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australian general
practice training
Australian General Practice Training
Handbook 2012

2012 selection
opens 13 May 2011

Australian General Practice Training Handbook 2012

Acknowledgments: The AGPT program is an Australian Government initiative

Published by: General Practice Education and Training Limited
Level 3, 10 Rudd Street,
Telephone: (02) 6263 6777
© GPET Limited 2011

The Australian General Practice Training program
There are many benefits when considering a career in general practice:

• Varied clinical work

• Continuity of patient care

• Dynamic, team-based medicine

• Flexible working hours

Doctors are choosing general practice as a career for the many advantages it brings.
General practice demands a wide breadth of medical knowledge, it offers the opportunity to
Australian General Practice Training Handbook 2012

subspecialise and undertake procedural medicine, and allows for balance between work and
family life.

The Australian General Practice Training (AGPT) program provides registrars with the building
blocks to work at the forefront of primary health care. AGPT offers a range of options for urban
and rural vocational training, delivered through regional training providers (RTPs) across Australia.

The RTPs deliver training towards two vocational endpoints recognised by Medicare Australia:
Fellowship of the Royal Australian College of General Practitioners (FRACGP) and Fellowship of
the Australian College of Rural and Remote Medicine (FACRRM). Rural RTPs also deliver training
towards the RACGP’s Fellowship in Advanced Rural General Practice (FARGP).

NOTE: The information in this Handbook is correct at the time of publication, but prospective
applicants should regularly check the AGPT website ( in the ‘Apply for AGPT’>’New
Applicants’ section for updated information regarding eligibility and application requirements.

1. General Information 4
Training overview 4
Training delivery 4
Eligibility for the AGPT program 4
Rural pathway 4
General pathway 5
Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander RTP interview places 5
Part-time training 5

2. Training Requirements 6
General requirements 6
Mandatory hospital experience 6
Recognition of prior learning 7

3. Training Qualifications 8
Diagram 1: Australian General Practice Training 9

4. Regional Training Providers (RTPs) 10

Diagram 2: Map of RTPs 10
List of RTPs by state and territory 11

5. Australian Standard Geographical Classification –

Remoteness Areas (ASGC-RA) System 12

6. Incentives 13
General Practice Rural Incentives Program (GPRIP) 13
HECS Reimbursement Scheme 13

7. Preparation for Application 15 Australian General Practice Training Handbook 2012

8. AGPT Selection Centres 18

9. Eligibility for the AGPT Program 23

Diagram 3: Pathway Eligibility Guide - AGPT 2012 24
Diagram 4: Program Eligibility Guide - AGPT 2012 25

1. General Information

Training overview company established in 2001 by the Australian

Government. Training is delivered through
The AGPT program is a world-class vocational regional training providers (RTPs) across
training program for medical graduates Australia (see page 10). The Australian
wishing to pursue a career in general practice Government places a quota on the number of
in Australia. AGPT positions available, therefore entry into
the program is competitive; 1,000 training
The program involves a three-year full-time
positions will be available for commencement in
commitment, or four years for rural and
the 2012 training year within the AGPT program.
remote medicine registrars, which can be
reduced with recognition of prior learning Eligibility for the AGPT program
(RPL). During training, registrars gain valuable
To assess your eligibility to join the AGPT
practical experience in teaching hospitals,
program check the Program Eligibility Guide
in rural and urban practices, in extended
– AGPT 2012 (see back cover fold-out). For
skills, procedural and academic posts, and
more detailed information go to our website
in specialised medical centres that provide, click on ‘Apply for AGPT’
health care for Aboriginal and Torres Strait
and click on the ‘New Applicants’ section.
Australian General Practice Training Handbook 2012

Islander peoples and other people from

Applicants can also contact GPET Selection
socially disadvantaged groups.
at [email protected] or telephone
Training is conducted within accredited medical (02) 6263 6776.
practices and hospitals and is supervised and
Training pathways
assessed by experienced medical educators.
The training includes self-directed learning, Applicants for the Australian General Practice
regular face-to-face educational activities and Training program elect to train in either a rural
in-practice education. pathway or a general pathway.

