Field Study 1 - Observation of Teaching-Learning in Actual School Environment

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The key takeaways are that an effective teacher establishes a productive learning environment through an organized classroom management plan and acts as a responsible role model.

The major concerns for organizing a classroom management plan are establishing teacher presence, a well-organized learning environment, and clear classroom rules.

Some techniques used during group activities include active student participation and greeting students. During quiz time, group reporting is used.

Field Study 1 – Observation of Teaching-Learning in Actual School Environment

NAME: Lavilla, Czai R. DATE: June 4, 2021

PROGRAM & SECTION: BSE English 3A INSTRUCTOR: Maria Rizalyn C. Flores

The Teacher as a Classroom Manager
You are about to enter a demanding profession. In the school setting, you are a
manager operating within a social context which is the classroom. As a manager, you will
experience wonderful opportunities and serious responsibilities. Your first task is to establish a
productive learning environment. This is made possible by an organized personal classroom
management plan of behavior, relationship, routine, time, instruction and an environment that
keeps the learner productively and happily engaged in learning.
An effective teacher’s management plan is both preventive, supportive and corrective as
opposed to control. Current theories view teacher classroom management as proactive to
prevent inappropriate behaviors to occur and keep the learners interested and involved in the
process od learning. However, it is important to remember that there is no teacher’s
management plan that is appropriate for all situations and for all students at all times.

Domain: Intended learning outcome:

Curriculum and Planning Develop an organized personal plan
of management instruction, behavior,
environment, relationship, routine and time
Planning and management of inferred from observation.
teaching and learning process

Your Experiential Task Your Reflection Trigger

6.1 Exposure
Data exploration from psychological
theories, research models, and time-
tested teacher management practices.
6.2 Participation
Gathering data on teacher management
techniques through observation ● Why is the teacher a classroom
6.3 Identification
● How can I be a competent
Sharing observation experiences
classroom manager?
6.4 Internalization
My own wish list of competencies as a

© Field Study 1 Observation of Teaching-Learning in Actual School Environment

Marcela J. Leus, Ed.D.
Estefania S. de Guzman, Ph. D.
Field Study 1 – Observation of Teaching-Learning in Actual School Environment

classroom manager
6.5 Dissemination
Connecting what I observes – a reflection

© Field Study 1 Observation of Teaching-Learning in Actual School Environment

Marcela J. Leus, Ed.D.
Estefania S. de Guzman, Ph. D.
Field Study 1 – Observation of Teaching-Learning in Actual School Environment

Major Key Teacher’s Concerns for Organizing a Classroom Management Plan

CONCERN 1 Establishing a teacher presence in the classroom as a responsible role

● Show respect to command respect
● Know every student and respect diversity
● Master your lessons to act confidently
● Speak courteously to students at all times
● Show personal pride of your students
CONCERN 2 Establishing a well-organized caring learning environment
● Structure a “welcoming room”
● Arrange the seats according to anticipated learning activities
● Structure learning centers and bulletin boards that reinforce the instruction
● Arrange an area for display of students’ works to recognize their worth
● Maintain positively started rules that go with learning territories
CONCERN 3 Establishing clear set of attainable classroom rules
● Very importantly, model all established school and classroom rules
● Lead the learners to set attainable classroom rules themselves
● Direct students to make a plan for observing classroom rules
● Enforce rules positively
● Constantly review and revise rules if necessary
CONCERN 4 Establishing wholesome friendly relationship with and among students
● Model respectful treatment of students at all times
● Listen to students’ voices and choices
● Foster honest, wholesome and constructive conversation
● Reinforce positive behaviors and achievements with deserved praises
● Exhibit warm and cheerful disposition
CONCERN 5 Establishing a management plan of routines
● Establish brief, precise routine procedures for organizing learners, equipment, and
● Define various noise levels and limits for different class activities
● Specify time for classroom activities and movement
● Provide flexibility even with well-planned routines
● Adopt a consistent and persistent approach to routine implementation

