Advertisement & Sales Promotion: Assignment-2 ON Advertisement & Promotional Strategy PF Retail Sector

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Name Registration no
Ayesha boitai MBA/19-21/03
Babloo Nayak MBA/19-21/04
Debak Kumar Das MBA/19-21/07
Debasmita Biswal MBA/19-21/08
Gunanidhi Bai MBA/19-21/12
Jayalalita Mohanty MBA/19-21/13

Under guidance of: Prof Sunil kumar das Bendi

Sl no. Topics Page no





4. INFERENCE 13-14


Retail is the sale of goods and services from individuals or businesses to the end-user called
the customer. Retailers are the integral part of a system called the supply chain which carries
goods from the producer to the target market.

The manufacturer has little concern where its product is purchased. The goal of the retail
advertiser differs from that of national advertiser. The retailer advertises to encourage
patronage by consumers and build store loyalty among them. The retailer is not particularly
concerned with any specific brand. In case the retailer shows some concern (the retailer wants
to clear stocks of a particular brand), then the message in effect is ―buy brand ‗B‘ at our
store.‖ General approach in retail advertising is ―buy at our store.‖ The sale of any specific
brand is not the concern of retailer unlike the national advertiser.

The retailer must compete in one of the most competitive arenas of business and move large
volumes of products. Besides, the retail advertising must convey the image of the type of
store to particularly attract certain types of consumers. To achieve these objectives, retailers
often communicate price information, service and return policies and the range of
merchandise available. Some retailer ads are specifically aimed at building the store traffic.

The main purposes of retail advertising is outlined below;

1. Selling the Establishment: To sell the establishment, attract customers to the premises and,
in the case of a shop, increase what is known as ‗store traffic‘, i.e, trying to increase the
number of people passing through the shop. If they can be encouraged to step inside — they
may possibly buy something which they would not bought otherwise.
2. Selling exclusive or own labeled goods: Some retail distributors are appointed as dealers
for certain make. Example is some supermarkets sell their ‗own labelled goods‘ which
manufacturers pack in the name of the supermarket. Some large departmental stores have a
special brand name for all their products, invariably they will be cheaper and they complete
with national brands. Competition between national and own-label brands is intense, and
there is always a risk that the national brands will be de-listed in favour of a store‘s own
labeled products. Own label products are usually made to the retailer‘s own specifications or
recipes, and are not simply replicas of existing national brands. All the retail outlets are
likely to use advertising to promote sale of their stock.

3. Clearance Sale: To clear the stock of the shop, such as promoting products which are
seasonal, special offers could be made. Examples are sale of certain products during winter
or summer. Sale of air conditioners during winter and water heaters during summer.

Best Practices When It Comes to Designing e-Commerce Banner Ads

1. Keep it simple

2. Use high-quality images

3. Test different versions

4. Make it stand out

5. Take advantage of the power of “free.”

6. Use typography

7. Define a clear frame

8. Use dynamic banners

Today‘s retail market is satisfying diverse needs of its consumers. The consumer‘s needs
range from as basic as food & food services to as luxurious as jewellery items. In this
chapter, we analyze prominent retail sectors around the world, their structure, and the key
players in that sector.
The retail sectors are prominently divided into Food, Clothing & Textiles, Consumer
Durables, Footwear, Jewellery, Books-Music-Gift Articles, and Fuel.



3.1 Food
It comprises of food and grocery, and food services. The consumers buy packaged food,
ready-to-eat food, and avail food services at workplaces. Visiting a restaurant is no more a
luxury in today‘s busy life. The retail food industry is growing rapidly with the pace of
lifestyles around the world.

Key Players − Food and Grocery retail: Food Bazar by Pantaloons, More by Aditya Birla,
Haldiram‘s (India), Tesco (UK), Walmart (US), Carrefour (France).
In food services retail − KFC, McDonalds, Pizza Hut, Barista, Café Coffee Day.


