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Psychosomatic Medicine 2021
Dr. Pagaddu November 2019
Psychosomatic Medicine rearing, anxiety transmission. Thomas Holmes, Richard Rahe (1975):
— Greek: soma for body, psyche for soul Correlated the severity and the number of recent stressful life events
— increased understanding of the relationship of medical with the likelihood of disease.
illness to psychiatric illness, and the greater appreciation
of mind and body as one IV. Systems theory
Adolph Meyer (1958): Formulated the psychobiological
Major conceptual trends in the history of Psychosomatic Medicine approach to patient assessment that emphasizes the integrated
assessment of developmental, psychological, social, environmental,
I. Psychoanalytic and biological aspects of the patient's condition. Basic concept of the
Sigmund Freud (1900): Somatic involvement occurs in biopsychosocial model is implicit in his approach. Zbigniew Lipowski
conversion hysteria, which is psychogenic in origin-e.g., paralysis of (1970): A total approach to psychosomatic disease is necessary.
an extremity. Conversion hysteria always has a primary psychic cause External (ecological, infectious, cultural, environmental), internal
and meaning; i.e., it represents the symbolic substitutive expression (emotional), genetic, somatic, and constitutional factors as well as
of an unconscious conflict. It involves organs innervated only by the past and present history are important and should be studied by
voluntary neuromuscular or the sensorimotor nervous system. investigators working in the various fields in which they are trained.
Psychic energy that is dammed up is discharged through physiological George Engel (1977): Coined the term "biopsychosocial" derived from
outlets. Sandor Ferenczi (1910): The concept of conversion hysteria is general systems theory and based on conceptual ideas introduced
applied to organs innervated by the autonomic nervous system; e.g., much earlier by Alexander and Meyer. Leon Eisenberg (1995):
the bleeding of ulcerative colitis may be described as representing a Contemporary psychiatric research demonstrates that the mind-brain
specific psychic fantasy. Georg Groddeck (1910): Clearly organic responds to biological and social vectors while being jointly
diseases, such as fever and hemorrhage, are held to have primary constructed of both. Major brain pathways are specified in the
psychic meanings; i.e., they are interpreted as conversion symptoms genome; detailed connections are fashioned by, and consequently
that represent the expression of unconscious fantasies. Franz reflect, socially mediated experience in the world.
Alexander (1934, 1968): Psychosomatic symptoms occur only in
organs innervated by the autonomic nervous system and have no Summary of Clinical Problems in Psychosomatic Medicine
specific psychic meaning (as does conversion hysteria) but are end
results of prolonged physiological states, which are the physiological Type of Clinical Problem Example
accompaniments of certain specific unconscious repressed conflicts.
Presented first conceptualization of the biopsychosocial model. Helen Psychiatric symptoms Delirium, dementia
Flanders Dunbar (1936): Specific conscious personality pictures are secondary to a medical
associated with specific psychosomatic diseases, an idea similar to condition
Meyer Friedman's 1959 theory of the type A coronary type. Peter
Sifneos, John C. Nemiah (1970): Elaborated the concept of Psychiatric symptoms as a Anxiety related to
alexithymia. Developmental arrests in the capacity and the ability to reaction to medical condition chemotherapy, depression
express conflict-related affect result in psychosomatic symptom or treatments related to limb amputation
formation. Concept of "alexithymia" modified later by Stoudemire,
who advocated the term "somatothymia" emphasizing cultural Psychiatric complications of Depression secondary to
influences on use of somatic language and somatic symptom to medical conditions and interferon treatment
express affective distress. treatments

II. Psychophysiological Psychological factors Somatoform disorders

Walter Cannon (1927): Demonstrated the physiological precipitating medical
concomitants of some emotions and the important role of the symptoms
autonomic nervous system in producing those reactions. The concept
is based on Pavlovian behavioral experimental designs. Harold Wolff Medical complications of Neuroleptic malignant
(1943): Attempted to correlate life stress to physiological response, psychiatric conditions or syndrome, acute withdrawal
using objective laboratory tests. Physiological change, if prolonged, treatment from alcohol or other substance
may lead to structural change. He established the basic research
paradigm for the fields of psychoimmunology, psychocardiology, and Co-occurring medical and Recurrence of depressive
psychoneuroendocrinology. Hans Selye (1945): Under stress, a psychiatric conditions disorder in setting of cancer
general adaptation syndrome develops. Adrenal cortical hormones treatment (conditions occur
are responsible for the physiological reaction. Meyer Friedman independently); schizophrenia in
(1959): Theory of type A personality as a risk factor for cardiovascular a patient with end-stage renal
disease. The basic concept was introduced by Helen Flanders Dunbar disease
as early as 1936. Robert Ader (2007): Beginning in the 1970s,
established the basic concepts and the research methods for the field Psychiatric/Psychosocial Capacity evaluation; evaluation
of psychoneuroimmunology assessment prior to organ transplantation

