2020 Award Winners - Excellence in Journalism

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2020 Excellence in Journalism Winners

Entry Organization Credits Judge's Comments

Community/Local News Reporting
1 One Detroit: Clawson, Michigan: One Detroit Public Bill Kubota , Christopher Jordan Nice series. Nice variety of businesses and interviews.
City Under a Pandemic Television
2 Highland Park Residents Knock on WDET Laura Herberg
Doors to Get People to Fill Out the
3 Grassroots Muslim Volunteer Effort WDET Laura Herberg
Delivers Food to Metro Detroiters
Consumer/Watchdog/Investigative Reporting
1 Voting Series WDET Laura Herberg, Quinn Klinefelter Particularly impactful in this series on voting is the story
?Voting Errors a Bigger Risk Than Voter Fraud in Michigan.?
By calling attention to the fact that there were just five
documented cases of voter fraud in the state in the past 10
years, this story looks out for citizen's interests by shining
light on a bigger issue of common voter errors that cause
ballots to be disqualified. Excellent storytelling and delivery
including diverse voices.

Education Reporting
1 Lansing Eastern High's 'Flex WKAR Kevin Lavery I found this segment very interesting since I work in
Academy' Reflects 21st Century education. Good work presenting what is truly a novel
Work Models concept on the school district's part. Very engaging piece and
kept my attention until the end.
2 Home For Weeks, Families Adjust to WDET Laura Herberg, Sascha Raiyn
New Reality
3 One Detroit Education Specials Detroit Public Christy McDonald, Bill Kubota,
Television Will Glover, Chris Jordan, Zosette
Environment Reporting
1 Metro Detroit Reacts to 'Green WDET Laura Herberg, Russ McNamara Excellent reporting and structure. I enjoyed how this piece
Ooze' Contaminant With Humor, began with a little light-hearted humor to engage the
Concern audience and then led into the meat of the seriousness of the
issue being discussed.
2 Great Lakes Now: Lake Erie's Detroit Public David Ruck, Rob Green, Zach
Harmful Algal Blooms Television Passero, Laura Weber Davis, Ryan
Foundation Busch
3 As Toxic Algal Blooms Impact Lake WKAR Taylor Haelterman
Erie, Michigan Sees Agriculture As
Main Culprit
Feature Reporting
1 Detroit Jazz City Detroit Public Jim Toscano, Danny Gianino, Ed Wow! This took a lot of work and the quality is very
Television Moore, Zosette Guir impressive. It is informative with emotion-filled soundbites
Foundation and has good use of natural sound (music).
2 Great Lakes Now: In Isolation ... At Detroit Public Danielle Dabney, Nick Austin, Jim
Aquariums Television Toscano
3 The Art of Losing Someone WDET Ryan Patrick Hooper
4 Local Drag Queens Get Creative In WKAR Sophia Saliby
General News Reporting
1 Human Trafficking In Michigan: WKAR Kevin Lavery An emotional topic and very informative. The soundbites
Turning Stigma Into Salvation chosen were very pertinent and edited together very
smoothly. A very well-done piece.
2 The DIA Millage Is Up For Renewal. WDET Laura Herberg
Here's What Students, Seniors Who
Benefit Think.
3 Tlaib vs. Jones: 13th Congressional WDET Quinn Klinefelter
Primary Pits “Squad―Member
Against City Council President
4 For Michigan Voters, Historic WDET Quinn Klinefelter
Election Is About the Man In The
White House
Health Reporting
1 Covid Survivors Series WDET Laura Herberg This series was so emotional and so good at making me feel
like I knew what it was like to have covid. Great use of
interviewee soundbites and editing.
2 Homeless During COVID-19: "I Wash WDET Laura Herberg
My Hands, If I Can Find Water. I
Don't Want to Die."•
3 Saving Lives: We Can't Wait Any Detroit Public Marty Fischhoff, Wes Jones ,
Longer Television Mariellen Chynoweth, Cynthia
Foundation Canty, Al Hibbert
4 Michigan State University COVID WKAR Kevin Lavery
Testing And Tracking
News Editing
0 No Winner
News Special and Documentary
1 Breed & Bootleg: Legends of Flint Michigan State Geri Alumit Zeldes, Andrea Raby, This documentary was SO interesting! The use of clips and
Rap Music University Olivia Hoover, Natasha Gist-Breed, live interviews was amazing. This is quality work and tells a
Jason Howard story that most might not have ever heard. Well done!

