Computer Architecture - Lab 5: Integer Multiplication, Division and Arithmetic Shift Instructions

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International University Computer Architecture

School of Computer Science and Engineering IT089IU

Computer Architecture - Lab 5

Integer Multiplication, Division and Arithmetic Shift Instructions
April 21, 2019

1 Instruction
This lab topics:
• Integer multiplication and division

• The hi and lo registers

• The mult and multu instructions

• The div and divu instructions

• The mfhi and mflo instructions

• Arithmetic shift right

• The sra Instruction

The product of two N -place decimal integers may need 2N places. This is true for numbers
expressed in any base. In particular, the product of two integers expressed with N -bit binary
may need 2N bits.

The two 8-bit operands result in a 15-bit product. Also shown is the same product done
with base 16 and base 10 notation.
The multiply unit of MIPS contains two 32-bit registers called hi and lo. These are not
general purpose registers. When two 32-bit operands are multiplied, hi and lo hold the 64 bits
of the result. Bits 32 through 63 are in hi and bits 0 through 31 are in lo.

MIPS Multiplication

Here are the instructions that do this. The operands are contained in general-purpose

mult s,t # hilo <- $s * $t (two’s comp operands)

multu s,t # hilo <- $s * $t (unsigned operands)

There is a multiply instruction for unsigned operands, and a multiply instruction for signed
operands (two’s complement operands).

The mfhi and mflo Instructions

There are two instructions that move the result of a multiplication into a general purpose

mfhi d # d <- hi. Move From Hi

mflo d # d <- lo. Move From Lo

The hi and lo registers cannot be used with any of the other arithmetic or logic instructions.
If you want to do something with a product, it must first be moved to a general purpose register.
However there is a further complication on MIPS hardware:

Rule: Do not use a multiply or a divide instruction within two instructions after mflo or
mfhi. The reason for this involves the way the MIPS pipeline works. On the SPIM simulator
this rule does not matter.

Example Program

## newMult.asm
## Program to calculate 5*x - 74
## Register Use:
## $t0 x
## $t1 result

.globl main

ori $t0, $0, 12 # put x into $t0

ori $t2, $0, 5 # put 5 into $t2
mult $t0, $t2 # 5x -> hi & lo
mflo $t3 # $t3 = 5x
addiu $t1, $t3,-74 # $t1 = 5x - 74

## End of file
The div and the divu Instructions

With N-digit integer division there are two results, an N-digit quotient and an N-digit
remainder. With 32-bit operands there will be (in general) two 32-bit results. MIPS uses the
hi and lo registers for the results:
Here are the MIPS instructions for integer divide. The ”u” means operands and results are in
unsigned binary.

div s,t # lo <- s div t

# hi <- s mod t
# operands are two’s complement
divu s,t # lo <- s div t
# hi <- s mod t
# operands are unsigned
Example Program
## divEg.asm
## Program to calculate (y + x) / (y - x)
## Register Use:
## $t1 x
## $t2 y
## $t3 y+x
## $t4 y-x

.globl main

ori $t1, $0, 8 # put x into $8
ori $t2, $0, 36 # put y into $9
addu $t3, $t2, $t1 # $10 = (y+x)
subu $11, $t2, $t1 # $11 = (y-x)
div $t3, $t4 # hilo = (y+x)/(y-x)
mflo $t3 # $10 = quotient
mfhi $t4 # $11 = remainder

## End of file

The sra Instruction MIPS has a shift right arithmetic instruction:

sra d,s,shft # $d <- s shifted right

# shft bit positions.
# 0 <= shft <= 31

Sometimes you need to divide by two. This instruction is faster and more convenient than
the div instruction.

2 Exercises
1. Exercise 1
Write a program to evaluate a polynomial, similar to newM ult.asm from the chapter.
Evaluate the polynomial:
3x2 + 5x − 12
Pick a register to contain x and initialize it to an integer value (positive or negative) at the
beginning of the program. Assume that x is small enough so that all results remain in the
lo result register. Evaluate the polynomial and leave its value in a register.
Verify that the program works by using several initial values for x. Use x = 0 and x = 1
to start since this will make debugging easy.
Optional: write the program following the hardware rule that two or more instructions
must follow a mflo instruction before another mult instruction. Try to put useful instructions
in the two slots that follow the mflo. Otherwise put no-op instructions, sll $0,$0,0, in
the two slots.

2. Exercise 2 Write a program similar to divEg.asm in to evaluate a rational function:

(3x + 7)/(2x + 8)
Verify that the program works by using several initial values for x. Use x = 0 and x = 1 to
start since this will make debugging easy. Try some other values, then check what happens
when x = −4.

3. Exercise 3 Write a program that determines the value of the following expression:

(x ∗ y)/z
Use x = 1600000(= 0x186A00), y = 80000(= 0x13880), and z = 400000(= 0x61A80).
Initialize three registers to these values. Since the immediate operand of the ori instruction
is only 16 bits wide, use shift instructions to move bits into the correct locations of the

Choose wisely the order of multiply and divide operations so that the significant bits always
remain in the lo result register.

Note: read this 4.html for

definition of significant bits.

4. Exercise 4
Write a program that multiplies the contents of two registers which you have initialized
using an immediate operand with the ori instruction. Determine (by inspection) the
number of significant bits in each of the following numbers, represented in two’s complement.
Use the program to form their product and then determine the number of significant bits
in it.

3 References
1. 1.html

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