Louis Kahn Position in Sustainable Architecture: August 2014

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International Journal of Current Life Sciences - Vol.4, Issue, 8, pp. 4399-4407, August, 2014


Siamak Panahi, and Cheraghifar Farnaz
Department of Architecture, Islamic Azad University, Abhar Branch, Alborz, IR. Iran
Department of Architecture, Alborz Science and Research Branch, Islamic Azad University, Karaj, Iran
Article History: This article aims to show the position of Louis Kahn attitudes in sustainable
nd architecture. Louis Khan is one of most famous modern architects who never
Received 22 , June, 2014
followed from his predecessors. He as a unique architect applied modern
Received in revised form 18th, July, 2014
architecture of organic organization based on archetypal. According to Jurgula
Accepted 10th, August, 2014
,one of Kohn's students, Louis attitudes divided into 4 sections as following:1.
Published online 21st, August, 2014
silence and light, 2. human feeling, 3. sense of place, 4. human religious natures.
Components of sustainable architecture used for all above. Addition to energy
Key words: control, sustainable architecture is association with optimizes fuel consumption
Louis Kohn, sustainable architecture, silence and other physical problems, sense of place, spirituality, economic problems and
and light, sense of place identification. The research methodology is analytical and descriptiveusing
qualitative method. In this research, the theory is deductive and part to the whole.
The result of this research indicated that Louis Kohn used silence and light and
creating sense of place in sustainable architecture.
© Copy Right IJCLS, 2014, Academic Journals. All rights reserved.
INTRODUCTION Industrialization thought in modernism presented by
Raskin and Morris(2002) to show human satisfaction and
This article aims to investigate the position of Louis Kohn security physically and mentally required for various
in sustainable architecture addition to sustainable strategies. All aspects of environment factors have been
development, sustainable architecture and reviewing Louis studied by them in architecture. Therefore, new literature
Kohn's works. First, several principles of sustainable should be used to improve inhumanity of novel space in
architecture include perceptions of sense of place, architecture and to increase the values of old architecture.
perceptions of existing space without troubling, mental
values of residents, resolved in urban tissue, compatibility In 1969, a book named " shape, home, culture" involved
with urban natures, etc have been investigated, then many various meanings of native architecture and integration
principles of Louis Kohn architecture and his work between climate, sources , culture and social factors. Another
analysis and its association with sustainable architecture book named "Shelter and Culture" wrote in 1969 by Paul
will be evaluated. Which architecture was sustainable, and Oliver presented some instances of native architecture as a
What was the impact of Louis Kohn architecture on social-cultural factor around the world (Mahgoub,1997).
formation of sustainable architecture thinking, and Can Industrial revolution and finding fossil fuels caused residents
today his works or his follower architects such as Mario used it in buildings, but they didn't pay attention to limited
Botha and others consider as part of sustainable resources of fossil energy that resulting to reduce resources,
architecture?, these questions are main issues of this hence co2 and finally air pollution will be increased.
research. The context of sustainability was not realized in Therefore, Energy Efficient Architecture in 1970 emerged in
20th century and the relation between nature and architecture because there occurred some problems such as
sustainable architecture return to the history of lack of energy, increase fossil fuels, unhealthy human
architecture. In the second half of 20th century, sustainable environment , consumption of material and energy resource,
architecture introduces and used as a solution for problems high pollution of cities and urbanization. So, some approaches
and incorrect decisions for environment that surrounded used to improve energy resources and reduce the consumption
human. Human need for ethic Order in his environment of fossil fuel for better living conditions such as cooling,
that showed his location and its value to make decisions lighting, moisture, etc.
correctly. Thought of expressing modernism compared Literature Review
with environment oriented thought occurred in nineteenth
century and first half of twentieth century was in Sustainable Development
compatible with write a ethic rules in modern architecture Sustainable development defined as social, economic and
matched with ethic body in environment (Hagan, 2001). environmental development . Design and skills trainings are
So, modernism has been formed in nineteenth century .

