A Modern Course in Quantum Field Theory: December 2018
A Modern Course in Quantum Field Theory: December 2018
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1 author:
Badis Ydri
Badji Mokhtar - Annaba University
Some of the authors of this publication are also working on these related projects:
All content following this page was uploaded by Badis Ydri on 17 December 2018.
This two-volume book was accepted for publication by IOP (Institute of Physics) on
20/02/2017, submitted on 14/12/2018 and will appear in its final form during the spring
of 2019. It contains a comprehensive introduction to the fundamental topic of quantum
field theory starting from free fields and their quantization, renormalizable interactions,
critical phenomena, the standard model of elementary particle physics, lattice field theory,
the functional renormalization group equation, noncommutative field theory, topological
field configurations, exact solutions of quantum field theory, supersymmetry and finally
the AdS/CFT correspondence. The emphasis throughout is put on the physical principle
of symmetry (especially the local principle of gauge symmetry) and on the mathematical
machinery of the renormalization group equation a la Wilson. This book is the fifth book
published by the author 1 and it completes therefore his in-depth detailed and constructive
study of all fundamental areas of theoretical physics which took several years of him to
complete. I would like to thank my IOP editor John Navas for all his help in publishing
three of those books.
Together with two open and free books on fundamental physics in Arabic.
1 Introduction 15
I Volume I: Fundamentals 27
2 Relativistic quantum mechanics 28
2.1 The rotation groups SO(3) and SO(n) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 28
2.1.1 The Lie algebra so(3) and so(n) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 28
2.1.2 Representations of SO(3) and so(3) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 31
2.2 Special relativity . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 34
2.2.1 Postulates . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 34
2.2.2 Relativistic effects . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 36
2.2.3 Lorentz transformations: boosts . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 38
2.2.4 Spacetime . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 39
2.2.5 Metric . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 42
2.3 Klein-Gordon equation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 43
2.4 Dirac equation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 45
2.5 Free solutions of the Dirac equation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 48
2.6 Lorentz covariance: first look . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 50
2.6.1 Scalar fields . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 51
2.6.2 Vector fields . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 51
2.6.3 Spinor fields . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 53
2.7 Representations of the Lorentz group . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 54
2.7.1 The Lorentz group SO(1, 3) and its Lie algebra so(1, 3) . . . . . . . . . . 54
2.7.2 Representations of the Lorentz group . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 58
2.8 Exercises . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 59
2.9 Solutions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 63
A Problems 506
The luminous matter in the universe is constituted of elementary fermion particles of spin
1/2 (leptons and quarks) which interact via elementary boson particles of spin 1 (gauge vector
bosons) mediating the three fundamental interactions of nature: the electromagnetic interac-
tion, the strong nuclear force and the weak nuclear interaction. The fourth fundamental force
of nature (the gravitational force) is mediated instead by a tensor particle of spin 2.
These particles are all massless and these forces obey a fundamental symmetry principle
called the gauge principle which can only be broken spontaneously via the Higgs particle (the
breaking of the electroweak force into the observed electromagnetic force and weak interactions)
which is another (the only) elementary particle of spin 0 in nature. This process of spontaneous
symmetry breaking is what gives all elementary particles their measured masses and all the
forces their observed strengths.
Quantum field theory is a relativistic quantum theory which describes precisely this luminous
matter and its interactions. In fact, it is widely believed that quantum field theory should also
describe dark matter and perhaps even dark energy (in terms of vacuum energy). This quantum
field theory is perturbatively renormalizable. However, quantum field theory enjoys also non-
perturbative formulation either directly (through lattice field theory, the renormalization group
equation and conformal field theory) or indirectly by admitting exact solutions (especially in
two dimensions but also in four dimensions via the supersymmetric gauge principle).
Furthermore, the ”modern” or ”new” quantum field theory includes also gravity via the
AdS/CFT correspondence which is the most celebrated paradigm of gauge/gravity holographic
duality. Hence, modern quantum field theory which governs all elementary particles and their
interactions as well as gravity can be summarized in three major sub-theories:
1. The standard model of elementary particles: This provides a unified scheme of the electro-
magnetic force, the weak interaction, and the strong nuclear force, and it is due historically
to the work of Weinberg, Abdu Salam and Glashow among too many other physicists. The
standard model is the most successful (experimentally) quantum field theory to date and
perhaps the most successful theory ever (especially its quantum electrodynamics (QED)
component). It accounts for a large body of phenomenological effects and observations
All rights reserved to Badis Ydri 16
seen in nature in terms of only a finite (but still relatively large = 19) number of pa-
rameters such as the gauge coupling constants, the Higgs vacuum expectation value, the
CKM angles and the theta angle governing CP violation. The standard model is however
mostly perturbative and it includes in a fundamental way the phenomena of spontaneous
symmetry breaking and is based entirely on the meta-theory of the renormalization group
The standard model consists of two parts. The first part is the electroweak force which
unifies quantum electrodynamics and quantum flavordynamics which describes the weak
force. The second part of the standard model consists of quantum chromodynamics
(QCD) which describes the strong force. QCD admits a non-perturbative definition given
typically in terms of a lattice formulation and lattice QCD is arguably the most sophis-
ticated discipline in computational physics.