2 Whitmer Kidnapping Plot Special WDET WDET News

1 WDET News 6 am 3/11/20 WDET Pat Batcheller Good voice quality for announcer and reporter with good
content. Flows nicely and energy is high.
2 WDET News 5 am 6/1/20 WDET Pat Batcheller
3 WDET News 5 am 7/24/20 WDET Pat Batcheller
Open-Government Reporting
1 'We Lifted Up Our Voices': The Public WKAR Abigail Censky Interesting story with a unique hook.
Comment After Michigan's
Canvassers Voted To Certify
Racial Justice Reporting
1 American Black Journal: Do Black Detroit Public Stephen Henderson, Orlando This series delved into so many different issues within the
Lives Matter in America? Television Bailey, Daphne Hughes, issue of racial injustice. Well done! I hope these segments
Foundation Christopher Jordan, Catherine reached a large audience.
2 "Kneel With Us": Four Nights In, WDET Eli Newman
Detroit Protestors, Police Fight For
3 Protesters Want Big Police Reforms. WKAR & Bridge Abigail Censky, Riley Beggin
Michigan Lawmakers Offer Small Magazine
Sports reporting
1 Great Lakes Now: Island Basketball Detroit Public Sandra Svoboda, Dan Tyrell, Nick
Television Austin, Zach Irvin, Oliver Van
Foundation Assche
2 Tigers Enter Spring Training With WDET Pat Batcheller
High Expectations for 2020
3 Lansing Lugnuts Host First Game Of WKAR Sophia Saliby
Their 'Lemonade League' To Sold-
Out Crowd Of 100
Spot or Breaking News Reporting
1 Hundreds Protest Police Brutality At WKAR Abigail Censky, Karel Vega Great report. Good use of natural sound.
Capitol After Police Killing Of George
2 Plot Discovered To Kidnap Governor WDET WDET News
1 Great Lakes Now: Chicago's Floating Detroit Public Doug Clevenger, Sandy McPhee, Nice variety of footage. Clean edits and great information.
Islands Television Jordan Wingrove, Laura Weber
Foundation Davis
Breaking News via Social Media
1 Night 1 of police brutality protests in Detroit Free Press Detroit Free Press Staff Detroit AMAZING COVERAGE. Excellent photos. Extensive video.
Detroit - May 29, 2020 Free Press Staff Great job.

Collaborative Coverage
1 From Rust to Resilience: What Detroit Public Sandra Svoboda, Rob Green, This was such a hard category to judge! The collaboration
climate change means for Great Television Natasha Blakely, INN partners and integration of multimedia really sent this package into
Lakes cities Foundation first place. This is valuable reporting and a job well done.

2 The Hunger Files: How Detroiters Planet Detroit + Nina Ignaczak, Kate Abbey-
found solutions to feed their Detour Detroit Lambertz, Dorothy Hernandez,
communities throughout the Rhonda J. Smith, Anna Clark
Community/Local News Reporting
1 Series: Building Communities Model D Kate Roff, Erin Miller This category of reports covering the effects of a situation on
specific communities or neighborhoods was full of impressive
entries, but this series about Detroit's minority-owned small
businesses amid the pandemic was captivating and engaging.
Not only did this series tell the stories of some tenacious
people during a trying time, but also provided information to
readers about valuable resources, such as the 0% Interest
Home Repair Loan Program. Excellent work telling dynamic
and diverse stories.

2 Latino contractors seek bigger piece Bridge Michigan Martina Guzman

of southwest Detroit's building boom

3 How Detroit is getting out the vote - Bridge Detroit Martina Guzman
one neighborhood at a time

4 We Lived It Detroit Free Press Darcie Moran, Maryann Struman,

Anjanette Delgado, Cary Junior II,
Tad Davis
Consumer/Watchdog/Investigative Reporting
1 Two heirs bought Midland dams as a Bridge Michigan Mike Wilkinson, Kelly House, Riley Really interesting and unique story. The reporting and fact
tax shelter. Tragedy followed. Beggin finding both solid.

2 Meet the people paving the way for Model D Kate Roff
minorities in Detroit construction

3 Michigan unemployment system Bridge Michigan Sarah Alvarez, Jonathan Oosting

designed to slow payments working
all too well
4 Michigan college towns were Bridge Michigan Paula Gardner
economically stable. Coronavirus
changed that.
Digital-Media Presentation
1 Covid Diaries WDET WDET Covid Diaries Team
2 A season in pictures and words: Detroit Free Press Brian Kaufman
Reflections on a most unusual spring

3 Michigan coronavirus dashboard Bridge Michigan Mike Wilkinson

4 Voting Series (Digital) WDET WDET News
Education Reporting
1 Michigan inches toward universal Bridge Michigan Ron French Interesting piece that not many people would give second
pre-K as leaders support 2-year thought to -- yet, the writer shows it is a big deal from both a
kindergarten pedagogical and financial perspective. Well done.

2 Michigan bills bet diagnosing Chalkbeat Koby Levin

dyslexia early will boost reading skills

3 "Mom, I'm not feeling it": Families Chalkbeat Koby Levin

overwhelmed by online learning turn
to home schooling

4 Michigan districts make millions Bridge Michigan Mike Wilkinson

teaching home-schoolers karate and
Engagement-Driven Coverage
1 Engagement-driven election Detour Detroit Kate Abbey-Lambertz, Nina Very nice work on what was clearly an all-hands effort. I was
coverage to help Detroiters access Ignaczak, Alison Saldanha, Maggie especially impressed by the work that went beyond the run-
the voting information they need McMillan, Alex Washington of-the-mill election guide, (follow-up articles, reader surveys
most and engagement, etc.). Very nicely done.

