Yerace Vitae

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she/her/hers | [email protected] |

academic Weber State University, Ogden, UT

appointments Assistant Professor Composition Rhetoric / Technical Writing, Fall 2024 – Present

Purdue University, West Lafayette, IN

Biggs & Crews PhD Research Fellow, Department of English, 2023 – 2024
Assistant Director, Introductory Composition, 2022 – 2023
Assessment Research Coordinator, Introductory Composition, 2021 – 2022
Graduate Instructor, Introductory Composition, 2020 – 2024

Oregon State University, Corvallis, OR

Graduate Assistant, Writing Intensive Curriculum, 2019 – 2020
Graduate Teaching Assistant, Writing I & II, 2018 – 2020

education Doctor of Philosophy, English (Rhetoric & Composition) | Purdue University | 2024
Dissertation: Mentoring, advocacy, resilience: Investigating strategies of agility by writing
program administrators.
Committee: Dr. Bradley Dilger (chair), Dr. Harry Denny, Nancy Rasche, & Dr. Dànielle DeVoss.

Master of Arts, English (Rhetoric, Writing, & Culture) | Oregon State University | 2020
Thesis: Creative placemaking as a composition pedagogy.
Committee: Drs. Vicki Tolar Burton (chair), Ehren Helmut Pflugfelder, Anita Helle, & Susan Shaw.

Bachelor of Arts, English (Writing Studies) | Northern Kentucky University | 2018

Honors Interdisciplinary Capstone completed under mentor Dr. Jennifer Cellio
Junior Semester Abroad at the University of St. Andrews, SC, UK

research Writing program administration; empirical methods in writing studies, especially survey design;
interests design thinking; educational assessment; crisis communication; invention.

peer-reviewed Yerace, M. (2023). Agile writing programs. In J. Borgman & C. McArdle, PARS in charge:
Resources and strategies for online writing program leaders, pp. 86-99. WAC Clearinghouse.
articles &
chapters Yerace, M. (2022). New priorities in strange times: How writing programs navigated emergency
remote teaching. Computers & Composition Online.

Pflugfelder, E. H., Sylvester, R. E., Yerace, M., & Fuller, M. (2021). Making the midcentury,
modern. Rhetoric Review, 40(1), 35-50.

Salzman, R., & Yerace, M. (2018). Toward understanding creative placemaking in a socio-
political context. City, Culture, and Society, 13, 57-63.
international Yerace, M. (2023, February). Writing programs texts in critical times [Conference presentation].
Writing Research Across Borders conference, Norwegian University of Science and Technology,
Trondheim, Norway.
Yerace, M. (2019, March). Rhetoric, composition, citizenship, and democracy: Tracings & tensions
[Symposium paper presentation]. Transatlantic Student Symposium, Humboldt University,
Berlin, Germany.

national Yerace, M. (2025, April, forthcoming). Remixing the lab: Reflections on research groups and
applications for writing studies mentorship [Presentation]. Accepted to the 76th Conference on
College Composition and Communication, Baltimore, MD.
Hall, K. S., Weaver, M. E., Haynes, L., Yerace, M., & Macklin, T. (2022, March). “I’m doing my best”
practices: Challenges and innovations in graduate teacher training [Roundtable presentation].
73rd Conference on College Composition and Communication, Chicago, IL.

writing Assistant Director of Composition, Introductory Composition, Purdue University

program May 2022 – July 2023

administration • Conducted program outcomes assessment research, including writing report for
University core curriculum assessment;
• Developed curriculum for 5-week summer session Composition offering, in
collaboration with the Purdue OWL and embedded tutors;
• Coauthored grants for continuing to develop new Composition offerings;
• Found and strengthened collaborations between Composition and other units;
• Redesigned processes for assessment and student grade review requests;
• Planned and led workshops, identifying presenters and potential collaborations;
• Assisted and supported instructors in curriculum and grading, as well as identifying
instructors for external awards and supporting application writing;
• Mentored undergraduate student assistants to the writing programs;
• Conducted syllabus review;
• Organized presentations and judging for English Pedagogy Showcase;
• Supported other ICaP staff as needed.

Assessment Research Coordinator, Introductory Composition, Purdue University

August 2021 – May 2022
• Continued to build rating processes for program assessment;
• Planned and conducted trainings for rating portfolios;
• Collected assignments and analyzed data from rating for a yearly assessment report;
• Convened and chaired assessment committee;

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• Revised common assignment instructions;
• Supported instruction of the common assignment.

Graduate Teaching Assistant (2019-2020) and Intern (2018-2019), Writing Intensive

Curriculum, Oregon State University
September 2018 – June 2020
• Led make-up sessions for faculty who missed WIC training seminar meetings;
• March-June 2020: delivered resources for adapting pedagogy to online teaching;
transitioned WIC events to remote delivery formats.