Training delivery Rural pathway

The AGPT program is overseen and funded The rural pathway is designed for doctors
by General Practice Education and Training who wish to undertake the majority of their
Limited (GPET), a wholly owned government training in rural and remote areas of Australia.

Some overseas-trained or overseas-born General pathway
doctors affected by Section 19AB of the
The general pathway is for doctors who wish
Health Insurance Act 1973 (the 10-year
to train in urban areas. General pathway
moratorium) may be required to join the
registrars are required to undertake a
rural pathway and are ineligible for the
minimum of 12 months training in a rural
general pathway.
and/or outer metropolitan location and/or an
The 10-year moratorium provides that Medicare Aboriginal medical service. Incentives are
available for general pathway registrars who
Australian General Practice Training Handbook 2012
benefits are not payable for professional
services provided by overseas-trained doctors train in rural areas (see page 13).
and international doctors trained in Australia. Aboriginal and Torres Strait
This restriction is generally for a period of 10 Islander RTP interview places
years, starting from the time they first become
registered with a state or territory medical board. RTP interview places are reserved each year
for doctors of Aboriginal and Torres Strait
For more information contact AGPT Selection at:
Islander origin.
[email protected]
or telephone (02) 6263 6776. Part-time training
Rural pathway areas are designated as Registrars are accepted into the AGPT program
Remoteness Areas (RAs) 2 to 5 (see page 4). as full-time registrars. At any time during
Generous financial incentives are available for training registrars may apply to their RTP to
rural pathway registrars (see page 13). train part time.

2. Training Requirements

General requirements Mandatory hospital experience

Successful applicants will be expected to Certain hospital rotations and experiences
commence active training in their nominated are considered mandatory preparation for
RTP’s training region at the beginning of the AGPT program and must be satisfactorily
the training year (calendar year) or, in completed before the commencement of
exceptional circumstances, within three the second year of training (See ‘Year Two’,
months. Prospective applicants are advised Diagram 1: Australian General Practice
to contact their preferred RTP for advice Training, page 9). The following summary
about potential placements for next year, provides a guide for applicants but it is
particularly if they wish to commence training recommended that you refer to the links below
in general practice placements. for more detailed information.
Australian General Practice Training Handbook 2012

Registrars are required to participate in a FRACGP

range of educational activities and regularly
Go to
receive feedback on their progress. More
information about each respective college’s
curriculum is available at FACRRM
Go to
then scroll down to ‘Other Resources for
Registrars’ and click on ‘Fellowship: Vocational
Training Handbook’.

Mandatory hospital rotations Recognition of prior learning
Internal Medicine Recognition of prior learning (RPL) can reduce
registrars’ overall time in the AGPT program.
Preferably general medicine or, if unavailable,
RPL applications should be submitted to the
a rotation that offers broad medical
relevant college with the support of your RTP.
RPL is approved by college censors and must
Surgery be applied for in the first year of training.
Applicants should contact their preferred RTP
General surgery is preferred or, if unavailable,
for detailed information about RPL.
a surgical rotation that covers the principles of
basic surgical care.

Accident and emergency



This rotation must be undertaken in an

approved post in an accredited hospital with
child and adolescent health experience,
which includes a high proportion of paediatric
emergency attendances under appropriate
supervision. Please contact the RACGP and/
or ACRRM for detailed information about
paediatrics requirements.

Note: If an accident and emergency term

has included experience with sick children
and adolescents, where the junior doctor
has personally cared for these patients in Australian General Practice Training Handbook 2012

adequate numbers, the RACGP and ACRRM

state censor will usually accept this experience
in lieu of a term in paediatrics.

In addition to these rotations FRACGP requires

registrars to obtain hospital experience in at
least three other areas; and FACRRM requires
registrars to complete rotations in obstetrics
and gynaecology, and anaesthetics.

