Improvement of Mechanical Properties of Alloy Steel Type (40x) by Using Heat Treatments
Improvement of Mechanical Properties of Alloy Steel Type (40x) by Using Heat Treatments
Improvement of Mechanical Properties of Alloy Steel Type (40x) by Using Heat Treatments
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1 author:
Ali I. Al-Mosawi
University of Miskolc
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Heat treatment is a process or several processes contained heating and cooling a solid metal or
alloy is such way as to obtain desired conditions or properties , or recovery the properties was
existed in metal or alloy which exposed to certain operational process . The objective of this study
is to investigate effect of heat treatment on mechanical properties of low-chromium alloying steel
(1.1%Cr) with (0.4%) carbon and these properties are : tensile strength , hardness , elongation , and
reduction in area . The heat treatments included full annealing which consist of heating steel
to(870?C) and cooling in furnace, hardening which done by heating to(870?C) and quenching in oil ,
and tempering in (300?C and 600?C ) . The mechanical properties was measured before and after
heat treatment as illustrated in the diagrams between heat treatment mechanical properties .The
important of this research is that it used a material was used only in militarism fields and
calculated its properties to compared them with another steels types for using in civil fields .
Keywords:- heat treatment , mechanical properties , Alloy steel Type (40X) .
(40 X)
(870?C) (870?C)
(600?C) (300?C)
Second Scientific Conference of the College of Engineering- University of Al-Qadisiya Held on 19-20 Oct 2009
Introduction .
An alloy steel may be defined as one whose characteristic properties are due to some element
other than carbon . Although all plain-carbon steels contain moderate amounts of manganese (up to
about 0.9%) and silicon (up to about 0.3%) , they are not considered alloy steels because the
principal function of the manganese and silicon is to act as deoxidizers . They combine with
oxygen and sulfur to reduce the harmful effect of those elements . Alloying elements are added to
steels for many purposes , some of the most important are : increase hardenability , improve
strength at ordinary temperature , improve mechanical properties at either high or low temperature ,
improve toughness at any minimum hardness or strength , increase wear resistance , increase
corrosion resistance , and improve magnetic properties [Avner,1983].
Heat Treatments .
We can defined heat treatment as a heating and cooling a solid metals or alloy in such way to
obtain desired conditions or properties and to get a good improvement in these properties . There
are many types of heat treatments which can explained as :
Full Annealing.
The heat treatment consist of heating steel to a temperature between (850 ?C - 870?C) for
transform all steel structure to austenite phase , and then slow cooling in furnace [Higgins,1993] . the
target from this process in alloy steel is to refine grain size of steel , where chromium cause growth
of grain size which will cause brittleness of steel at elevated temperature . also full annealing tends
to improve machinability and normalized crystal structure as well as removed segregation and
internal stresses [Totten,2006].
Hardening .
This treatment used for all types of tools and parts which required high hardness and impact
strength . the hardening temperature to medium carbon steel with alloying elements is between (850
?C - 870?C) and then quenching in water or oil to obtain desired structure and properties [Avner,1983] .
Tempering .
Due to quenching from high temperature there will be a defect and stresses in steel structure
such as growth of austenite grain size after quenching which formed coarse grains of martensite
leads to decrease toughness and increase brittleness , as well as increased thermal stresses
. so that , tempering process is done to improve properties after quenching . the rang
temperature of tempering at high temperature between (500?C-600?C) and at low temperature rang
between (180?C-200?C) [DeGarmo,2008].
Normalizing .
Normalizing resembles the full annealing of castings in that maximum temperature attained is
similar . it is in method of cooling that processes differ . in normalizing the steel is removed from
the furnace and allowed to cool in still air [Totten,2006].
Recrystallization .
The plastic deformation of any metal produces internal stresses and alters the electrical
conductivity as well as the magnetic permeability of the material . however , heating of a plastically
deformed metal will effect a relief of the internal stresses and recovery of electrical conductivity
and magnetic permeability [Kim,2006].
Chromium Steel .
