Use of Mechatronics in Today's Industry: A Review: Shaheed Bhagat Singh State Technical Campus, Ferozepur

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Use of Mechatronics in Today’s Industry: A Review

Gurjeevan Singh, 2Kamal Khanna, 3Gazal Preet Arneja, 4Sukhjinder Singh
Shaheed Bhagat Singh State Technical Campus, Ferozepur
Email:[email protected]


Mechatronics, is composed of “mecha”
Mechanical engineering is one of the from mechanical and the “tronics” from
most professional branches which electronics. Mechatronics has developed
experience a surge growth in early 19th worldwide into a very attractive research
century, as it was the backbone of area. It is a design process that combines
industrial growth and revolution. But in a synergetic way the classical
with the passage of time leading to engineering disciplines mechanical and
advancement in technology and electrical engineering and computer
enhancement in productivity, mechanical science, leading to new kinds of products
found difficult to fulfil the demands, [2]. Mechatronics is
whims and fancies .Therefore it employed a multidisciplinary field of engineering,
electronics engineering, giving birth to that is to say, it rejects
the most blockbuster and stupendous splitting engineering into separate
branch of engineering which we calling disciplines. Originally, mechatronics just
as mechatronics. Mechatronics is a included the combination of mechanics
synergetic integration of mechanical, and electronics, hence the word is a
electrical, computer science combination of mechanics and electronics;
.Mechatronics is everywhere such as however, as technical systems have
automobiles, robotics, pumps and many become more and more complex the word
more The objective is to build smart has been broadened to include more
products and “intelligent” machines. technical areas [1]. The term mechatronics
Software is an integral part of such for such a synthesis task came from Japan
products and machines, and can be in about 1980, having been coined; it is
regarded as a machine element. This said, by an employee of the Yasukawa
paper describes the concept of Company. This interconnection of
mechatronics systems and its applications disciplines is actually not new: in
.First the introduction and functions of aerospace engineering especially it has
mechatronics system are described. The been well-known for a long time and has
next section describes various been successful. The actual development
mechatronics systems such as automotive of mechatronics is based on the availability
mechatronics, advanced robotic systems of relatively cheap computational power
-and biomechatronics and healthcare in and it is further supported by the rise of
brief. The last section describes the versatile power electronics. The tendency
various applications of mechatronics is obviously to include much more
system. This review paper is an attempt to information processing into the product to
provide a systematic understanding of make better use of power and resources
Mechatronics systems, which can be and to make it more versatile for the user.
helpful to the researchers. Subsequently, a definition of mechatronics
will be given, together with a survey on
KEYWORDS: Mechatronics, Automotive the international activities in mechatronics
mechatronics, Robotic systems etc. in industry, research, and education. Some
implications on relevant research design in mechanical system and
directions such as design, production electronic system are crucial, and result in
techniques, control, artificial intelligence, the simultaneous engineering has to be
and man/machine interfaces. employed to achieve the goal of designing
an overall integrated system and creating
MECHATRONICS DEFINATION: A synergetic effects.
generalized definition of mechatronics is Mechatronic technology brings out several
described as encompassed mechanical improvements, for example, more system
components and electronically based performance, higher product qualitative,
decision making (control circuitry). But, cost-down of manufacture, lower power
systems engineers consider that consumption, higher precision, efficiently
mechatronics is a form of concurrent transformation between electrical power
design and manufacturing engineering and mechanical power, and so on [10].
practices [3, 4, 5]. Another definition
excerpted from literatures showed as Mechatronics is a key cornerstone of
following: modern industrial technologies, and it is
"Mechatronics is defined as the field of developed toward more efficient, more
study involving the analysis, design, convenient, more intelligent, more
synthesis, and selection of systems that integrated and human-friendly.
combine electronic and mechanical
components with modern controls and
microprocessors [6].
"Mechatronics is the application of
complex decision making to the operation
Physical systems [7].
"Mechatronics is an engineering process
that involves the design and manufacture
of intelligent products or systems
involving hybrid mechanical and
Fig1: Mechatronics synergetic integration
electronic functions [8].
of different disciplines
"Mechatronics is the synergistic
combination of precision mechanical
engineering, electronics, control
Basically, the major function in
engineering, and computer science [9].
