100 Gbps Dual-Polarization QPSK Long-Haul Communication System

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100 Gbps dual-polarization QPSK Long-Haul Communication



N Bhuvanesh 18BEC1072

Mahesh Jayaraman 18BEC1143

Y Girish 18BEC1212

A Deepak Kumar 18BEC1277

A project report submitted to

Dr. Chitra K

in partial fulfilment of the requirements for the course of

ECE4005 - Optical Communication and Networks



Vandalur – Kelambakkam Road, Chennai – 600127


Certified that this project reported “100 Gbps dual-polarization QPSK Long-
Haul Communication System” is a bonafide work of N. Bhuvanesh-
18BEC1072, Mahesh Jayaraman- 18BEC1143, Y Girish- 18BEC1212 ,A.
Deepak Kumar -18BEC1277 who carried out the Project work under my
supervision and guidance for ECE4005 - 100 Gbps dual-polarization QPSK
Long-Haul Communication System.

Dr. Chitra K
Senior Associate Professor

School of Electronics Engineering (SENSE),

University, Chennai

Chennai – 600 127.


Our objective is to design an 100 Gbit/s optical fiber transmission system which
adopts orthogonal phase modulation method (quadrature phase shift
keying,QPSK) using Optisystem and reduce bit errors as much as possible. It
reduces the baud rate to half of that of binary modulation type, in order to obtain
greater tolerance towards chromatic dispersion and polarization mode dispersion.
When polarization multiplexing technology is used, the capacity of single carrier
signal can be doubled, and then the polarization diversity optical coherent
detection technology can be applied

Dual-polarization quaternary phase-shift keying (DP-QPSK) is today the industrial

solution for 100 Gb/s long-haul transport. In particular, it has the valuable
advantage to permit the smooth upgrade at 100 Gb/s of the legacy 10 Gb/s long-
haul transport infrastructures thanks to its compatibility with 50 GHz channel
spacing and its high robustness to PMD.


We wish to express our sincere thanks and deep sense of gratitude to our project
guide, Dr. Chitra K, Senior Associate Professor, School of Electronics
Engineering, for his consistent encouragement and valuable guidance offered to us
in a pleasant manner throughout the course of the project work.

We are extremely grateful to Dr. Sivasubramanian. A, Dean of School of

Electronics Engineering, VIT Chennai, for extending the facilities of the School
towards our project and for her unstinting support.

We express our thanks to our Head of the Department Dr. Vetrivelan. P for his
support throughout the course of this project.

We also take this opportunity to thank all the faculty of the School for their support
and their wisdom imparted to us throughout the course.

We thank our parents, family, and friends for bearing with us throughout the
course of our project and for the opportunity they provided us in undergoing this
course in such a prestigious institution.

N. Bhuvanesh Mahesh Jayaraman Y Girish A Deepak Kumar








4. RESULT 14



7. BIO DATA 21


Recently, the communication traffic between the data centres is growing at a pace
like never before. Various bandwidth (BW) hungry applications such as real-time
high-definition television broadcasting, cloud services, network games, 3G/4G
mobile services etc. lead to exponential growth in data traffic. The traditional
infrastructures hardly fulfil these high-data rates and new communication
technologies evolved. It is really challenging while designing a transceiver system
that supports the requirements of 100G and 400G communications such as data
rate, spectral efficiency, transmission distance etc.. The single-channel higher-
order modulation formats fulfil these requirements in a simple, robust, reliable and
cost-effective way.

Moreover, the in-phase quadrature modulator (IQM) structures can be fabricated in

the form of integrated circuits (ICs) leading to a lower production cost and robust
transmission. Another important fact is higher-order modulation formats are more
sensitive to fibre impairments such as amplitude and phase imbalances between I
and Q signals, chromatic dispersion (CD), polarisation mode dispersion (PMD),
fibre nonlinearity etc. A less complex and cost-efficient way is to use digital signal
processing (DSP) techniques to compensate for these fibre impairments in the
electrical domain.

PDM has been implemented to get twice the data rate for each modulation format
with homodyne detection. The SSMF attenuation has been compensated using an
erbium-doped fibre amplifier (EDFA) at regular intervals along with the multi-
span transmission link. DSP has been implemented instead of dispersion
compensating fibre compensates for CD.