The (Fe-Cr-C) system is the basis of a number of the most widely used wear resistant materials
having application in mining , mineral processing , cement works , agricultural sectors and rolling
mill rolls [Tagashira,2000]. There are three types of chromium steel , ferritic , martensitic , and pearlitic .
Al-Qadisiya Journal For Engineering Science Special Issue
The pearlitic type which the subject of this study contain (1-1.5) percent chromium and (0.35 - 1)
percent carbon . this type of steel used for axle shafts , connecting rods , and gears ; while those
types of steel containing more than one percent of carbon are extremely hard and useful for the
manufacturing of ball bearing , drawing dies , and parts for grinding machines [Hongsug,2001]. The
main function of chromium when added in small amount to the carbon steel is to increase hardness
and in the same time will raise strength with some loss in ductility . the chromium tends to form
hard carbides with carbon such as M2C , M7C3 , and M23C6 which will raise the hardness of steel ,
in addition, the chromium lower the A4 temperature and raise A3 temperature [Tagashira,2000] .
Experimental Part.
The experimental part includes four steps :
1- Chemical Composition Test . this test done by X-Ray Fluorescent to know the composition of
this type of steel , and the table (1) show the composition of low chromium steel .
3- Heat Treatments . this study used a three types of heat treatments as follows:
1- Full Annealing . heating specimen to temperature (870?C) and soaking in this temperature
one hour and then slow cooling in furnace.
2- Hardening in Oil . heating specimen to temperature (870?C) and soaking in this temperature
one hour , then quenching in oil.
3- Tempering .this treatment take place in two temperatures:
a- heating to (300?C) and soaking one hour, and then cooling in air.
b- heating to (600?C) and soaking one hour, and then quenching in oil.
figure(2-a) show the microstructure of low chromium steel before heat treatment , and the figure
(2-b) the microstructure after tempering at (600?C) .
2 - Tensile Test :this test used for measure the following properties :
a - Tensile Strength .
Second Scientific Conference of the College of Engineering- University of Al-Qadisiya Held on 19-20 Oct 2009
where :
= tensile strength (N/m2)
P = test load (N)
A = cross section area of specimen (m2)
b- Elongation .
this property is determined by fitting part of specimen after fracture together and measuring the
distance between the original gauge marks . the elongation can be obtained from this formula:
Elongation (%)
Lf =final gauge length (mm)
Lo = original gauge length (mm)
but when performs fall annealing on steel the tensile strength . But , when hardening in oil is done,
the tensile strength is raise so largely due to form of martensite phase , from the other hand , when
treated steel by tempering at (300?C) ,the tensile strength will decrease so largely because of
martensite formation (Sorbite) which have a small grain size . this type of martensite consist from
ferritic matrix distributed on it carbides grain .
in edition , this property will extremely increased when treated steel with tempering at (600?C) due
to the substitution diffusion speed ,where this carbides raises the yield strength and in the end will
raise strength .
The elongation committed reversely with tensile strength , where if the elongation increase the
tensile strength will decrease and vise versa .the principal factor determined the elongation value is
materials grain size in addition to this factor there are several factors have an effects on elongation
such as thermal stresses ,type of alloying elements defects. pearlitic steel have relatively high
elongation and this show in figure (5) , this elongation comes from steel structure which consist of
pearlite and ferrite , and both phases are ductile .
elongation sever intense reduction which come from the change in it's internal structure , since the
structure transformed to martensite and some residual ferrite with generated thermal stresses and
growth martensite grains to coarse grains , all this due to increase brittleness and lower elongation .
but , when treated steel with full annealing .
the elongation will increase so large and this due to the refine grain size to steel structure which
contain pearlite in ferrite matrix ,and this structure is ductile , so that, the elongation will rise .
however, the elongation raise twice about what in hardening when treated with tempering at(300?C)
, where the structure transforming to ferrite matrix distributed on it carbides grains which give a
high elongation , also stresses will remove from steel . but , when raise tempering temperature
to(600?C) , the elongation value will decrease because of increase carbides formation into steel
structure which leads to lower elongation .
