JAMA 2021 Acute Pancreatitis. A Review

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Clinical Review & Education

JAMA | Review

Acute Pancreatitis
A Review
Michael A. Mederos, MD; Howard A. Reber, MD; Mark D. Girgis, MD

IMPORTANCE In the United States, acute pancreatitis is one of the leading causes of hospital Related article page 391
admission from gastrointestinal diseases, with approximately 300 000 emergency
department visits each year. Outcomes from acute pancreatitis are influenced by risk Supplemental content

stratification, fluid and nutritional management, and follow-up care and risk-reduction CME Quiz at
strategies, which are the subject of this review. jamacmelookup.com

OBSERVATIONS MEDLINE was searched via PubMed as was the Cochrane databases for English-
language studies published between January 2009 and August 2020 for current
recommendations for predictive scoring tools, fluid management and nutrition, and follow-up
and risk-reduction strategies for acute pancreatitis. Several scoring systems, such as the Bedside
Index of Severity in Acute Pancreatitis (BISAP) and the Acute Physiology and Chronic Health
Evaluation (APACHE) II tools, have good predictive capabilities for disease severity (mild, moderately
severe, and severe per the revised Atlanta classification) and mortality, but no one tool works well
for all forms of acute pancreatitis. Early and aggressive fluid resuscitation and early enteral nutrition
are associated with lower rates of mortality and infectious complications, yet the optimal type and
rate of fluid resuscitation have yet to be determined. The underlying etiology of acute pancreatitis Author Affiliations: Department of
should be sought in all patients, and risk-reduction strategies, such as cholecystectomy and alcohol Surgery, David Geffen School of
cessation counseling, should be used during and after hospitalization for acute pancreatitis. Medicine at UCLA, Los Angeles,
CONCLUSIONS AND RELEVANCE Acute pancreatitis is a complex disease that varies in severity Corresponding Author: Mark D.
and course. Prompt diagnosis and stratification of severity influence proper management. Girgis, MD, University of California,
Scoring systems are useful adjuncts but should not supersede clinical judgment. Fluid Los Angeles, 10833 Le Conte Ave,
14-174 CHS, Los Angeles, CA 90095
management and nutrition are very important aspects of care for acute pancreatitis.
([email protected]).
Section Editors: Edward Livingston,
JAMA. 2021;325(4):382-390. doi:10.1001/jama.2020.20317 MD, Deputy Editor, and Mary McGrae
McDermott, MD, Deputy Editor.

cute pancreatitis is one of the most common gastrointes- 2020 for randomized clinical trials (RCTs), meta-analyses, system-
tinal conditions that results in hospital admission in the atic reviews, and observational studies. Manual searches were per-
United States. The incidence of acute pancreatitis is esti- formed of the references of selected articles, reviews, meta-
mated at 110 to 140 per 100 000 population, with an estimated more analyses, and practice guidelines. Select studies prior to 2009 were
than 300 000 US emergency department visits per year.1,2 Admis- included for historical context. Emphasis was given to RCTs and meta-
sions due to acute pancreatitis have increased from 9.48 cases per analyses. All publications and citations included were mutually
1000 hospitalizations in 2002 to 12.19 in 2013, with a median hos- agreed on by the authors and selected for clinical importance and
pital cost of nearly $7000 per hospitalization.3,4 relevance with consideration to the general medical readership of
Acute pancreatitis is a complex disease with a variable course JAMA. Sixty-six articles were included, which contained 8 RCTs,
that is often difficult to predict early in its development (eBox in the 12 meta-analyses, and 5 clinical guidelines.
Supplement). Approximately 80% of patients develop mild to mod-
erately severe disease (absence of organ failure >48 hours).5,6 How- Pathogenesis and Etiology
ever, one-fifth of patients develop severe disease, with a mortality Acute pancreatitis is characterized by damage to the acinar cells, the
rate of approximately 20%.5,7 The purpose of this review is to sum- functional units of the exocrine pancreas, precipitating inappropriate
marize evidence regarding the recognition of disease severity, fluid release and activation of trypsinogen to trypsin within the acini. This
and nutrition management, and risk-reduction methods for the pre- triggers the activation of other digestive enzymes, the kinin system,
vention of recurrent disease. and the complement cascade resulting in autodigestion of the pancre-
atic parenchyma.8,9 Pancreatic duct obstruction (eg, gallstone pancre-
atitis) is one of the more common causes of acinar damage, causing an
increase in ductal pressure, interstitial edema, and accumulation of
enzyme-rich fluid within the pancreatic tissue.10 Alternatively, primary
PubMed and the Cochrane databases were searched for English- acinar injury may be caused by a variety of other factors, such as cal-
language studies published from January 2009 through August cium, which regulates trypsin activation. Inappropriate release of

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Acute Pancreatitis: A Review Review Clinical Review & Education

Box 1. Etiologies of Acute Pancreatitis Box 1. (continued)