3. AdS/CFT duality: As stated above the gravitational force is not mediated via a vector
gauge boson but via a tensor particle of spin 2 called the graviton. The AdS/CFT
duality is the theory which allows us to bring gravity and black holes into the realm
of unitary quantum field theory. Although this theory emerged historically from string
theory it is intrinsically a quantum field theory. It relies heavily on conformal field theory,
supersymmetry and renormalization. It states simply that supergravity theory (string
theory in general) in an Anti-de Sitter (AdS) spacetime which is five dimensional is given
precisely by a superconformal gauge field theory (CFT) living on the boundary of AdS
which is an ordinary four dimensional Minkowski spacetime (a concrete realization of
the holographic principle). The AdS/CFT correspondence generalizes to the so-called
gauge/gravity duality.
In this book we will mainly focus on the first axis (gauge interactions and the standard model
of elementary particle physics). However, we will also prepare the ground for the second axis
(chapters 14,15 and 16 on exact solutions of quantum field theory, monopoles and instantons
and supersymmetry) and for the third axis (in chapter 17 we give a systematic overview of
the AdS/CFT correspondence and then show how Einstein’s gravity emerges from quantum
All rights reserved to Badis Ydri 17
The main emphasis throughout this book will be on the physical principle of symmetry
(especially the role of symmetry groups in the quantum theory, their representation theory
and conservation laws) but also on the mathematical machinery of the renormalization group
equation (chapters 6,7,8,9,12 and 13).
The renormalization group equation will allow us to study beside the usual problems of quan-
tum field theory relevant to particle physics (found in chapters 6,7 and 8) two more interesting
physical problems: critical exponents of second order phase transitions in statistical physics
(chapter 9) and renormalizability of noncommutative field theory (in chapter 13). Chapter 12
contains a systematic presentation of the functional renormalization group equation.
We will start the book in the usual way with canonical quantization of free fields (scalar
field of spin 0 and spinor field of spin 1/2) in chapters 2 and 3. Then we will consider in chapter
4 perturbation theory of phi-four theory where the S-matrix structure of quantum field theory
is exhibited explicitly. This is our first fundamental interaction in this book.
Then canonical quantization of the free Abelian vector field of spin 1 is considered in chapter
5 where pure Yang-Mills gauge interactions with SU (N ) groups are also introduced. In chapter
6 perturbation theory of quantum electrodynamics (which describes the gauge interaction of
a spinor field with a vector field) and its renormalization is considered in great detail. For
example, we derive explicitly from the renormalization properties of the theory measurable
physical effects such as the electron anomalous magnetic moment. Furthermore, the links
to particle physics, i.e. the relations between quantum field theory correlation functions and
particle physics cross sections and decay rates, are established explicitly in this chapter which
shows more clearly the S-matrix structure of quantum field theory.
The path integral formalism is introduced in chapters 7 (for scalar fields) and 8 (for spinor
and vector fields). In chapter 7 perturbative renormalizability of phi-four theory is considered
at the two-loop order using the effective action formalism whereas in chapter 8 the Faddeev-
Popov quantization of the Abelian and non-Abelian vector fields is considered. Perturbative
renormalizability of SU (N ) gauge theory coupled to matter transforming in some representation
of the gauge group is then discussed (asymptotic freedom, anomalies, BRST and background
field methods, etc).
In chapter 10 we discuss phenomenology of particle physics, then provide an explicit and
detailed construction of the standard model Lagrangian and explain the phenomena of sponta-
neous symmetry breaking via the Higgs mechanism. In chapter 11 we give an explicit construc-
tion of scalar, spinor and vector lattice actions, then discuss the main Monte Carlo algorithms
used and some sample numerical simulations.
In more detail, this book is then organized as follows:
3. The phi-four theory: A detailed discussion of the S-matrix, the Gell-Mann-Low for-
mula, the LSZ reduction formulas, Wick’s theorem, Green’s functions, Feynman diagrams
and the corresponding Feynman rules of quantum Φ4 -theory is presented following [1].