 Traditional Media Advertising

Businesses in the food industry make wide use of traditional media outlets, such as
television, magazines, newspapers and radio to spread the word about their products.
Traditional advertising campaigns can work for most players in the industry, including
wholesalers, grocery retailers and restaurants.

 New Media Advertising

Consumer-focused food businesses are uniquely positioned to leverage new media food
advertising techniques, such as social media, email and text messaging.

 Promotional Tie-Ins in Advertising

Restaurants and grocery stores can tie their promotional activities directly into their
advertising campaigns. An ad in a magazine, for example, may include a coupon that
readers can clip out and bring to stores for a discount. Television and radio ads can include
a promotional code or phrase listeners can use to receive a discount or promotional food
item in a store. Online ads can be especially effective when they include printable coupons
or coupon codes.

 Hitting the Pavement to Advertise Food

Restaurants and farmers' market sellers can take advantage of the most ancient form of
advertising – engaging people directly. Restaurant marketers can walk around their local
community – assuming there is high pedestrian traffic – handing out samples, flyers, menus
and coupons to spread the word with a minimum expense.

Restaurants' and farmers' markets' advertising campaigns should consider the effectiveness
on on-premises ads, such as large signage by the road, an enticing facade and menus posted
outside of entryways.

 High Opportunity to Reach Consumers

Advertising allows small businesses in the food industry to make a name for themselves,
alerting consumers to the availability of new options in the marketplace. Small food
establishments can rely on innovative advertising strategies to build their own loyal
customer bases and stimulate word-of-mouth advertising.

 Ethical Effects of Food Advertising

Advertisers in the food industry face a distinct set of ethical challenges, since food
advertising can have a deep psychological impact on consumers, clearly affecting consumer
behaviour. The sensual appeals mentioned earlier can connect with consumers on a
emotional level, causing them to associate food products with feelings of peace, relaxation
or reward. This can boost sales revenue, but it can also trigger addiction.

3.2 Clothing & Textile

Similar to food, clothing is one of the basic needs of humans. The textile industry includes
manufacturing of fabrics such as natural fibers, synthetic fibers, looms, and various blends.
Clothing is mainly seen as ready-to-wear apparels such as shirts, T-shirts, trousers, jeans,
ladies wear, kids wear, baby clothes and hosiery garments such as socks, gloves, and inner

Key Players − Arrow by Arvind Mills, Park Avenue by Raymond, Century Textiles (India),
Lee, Wrangler, Nautica, and Kipling, all by VF Corp (US), Bonito Deco Inc. (Taiwan).


 Get a Website
Women‘s Wear Daily reported that more than 1,875 fashion stores closed last year, yet
according to Statista, revenue in the fashion segment is expected to increase from £360.7B in
2018 to £534.5B in 2022. This seems contradictory — how is revenue increasing if so many
stores are closing? The internet. Shopping habits have changed and consumers are
increasingly preferring to shop online rather than visiting a physical location. For you, this
means getting a website if you don‘t already have one; this means going from a fashion brand
to a fashion eCommerce brand.

 Have a Mobile Presence

Now that you (hopefully) have a website, we move to digital marketing for the fashion
industry. Similar to our propensity for online shopping, we‘re substituting keyboards for
screens and are opting to browse the web with our smartphones rather than desktops

 Join the Social World
Social media marketing for fashion brands is an absolute must. Not only can you use it to
connect with your audience and build a relationship with them, but you can also use certain
platforms like Instagram to show off and promote your products.

 Attach an Influencer to Your Brand

Speaking of social media, some of the best fashion social media campaigns revolve around
influencers. For those who don‘t know, influencers are people within your industry/niche
who have large fan followings and command attention — when an influencer posts, others
follow. For example, one of the best ways to promote your clothing line is to get an
influencer to Tweet pictures of them wearing some of your clothes. At the end of the day,
influencer marketing is like high school; influencers are the popular kids and their followers
are the other kids who emulate them and want to be just like them.

