limits. The nanofillers. Then, the amount of dispersant has been greatly
main intention of this work to reduce the environment impact increased with respect to the volume of nano particles.
and to improve the safety of power transformers. The authors
stated that most of the electrical industries recognized the E. Vegetable Oils
natural ester oil as the environmental friendly, so it is more
suitable for the power transformers. Coulibaly, et al [26] Shah and Tahir [33] investigated the dielectric properties
scrutinized the aging behavior of various cellulosic materials of vegetable oil used for power transformer. Normally, the
used in the power system. In this design, the copper conductor vegetable oils are biodegradable that exhibits very low toxicity,
paper and transformer board of high density are evaluated under when compared to the mineral oils. Also, it does not have any
the nitrogen and air atmospheres. Based on the degree of halogens, volatile organics and polynucle aromatics. Due to the
polymerization, the degradation value of cellulose is estimated. electrical insulation property, it has been extensively used in the
The ester oil has the capacity to observe the increased water power transformer designs. Martin, et al [34] evaluated the
content due to its hygroscopic character. Liao, et al [27] thermal properties of vegetable oil filled power transformer,
presented a comprehensive survey on the analysis of properties and the effects of operation are also discussed. Typically, the
thermal properties are affected by the temperature, so it is utilized to improve the effect of insulation. Also, the
required to maintain the temperature of the transformer. Also, relationship between the NFs and breakdown voltages is
two identical transformers are utilized in this work, which demonstrated. During the development of NFs, the mineral oil
includes the transformer filled with the natural ester, and the is refined for eliminating the contaminants and fulfilling the
transformer filled with the mineral oil. Abdelmalik, et al [35] requirements. Moreover, various properties have been tested in
studied both the thermal and dielectric properties of the ester oil this paper that includes conductivity, relaxation time, density,
for improving the stability of power transformers. Also, the material type, and relative permittivity.
properties of the optimized alkyl-esters are presented, which
includes the viscosity, electrical breakdown, and dielectric
response. Generally, the viscosity is determined based on the
values of the kinematic viscosity and density of the liquid.
Then, the Differential Scanning Calorimetry (DSC) is utilized
to analyze the samples used for the thermal analysis. Moreover,
the cell current and voltage interruption are measured for the
step up transformer.

Table 3. Composition of fatty and saturated fatty acids of

vegetable oils
Vegetable Saturated Unsaturated fatty acids
Oil fatty Mono Di Tri
Canola oil 7.9 55.9 22.1 11.1
Corn oil 12.7 24.2 58.0 0.7
Cottonseed 25.8 17.8 51.8 0.2
Peanut oil 13.6 17.8 51.8 0.2
Olive oil 13.2 73.3 7.9 0.6
Safflower 8.5 12.1 74.1 0.4
Safflower 6.1 75.3 14.2 -
oil Fig 2. Process of nano fluids preparation
High oleic 14.2 22.5 51.0 6.8
Soybean Karthik, et al [38] analyzed the thermal ageing effects of NFs
oil based on the breakdown voltage. Then, the Partial Discharge
Sunflower 10.5 19.6 65.7 - Inception Voltage (PDIV) is estimated for the point/plane
oil electrode configuration. Feil, et al [39] utilized an amorphous
Sunflower 9.2 80.8 8.4 0.2 core and vegetable insulating oil for developing an efficient
oil transformer. In this analysis, the total equipment cost is
considered as a main factor during the design of transformer.
The designing parameters considered in this work are current
F. Silicon Gel
density, number of turns, induction, and aspect ratio of coil.
Suwarno and Darmawan [36] explored the dielectric Moreover, the Finite Volume Method (FVM) and
properties and partial discharge characteristics of the silicon Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD) are taking into the
oil. The insulation is highly important and must be considered account for the cooler system. Sanderson, et al [40] performed
as an essential measure during the design of high voltage a toxicity assessment for selecting the most suitable insulating
equipment installed in the power system. Here, it is stated that fluid. The soybean bioindicator is used in this system that
the silicon oil is a best alternating oil for the mineral oil due to depicts the efficiency of phytomediation.
its properties of reduced dielectric losses and increased
stability. Also, the influence of water content is discussed based III. INSULATION FAILURE ANALYSIS
on the water content variation of the dielectrical properties.
Typically, humidity is a kind of physical disturbance that can Ahmed, et al [41] used a fuzzy logic technique for
be changed based on the water content of oil. Various analyzing the faults in a power transformer. Here, the
experimental tests have been conducted in this paper, which Dissolved Gas-in-oil Analysis (DGA) is performed to analyze
includes the followings: the faults in transformer. Also, the fuzzy logic technique is
 Breakdown voltage test applied to evaluate the accuracy and consistency of the
transformer condition. During the interpretation, the Roger’s
 Relative permittivity and dielectric losses
ratio and IEC ratio are estimated with respect to the fault type.
 Partial discharge test
Murugan and Ramasamy [42] analyzed the failure of power
Rafiq, et al [37] investigated the importance of using insulation
transformer by evaluating the parameters of voltage level, and
requirements in the high voltage systems, where the NF is
geographical zone. Then, the Root Causal Analysis (RCA) is
utilized to maintain the operating conditions of the power diagnosing the faults in the power transformers. In this analysis,
transformer. Moreover, it provides a practical guidance for the the presence of gas in the power transformer is estimated by
better utilization of power transformers. Generally, the power monitoring the condition of the electronic equipment. Based on
transformers are highly expensive, because it has the strategic this, the incipient failures and the healthy states are detected for
components. Due to the emergency overloading, increased fault diagnosis. Sun, et al [45] reviewed various computational
temperature and continuous operations, the power transformer intelligence approaches for performing the fault diagnosis on
is considered as one of the highly risk component in the power the power transformers. In this paper, the relationship between
system. So, if there is any failure occurs in the power the gas types of faults is determined based on the combination
transformer, the reliability of the entire network can be affected. patterns. Also, the complex decision making problems are
Rajamani, et al [43] analyzed the dynamic insulation failures in solved by assessing the transformer conditions in a reliable
the transformer based on an impulse test. Here, wavelet network manner. From the analysis, it is identified that a suitable
based approach is utilized to identify the characteristics of faults methodology is required to solve the complex problems based
with the use of cross correlation sequence of windings. Here, a on the fault probabilistic conditions.
cross correlation technique is used to measure the windings
current and windings insulation. Then, the dynamic insulation IV. COMPARATIVE ANALYSIS
failure is analyzed based on eight different features extracted In this sector, various oils used in the power transformer and its
from the fault pattern. Miranda, et al [44] presented a new characteristics are illustrated, which is shown in Table 4.
approach based on auto-associative neural networks for

