Neem Tree (Introduction)

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Neem Tree (Introduction)

The neem tree (Azadirachtaindica), an evergreen tree is a native of the Indian

subcontinent. It originated from the Indo- Malaysian region. The invasive shade trees
flourish in tropical and sub-tropical regions like Asia and Africa. The Neem grows best

within the hot climate of up to hundred and twenty degrees Gabriel Daniel Fahrenheit. It
came into existence in the 19th century and is essentially cherished for its medicinal
properties. It is an extraordinarily hardy tree that can grow to an approximate height of
seventy-five feet tall and can live for two centuries. The tree is very adaptive to
environmental fluctuations and it is capable of thriving in all season whether harsh or
habitable. It is a perfect example of how the environment can hold the problems and also
their cure.

It’s home to over one hundred thirty completely different biologically active compounds!
That’s why it’s such an efficient anti-viral and anti-bacterial, also being a strong immuno-
stimulant. The whole tree possesses antiviral, antifungal, and antiseptic properties. Its
seeds, leaves, bark and stems are utilized in medical, beauty and insecticidal goods.

Growing neem tree seedlings at the botanic gardens.The obvious solution is to grow
neem as a house plant, in a pot inside.
Neem History

The history of neem tree can be traced back to the ancient Harappa and Mohenjo-Daro
civilizations in India. The medical practitioners of that period studied a variety of natural
occurring plants and trees having therapeutic value and neem tree was one of them. The
earliest indication of neem tree being used for its medicinal properties in households
began nearly 5000 years ago. Neem is said to have been widely used in traditional
systems of medicine like Ayurveda and this is also mentioned in earliest Indian scriptures
of medicine- the Charak Samhita and Sushruta Samhita.

Neem was earlier used in households for giving bath to newly born infants, protects
people from insect bites and also indigenously used to protect a number of plants as neem
contained insecticidal properties. It was also widely used to cure skin ailments.

Gradually the fame of this 'wonder tree' spread to western countries and after a lot of
researches funded by internationally acclaimed organisations like UN, neem and its
products were accepted for their therapeutic value and having no side effects in US, UK,
Australia among others.

Neem tree has miraculous powers and scientists are beginning to unfold the powers and
potential of this revered tree. It is now being cultivated and grown in a number of
countries to fully tap its potential and used on a commercial basis.

How to Grow a Neem Tree as a House Plant (Planting, Caring and



Neem grows easily from seed.

Just put neem seeds in a pot with a very good quality potting mix, [An ideal general potting
mix should be: light and airy (so plants can easily take root and access oxygen in the soil); long-lasting
(won’t break down or become compacted); moisture-retentive (hold water to save you money watering
too frequently); and contain some nutrient value (save you fertilizing too often).] cover the seed with

inch of the mix, and keep that pot moist and warm. Neem seeds should germinate within
one to three weeks.

The cooler the temperature, the longer the seed will take to germinate.

Why is a good quality mix so important when neem is such a hardy tree that will grow
well even in the poorest soil?

Because if growth of neem tree is done outside it can develop a huge root system. Its tap
root will reach far, far down to mine the deep layers of soil for nutrients, and lateral roots
will spread wide and far to go foraging for more.

A pot is not a natural environment for such a vigorous tree. It is very restricting, so one
have to look after your neem house plant a lot better and give it more care. Make sure one
should use a good quality, free draining potting mix.


Once the seed has germinated and the tree is growing, fertilize it regularly with a
complete and balanced fertilizer. Adjust the amount of fertilizer to the size of the tree and
the time of the year of plant. Use more when it is actively growing, stop fertilizing in


As a guideline, while the tree is actively growing, watering or spraying with dilute fish
emulsion (use about half of what the package says), is necessary and a monthly
applicationof a balanced solid organic fertilizer. Neem house plant will initially grow
only slowly, but once it is a year old it should take off, provided you look after it well

Looking after a neem house plant is not difficult. Water it regularly, but don't overwater.
Make sure the soil feels dry before you water it again. Overwatering is probably the
biggest risk for your neem tree. They really can't stand wet feet and can get problems
with fungi and root rot.

If you are watering enough but the leaves are wilting try misting them regularly. That's a
good thing to do anyway and most house plants will appreciate this kind of attention,
especially in times when you are heating your house. Heating makes air very dry, which
is not good for plants.