A. Etiologies of Acute Pancreatitis Tetracycline

Gallstones (21%-33%) Trimethoprim/sulfamethoxazole
Alcohol (16%-27%)15a Valproic acid
Triglyceridemia (2%-5%)4,16a Abbreviations: ERCP, endoscopic retrograde cholangiopancreatography;
Iatrogrenic (ERCP/EUS) EUS, endoscopic ultrasound.
Hypercalcemia Percentages for the 3 most common etiologies in the United States are
shown only.
intracellular calcium, enhanced entry of extracellular calcium, or defec-
Medications tive calcium extrusion/reuptake mechanisms causes a sustained in-
Structural crease in cytosolic calcium in the acini. This elevation leads to prema-
Pancreas divisum ture activation of trypsinogen to trypsin, resulting in acinar injury and
Tumors or cystic lesions death.11,12 Ethanol is a common cause of acute pancreatitis, but its
B. Select Medications Implicated in Acute Pancreatitis17,18 pathogenesis remains unknown; there is evidence that it may disrupt
Acetaminophen multiple biochemical pathways within acinar cells.
Acetaminophen/codeine Gallstone disease and alcohol are the 2 leading causes of acute
pancreatitis. Other causes include hypertriglyceridemia (typically
5-Aminosalicylate (mesalamine, sulfasalazine)
>1000 mg/dL), hypercalcemia, familial (hereditary) pancreatitis, and
viral infections. Periampullary tumors, pancreatic head masses, and
Androgenic anabolic steroids cystic lesions of the pancreas can cause obstruction of the pancre-
Azathioprine atic duct, impeding the flow of pancreatic enzymes, which may lead
Cannabis to inappropriate enzyme activation within the pancreas. Pancreas di-
Carbamazepine visum and pancreatic strictures can also obstruct the pancreatic duct
Carbimazole and cause pancreatitis. Acute pancreatitis can result from instrumen-
tation of the ampulla and pancreatic duct following endoscopic ret-
rograde cholangiopancreatography (ERCP)13 and endoscopic ultra-
sound (EUS),14 with a risk of 5% to 10% and less than 1%, respectively
(Box 1). More than 500 medications have been implicated as a cause
Didanosine of acute pancreatitis and at least 30 of them have been shown to have
Enalapril a definite association, meaning that they cause acute pancreatitis on
Estrogen and related products repeated administration of the medications when other possible
Furosemide causes are excluded (Box 1B).17,18 The etiology of acute pancreatitis
Isoniazid is not identified in many cases. Additional risk factors associated with
acute pancreatitis include obesity, older age, smoking, and HIV-
positive status.5 The etiology of acute pancreatitis also varies
geographically.16 For example, in a recent meta-analysis, gallstone pan-
creatitis represented 26% of acute pancreatitis cases in the United
Metronidazole States compared with 68% in Latin America.15
Nadolol Acute pancreatitis is classified as 2 subtypes: interstitial
Pravastatin edematous pancreatitis and necrotizing pancreatitis (Box 2A).
Perindopril Interstitial edematous pancreatitis is characterized by inflammation
Procainamide and edema of the pancreatic parenchyma and peripancreatic tis-
sues. Necrotizing pancreatitis occurs when this process progresses
to pancreatic or peripancreatic tissue death. Both forms of acute
pancreatitis may be associated with the local complications of pan-
Rosuvastatin creatic fluid and solid collections. Acute peripancreatic fluid collec-
Saxagliptin tions (APFCs) develop within 4 weeks of disease onset and contain
Simvastatin mostly fluid; acute necrotic collections (ANCs) develop in necrotiz-
Sulindac ing pancreatitis and contain solid and fluid components. Acute
Tamoxifen intrapancreatic collections are a result of necrotizing pancreatitis
and are referred to as ANCs.19 APFCs and ANCs that persist after 4
weeks from onset of disease are referred to as pseudocysts and
(continued) walled-off necrosis, respectively (Box 2A and Figure). Peripancre-
atic and pancreatic collections may be secondarily infected and

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Clinical Review & Education Review Acute Pancreatitis: A Review

Box 2. Revised Atlanta Classification Definitions

A. Morphologic Classification of Acute Pancreatitis Involves the pancreatic parenchyma or peripancreatic tissues
and Pancreatic Collections Heterogenous and nonliquid density of varying degrees in
Interstitial Edematous Pancreatitis different locations
Diffuse or localized enlargement of the pancreas with homogenous
>4 wk
enhancement of the pancreatic parenchyma
Inflammatory changes of the peripancreatic fat Mature, encapsulated collection of pancreatic and/or
±Peripancreatic fluid (see “Collections” below) peripancreatic necrosis with a well-defined wall
Collections Heterogeneous with liquid and nonliquid density with vary-
<4 wk ing degrees of loculations
Adjacent to the pancreas (no intrapancreatic extension) B. Diagnostic Criteria (2 of 3)
1. Abdominal pain consistent with acute pancreatitis
Single or multiple
2. Elevated serum amylase or lipase >3 times the upper limit
Homogenous collection with fluid density of normal
No associated peripancreatic necrosis 3. Characteristic findings of acute pancreatitis on imaging
Confined to normal fascial planes (eg, contrast-enhanced computed tomography, magnetic reso-
nance imaging, and, less frequently, ultrasound)
>4 wk
Pseudocyst C. Grades of Severity
Mature, encapsulated collection(s) of fluid with Mild
a well-defined wall outside the pancreas 1. No organ failure
Homogenous fluid density 2. No local or systemic complications