Ill. Sociocultural
Karen Horney (1939), James Halliday (1948): Emphasized
the influence of the culture in the development of psychosomatic
illness. They thought that culture influences the mother, who, in turn,
affects the child in her relationship with the child-e.g., nursing, child

Psychosomatic Medicine 2021
Dr. Pagaddu November 2019
TREATMENTS o the anger of patients with hypochondriasis originates
• Specific consideration must be given to medical illness and in past disappointments, rejections, and losses, but the
treatments when making recommendations for patients express their anger in the present by soliciting
psychotropic medications the help and concern of other persons and then
• Psychotherapy also plays an important role rejecting them as ineffective
• Psychopharmacologic recommendations need to consider o viewed as a defense against guilt, a sense of innate
several important factors badness, an expression of low self-esteem, and a sign
• In addition to targeting a patient's active symptoms, of excessive self-concern
considering the history of illness and treatments, and o means of atonement and expiation (undoing) and can
weighing the particular side-effect profile of a particular be experienced as deserved punishment for past
medication wrongdoing (either real or imaginary) and for a
• It is critical to evaluate potential drug-drug interactions and person's sense of wickedness and sinfulness
contraindications to the use of potential psychotropic
agents DSM-5 Diagnostic Criteria for Somatic Symptom Disorder
• awareness of liver function is important A. One or more somatic symptoms that are distressing or result
• general appreciation of side effects, such as weight gain, in significant disruption of daily life.
risk of development of diabetes, and cardiovascular risk, B. Excessive thoughts, feelings, or behaviors related to the
must be considered in the choice of medications somatic symptoms or associated health concerns as manifested
• The use of psychosocial interventions also requires by at least one of the following:
adaptation when used in this population 1 . Disproportionate and persistent thoughts about the
seriousness of one's symptoms.
Somatic Symptom Disorder 2. Persistently high level of anxiety about health or
ú also known as hypochondriasis symptoms.
ú characterized by 6 or more months of a general and 3. Excessive time and energy devoted to these
nondelusional preoccupation with fears of having, or symptoms or health concerns
the idea that one has, a serious disease based on the
person's misinterpretation of bodily symptoms. C. Although any one somatic symptom may not be continuously
ú preoccupation causes significant distress and present, the state of being symptomatic is persistent (typically
impairment in one's life; it is not accounted for by more than 6 months).
another psychiatric or medical disorder Specify if: With predominant pain (previously pain disorder): This
ú a subset of individuals with somatic symptom disorder specifier is for individuals whose somatic symptoms
has poor insight about the presence of this disorder predominantly involve pain.
Specify if: Persistent: A persistent course is characterized by
§ Epidemiology severe symptoms, marked impairment, and long duration (more
ú prevalence of this disorder is 4 to 6 percent, but it may than 6 months).
be as high as 15 percent
ú M=F Specify current severity:
ú onset of symptoms can occur at any age, the disorder • Mild: Only one of the symptoms specified in Criterion B
most commonly appears in persons 20-30 y/o is fulfilled.
ú more common among blacks than among whites • Moderate: Two or more of the symptoms specified in
ú social position, education level, and marital status do Criterion B are fulfilled.
not appear to affect the diagnosis • Severe: Two or more of the symptoms specified in
ú Hypochondriacal complaints reportedly occur in about Criterion B are fulfilled, plus there are multiple somatic
3 percent of medical students, usually in the first 2 complaints (or one very severe somatic symptom).
years, but they are generally transient

