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Alzheimer’s disease
Philip Scheltens, Bart De Strooper, Miia Kivipelto, Henne Holstege, Gael Chételat, Charlotte E Teunissen, Jeffrey Cummings, Wiesje M van der Flier

In this Seminar, we highlight the main developments in the field of Alzheimer’s disease. The most recent data Lancet 2021; 397: 1577–90
indicate that, by 2050, the prevalence of dementia will double in Europe and triple worldwide, and that estimate is Published Online
3 times higher when based on a biological (rather than clinical) definition of Alzheimer’s disease. The earliest phase March 2, 2021
of Alzheimer’s disease (cellular phase) happens in parallel with accumulating amyloid β, inducing the spread of
tau pathology. The risk of Alzheimer’s disease is 60–80% dependent on heritable factors, with more than
Alzheimer Centre Amsterdam
40 Alzheimer’s disease-associated genetic risk loci already identified, of which the APOE alleles have the strongest (Prof P Scheltens MD,
association with the disease. Novel biomarkers include PET scans and plasma assays for amyloid β and H Holstege PhD,
phosphorylated tau, which show great promise for clinical and research use. Multidomain lifestyle-based prevention Prof W M ­van der Flier PhD),
Department of Neurology
trials suggest cognitive benefits in participants with increased risk of dementia. Lifestyle factors do not directly affect
(Prof P Scheltens), Department
Alzheimer’s disease pathology, but can still contribute to a positive outcome in individuals with Alzheimer’s disease. of Clinical Genetics
Promising pharmacological treatments are poised at advanced stages of clinical trials and include anti-amyloid β, (H Holstege), Department of
anti-tau, and anti-inflammatory strategies. Clinical Chemistry
(Prof C E Teunissen PhD) and
Department of Epidemiology
Introduction Working Group4,5 and subsequent efforts by the National and Datascience
Alzheimer’s disease is the main cause of dementia and is Institute on Aging and the Alzheimer’s Association (Prof W M ­van der Flier),
quickly becoming one of the most expensive, lethal, and working groups,6 incorporating biomarkers to make the Amsterdam University Medical
Centers, Amsterdam,
burdening diseases of this century.1 Since the Seminar categorisation of Alzheimer’s disease purely biological.7 Netherlands; Life Science
published in 2016,2 important developments have taken Initially, the diagnosis of Alzheimer’s disease was Partners, Amsterdam,
place in the under­standing of the underlying pathology, restricted to the stage of dementia, a clinical syndrome Netherlands (Prof P Scheltens);
the recognition of multiple causative and protective genes, characterised by substantial progressive cognitive impair­ VIB Center for Brain and
Disease Research, Leuven,
the identification of new blood-based and imaging ment affecting several domains, or neurobehavioral Belgium
biomarkers, and the first cautious signals of positive effects symptoms of enough severity to cause evident functional (Prof B De Strooper MD);
of disease-modifying treatments and lifestyle interventions. impact on daily life. A person with dementia is no longer KU Leuven Department for
The aim of this new Seminar is to provide the reader with fully independent, and this loss of independence is the Neurology, Leuven, Belgium
(Prof B De Strooper); Dementia
up to date insight into the field of Alzheimer’s disease. primary feature differentiating dementia from mild Research Institute, University
cognitive impairment.8 College London, London, UK
Clinical signs and symptoms Given the developments in the biomarker field and the (Prof B De Strooper); Division of
Three cases, in panel 1 (see also figure 1), illustrate the desire to make them usable in a diagnostic setting, Jack Clinical Geriatrics and Center
for Alzheimer Research,
clinical spectrum of Alzheimer’s disease. Case A highlights and colleagues8 grouped the biomarkers into A (amyloid), Department of Neurobiology,
Alzheimer’s disease that is determined genetically, as per T (phosphorylated tau), and N (neurodegeneration, Care Sciences and Society,
the ongoing global initiatives of the Dominantly Inherited mea­ sured by total tau where applicable): the ATN Karolinska University Hospital,
Alzheimer Network and Alzheimer Prevention Initiative frame­work (appendix p 1). In this research framework, Stockholm, Sweden
(Prof M Kivipelto MD); Institute
and their associated clinical trials. Case B represents a the diagnosis of Alzheimer’s disease is defined by the of Public Health and Clinical
language variant of Alzheimer’s disease, usually occurring presence of amyloid β and phosphorylated tau. The Nutrition, University of Eastern
at a younger age (under 70 years), illustrating the difficulty Finland, Kuopio, Finland
(Prof M Kivipelto); Ageing and
in recognising Alzheimer’s disease in those for whom
Epidemiology Research Unit,
memory problems are not the first and most prominent Search strategy and selection criteria
School of Public Health,
feature. Case C is a typical amnestic variant, more com­ Between Dec 1, 2019, and Sept 1, 2020, we searched the Imperial College London,
monly seen in patients older than 70 years, illustrating Cochrane Library for articles published exclusively in English
London, UK (Prof M Kivipelto);
Normandie Université,
the growing population affected by Alzheimer’s disease during 2010–15, PubMed for articles published during Université de Caen, Institut
and dementia: older individuals often living alone, and 2016–20, and Embase for articles published during 2016–20. National de la Santé et de la
increasingly dependent on others for care. We used the search term “Alzheimer’s disease” in Recherche Médicale,
Groupement d’Intérêt Public
combination with the following: “pathology”, “imaging”, Cyceron, Caen, France
Diagnostic criteria: from clinical, to clinical and “diagnosis”, “therapy”, “trials”, “epidemiology”, “CSF”, (Prof G Chételat MD);
biological, to biological “genetics”, and “biomarkers”. We largely selected publications Chambers-Grundy Center for
The diagnosis of Alzheimer’s disease has gone from a from the past 5 years, and especially focused on changes that Transformative Neuroscience,
purely pathological one, in the days of Alois Alzheimer occurred after the publication of the previous Seminar
Department of Brain Health,
University of Nevada,
(1864–1915), to a clinical, exclusionary approach in 1984. in 2016.1 We also searched the reference lists of articles Las Vegas, NV, USA
The clinical diagnosis was based on the criteria defined by identified by this search strategy and selected those that were (Prof J Cummings MD); and
the National Institute of Neurological and Communicative judged relevant. Review articles and book chapters are cited Cleveland Clinic Lou Ruvo
Disorders and Stroke and the Alzheimer’s Disease and Center for Brain Health,
to provide readers with references for more details than this Las Vegas, NV, USA
Related Disorders Association,3 via a combined clinical Seminar can include. (Prof J Cummings)
and biological approach developed by the International