The most important thing for a neem tree is warmth and lots of sunlight. The more
of both it gets, the faster it will grow. However, it will only ever grow as big as the pot
allows it to. So the best size pot to use is the biggest you can find and move around. (Pots
with wheels would obviously be ideal.)

Why move it around? Because in summer your neem tree will be happiest outside, but
in cooler weather it prefers a big, sunny window. In theory you could of course keep it

inside all the time, but it will grow a lot less if you do, and not be as healthy and
vigorous. They really do need all the sunlight they can get.

A happy, vigorous neem tree can be pruned without hurting it. They respond very well to
being cut back by putting out lots of new shoots. Just remember that a tree that grows
manynew leaves needs a lot of feeding.The best time to cut a neem tree back is spring,
and then give it another smaller trimming in late summer. In winter your neem tree will
probably stop growing altogether. Like most tropical plants they need a minimum day
length to grow. If you want to keep harvesting it you can keep it growing by making sure
it gets all the sunlight it possibly can, and supplementing artificial light for a few hours
after dark, the brighter the better.

Uses of neem plant

Neem is used in medicine, in agriculture and also in the home furniture. But for
convenience, we will read as

 For Medicine
 Veterinary use
 In agriculture
 Pest control
 For furniture


Neem is used for external skin applications and also internally for a few diseases.Neem
oil has anti-fungal, antimicrobial, anti-nematode and spermicide activities. Hence neem is

used for various infectious conditions on the skin including dandruff, pimples, and
prevention of lice infestation on the head.Neem oil for medicine uses

a. Lies treatment: It is a good insect repellent; hence, neem oil when applied on the
scalp overnight at regular intervals helps to get rid of lies on the scalp of the head.
b. Spermicide: Spermicide is an agent that can prevent conception. Neem oil is
found to be effective spermicide and hence it can be used in contraceptive
products to prevent unwanted pregnancy.
c. Tooth Cleaner: You can find Neem toothpaste in use for those with gum
problems. It is also recommended by dentists. Neem toothpaste is considered to
prevent plaques and avoid bad breath. Neem branch twigs can be used to brush
the teeth without the need for a brush. Due to its natural antimicrobial property, it
is considered very effective. Hence it is constituent of much herbal tooth
preparation like dantKanti.
d. In eye drops: Neem is also used in the preparation of Ayurveda eye drops like

the Itone. This preparation helps to relieve eye strain and minor infections.


Neem has potential repellant and larvicidal property due to which it is used for control of
pests and fleas in sheep, dogs, cats, and other cattle.

It is used as shampoo, oil, sprays or powder to reduce the parasitic infestations in pets and
animals. Nematocide for cattle. They are fed with neem cake which is a pulp of neem
seed after oil extraction. This neem feed kills nematode parasites in the gut of cattle.


Neem plants are one of the sources of natural pesticides. Besides being a huge plant with
a long lifespan has advantages like.

a) As natural pesticide: The use as pesticide helps minimize pollution of air, water,
soil due to synthetic pesticides which have low degradation property. While
Neem being a biological agent gets degraded faster without causing long-term
toxicity to plants and soil.
b) To prevent soil erosion: Further Neem trees grown in dense at the boundaries of
agricultural land can help loss of soil fertility and also surface soil erosion by
c) As boundary indicators: These neem plants can also help one to recognize the
boundaries of a piece of land as they are tall and live longer. Hence were grown
on the boundaries of agricultural lands as an indication of the size of a piece of
d) Neem coated urea: Neem oil is used to coat or mask urea used in agriculture as
fertilizer. This neem coat is said to minimize wastage of urea and provide the urea
to the plant for a long time. Besides this, it also minimizes urea contamination in
groundwater and air pollution.


Neem plant is grown in natural habitats everywhere, and so it is easy to find neem wood
for making furniture. Neem wood is widely used in making furniture items like wooden
doors, cupboards, etc. The specialty of neem plant wood for furniture is that

Durability: The durability is very high. This is because the neem plant is natural insect
repellent and hence, the wood does not get damaged by wood-boring insects like

Hardness: The wood is tough and strong, and further it is readily available and cheaper
than other expensive wood.


Popularity of natural products or their derivatives role in diseases cure and prevention is
increasing worldwide due to less side effect properties. Neem and its ingredients have
therapeutics implication and have been traditionally used worldwide especially in Indian
Subcontinent since ancient time. Clinical based studies confirmed that neem plays pivotal
role in prevention of various diseases. The role of active ingredients as chemo preventive
effect has been noticed in various tumour via modulation of numerous cell signaling


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