CONCERN 6 establishing time saving management tasks

© Field Study 1 Observation of Teaching-Learning in Actual School Environment
Marcela J. Leus, Ed.D.
Estefania S. de Guzman, Ph. D.
Field Study 1 – Observation of Teaching-Learning in Actual School Environment

● Begin and end all activities on time

● Plan well ahead to minimize interruption
● Use prompts and signals to keep students on tasks
● Make sure that all needed resource materials are readily available
● Allow students volunteer to carry out various tasks as privilege
CONCERN 7 Establishing a well-organized instruction
● Provide a well-planned, focused, and logically organized lesson’
● Select varied teaching styles and grouping patterns to suit diverse learners
● Observe students’ engagement on task behaviors throughout the lesson
● Provide opportunities for productive learning environment
● Maintain smooth transition from one activity to the next

What are the challenges of a teacher as a classroom manager?
1. Balancing the different learning needs of students
Every single student who enters the classroom is different. Some students have difficulty with
mathematics and require further instruction. Some students learn best by reading the book, while others
learn best by listening to a lecture or solving issues independently. To cater every need of students, a
teacher should apply various learning styles in each lesson so that no student will be left out.
2. Not enough time to plan
Teachers frequently talk about not getting enough time to prepare, plan, and execute all of the
things that are expected of them. Teachers would like additional time to update content presentations and
documentation, rectify previous material, and adapt subjects to a new generation of students, to name a
few duties.
3. Lack of parental Support
Even when it is the role of teacher to provide students with quality education, the process is only
complete with the cooperation and understanding of parents and school management. Parents should be
the ideal working partners of teachers to provide the best learning experience for students. If parents are
stepping away from their responsibility, it can be tough for teachers to handle at least a few of the students.
That is one reason why today teachers are taking initiatives to set up a meeting with parents and
communicating them through apps so that they can have an eye on the progress of their child.
4. Limitations of Disciplining Students
Not all students in a class may be well mannered or respectful. There can be some cases of serious
disrespect towards teachers and the rules safeguarding students can be a headache for teachers.
Teachers have to look into the lawsuits and double-check it before you respond as things can turn against
you in unexpected ways. However, if they are forced to teach the same set of students even amidst an
unfriendly classroom condition, it can kill their love for teaching.
5. Textbook Exposure to learning
Teachers are informed to follow the textbooks and teach by keeping a vision on final exams that the
students have to go through. This led to a situation where teachers teach and students learn only what is
prescribed in the textbook. Resorting to this, limited knowledge space is going to be hard in the long run.
The limited exposure in learning makes a huge gap between what is required from students and what
knowledge they possess to tackle concerns.

© Field Study 1 Observation of Teaching-Learning in Actual School Environment

Marcela J. Leus, Ed.D.
Estefania S. de Guzman, Ph. D.
Field Study 1 – Observation of Teaching-Learning in Actual School Environment

Observe the classroom management of the teacher in the video. (See attached link). Use the
seven key concerns for organizing a Teacher Personal Management Plan as your guide for
observation. Note whether each indicator is observed or not. Learn as much as you can from
this observation.
O – Observed
NO – Not Observed
NA – Not Applicable

Table 6.1
Teacher’s Management Concerns

CONCERN 1 Establishing a teacher presence in the O NO NA

classroom as a responsible role model
Show respect to command respect /
Know every student and respect diversity /
Master your lessons to act confidently /
Speak courteously to students at all times /
Show personal pride of your students /
CONCERN 2 Establishing a well-organized caring learning O NO NA
Structure a “welcoming room” /
Arrange the seats according to anticipated learning activities /
Structure learning centers and bulletin boards that reinforce the /
Arrange an area for display of students’ works to recognize their /
Maintain positively started rules that go with learning territories /
CONCERN 3 Establishing clear set of attainable classroom O NO NA
Very importantly, model all established school and classroom /
Lead the learners to set attainable classroom rules themselves /
Direct students to make a plan for observing classroom rule /