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Correspondence to:
Prof Philip Scheltens, Department Panel 1: Case vignettes
of Neurology, Amsterdam
University Medical Center, Mrs A, aged 42 years, a successful manager of an IT company, Review of the MRI showed slight asymmetry of the temporal
Amsterdam 108HX, Netherlands presents at the Alzheimer Centre Amsterdam because of lobes, with grade 2 hippocampal atrophy on the left side and
[email protected] self-perceived memory loss and loss of oversight and grade 1 hippocampal atrophy on the right side, without any
See Online for appendix multitasking abilities. She recognises these complaints all too other abnormalities (figure 1B). Because of his young age,
well because her mother had Alzheimer’s disease for 5 years, and his and his family’s desire to obtain a firm diagnosis to plan
until her death at the age of 47 years. Two of her four brothers ahead and make proper adjustments to his working life,
also had Alzheimer’s disease, and had been tested and found to an amyloid-PET scan was done and showed diffuse cortical
be carriers of a PSEN1 mutation. Although she has not been uptake of the ligand (figure 1A). As part of a research project,
tested herself, she always felt she would be a carrier and a tau-PET scan was done and showed left-temporal abnormal
subsequently chose not to have children. She asked for a full tau deposition (figure 1C). A diagnosis of logopenic variant of
evaluation because she wanted to have the option of Alzheimer’s disease was made. Lifestyle advice was given and
participating in a clinical trial programme. Her Mini-Mental regular visits to a speech therapist were offered.2 Given the
State Exam score was 27/30 and her Montreal Cognitive diagnosis and the perceived grim future, as well as the high
Assessment score was 24/30. Given her age, these scores demands of his job on his language skills, he decided to take
suggest mild memory and executive disturbances, which were sick leave from his job.
confirmed by neuropsychological testing. A brain MRI showed Mrs C, aged 78 years, lives independently on her own after
no abnormalities. Cerebrospinal fluid biomarker values were being widowed 6 years ago. She was known to her general
750 pg/mL for amyloid β42, 335 pg/mL for tau, and 35 pg/mL practitioner with controlled hypertension and moderate heart
for phosphorylated tau 181, all in the abnormal range. failure, for which she takes medication. Her son lives abroad
Serum neurofilament light chain value was 25 pg/mL, which is and her daughter lives 100 km away. Both have demanding
abnormal for her age, according to in-house defined reference jobs and young children. During telephone and Skype calls,
curves. APOE status was ε3/ε4. All these biomarker values her children noticed increasing forgetfulness and one of the
indicate the presence of Alzheimer’s disease pathology and neighbours had recently informed the daughter that her
onset in a clinically mildly affected patient. Genetic testing mother mixed up the days, forgot to eat, and was not able to
confirmed the presence of the same PSEN1 mutation carried by take good care of herself anymore. The daughter accompanied
her brothers. She was informed about the diagnosis, followed her mother to the Alzheimer Centre Amsterdam on referral by
up at 6 month intervals at the centre, and put on the list for a the general practitioner, who had initially dismissed the worries
clinical trial within the Dominantly Inherited Alzheimer Network of the daughter. On examination by a geriatrician, she was
Trials Unit programme. She informed her colleagues at work and found to be malnourished and underweight. The Mini-Mental
agreed to have regular meetings with the company’s physician. State Exam score was 17/30 and a brief neuropsychological test
Mr B, aged 62 years, is a high school teacher who presented to battery showed scores below the norm for memory and
the neurologist with gradually progressive difficulty finding executive function. Her score on the Amsterdam Instrumental
words and understanding sentences, and slight memory loss. Activities of Daily Living test3 was 58, indicating severe
He had visited another neurologist because of suspicion of a impairment. An MRI showed a medial temporal atrophy score
vascular event, but a brain MRI showed no abnormalities. of 2 bilaterally, and moderate to severe white matter changes
On examination, his Mini-Mental State Exam score was 25/30 (Fazekas score 2). A diagnosis of mild to moderate dementia
and the Montreal Cognitive Assessment score was 24/30, due to Alzheimer’s disease with some vascular contribution was
both within normal range for his age, with normal findings at made, and a case manager was assigned to organise and
routine neurological and laboratory investigations. supervise care to have her stay at home as long as possible.
Neuropsychological and detailed language assessment revealed Vascular risk factors were checked and cholinesterase inhibitor
a decrease in fluency, naming, and repetition of long sentences. therapy was started.

presence of amyloid β (regardless of the presence of the concepts of Alzheimer’s disease and dementia
phosphorylated tau and neurodegeneration) is termed (figure 2).
Alzheimer’s pathological change, basing the research Despite the critique that other key causes of dementia,
diagnosis of Alzheimer’s disease on biomarker evidence in particular vascular disease, were omitted,9 the authors
only. Clinical stages can range from cognitively normal of the ATN framework argued that dementia has
to mild cognitive impairment and dementia, stressing multiple underlying pathologies, of which Alzheimer’s
the continuum of Alzheimer’s disease, which spans a disease is one, but Alzheimer’s disease is defined by the
period of years. The ATN framework underpins the presence of amyloid β and tau (acknowledging that
importance of amyloid β and tau as the defining many other pathologies can also be present in these
characteristics of Alzheimer’s disease, conse­ quently patients).10 The large number of ATN categories,
proposing that Alzheimer’s disease can be diagnosed by combined with the fact that other pathologies are not
biomarkers only, and definitively distin­guishing between evaluated in the scheme, makes the ATN approach not

1578 www.thelancet.com Vol 397 April 24, 2021



Figure 1: Imaging findings of a case similar to patient B’s case in panel 1

(A) Amyloid Pittsburgh compound B-PET scan showing amyloid deposition predominantly in the posterior cingulate region. (B) T1-weighted MRI images showing
generalised cortical atrophy, left to right. (C) Tau-PET image using AV1451 tracer, showing left-sided inferotemporal lobe, parietal, and mild posterior cingulate
deposition of tau. Image courtesy of Rik Ossenkoppele and Gil Rabinovici.

yet suitable for clinical practice.11 In addition, there are

operational limitations to defining A, T, and N positivity Alzheimer’s disease
or negativity, such as some biomarkers not having Normal Mild cognitive impairment Dementia
established cutoff points, and different biomarkers
being combined in one category. Although the AT or 15–25 years