3. Training Qualifications
The AGPT program is designed to prepare Some RTPs also offer training for the award
registrars to be eligible for Fellowship of of Fellowship in Advanced Rural General
the Australian College of Rural and Remote Practice (FARGP) offered by the National
Medicine (FACRRM) and/or Fellowship of Rural Faculty of the RACGP. This award aims
the Royal Australian College of General to equip doctors to practise independently,
Practitioners (FRACGP). Both fellowships safely and competently across a range of rural
are recognised by Medicare Australia. and remote settings in Australia. Registrars
Prerequisites for eligibility for receiving the must complete the additional requirements
FACRRM or FRACGP award are: designated by the RACGP to be eligible for the
conferment of this award.
• Satisfactorily completing the required
period of training, three years of training
for FRACGP and four years for FACRRM
(see Diagram 1: Australian General
Practice Training (AGPT) 2012, page 9)

• Satisfactorily meeting the educational

requirements of training

• Passing the ACRRM or RACGP college

assessments, and

• Meeting any pathway requirements (see

rural and general pathway, pages 4-5).
Australian General Practice Training Handbook 2012

Diagram 1: Australian General Practice Training


Core Clinical Hospital

Year One Training Time Training Time
12 months <=> 12 months

Primary Rural & Joint training GP Terms

Year Two Remote Training opportunities are
GPT 1 – 6 months
2 x 6 months available †
GPT 2 – 6 months

Primary Rural & Joint training
6 months
Year Three Remote Training opportunities are
available † Extended Skills
2 x 6 months


Year Four Advanced

Possible Advanced Skills
Note: Fourth year Training equivalence* Training (12 months)
is for FACRRM & <=> for FARGP
FARGP candidates 12 months Australian General Practice Training Handbook 2012


* Credit given for AGPT program training already undertaken towards

one Fellowship, prior to undertaking a second or third Fellowship

† Can be achieved in dual accredited practices or posts

4. Regional Training Providers
Diagram 2: Map of RTPs


9 8


19 3

18 6

Australian General Practice Training Handbook 2012

13 Shared/transitional zone

15 16


New South Wales/ 1. CoastCityCountry General Practice
ACT Training

2. General Practice Training – Valley to


3. GP Synergy - New England/Northwest

4. GP Synergy – Sydney Central and South/

South West

5. North Coast GP Training

6. WentWest

Northern Territory 7. Northern Territory General Practice


Queensland 8. Central and Southern Queensland

Training Consortium

9. Shared zone: Central and Southern

Queensland Training Consortium and
Queensland Rural Medical Education

10. Tropical Medical Training

South Australia 11. Adelaide to Outback GP Training

12. Sturt Fleurieu GP Education and


13. Area in transition to Sturt Fleurieu

as principal provider (2012). Note: some
training may be delivered by Southern GP
Training in this area in 2012

Tasmania 14. General Practice Training Tasmania

Victoria 15. Southern GP Training (formerly getGP

and Greater Green Triangle)

16. Victorian Metropolitan Alliance

17. Shared zone: Southern GP Training and Australian General Practice Training Handbook 2012
Victorian Metropolitan Alliance

Victoria/New South 18. Bogong Regional Training Network

19. Beyond Medical Education (formerly
VicFelix and GPlogic)

Western Australia 20. WAGPET

NOTE: Some areas of Australia are designated ‘shared’ or ‘transitional’ zones. These
areas (see map page 10) are currently shared by or in transition between RTPs.
For further information on training in these areas please contact the relevant RTPs
directly via their websites.