Dhiman Kakati Et al.(2019) evaluated the performance of dual polarization grey

coded 100 Gbps QPSK, 120 Gbps 16 QAM, 360Gbps 32-QAM and 480 Gbps 64-
QAM modulation format in terms of OSNR requirements, receiver sensitivity and
maximum multi-span transmission distances at a BER of 2*106-3 (i.e. FEC limit).
The used single channel IQM based optical modulation format with differential
and grey code as line coding schemes. EDFA with a gain of 8 dB is used at a
regular interval of 40 km SMF was used to compensate for fiber attenuation. At the
receiver, the DSP unit was used to compensate for various fiber-aided signal
impairments such as CD, PMD and Kerr non-linearity and achieved maximum
transmission distances of 7200, 1050, 560 and 360km at an acceptable BER for
QPSK, 32-QAM, and 64-QAM respectively. The grey coded systems seem to have
outperformed differential-coded systems in terms of OSNR requirements and
receiver sensitivity.

J Karaki Et al.(2012) experimentally compared the performance of coherent dual-

polarization multiband OFDM (DPMB-OFDM) and QPSK (DP-QPSK) for 100
Gbps long haul transport over legacy infrastructure combining G.652 fiber and
10Gbps WDM system. They concluded that DP-MB-OFDM and DP-QPSK have
nearly the same performance at 100 Gbps after transmission over a 10*100 km
fiber line and from numerical investigations; they concluded that an error-free
transmission over 1200km is feasible for the 100 Gbps DP-MB-OFDM systems.
The DP-MB-OFDM is sensitive to the nonlinear inter-band crosstalk effects
induced by FWM. A method for reducing the inter-band crosstalk effects of the
DP-MB-OFDM and to improve the system performance is to increase the sub-band
spacing, but by compromising the system spectral efficiency.

Li Li Et al. (2015) used the technologies based on digital signal processing (DSP)
and which realizes the long range transmissions of 100 Gbps optical systems to
achieve optical signal dispersion compensation, polarized solution reuse and phase
estimation. The effect of this system was verified with optisystem, and the
simulation results indicated that with the help of the DSP module for processing of

the received signal, the last constellation is ideal and the data transmission error
rate is less than 1.3 e^-4. The system is highly reliable and simple. It also has
reference significance for the optimization of coherent optical detection hardware.
As they feature high spectrum efficiency and large dispersion and PMD tolerances,
the DP-QPSK modulation can improve the line efficiency of the dense wavelength
division multiplexing systems. The quality of the output eye diagram is high,
which is clean and has a decent open degree.



The 100 Gbit/s DP-QPSK system can be divided into five main parts: DP-QPSK
Transmitter, Transmission Link, Coherent Receiver, DSP and Detection and
Decoding (which is followed by direct-error-counting). The signal is generated by
an optical DP-QPSK Transmitter, and is then propagated through the fiber loop
where dispersion and polarization effects occur. It then passes through the
Coherent Receiver and into the DSP for distortion compensation. The fiber
dispersion is compensated using a simple transversal digital filter, and the adaptive
polarization demultiplexing is realized by applying the constant-modulus algorithm
(CMA). A modified Viterbi– Viterbi phase estimation algorithm (working jointly
on both polarizations) is then used to compensate for phase and frequency
mismatch between the transmitter and LO. After the DSP is complete, the signal is
sent to the detector and decoder, and then to the BER Test Set for direct-error-
counting. Schematic diagram is shown in Figure 3.1

Fig.3.1 Principle diagram of DP- QPSK system


Fig.3.2.1 Block diagram of 100 Gbps dual-polarization QPSK Long-Haul Communication System

Fig 3.2.1 shows the detailed design setup of the coherent optical system with
QPSK modulation formats. At the transmitter unit, the serial to parallel converter
divides the input bit sequence at a bit rate R into two parallel output bit sequences
of bit rate R/2 containing the even and odd bits, respectively. Each bit sequence is
converted into M-ary symbol sequence from binary signals using either phase shift
keying (PSK) on QPSK used. This modulation format uses polarization
multiplexing, carrying on each polarization phase an independent QPSK signal.
The M-ary pulse generator generates the multilevel pulse according to the M-ary
input signal. The electrical pulses drive the radio frequency plates of the dual-drive
Mach–Zehnder modulator (MZM).

Fig3.2.2 QPSK Transmitter

The receiver consists of polarisation splitters, optical hybrids, balance detectors

(BDs), electronic amplifiers, DSP unit, decision unit, and parallel to serial (P/S)
converter. Coherent detection technique is used in demodulating DP-QPSK optical
signals. The local oscillator (LO) laser signal light after the equal splitting will be
two 90° mixer coherent light sources. The signal light gets through the PBS and is
separated into two mutually orthogonal polarization paths of optical signals, which
then enter into two 90° mixers to interfere with the light of the vibration signal.

