Answer Key: Time: On / in / at

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Time: On / In / At : Exercises

A. Write at/on/in

..on.. 2 March ……… Christmas Day the afternoon ……… 6 o’clock
…….. winter ……… the weekend
…….. 27th July …….. Christmas
……… 1996 ……… Wednesday
…….. the New year ……… night
……… 3.30 pm …….. the night
………. Thursday afternoon ……… the daytime
………. Saturday night ………. 2010
………. midnight ……… December, 2010
………. Easter ……… 25th December 2010
……… Easter Sunday ……….. half past six
………. lunch time ……… Saturday
B. Write at/on/in

I go walking ........ the morning.

Goodbye! I’ll see you ......... Monday.

My birthday is ......... March.

His birthday is ………….. 15th April.

We went out ………… Friday evening.

I like to see the stars ……….. night.

I heard noises ………. the night.

He is meeting me ……….. 9.30am ……….. the morning.

We went to the beach ………… the weekend.

I’ll see him ………. the end of the month.

I’m leaving ……… the end of the year.

Answer Key: Time: On / In / At

A. Write at/on/in

..on.. 2 March …on…… Christmas Day the afternoon ……at… 6 o’clock
…in….. winter …at/on…… the weekend
…on….. 27th July …at….. Christmas
…in…… 1996 …on…… Wednesday
…in….. the New year …at…… night
…at…… 3.30 pm …in….. the night
……on…. Thursday afternoon …in…… the daytime
……on…. Saturday night …in……. 2010
……at…. midnight …in…… December, 2010
……at…. Easter …on…… 25th December 2010
…on…… Easter Sunday …at…….. half past six
……at…. lunch time …on…… Saturday

B. Write at/on/in

I go walking the mornings.

Goodbye! I’ll see you ...on...... Monday.

My birthday is March.

His birthday is ……on…….. 15th April.

We went out …on……… Friday evening.

I like to see the stars …at…….. night.

I heard noises …in……. the night.

He is meeting me …at…….. 9.30am ……in….. the morning.

We went to the beach …on /at……… the weekend.

I’ll see him …at……. the end of the month.

I’m leaving …at…… the end of the year.

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