5. Australian Standard
Geographical Classification –
Remoteness Areas (ASGC-RA)
The Australian Standard Geographical Areas (RAs). The RA categories are defined
Classification – Remoteness Areas (ASGC- in terms of ‘remoteness’ - the physical
RA) system was developed in 2001 by distance of a location from the nearest urban
the Australian Bureau of Statistics (ABS). centre (access to goods and services) based
As a statistical geography structure it on population size. A primary advantage
allows quantitative comparisons between of the new classification system is that the
‘city’ and ‘country’ Australia. The purpose remoteness structure is updated each census.
of the structure is to classify data from The ASGC-RA system was updated on
census collection districts (CDs) into broad 8 November 2007 after the 2006 census.
geographical categories, called Remoteness

RA 1 Major cities of Australia

RA 2 Inner regional Australia

RA 3 Outer regional Australia

RA 4 Remote Australia

RA 5 Very remote Australia

For more information about ASGC-RA please see
Australian General Practice Training Handbook 2012

6. Incentives
The following incentives are administered through Medicare Australia and are part of the
Australian Government’s Rural Health Strategy to promote careers in rural areas.

General Practice Rural Incentives HECS Reimbursement Scheme

Program (GPRIP)
Participants in the HECS Reimbursement
The registrar component of the General Scheme are able to apply to have their HECS
Practice Rural Incentives Program (GPRIP) fees, for the study of medicine, reimbursed
aims to promote careers in rural medicine for each year of training undertaken or service
and increase the number of doctors in rural provided in designated rural and remote areas
and remote communities in the long term. of Australia. Eligible areas are RA 2-5 locations
The registrar component provides incentive as defined under the Australian Standard
payments to registrars in the Australian Geographical Classification – Remoteness
General Practice Training (AGPT) program Area (see page 12).
(rural or general pathway).
Payments to eligible participants will be
All registrars practising in a RA 2-5 location, scaled by remoteness according to the RA
after the mandatory hospital year, will be classification of the locality they are training in
eligible for GPRIP. Incentive payments are or providing services in.
scaled depending on the length of time
a registrar trains in a rural location, the
remoteness of the location and the full time
equivalence of services provided.

Upon Fellowship, registrars may receive

incentive payments under the GP component
of GPRIP if they continue to practise in rural

For more information about GPRIP call the

Medicare Australia Helpline: 1800 010 550 or
see the DoctorConnect website: http://www.
Australian General Practice Training Handbook 2012

ASGC-RA No. of years to receive full reimbursement entitlement

RA 2 - Inner regional Australia 5 years

RA 3 - Outer regional Australia 4 years

RA 4 - Remote Australia 3 years

RA 5 - Very remote Australia 2 years

To be eligible, applicants must:

• Be an Australian or New Zealand citizen

or a permanent resident of Australia

• Have completed an Australian accredited

medical course for which a HECS fee was

• Have completed their medical degree in

the year 2000 or later, and

• Undertake training or provide medical

services in RA 2-5 locations for at least
12 months.

NOTE: Some recipients of scholarships may

be ineligible for the HECS Reimbursement

Application forms and guidelines can be

obtained from the HECS Reimbursement
Scheme webpage at
or by calling 1800 010 550.
Australian General Practice Training Handbook 2012

7. Preparation for Application
Applications for the 2012 Australian General 3. Statutory declaration stating your
Practice Training (AGPT) program will open intention of applying for permanent
on 13 May 2011 and close on 17 June 2011. residency when eligible and of
There are a number of things you can do now gaining permanent residency
to prepare for your application. Please read status by the completion of AGPT.
this carefully to ensure you cover all of the This option is available only for
requirements for your individual situation. Australian-trained applicants
who are temporary residents. All
Referee Reports
overseas-trained applicants must be
All applicants must have two valid and permanent residents at the time of
complete referee reports to support their applying for AGPT.
B. Primary medical qualification
References must be submitted on the
approved GPET pro forma, which will be • Copy of medical degree for all applicants.
available on the AGPT website in the lead up Where this is not in English, a verified
to the application opening date. For more English translation must be provided.
information please visit the ‘New Applicants’
• Academic transcript for all overseas-
section of the AGPT website http://www.agpt.
born doctors. Where this is not in
English, a verified English translation
Certified supporting documentation must be provided.