No solid component Moderately Severe

1. Organ failure that resolves within 48 h (transient organ failure)
Necrotizing Pancreatitis
Necrosis often involving both the pancreatic parenchyma
2. Local or systemic complications without persistent organ failure
and peripancreatic tissue
Variable contrast enhancement pattern in the first few days Severe
1. Persistent organ failure (>48 h)
Nonenhancing areas should be considered necrosis after the first
Single organ failure
week of disease
Multiple organ failure
May become secondarily infected
Abbreviations: ANC, acute necrotic collection; APFC, acute peripancreatic fluid
collection; WON, walled-off necrosis.
<4 wk

described as infected ANC and infected walled-off necrosis. In addi- stone in the common bile duct (ie, choledocholithiasis) or that a stone
tion to pancreatic collections, local complications also include recently passed. Additional testing with transabdominal ultra-
gastric outlet dysfunction, splenic or portal vein thrombosis, and sound to evaluate for gallstones and serum triglyceride levels should
colonic necrosis.20 also be obtained. IgG4 levels are helpful when autoimmune pancre-
atitis is suspected. Computed tomography (CT) or magnetic reso-
Clinical Presentation and Diagnosis nance imaging (MRI) may be indicated to evaluate for structural
Abdominal pain is the most common presenting symptom. The pain causes of acute pancreatitis, but this is not mandatory during initial
is usually described as constant and often with radiation to the back management of the disease process. Patients with recurrent acute
that may be exacerbated by eating, drinking, or lying supine. pancreatitis or family history of acute pancreatitis/chronic pancre-
Accompanying symptoms often include nausea, vomiting, and low- atitis without an identifiable etiology with the aforementioned labs
to moderate-grade fever. Evaluation of suspected acute pancreati- or imaging should be referred for genetic testing to evaluate for he-
tis begins with a comprehensive history and physical examination. reditary pancreatitis.
Assessment should focus on a history of episodes of acute pancre- To diagnose acute pancreatitis, the revised Atlanta classifica-
atitis and risk factors, including biliary colic/gallstone disease, alco- tion (RAC) requires 2 of the 3 following criteria be present: (1) ab-
hol use, family history of acute or chronic pancreatitis, recent infec- dominal pain suggestive of pancreatitis, (2) serum amylase and/or
tions, trauma, insect bites, and new medications. This focused history lipase greater than 3 times the upper limit of normal, (3) and cross-
can assist in identifying the underlying etiology. sectional imaging (CT or MRI) findings consistent with acute pan-
Physical examination often reveals abdominal distention and de- creatitis (Box 2B).20 Acute pancreatitis can be diagnosed in about
creased bowel sounds. Rebound tenderness is uncommon. Stan- 80% of patients based on the presence of abdominal pain and el-
dard chemistries with amylase, lipase, and liver panel tests can help evated pancreatic enzymes only.21 However, CT is a useful adjunct
confirm the diagnosis of acute pancreatitis as well as identify un- to confirm acute pancreatitis when the diagnosis is in question and
derlying etiology (ie, hypercalcemia). An elevated direct bilirubin to rule out other intra-abdominal conditions that can mimic acute
and/or alkaline phosphatase level may indicate the presence of a gall- pancreatitis such as a perforated duodenal ulcer.

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Acute Pancreatitis: A Review Review Clinical Review & Education

Figure. Timeline, Manifestations, and Management of Acute Pancreatitis

Rapid resolution of pain
Manifestations by severity Interstitial
pancreatitis Acute peripancreatic fluid collection

or transient organ failure

Acute necrotic fluid collection Sterile necrosis Walled-off necrosis

pancreatitis or transient organ failure Infected necrosis Infected walled-off

Persistent organ failure

Symptom onset Admisson 24 h 48 h 72 h 2 wk 4 wk >4 wk

Initiation of fluid resuscitation for all levels of severity


Initiation of solid oral diet once tolerable without exacerbation of pain

Management by severity

Cholecystectomy for gallstone pancreatitis prior to discharge (preferably within 24-48 h)

Initiation of oral diet or nasoenteral nutrition


Contrast-enhanced computed tomography (CT)


if there is persistent SIRS, worsening clinical

status, or high suspicion of infected necrosis

Antibiotics for infected necrosis confirmed

by CT or fine-needle aspiration

Procedural management of local

complications via step-up approach

SIRS indicates systemic inflammatory response syndrome.