*Corresponding author: Siamak Panahi

Department of architecture, Islamic Azad university, Abhar branch, Alborz, IR. Iran
International Journal of Current Life Sciences - Vol.4, Issue, 8, pp. 4399-4407, August, 2014
main part of social development should be matched with the efficiency of building in different conditions and times
social values and environmental resources (Hosseini, Mofidi, [Mahmoudi, Mohammad Mahdi 2011].
Madi, 2008). Sustainable development refers to a wide idea
Sustainable architecture aims
and term with many different meanings that resulting to
rise various reactions of experts. The concept of Give importance human life and maintain that in present
sustainable development refers to attempt for combination and future, apply materials in compatible with
the contexts. Therefore, humanity is able to develop environment either during production or usage and even
sustainability in order to provide recent requirements with destroy, reduce fuel energies consumption, increase natural
no problems for the ability of future generations to meet energies consumption, decrease environmental destruction,
their needs, according to Brundtland. Some others such as improve human and all creatures life physically and
AlenFriker presented sustainability as a vision to future mentally and match with natural environment.In this
focused on a series of moral and spiritual values and regard, there are several principles for this architecture as
principles controlling human behaviors (GorjiMahlabani, following:
Yusuf, and Yaran, Ali 2010).
"Perception of sense of place, existing space without
Sustainable architecture disturbances for that, use of natural energies such as solar,
wind,... energies, apply local and natural materials,
It is essential to search some strategies in order to deal
recyclable and stable, collect and use water especial rain
with existing unfavorable status and to improve undesired
water and utilize lake, sea, etc, insulate thermally, sound
results of intervention in body of urban, so that sustainable
and proper for building, capability for natural conditioning
urban development will be provided (Golkar, 2000). Better
through roof, etc, get lighting correctly, design openings
perception of sustainable architecture requires for clear
accurately [GorjiMahlabani, Yusuf, andYaran, Ali 2010] ".
definition of sustainable development. Although, experts
have a consensus on "policies and plans that lead to
sustainable development should be used as a solution for
global problem", their opinions are different in definition
of sustainable development. So, there are various
definitions for the context of sustainable development. But
this context may involve ambiguity and use incorrectly.
Correct definition reported by Brundtland; sustainable
development is a development to meet new generation
needs without of reconciliation and regardless future
generation to provide their requirements (Golkar, 2000).
Finally, it must note that sustainable development involves
a comprehensive context including all aspects of human
life. Some researches such as novel studies done by Golan
(1995) in the field of sustainable architecture indicated that
the architecture of Middle East old cities are matched with Figure1 Mario Botta followed Kohn's architecture
their environmental features considerably ( Golan, 1995).
Some researchers such as Giovanni (1988) believed that Terminology of sustainable architecture
the main goal of urban architecture and design regarding Although, theorists and architects studied green, climatic
climate is " low rate of stress affects on individuals derived and sustainable architecture, today it presents as
from climate" (Giovanni, 1988). Use of the contexts of sustainable architecture considering energy, climate and
sustainability and goals of sustainable development in optimal fuel consumption without sustainability of
order to reduce energy wasting and environment pollution thought, meaning, identity, etc.During last forty years,
in architecture created an issue called "sustainable designing environment houses and also buildings in
architecture". With this architecture, building not only is compatible with climate has been considered. But, in this
incompatible with its region climate status,it establishes a context, the architects achieved success slightly.
mutual relationship with that. So that, buildings are like Architects' efforts are not important much. Aware
birds that puff their feathers in winter in compatible with architects showed their concerns for rejection of the
new environment status and adjusted their metabolism designs by customers using a long list. Although,
with that.Also, sustainable architecture help to reduce the environment issues should be listed in social plans, there
consumption of energy natural resources regarding tothe are less attention to climate due to economic necessities.
compatibility between building and climate, to use Uncomfortable fact is that a good environmental building
renewable energy sources in the building, to reduce may be known as a bad architecture. It is better that the
changes in land, to match with site, to use environmental building design the compact and dense within minimum
factors to provide comfort and relaxation in building and external surface. The word "sustainable" means tolerable
use of recyclable materials, to protect nature, and to and preservative but not stability. Tadao Ando says: "I
decline toxin in nature. An architect of BC centuries, build buildings that are tolerable in nature and somehow
Vitruvius, presented three stability principles include can tolerate against intact nature. Otherwise, each person
building strength against natural and unnatural factors and knows that it is impossible to exchange the nature with any
persistence of materials, and finally sustainability of artificial phenomenon. Sustainable architecture in the
building in human minds and also identified maintaining sense of maintenance should be maintained the identity