The following certified supporting

documentation will be required as part of an NOTE: If you are an Australian or New
application: Zealand trained, overseas-born applicant
(even if you became an Australian/New
A. Citizenship/residency verification Zealand citizen or permanent resident as a
• Birth certificate or Australian/New
child) and you do not believe that Section
19AB of the Health Insurance Act 1973
Zealand passport if Australian/New
(the 10-year moratorium) applies to you,
Zealand born Australian General Practice Training Handbook 2012
you need to provide definitive documented
• Proof of Australian/New Zealand proof that you were an Australian/New
permanent residency if overseas-born Zealand citizen or permanent resident at
and an international medical graduate the time you commenced your primary
medical degree.
• Residency information if overseas-born
and an Australian/New Zealand medical
graduate. This may be by:

1. Evidence of becoming a permanent


2. Evidence of an application for

permanent residency

C. Proof of meeting all of the requirements F. Name changes
of the Australian Medical Council (AMC)
• Evidence of name change (e.g. marriage
• This is a requirement for doctors who certificate or deed poll) if your name
did not receive their primary medical appears differently in any of the
qualification from an Australian or supporting documents.
New Zealand university/medical
G. Applicants currently enrolled in
school. This can be gained by either
Australian General Practice Training or
completing and passing both parts of
other general practice vocational training
the AMC examination or by meeting all
requirements of the AMC’s Competent • Applicants must resign from their current
Authority Pathway. training and training provider and
produce evidence of their resignation
D. Medical registration
before the end of the application period
• Evidence of current medical registration OR
in an Australian state or territory for all
• Provide a statutory declaration stating
that you will resign from your current
• Proof of date of first medical registration vocational training program if accepted
in an Australian state or territory for in to AGPT.
all overseas-trained applicants and any
H. Doctors with conditions placed on their
Australian-trained applicants who were
medical registration
born overseas.
• Doctors who have conditions placed on
E. Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait
their medical registration due to reasons
Islander applicants who wish to be
of health or conduct should provide a
considered for one of the places
Certificate of Registration Status (or
reserved for doctors of Aboriginal and/or
equivalent) from the Australian Health
Torres Strait Islander origin
Practitioner Regulation Agency (AHPRA)
• Proof of membership of the Australian
Indigenous Doctors’ Association (AIDA).
Australian General Practice Training Handbook 2012

Certification of supporting documentation

Applicants are required to submit to GPET

certified copies of original documents. These
must have been certified by one of the
following authorised officers:

• A Justice of the Peace

• A Commissioner for Declarations

• A bank manager or credit union branch


• A barrister, solicitor or patent attorney

• A police officer in charge of a police

station, or of the rank of sergeant or

• A postal manager

• A pharmacist.

NOTE: Documents certified by medical

practitioners cannot be accepted.

Double-sided documents must be certified on

both sides.

Applicants seeking exemption from the

10-year moratorium

If you are an applicant who is seeking, or

intends to seek, an exemption from the
10-year moratorium under Section 19AB of the
Health Insurance Act 1973, your request must
be submitted to the Department of Health and
Ageing addressed to:
The Assistant Director
Workforce Regulations Section
Australian General Practice Training Handbook 2012

MDP 1054
Department of Health and Ageing
GPO Box 9848
Canberra ACT 2601
Facsimile: (02) 6289 7900
Email: [email protected]

Should you have any queries regarding your

application for AGPT, please contact the
Selection team at [email protected] or
on (02) 6263 6776.

8. AGPT Selection Centres

For 2012 AGPT entry, applicants will take part

in a Selection Centre process from 7-28 July
2011. The Selection Centre process has been
thoroughly evaluated and is a consistent,
transparent, reliable, valid and robust method
of selecting applicants who are most suitable
for general practice training.

The Selection Centres are designed and

conducted in accordance with the Australian
Medical Council’s principles for selection into
specialist medical training programs and are
set against the selection criteria determined
by the professional colleges.