Table 1. Different types of oils used in the power transformer

Authors Year Oil Used Observation
Shah and Tahir 2011 Vegetable Oil 1. The corn oil and cottonseed oil are used.
2. Due to the electrical insulation property, the
vegetable oil is widely used in the power
Scatiggio, et al [46] 2011 Insulating fluid 1. Based on the amount of hydrogen and carbon
oxide, the passivated transformer oil is considered.
2. Stray gassing is a kind of insulating oil, by using
the addition of passivators used in the transformer
can be determined.
Martin, et al [34] 2011 Natural ester 1. The density and thermal conductivity of the
natural ester oil is higher than the mineral oil.
2. The cooling effect of the transformer is highly
depends on the viscosity level of the oil.
Mansour, et al [32] 2012 Nano fluids 1. The titania nano filler is generated by combining
the nano particles with the titanium oxide.
2. The volume fraction of this oil has a reduced
3. It provides a better degree of dispersion.
Rozga 2013 Mineral oil and Natural 1. Natural esters are the good alternative.
ester 2. High flash point
3. Better biodegradability
Matharage, et al [47] 2013 Coconut oil 1. Due to the manifestation of free fatty acids, the
coconut oil is considered as the best alternative.
2. It is a frequently available vegetable oil for the
power transformers.
Nasrat, et al [48] 2013 Mineral oil 1. The electrical and physical properties of the
impregnated insulation are analyzed.
2. The dielectric testing techniques have been widely
used for analyzing the transformer insulation.
Dumitran, et al 2014 Mineral oil 1. Mineral oil is used as a cooling medium in the
electrical equipment.
2. The oil used in this work contains the antioxidant
Xu, et al [49] 2014 Vegetable oil 1. The Envirotemp FR3 vegetable oil is used.
2. For dehydration, this oil is heated under 70° C.
3. In this paper, it is stated that the vegetable oil is
highly suitable for the sealed transformers.
Abu-Siada and Hmood 2015 Dissolved Gas Analysis 1. The thermal faults, and energy electrical
[50] (DAG) discharge are estimated based on DAG.
2. The criticality level of transformer is identified
by using the DAG.
Maharana, et al [51] 2016 Transformer oil and 1. The nanofluid is developed with increased density
mineral oil. and reduced kinematic viscosity.
2. An Exfoliated hexagonal Boron Nitride (Eh-BN)
is considered as the best alternating oil for power
transformer due to its high affinity and polar
Selvatierra, et al [52] 2016 Silicone gel 1. The silicone materials have the better dielectric
properties and increased versatility.
2. It has been widely used in the high voltage
applications due to its self-healing behavior.
Zakaria, et al [53] 2017 Mineral oil based nano 1. The electrical properties of the MO nano filters are
fluid enhanced by using the silicone di-oxide nano
2. The thermal conductivity and heat transfer
properties are highly important for the MO based
nano fillers.
Hasan and Ismael [54] 2017 Transfer oil based nano 1. This nano fluid is generated based on the
fluids composition of copper, aluminum oxide, silicon
carbide, and titanium oxide.
2. It acts as a cooling medium for the transformer,
and it enhances the heat transfer process with
reduced temperature.
Mohamad, et al [55] 2017 Transfer oil nano fluids 1. Here, multi nano particles are utilized to generate
the transfer oil.
2. It provides an increased breakdown voltage.
3. The magnitude of deposited charge has been
estimated with respect to varying relative
permittivity of oils.
Esfahani, et al [56] 2017 Mineral oil based nano 1. The thermal conductivity and viscosity are
fluids estimated for the mineral oil based nano fluids.
2. Then, its thermophysical properties are extracted
by the use of ANFIS and non-regression models.
Santisteban, et al [57] 2017 Vegetable oil 1. Here, the dielectric fluids are compared with the
mineral oil.
2. Two vegetable oils and the mineral oil are utilized
to cool the transformer.
3. From the evaluation, it is stated that the thermal
properties of the vegetable oil are better than the
mineral oil.
Evangelista, et al [58] 2017 Jatropha curcas oil 1. A bio based insulating fluid, namely, jatropha
curcas oil is developed for the power transformers.
2. This type of oil is extracted from the peeled and
non-peeled seeds.
3. It has the pour point, water content and PCB
Liand, et al [59] 2017 Synthetic ester oil 1. The synthetic ester oil and mineral oil are
compared based on the correlation factors.
2. The temperature differences are also estimated for
the insulation systems.
3. From the paper, it is observed that the
concentration of furanic markers are temporarily
dependent for the mineral oil
Peppas, et al [60] 2017 Natural ester based nano 1. The dissipation factor measurement is utilized to
fluids test the performance of this oil filled transformer.
2. The magnetic properties are measured based on
the hysteresis loops.

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