2 Bridge Lunch Break series Bridge Michigan Amber DeLind, Katheryn Dugal

3 As Census Wraps, These Michigan WDET Sascha Raiyn, Nargis Rahman,

Women Won't Let Their Shiraz Ahmed
Communities Go Uncounted

4 Ask Planet Detroit Planet Detroit Nina Ignaczak, Brian Allnutt,

Aaron Mondry, Jena Brooker
Environment Reporting
1 Loved to death: iconic Michigan Bridge Michigan Kelly House
lakeshores battered by crowds,
2 Enbridge just wants a permit. Critics Bridge Michigan Kelly House
want to bring down Line 5
3 High water series Bridge Michigan Kelly House
Feature Reporting
1 He had dementia and COVID. She Bridge Michigan Robin Erb This provides a heart-rending account of the last days of Jerry
wanted to hold him when he died. Zeiger, who has dementia and COVID, confined to an adult
foster care home, and his wife, Melanie, who, despite her
own health issues, visits while standing on a stepladder
outside his window. This sentence tragically sums up the
situation for the Zeigers and many others in the pandemic.
?COVID is once again tearing through senior homes. Many
facilities won?t allow human touch, leaving people like Jerry
Zeiger to wave wanly through windows as spouses or
children stand outside. Many residents are dying, often
2 Eminem-obsessed restaurateur gives Deadline Detroit Danny Fenster
Myanmar tourists a taste of Detroit

3 Series: Detroit Innovation Model D Kate Roff

4 Reflecting on the past to move Model D Dorothy Hernandez
forward: 5 key places, moments in
Detroit's history of racial tension

Health Reporting
1 Beaumont Health coverage Deadline Detroit Eric Starkman This story had a tone that made it more enjoyable to read
without editorializing the content, which is difficult to
accomplish. The structure and length were great as well. And
it was an interesting and newsworthy topic to boot.

2 Michigan's definition of coronavirus Bridge Michigan Robin Erb

'recovery' looser than other states

3 Detroit Water Shutoffs and a Crisis Belt Magazine Nina Ignaczak

of Public Health
Newsletter Strategy
1 Detroit Free Press Coronavirus Detroit Free Press Elissa Robinson NICELY DONE. Ample links. Not to many photos or ads.
Watch newsletter Small site nav at bottom plus social links. Nothing distracting
at the top before the content. No javascripts. Responsive
using tables for all email clients. You understand newsletters.

2 Email reader conversation starters Bridge Michigan Bridge Staff Interesting concept. I like the intro with content brief. Not
too cluttered.
3 Detour Media local newsletter Kate Abbey-Lambertz, Nina Nice design that is not distracting and not cluttered. The
Misuraca Ignaczak, Courtney Wise briefs could be a little shorter.
Randolph, Aaron Mondry, Allison
Racial Justice Reporting
1 Leelanau condemned the N-word, Bridge Michigan Kelly House
but the fight over racism had just
2 Profiles in the fight for Planet Detroit Nina Ignaczak, Courtney Wise
environmental justice Randolph, Martina Guzman, Eric T.
Campbell, Jena Brooker
3 Hakim Littleton Was Killed For Deadline Detroit Violet Ikonomova
Shooting At Police. Detroit Was His
4 New grocery in Grand Rapids is Bridge Michigan Paula Gardner
about more than food. It's about
equity too
Social Media Strategy
1 Detroit Free Press Election 2020 Detroit Free Press Detroit Free Press Staff Detroit The lengths this team went to correct misinformation and
social media strategy Free Press Staff inform the public was incredible.
2 Detour Detroit Facebook group Detour Detroit Alex Washington, Ashley Woods
Branch, Allison Jacobs
3 Great Lakes Now: The Facebook Detroit Public Colleen O'Donnell, Zach Allen,
Watch Parties Television Sandra Svoboda
Community/Local News Reporting
1 Detroit neighborhood group sees Detroit Free Press John Carlisle
gentrification as the enemy

2 Scandal, turmoil in the Catholic Detroit Free Press Tresa Baldas

3 Detroit homeowners overtaxed $600 The Detroit News Christine MacDonald, Mark
million Betancourt
4 She's tormented by final days, Detroit Free Press Nancy Kaffer
unexplained death of little sister in
Harper Woods jail
Consumer/Watchdog Reporting
1 Redford trailer park tenants sue The Detroit News Christine Ferretti Greate lede! This story held my attention. Well done.
owner over 'neglect,' 'blighted
2 Ford Focus/Fiesta transmission Detroit Free Press Phoebe Wall Howard
3 South Haven model shows a Detroit Free Press Susan Tompor
different side of romance scams ...
and more scam alerts
4 550,000 pickups are cheating on The Detroit News Riley Beggin
diesel emissions; Michigan has no
program to stop it
Editorial Writing
1 Editorial: Whitmer order endangers The Detroit News Ingrid Jacques Great job presenting the urgency of the situation using
nursing homes; end it now credible sources for comment and comparison.