ATN approach is the cornerstone of current trials of

Figure 2: Alzheimer’s disease is a continuum
disease-modifying interventions in Alzheimer’s disease, The arrow points to the continuum of Alzheimer’s disease, stretching over a
clinical diagnosis still rests on the criteria set by the period of 15–25 years, in which Alzheimer’s disease pathology can be present
National Institute on Aging in 2011.6,12 without any symptoms via a stage of mild cognitive impairment leading up to
overt dementia, illustrating that dementia is the end result of a long-time
The ATN framework clearly paves the way for a diagnosis
presence of Alzheimer’s disease pathology. Not every patient will necessarily
before the stage of Alzheimer’s disease-associated demen­ follow this path by definition. Note: between normal and mild cognitive
tia, and it makes individualised risk-profiling for patients impairment, patients can experience subjective complaints, but not all
with mild cognitive impairment feasible.13 However, a complaints are early signs of dementia and the predictive value of having
complaints for dementia is unknown.
clinical encounter study evaluating doctor–patient com­
munication in memory clinics showed that clinicians are
reluctant to share specific prognostic information with Mortality
patients with mild cognitive impairment.14 In the context The relatively stable prevalence despite decreasing
of predementia diagnosis, subjective cognitive decline is incidence could be explained by a long disease duration,
even more challenging. A recent Personal View provides a although studies on mortality do not support this notion.
clinical characterisation of subjective cognitive decline, A US-based study evaluating survival after a dementia
and attempts to provide clinicians with guidance on diagnosis in almost 60 000 individuals reported survival
how to deal with this decline (which might or might not times of 3–4 years.23 In an European, memory clinic-
be attributable to underlying Alzheimer’s disease).15 At based cohort, median survival time was 6 years after
a group level, ATN biomarkers clearly predict incident a diagnosis of Alzheimer’s disease dementia (median
dementia in subjective cognitive decline, but individualised 6·2 years [range 6·0–6·5]).24 This estimate coincides with
risk modelling remains challenging.16,17 In a Delphi study a multicentre study that provided estimates of duration
to identify topics most relevant to discuss in the diagnostic not only of the dementia stage, but also of the prodromal
process, patients and caregivers indicated that they value (mild cognitive impairment) and of preclinical disease
precise and specific information, even when it does not stage of Alzheimer’s disease.25 For an individual aged
provide complete certainty.18 Tools to support decision 70 years, duration estimates are 10 years for the preclinical
making and communication about Alzheimer’s disease stage, 4 years for the prodromal stage, and 6 years for the
diagnosis, such as ADappt,19 are urgently needed. dementia stage of Alzheimer’s disease, totalling 20 years. For ADappt see www.adappt.
A first attempt at estimating prevalence on the basis of a health

Epidemiology biological (rather than clinical) definition showed that,

Incidence and prevalence at the age of 85 years, the prevalence of biologically
In 2018, Alzheimer’s Disease International estimated a defined Alzheimer’s disease is 3 times higher than that
dementia prevalence of about 50 million people worldwide, of clinically defined Alzheimer’s disease.26
projected to triple in 2050, with two-thirds living in
low-income and middle-income countries.20 The most Risk factors for dementia and Alzheimer’s disease
recent data estimate that dementia prevalence in Europe The strongest risk factors for Alzheimer’s disease are
will double by 2050.1 Accumulating evidence suggests that advanced age (older than 65 years, although this is not a
the incidence of dementia is declining in high-income fixed definition) and carrying at least one APOE ε4 allele.27
countries,21 although evidence for a decline in prevalence is Moreover, women are more likely to develop Alzheimer’s
less convincing.22 disease than are men, especially after the age of 80 years.20

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Women are also more likely to have a higher tau load, Protective genes
despite having a similar amyloid β burden.28,29 In addition, The identification of risk-increasing genetic variants
cardiovascular risk factors and an unhealthy lifestyle has fuelled the interest in the detection of protective
have been associated with an increased risk of dementia. genetic variants (figure 3C). Carriers of the protective
The Lancet Commission on Dementia Prevention esti­ APOE ε2 allele have an estimated 2 times decreased
mated that 12 modifiable risk factors together account lifetime risk of Alzheimer’s disease compared with non-
for roughly 40% of the worldwide risk of any type of carriers,50 which translates into an exceptionally low
dementia.30 These estimates illustrate that prevention likelihood of Alzheimer’s disease for homozygous
by intervening on modifiable risk factors is of great APOE ε2 allele carriers.51 The discovery of the rare
relevance, even if most of the dementia burden cannot be Ala673Thr Icelandic protective mutation of APP52 was
prevented via a lifestyle-intervention approach. However, associated with prolonged cognitive health. Similarly,
evidence suggests that vascular risk factors do not compared with middle-aged individuals, a rare Pro522Arg
increase the risk of Alzheimer’s disease pathology as amino acid change in the PLCG2 gene was associated
measured by cerebrospinal fluid biomarkers or PET.31–33 with a near 2 times reduced risk of Alzheimer’s disease53
This evidence implies that lifestyle and vascular risk and other types of dementia, and with a 2·3 times
factors contribute to dementia, but not via the Alzheimer’s increased chance of reaching 100 years in cognitive
disease pathway. health.54,55 Genetic resilience was even reported in a
person with a PSEN1 mutation who lived beyond the age
Genetics of onset of symptoms common in her family, due to a
Causative and risk genes homozygous rare protective variant in the APOE ε3 allele
Studies of twins showed that the risk of Alzheimer’s (Christchurch mutation).56 Variants in the klotho longevity
disease is 60–80% dependent on heritable factors.34 The gene were associated with a similar effect.57 Such protective
common APOE ε4 allele explains a substantial part of, genetic variants hold great promise in Alzheimer’s disease
but does not completely account for the heritability of, research, as they might pinpoint mechanistic processes
Alzheimer’s disease.35,36 Large genome-wide association protecting cognitive health.
studies have been done to identify novel genetic variants
in Alzheimer’s disease, the latest of which to date Pathophysiology
investigated about 150  000 people with Alzheimer’s Basic scientists designate the preclinical phase of
disease and age-matched controls, and more than Alzheimer’s disease as the cellular phase. Alterations in
300 000 people with a proxy-phenotype Alzheimer’s neurons, microglia, and astroglia drive the insidious
disease (parental history of Alzheimer’s disease) and progression of the disease before cognitive impairment
controls (no parental history of Alzheimer’s disease), is observed.58 Neuro-inflammation,59 alterations in the
which increased the number of Alzheimer’s disease- vessels,60,61 ageing,62 and dysfunction of the glymphatic
associated risk alleles to more than 40.37 However, system63 act upstream or in parallel to accumulating
although the common APOE ε4 risk allele is associated amyloid β in this cellular disease landscape. Amyloid β
with an estimated 3–4 times increased risk of Alzheimer’s induces, via an unknown way, the spread of tau
disease across different genome-wide association studies, patho­logy,64 which is associated with the appearance of
other Alzheimer’s disease risk alleles are associated with necroptosis markers in neurons displaying granulo­
much smaller contributions to the total disease risk vacuolar degeneration.65
(odds ratio between 1·05 and 1·2; figure 3B).37 Single-cell transcriptome analysis has elucidated the
Based on the presence or absence of these risk alleles microglia response.66 APOE and TREM2, two major
in the genome of an individual, a polygenic risk score can Alzheimer’s disease risk genes, are important parts of this
be calculated, which is currently able to distinguish response.66–68 ApoE binds to amyloid β plaques,69 and the
between patients with Alzheimer’s disease and controls Alzheimer’s disease-associated genetic variants of TREM2
with 75–85% accuracy.38,39 Although the bulk of this Arg47His, Arg62His, and Asp87Asn decrease binding of
accuracy can be ascribed to the APOE ε4 allele, the 40 or TREM2 to ApoE (figure 3).70 Several other proteins linked
so other variants also collectively contribute substantially to genetic risk of Alzheimer’s disease, such as SHIP1,
to Alzheimer’s disease risk.27 Functional annotation of CD2AP, RIN3, BIN1, PLCG2, CASS4, and PTKB2 act
these risk loci indicate that, next to amyloid β metabolism, presumably downstream of ApoE and TREM2 signal-
the modulation of the immune response, cholesterol, modulating endocytosis, motility, and phagocytosis in
lipid dysfunction, endocytosis, and vascular factors play a microglia (figure 4). CD33 acts in opposition to TREM2,77
role in the development of Alzheimer’s disease.40–45 and MS4A4A modulates the secretion of soluble TREM2
Next-generation sequencing techniques have shown rare protein.78 The fact that so many Alzheimer’s disease
protein-damaging variants in the SORL1,46 ABCA7,47 risk genes converge on microglial response pathways
and TREM2 genes.48,49 These findings suggest that the indicates their central role in the disease pathogenesis.
intact protein products of these genes are essential in However, further research is needed to elucidate whether
maintaining brain health (figure 3A). the microglia response is to amyloid β plaques only,76 or