Image Source:

 Leverage the Latest Technologies

We‘re currently in the midst of a technological revolution marked by rapid advancements in

technologies like artificial intelligence (AI). For example, chatbots. Chatbots act like 24/7
customer service reps that guide your customers through their journey to checkout as soon as
they land on your site. If your users have a question, they‘re there to answer it. And if they
don‘t have the capability to answer that question, a human rep can take over.
 Personalise Everything
Shopify reports that 43% of purchases are influenced by personalised recommendations or
promotions, and that 75% of consumers want brands to personalise messages, offers and
experiences. What‘s important to note here apart from the fact that personalisation will help

you sell more is that consumers don‘t just want personalised messages with their name; they
want their whole experience with you to be personal

 Remarket to Your Users

The beauty of remarketing is that you‘re targeting people who have already visited your
website in the past, so right off the bat you know that there‘s something there for you to work
with. Additionally, you‘re increasing the chances of a conversion over a normal ad because
you‘re showing them something they were already looking at on your website, not a random
item they may or may not be interested in. Remarketing, then, gives you more brand
exposure, better audience targeting, higher conversion rates and improved ROI.

 Focus on Your Visuals

Visuals are important for all brands, but more so for fashion brands that depend on aesthetics
to attract and keep customers. If you upload something that‘s meant to be seen, whether it‘s
an image or a video, make sure it‘s high quality and looks good.

 Start a Blog

Ask any digital agency to name you a few fashion brand must-dos and they will undoubtedly
tell you to start a blog. As a hallmark of content marketing that does everything from
improving your organic search rankings to exposing new users to your brand, blogging is one
of the most important marketing tools you have at your disposal.

 Have a Contest or Giveaway
Finally, the last fashion brand marketing strategy we‘ll cover today is to start a contest or
giveaway. Whether it‘s to promote a new product, celebrate a holiday, or simply just because,
contests and giveaways are excellent ways of acquiring new customers and engaging with
existing ones.

3.3 Jewellery

Two major segments in this retail sector are precious metal jewellery and gemstones. Out of
the precious metals, Indian jewellery market forms 80% of gold jewellery, 15% of gemstone
studded jewellery, and 5% of other metal jewellery.

Regional festivals, special days, and customs drive the demand in this retail sector.

Key Players − Tanishq by Tata, Gili by Gitanjali Group.


 Market with your customer stories instead of relying on your store’s family legacy.
Highlight customer stories to strengthen your brand story. Collect photos and captions that
your customers are sharing about your products online. By doing so, you will uncover a trove
of powerful marketing assets. People love authentic stories that tug at their heartstrings.
Celebrate your customers by recounting what your jewellery means to them. With your

customers‘ permission, share these photos and videos on your own marketing channels to
inspire others to purchase. Consider devoting an entire space on your website to share these
stories of engagements, anniversaries, graduations, and other occasions.

 Run social media campaigns year-round instead of only making big promotional
pushes around the holidays.

Run social media marketing campaigns on the regular: weekly, monthly, or at your own
interval. Today‘s consumers are buying jewellery year-round, not just at traditional gift-
giving times. As a result, it‘s important to keep engagement up throughout the year. The most
effective way to do this is to run social media contests on social media. Create or find your
brand hash tag and encourage customers to start posting. As customers begin to post photos
with your hash tag, pay close attention and make an effort to ―like‖ and ―comment‖ on all
submissions. When customers see your brand engaging with real people, it helps to validate
your social presence and humanize your brand.

 Have a good exchange and returns policy

1. A Returns Policy: 7-days return policy in case customers are not happy with the product.
2. A 100% Buy-back policy: Offers a lifetime buyback policy at 100% value for diamond
 Create a membership program to get better ROI
It‘s much cheaper to retain a loyal customer than to acquire a new one. So, to increase the
customers‘ lifetime value (CLTV), ex- Tanishq has started a membership program named
―Encircle Program‖.
The member of this program gets loyalty points every time they buy anything from Tanishq.
These points can be redeemed on the next purchase.