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International Journal of Current Life Sciences - Vol.4, Issue, 8, pp. 4399-4407, August, 2014
and matched the reality with mental images during Inactive solar heating, small windows, chimney effect,
historical layers now and in the future and also it should be central courtyard and mass of building materials used for
tolerable in nature as well as stable, simulated and similar the building. Here, Five Corners' Fractal Geometry
nature[Panahi, Siamak 2007].Tadao Ando created Prayer changed, hug mass of building will be broken, but the
Niche (Mihrab) space with nature putting a cross in the building still seemed huge and greenest building looks like
pool. Mihrab, first adorned by Vitra in Gothic churches. very ugly typically . So, my manifest is; sustainable
Now, Ando adorned Mihrab with nature and dynamically. architecture should be most beautiful [Panahi, Siamak
Mihrab changed in compatible with different seasons in 2011].According to mentioned subjects regarding to
spring, summer, fall and winter and also is snowy for 5 writer's viewpoint, sustainable architecture cannot be
month showed sad environment. A cross that should be sad defined as each cage or lumpen architecture. Perhaps,
with Jesus Statue. Ando put a cross to show a sense of sustainable architecture never made considerably, but
place to pool. As noted, principles of sustainable many works have been done around the world to close its
architecture refers to following issues; contexts and principles such as architecture of ancient
Greece and Rome. Some samples of sustainable
architecture that are closer to its contexts and principles
showed as following:
" Tjibaou, Renzo Piano buildings, Frankfort commercial
bank, Norman Foster, Expo2000, Hanover (city in
Germany), Thomas Herzog, Japanese stands in expo.,
Shigeru Ban, Rocco Residential buildings in Japan, Tadao
Ando "
Water church by Tadao Ando, Mosque project by
Figure 2 Louis Kohn et,al. reviewing the site of Bangladesh
HasanFathi, Most of projects of site group by James
national capital. Wines, Works by Ken Yeang and Hamzeh groups, city of
Curitiba in Brazil, etc.
" perception of sense of place, perception of existing space
without disturbances, having identity and belonging to
now, green and nature-oriented architecture and its subsets
(ecotech, organtech, bionic, biotech, gaia), have context
and thought, establish social communication, value during
building lifetime, mental value of residents, dissolved in
urban tissue, compatible with urban natures, compatible
with status and problems and have strength, optimize
energy consumptions, use renewable resources, reduce
founded energy [Panahi, Siamak 2011] " Figure 4 include assembly hall, offices into four square-shaped
block on diagonal.