Table 1. Modified Marshall Scoring System for Organ Dysfunction Abbreviations: FIO2, fraction of
inspired oxygen; PaO2, partial
Score pressure of arterial oxygen.
Organ system 0 1 2 3 4 a
Score ⱖ2 for any system defines the
Respiratory (PaO2/FIO2)b >400 301-400 201-300 101-200 <101 presence of organ failure.
Kidney (serum creatinine), μmol/L <134 134-169 170-310 311-439 >439 For nonventilated patients, FIO2 can
be estimated by the rate of
Kidney (serum creatinine), mg/dL <1.4 1.4-1.8 1.9-3.6 3.7-4.9 >4.9
supplemental oxygen (room air,
Cardiovascular (systolic >90 <90, fluid <90, not fluid <90, pH <7.3 <90, pH <7.2 21%, 2 L/min, 25%; 4 L/min, 30%;
blood pressure), mm Hg responsive responsive 6-8 L/min, 40%; 9-10 L/min, 50%).

Disease Severity and Risk Stratification ment based on the predicted severity of disease.22 Though they are
The RAC grades acute pancreatitis severity by the presence and du- useful adjuncts for decision-making in acute pancreatitis, scoring
ration of organ failure (ie, respiratory, kidney, and cardiovascular as tools should not replace clinical judgment. The earliest scoring sys-
determined by the modified Marshall scoring system; Table 1) and tem was published by Ranson et al23,24 in 1974 and 1977 and an-
the presence of local complications. Patients without local compli- other by Imrie et al25,26 in 1978 and 1984. However, both of these
cations or organ failure have mild acute pancreatitis. Patients with scoring systems require information acquired in the first 48 hours
transient organ failure (recovery within 48 hours) and/or local com- of hospital presentation and are cumbersome to calculate. In 1985,
plications have moderately severe acute pancreatitis, and patients the APACHE II model27 was developed as a comprehensive tool de-
with persistent organ failure beyond 48 hours with or without local signed to predict disease severity and mortality in patients admit-
complications have severe acute pancreatitis (Box 2C). Mild pancre- ted to the ICU. APACHE II requires 12 variables (Table 2) that are not
atitis is the most common form of acute pancreatitis and is self- routinely obtained in patients who are not critically ill. Additionally,
limiting; patients are typically discharged within a week. Patients with the Bedside Index for Severity in Acute Pancreatitis (BISAP) score28
moderately severe and severe disease often have a protracted course was developed in 2008 and designed as a predictor of mortality
over weeks to months due to local complications and organ dys- based on 5 variables: blood urea nitrogen (BUN) level greater than
function (Figure). 25 mg/dL, impaired mental status, systemic inflammatory re-
Given the variable clinical course in acute pancreatitis and the sponse syndrome (SIRS), age older than 60 years, or radiographic
significant mortality rate in severe cases, several risk scores have been evidence of pleural effusion within the first 24 hours of admission.
developed to predict outcome (Table 2). These classification sys- The lowest score was associated with a less than 1% mortality rate
tems may assist in determining the appropriate level of care (inten- and the highest with a greater than 20% mortality rate. In addition
sive care unit [ICU] vs non-ICU) and guide anticipatory manage- to mortality, early studies demonstrated a BISAP score of 3 or greater

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Table 2. Comparison of APACHE II, BISAP, and Ranson Scores Based on the Revised Atlanta Classification Definitions of Severity

APACHE II BISAP (2008, Gut) Ranson

Variables • Age • BUN >25 mg/dL (>8.9 mmol/L) Admission:
• Temperature • Impaired mental status • Age >55 y
• Mean arterial pressure • >2 SIRS criteria • WBC count >16 000/μL
• pH • Age >60 y • Lactate dehydrogenase >350 U/L
• Heart rate • Pleural effusion present • AST >250 U/L
• Respiratory rate • Glucose >200 mg/dL
• Sodium Within 48 h:
• Potassium • Fall in hematocrit >10%
• Creatinine • Increase in BUN >5 mg/dL
• Acute kidney failure • Calcium <8 mg/dL
• Hematocrit • PaO2 <60 mm Hg
• WBC count • Base deficit >4 mEq/L
• Glasgow Coma Scale • Fluid loss >6 L
• FIO2
Original purpose Severity of disease and mortality Prediction of mortality in AP Prediction of mortality in AP
in ICU patients
Prediction of severity, AUC (SE)22 • 0.82 (0.03) Score ≥3 • 0.83 (0.08)
• 0.87 (0.16)
Prediction of severity Score ≥8 Score ≥3 Score ≥3
• Sensitivity (95% CI) • 0.83 (0.77-0.88) • 0.51 (0.43-0.60) • 0.66 (0.59-0.72)
• Specificity (95% CI) • 0.59 (0.56-0.63) • 0.91 (0.89-0.92) • 0.78 (0.76-0.81)
Prediction of mortality, AUC (SE)22 • 0.83 (0.16) Score ≥3 • 0.92 (0.05)
• 0.87 (0.03)
Prediction of mortality22 Score ≥8 Score ≥3 Score ≥3
• Sensitivity (95% CI) • 0.95 (0.77-1.00) • 0.56 (4.23-7.55) • 0.93 (0.78-0.99)
• Specificity (95% CI) • 0.68 (0.63-0.73) • 0.91 (0.90-0.91) • 0.69 (0.65-0.79)
Advantages • Can be calculated within 24 h • 5 Variables • Comprehensive
• Easy to calculate (1 point • Specific to AP
per variable)
• Can be calculated within 24 h
• Specific to AP
Limitations • Designed for patients admitted • Lower sensitivity and specificity • At least 48 h to calculate score
to ICUs for predicting disease severity • All data points not collected routinely
• Large set of mandatory variables than APACHE II in non-ICU patients
• Not specific to AP
Abbreviations: AP, acute pancreatitis; APACHE II, Acute Physiology and Chronic FIO2, fraction of inspired oxygen; ICU, intensive care unit; PaO2, partial pressure
Health Evaluation II; AST, aspartate aminotransferase; AUC, area under curve; of arterial oxygen; SIRS, systemic inflammatory response syndrome;
BISAP, Bedside Index of Severe Acute Pancreatitis; BUN, blood urea nitrogen; WBC, white blood cell.