1580 www.thelancet.com Vol 397 April 24, 2021


Rare risk-modifying variants identified through sequencing studies Risk alleles identified with GWAS
Full penetrance
(causative) >20 PSEN1
A Causative and strong risk-increasing variants
16 PSEN2

Very high APP


Risk increasing


B Risk variants or alleles included in the PRS

2 ABCA7-rs115550680 ABCA7-rs3752231 mutations
Low SCIMP CD2AP unclear
Very low MINK1 ECHDC3
Very low APP rs2154481
C Protective variants SORL1 rs11218343 SPI1
CASS4 PLCG2 rs12444183
APP A673T (Icelandic) PLCG2 P522R PRKD3

Intermediate EPHA1
0·5 APOE e3 R136S CLU
High (Christchurch) ADAM10 CD33

<0·01 0·1 1·0 10 100


Figure 3: The genetic landscape of Alzheimer’s disease

MAF (x-axis) is the frequency at which a non-reference (variant) allele occurs in the population. Variant carriers with OR=1 and non-carriers have the same odds of
developing Alzheimer’s disease, variants with OR >1 are associated with an increased risk of Alzheimer’s disease, and variants with OR <1 are associated with a
protective effect (y-axis). (A) Causative or strong risk increasing variants. A schematic representation of individual rare variants for which ORs cannot be estimated
due to extreme variant rareness. Linkage studies in large pedigrees indicate that specific rare variants in PSEN1, PSEN2, and APP cause autosomal dominant
Alzheimer’s disease, in some cases with age at onsets as early as 40 years old. Note that not all variants in these three genes give rise to autosomal dominant
Alzheimer’s disease; some might be risk-modifiers or non-pathogenic. Further, evidence is accumulating that certain variants in the SORL1 gene are causative
of Alzheimer’s disease before the age of 70 years. The Alzheimer’s disease-association of variants in the SORL1, ABCA7, and TREM2 genes was found in gene-based
tests; carriers may come from small pedigrees with inheritance patterns of Alzheimer’s disease suggestive of autosomal dominant inheritance. (B) GWAS hits are
common (by convention, MAF >1%) variants that represent risk alleles that occur with significantly different frequency in patients with Alzheimer’s disease and
controls. Each variant is represented by the gene in which it occurs, or when the variant is non-coding, by the gene that maps closest to the variant (depicted in dark
grey). (C) Protective variants are (very) rare variants suggested to confer resistance against age-associated or disease-associated risk factors of cognitive decline.
GWAS=genome-wide association studies. MAF=minor allele frequency. OR=odds ratio. PRS=polygenic risk scores.

that it also mediates toxicity induced by tau pathology79 or of the disease (in ATN terms, before A positivity [presence
acts protectively against tau.80 of amyloid β]). Thanks to cryo-electron microscopy,
The contradictory effects of the microglia response amyloid β85 and tau fibrils are now known in finer detail.86
partly reflect the limitations of mice models overexpressing Cryo-electron microscopy has also allowed full insight into
tau for the study of Alzheimer’s disease. It is possible how presenilins, the catalytic subunits of γ-secretases,
that strong transgenic tau overexpression79 induces an interact with APP87 and Notch substrates.88 Complemented
artificially strong neuroinflammatory response that is not by func­tional studies on purified γ-secretase complexes,71
seen in milder tau models.76,80 The use of mice models it is now understood that clinical mutations in presenilins
that do not overexpress tau,76 mouse-human chimeric destabilise the γ-secretase–APP interactions, leading to
mice,82,83 or new in-vitro models derived from human, premature release of longer, aggregation-prone amyloid β
induced pluripotent stem cells84 might help to explain the peptides. These insights support the development of new
conflicting observations. Of note, all preclinical models therapeutic approaches to tackle amyloid β in Alzheimer’s
are reductionistic in nature, implying that any conclusions disease.
towards therapeutic developments need to be made with The role of amyloid β in the disease cascade needs to be
caution. reintegrated with concepts of resilience and susceptibility.
Although cellular pathology has become central in the To this end, the cellular responses of neurons, astroglia,
study of Alzheimer’s disease, great progress has also been microglia, pericytes, and endothelial cells, which are
made in understanding the preceding biochemical phase largely defined by the genetic makeup of a patient, will

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systems of the brain,61 the peripheral immune system,90

and potentially the gastrointestinal microbiome91 affect
the clinical development of the disease. Vascular
pathology also affects blood–brain barrier integrity.89,92
Leakage of the blood–brain barrier causes dementia
independently from amyloid β and tau pathology,
Damaged neuron especially in APOE ε4 carriers.92
The biological definition of Alzheimer’s disease is oper­
ationalised by the use of ATN biomarkers (appendix p 1).