© Field Study 1 Observation of Teaching-Learning in Actual School Environment

Marcela J. Leus, Ed.D.
Estefania S. de Guzman, Ph. D.
Field Study 1 – Observation of Teaching-Learning in Actual School Environment

Enforce rules positively /

Constantly review and revise rules if necessary /
CONCERN 4 Establishing wholesome friendly relationship O NO NA
with and among students
Model respectful treatment of students at all times /
Listen to students’ voices and choices /
Foster honest, wholesome and constructive conversation /
Reinforce positive behaviors and achievements with deserved /
Exhibit warm and cheerful disposition /
CONCERN 5 Establishing a management plan of routines O NO NA
Establish brief, precise routine procedures for organizing /
learners, equipment, and activities
Define various noise levels and limits for different class activities /
Specify time for classroom activities and movement /
Provide flexibility even with well-planned routines /
Adopt a consistent and persistent approach to routine /
CONCERN 6 establishing time saving management tasks O NO NA
Begin and end all activities on time /
Plan well ahead to minimize interruption /
Use prompts and signals to keep students on task /
Make sure that all needed resource materials are readily /
Allow students volunteer to carry out various tasks as privilege /
CONCERN 7 Establishing a well-organized instruction O NO NA
Provide a well-planned, focused, and logically organized lesson’ /
Select varied teaching styles and grouping patterns to suit /
diverse learners
Observe students’ engagement on task behaviors throughout the /
Provide opportunities for productive learning environment /
Maintain smooth transition from one activity to the next /

© Field Study 1 Observation of Teaching-Learning in Actual School Environment

Marcela J. Leus, Ed.D.
Estefania S. de Guzman, Ph. D.
Field Study 1 – Observation of Teaching-Learning in Actual School Environment

© Field Study 1 Observation of Teaching-Learning in Actual School Environment

Marcela J. Leus, Ed.D.
Estefania S. de Guzman, Ph. D.
Field Study 1 – Observation of Teaching-Learning in Actual School Environment

Based on your list of observed indicators of each key concern, answer the following questions:
1. How did the teacher establish her presence in the classroom as a responsible role
The teacher established her presence in the classroom as a responsible role
model by encouraging the class to thin themselves. She made the classroom an
environment of trust which relaxes the atmosphere and students to focus on learning.
Moreover, the teacher dressed neat and appropriately. Dressing in a professional way
will keep students from thinking of you in a less respectful way. This goes for cleanliness
and hygiene as well. Lastly, the teacher gave a lecture about the role models- the
successful entrepreneurs to be exact, because of that the students are inspired to follow
the steps of those role models.

2. How did the teacher establish caring organized learning environment?

The teacher was able to establish a caring organized learning environment by
commending her students when they answer correctly. Secondly, she created a sense of
order by teaching students effective procedures for the many practical tasks that are
performed in the classroom through entering the classroom and become immediately
engaged in a learning activity.

3. How did the teacher establish wholesome friendly relationship with and among
The teacher established a wholesome friendly relationship with and among the
students by having a positive attitude as she is teaching enthusiastically with a smile on
her face. Secondly, the teacher provides structure. A structured classroom where clear
expectations are established and let the students engaged with engaging learning
activities with little to no downtime makes the students feel safe and leads them to
increased learning.

4. How did the teacher establish clear set of classroom rules?

The teacher evenly and clearly lays out the instruction and procedure in each
activity that her students should do and she made her instructions simple and easy for a
student to follow.

5. How did the teacher establish a well-organized instruction?

The teacher established a clear set of classroom rules by creating detailed unit
lesson plans, which should include objectives, activities, time estimates, and required
materials. The teacher also created assessments, including classwork, homework, and
test for students.

6. How did the teacher establish a management plan of routines?

The teacher established a management plan routines by being clear about the
classroom rules and instructions, supported by a consistent, effective signal to get
students’ attention.