The figure (6) show the effect of heat treatment on reduction in area of specimens , where the
specimens have a good reduction percentage of reduction in area because of it have good ductility .
this percentage of reduction in area can be improved when done full annealing due to increase
ductility of material which comes from the structure of steel(pearlite + ferrite) . however , the
reduction in area will decrease when treated material by hardening in oil , because of martensite
formation which be a hard and brittle phase .
the hardness and brittleness of martensite can be minimized by tempering at (300?C) , where the
brittle martensite will transform to tempered phase (Troostite) which have a better ductility
resulting good reduction in area , and when rise temperature of tempering to(600?C) reduction in
area will decrease due to increase carbides formation .
Conclusions .
From the obtained results we get :
1- Improving hardness and tensile strength after hardening in oil with reducing the elongation and
reduction in area because forming martensite phase .
2- After full annealing the elongation will increased conjugate with reducing the value of hardness ,
tensile strength ,and reduction in area due to the refine grain size of steel .
3- Improving elongation and reduction in area after tempering at(300?C) with lowing the hardness
and tensile strength because forming the phase of tempered martensite (Troostite) .
4- After tempering at(600?C) the hardness and tensile strength will increase conjugate with reducing
the elongation and reduction in area because forming Sorbite phase .
Second Scientific Conference of the College of Engineering- University of Al-Qadisiya Held on 19-20 Oct 2009
References .
1- Sidney H. Avner , Introduction to Physical Metallurgy , 2nd Edition , McGraw - hill , 1983 .
2- R.A.Higgins Engineering Metallurgy , 6th Edition , Arnold International Student Edition ,
1993 .
3- George E. Totten, Maurice A. H. , Steel Heat Treatment Handbook , 2nd Edition , Taylor &
Francis, 2006 .
4- E.P.DeGarmo, J.T. Black, and R.A. kohser Materials and processes in Manufacturing , 10th
Edition , john Wiley & Sons , 2008 .
5- Chang Kyu Kim, Sunghak Lee, and Jae-Young Jung Effects of Heat Treatment on Wear
Resistance and Fracture Toughness of Duo-Cast Materials Composed of High- Chromium White
Cast Iron and Low-Chromium Steel , Metallurgical and Materials Transactions A , Volume 37A,
march 2006 .
6- S.Tagashira , K.Sakal , T.Furuhara , and T.Makl Deformation Microstructure and Tensile
Strength and Cold Rolled Pearlitic Steel Sheet , ISIJ International , Vol 40 , No 11 , 2000 .
7 - Hongsug Oh , Sunghak Lee , Jae-Young Jung , and Sangho Ahn Correlation of Microstructure
with the Wear Resistance and Fracture Toughness of Duocast Materials Composed of High-
Chromium White Cast Iron and Low-Chromium Steel , Metallurgical and Materials Transactions A
, Volume 32A, March 2001.
Metal C Cr Mn Si Mo S P
Percentage(%) 0.4 1.1 0.54 0.23 0.04 0.016 0.012
?=25 mm
?=20mm 10 mm
b a
Figure (1): a- Specimen of hardness test b- Specimen of tensile test
Al-Qadisiya Journal For Engineering Science Special Issue
b a
Hardness (N/mm2)
Before Heat Full Hardening Tempering Tempering
Treatment Annealing at 300?C at 600?C
Heat Treatment
Figure (3): Hardness
Second Scientific Conference of the College of Engineering- University of Al-Qadisiya Held on 19-20 Oct 2009
Tensile Strength (N/mm2)
Before Heat Full Hardening Tempering Tempering
Treatment Annealing at 300?C at 600?C
Heat Treatment
Figure (4): Tensile Strength
Elongation (%)
Before Heat Full Hardening Tempering Tempering
Treatment Annealing at 300?C at 600?C
Heat Treatment
Figure (5): Elongation
Al-Qadisiya Journal For Engineering Science Special Issue
Before Heat Full Hardening Tempering Tempering
Treatment Annealing at 300?C at 600?C
Heat Treatment
Figure (6): Reduction in Area
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