§ Etiology
§ persons with hypochondriasis augment and amplify their
somatic sensations; they have low thresholds for, and low
tolerance of, physical discomfort Clinical Features
§ hypochondriasis is understandable in terms of a social learning • Believe that they have a serious disease that has not yet
model been detected, and they cannot be persuaded to the
o viewed as a request for admission to the sick role made contrary
by a person facing seemingly insurmountable and • or as time progresses, they may transfer their belief to
insolvable problems which offers an escape that allows another disease.
a patient to avoid noxious obligations, to postpone • convictions persist despite negative laboratory results, the
unwelcome challenges, and to be excused from usual benign course of the alleged disease over time, and
duties and obligations appropriate reassurances from physicians.
§ a variant form of other mental disorders, depressive disorders • commonly coexists with a depressive or anxiety disorder
and anxiety disorders are most frequently included • transient somatic symptom disorder responses to major
§ Psychodynamic: aggressive and hostile wishes toward others are stresses generally remit when the stress is resolved, but
transferred (through repression and displacement) into physical they can become chronic if reinforced by persons in the
complaints patient's social system or by health professionals

Psychosomatic Medicine 2021
Dr. Pagaddu November 2019
• believe that they have a serious disease that has not yet Epidemiology
been detected, and they cannot be persuaded to the — prevalence is unknown aside from using data that
contrary relate to hypochondriasis
• or as time progresses, they may transfer their belief to — prevalence of 4 to 6 percent in a general
another disease. medical clinic population
• convictions persist despite negative laboratory results, the — diagnosed more frequently in older rather than
benign course of the alleged disease over time, and younger persons
appropriate reassurances from physicians. — no evidence to date that the diagnosis is more
• commonly coexists with a depressive or anxiety disorder common among different races or that gender,
• transient somatic symptom disorder responses to major social position, education level, and marital status
stresses generally remit when the stress is resolved, but affect the diagnosis
they can become chronic if reinforced by persons in the
patient's social system or by health professionals Etiology
— Unknown
Differential Diagnosis — social learning model described for somatic
• AIDS, endocrinopathies, myasthenia gravis, MS, symptom disorder may apply to this disorder as
degenerative diseases of the nervous system, systemic well
lupus erythematosus, and occult neoplastic disorders — the fear of illness is viewed as a request to play
• somatization disorder - concern about many symptoms; the sick role
have more complaints, onset before age 30, more likely to — psychodynamic school of thought is also similar
be women to somatic symptom disorder
• conversion disorder- acute and generally transient and
usually involves a symptom rather than a particular disease DSM-5 Diagnostic Criteria for Illness Anxiety Disorder
A. Preoccupation with having or acquiring a serious illness.
Course and Prognosis B. Somatic symptoms are not present or, if present, are
• usually episodic; the episodes last from months to years and only mild in intensity. If another medical condition is
are separated by equally long quiescent periods. present or there is a high risk for developing a medical
• an obvious association between exacerbations of condition (e.g., strong family history is present), the
hypochondriacal symptoms and psychosocial stressors preoccupation is clearly excessive or disproportionate.
• good prognosis: high socioeconomic status, treatment- C. There is a high level of anxiety about health, and the
responsive anxiety or depression, sudden onset of individual is easily alarmed about personal health status.
symptoms, the absence of a personality disorder, and the D. The individual performs excessive health-related
absence of a related nonpsychiatric medical condition behaviors (e.g., repeatedly checks his or her body for
signs of illness) or exhibits maladaptive avoidance (e.g.,
Treatment avoids doctor appointments and hospitals).
E. Illness preoccupation has been present for at least 6
• usually resist psychiatric treatment
months, but the specific illness that is feared may change
• in a medical setting and focuses on stress reduction and
over that period of time.
education in coping with chronic illness
F. The illness-related preoccupation is not better explained
• Group psychotherapy
by another mental disorder, such as somatic symptom
• individual insight-oriented psychotherapy, behavior
disorder, panic disorder, generalized disorder, body
therapy, cognitive therapy, and hypnosis may be useful
dysmorphic disorder, obsessive-compulsive disorder, or
• frequent, regularly scheduled physical examinations delusional disorder, somatic type.
• Invasive diagnostic and therapeutic procedures should only
be undertaken, however, when objective evidence calls for Specify whether:
them Care-seeking type: Medical care, including physician
• Pharmacotherapy - anxiety disorder or MDD visits or
undergoing tests and procedures, is frequently used.
Illness anxiety disorder Care-avoidant type: Medical care is rarely used.
— applies to those persons who are preoccupied with being
sick or with developing a disease of some kind
— a variant of somatic symptom disorder (hypochondriasis)
— somatic symptom disorder is diagnosed when somatic
symptoms are present, whereas in illness anxiety disorder,
there are few or no somatic symptoms and persons are Differential Diagnosis
"primarily concerned with the idea they are ill."
• too often these patients are dismissed as "chronic
— may also be used for persons who do, in fact, have a
complainers" and careful medical examinations are not
medical illness but whose anxiety is out of proportion to
their diagnosis and who assume the worst possible
• patients with illness anxiety disorder usually complain
outcome imaginable
about fewer symptoms than patients with somatic
symptom disorder