© Field Study 1 Observation of Teaching-Learning in Actual School Environment

Marcela J. Leus, Ed.D.
Estefania S. de Guzman, Ph. D.
Field Study 1 – Observation of Teaching-Learning in Actual School Environment

Create your own wish list of competencies as a future classroom manager



 Anxiety free and friendly classroom environment

 Caters student’s different learning style
 Teach pro-social behaviors and inappropriate student conduct
 Prevent disruptive behavior
 Keeps the classroom clean and organized
 Establish good relationship and communication with students and the parents
 Clearly delivers classroom rules and procedures
 Well-designed and effective stimulating instruction

Every future teacher must develop a systematic personal management plan for easy
referral as you approach teacher internship.
Conduct a thoughtful reflection of your observation and inquiry of the teacher as a
manager. Include management points from your observation which you feel are valuable to you.
Feel free to add what you have learned from your readings. To help you organize your

© Field Study 1 Observation of Teaching-Learning in Actual School Environment

Marcela J. Leus, Ed.D.
Estefania S. de Guzman, Ph. D.
Field Study 1 – Observation of Teaching-Learning in Actual School Environment

reflections, you may use the following prompts. Enter your reflection in your professional


I learned:
As a future classroom manager, I learned that establishing a well-organized, anxiety free, friendly and
structured classroom leads the students to increase their learning. I also learned that it is very important
to address the learning needs and cater their learning styles so that no student will be left behind.

I am excited about:
As a future classroom manager, I am excited about decorating my own classroom and meeting different
kinds of students. I am also excited about the fact that I will be able to educate my future students and
inspire them to be a good human and be the best version of themselves.

I need to:
As a future classroom manager, I need to study hard so that I can be a successful and effective teacher
someday that my students would love and respect. I should also be empathetic and considerate of my
students once I become one knowing the fact that it gives each student a framework to build on in which
all thoughts, opinions, feelings, and differences are uplifted. Teachers cannot expect to have an impact on
intellectual development without becoming involved in their students' emotional development as well.

I am very much concerned about:

As a future classroom manager, I am concerned about how I will manage to be a teacher who is
dealing with too many responsibilities all at once while still being a responsible and effective

© Field Study 1 Observation of Teaching-Learning in Actual School Environment

Marcela J. Leus, Ed.D.
Estefania S. de Guzman, Ph. D.
Field Study 1 – Observation of Teaching-Learning in Actual School Environment

I am afraid:
As a future classroom manager, I am afraid that I will have no time to deal with my own body
function considering that teachers must jump from one task to the next and are often forced to
neglect their own bodies.

Oh, how I wish:

Oh how I wish the time would speed up so that I can already graduate, pass the board exam
and start working as an official teacher who enjoys her job.

© Field Study 1 Observation of Teaching-Learning in Actual School Environment

Marcela J. Leus, Ed.D.
Estefania S. de Guzman, Ph. D.
Field Study 1 – Observation of Teaching-Learning in Actual School Environment



The teacher greets her students. Priming activity

The students are actively participating. Group activity

© Field Study 1 Observation of Teaching-Learning in Actual School Environment

Marcela J. Leus, Ed.D.
Estefania S. de Guzman, Ph. D.
Field Study 1 – Observation of Teaching-Learning in Actual School Environment

Group reporting Quiz time

© Field Study 1 Observation of Teaching-Learning in Actual School Environment

Marcela J. Leus, Ed.D.
Estefania S. de Guzman, Ph. D.
Field Study 1 – Observation of Teaching-Learning in Actual School Environment


For use of the FS Program Coordinator

Criterion: Depth of reflection
Score: Description:
Reflection exemplary demonstrates a synthetic personal
management plan.
Reflection is supported by observation of teacher
management techniques
Reflection shows minimal application of the observation
Reflection is hampered by minimal understanding of the
concept of classroom management
Reflection shows no understanding of the concept of
classroom management

Rating for LE6: ___________________

Signature of the FS Program Coordinator

© Field Study 1 Observation of Teaching-Learning in Actual School Environment

Marcela J. Leus, Ed.D.
Estefania S. de Guzman, Ph. D.

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