2 Editorial: Charter students worth The Detroit News Ingrid Jacques

less? Wrong message
3 Editorial: Even in a crisis, school The Detroit News Ingrid Jacques
accountability is key
Education Reporting
1 Homeless students face extra The Detroit News Jennifer Chambers Loved the look into "a day in the life" of the homeless family;
obstacles amid COVID-19 a nice balance to the rest of the sources and a good narrative
2 Lack of high-speed internet leaves The Detroit News Francis Donnelly
rural Michigan students
disconnected from learning
3 Schools struggle with COVID-19 Detroit Free Press John Wisely
4 Schools in Michigan take hard look at The Detroit News Jennifer Chambers
teaching 'soft skills'
Environment Reporting
1 Most of Michigan's 24,000 Detroit Free Press Keith Matheny Solid piece of investigative reporting, while highlighting the
contaminated sites await cleanup relevance of the issue for average readers
that might never come
2 Edenville Dam failure investigation The Detroit News Beth LeBlanc

3 After flood reached Dow, Superfund The Detroit News Mike Martindale, Kalea Hall
pollution site, regulators have yet to
test water

Explanatory Story
1 Mill workers at Zug Island steel The Detroit News Neal Rubin
themselves for the end
2 Workers seek answers about their The Detroit News Kalea Hall, Jordyn Grzelewski
rights as pandemic rages on

3 How Steven Soderbergh shot a Detroit Free Press Julie Hinds

movie in Detroit amid COVID-19
4 How coronavirus chopped the food Crain's Detroit Dustin Walsh, Sherri Welch,
chain Business Annalise Frank
Feature Page Design- Newspapers Only
1 Lighthouse Hauntings The Detroit News Antone Amye
2 On The Lamb The Detroit News Antone Amye
3 Musical Explosion The Detroit News Antone Amye
4 Building Financial Resilience The Detroit News Diana McNary
Feature Photography
1 Coronavirus threatens Detroit's Freelance - The Emily Rose Bennett A lot of effort went into this photo and it paid off.
pipeline of Canadian nurses Wall Street Journal

2 Virtual Service The Detroit News David Guralnick

3 Protecting mom Detroit Free Press Mandi Wright

4 Virus one more deadly risk in Freelance - The Emily Rose Bennett
shadows of Detroit's smokestacks New York Times

Feature Reporting
1 After the flood, residents of Sanford Detroit Free Press John Carlisle Carlisle's ability to turn relatable details ? mud, faded photos,
find their town wiped off the map even hot dogs ? into emotion-laden motifs brings an
immense natural disaster down to human scale in a way that
shows that though we all experience tragedies differently, we
all have so very much in common.

2 At Detroit's oldest barbershop, one Detroit Free Press John Carlisle

man has kept people coming back
for decades
3 Feature reporting by Kristen Jordan Detroit Free Press Kristen Jordan Shamus
4 The best of Francis X. Donnelly The Detroit News Francis X. Donnelly
General Column Writing
1 Chad Livengood columns Crain's Detroit Chad Livengood Writer does a great job of presenting a balanced view of both
Business sides, clearly explaining what is objectionable and what
should be done.
2 Columns by Susan Tompor Detroit Free Press Susan Tompor Adept at bringing out the emotion and highlighting the
people impacted by the topic.
3 The best of Maureen Feighan The Detroit News Maureen Feighan The writer is adept at bringing positivity to the topic, showing
the good in her subjects.
4 The best of Brendan Clarey The Detroit News Brendan Clarey The writer has clearly explored both sides of each issue and
presents a balanced viewpoint that helps the reader
understand what is occurring.
General News Reporting
1 Searching for normal: A grieving Detroit Free Press Bill Laitner This story brought tears to my eyes as I was reading.
Detroit writer goes looking for a new Sometimes, the news happens to you. Bill sharing his grief
barber turned into an excellent news story about a larger issue. Well
2 Pandemic recession hits women Crain's Detroit Dustin Walsh
harder than men for 1st time Business
3 "I die a hero": COVID-19 sweeps The Detroit News Christine Ferretti
away matriarch in flood-ravaged mid-
4 Incarcerated citizens returning to Detroit Free Press Angie Jackson
Headline Writing
1 Headlines for Stephen Wilkinson The Detroit News Stephen Wilkinson

2 Headlines by Bill Cain Detroit Free Press Bill Cain

Health Reporting
1 Nurses protest conditions at Detroit Free Press Kristen Jordan Shamus, Darcie An incredibly engrossing behind-the-scenes look at the
Detroit's Sinai-Grace Hospital amid Moran nightmare facing healthcare workers ? and those they were
pandemic risking all to try to save ? during the early days of the
pandemic. These expos?s of a hospital in crisis did more than
inform the public ? they allowed loved ones of deceased
patients to get answers about what went so horribly wrong.
Heart-wrenching, vital work.

2 Death toll rises as coronavirus Detroit Free Press Gina Kaufman, Elisha Anderson,
sweeps through Michigan nursing Kristi Tanner, Christina Hall
3 Addiction treatment becomes Detroit Free Press Georgea Kovanis
casualty of war on COVID-19
Investigative Reporting
1 Children were at risk so Detroit Detroit Free Press Kat Stafford, Kristi Tanner Brilliant, in-depth reporting. Exposed a serious health issue
promised to halt demolitions. But related to the removal of blighted structures in the city.
that didn't happen. Powerful story telling.
2 The investigation of Dr. Robert The Detroit News Kim Kozlowski
3 Reversal of Fortune: Real estate Crain's Detroit Kirk Pinho
executive's lottery scheme collapses Business
when his luck runs out
4 Crisis in Michigan's nursing homes The Detroit News Craig Mauger

News Photography
1 Passionate patriot Detroit Free Press Ryan Garza Strong color and composition. Good timing and emotion. Full
frame without losing focal point.
2 Unimaginable Pain The Detroit News Todd McInturf
3 Pepper Sprayed Detroit Free Press Junfu Han

4 Mourning two brothers Detroit Free Press

Open-Government Reporting
1 Investigations into mystery money The Detroit News Craig Mauger This is important information that needed to be shared with
and donor influence your state. This entry is certainly worthy of recognition.