Psychosomatic Medicine 2021
Dr. Pagaddu November 2019
• Somatic symptom disorder usually has an onset before age Common symptoms of conversion disorder
30, whereas illness anxiety disorder has a less specific age — Motor Symptoms
of onset Involuntary movements
• conversion disorder is acute, generally transient, and Tics
usually involves a symptom rather than a particular disease. Blepharospasm
• Pain disorder is chronic, but the symptoms are limited to Torticollis
complaints of pain Opisthotonos
• can also occur in patients with depressive and anxiety Seizures
disorders Abnormal gait
• patients with panic disorder may initially complain that they Falling
are affected by a disease (e.g., heart trouble Astasia-abasia
• delusional beliefs occur in schizophrenia and other Paralysis
psychotic disorders Weakness
• Obsessive-compulsive disorder by the singularity of their Aphonia
beliefs and by the absence of compulsive behavioral traits; — Sensory Deficits
but there is often an obsessive quality to the patients fear Anesthesia, especially of extremities
Midline anesthesia
Course and Prognosis Blindness
• there are no reliable data about the prognosis Tunnel vision
• usually episodic; the episodes last from months to years and Deafness
are separated by equally long quiescent periods — Visceral Symptoms
Psychogenic vomiting
• a good prognosis is associated with high socioeconomic
status, treatment-responsive anxiety or depression, sudden
Globus hystericus
onset of symptoms, the absence of a personality disorder,
Swooning or syncope
and the absence of a related nonpsychiatric medical
Urinary retention
• usually resist psychiatric treatment
— W:M = 2:1 to 10:1
• although some accept this treatment if it takes place in a
— among children a higher predominance is seen in girls
medical setting and focuses on stress reduction and
— L>R side of women
education in coping with chronic illness
— Women: more likely to develop somatization disorder if
• Group psychotherapy may be of help especially if the
with conversion disorder
group is homogeneous
— Men: association exists between conversion disorder and
• Other forms of psychotherapy, such as individual insight- ASPD
oriented psychotherapy, behavior therapy, cognitive — Onset: late childhood to early adulthood; rare before 10
therapy, and hypnosis, may be useful y/o or after 35 y/o
• Invasive diagnostic and therapeutic procedures should — in children younger than 10 y/o: limited to gait problems or
only be undertaken when objective evidence calls for seizures
them. — most common: rural populations, with little education, with
• Pharmacotherapy may be of help in alleviating the anxiety low IQs, in low socioeconomic groups, and military
generated by the fear that the patient has about illness, personnel who have been exposed to combat situations
especially if it is one that is life-threatening; but it is only — commonly associated with: MDD, anxiety disorders,
ameliorative and cannot provide lasting relief schizophrenia
— increased frequency in relatives of probands with
conversion disorder
FUNCTIONAL NEUROLOGICAL SYMPTOM DISORDER (Conversion — increased risk in monozygotic, but not dizygotic, twin
— an illness of symptoms or deficits that affect voluntary Comorbidity
motor or sensory functions, which suggest another medical • Medical and, especially, neurological disorders occur
condition, but that is judged to be caused by psychological frequently among patients with conversion disorders
factors because the illness is preceded by conflicts or other • depressive disorders, anxiety disorders, and somatization
stressors disorders ; rare: schizophrenia
— Symptoms are NOT intentionally produced, are NOT caused
• PDs : histrionic, PA
by substance use, are NOT limited to pain or sexual
symptoms, and the gain is primarily psychological and NOT
social, monetary, or legal
— originally combined with the syndrome known as
• Psychoanalytic Factors
somatization disorder and was referred to as hysteria,
• caused by repression of unconscious intrapsychic conflict
conversion reaction, or dissociative reaction
and conversion of anxiety into a physical symptom
• conflict is between an instinctual impulse (e.g., aggression
or sexuality) and the prohibitions against its expression