Induction of tau Imaging biomarkers

Lipidation? Amyloid β plaque Established markers: MRI, 18fluorodeoxyglucose (18FDG)-PET,
and amyloid-PET
APOE Proinflammatory
The three best validated neuroimaging biomarkers for
CD33 TREM2 FCER1G cytokines Alzheimer’s disease are medial temporal lobe atrophy on
TREML2 (eg, IL-1β) MRI and posterior cingulate and temporoparietal hypome­
P P LYN P tabolism on 18FDG-PET as measures of neurodegenera­
IP3 and DAG SYK tion, and cortical amyloid β deposition on amyloid-PET
INPP5D C3b imaging. A five-phase strategic roadmap showed that the
CR1 three biomarkers have almost achieved analytical and
CLEC7A, cytokines, and chemokines CR2 clinical validity (phases 1 to 3), although evidence for their
clinical utility (phases 4 and 5) is considered insufficient.93
SPI1 HLA-DRB5 Large prospective studies could provide answers
MS4A4A regarding the clinical impact and utility of amyloid β
EFNA1 imaging. The ABIDE study showed that amyloid β
Microglia imaging improved diagnostic accuracy and confidence in
a memory clinic setting with relatively young patients
(under the age of 70 years).94 The IDEAS study, carried
out in individuals aged 65 years and older, showed that
amyloid-PET imaging affected clinical diagnosis and
Lysosome CD2AP diagnostic confidence in about 60% of patients with mild
cognitive impairment or dementia.95
Uncertainty regarding the order of tests hinders the
widespread implementation of these imaging biomarkers.
An interdisciplinary group of experts recently concluded
Figure 4: The cellular phase of Alzheimer’s disease that, although MRI is always recommended as the
Although amyloid plaques (red, middle of the figure) and tau phosphorylation and tangles (neurons, top right
corner) are still considered the defining features of Alzheimer’s disease, the focus of research has been widened from
necessary first step after clinical evaluation, the decision
neurons to the response of other cell populations in the disease.71 The microglia-mediated inflammation, known for on necessity and choice of the next biomarker test
decades to be present in Alzheimer’s disease,72 has finally taken centre-stage in functional research on the depends on the specific clinical profile and the individual
pathogenesis of the disease. Many of the risk-genes protein products (bold and capitals) identified in Alzheimer’s diagnostic question.96 Amyloid-PET is most useful to
disease (figure 3) are expressed and have functions in microglia. These genes become upregulated when microglia
are exposed to amyloid plaques and many of the Alzheimer’s disease risk genes are enriched in the disease-associated rule out Alzheimer’s disease, whereas 18FDG-PET has
microglia response that characterises this cell state.73–75 Other genes involved in this response and moderately positive value for the differential diagnosis of neurodegenerative
in genome-wide association studies are indicated as well. Adapted from Sierksma et al,76 by permission of EMBO diseases, prediction of short-term clinical outcome, and
Molecular Medicine.
staging of extent and localisation of neurodegenerative
processes. Such algorithms can also be used to support
determine whether and how long a brain affected by clinicians in the choice of whether or not to do an
amyloid pathology will continue to function normally.58,76 additional diagnostic test.96
Once homoeostasis collapses, Alzheimer’s disease mani­ Finally, consideration of regional (instead of global)
fests itself clinically. Where and when tau influences this cortical amyloid β deposition could allow detection of
cellular phase is one of the most interesting questions for the earliest amyloid β stages (in temporobasal and
the field. frontomedial areas) with much higher sensitivity.73
Apart from the core signature biochemical amyloid and
tau pathology and the microglia response, which defines Tau-PET
Alzheimer’s disease, it is clear that vasculature,89 the Tau-PET ligands allow the in-vivo characterisation of
blood–brain barrier,89 the glymphatic63 and other clearance tau tracer retention, consistent with Braak stages.74 In

1582 www.thelancet.com Vol 397 April 24, 2021


contrast to amyloid β deposition, tau-PET binding

topography correlates with cognitive deficits,97 is specific Panel 2: Fluid biomarker consortia relevant to the field of
to the different Alzheimer’s disease clinical phenotypes,75 Alzheimer’s disease
and is predictive of subsequent rates of cognitive Global Biomarker Standardization Consortium of the
decline98 and atrophy.99 Tau-PET is a powerful biomarker Alzheimer’s Association112
for differential diagnosis between Alzheimer’s disease- Aims to achieve consensus on the best ways to standardise
tauopathy and other neurodegenerative tauopathies.100 and validate biomarker tests for use in global clinical practices.
Finally, longitudinal tau-PET studies highlight the
sensitivity of this technique to track the progression of Society for CSF Analysis and Clinical Neurochemistry113
the disease,101 and the spread of tau along brain net­ Aims to exchange high-level international scientific
works, consistent with neuron-to-neuron propagation.102 experience, to facilitate the incorporation of cerebrospinal
Tau-PET also helps to better understand the role of fluid diagnostics into clinical practice, and to give advice on
tau and its interaction with amyloid β. Preliminary data the inclusion of cerebrospinal fluid analysis into clinical
suggest that amyloid β might both accelerate tau guidelines.
accumulation103 and allow the spread of tau outside of Foundation for the National Institutes of Health
the medial temporal lobe.104 Biomarkers Consortium114
In May, 2020, the tau tracer flortaucipir was approved Aims to bring together the expertise and resources of various
for clinical use by the US Food and Drug Administration. partners to rapidly identify, develop, and qualify potential
For tau-PET to enter clinical practice, methodological high-impact biomarkers, particularly to enable improvements
refinement is needed; for example, off-target and non- in drug development, clinical care, and regulatory decision
specific binding and analysis procedures are issues to be making.
resolved.105,106 Second-generation tracers that seem to have
better signal-to-noise ratio, less off-target binding, and International Federation of Clinical Chemistry and
lower non-specific binding than first-generation tracers Laboratory Medicine Working Group CSF Proteins115
have been developed.105,106 Aims to develop certified reference material and reference
methods for amyloid β42 or amyloid β40 and tau in
Other imaging modalities cerebrospinal fluid.
Developments in PET ligands targeting SV2A imaging
have opened new avenues to explore brain synaptic Cerebrospinal fluid markers
density.107 This progress is of particular interest in Aside from the established cerebrospinal fluid biomarkers
Alzheimer’s disease, with preliminary reports of decreased amyloid β1–42, amyloid β1–40, phosphorylated tau 181,
SV2A binding in the hippocampus in patients with mild and total tau, some new developments can be reported.
cognitive impairment or Alzheimer’s disease.108 Further Markers reflecting axonal damage and synaptic
development of PET markers for neuroinflammation, dysfunction are relevant in light of synaptic pathology
α-synuclein, TDP43, and neurotransmitter systems are being present early in the disease course, and of its
also eagerly awaited. Better use of multimodal neuro­ relation with functional outcomes and cognitive decline.
imaging is needed, including through the development of Several of these biomarkers are emerging (eg, neuro­
dual-phase amyloid-tau-PET imaging, hybrid PET-MR granin, SNAP25, synaptotagmins, and the neuronal
imaging, and artificial intelligence. calcium sensing protein VLP1).120–124 Of these, neurogranin
seems the most promising, given its specificity for
Fluid biomarkers Alzheimer’s disease and its increase in early stages.
Amyloid β, phosphorylated tau, and neurodegeneration YKL40 (CHI3L1), a microglia and astrocyte biomarker
can also be ascertained via body fluid biomarkers and a promising marker to monitor treatment effect, is
(appendix p 1), greatly facilitated by the development of especially increased in frontotemporal dementia and
automated platforms for the analysis of amyloid β1–42, (to a lesser extent) in Alzheimer’s disease.122,125 Soluble
phosphor­ylated tau 181, and total tau.109–111 Through exten­ TREM2 is interesting because of its previously mentioned
sive global collaboration (panel 2), reference methods and link to genetics. Increases in serum concentrations of
materials have been developed116 and assay outcomes TREM2 are observed at a group level independently of
between providers of cerebrospinal fluid biomarker assays the presence of the mutation, and concentrations appear
for Alzheimer’s disease have been aligned.72 Standardised to have a bimodal course along the Alzheimer’s disease
operating procedures for cerebrospinal fluid collection spectrum.126
and analysis117,118 have also been developed, and a quality- Some non-protein biomarkers are worth mentioning.
control programme for monitoring consistency in Initial remarkable results on a plasma metabolomics
analysis of the results has been firmly established.118,119 All profile127 were replicated,128–130 although with different
these endeavors are directed at generating global, uniform profiles. An important issue for the metabolome is the
cutoff points to define if a patient’s profile is Alzheimer’s absence of specificity to a disease process and the subtlety
disease-like. of changes.

