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This Contract is made this on 7th August 2019 between Rural Connectivity Improvement Project (RCIP),
Project Implementation Unit-III, Parbat on the one part (hereinafter called the Employer) and M/S Kali Ganga
Nirman Sewa, Kushma-05, Parbat (hereinafter called the Contractor) on the other part.

Whereas the Employer has called for quotations for Maintenance of RCIP, PIU-III Office Building (Contract
ID: RCIP/PIU-III/Works/Maintenance/01/076-77) and the Contractor has submitted a quotation for the above
work and the Employer has accepted the Contractor’s Quotation dated 28th July 2019 for the execution and
completion of such works and the remedying of any defects therein.

Now this Contract witnesses as follows:

1. The Contractor hereby covenants to execute the works fully described in the Bill of Quantities included in the
Contractor’s Quotation which constitute an integral part of this Contract (as Annex 1) in a professional and
workmanship like manner in accordance with the following Conditions of Contract:
(a) Remedy all defects within 7 days of notification by the Engineer in charge during the
period of execution of the contract;

(b) The Employer reserves the right to terminate the contract due to unsatisfactory performance
21 days after giving a written notice. If the Contract is frustrated by the outbreak of war or by any other
event entirely outside the control of either the Employer or the Contractor, the Engineer in charge shall
certify that the contract has been frustrated. In such an event, both the Employer and Contractor will have a
right to terminate the contract by giving 21 days notice to the other party without any financial
repercussions on either side. Payments after termination or frustration shall consider the value of work
completed and materials delivered by the Contractor, and the advance payment made by Employer;

(c) All material and construction equipment on site, temporary works, and Works shall be deemed to be the
property of the Employer if the contract is terminated due to fault of the Contractor;

(d) The Contractor will in all cases abide by the directions of the Engineer in charge.

(e) Contract completion period 30 Days (One months) after signing of the contract.

(f) No part of the works shall be subcontracted.

(g) New items of work performed as ordered by the Engineer in charge will be paid at the
mutually agreed rate and in case of any disagreement between the Contractor and the Engineer in charge
the latter will fix the unit rates that will be binding on the Contractor;

(h) The Law governing the contract shall be applicable laws of Nepal;

(i) The Contractor shall be responsible for the safety of all the activities on the Site.

(j) During execution of works the Engineer in charge, Mr. Premhari Parajuli will carry out inspection of works
at site to verify that works are executed by the Contractor in accordance with the specifications and
required quality as per specifications. Engineer in charge will reject works not performed to the required
specifications and the Contractor shall take immediate actions to rectify all defects in accordance with
subparagraph (a) above;

(k) Either party may terminate the Contract by giving a 21 days notice to the other for unforeseen events such
as wars and acts of Gods such as earthquake, floods fires etc. In such case the payments will be made to the
date of termination of contract;

(l) The Contractor is responsible for all taxes, duties. levies, etc. in accordance with the laws of the Nepal; and
(m) The disputes between the Employer and the Contractor arising between them under or in
connection with the Contract shall be resolved amicably. In the event the dispute remains unresolved either
party may refer the dispute to Court of Nepal in accordance with the law governing the contract.

2. In consideration thereof the Employer covenants to pay the Contractor the contract price of NRs. 8,31,824.52
(With VAT) In words: Eight Lakhs Thirty One Thousand Eight Hundred Twenty Four Rupees and Fifty
Two Paissa in the following manner and installments:

The final payment of the contract shall be made upon completion of all the works certified by the Engineer
in Charge.
Payments shall be made to the Contractor within 30 days of the date of the payment request submitted by
the contractor has been certified by the Engineer in Charge.

In witness whereof the parties thereto have caused this Contract to be executed the day and year first before written.

Signature and seal of the Employer: Signature and seal of the Contractor:

___________________ ____________________
Bijaya Rana Magar Bhim Prashad Shrestha
Project Manager Proprietor
Rural Connectivity Improvement Project (RCIP) Kali Ganga Nirman Sewa
Project Implementation Unit (PIU-III) Kushma-05, Parbat

Mr. Premhari Parajuli, Project Engineer

Mr. Dhan Bahadur Kunwar, Accountain

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