Psychosomatic Medicine 2021
Dr. Pagaddu November 2019
• symptoms allow partial expression of the forbidden wish or • Motor Symptoms
urge but disguise it, so that patients can avoid consciously § include abnormal movements, gait disturbance,
confronting their unacceptable impulses; that is, the weakness, and paralysis
conversion disorder symptom has a symbolic relation to the § gross rhythmical tremors, choreiform
unconscious conflict (i.e., vaginismus protects the patient movements, tics, and jerks
from expressing unacceptable sexual wishes. § movements generally worsen when attention is
• allow patients to communicate that they need special called to them
consideration and special treatment § astasia-abasia, which is a wildly ataxic, staggering
gait accompanied by gross, irregular, jerky truncal
— Learning Theory movements and thrashing and waving arm
— a conversion symptom can be seen as a piece of movements
classically conditioned learned behavior; § reflexes remain normal, electromyography
symptoms of illness, learned in childhood, as a findings are normal
means of coping with an otherwise impossible • Seizure Symptoms
situation § Pseudoseizures are another symptom
§ Tongue-biting, urinary incontinence, and
— Biological Factors injuries after falling can occur in
— brain-imaging studies have found pseudoseizures
hypometabolism of the dominant hemisphere § Pupillary and gag reflexes are retained after
and hypermetabolism of the nondominant pseudoseizure, and patients have no
hemisphere and have implicated impaired postseizure increase in prolactin
hemispheric communication in the cause of concentrations
conversion disorder • Primary Gain
— may be caused by an excessive cortical arousal § by keeping internal conflicts outside their
that sets off negative feedback loops between the awareness.
cerebral cortex and the brainstem reticular § symptoms have symbolic value; they represent
formation an unconscious psychological conflict
— cerebral impairments in verbal communication, • Secondary Gain
memory, vigilance, affective incongruity, and § Patients accrue tangible advantages and benefits
attention as a result of being sick
Diagnosis § being excused from obligations and difficult life
• The DSM-5 limits the diagnosis of conversion disorder to situations, receiving support and assistance that
those symptoms that affect a voluntary motor or sensory might not otherwise be forthcoming, and
function, that is, neurological symptoms controlling other persons' behavior
• Physicians cannot explain the neurological symptoms • La Belle Indifference
solely on the basis of any known neurological condition. § a patient's inappropriately cavalier attitude
• The diagnosis of conversion disorder requires that toward serious symptoms; that is, the patient
clinicians find a necessary and critical association seems to be unconcerned about what appears to
between the cause of the neurological symptoms and be a major impairment
psychological factors, although the symptoms cannot § not pathonognomonic of conversion disorder
result from malingering or factitious disorder. • Identification
• The diagnosis of conversion disorder also excludes § may unconsciously model their symptoms on
symptoms of pain and sexual dysfunction and symptoms those of someone important to them
that occur only in somatization disorder. § i.e., during pathological grief reaction, bereaved
• DSM-5 allows specification of the type of symptom or persons commonly have symptoms of the
deficit seen in conversion disorder, for example, with deceased
weakness or paralysis, with abnormal movements, or Differential Diagnosis
with attacks or seizures. • a thorough medical and neurological workup is essential in
all cases
• if the symptoms can be resolved by suggestion, hypnosis, or
parenteral amobarbital or lorazepam, they are probably the
Clinical Features result of conversion disorder
• Most common: paralysis, blindness, and mutism • Neurological disorders : dementia and other degenerative
• affected patients are at risk for suicide diseases, brain tumors, and basal ganglia disease
• Sensory Symptoms; • weakness may be confused with myasthenia gravis,
o Common: anesthesia and paresthesia of the polymyositis, acquired myopathies, or MS
extremities • Optic neuritis---misdiagnosed as conversion disorder
o stocking-and-glove anesthesia of the hands or blindness
feet or the hemianesthesia of the body • Guillain-Barre syndrome, Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease,
o deafness, blindness, and tunnel vision periodic paralysis, and early neurological manifestations of
o unilateral or bilateral AIDS
o neurological evaluation reveals intact sensory • somatization disorder, hypochondriasis, pain disorder ,
pathways sexual dysfunction, malingering and factitious disorder