Fig 3.2.3 QPSK Receiver

Fig 3.2.4 shows the internal schematic of the optical hybrid for each polarization.
The function is to detect in-phase and quadrature components from the received
optical signal. Superposition of the data bearing optical carrier with the local
oscillator signal converts the phase difference information into intensity
information. Assuming equal path lengths for the LiNbO3 waveguides
interconnecting the cross-couplers, the function of the 90deg phase shifter is a
multiplication with j 90 deg.

Fig 3.2.4 Principle of

operation of the 90deg
Optic hybrid


Bit rate 100e+009 bits/sec

Sequence length 65536 bits
Samples per bit 2
Symbol rate 25e+009 symbols/sec
Wavelength 1550nm
Number of samples 131072
Power of CW laser 15 dBm
Optical amplifier gain 16 dBm
Noise figure of amplifier 4 dB
Length of one loop 85 km , 83km

Number of loops 12
Total distance of propagation 1020 km , 996km
Gaussian filter bandwidth 60GHz
Gaussian filter order 1

Table 3.3 Parameters and their values used.

We have tabulated the various parameters and component properties in table 3.3.
Bit rate of 100 Gbps was used and was transmitted over a distance of 960
Kilometers. The wavelength of the CV laser was 1550nm whose transmitting
power was 15 dBm.


Fig 4.1 Constellation Diagram

Fig 4.1 shows the constellation diagrams at various stages of the DSP component.
Each modulation has been tested at its maximum data rate and transmission
distance according to Table.

Fig 4.3 Power spectrum of QPSK

Fig 4.3 shows the optical spectrum at the transmitter output using the four
polarization multiplexed optical modulation formats under test. The observed peak
optical powers are for QPSK.

Fig. 4.4 BER results for loop of 85 Km with total 1020 Km

In figure 4.4, we can see the results of BER analysis for 85 Km loop. The total
incorrect bits received are 28. Hence we get a BER of 0.00042737. Hence, the
system we designed has decent performance.

Fig. 4.5 BER results for loop of 83 Km with total 996 Km

In figure 4.5, we can see the results of BER analysis for the 83 Km loop. The total
incorrect bits received are only 5. Hence we get a BER of 76.317e-006. Hence, the
system we designed has very good performance.

Fig. 4.6 BER results for loop of 86 Km with total 1032 Km

In figure 4.6, we can see the results of BER analysis for the 86 Km loop. The total
incorrect bits received are 39. Hence we get a BER 0.00595. Hence, the system
BER increasing exponentially after 86 km .


The performance of dual-polarisation 100 Gbps QPSK modulation format have

been evaluated in terms receiver sensitivity, and maximum multi-span transmission
distances at a BER of 0.00047 and 76.317e-006. Each system uses a single-channel
IQM-based optical modulation format with differential line coding schemes.
EDFA with a gain of 16 dB is used at a regular interval of 40 km SMF is used to
compensate for fibre attenuation. At the receiver, the DSP unit is used to
compensate for various fibre-aided signal impairments such as CD, PMD, and Kerr
nonlinearity and achieved maximum transmission distances of 1020 and 996 km at
an acceptable BER for QPSK.

DP-QPSK technology is one of the major technical breakthroughs for high-speed

100 Gbit/s and above. The optical coherent detection electrical domain
equalization technology is the best prospect for practical application among high-
speed long-distance optical fiber transmission technologies. In this article, we
achieved an ideal result by constructing a coherent detection optical transmission
system, using the DSP module to process received signals. The constellation
diagram is distinguishable and the data transmission error rate is very low, around
zero. The quality of the eye diagram is high, which is clean and has decent open
degree. The results show that the technical plan is easy and reliable, which has
reference significance on optimization of coherent optical detecting hardware as a
future work.


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Name N Bhuvanesh

Mobile +91 6383 918 323

E-mail [email protected]
Permanent No1, Door no 20A, 3rd Main road
address Ellaiamman Nagar Korattur
Chennai 76

Name Mahesh Jayaraman

Mobile +91 97899 51917


E-mail mahesh.jayaraman2018@vitstuden
Permanent Medavakkam, Chennai 600100,
address India

Name Y Girsih

Mobile +91 97899 26615


E-mail [email protected]
Permanent Madhavaram, Chennai 600110
address India

Name A Deepak Kumar

Mobile 9884645227
E-mail [email protected]
Permanent Anna Nagar, Chennai 600040
address India


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