This is our first non-trivial example of an interacting field theory and its canonical quan-
6. Path integral quantization of scalar fields: In this chapter we will present the path
integral method which is a central tool in quantum field theory and then give a detailed
account of the effective action in the case of a scalar field theory. A brief discussion of
spontaneous symmetry breaking is also given. These are very standrad topics and we
have benefited here from the books [3, 9, 13] and the lecture notes [2].
7. Path integral quantization of Dirac and vector fields: We develop the powerful
and elegant path integral method for spinor fields (Grassmann variables) and gauge fields
(gauge fixing, Faddeev-Popov method, ghosts). Then we give two important applications
based on the path integral formalism. Firstly, we present a detailed derivation of the one-
loop beta function of quantum chromodynamics (QCD) with SU (N ) gauge theory and
matter fields in the fundamental representation and discuss the resulting phenomena of
All rights reserved to Badis Ydri 19
asymptotic freedom. Secondly, we present the one-loop (and in fact exact) axial or chiral
anomaly in quantum electrodynamics (QED) and the Fujikawa path integral method. We
also discuss briefly the background field method and symmetries within the path integral
method (Schwinger-Dyson equations and Ward identities).
9. Standard model:
The standard model of elementary particle physics describes all known particles and their
interactions which are observed in Nature. It is based on the following grand theoretical
• Relativistic invariance.
• It is a local gauge theory based on the gauge group SU (3) × SU (2)L × U (1)Y .
• The gauge group is spontaneously broken down to SU (3) × U (1)em . This generates
mass in a gauge-invariant way.
• It consists of a lepton sector, a quark sector, a Higgs term and a gauge sector.
The matter sector (leptons, quarks and Higgs) are coupled minimally to the gauge
sector (which ensures renormalizability). The mechanism by which the symmetry
is spontaneously broken is the Higgs mechanism. The Higgs field is coupled to the
quarks and leptons via gauge invariant renormalizable Yukawa couplings.
• It is a chiral gauge theory, i.e. left-handed quarks and leptons couple to the gauge
field differently (in the fundamental representation) than right-handed quarks and
leptons (singlet representation).
• Renormalizability: The standard model is a renormalizable theory (interaction terms
between the gauge fields and the matter fields are given by minimal coupling). The
requirement of gauge invariance guarantees renormalizability and unitarity.
• The standard model is not invariant under parity P (nor under CP where C is charge
conjugation). But it is invariant under CPT where T is time reversal. This holds in
the lepton sector.
• Anomaly cancellation: This is the second quantum consistency check (after renor-
malizability) which states that any local symmetry like gauge symmetry can not be
All rights reserved to Badis Ydri 20
allowed to be anomalous. This is satisfied in the standard model since the number
of lepton families is equal to the lepton of quark families.
Extensions of the standard model include grand unified theories GUT’s (such SU (5)
or SO(10) or any other group which contains the standard model gauge group as a
subgroup), supersymmetry (minimal supersymmetric standard model), non-commutative
geometry (Connes’ standard model) and stringy extensions. Unification of the three forces
(color strong, electromagnetic and weak) described by the standard model with gravity
is however only achieved in string theory.
In this chapter, and after a brief excursion in the phenomenology of particle physics
(isospin symmetry, quark model, neutrino oscillations, etc), we give a detailed construc-
tion of the standard model Lagrangian starting with the Glashow, Weinberg, Salam
electroweak theory, then we discuss the Higgs mechanism and spontaneous symmetry
breaking, Majorana fermions, neutrino mass and the seesaw mechanism, and then finally
we provide an extension to the quark sector and quantum chromodynamics as well as a
summary of anomaly cancellation. We will follow the general presentations of [2,10,11,37].
10. Introduction to lattice field theory: In this chapter a quick excursion into the world of
lattice field theory is taken. Scalar, fermion and gauge fields are constructed on the lattice
explicitly. Then the two most used Monte Carlo algorithms in numerical simulations on
the lattice (the Metropolis and the hybrid Monte Carlo algorithms) are explained within
the context of very simple lattice models, namely the scalar phi-four in two dimensions
and quenched electrodynamics. The classic textbooks on the subject of lattice field theory
are [16–20].
2 and 4 dimensions with and without the harmonic oscillator term. Noncommutative
field theory is discussed in great detail in our book [49] whereas we follow closely the
original programme of Grosse and Wulkenhaar [46–48] in the very difficult problem of
renormalization of noncommutative phi-four theory on Moyal-Weyl spaces.