Page One Design- Newspapers Only

1 Who we lost Detroit Free Press Dan Alegria Very powerful and striking front page. Makes an impact with
readers and pays tribute.
2 It's time to sound the alarm Detroit Free Press Dan Alegria, Brian McNamara

3 Zug Island The Detroit News James Hollar

4 Impala's Last Run The Detroit News James Hollar
Portrait Photography
1 Battling Covid Detroit Free Press Ryan Garza 2020 was the year of masks and the blue mask in this photo
stands out against the pale pink of the shirt and hands.

2 Shanise Tucker The Detroit News Max Ortiz

3 Rachael Denhollander The Detroit News Max Ortiz
4 Inside looking out Detroit Free Press Kimberly P. Mitchell

Racial Justice Reporting

1 Detroit Protests The Detroit News Christine Ferretti, George Hunter, Very thorough reporting of the protests in Detroit - great job.
Sarah Rahal, Casey Harrison

2 Penalized for being poor Detroit Free Press Angie Jackson

3 Serve and Protect. Then go home. Crain's Detroit Chad Livengood, Annalise Frank
Sports Column Writing
1 Jeff Seidel Detroit Free Press Jeff Seidel

2 Mitch Albom Detroit Free Press Mitch Albom

3 The best of John Niyo The Detroit News John Niyo

4 Shawn Windsor Detroit Free Press Shawn Windsor

Sports Page Design- Newspapers Only

1 Winston Leaves a Winner The Detroit News Julie Altesleben
2 Brady Still Terrific in Tampa The Detroit News Julie Altesleben
3 Baseball Wiped Clean The Detroit News Antone Amye
4 Tigers Hire Hinch The Detroit News James Hollar
Sports Photography- Newspapers Only
1 Remembering Kobe The Detroit News Daniel Mears
2 Hard Check The Detroit News David Guralnick
3 Pee Wee Boxing The Detroit News Max Ortiz
4 Close play Detroit Free Press Kirthmon F. Dozier

Sports reporting
1 Rainer Sabin on University of Detroit Free Press Rainer Sabin
Michigan football
2 Making the green after a rough start Crain's Detroit Kurt Nagl
3 10 years later, ex-Tiger Armando The Detroit News Tony Paul
Galarraga 'lucky to not be lucky' in
brush with perfection
4 Big and rich: Beefy Bryson The Detroit News Tony Paul
DeChambeau turns DGC into his
'bomber's paradise'
Spot or Breaking News Reporting
1 The plot to kidnap Michigan Gov. Detroit Free Press Detroit Free Press Staff Detroit
Gretchen Whitmer Free Press Staff
2 Historic flood destroys mid-Michigan The Detroit News Francis Donnelly, James David
Dickson, Beth LeBlanc, George
3 The alleged plot to kidnap a The Detroit News Robert Snell, Melissa Burke, Beth
governor, overthrow a government LeBlanc, Christine Ferretti, George
4 Fights, drivers using woods as toilet, The Detroit News Ariana Taylor, Riley Beggin, Jordyn
workers out sick: USPS buried in Grzelewski
Metro Detroit mail
Community/Local News Reporting
1 Community/Local News - The New The Oakland Press Natalie Broda
2 Community/Local News Reporting - Macomb Daily Don Gardner
Family comes full circle

Consumer/Watchdog Reporting
1 Consumer/Watchdog - COVID-19 in The Oakland Press Aileen Wingblad These stories touched on a very underreported problem last
the jail system year as the pandemic raged. Would have liked better use of
personal anecdotal stories within the series.

2 Consumer/Watchdog - Public health The Oakland Press Mark Cavitt

departments challenged
Education Reporting
1 Education Reporting - Education in a The Oakland Press Anne Runkle
Environment Reporting
1 Environment beat, northern Traverse City Sheri McWhirter Sheri McWhirter has authored an outstanding series on
Michigan Record-Eagle environmental topics. Writing on subjects that range from
rising lake levels to piping plovers to tree planters doubling as
citizen scientist to battle climate change, McWhirter
presents the material authoritatively. Statistics are presented
in such a way as to not overwhelm the reader. All stories flow
well and have effective quotes. Kudos for such great work.