 Give innovative purchase schemes

This plan helps people in saving a fixed monthly instalment which they can use to buy
jewelleries. EX- Tanishq also provides 75% cashback on one of the instalments after

3.4 Books-Music-Gift Articles

This includes assorted books, movie or audio CDs, gift articles, and souvenirs. These retail
shops are often found near residential areas, tourist places, and historical monuments.
Festivals and celebrations are main driving factors for sale in this sector. These items are not
very frequently purchased and consumer‘s emotional factor is attached to the products than
its benefit.

Key players − Landmark bookstore by Tata enterprise (India), Paperchase (UK).


 Tell your author brand story. Write an author biography that succinctly defines your
reason for being; keep it to two or three short but memorable paragraphs that will
resonate with your readers. Show some personality and give your readers a reason to care.
 Create your hook. Having trouble summarizing 40,000+ words into a few, attention
grabbing sentences? Here‘s a couple of resources to get the creative juices flowing: Think
Fast! 10 Minutes to the Perfect Elevator Pitch and Writing Loglines That Sell.
 Build your email list. Invite people to subscribe, and make it worth their while by
providing remarkable content. Use your list wisely to create and build buzz for your
launch. Engage your tribe early, keep them ‗in-the-loop‘, and ask for feedback so they
become invested in the successful outcome of your book or project.
 Make it easy to buy. Ensure your author website includes book links that are clear, easy
to find, and go directly to your listing at every retailer you‘re listed with (Amazon,
Smashwords, B & N, Kobo, or Apple iBookstore).
 Link your book to trending topics. Write articles that tie your book topic or genre to
current popular interests.
 Schedule social media. Decide when and what you will share on your social media
platforms. Optimize your profile on Twitter, Facebook, Google+,
LinkedIn, Goodreads and Pinterest. Select the most effective time for reaching the most
people with Tweriod, Sprout Social or Buffer.

 Get creative
Use your book‘s theme, location, or time period for inspiration and making marketing
connections. A character‘s hobbies, occupation, lifestyle, values and interests can be
jumping off points for developing promotional strategies. Brainstorm (with Google),
companies, experts, businesses, organizations or groups that you can approach for joint
marketing ventures.
 Promote your ebook for free. Here‘s a list of free sites from Mediabistro.
 Set up online book giveaways via Goodreads. Or try a member giveaway at Library

3.5 Footwear

Footwear is categorized according to the consumer‘s gender, raw material of product, and
design as shown in the diagram.

Key Players − Bata, Liberty Footwear, Metro Shoes Ltd. (India), Reebok International


 Media Advertising

Any form of paid advertising is non personal presentation and promotion of ideas, goods or
services identified by the sponsor. Advertising media including television, radio, newspaper
and magazines. Brand equity from the perspective television advertisements showing the
product attributes and customer benefits.

 Online Advertising

Marketers can promote their products through online advertising own sites development. And
low cost website and contain lots information about the products. Websites should be updated
frequently and offers information tailored as much as possible, especially for existing

 Place Advertising

Where the advertised are also called out ads that capture the houses outside the traditional
media advertising, Place advertisements including billboards and posters, and movie product
placement, the national airlines. Billboards is a very effective means of advertising. Many
marketers pay for their product placement in television programs. Placing the product can be
combined with a special promotion to mark publish entertainment tie-ins.

 Social networking

Communicated with people on social networks from receiving any invitation. Was not about
the number of relationship, but the quality.


Promoting a brand is more important than opening a store. It is essential to create brand awareness for the
customers to know about the brand‘s existence. The retailer must strive hard to communicate the USPs (Unique
selling Proposition) of the brand to influence the buying behaviour of the customers. In simpler words,
advertisements help the end-users to know to which brand a particular product belongs.

Advertisements play a crucial role in promoting a brand and creating its awareness amongst the masses.

They help in creating an image of a particular product or brand in the minds of the potential customers. Such a
mechanism is also called Brand Positioning.

Advertising could have following effects:

i. To generate awareness for the product.
ii. To impart knowledge about product to the customer.
iii. To cause the change in attitude.
iv. To induce trial behaviour for the product.
v. To have direct purchase action.



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