mechatronic system is the capability of
Mechatronics is a multidisciplinary
sensing the change of the real-world
engineering science that involves three
environment to assist mechatronic systems
major disciplines of mechanical, electrical,
in achieving desired actions of a
and computer engineering.
mechanical component, or the
A. Mechanical Engineering (machines,
technological restrictions required in a
mechanical elements, dynamics and
specific manufacturing process. Modern
mechatronic system presents many
B. Electronic Engineering
improved and smart functions, e.g., the
(microelectronics, power electronics,
estimation of non-measurable variables,
instrumentation, signal processing);
the self-tune and adaptation of controller
C. Computer Engineering (operation
parameters, reconfiguration, supervision
system, control theory, software
and fault diagnosis, safety and fault
engineering, artificial intelligence).
tolerance. In the future, many autonomic
During the design processes of
functions including reconfigurability, self-
mechatronic systems, the interplay for the
organization, self-repair, autonomous
evolution, and self-replication, and so on, and robust control, the rapid progress of
will be implemented [11] the system-on-a-chip digital processor, the
advancement of CAE/CAD/CAM for
A BRIEF SURVEY OF CURRENT mechanical construction implementation,
MECHATRONIC SYSTEMS: and so on. In the mechatronics field,
motion control was the
AUTOMOTIVE MECHATRONICS: Key technology to achieving the solutions
The burgeoning automotive industry required for a wide variety of problems,
impacts the social, environmental, such as improvement of productivity,
economic, and technological aspects of our reliability, quality in industry faced. A
daily life. More and more mechatronic control method to estimate the unknown
systems were investigated in automotive friction in a dynamical situation was
application, including antilock braking proposed by Iwasaki et al. (1999) and
systems, supplemental restraint systems , Sakai et al. (1999), to control the position
cruise control, and traction control. of the mechanical object with the existence
Mechatronic systems play a more of the friction[15,16].
important role for improving automotive A direct-drive robotic manipulator used in
functionality, safety, economy and semiconductor manufacturing was
comfort, and the designed functions assist Proposed and demonstrated experimentally
the driver to prevent unstable or by Hosek [17]. Kovecses (2003) made use
unpredictable behaviour and to stabilize of differential variational principles of
the motion of the automobile. The constrained dynamic systems to research
complex capabilities of fault detection and the dynamics of parallel robots and
diagnosis are achieved by the integration mechanisms [18].
of several burgeoning technologies in the In most mobile robot localization schemes,
field of actuators, sensors, data processing, the neglect factors of slip, sinkage, and
and so on. In the traditional valve- other wheel-terrain dynamic interactions
controlled hydraulic elevator, when the cause the principal cause of tractive
vehicle moves downwards, the entire problem and odometric accuracy loss.
potential energy of the vehicle is wasted Reina et al. (2006) implemented a
and converted into fluid heat by throttling. multimodal sensor-fusion approach and
To reduce the energy consumption and innovated vision-based algorithm for
power installation requirements, Yang et wheel sinkage estimation to provide
al. (2007) designed a novel micro- deterministic detection of slip and sinkage
controller-based energy-regenerating especially on unpaved rough terrains[20].
hydraulic elevator using an accumulator as
the energy restoring component, which BIOMECHATRONICS AND
would be reduced to a level at par with that HEALTHCARE: An emergent variant of
of an electrical elevator [12]. Fischer et al. mechatronics is bio mechatronics that
(2007) proposed the concepts of model- integrates the fields of biological science
based fault detection and diagnosis along and mechatronic technology. The paper by
with sensor fault tolerance for automotive Mori et al. (2006) presents a "real-life”
system, and realized a vehicle lateral exoskeleton for healthcare. They described
dynamics system and an active suspension a standing style transfer system For the
system[13]. disabled person, simulated and overcame
serious instability problems of
ADVANCED ROBOTIC SYSTEMS: Conventional powered exoskeleton
Along with technical progress, there were systems[21 Liu et al. (2007) proposed a
some breakthroughs, such as the neurosurgical robot system that they have
development of the theory of intelligent developed for clinical trials, and discussed
how to improve the calibration positioning new field of engineering seeks to produce
accuracy by using a revised Denavit– an all-round engineer that would fit into
Hartenberg kinematic model and virtually all engineering activities in
compensation for joint transmission errors industries such as; machine vision,
using a BP neural network[19]. automotive engineering, computer aided
Rehabilitation medicine is also the main design, sensing and control systems,
application in biomechatronics field. mobile applications, robotics.

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