Explanatory Story
1 Explanatory - How Biden Won The Oakland Press Mark Cavitt

2 Explanatory - Human trafficking Macomb Daily Gina Joseph

Feature Page Design
1 Feature Page Design - April 5, 2020 The Oakland Press Joseph Pas

2 Feature Page Design - April 17, 2020 The Oakland Press Nick Powers

Feature Reporting
1 Feature Reporting - Entertainment The Oakland Press Gary Graff
during pandemic
2 Feature - Hoarding toilet paper not The Oakland Press Anne Runkle
that different from squirrels
3 Feature Reporting - Who killed Gail The Oakland Press Aileen Wingblad
4 Feature Reporting - Nurse The Oakland Press Paula Pasche
traumatized, Historic Moment,
Doctor keeps healing
General Column Writing
1 General Column Writing Macomb Daily Jeff Payne Good collection of columns that showed the importance of
local newspapers; I especially liked the one about the
newspaper navigating the pandemic. Loved the Caddyshack
reference re Lake St. Clair. I am really curious about Eric
Smith's 10 felony counts! I may have to read a follow-up of
that story!
Headline Writing
1 Headline Writing The Morning Sun Nick Powers This collection of headlines make clever use of wordplay and
alliteration. Eye-catching and easy to read while accurately
describing the stories.
Health Reporting
1 COVID-19 in northern Michigan Traverse City Sheri McWhirter The ledes and use of quotes in this set of stories were
Record-Eagle especially impressive. Good work!
Page One Design
1 Page One Design - April 5, 2020 The Oakland Press Joseph Pas The circular photos are clever with the subject matter, but
also very eye-catching and different than the standard
2 Page One Design - March 1, 2020 The Morning Sun Joseph Pas
3 Page One Design - March 8, 2020 Macomb Daily Joseph Pas
Racial Justice Reporting
1 Racial Justice Reporting - 'Baseless Macomb Daily Gina Joseph, Norb Franz Gripping story - great use of quotes and anecdotes.
Sports Column Writing
1 Sports Column Writing The Morning Sun Jim Lahde
Sports Page Design
1 Sports Page Design - March 18, 2020 The Oakland Press Nick Powers Very clean design! Definitely worthy of recognition. The use
of photos here is impressive.
Sports Photography
1 Sports Photography - Romeo cross- Macomb Daily George Pohly Compelling emotion and reaction. Technically sound.
country win
Sports reporting
1 Sports Reporting - Joseph Peterson The News-Herald Frank Wladyslawski

2 Sports Reporting The Morning Sun Jim Lahde

3 Sports Reporting - Stars of Netflix The Oakland Press Paula Pasche
series send Irish a message

4 Sports Reporting - Prep sports Macomb Daily George Pohly

shutdown was unimaginable yet
Spot or Breaking News Reporting
1 Man arrested after standoff Traverse City Sheri McWhirter
2 Spot or Breaking News - Goodbye The Oakland Press Natalie Broda
Palace of Auburn Hills
3 Spot or Breaking News - Woman Macomb Daily Jameson Cook
stuck on cruise ship
Community/Local News Reporting
1 Peaceful protest at Dearborn police www.downriversun Sue Suchyta During this time in 2020, there were several stories just like
station draws a diverse crowd daytimes.com this one. This story, although, not much different than many
others about the same subject is the epidemy of community
journalism. Judging by the way the writer described the
town, this is a story that this community hopefully benefitted
from. Well done.

2 Jews And Joints Detroit Jewish Madeline Halpert

3 Lawyers offer free assistance to Michigan Lawyers Kelly Caplan
underserved during pandemic Weekly
4 Gretch the Grinch The News-Herald Jackie Martin
Consumer/Watchdog Reporting
1 The Effects of Covid-19 on Elder Coaching Detroit Kenndall Wallace
Abuse Forward and The
Detroit Writing
2 Wayne County Sheriff Benny Detroit Metro Steve Neavling
Napoleon has been lavishing his Times
campaign funds on pretty much
everything — except actually
3 Rivergate Terrace cited by state for www.downriversun Sue Suchyta
putting residents in "immediate daytimes.com
4 Questions raised about campaign C & G Newspapers Andy Kozlowski
contributions to council members

Cover Design
1 Out Of Hiding Detroit Jewish Michelle Sheridan Very striking image and headline. Makes me want to flip
News immediately to this story.
2 Hues Of Jews Detroit Jewish Michelle Sheridan
3 June 2020: The Art Issue Seen Magazine Lamar Landers, Nicole Frehsee
Editorial Writing
0 No Winner
Education Reporting
1 Ferndale, Berkley school districts Woodward Talk Michael Koury This series does an excellent job of looking at how these
adjust to COVID-19 pandemic school districts and teachers were impacted by the
pandemic. Localizing a national story is important for local
papers and this series brings that home. It lets readers see
that the districts and teachers are serious about their
responsibilities and making sure students are offered the
best education possible, despite the obstacles.

2 Homeschooling out of necessity, not www.downriversun Sue Suchyta

choice: Parents and students share daytimes.com
their stories
3 Chandler Park Academy students C&G Newspapers Brendan Losinski
examine results of experiment taken
into space
Environment Reporting
1 Environmental racism series Detroit Metro Steve Neavling Telling this story through this lens, by talking with so many
Times folks who are experiencing the issues firsthand, is a
wonderful way to connect with readers and keep them
reading. The copy flowed well, especially as the hard facts
were weaved into into it in a way that was easily digestable.