13. Some exact solutions of quantum field theory: The non-perturbative physics of
a quantum field theory (as we have seen) can only be probed by means of Monte Carlo
methods on lattices (which can become quite intricate technically and numerically) and/or
by means of the exact renormalization group equation (which is always quite intricate
analytically and mathematically). But sometimes exact solutions of the quantum field
theory model presents themselves (lower dimensions and/or high degree of symmetries)
which allow us to access the sought-after non-pertrubative physics of the theory directly.
In this chapter we present as examples six models in dimension two which all enjoy exact
solutions allowing us an unprecedented look at the true heart, i.e. the non-pertrubative
reality, of a quantum field theory.
14. The monopoles and instantons: Monopoles are non-trivial topological gauge field
configurations which appear in spontaneously broken gauge theory via the Higgs mecha-
nism. These are particle-like solitonic configurations characterized by stability and finite
energy among other properties. Their stability is of a topological origin characterized by
the so-called winding numbers or magnetic charges. For this reason monopoles are one
of the best examples in which physics and topology become intertwined. The existence
of the monopole requires the embedding of electromagnetism, i.e. the group U (1), as a
subgroup in a larger non-abelian group G with compact cover which then becomes broken
spontaneously via the usual Higgs mechanism.
The original literature on the subject consists of ’t Hooft [21] and Polyakov [22]. Some of
the pedagogical (from my perspective) lectures I can mention here: Lenz [23], ’t Hooft [24],
Coleman [25] and Tong [26]. A comprehensive book is Shnir [27] and a comprehensive
review is given by Weinberg and Yi [28].
Instantons are another fundamental topological gauge configurations, perhaps more fun-
damental than monopoles, which are given by events localized in spacetime and hence the
other name given for them: pseudo-particles (in contrast with particles such as monopoles
which are events localized in space). Instantons are also the gauge field configurations
which dominate the path integral in the semi-classical limit with the trivial instanton
identified precisely with the perturbative vacuum A = 0.
We will discuss here in great detail the theta term, the role of vacuum degeneracy, the
quantization of the topological charge and the role of topology in instanton physics. More
precisely, the instanton is defined as a solution of the self-duality equation with zero/finite
energy which happens to saturate the Bogomolnyi bound. The BPST instanton solution
is then derived explicitly. The original literature on the BPST instanton is the paper by
Belavin, Polyakov, Schwartz and Tyupkin [29]. We then discuss in some detail the moduli
All rights reserved to Badis Ydri 22
space, the collective coordinates, the zero modes, the ADHM construction, the one-loop
quantization in the background of instantons as well as the connection of instantons to
quantum tunneling. We have benefited here greatly from the pedagogical presentations
found in [26, 30, 31].
16. The AdS/CFT correspondence: The goal in this chapter is to provide a pedagogical
presentation of the celebrated AdS/CFT correspondence adhering mostly to the language
of quantum field theory (QFT). This is certainly possible, and perhaps even natural, if we
recall that in this correspondence we are positing that quantum gravity in an anti-de Sitter
spacetime AdSd+1 is nothing else but a conformal field theory (CF Td ) at the boundary of
AdS spacetime. Some of the reviews of the AdS/CFT correspondence which emphasize
the QFT aspects and language include Kaplan [39], Zaffaroni [38] and Ramallo [40].
This chapter contains therefore a thorough introductions to conformal symmetries, anti-
de Sitter spacetimes, conformal field theories and the AdS/CFT correspondence. The
primary goal however in this chapter is the holographic entanglement entropy. In other
words, how spacetime geometry as encoded in Einstein’s equations in the bulk of AdS
spacetime can emerge from the quantum entanglement entropy of the CFT living on the
boundary of AdS.
A sample of the original literature for the holographic entanglement entropy is [41–43,45].
However, a very good concise and pedagogical review of the formalism relating spacetime
geometry to quantum entanglement due to Van Raamsdonk and collaborators is found
in [43] and [44].
This book includes also five appendices (two on classical physics, one on representation
theory of Lie groups and Lie algebras, one on homotopy theory and one contains extra exercises
given as examination problems throughout the years).
This book (especially the first volume) grew from a course of lectures delivered (five times)
since 2010 at Annaba University (Algeria) to theoretical physics students at the Master level
(first and second years).
All illustrations found in this book were created by Dr. Khaled Ramda, Z.Salem and L.
Bouraiou. The Monte Carlo results included in the chapter ”Introduction to lattice field theory”
(chapter 11) are from our original numerical simulations.
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