www.thelancet.com Vol 397 April 24, 2021 1583


Serum and plasma biomarkers the optimal therapeutic target remains, especially for
Ultrasensitive technologies enable the accurate measure­ individuals older than 70 years.
ment of CNS proteins in blood. A poignant example is
neurofilament light, a major axonal cytoskeleton protein Multidomain interventions to prevent cognitive decline and
that is a cross-disease biomarker of neurode­generation.131 dementia
Levels of neurofilament light are increased in blood Previous single-intervention failures stress the crucial
similarly as in cerebrospinal fluid, making clinical need for a multimodal preventive approach that has been
implementation of this marker feasible. In the dementia successful in the cardiovascular and diabetes prevention
spectrum, neurofilament light has particular promise fields.149 The Finnish FINGER study was the first large-
in the diagnosis of frontotemporal dementia,132 which scale, long-term, randomised controlled trial showing
makes it potentially useful in monitoring treatment that a multidomain lifestyle-based intervention can
response.133–135 reduce the risk of cognitive impairment among indivi­
Also encouraging are the consistent and converging duals at risk.150,151 FINGER combined healthy balanced
reports showing that reductions in plasma amyloid β nutrition, physical exercise, cognitive training and social
concentrations in Alzheimer’s disease can be sensitively activities, and vascular and metabolic risk management.
measured by immunoprecipitation combined with mass The trial showed benefits on cognition, even in people
spectrometry, or microfluidics and other advanced with genetic susceptibility to Alzheimer’s disease. The
technologies, such as Simoa, immunoreduction, and French MAPT trial152 tested the association of a lifestyle
protein amide bond analysis.136–142 Results of current intervention with omega-3 fatty acids supplements, and
collaborative investigations will show which technology the Dutch PreDIVA trial153 focused on the pharmacological
provides the best sensitivity for different purposes (eg, management of vascular and metabolic risk factors.
screening, stratification, and effect monitoring) and holds Both trials were negative for the primary outcomes,
the strongest promise for implementation in high- although subgroup analyses suggested cognitive benefits
throughput analysis, which is needed when drugs become in subpopulations of participants with increased risk of
available and prescreening and monitoring of amyloid β dementia. In a substudy using amyloid-PET in the MAPT
changes becomes relevant. As for phosphorylated tau, trial,154 lifestyle intervention alone or in combination with
three recent papers show strong evidence of plasma omega-3 fatty acids was associated with improved primary
phosphorylated tau 181 and 217 as diagnostic biomarkers cognitive outcome in people with positive amyloid β
for Alzheimer’s disease versus other dementias, and for status. This finding highlights that even when lifestyle
identification of both amyloid β and phosphorylated tau factors do not directly affect Alzheimer’s disease
pathology via PET.143–145 pathology, they can still contribute to a positive outcome
The exciting and rapid developments in plasma-based in individuals with Alzheimer’s disease (appendix pp 2–4).
assays hold promise for prescreening in research
(reducing the need for, and associated costs with, lumbar Future directions: from complexity to precision prevention
For the World Wide FINGERS punctures and PET scans), and also, once properly In 2020, more than 25 countries joined the World Wide
network see www.alz.org/ validated, for diagnostic purposes in clinical practice.146 FINGERS network, which aims to adapt, test, and
optimise the FINGER model in different geographical,
Treatment options cultural, and economic settings. In many ongoing World
Non-pharmacological Wide FINGERS trials, substudies are focusing on
Evidence for lifestyle changes biomarkers (eg, the US-POINTER substudies with MRI,
In 2019, WHO released the first guidelines for reduction amyloid-PET and tau-PET), which will further clarify the
of risk of cognitive decline and dementia.147 The guidelines role of various biomarkers and mechanisms among
acknowledge that, for some factors (eg, physical activity, individuals at risk.155 The Multimodal Prevention Trial
diet, overweight or obesity, tobacco and alcohol use, for Alzheimer’s Disease evaluates the feasibility of the
hypertension, and diabetes), recommendations can be FINGER multidomain life­style intervention in patients
provided, although with different degrees of certainty. with prodromal Alzheimer’s disease. This trial is an
Some limitations in the current evidence include the example of potential future studies in which pharma­
scarcity of harmonisation (eg, exposure definition) and cological and non-pharmacological preventive strategies
of long-term, randomised controlled trials, and little can be tested in combination. The study is testing the
evidence from low-income and middle-income countries, feasibility of a multidomain intervention, combined with
where the prevalence of dementia is increasing rapidly. a medical food product that showed promising results
The SPRINT-MIND trial reported that intensive blood after 2 years of treatment in a large randomised controlled
pressure control (goal <120 mm Hg) is more effective in trial in patients with prodromal Alzheimer’s disease,156
reducing the risk of cognitive impairment than standard and sustained positive effects on clinical dementia rating
blood pressure control (goal <140 mm Hg).148 These and hippocampal volume after 3 years.157 This type of
results further highlight the idea that what is good for study is necessary to identify the prevention potential on
the heart is good for the brain, although the question of an individual basis, ultimately enabling a future of