Explanatory Story
1 Virtual courts provide access to Michigan Lawyers Kelly Caplan The author's clear, concise writing and authoritative voice
justice during shutdown Weekly cuts through what could have been a difficult to understand
2 The Future Of Shul Detroit Jewish Shari Cohen
Feature Page Design- Newspapers Only
1 Hues of Jews Detroit Jewish Michelle Sheridan
2 Chevy Bel Air is always cruise-ready Farmington Press Jason Clancy

3 Showdown In Ann Arbor Detroit Jewish Michelle Sheridan

4 Last Aliyah At Iron Mountain Detroit Jewish Michelle Sheridan
Feature Photography
1 Oven Shoes Coaching Detroit Jayla McPhaul This picture of Found Art evokes so many questions and
Forward and The feelings.
Detroit Writing
2 Renaissance Center Coaching Detroit Elijah Jordan
Forward and The
Detroit Writing
3 From Elijah's Perspective Coaching Detroit Sacred Overstreet-Amos
Forward and The
Detroit Writing
Feature Reporting
1 May 2020: The Women's Issue Seen Magazine Jeanelle Olson, Nicole Frehsee The writing was as impressive as the subjects of these
profiles Mazur inspiring profiles.
2 The Rise & Fall of Motor City The Voice Jim Bloch
Dragway Newspapers
3 Out Of Hiding Detroit Jewish Keri Guten Cohen
General Column Writing
1 Finding the Good; Thank you, You Detroit Jewish Alan Muskovitz I'll bet you have lots of fans, and I'd be one of them. Enjoyed
Tube; Play Pandemic ball News all three of these columns. You are not only funny, you're
witty: "The bagel has landed." So many lines made me smile.
(I have a CPAP, too, so I could relate.)
A virtual streaker? Love it!
Everyone thinks being a columnist is easy, but as someone
who wrote one for almost 30 years, I know how hard it can
Great job!! Congratulations!

2 Sirths Off; Commencement address; Detroit Jewish Ben Falik

Borrowed Time News
3 Three theatre columns "From the www.downriversun Sue Suchyta
Front Row" Dec. 13. 20 and 27 daytimes.com

4 Trump, Trump & Kaline The Voice Jim Bloch

General News Reporting
1 Plastics firms get at least $1.6B in Plastics News, Crain Steve Toloken, Hollee Keller, This piece vividly demonstrates initiative and ingenuity in
PPP funds Communications Frank Esposito, Catherine tackling a huge database to tease out detail relevant to a
Kavanaugh specific industry. The reporters augmented the data analysis
with solid field reporting and anecdotes that shows the
impact of a federal loan program on companies adversely
affected by the pandemic. Overall, the entry is an example of
strong business-reporting enterprise.

2 Delta snafu The News-Herald Jackie Martin

3 Grosse Pointe Shores retirees Grosse Pointe K. Michelle Moran
outraged over spike in costs for Times/C & G
health care benefits Newspapers
Headline Writing
1 Bosom Buddies, Docs of War, Detroit Jewish David Sachs Love your headline writing style! These are great examples of
Election-After Math, Confessions of News how to write a headline that will captivate an audience
a Lockdown shopper, My Polish before they ever even dive into the story.
Health Reporting
1 Beaumont researchers develop 45- Royal Oak Review Sarah Wojcik This report on the development of a "quick" test for the
minute COVID-19 test covid19 virus explains its importance without
sensationalizing it. Succinct and well written.
2 Group works to eliminate the Fraser-Clinton Nick Mordowanec
stigmas of substance abuse Township Chronicle

Investigative Reporting
1 Unknown Mishpocha Detroit Jewish Maya Goldman Captivating story telling. The author interwove several
News personal stories into this piece.
2 Nuclear waste & the Great Lakes The Voice Jim Bloch
Magazine Spread Design
1 Country Chic: Fall Fashion Spreas Seen Magazine Boswell Hardwick, Rachel Beautiful photos! The design for these spreads was exactly
Schostak, Michelle Sheridan, what it should be ? simple and elegant while it allows the
Nicole Frehsee Mazur photos to speak for themselves.
Open-Government Reporting
0 No Winner
Page One Design- Newspapers Only
1 Chandler Park Academy students Advertiser Times Jason Clancy
have experiment taken into space

Portrait Photography
1 Gerard Marti Rocks On Seen Magazine Darrel Ellis I like the contrast of Marti's smiling face looking away to the
serious, dead on faces in the artwork.
Racial Justice Reporting
1 Hues Of Jews Detroit Jewish Jennifer Lovy A superb piece highlighting the diversity of people of Jewish
News faith. It's hard to find stories about race, ethnicity and
religion as nuanced as this in our current charged
atmosphere. An enlightening read.
2 Actions Matter Detroit Jewish Robin Schwartz
3 Weekend protests call for racial The News-Herald Jim Kasuba
equality, support for Black Lives
Matter movement
Sports Page Design- Newspapers Only
1 State girls basketball playoffs set to Troy Times Jason Clancy Clipping is a little rough on the player no. 3. Hair and hand on
tip ball look odd. I also wish her legs weren't cut off.

Spot or Breaking News Reporting

1 Thousands in downtown Ferndale Woodward Talk Michael Koury Marches for justice were happening all across the U.S. after
protest killings of black Americans the death of George Floyd and this breaking news article
captured the feelings and concerns of those who
participated. Well written, well organized and great quotes
from those who attended. Well done.

