MD Naimur Rahman 32025

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Topic: How central banks of Bangladesh use monetary

policy for controlling money supply in the economy?

Course code: FIN-409
Course title: Financial markets & institution
Name: MD Naimur rahman
ROLL: 32025
Registration NO: 171201025
Submission date: September 29, 2020
How central bank of Bangladesh use monetary policy for
controlling money supply in the economy?

Bangladesh Bank, the central bank and apex regulatory body for the country's monetary and
financial system, was established in Dhaka as a body corporate vide the Bangladesh Bank Order,
1972 (P.O. No. 127 of 1972) with effect from 16th December, 1971. At present it has ten offices
located at Motijheel, Sadarghat, Chittagong, Khulna, Bogra, Rajshahi, Sylhet, Barisal, Rangpur
and Mymensingh in Bangladesh; total manpower stood at 5807.

BB performs all the core functions of a typical monetary and financial sector regulator, and a number of other non
core functions. The major functional areas include :
 Formulation and implementation of monetary and credit policies.
 Regulation and supervision of banks and non-bank financial institutions, promotion and development .
 Management of the country's international reserves.
 Issuance of currency notes.
 Regulation and supervision of the payment system.
 Acting as banker to the government .
 Money Laundering Prevention.
 Collection and furnishing of credit information.
 Implementation of the Foreign exchange regulation Act.
 Managing a Deposit Insurance Scheme .

How Central Banks Control the Supply of Money

If a nation’s economy were a human body, then its heart would be the central bank. And just as the heart works to
pump life-giving blood throughout the body, the central bank pumps money into the economy to keep it healthy and
growing. Sometimes economies need less money, and sometimes they need more.

The methods central banks use to control the quantity of money vary depending on the economic situation and power
of the central bank. In the United States, the central bank is the Federal Reserve, often called the Fed. Other
prominent central banks include the European Central Bank, Swiss National Bank, Bank of England, People’s Bank
of China, and Bank of Japan.

Let's take a look at some of the common ways that central banks control the money supply—the amount of money in
circulation throughout a country.

Why the Quantity of Money Matters

The quantity of money circulating in an economy affects both micro- and macroeconomic trends. At the micro-level, a
large supply of free and easy money means more spending by people and by businesses. Individuals have an easier
time getting personal loans, car loans, or home mortgages; companies find it easier to secure financing, too.

At the macroeconomic level, the amount of money circulating in an economy affects things like gross domestic
product overall growth, interest rates, and unemployment rates. The central banks tend to control the quantity of
money in circulation to achieve economic objectives and affect monetary policy.

Print Money
Once upon a time, nations pegged their currencies to a gold standard, which limited how much they could produce.
But that ended by the mid-20th century, so now, central banks can increase the amount of money in circulation by
simply printing it. They can print as much money as they want, though there are consequences for doing so.

Merely printing more money doesn’t affect the economic output or production levels, so the money itself becomes
less valuable. Since this can cause inflation, simply printing more money isn't the first choice of central banks.

Set the Reserve Requirement

One of the basic methods used by all central banks to control the quantity of money in an economy is the reserve
requirement. As a rule, central banks mandate depository institutions (that is, commercial banks) to keep a certain
amount of funds in reserve (stored in vaults or at the central bank) against the amount of deposits in their clients'

Influence Interest Rates

In most cases, a central bank cannot directly set interest rates for loans such as mortgages, auto loans, or personal
loans. However, the central bank does have certain tools to push interest rates towards desired levels. For example,
the central bank holds the key to the policy rate—the rate at which commercial banks get to borrow from the central
bank (in the United States, this is called the federal discount rate.

Engage in Open Market Operations

Central banks affect the quantity of money in circulation by buying or selling government securities through the
process known as open market operations (OMO). When a central bank is looking to increase the quantity of money
in circulation, it purchases government securities from commercial banks and institutions. This frees up bank assets:
They now have more cash to loan. Central banks do this sort of spending a part of an expansionary or easing
monetary policy, which brings down the interest rate in the economy.

Introduce a Quantitative Easing Program

In dire economic times, central banks can take open market operations a step further and institute a program of
quantitative easing. Under quantitative easing, central banks create money and use it to buy up assets and securities
such as government bonds. This money enters into the banking system as it is received as payment for the assets
purchased by the central bank. The banks' reserves swell up by that amount, which encourages banks to give out
more loans, it further helps to lower long-term interest rates and encourage investment.

After the financial crisis of 2007–2008, the Bank of England and the Federal Reserve launched quantitative easing
programs. More recently, the European Central Bank and the Bank of Japan have also announced plans for
quantitative easing.

The Bottom Line

Central banks work hard to ensure that a nation's economy remains healthy. One way central banks accomplish this
aim is by controlling the amount of money circulating in the economy. Their tools include influencing interest rates,
setting reserve requirements, and employing open market operation tactics, among other approaches. Having the
right quantity of money in circulation is crucial to ensuring a stable and sustainable economy.

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