was associated with developing organ failure (odds ratio [OR], 7.4 sue perfusion and (2) nutritional support to counter the catabolic
[95% CI, 2.8-19.5]), persistent organ failure (OR, 12.7 [95% CI, 4.7- state and decrease the rate of infectious complications.
33.9]), and pancreatic necrosis (OR, 3.8 [95% CI, 1.8-8.5]).29 BISAP
is widely used because of its simplicity and ease of calculation Fluid Resuscitation
(Table 2).28 Intravascular volume depletion from fluid sequestration associ-
In addition to scoring systems, individual biomarkers may also ated with pancreatic, peripancreatic, and systemic edema is char-
have predictive value in acute pancreatitis. C-reactive protein (CRP) acteristic of patients with acute pancreatitis. Vomiting, reduced oral
is commonly obtained in hospitalized patients. CRP levels of 190 intake, and peripancreatic inflammation contribute to fluid defi-
mg/L or greater within the first 48 hours of admission or an abso- cits. The diminished circulating volume leads to decreased tissue per-
lute increase of greater than 90 mg/L have positive predictive val- fusion and may result in multiorgan failure. Intravascular volume sta-
ues of 96.1% and 95.6% for predicting severe disease, respectively.30 tus can be estimated by observing vital signs and measuring urine
Radiologic scoring systems, such as the CT Severity Index, may output, BUN, and hematocrit. A low intravascular volume in-
also be useful to accurately diagnose the extent and severity of creases complications and mortality rate. For example, in a study of
pancreatitis.31,32 However, imaging scores are not reliable when scans 5819 patients with acute pancreatitis, every 5-mg/dL increase in BUN
are obtained at the time of admission because contrast-enhanced level within the first 24 hours of admission was associated with an
CT may underestimate or incorrectly classify disease severity if it is increased OR for mortality by 2.2 (95% CI, 1.9-2.9).35 Another study
obtained less than 72 hours after symptom onset.20,33,34 There- of 1043 patients with acute pancreatitis found an association of hos-
fore, CT is recommended later in the disease course to fully recog- pital mortality in patients with an admission BUN level greater than
nize the extent of disease process in patients with moderately se- 20 mg/dL (OR, 4.6 [95% CI, 2.5-8.3]), and any rise in BUN level 24
vere or severe acute pancreatitis. hours after admission was associated with an OR of 4.3 (95% CI, 2.3-
7.9) for death.36 Thus, most scoring systems used in acute pancre-
Management atitis incorporate a marker of volume status (Table 2).
Overview of Management The clinical guidelines for fluid resuscitation from a number of
There are 2 cornerstones in acute pancreatitis management, regard- expert groups agree that intravenous volume resuscitation should
less of the etiology: (1) fluid resuscitation to maintain or restore tis- be initiated as soon as the diagnosis of acute pancreatitis is made,

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Acute Pancreatitis: A Review Review Clinical Review & Education

