B Inggris

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1. Mother : . . . It’s already 1 a.m. you haven’t even slept yet!

Melly : It’s okay, Mom. I have an exam tomorrow morning.

a. You have to study harder, Melly
b. Do not force yourself, Melly
c. You’re joking, Melly
d. Don’t be serious
2. Your father is a teacher, . . . .?
a. Isn’t he? C. Doesn’t he?
b. Is he? D. Does he?
3. Alfa : who have to give the next, performance?
Syifa : Iam next, . . . ?
a. Am I? C. Do I?
b. Am not I d. Aren’t I?
4. I saw . . . stealing the money.
a. They c. Their
b. Them d. Us
5. I disagree with . . . opinion. They shouldn’t believe in such a superstition
a. Your c. Them
b. Our d. Their
6. It . . . . a beautiful day today
a. Is c. Are
b. Am d. Was
7. . . . I correct?
a. Am c. Are
b. Is


8. What does the caution mean?

A. Don’t take items without the owner’s permission
B. Someone can take the goods and return it back
C. Put the goods in its place
D. Borrowing means stealing

The text is for question no. 9-12

My family and I went to the sulfur hot spring in Ulu Belu Tanggamus. First, we drove
by car. Our journey took two hours and fifteen minutes from Bandar Lampung.
We were so happy when we arrived at sulfur hot spring. My little sister Mala closed
her nose because the odor of sulfur. It smell like rotten eggs. But not long after Mala began to
soak her feet in a small stream because the water is so warm. Then she took the eggs and put
the raw egg in hot turbulent water. A few minutes later, the eggs were cooked. Father and
mother entered the hot spring pool and they showered. After showering we ate our picnic
lunch. It was a great dan fun day. Of course, there was a bad moment. My feet steped on ahot
sulfur stone when I finished bathing. My mom gave a cooling ointment. Finally we went
home. Today is tiring but memorable.

9. How did the writer go to the sulfur hot spring?

A. By bike
B. By car
C. By motorcycle
D. On foot

10. Why did Mala close her nose when she arrived to the sulfur hot spring?
A. because the odor of sulfur
B. because Mala smelt rotten eggs
C. because someone boiled rotten eggs
D. because Mala’s nose was full of snot

11. Who had a bad experience at sulfur hot spring?

A. Mala
B. Mother
C. Father
D. The writer

12. How the impression of their journey

A. It was awful
B. It was exhausted
C. It was stressful trip
D. It was enjoy and unforgetable

The text is for question no. 13-18

Meet old friend

We must keep our friendship
Follow this meeting with old friend of MATSAKA
Saturday, 4th April 2020
At Matsaka Hall
6.30 p.m. – 9.30 p.m.
A reunion with past friends
Thank for your time to read this invitation

Dress Code : white and blue jeans

RSVP : 082369687171
[email protected]
13. What should the readers do if they want to attend the party?
A. They should wear uniform
B. They should come in groups
C. They should call or send an email of confirmation
D. They should show the invitation cards to the front office

14. The party will be conducted in the ...

A. morning
B. afternoon
C. evening
D. night

15. What is the party intended for?

A. To inform the reader about new friends
B. To ask the reader tp take some photos
C. To invite the readers to attend the celebration of a silver reunion
D. To inform the reader about new and old friend

16. What does the RSVP mean?

A. Come and enjoy
B. Please respon
C. Joint with us
D. Regret only

17. Gina : Have you heard about the film Scoob? It’s in cinema now
Intan : Yeah. Many of my friends say that fil is very interesting
Gina : What if we watch it together this Sunday?
Intan : ...
Gina : What about Sunday?
A. Absolutely
B. I guess so

C. I don’t think so
D. That’s good idea

18. Father : Why is grandma going to the hospital?

Mother : ...
A. To find someone
B. To keep her warm
C. To save her money
D. To have a medical check up

19. Web - spiders – caught – feed on – black - in - insects – widow – their

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
A. 582473691 c. 523761964
B. 521376489 d. 572189436

The text is for question no. 20-21

Acer Aspire Switch 11V SW5-173-67VS 500GB – Laptop
with medium screen - Grey.

 Intel Core M 5Y10c dual-core 800MHz Turbo Boost

 500GB HDD + 60GB SSD
 11.6" IPS Full HD Display
 Windows 10 Home Premium120-bit, 8 hours Battery Life
 Connectivity Acer Aspire Switch is quite complete by
relying on support for WiFi, bluetooth, USB 3.0 port,
micro USB 2.0 port, micrp HDMI port
20. Normally, this laptop can be used for …. hours.
A. five
B. six
C. seven
D. eight
21. From the text we know that ….
A. The color of laptob is green
B. The screen of the laptop is large
C. The laptop has advance function features
D. The laptop is as user friendly as the previous edition

The text is for question no. 22-24

Dear Reza,
It’s me Rido. Have you seen the result of our Math test? I have. Mrs. Sunarti gave my test paper. I
was shocked. I only got 40 out of 100. It is unbeliveable. I always get 80 or above for my Math
test. When Iasked her the reason why I got 40, she said that I failed because I didn’t provide
detailed answer. Well, you must see Mrs. Sunarti now and see your test result. I hope you are
lucky enough.
22. What is the main idea of the text above?
A. Reza’s Math test
B. Rido’s failure on the Math test
C.Mrs. Sunarti who requires a critical thought.
D.Rido was shocked becaus the result of Math test is unbeliveable.

23. After reading the message, what will Reza probably do?
A. Call Rido
B. See Mrs. Sunarti
C. Ignore the message
D. Delete the message

24. “.... Rido did not write detail answers in this Math test, he only scored 40.”
A. But
B. Although
C. Because
D. Since
25. Based on the following picture. Which one is the correct statement!
A. The cat is bigger than the horse
B. The cat is the wildest animal
C. The elephant is wilder than the cat
D. The elephant is the tamest animal

1. Put the right question words. Using W-H Question.

Ex. Which do you prefer, coffe or tea.
a. _____ did you come here? yesterday
b. _____ are you late? Because of traffic jam.
c. _____ is he doing now? He is reading a novel
2. Add suitable question tags to these sentences:
a. Susila wati hasn’t return, . . . ?
b. Elly sings very well, . . . ?
c. I’m still young, . . . ?
3. make a degree of comparison on adjectives bellow:

Positive Comperative Superlative

Cold Colder coldest




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