The AGPT Selection Centre will comprise:

• Situational Judgement Test

Australian General Practice Training Handbook 2012

• Multiple Mini Interviews

The Selection Centre process can take up to

four hours to complete.

What is a Situational Judgement Test?

• Candidates are presented with a clinical

scenario and a range of responses

• Applicants may be asked to choose best

responses or rank responses

• It is paper based and scored on


Example 1 Example 2
A 55-year-old woman with ischaemic You are looking after Mrs Sandra
heart disease has smoked 20 Jones, who is being investigated in
cigarettes per day for 40 years. hospital. You are asked by her family
She requests nicotine replacement not to inform Mrs Jones if the results
patches. She has had these previously confirm cancer.
but has been inconsistent in their use
Choose the THREE most appropriate
and has often continued to smoke
actions to take in this situation.
while using the patches.
A Ignore the family’s wishes.
Rank in order the following immediate
actions in response to this situation B Agree not to tell Mrs Jones.

(1 = most appropriate; 5 = least C Explain to the family that it is Mrs

appropriate) Jones’ decision.

A Emphasise the dangers of smoking D Ask Mrs Jones whether she wishes
but do not prescribe. to know the test results.

B Enquire about the difficulties she E Ask Mrs Jones whether she wishes
has with stopping smoking and any you to inform the family.
previous problems with patches.
F Inform Mrs Jones that her family
C Insist on a period of abstinence does not wish her to have the results.
before prescribing any further
G Give the results to the family first.
H Give the results to the next of kin
D Prescribe another supply of patches
and explain how they should be used.

E Suggest that nicotine replacement

therapy is not suitable for her but
explore alternative therapies.

Australian General Practice Training Handbook 2012

Multiple Mini Interviews (MMI) The scenarios

MMIs involve candidates being rotated You will be provided with a clinical scenario 10
between stations (one for each standard minutes before the interview starts. A pen and
interview question) with each interviewer paper will be provided so that you can make
asking the same question to each applicant notes. The scenarios are ‘future oriented’
individually. This is followed by a consensus and have been designed to encourage you to
session of all interviewers to evaluate each indicate what your actions might be given a
applicant. hypothetical situation.

All interviewers have been trained in the The venue/location

theory and practice of interviewing, thus
Applicants for 2012 AGPT can attend a
enhancing the reliability of ratings of
selection centre in any region in Australia.
individuals and reducing various types of
Since RTPs are located throughout Australia,
rating and judgement error.
the Selection Centre venues will be different
The structure of the interview for each region. As part of researching the
region, you could ask where and on what
• You will be asked a series of standard
date/s during the designated periods they plan
questions and asked to provide responses
to conduct the Selection Centre. This may help
to a number of scenarios. All responses
you to form a travel plan in anticipation of
will be assessed against the standard
being invited to an interview with the RTP.
selection criteria so that interviewers can
assess suitability for entry into the AGPT Some applicants may also be asked
program information that will enable the RTP to assess
an applicant’s needs should that applicant be
• The interview will be objective and free
successful in obtaining a training place with
of bias
the RTP. This process may be carried out
• The AGPT program uses the Behaviorally on the same day as the selection interview,
Based Interview Method. especially in locations where to conduct
such a process later would require additional
extensive travel for applicants. This process is
required to be kept separate to the selection
interview and has no bearing on the selection
outcome. It should not be regarded by
Australian General Practice Training Handbook 2012

applicants as an indication of subsequent offer

of a training place.

Australian General Practice Training Handbook 2012

Regional training provider interview Obtaining feedback

Some providers may request a further You will be provided with an opportunity to
interview with a candidate to ascertain their request feedback about your performance.
suitability to the specific region and to ensure The details about who to contact regarding
that the RTP can meet the candidate’s training the feedback will be provided in the letter that
needs. notifies you of your Selection Centre outcome
(e.g. letter of offer).
What happens next?

A score will be calculated from:

• Referee reports

• Situational Judgement Test

• Multiple Mini Interview

• The score is for ranking only in relation
to other candidates – NOT pass/fail or

Candidates will be advised of their ranking.