Table 3. Comparison of Guidelines for Fluid Resuscitation, Nutrition, and Timing of Cholecystectomy
ACG/Acute Pancreatitis Task Quality Improvement Expert
Recommendation IAP and APA (2013)37 AGA (2018)38 Force on Quality (2019)39 Panel (2019)40
Rate and/or targets of Moderate-quality evidence Very low quality of evidence Moderate-quality evidence Quality of evidence: Ba
intravenous fluid Goal-directed intravenous fluid Goal-directed therapy for Bolus and maintenance fluid ≥3 mL/kg/h, should be initiated
resuscitation therapy with 5-10 mL/kg/h fluid management resuscitation with titration unless prohibitive comorbidities
Heart rate <120/min; mean arterial No recommendation on rate, according to interval exist (eg, heart or kidney
pressure, 65-85 mm Hg; urinary volume, or duration assessment of vital signs, failure)
output >0.5-1 mL/kg/h; hematocrit, urine output, BUN, and Trend BUN, hematocrit,
35%-44% hematocrit during the first creatinine every 8-12 h for the
48 h first 24-48 h
No recommendation on rate
or volume
Type of fluid for initial Moderate quality of evidence Low quality of evidence Moderate-quality evidence Quality of evidence: Ba
resuscitation Lactated Ringer solution No recommendation Lactated Ringer solution Lactated Ringer solution
unless contraindicated
Timing of enteral Moderate quality of evidence Moderate quality of evidence High quality of evidence Quality of evidence: Ba
nutrition In mild AP, oral feedings can be Early nutrition within 24 h Within 48-72 h unless it is not In mild AP, oral feedings
restarted once abdominal pain is tolerated or is contraindicated should be started within 24 h
decreasing and inflammatory markers (ie, bowel obstruction or of symptom control
are improving paralytic ileus)
Route of nasoenteral High-quality evidence Low-quality evidence Nasogastric or nasojejunalb Quality of evidence: Ba
nutrition (nasogastric Nasogastric or nasojejunal Nasogastric or nasojejunal for Nasojejunal nutrition for
vs nasojejunal) predicted severe or severe AP if oral nutrition not
necrotizing AP tolerated within 3-5 d
Type of nutrition Moderate-quality of evidence No recommendation High-quality evidence No recommendation
Elemental or polymeric enteral Low-fat solid diet
nutrition formulations
Timing of Low-quality evidence Moderate-quality evidence High-quality evidence Quality of evidence: Ba
cholecystectomy for Initial admission for mild AP Initial admission Surgery consultation to Within 2 wk for mild AP
biliary AP consider cholecystectomy
Low-quality evidence
prior to discharge
Cholecystectomy in biliary AP
complicated by collections should be Moderate-quality evidence
deferred until collections resolve or if Cholecystectomy in biliary AP
they persist beyond 6 weeks complicated by necrosis or
collections should be deferred
until inflammation subsides or
collections resolve/stabilize
Abbreviations: ACG, American College of Gastroenterology; AGA, American Limited or conflicting evidence from single randomized trial or nonrandomized
Gastroenterological Association; AP, acute pancreatitis; APA, American studies.
Pancreatic Association; BUN, blood urea nitrogen; IAP, International Association b
Quality of evidence for recommendation not provided.
of Pancreatology.

while the patient is still in the emergency department, and that iso- risks can manifest as pulmonary edema, excessive hemodilution lead-
tonic crystalloid formulations are preferred (Table 3). Specifically, ing to hypoxia, and intra-abdominal hypertension.43
lactated Ringer solution is recommended by most guidelines be-
cause of an association between an apparent anti-inflammatory ef- Nutrition
fect and decreased odds of developing SIRS at 24 hours compared The provision of nutrition is an important feature of the care of pa-
with normal saline. The evidence favoring one crystalloid formula- tients with acute pancreatitis. (1) Moderately severe and severe acute
tion over another is low to moderate quality. The American College pancreatitis elicit an intense systemic inflammatory response re-
of Gastroenterology’s (ACG) Acute Pancreatitis Task Force on Qual- sulting in a catabolic state, increasing caloric and nutritional require-
ity guideline cited a meta-analysis reporting decreased odds of de- ments. (2) Reduced intestinal vascular perfusion in acute pancre-
veloping SIRS with lactated Ringer solution compared with normal atitis may result in gut mucosal damage. Subsequently, intestinal
saline when used for the initial resuscitation in acute pancreatitis (OR, permeability increases, which may enable the translocation of bac-
0.38 [95% CI, 0.15-0.98]).39,41 This meta-analysis was based on 3 teria from the bowel lumen to the portal circulation and mesen-
RCTs of which only 1 demonstrated a significant effect favoring lac- teric lymphatics. This could result in organ failure, sepsis, and sec-
tated Ringer solution.42 ondary infection of pancreatic and peripancreatic necrosis.44 Early
Most authorities recommend titrating intravenous fluid admin- nutrition, particularly enteral nutrition, mitigates these effects by sev-
istration to specific measurable targets of perfusion.38 For ex- eral mechanisms: replenishing caloric losses, increasing splanchnic
ample, the International Association of Pancreatology/American Pan- blood flow to preserve the integrity of the bowel mucosa, and stimu-
creatic Association (IAP/APA) recommends a crystalloid infusion of lating intestinal motility.
5 to 10 mL/kg/h until 1 or more resuscitation goals are met (eg, heart Historically, there was reluctance to feed patients with acute
rate <120 beats per minute; mean arterial pressure, 65-85 mm Hg; pancreatitis enterally because of concern that the inflamed pan-
urine output >0.5 to 1 mL; hematocrit, 35%-44%). The risks of fluid creas would be stimulated to secrete, exacerbating the disease. Par-
overload due to aggressive resuscitation in patients with preexist- enteral nutrition was widely used. However, this concern about en-
ing kidney disease or heart failure must always be considered. These teral nutrition has not been validated, and evidence overwhelmingly