There are several examples for those are interesting social

responsibilities and build villages in compatible with
environment. Also, there are many examples supported by
Prince Charls and designed by Doane and PlaterZyberk.
Some books are; "Modern Urbanization" , "social
architecture", 1994, by Peter Katz and " Next
metropolitans of America", " Environment, society and
American dream", 1993, by Peter Calthorpe. There are
several books in the field of architecture have been wrote
by some writers such as Brenda and Robert Wall and
Figure 3 designing axonometric plan and section. James Wines. Also, good buildings made by Zoo group in
Japan, Ken Yeang in Malaysia, many of Germany
Above 15 principles should be used for beauty and architects such as Gunter Behnisch and many of
creating attractive space to show as an art.Today, process Americans that build their buildings themselves.
of building incorrectly used instead of sustainable We started 15 principles using sense of place, perception of
architecture. Some of the theorists like McDonough said space and identity and finished to energy in order to present
that sustainable architecture have not aesthetics, they meaning and sustainability of thought. All 15 and most of
generally say truth. Now, a building that is incompatible early principles determined sustainable, preservatives and
with organic and expressionist architecture (two tolerable architecture for ever [Panahi, Siamak 2011].
architecture styles ignored by emerging modern
architecture in early twenty century) followed correct Review of Louis Kohn positions
design environmentally. These two styles use to design Louis Kohn
Bank NMB around Amsterdam by Anton Albertsand et.al
in Netherlands. This building often known as greener Louis Kohn is one of the most famous architects in
architecture or lower energy consumer around the world. architectural culture change that believed international style
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International Journal of Current Life Sciences - Vol.4, Issue, 8, pp. 4399-4407, August, 2014
after World War II is obsolete. He found a new formalism So that, joint of column and roof and joint of the walls and
through a type of New Brutalism showed some of his style in roof in angles and corners of two walls are buildings
post-modernism as well as in rationalism. In some cases, he ornaments.
was interested to mysterious style of church architecture.
Louis Kohn influenced by some works has been adapted
Hence, his architecture was full of metaphysical aspects.
from Yong evolutionary history and brick architecture of
His projects affected on new young architects, even his
Iran, but he said that "I am grateful Iran and thirty-three
works that never implemented. His exact findings about
bridges. So, his thoughts analyzed and taught in
form in architecture were first related to a type of
moratorium school in Italy. Also, Mario Botta followed
spirituality in fact type of mysterious. So, his works never
Kohn's architecture in her works is shown in figure 1.
emerged randomly, but based on religious characteristics
and symbolic identity. His mind involved in old
architecture led to new creative power[Lampugnani,
VittorioMagnago 2003].Kahn believed that buildings
never means expression of forces (structuralism) or
visualization of environmental features (organic attitude),
but it means to discover the natural order of the existing
space. Kohn said that "The building is not what you want,
but it is based on objects orderto say you what you should
design. It involves human and is perceptible through
available basic natures and forms in world". Kohn's words
showed theoretical nature-oriented, I in fact search for
Figure 7 Isometric section, entrance Gate located in the left of
"nature of thing". If I search for " a specify school", I try to the central gallery and the assembly hall on the right.
solve subject "school" not the problem of "a school"
[Noghrekar, AbdolHamid 2008]. Silence and light
Louis Kohn used a method to explain beauty that is perfect
mentally. His contents were poetically and spontaneity
showed his enormous intellectual work, unique and
special. Kohn believed another attitude as we called
"order" that derived from his perception of objects identity.
According to Kohn, art can present the concept of order.
Most classic theories interpreted beauty and it used to
judge about an artwork for most cases. The result indicated
that the context and general perception of beauty as a
significant value would be higher than any other values in
Figure 5 Bangladesh National Capital, view of bird. anart work. It means that whatever is beauty is higher and
Kohn believed that principle and substance but not form more balanced. Also, high values in an artwork should
are important for each architecture project. Form is not determine a theme or descriptive. As Louis Kohn
refers to a material form of a work but is like a example or expressed seriously: the context of aesthetic includes the
Plato's idea that everything in this world is a shade of quantity of beauty addition to a beauty form and may be
better and more beautiful. So, there are always dreamy, emphasized while artwork implemented. Values never
perfection and excellence works in architecture and realized earlier than general contexts until they emerged.
architects should be tried to access that. Then, next stage However, art is existence indicated its presence without
means design is initial form and substance, in compatible associated with basic condition such as beauty.
with land conditions, planning, budget, time and employer
opinions, and finally solving architectural problem and a
real architect will born. In 1974, Kohn dead. Before, he
traveled to Iran and presented best expressions about
Isfahan architecture as: In Isfahan architecture "joint is the
beginning of the ornament".

Figure 8.Kimbell art museum

In this regard, there is a relation between Louis Kohn and

his architecture in context of order. His belief of order as
basic of his works is true on his general belief not only on
whatever never been expressed. Also, he says that
"anything itself never put effective impact except when it
Figure 6 Bangladesh National Capital, view of human. is useful in a general set". He believed that silence is

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International Journal of Current Life Sciences - Vol.4, Issue, 8, pp. 4399-4407, August, 2014
source of all art symbols. Andre Marlo called art as "the Therefore, mountains, air and even you are ended light,
sound of silence ". In fact, silence has just priority and desire to emerge and tend to act, and integrated together
preferred more than the context of beauty. Louis Kohn during formation. In other word, Louis Kohn suggested
believed that only Order is understandable and perceived, use of materials in compatible with their nature because;
and aware of relationship between all the existing space this material will be changed and completed by human.
components to meet laws of nature completely and all
Kohn tried to remove distances between human and nature
worlds will be created for that.He also believed that it is
like as all other arts. His success was not just for
difficult to deduct existing Order than perception of its
presenting aesthetics theories, but for his responsibility
context. All artwork always made with pleasure, even if it
against realities. So, his architecture was not weak and
involved unpleasant and tragic contexts, and silence will
unsubstantiated, of course it was quite stable and effective,
be enjoyable, i,e. common feeling hidden in art forever.
like all new and innovative works [Romaldo
Therefore, it must not that art creating unity and
integration between what there and whatever that is not
yet. However, there are some tools and devices for art such
as forms and structures and also rules and regulations as
usual. But, each artwork should present its initial
characteristics and originality as well.