As Intern & GTA,

• Reviewed curriculum proposals for WIC courses;
• Organized roundtable events for WIC’s 25th Anniversary Celebration;
• Provided support during faculty training seminars;
• Prepared quarterly newsletters (taking the lead as GTA).

Composition Assistant, Writing Program, Oregon State University

August 2019 – June 2020
• Collaborated in leading orientation for incoming first year composition GTAs;
• Prepared & distributed teaching materials, such as assignments and lesson plans;
• Attended and assisted in the first-year writing teaching practicum;
• Held office hours during the academic year for new GTAs seeking help and advice;
• Rated placement essays;
• Mentored students for publication in a campus newspaper section for WR121, The

teaching & Professional and Technical Writing Faculty, Weber State University
tutoring August 2024 – Present
ENGL 3130 | Digital Writing Technologies | 1 section
Three-credit PTW elective, face-to-face.
ENGL 3100 | Professional and Technical Writing | 2 sections
Three-credit PTW major requirement and community-engaged course, face-to-face.

Instructor of Introductory Composition, Purdue University

August 2020 – July 2024
ENGL 106 | Introductory Composition | 3 sections
Four-credit Written Communication & Information Literacy course with conferencing.
Taught one section, Summer 2023, as an accelerated 5-week version.

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ENGL 106 DIST | Introductory Composition (Distance Learning) | 3 sections
Four-credit Written Communication & Information Literacy course, asynchronous online.

Teaching Assistant for Electrical and Computer Engineering, Purdue University

January 2023 – May 2024
ECE 494 | Professional Communication Capstone | 2 sections, 180 students
Three-credit senior-level course for ECE majors, asynchronous online.

Instructor of English Composition, Oregon State University

September 2018 – June 2020
WR 121 | English Composition | 4 sections
Four-credit Writing I course.
WR 222 | English Composition & Argumentation | 1 section
Three-credit Writing II course.

Embedded Tutor for ENG101W/R, Northern Kentucky University

August 2016 – May 2018
Writing Center Consultant & Success Skills Tutor, Northern Kentucky University
August 2015 – May 2018

workshops McArdle, C. & Borgman, J. (2023, November). Resources and strategies for writing program
& invited leaders with online programs and courses. [Workshop including presentations from
contributors to PARS in Charge.] Council of Writing Program Administrators.
Yerace, M. & Dilger, B. (2023, March). Assigning texts for teaching [Guest lecture for
ENGL518/LING598: Teaching English as a Second Language: Principles and Practices, Prof.
Sorell]. Purdue University.

Yerace, M. (2023, February). Conducting personas research for design [Guest lecture for
ENGL309: Digital Design and Production, Prof. Dilger]. Purdue University.

Yerace, M., Seifeddine, G., & Joseph, E. (2022, November). Pitching your teaching & tutoring
experience [Joint Introductory Composition/Writing Lab workshop]. Purdue University.

Yerace, M. & Bergman, R. (2022, August). Pedagogical lessons from ICaP assessment [Workshop
for Introductory Composition Fall Convocation]. Purdue University.

Composition Assistants (2019, September). Multilingual students in WR121 and Teaching the
Style Project [Workshops for WR121 GTA Orientation]. Oregon State University.

Composition Assistants (2019, September). Welcome Week planning and First week planning
[Roundtables for WR121 GTA Orientation]. Oregon State University.

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Yerace, M. (2019, Spring). Ecological models of public space and applications for public-facing
writing [Presentation for the Writing Intensive Curriculum Spring 2019 Lunch Series]. Oregon
State University.

awards & Harriet M. Crews and Sandra K. Biggs PhD Research Fellowship | Purdue | 2023 – 2024
Department of English Undergraduate Teaching Award | Purdue | 2023
Janice Lauer Dissertation Award | Purdue | 2023
Graduate Student English Association Emerging Scholar Award | Purdue | 2023
Boiler Changemaker Award | Purdue | 2023
Quintilian Award in Teaching | Purdue | Spring 2021
Crouse Promising Scholar in Professional Writing Award | Purdue | 2021 – 2022
William Byron Award | NKU | 2018
Honors Scholarship | NKU | 2017 – 2018
Frank and Virginia Stallings Scholarship | NKU | 2016 – 2017
Barbara M. Collier Memorial Scholarship | NKU | 2015 – 2016
Outstanding Honors Freshman | NKU | 2014
Rachel and James Votruba Scholarship | NKU | 2014 – 2015
Excellence Scholarship | NKU | 2014 – 2018

