Radiography Acceptance Criteria As Per B 31.3
Radiography Acceptance Criteria As Per B 31.3
Thickness of weld
Depth <= 1mm
inclusive reinforcement
and 0.2 Tw
Depth<=1mm >= Tw
Not Acceptable
and Tw/4 MORE THAN
Length <= 38 mm SINGLE
of 150 mm RT
(Tw) <= 6mm (Tw) > 6mm
Length <= 2Tw Cumulative Length
Width <= 3 mm <= 4Tw up to
and Tw/2 150mm RT
Note : For Alligned Indication Total Sum of Demension <= t up to 12t length
: For Cluster Porosity length of Cluster shall not exceed 2T or 25mm
: For more then one Cluster the sum of length of the Cluster shall not exceed 25mm in 150mm length
: For Welder Qualifiaction - As per Sec IX- Rounded indication is t/5 or 3 mm which ever is less
Notes :
Tw Thickness of Base Metal
Isolated Distance between two relevent indication is more than 25 mm
Random Distance between two relevent indication <= 25 mm
" and " The Lesser values is acceptance
" or " The Larger value is acceptable.
Sensitivity of Film by wire Type IQI (ASTM) IQI Set A IQI Set B
Material Thk. Source Side Film Side
wire dia wire wire dia wire
In mm essential wire essential wire
in MM identity in MM identity
up to 6.4 5 4
over 6.4 to 9.5 6 5 0.08 1 0.25 6
over 9.5 to 12.7 7 6 0.10 2 0.33 7
over 12.7 to 19.0 8 7 0.13 3 0.41 8
over 19.0 to 25.4 9 8 0.16 4 0.51 9
over 25.4 to 38.1 10 9 0.20 5 0.64 10
over 38.1 to 50.8 11 10 0.25 6 0.81 11