1584 www.thelancet.com Vol 397 April 24, 2021


personalised medicine for Alzheimer’s disease, in which Amyloid β is the most common target of drug
multimodal interventions can be based on individually development programmes in phase 2 and phase 3.
tailored combinations of lifestyle and drugs. Growing evidence suggests that by removing amyloid β
oligomers (soluble aggregates of amyloid β) and plaques
Pharmacological (insoluble extracellular aggregates of fibrillar amyloid β)
Cognitive enhancing treatments for Alzheimer’s disease with monoclonal antibodies, disease progression can be
Approved treatments that encompass the standard of care slowed.164 Aducanumab, BAN2401, and gantenerumab all
for many patients with Alzheimer’s disease include reduce amyloid β plaques.165 These agents also reduce
cholinesterase inhibitors and the N-methyl-D-aspartate phosphorylated tau, neurogranin, and neurofilament light
receptor antagonist memantine. No other symptomatic in the cerebrospinal fluid; observations that suggest that
cognitive enhancing agent has been approved globally removal of amyloid β is associated with downstream effects
since the Seminar in 2016.1 Three programmes assessing on tau pathology and neurodegeneration. In each case,
the utility of 5-HT₆ receptor antagonists for cognitive ambiguities in the clinical trials remain to be resolved. No
improve­ment have shown that this pathway is not a viable therapeutic agents have yet been approved by regulatory
therapeutic approach for cognition.158 authorities, and phase 3 clinical trials (NCT04241068,
NCT03443973, NCT04339413, NCT04592341, NCT03444870,
Drugs to treat neuropsychiatric symptoms of Alzheimer’s disease NCT03887455, and NCT04468659) are ongoing. A recent
Progress is being made in developing psychotropic inter­ phase 2 trial of donanemab suggests that this antibody
ventions specific for Alzheimer’s disease or for dementia. directed against the pyroglutamate-modified form of
Pimavanserin is a 5-HT2A receptor inverse agonist that amyloid β (an oligomer of amyloid β pE3 and amyloid β 42)
was assessed in a basket trial for dementia-related has promise as an amyloid-targeted treatment.166 New
psychosis, which included patients with psychosis in the phase 3 trials of donanemab (NCT04437511 and
setting of Alzheimer’s disease, Parkinson’s disease with NCT04640077) have since been initiated.
dementia, dementia with Lewy bodies, frontotem­ poral Amyloid β vaccines are being tested in active immuno­
degeneration spectrum disorders, and vascular dementia.159 therapy trials and are a promising area for Alzheimer’s
The trial was stopped early for success, and pimavanserin disease therapeutics. BACE1 and BACE2 inhibitors
will be submitted to the US Food and Drug Administration were a promising class of Alzheimer’s disease-modifying
as a therapy for dementia-related psychosis. therapies that markedly reduce concentrations of
Agitation is a common problem in dementia, occurring cerebro­ spinal fluid amyloid β. Several of these trials
in up to 70% of patients with Alzheimer’s disease in have been stopped because of an acceleration of
the course of their illness.160 Recent trials have been deterioration in cognition, elevated liver enzymes, or
supportive of treatment with brexpiprazole (an atypical futility.167 Because many trials were stopped early on, it
antipsychotic), citalopram (a selective serotonin reuptake remains unclear whether longer treatments would have
inhibitor), and nabilone (a cannabinoid).161 These studies exerted beneficial effects. Further development of this
suggest that appropriate interventions can reduce class of agents is unlikely, unless major new insights
agitation. Ongoing trials are assessing the efficacy of into their safety and efficacy are achieved.
brexpiprazole, escitalopram, prazosin, dextromethorphan Tau biology is providing another repertoire of poten­
plus quinidine, and dextromethorphan plus bupropion tially important targets for disease-modifying therapies.168
for agitation related to Alzheimer’s disease. Several monoclonal antibodies targeting different epi­
Sleep and night-time behavioural disturbances disrupt topes are in trials. The monoclonal antibodies are
the lives of patients and caregivers. A trial of suvorexant intended to engage extracellular tau as it spreads from
showed significant increases in total sleep time and cell to cell. Small molecules targeting tau aggregation
decreased awakening after falling asleep. Suvorexant is a and neurofibrillary tangle formation are being assessed.
dual orexin antagonist approved for insomnia, and the All these approaches come with potential side-effects and
authorised prescribing information now includes clinical experts in the field should seriously think about risks to
trial and adverse event information regarding the use of benefits and more complex trials, with better dose finding
the agent to treat insomnia in Alzheimer’s disease.162 and measurements of therapeutic target engagement.
Lemborexant, another dual orexin antagonist, is in a trial Otherwise, it is probable that tau-targeted trials will end
for irregular sleep-wake rhythm disorder in patients with in premature futility analyses, with little additional
Alzheimer’s disease. learning as to why these trials are negative and what can
be improved.
Disease-modifying therapies for Alzheimer’s disease Neuroinflammation is recognised as a major component
Most of the Alzheimer’s disease drug-development pipe­ of the pathology of Alzheimer’s disease, contributing to
line is devoted to disease-modifying therapies (appendix disease progression and neurodegeneration. Oligomannate
pp 5–9).64,163 These agents are in secondary prevention trials was approved in China in 2019, after a phase 3 trial
in individuals with preclinical, prodromal or mild, or conducted in the same country showed cognitive improve­
moderate-to-severe Alzheimer’s disease. ment.169 This agent is hypothesised to be efficacious, on