Figure 11 Interior view of the library

Review on the Case Studies

Bangladesh Ational Capital
In Bangladesh national capital, Kohn first designed
Figure 9 Northwest landscape of Museum with porch and pool national assembly building and the Supreme Court; he
leading to entrance. separated these two spaces with mosque, and then jointed
them. Also, dormitories are designed for ministers along
All valuable works that emerged for first time such as the edge of a lake in garden. Kohn in his primary studies
ChariotWheels, airplane, or even Symphony- for parliament and mosque buildings tried to connect both
No._5_Beethoven derived from human perception of his desired approaches in modern architecture included
global Order but not from several aesthetics contexts. umbrella-shaped columns in Johnson Wax building made
Although, art beginning is based on silence, there are some by Write and Oval-shaped ceiling of Ronchamp small
object and phenomena around us showed existing basics of church of Le Corbusier. Castle or fortress is known as a
artistic aspects. For example, Louis Kohn believed that rotation square included 4 thick walls and office space
light, defining the nature and source of all its complex around assembly hall [. Mccarter, Robert 2010].
rules. And according to Louis Kohn, " all the nature
included light" [Romaldo Giurgola1998].Light changed to
material if it didn't change to radiation. As silence moves
to emerge, light is a motion to act, hence dual aspects of
spirit; non-bright and brilliant, will present. The aspect of
brilliant tends toward light, then flame, and flame changes
to material and finally material uses as tool and device, i.e.
an obvious and recognized source.

Figure 12 Plan of Exeter Library.

He tried also to increase the light of Bangladesh national
capital doubled and extend it in form of a architectural
material around the plan. Observing the columns, you can
see the columns bright in shade of light. Columns as rigid
elements of set supported bright spaces. As you see
exactly, these columns made total volumes of this set that
their inside are empty. Their scale are huge. Now, each
rigid columns is empty and seems as a free light indicated
Figure 10 Northeast corner of Exeter, private dining room located complicated forms. Spaces completed using the light. I
on the corner and chimneys flue located on the center of tried to do these to provide a poetic sense throughout the
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International Journal of Current Life Sciences - Vol.4, Issue, 8, pp. 4399-4407, August, 2014
series with beauty outlook. So, the set maybe as a rigid vertical view of the building showed repetitive forms of
column to use as photoreceptor and its rigid will be the ceiling.
reduced. All of them are substance and nature used to
construct Bangladesh national capital, but not belief,
design and pattern, and are the basis of this set formation .
Kohn developed it during 2 years. In this regard, he was
able to know climate, local architecture and its
construction techniques and site conditions. Kohn's study
about site and cultural importance of national capital
building for artificial lake constructed beside the building
is shown. But, it uses to control seasonal water as a big
river and presents a surface to make a image with
horizontal symmetry such as mirror [Rosa, Joseph
Figure 14 interior view.
2009].According to Ali Akbar Saremi, " Mosque was one
of the interesting part of main set, with a little deviations The building materials of neighbor curved shape of
from Qiblah, contained four huge concrete semi-cylindric Travertine Wall. The spaces made transom among these
and a mild light turned its space on.Designing modern bent forms that passing light into room. While therhythm
mosque and any other religious buildings always is one of form of ceiling that showed from 2 of 4 building views
controversial issues in modern architecture. I saw the moved to main entrance ramp and created a live visual
simplicity and purity in a Mosque in Dhaka without impact.
unnecessary details. There was designed some listel about
4cm depth and lower than horizontally and vertically
sometimes on concrete. Then, it covered with stone bands
about 10 cm widths with white Travertine. Kohn believed
that these stones came from primary thought or initial form
in design. If he could, he used white marble but it was
impossible due to many conditions. Therefore, he applied
just part of light from stone to remember primary design
and thought [Saremi, Ali Akbar 2010].

Figure 15 First Unitarian Church, Southwest view.