2 Officials unveil $39M plan to build The News-Herald Jason Alley, Jackie Martin
bridge over infamous railroad
Cover Design
1 Inside Out & Outside In Kresge Foundation Kevin Martin, Jing Jing Tsong This is super creative and clearly took a lot of work to create.
Well done!
2 Perspectives Magazine: Summer Coaching Detroit Michelle Sheridan, Omarion Smith
2020 Cover Forward and The
Detroit Writing
Education Reporting
1 Keeping Higher Ed Accountable The Kresge Natalie Gross Outstanding work. Obviously, a great deal of research went
Foundation into this account of Sarita Brown and Deborah Santiago and
their passion for Excelencia in Education. Beyond the
statistics, the story excellently weaves powerful quotes
Environment Reporting
1 Water Warriors The Kresge Laurie Mazur This piece is very well-balanced and the layout and is both
Foundation engaging and easy to follow.
Feature Page Design
1 Turning Refuse Into Revenue Oakland County Mariisa Franz, Todd Haight, Great consistency and flow between pages. Good way to
Water Resources Michelle Franzen Martin make data more appealing.
Commissioner Year
in Review
2 A Pledge to the Next The Kresge Kevin Martin
Generation/Facing the Equity Foundation
Feature Reporting
1 Freely Marie The Kresge Nichole Christian Strong, detailed writing with excellent use of historical
Foundation information and secondary sources. I have only taken one art
course in my life, but I was fascinated with Woo and what
she has created. "I became addicted." Beautiful story and
impactful photos. Excellent job!

2 In the Moment Super Lawyers Riley Beggin

3 The Everyday Extraordinary Super Lawyers Riley Beggin
Health Reporting
1 Health & Housing The Kresge Jim McFarlin Well written and documented. Readable and solid. Well done
Magazine Spread Design
1 Wonder and Flow: Contributors Page The Kresge Patrick Barber Nice placement of text and use of photo.
Portrait Photography
1 Self-Portrait by Omarion Smith Coaching Detroit Omarion Smith Interesting choice going with a self-portrait. It's almost a little
Forward and The tricky. At first it looks like it's taken in a mirror, but
Detroit Writing "Olympus" would've been backwards.
2 Portrait of Marie Woo The Kresge Erin Kirkland
Racial Justice Reporting
1 If it Wasn't for You, What Would I Coaching Detroit Brianna Logan This perspective is riveting and a viewpoint that needed to be
See? Forward and The shared. Very well done!
Detroit Writing
2 Facing the Equity Challenge The Kresge John Gallagher
Automotive Reporting
1 Ford Motor Co. beat reporting by Detroit Free Press Phoebe Wall Howard Excellent, well-rounded coverage of Ford operations, issues
Phoebe Wall Howard and workforce. I am much more knowledgeable of the
operations of the company for reading this entry.

2 After the Germans and Italians, can The Detroit News Breana Noble
Chrysler 'pull together' with the
3 Chevrolet Impala's last run: The Detroit News Kalea Hall
Production ends, but spirit likely to
live on
4 Dealerships have fewer vehicles to The Detroit News Breana Noble
sell. Some like this 'new normal'

Car Review
0 No Winner
Cover Design
1 Crain's Detroit Business cover, Feb. Crain's Detroit David Kordalski Designer has strong understanding of use of color, text
17, 2020 Business placement and styles. Great work.
2 All About Orchids The Detroit News Diana McNary
3 Comfort & Joy The Detroit News Diana McNary
4 The Light Fantastic The Detroit News Diana McNary
1 Criticism - Jesus Christ Superstar, The Oakland Press Gary Graff Excellent reviews that present good and bad, instilling in
Garth, Charlie and the Chocolate readers a desire to be there to see for themselves.
2 Music, a Movie, Picasso & the Blue Water Healthy Jim Bloch
Pandemic Living
3 The best of Melody Baetens The Detroit News Melody Baetens
4 Pop Culture Criticism by Julie Hinds, Detroit Free Press Julie Hinds
Detroit Free Press
Editorial Cartoon
1 Dan Saad Editorial Cartoons Crain's Detroit Dan Saad Cleanly drawn, if a bit busy. Distinctive style and cleverly
Business presented opinion.
Informational Graphics
1 Miggy2K Detroit Free Press Ryan Ford I love the flow of this page. The cutout and pops of orange
give it a ton of visual interest.
2 Al Kaline: A Hall of a career Detroit Free Press Ryan Ford

1 Exhausted in a 'nightmare': A look MLive.com Neil Blake, Justin Hicks Great uses of natural sound. Loved that you let your subjects
inside a Michigan hospital COVID tell the story.
2 Lake Michigan: The Deadliest Great MLive.com Lori Chapman, Neil Blake, Jeremy
Lake Marble, Dana Afana, Gillian
Sojourner Truth Award in Topical Reporting
1 Detroit Free Press coverage of the Detroit Free Press Detroit Free Press Staff Detroit The Free Press coverage of the coronavirus pandemic isn't
COVID-19 pandemic Free Press Staff just excellent journalism. It's public service at its finest. At a
time when people need accurate information the most, the
Free Press delivered. The collection of work here would make
any community proud to support their local newspaper.

2 Exhausted in a 'nightmare': A look MLive Justin Hicks, Mike Mulholland, Neil

inside a Michigan hospital COVID Blake
3 Bridge in the pandemic Bridge Michigan Bridge Staff
4 Election 2020 truth-telling by the Detroit Free Press Todd Spangler, Dave Boucher, Paul
Detroit Free Press Politics Team Egan, Clara Hendrickson

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