www.thelancet.com Vol 397 April 24, 2021 1585


the basis of non-clinical observations, in reducing brain reach. Further refinement of the diagnostic classification
inflammation in patients with Alzheimer’s disease and pathological underpinnings of the disease will be
through its effect on the gut microbiome, reducing made by molecular imaging, allowing visualisation of
dysbiosis, restoring normal gut bacterial composition, and copathology and regional protein aggregation. Following
decreasing peripheral inflammatory cell populations, these developments will be insights in risk reduction,
which can contribute to central inflammation. A global primary and secondary prevention, non-pharmacological
trial (NCT04520412) is planned to determine the extent to and pharmacological approaches, ultimately given in
which these effects can be reproduced in other populations. parallel and at a much earlier timepoint than has been
Various other mechanisms are being targeted in trialled before. If the field keeps up this pace, very early
Alzheimer’s disease drug development programmes identification and multimodal treatment of patients can
(appendix pp 9–12). Infections are also hypothesised to become a reality.
contribute to Alzheimer’s disease onset or progression, Contributors
and agents that target bacteria or viruses are in clinical PS devised the paper and invited the other authors to provide parts of
trials for Alzheimer’s disease. Neuroprotection is essential the text according to their expertise. PS and WMVdF collated and edited
the contributions and did additional literature searches. All authors
for successful disease-modification, and some agents target contributed parts of the paper, reviewed the full paper, and gave final
neuroprotection directly through growth factors, mito­ approval for submission.
chondrial function, or other mechanisms, in an effort to Declaration of interests
slow disease progression. PS reports research support from Alzheimer Nederland, Dioraphte,
The Dominantly Inherited Alzheimer Network Stichting VUmc Fonds, and Stichting Alzheimer & Neuropsychiatrie; is a
Treatment Unit is an adaptive prevention trial platform, consultant for EIP Pharma, Vivoryon, Toyama Fuji Film, AC Immune,
Axon Neuroscience, GemVax, Medavante, Novartis Cardiology, and
assessing multiple agents simultaneously in individuals Green Valley; is co-editor-in-chief of Alzheimer’s Research & Therapy; and is
with autosomal dominant Alzheimer’s disease.170 A recent a part-time managing partner of the Life Science Partners Dementia Fund
report presented at the 2020 Alzheimer’s and Parkinson’s since Oct 1, 2020 (after acceptance of this Seminar). BDS reports research
Diseases Conference showed that, in a small sample of support from Janssen Pharmaceutica, European Research Council,
various academic research sponsors, Methusalem Grant of the
mutation carriers, neither solanezumab nor gantenerumab Flemish Government, Medical Research Council, Alzheimer Association
affected clinical outcomes compared with placebo.171 (USA), Alzheimer Research UK, and Alzheimer Society (UK). BDS is a
Gantenerumab, but not solanezumab, positively affected consultant for Eisai Pharmaceuticals and holds several patents (appendix
biomarker outcomes.171 p 13). MK reports research support from Academy of Finland, Swedish
Research Council, Joint Program of Neurodegenerative Disorders, IMI,
An overview of the Alzheimer’s disease-modifying Knut and Alice Wallenberg Foundation, Center for Innovative Medicine,
treatments pipeline shows that several agents have clinical Stiftelsen Stockholms Sjukhem, Konung Gustaf V:s och Drottning
or biomarker benefits, and confirmatory trials are being Victorias Frimurarestiftelse, Alzheimer’s Research and Prevention
Foundation, Alzheimerfonden, Hjärnfonden, Region Stockholm, and
pursued. Some agents have been submitted to the US Food
Leif Lundblad Foundation grants. MK is part of a guidelines development
and Drug Administration or the European Medicines group in WHO, a Governance Committee member of the Global Council
Agency for regulatory review. The development of on Brain Health, and is on the advisory board for Combinostics, Roche,
improved trial designs, a larger repertoire of biomarkers and Biogen. HH reports research support from ZonMw, NWO, EU-JPND,
Alzheimer Nederland, and Stichting Dioraphte. GC reports research
reporting on a wider variety of cell processes, improved
support from European Union Horizon 2020 programme, INSERM,
outcome measures, and better analytical approaches, along Fondation d’entreprise MMA des Entrepreneurs du Futur, Fondation
with improving insight into the biology of Alzheimer’s Alzheimer, Programme Hospitalier de Recherche Clinique, Région
disease, support the optimism in the field that the Normandie, Association France Alzheimer et maladies apparentées, and
Fondation Vaincre Alzheimer. CET reports research support from
emergence of important new therapies for Alzheimer’s
European Commission (Marie Curie International Training Network,
disease might be imminent. JPND), Health Holland, the Dutch Research Council (ZonMw),
The Weston Brain Institute, and Alzheimer Nederland; and has the
Conclusions following industrial collaborations: collaboration contract with
ADx Neurosciences, contract research or received grants from
In the past 5 years, substantial progress has been made Probiodrug, AC Immune, Biogen-Esai, CogRx, Toyama, Janssen
into understanding the pathophysiology and genetic basis Prevention Center, Boehringer, AxonNeurosciences, Fujirebio, EIP farma,
of Alzheimer’s disease. The amyloid β cascade hypothesis PeopleBio, and Roche, and is on the advisory board of Roche. JC has
has been modified by a more thorough understanding of provided consultation to Acadia, Actinogen, AgeneBio, Alkahest, Alzheon,
Annovis, Avanir, Axsome, Biogen, Cassava, Cerecin, Cerevel, Cognoptix,
the cellular, preclinical, phase of Alzheimer’s disease. Cortexyme, EIP Pharma, Eisai, Foresight, GemVax, Green Valley, Grifols,
Genetic studies have moved from pinpointing three Hisun, Karuna, Nutricia, Orion, Otsuka, ReMYND, Resverlogix, Roche,
causal genes and one risk gene to identifying a plethora of Samumed, Samus Therapeutics, Third Rock, Signant Health, Sunovion,
genes that can be put into a polygenic risk score for Suven, and United Neuroscience pharmaceutical and assessment
companies. JC receives support from Keep Memory Alive, COBRE grant
Alzheimer’s disease. The developments in biomarker #P20GM109025, TRC-PAD #R01AG053798, and DIAGNOSE CTE
diagnosis have led to a complete rethinking of how to #U01NS093334. JC owns the copyright of the Neuropsychiatric Inventory.
label Alzheimer’s disease outside of and before clinical WMVdF reports research support from ZonMw, NWO, EU-FP7,
symptomatology, enabling the enrolment of patients EU-JPND, Alzheimer Nederland, CardioVascular Onderzoek Nederland,
Health~Holland, Topsector Life Sciences & Health, Stichting Dioraphte,
in research in a much earlier phase of the disease, Gieskes-Strijbis Fonds, Stichting Equilibrio, Pasman Stichting, Fujifilm,
particularly now that blood biomarkers seem to be within Boehringer Ingelheim, Life-MI, AVID, Janssen Stellar, Combinostics.

1586 www.thelancet.com Vol 397 April 24, 2021


WMVdF is chair of Pasman Stichting. WMVdF has performed contract 20 Alzheimer’s Disease International. World Alzheimer Report 2018.
research for Biogen and received speaker fees from Biogen and Roche. The state of the art of dementia research: new frontiers.
September, 2018. https://www.alzint.org/u/
Acknowledgments WorldAlzheimerReport2018.pdf (accessed Sept 9, 2020).
Research at the Alzheimer Center Amsterdam is part of the 21 Wu YT, Beiser AS, Breteler MMB, et al. The changing prevalence
neurodegeneration research programme of Amsterdam Neuroscience. and incidence of dementia over time—current evidence.
The Alzheimer Centre Amsterdam is supported by Stichting Alzheimer Nat Rev Neurol 2017; 13: 327–39.
Nederland and Stichting VUmc Fonds. The chair of Wiesje van der Flier 22 Prince M, Ali GC, Guerchet M, Prina AM, Albanese E, Wu YT.
is supported by the Pasman Stichting. MK and PS are recipients of the Recent global trends in the prevalence and incidence of dementia,
JPND-funded Euro-FINGERS project (#ZonMW 733051102). and survival with dementia. Alzheimers Res Ther 2016; 8: 23.
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