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supports enteral nutrition over parenteral nutrition. A Cochrane acute pancreatitis related to gallstones. Patients with moderately
meta-analysis of 8 studies involving 348 patients compared en- severe or severe acute pancreatitis should be evaluated for peri-
teral nutrition vs total parenteral nutrition for the treatment of acute pancreatic fluid collections prior to cholecystectomy by performing
pancreatitis, finding that enteral nutrition was associated with de- a contrast-enhanced CT or MRI examination. For patients who have
creases in mortality (relative risk [RR], 0.5 [95% CI, 0.28-0.91]), mul- peripancreatic collections or severe acute pancreatitis, early chole-
tiple organ failure (RR, 0.55 [95% CI, 0.37-0.81]), and systemic in- cystectomy should not be performed because of the risk of super-
fection (RR, 0.39 [95% CI, 0.23-0.65]). On subgroup analysis for infection of the peripancreatic fluid collections and limitation of
severe acute pancreatitis, the decreased risk for death in patients visualization from a bulging retroperitoneum. The operation should
receiving enteral nutrition was even more profound (RR, 0.18 [95% be delayed until the fluid collections resolve or after waiting for 6
CI, 0.06-0.58]).45 weeks after the episode of acute pancreatitis so that cholecystec-
It is unnecessary to wait until the pain has resolved before re- tomy can be combined with an internal drainage procedure
suming a diet in patients who have acute pancreatitis. The most (eg, cystgastrostomy) if necessary.58 ERCP with sphincterotomy
recent guidelines from the American Gastroenterological Associa- should be considered during the index admission to minimize
tion (AGA),38 Acute Pancreatitis Task Force on Quality,39 and a qual- recurrent pancreatic duct obstruction from another migrating gall-
ity indicator expert panel40 recommend initiating enteral feeding stone in patients who require a delayed cholecystectomy or in
within 24 to 72 hours (Table 3). One meta-analysis of 7 RCTs with patients who are high surgical risk but this intervention may not
691 patients demonstrated that initiating enteral feeding within 24 reduce the rate of subsequent biliary colic or cholecystitis.37,39
hours of admission compared with delayed enteral feeding
(>24 hours) or parenteral nutrition was associated with a decrease Alcohol Cessation Strategies
in multiple organ failure (OR, 0.4 [95% CI, 0.2-0.79]; P = .008).46 Alcohol-related acute pancreatitis is an independent predictor of de-
In general, patients tolerating oral nutrition should be placed on a veloping recurrent acute pancreatitis (hazard ratio, 2.72 [95% CI, 1.91-
low-fat soft or solid diet.47 If patients are unable to tolerate an oral 3.88]; 8.5-month median time to recurrence) and chronic pancre-
diet within 72 hours, they should be started on nasoenteral nutri- atitis (hazard ratio, 9.16 [95% CI, 2.71-30.90]; 4-month median time
tion (ie, nasogastric or nasojejunal).48,49 Patients who cannot tol- to chronic pancreatitis).59 The AGA recommends performing a brief
erate enteral feeding due to paralytic ileus, obstruction, or other alcohol intervention during the index admission for alcohol-related
causes should be started on parenteral nutrition within 72 hours. acute pancreatitis, and additional educational sessions in 6-month
Many patients are malnourished prior to the episode of acute intervals for 2 years after discharge.60 Patients are counseled re-
pancreatitis. The consensus guidelines from the European Society garding 3 aspects of the alcohol-pancreas relationship: the toxic ef-
for Clinical Nutrition and Metabolism recommend performing a fects of alcohol on the pancreas, behavioral changes/altering drink-
nutrition screen for all patients with mild to moderately severe ing habits, and a focus on socioeconomic issues.
acute pancreatitis using tools such as the Malnutrition Screening
Tool and Nutrition Risk Screening instrument (NRS-2002) (https:// Other Interventions
espen.info/documents/Screening.pdf). All patients with severe acute Obese patients and those with hypertriglyceridemia should be coun-
pancreatitis are considered at risk for nutritional deficiencies.50 seled regarding weight reduction, dietary modifications, and alco-
Patients with evidence of malabsorption (steatorrhea) require hol avoidance. Pharmacologic therapies include fibrates, statins,
evaluation for exocrine pancreatic insufficiency (eg, fecal elastase-1 niacin, and omega 3 fatty acids. Fibrates (eg, fenofibrate) have the
and fecal fat assays or direct pancreatic function tests). Semielemental greatest efficacy in lowering triglyceride levels and may be used in
formulations (ie, contain predigested proteins, carbohydrates, and fat) combination with the other listed medications for refractory cases.
and/or pancreatic enzyme supplementation should be considered for Patients found to have hypercalcemia during an episode of acute
these patients.50 There is a lack of compelling evidence to support the pancreatitis should be evaluated for primary hyperparathyroidism
routine use of semielemental nutrition or enteral formulas enriched or, less commonly, malignancy and thyrotoxicosis.
with probiotics or immunonutrition.51
Risk Reduction and Follow-up Care The long-term effects of acute pancreatitis are considerable, even
Cholecystectomy in those with mild and first-time episodes. Patients are at risk to
Gallstones are a leading cause of acute pancreatitis. When chole- develop recurrent episodes of acute pancreatitis, progress to
cystectomy is not performed at the index admission for gallstone chronic pancreatitis, and develop endocrine and exocrine insuffi-
acute pancreatitis, 8% of patients are at risk for recurrence of ciency. The greatest risk factors for developing recurrent acute pan-
acute pancreatitis within a median of 40 days after discharge. creatitis are alcoholic acute pancreatitis, biliary acute pancreatitis
The risk increases to 22% at 5 years if cholecystectomy is not without interval cholecystectomy, and tobacco smoking. Risk fac-
performed.52,53 Early cholecystectomy (within 24 to 48 hours of tors for progressing to chronic pancreatitis include recurrent acute
hospital admission) is safe and shortens hospital duration in pancreatitis, tobacco smoking, pancreatic necrosis, and alcoholic
patients with a predicted mild course of acute pancreatitis.54-57 acute pancreatitis.59,61
Same-admission cholecystectomy may not be feasible for various Pancreatic exocrine insufficiency will develop in up to 35% of
reasons: patient preference, patients not medically optimized for all patients. The most important risks factors include necrotizing
surgery, and a lack of hospital resources. Optimally, these patients acute pancreatitis and alcohol etiology.50,62,63 Patients with diar-
should undergo cholecystectomy within 2 to 4 weeks after dis- rhea, steatorrhea, and/or positive pancreatic exocrine insufficiency
charge, if deemed medically fit, to minimize the risk of recurrent assays, such as fecal elastase-1, fecal fat, or direct pancreatic