research & Introductory Composition & GradSEA Travel Grant | $200 | Purdue | Spring 2023
Purdue Graduate Student Government Grant | $250 | Purdue | Spring 2023
travel grants
College of Liberal Arts PROMISE Grant | $1500 | Purdue | Spring 2023
English Department Supplement Travel Grant | $250 | Purdue | Spring 2023
Graduate School Travel Award | $700 | OSU | 2020
President’s Commission on the Status of Women Travel Grant | $500 | OSU | 2020
Honors Travel Scholarship | $1000 | NKU | Spring 2017

grants & Yerace, M., & Dilger, B. (2023, Spring). Mentoring, advocacy, resilience: Investigating strategies
of agility by writing program administrators [English Department nominee; unfunded]. Ross-
Lynn Research Scholar Fund, Purdue University Research Foundation, $34,500.
Yerace, M. (2023, Spring). Mentoring, advocacy, resilience: Investigating strategies of agility by
writing program administrators [English Department nominee; unfunded]. Bilsland Dissertation
Fellowship, College of Liberal Arts, Purdue University, $28,000.

Dilger, B., Gipson, J., Guerrero, M., Denny, H., and Yerace, M. (2023, Spring). Writing Their Place
in Purdue’s Story: Using Linked Courses and Writing Skills to Develop Belonging in Under-
Represented Students [unfunded]. Seed Grants for Innovative Approaches to Enhancing Inclusive
Excellence and Sense of Belonging, Purdue University, $9,859.

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Yerace, M. (2022, Fall). Mentoring, advocacy, resilience: Investigating strategies of agility by
writing program administrators [unfunded]. American Council of Learned Societies/Mellon
Dissertation Innovation Fellowship, $40,000.

Yerace, M. (2022, Fall). Mentoring, advocacy, resilience: Investigating strategies of agility by

writing program administrators [unfunded]. National Academy of Education / Spencer
Dissertation Fellowship, $27,000.

departmental & a. Leadership positions

Yerace, M. & Braegger, V. (2022 – 2023). Professionalization Committee, Graduate Student
English Association, Purdue.
Yerace, M. (2022 – 2023). Alternate English Senator, Purdue Graduate Student Government.

Yerace, M. (2021 – 2022). Vice President, Graduate Student English Association, Purdue.

b. Committee Memberships & Volunteering

Yerace, M. (2024 – 2025). Member, English Department Committees: Professional & Technical
Writing Committee; Composition Committee; Developmental English Committee; Graduate
Instructor Hiring Committee.

Yerace, M. (2022 – 2023, Fall & Spring semesters). Judge, Purdue Undergraduate Research
Expo posters & research talks.

Yerace, M. (2020 – 2021). Introductory writing committee, Introductory Composition, Purdue.

Yerace, M. (2021, Spring). Assessment committee, Introductory Composition, Purdue.

Yerace, M., McCormick, D., & Barber, C. (2020, December). Interview of Marilyn Cooper for the
2020 James Berlin Memorial Lecture in the David Hutton Lecture Series in Rhetoric and
Composition [Recording archived in James Berlin Memorial Library].

Yerace, M. (2019, Winter – Spring). Essay rater for Honors College, Oregon State.

graduate Rhetorical theory

Ancient rhetorics | ENGL622 | Purdue
Contemporary theory and rhetoric | ENGL626 | Purdue
Contemporary rhetorical theory: Rhetorical ecologies | WR585 | OSU
The rhetorical tradition & the teaching of writing | WR593 | OSU

Composition literacies
Introduction to composition theory | ENGL591 | Purdue
Empirical methods in composition | ENGL625 | Purdue
The teaching of writing | WR511 | OSU

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Introduction to literacy studies | WR595 | OSU
Current composition theory | WR512 | OSU (not taken for credit)

Writing program administration

Writing center administration & theory | ENGL590 | Purdue
WPA/WAC administration & theory | ENGL680 | Purdue
Readings in writing program administration | ENGL590 | Purdue
Professional writing theory | ENGL680T | Purdue

Cultural studies
Cultural studies | ENGL680 | Purdue
Environmental rhetorics | ENGL680 | Purdue
Public rhetorics | ENGL680 | Purdue
Studies in film: Digital flesh & the virtual | FILM553 | OSU
Environmental writing | WR562 | OSU
Studies in criticism: Anthropocene now! | ENG575 | OSU

Teaching practica
Teaching first year composition I & II | ENGL505A & B | Purdue
First year composition practicum | WR517 | OSU
Literature TA practicum | ENG507 | OSU
Second year composition practicum | WR519 | OSU

Other graduate seminars

Digital humanities foundations | ILS630 | Purdue
Hutton lectures in rhetoric and composition | ENGL681 | Purdue
Introduction to graduate studies | ENG514 | OSU

languages German (intermediate)

English (native)

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