You could use the ‘STAR’ method to help you focus on the kind of detail you will need to
describe in your examples at interview:

Situation: Describe the situation in detail by giving the overall context. What

S was the situation? How did you get involved?

Australian General Practice Training Handbook 2012

Task: Describe the task that you were responsible for. What was your role?

T What goal were you working toward?

Action: What specific steps did you take? What was your particular contribution?

A (Be careful! It’s easy to describe what the team or group did when talking about
certain events, but this doesn’t convey your particular skills. Use the word “I” in
describing actions.)

Result: What was the end result of the action that you took?

9. Eligibility for the AGPT program
To assess your eligibility for the AGPT program
please follow the steps below: NOTE: From 1 July 2010 there will be
opportunities for doctors affected by

STEP 1 the 10-year moratorium to reduce

their restriction period depending
on which RA they practise in. Visit
Check your eligibility for the AGPT program
the DoctorConnect website for more
using the Program Eligibility Guide - AGPT
2012 (diagram 4) on page 25.
STEP 2 program-otd

If you are eligible for the program, check your

pathway eligibility and 10-year moratorium
status using the Pathway Eligibility Guide -
AGPT 2012 (diagram 3) on page 24.

If you are subject to the 10-year moratorium
the 10-year restriction will commence from
the date of your first medical registration in
an Australian state or territory, and will cease
after 10 years, provided you have gained
Australian permanent residency or citizenship
during that period.

Australian General Practice Training Handbook 2012

Diagram 3: Pathway Eligibility Guide - AGPT 2012

1 2

you obtained your primary

you are a doctor who was
trained overseas (but not in New medical qualification in
Zealand) Australia/New Zealand whilst
an international student

Were you an Australian/New

Were you registered as a
Zealand Citizen or Permanent
medical practitioner in an
Resident at the time you
Australian state or territory prior
commenced your Australian/New
to January 1997?
Zealand medical degree?


Were you eligible to sit

the AMC examination
prior to January 1997?

yES No

it appears that you may it appears that you may

be subject to the 10-year be subject to the 10-year
moratorium and may moratorium and may
be restricted to rural be restricted to rural
pathway preferences pathway preferences

? ?
Australian General Practice Training Handbook 2012

it appears that you may not it appears that you may not
be subject to the 10-year be subject to the 10-year
moratorium and should be able to moratorium and should be able to
apply for both general and rural apply for both general and rural
pathway preferences pathway preferences

Applicants should regard the above self-assessment process as a guide only

Confirmation regarding an applicant’s eligibility to select general pathway preferences can only
be made by GPET upon receipt of relevant supporting documentation during the application
GPET will only allocate applicants to the general pathway if supporting documentation is
complete and confirms they are NOT subject to the 10-year moratorium.

Diagram 4: Program Eligibility Guide – AGPT 2012

Diagram 4: Program Eligibility Guide – AGPT


CITIZENSHIP Are you an Australian/New Zealand Citizen or Permanent Resident, or will you be by 17 June 2011?


Are you a temporary resident who obtained your primary medical

Did you obtain your primary medical qualification in Australia/New Zealand and is currently applying, or
qualification in Australia? intends to apply for, Australian permanent residence?


Did you obtain your primary medical SORRY!
qualification in New Zealand? You are not eligible


Are you an AMC graduate who has

MEDICAL successfully completed all elements of


Will you have done so by

17 June 2011?


You are not eligible

MEDICAL Do you expect to have full unconditional medical registration in an

REGISTRATION Australian State or Territory by the commencement of the 2012 training year?


Which of the following relate to the conditions

attached to your medical registration?

Internship or as part of AMC

Conduct or health reasons required supervised training

TRAINING PROGRAM Are you currently enrolled in either Australian General Practice SORRY!
REGISTRATION Training or any other training programs? You are not eligible


Please contact AGPT
Selection (02) 6263 6776

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