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Acute Pancreatitis: A Review Review Clinical Review & Education

function tests, may benefit from pancreatic enzyme supplementa- Limitations

tion. Pancreatogenic diabetes mellitus (type 3c diabetes) is the This review has some limitations. First, a formal systematic review was
impairment in pancreatic endocrine function related to structural not performed. Second, a comprehensive evaluation of acute pan-
pancreatic damage due to pancreatitis. Type 3c diabetes is closely creatitis management (ie, for necrotizing acute pancreatitis, local com-
related to chronic pancreatitis, but it may also develop in patients plications, or other sequelae of acute pancreatitis) was not re-
who experienced an episode of severe necrotizing acute viewed. Third, although the importance of fluid resuscitation and
pancreatitis.64 nutrition in the initial management of acute pancreatitis is widely ac-
Patients with peripancreatic fluid collections should be fol- cepted, the evidence for specific interventions is limited, of moder-
lowed regularly and assessed for stable, improved, or worsening ate to low quality, and reported inconsistent findings. Fourth, meth-
symptoms such as pain, feeding intolerance, and fevers. odological diversity and statistical heterogeneity were frequently
In summary, acute pancreatitis is a complex and dynamic dis- encountered. For example, the meta-analyses on the fluid and nutri-
ease process with a variable clinical course. Prompt recognition, tional management of acute pancreatitis incorporated a combina-
diagnosis, and initiation of treatment with early fluid resuscitation tion of studies that used either the RAC severity classification, an al-
and early nutrition are important for good outcomes. Scoring tools ternative or outdated severity scoring system. This has implications
are useful adjuncts for predicting severity and mortality. In particu- when comparing methods of management and the effect on disease
lar, the BISAP score is easy to calculate and can be performed severity.65 Fifth, there are several acute pancreatitis management
within 24 hours. However, these tools should not substitute clinical guidelines of varying quality. Features of guidelines with the highest
judgment. Patients need to be evaluated frequently, and manage- quality include those endorsed by professional organizations (eg, IAP,
ment adjusted based on clinical findings and trends. There is con- AGA, ACG), include a summary of recommendations, and provide evi-
sensus for early and aggressive volume resuscitation, but the rate, dence grading for the various recommendations.66
duration, and volume are not well-defined. The trend in markers
(laboratory studies, vitals) are important to follow. Enteral feeding
is a critical aspect of managing all severities of acute pancreatitis. If
possible, cholecystectomy should be performed in patients with
mild gallstone acute pancreatitis during the index admission or, if Acutepancreatitisisacomplexdiseasethatvariesinseverityandcourse.
considered unsafe during the admission, within 2 to 4 weeks after Prompt diagnosis and stratification of severity influences proper man-
discharge to reduce risk of recurrence of acute pancreatitis. Inpa- agement.Scoringsystemsareusefuladjunctsbutshouldnotsupersede
tient and outpatient alcohol modification/cessation strategies are clinicaljudgment.Fluidmanagement,nutrition,andrisk-reductionstrat-
likely helpful if used both in the hospital and outpatient settings. egies are very important aspects of care for acute pancreatitis.

ARTICLE INFORMATION acute pancreatitis. J Clin Gastroenterol. 2019;53(3): 11. Krüger B, Albrecht E, Lerch MM. The role of
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intellectual content: All authors. States. Pancreas. 2019;48(4):548-554. 149.e9.
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