Psychosomatic Medicine 2021
Dr. Pagaddu November 2019
— depressive disorders, alcohol dependence, and chronic pain
Distinctive Physical Examination Findings in Conversion Disorder may be more common in relatives of individuals with
(see last page) chronic pain disorder
— if pain is associated with severe depression and a terminal
Course and Prognosis illness, there is an increased risk for suicide
• Onset is usually acute
• 95 percent of acute cases remit spontaneously, usually Etiology
within 2 weeks in hospitalized patients. Psychodynamic Factors
• if symptoms (+) for 6 months or longer, the prognosis for • may be symbolically expressing an intrapsychic conflict
symptom resolution is less than 50 percent and diminishes through the body
further the longer that conversion is present • if suffering from alexithymia, that is being unable to
• Recurrence within 1 year of the first episode; one episode articulate internal feeling states in words, feelings are
is a predictor for future episodes expressed with the body
• good prognosis: acute onset, presence of clearly • by displacing the problem to the body, the patients may feel
identifiable stressors at the time of onset, a short interval that they have a legitimate claim to the fulfillment of their
between onset and the institution of treatment, and above dependency needs
average intelligence; paralysis, aphonia, and blindness • the symbolic meaning of body disturbances may also relate
• Poor prognostic factors: tremor and seizures to atonement for perceived sin, to expiation of guilt, or to
suppressed aggression
Treatment • many patients have intractable and unresponsive pain
• resolution is usually spontaneous because they are convinced that they deserve to suffer
• facilitated by insight-oriented supportive or behavior • defense mechanisms used by patients with pain disorder
therapy. are displacement, substitution, and repression
• most important feature of the therapy: a relationship with
a caring and confident therapist Behavioral Factors
• Hypnosis, anxiolytics, and behavioral relaxation exercises • Pain behaviors are reinforced when rewarded and are
• Parenteral amobarbital or lorazepam may be helpful inhibited when ignored or punished.
• psychoanalysis and insight-oriented psychotherapy Interpersonal Factors
• brief and direct forms of short-term psychotherapy • Intractable pain has been conceptualized as a means for
manipulation and gaining advantage in interpersonal
Pain Disorder relationships
— characterized by the presence of, and focus on, pain in one • secondary gain is most important to patients with pain
or more body sites and is sufficiently severe to come to disorder
clinical attention Biological Factors
— psychological factors are necessary in the genesis, severity, • Serotonin is probably the main neurotransmitter in the
or maintenance of the pain, which causes significant descending inhibitory pathways, and endorphins also play
distress or impairment, or both a role in the central nervous system modulation of pain
— does not have to judge the pain to be inappropriate or in • Endorphin deficiency seems to correlate with
excess of what would be expected augmentation of incoming sensory stimuli
— the phenomenological and diagnostic focus is on the
importance of psychological factors and the degree of Diagnosis and Clinical Features
impairment caused by the pain • a patient's pain may be posttraumatic, neuropathic,
— has been called somatoform pain disorder, psychogenic neurological, iatrogenic, or musculoskeletal; to meet a
pain disorder, idiopathic pain disorder, and atypical pain diagnosis of pain disorder, however, the disorder must have
disorder a psychological factor judged to be significantly involved in
— Pain disorder is diagnosed as "Unspecified Somatic the pain symptoms and their ramifications
Symptom Disorder" in DSM-5 or it may be designated as a • patients with pain disorder often have long histories of
"specifier" under that heading medical and surgical care
• patients often deny any other sources of emotional
Epidemiology dysphoria and insist that their lives are blissful except for
— The 6-month and lifetime prevalence is approximately 5 their pain
percent and 12 percent, respectively • clinical picture can be complicated by substance-related
— 3 percent of people in a general practice have persistent disorders, because these patients attempt to reduce the
pain, with at least 1 day per month of activity restriction pain through the use of alcohol and other substances.
because of the pain • MDD is present in about 25-50%f patients with pain
— can begin at any age disorder, and dysthymic disorder or depressive disorder
— gender ratio is unknown symptoms are reported in 60-100% of the patients
— associated with other psychiatric disorders, especially • most prominent depressive symptoms in patients with pain
affective and anxiety disorders disorder: anergia, anhedonia, decreased libido, insomnia,
— chronic pain: most frequently associated with depressive and irritability; diurnal variation, weight loss, and
disorders psychomotor retardation appear to be less common
— acute pain: more commonly associated with anxiety