Phillips Exeter Library

Kohn made a Exeter Library in interior spaces in
extraordinary and large volume in United State. Although,
this empty space is in the form of hole for plan and shear
designs, in fact spatial complexity of interior space
included circular cutting surfaces of four walls and ceiling
with concrete beams with large diameter that reminded
Figure 13 Plan of church and school. initial designs of library such as Royal library made by
Kimbell art museum Etienne Louise Boullee(1875) and public library made by
Erik Gunnar Asplund (1927) in Stockholm [Rosa, Joseph
Kimbell art museum designed and implemented in Fort 2009].
Worth Texas from 1966 to 1972 AD. The site of this
museum located in a garden surrounded by a extensive
land. Therefore, Kohn decided to establish coordination
between design and site. So, museum designed on the land
horizontally and ceiling skylights used for natural light of
museum. Because light provided for interior spaces of
museum naturally. Louis Kohn decided to show the things
in museum using natural light. Therefore, 2 ways used to
guide light in indoor. First, silver light of sky passed from
aluminum nets that curved plates are reflected to interior
spaces. Second, the green light of sunlight passed on trees
Figure 16 Yale Art Gallery
leaves and garden plants located in three courtyard and
curved plates reached into museum. Of course, these light
Yale Art Gallery
aluminum nets and curved plates have been used for better
emission and matched lighting. Yale Art Gallery is a extra section of gallery of 1928
designed in a Neo-Gothic building by Edgerton Swartwot
Another aspects to design is spread light from the skylight
[11].The Center’s exterior of matte steel and reflective
over the ceiling with vault as one of main aspects of
glass confers a monumental presence in downtown New

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International Journal of Current Life Sciences - Vol.4, Issue, 8, pp. 4399-4407, August, 2014
Haven. The geometrical, four-floor interior is designed
around two courtyards and is comprised of a restrained
palette of natural materials including travertine marble,
white oak, and Belgian linen. Kahn succeeded in creating
intimate galleries where one can view objects in diffused
natural light. He wanted to allow in as much daylight as
possible, with artificial illumination used only on dark
days or in the evening. The building’s design, materials,
and sky-lit rooms combine to provide an environment for
the works of art that is simple and dignified.
The association between Kohn' works and his
philosophical principles as seen in all his works is
shown in figure 17.
Figure 18 the relation between Louis Kohn architecture and
sustainable architecture

Light and shadow that used to create sense of place in

Bangladesh National Capital and also its construction
using local architecture and construction techniques are
components of sustainable architecture. In Kimbell art
museum: ligh in this museum provided through ceiling
skylights, design and site are matched leading to
perception of space without disturbance, and
optimization of energy consumption and resolved in
urban tissue that are principles of sustainable
architecture. In Phililips Exeter Library: this project
considered some cases held in common fields with
sustainable architecture included perception of sense of
place through play with volumes, identity and also
Figure 17 The association between Louis Kohn works and his
philosophical principles belonging to now, mental value of residents, etc. In
Unitarian church: considering light and intellectual
First Unitarian Church aspects to access concept and thought and match with
Louis Kohn architecture is well-known because of because status and problems and stability, perception of sense of
of taking inspiration from culture and creating a sense of place, mental value of residents. According to some
place in modern architecture. One of his most influential projects have been done by this architect, matching this
works is Unitarian Church in the city of Rochester in New projects with factors of sustainable architect as seen in
York. It finished in 1967 after Salk institute. But, it is not theoretical foundations are visible and its relation model
known as his other works around the world. This church will be show in conclusion section.
replaced prior church that designed by Richard Upjohn
(founder by AIA). Prior church destroyed during re-
urbanization of Rochester .Most of Kohn designs have a
spiritual property addition to plan and application. It is known
as aexemplification and symbol that he showed a formal
building and its relation with light. First Unitarian church and
school in Rochester, New York, that made by Kohn
combined a symbolic design with a plan as a model for
religious modern architecture. Simple external view with a
rhythm reminded ruins of ancient Roman architecture [Rosa,
Joseph 2009]. In this building, public space with symmetric
plan and asymmetric entrance is a gathering place that
surrounded by concrete walls of set of subsidiary rooms in
order to increase especial effects. The gathering place covered
by a set of columns of light. This space included a symmetric
and sloping concrete ceiling and central rooms are convergent
reminded reverse vault. This building made by bricks and a
few horizontal elements on a larger scale than it is (Rosa,
Case samples investigate to analyze these works and their
relations with sustainable architecture and its components. Figure 19 Sustainable architecture and its components.

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International Journal of Current Life Sciences - Vol.4, Issue, 8, pp. 4399-4407, August, 2014
desire. Real human life is main in architecture. The context
The relation between Kohn' works and his design have
of performance in architecture is fundamental according to
been shown in figure 18 included 15 principles of
Kohn thought. It is like a hidden existence desire that
sustainable architecture divided into 4 main part.
emerged in itself. Therefore, eternal human wishes will be
The result of sustainable architecture and Louis Kohn achieved.The relation between Kohn' works and 15
opinions indicated that elements of architecture is principles of sustainable architecture is shown in figure 20.
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