Psychosomatic Medicine 2021
Dr. Pagaddu November 2019
Differential diagnosis Other Therapies
• Purely physical pain can be difficult to distinguish from o Biofeedback can be helpful in the treatment of
purely psychogenic pain, especially because the two are pain disorder, particularly with migraine pain,
not mutually exclusive myofacial pain, and muscle tension states, such as
• Physical pain fluctuates in intensity and is highly sensitive tension headaches
to emotional, cognitive, attentional, and situational o Hypnosis, transcutaneous nerve stimulation, and
influences dorsal column stimulation also have been used
• Pain that does not vary and is insensitive to any of these o Nerve blocks and surgical ablative procedures are
factors is likely to be psychogenic effective for some patients with pain disorder;
• When pain does not wax and wane and is not even but these procedures must be repeated, because
temporarily relieved by distraction or analgesics, clinicians the pain returns after 6 to 18 months
can suspect an important psychogenic component
• somatoform disorders, although some somatoform Distinctive Physical Examination Findings in Conversion Disorder
disorders can coexist.
• Hypochondriasis Condition Text Conversion Findings
Anesthesia Map Sensory loss does not conform to
• conversion disorder - generally short-lived
dermatomes recognized pattern of distribution
• Malingering
• tension headaches hemianesthesia Check midline Strict half-body split

Course and Prognosis Astasia-abasia Walking, With suggestion, those who cannot
• generally begins abruptly and increases in severity for a few dancing walk may still be able to dance;
weeks or months alteration of sensory and motor
findings with suggestion
• can often be chronic, distressful, and completely disabling
Paralysis, paresis Drop paralyzed Hand falls next to face, not on it
acute pain disorders have a more favorable prognosis than
hand onto face
chronic pain disorders
Hoover test Pressure noted in examiner's hand
• people with pain disorder who resume participation in under paralyzed leg when
regularly scheduled activities, despite the pain, have a more attempting straight leg raising
favorable prognosis than people who allow the pain to Check motor Give-away weakness
become the determining factor in their lifestyle strength
Coma Examiner Resists opening; gaze preference is
Treatment attempts to away from doctor
• the treatment approach must address rehabilitation open eyes
Ocular cephalic Eyes stare straight ahead, do not
• discuss the issue of psychological factors early in treatment maneuver move from side to side
and should frankly tell patients that such factors are Aphonia Request a Essentially normal coughing sound
important in the cause and consequences of both physical cough indicates cords are closing
and psychogenic pain Intractable sneezing Observe Short nasal grunts with little or no
• also explain how various brain circuits that are involved sneezing on inspiratory phase; little
with emotions (e.g., the limbic system) can influence the or no aerosolization of secretions:
sensory pain pathways minimal facial expression; eyes
• therapists must fully understand that the patient's open; stops when asleep; abates
when alone
experiences of pain are rea
Syncope Head up tilt test Magnitude of changes in vital signs
and venous pooling do not explain
Pharmacotheraphy continuing symptoms
• Analgesic medications do not generally benefit
• Sedatives and antianxiety agents are not especially Tunnel vision Visula fields Changing pattern on multiple
beneficial and are also subject to abuse, misuse, and examinations
adverse effects
• Antidepressants, such as tricyclics and SSRIs, are the most Profound monocular Swinging Absence of relative afferent
blindness flashlight sign pupillary defect
effective pharmacological agents
(Marcus Gunn) Sufficient vision in “bad eye”
• Amphetamine, which has analgesic effects, may benefit Binocular visual precludes plotting normal
some patients, especially when used as an adjunct to SSRIs, fields physiological blind spot in good eye
but dosages must be monitored carefully
Severe bilateral “Wiggle your Patient may begin to mimic new
Psychotheraphy blindness fingers, I'm just movements before realizing the slip
• psychodynamic psychotherapy benefits patients with pain testing
• first step in psychotherapy is to develop a solid therapeutic Sudden flash of Patient flinches
alliance by empathizing with the patient's suffering bright light
• Cognitive therapy has been used to alter negative thoughts “Look at your Patient does not look there
and to foster a positive attitude hand”
“Touch your Even blind patients can do this by
index fingers” proprioception

Psychosomatic Medicine 2021
Dr. Pagaddu November 2019


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