UMBRELLA - 314343 Final Project Report D1.5 1
UMBRELLA - 314343 Final Project Report D1.5 1
UMBRELLA - 314343 Final Project Report D1.5 1
Usually the contact person of the coordinator as specified in Art. 8.1. of the Grant Agreement.
The home page of the website should contain the generic European flag and the FP7 logo which are available in electronic format
at the Europa website (logo of the European flag: logo of the 7th
FP: The area of activity of the project should also be mentioned.
4.1 Final publishable summary report
UMBRELLA addressed this issue through the development of an innovative, web-based decision-
support application, which provides common independent evaluation tools built around new and
adaptable business models. The interface uses guided navigation to ascertain key information from
users such as: key stakeholders; building location; building type; new or retrofit build; owner
objectives and preferences e.g. energy efficiency, carbon and budget requirements etc. Business
models, specific to the project and stakeholders are then provided through the online dynamic web
portal, which will allow users to explore and optimise different business models and the relating
implications and recommendations for interventions to their specified building. This can be applied
to any building at any stage of design or use. Once the initial assessment has been carried out by the
end user, they have the option to perform a more comprehensive analysis, which creates a full
Dynamic Simulation Model of their building, calibrated against energy monitoring data (where
appropriate) in order to facilitate decisions with respect to design options, retrofit options and in-use
system changes through an understanding of the impact of these decisions to the buildings, its
occupants and comfort and the required investment and payback that would result.
The project has resulted in 2 software tools available as prototypes at the end of the 36 month R&D
project, these are: a Free online web tool which allows end users understand the energy use of their
building and the potential design/retrofit solutions which would be suitable to their building type
and location; a Commercial tool which is a desktop solution offering the user a comprehensive
analysis of their building from design, retrofit or in-use perspective allowing them to design to a
better energy efficiency, understand the impact of a variety of retrofit options or optimise their
existing building while in-use at minimum cost. Both the Free and Commercial tools advise the user
with respect to the appropriate business model that would allow them to implement the solution
depending on their situation and the stakeholders involved in their project.
Subsequently, the project has also identified the potential for a third Hybrid tool, which will
maximise the tools developed for both the Free and Commercial tools, and offer the end user a
simple tool, which provides a higher level of accuracy of the Free tool, yet does not require all of
the information required for the Commercial tool. This is additional development which will take
place during the commercialisation of the project, beyond the R&D 36 month phase.
The project has been demonstrated in 4 regional flagship projects located in the UK, Italy, Spain
and Poland. The demonstration exercise has identified a number of changes required to bring the
products from prototypes to products and an exploitation plan has been created to carry out these
changes and identify the route to market for the products.
4.1.2 Description of Project Context and Objectives (4 pages max)
The project was split into 8 Work Packages with 28 deliverables. All deliverables have been
submitted and all milestones have been met.
WP1 focussed on the Technical and Administrative Management of the Project. Good
communication between the coordinator and the WP leaders and project partners was maintained
through the project. The project had a dedicated document management and storage site, called
Zoho and its own GoToMeeting conference facility for use for project meetings between partners.
There were no significant disputes throughout the project. Two partners left during the project, the
first TST (Think Smart Technologies) left before the project started and hence they were replaced
with TCD (Trinity College Dublin) in Month 4 of the project; the second UNEXE (Exeter
University) were replaced with UNBAT (Bath University) at M18 due to the Principle Investigator
for the Project changing between UNEXE and UNBAT. As such, an amendment was submitted and
accepted for each change of partner.
WP2 characterised the value chain and best practices to be used with the UMBRELLA tools. This
includes a mapping of the building energy retrofit chains, analysis of stakeholder needs, motivations
and drivers, examination of new and emerging technologies and the creation of a generic dataset of
design/retrofit solutions to be used by the UMBRELLA tools. This WP helped define the interface
for the Free and Commercial tools, identify the target end users and what they want to see from
such a tool and identify which design/retrofit solutions should be integrated.
WP3 carried out a more thorough stakeholder analysis through a number of workshops, online
questionnaires and face to face interviews. These activities were carried out with stakeholders from
each of the demonstration sites as well as with the general public. The data from the stakeholder
engagement was analysed and this was also used to define the tools, how they will encourage end
user engagement and have maximum impact.
WP4 generated the New Business Models which will maximise uptake of Design/Retrofit/In-Use
solutions for the next generation of high performance buildings. This involved a comprehensive
Market Research exercise examining the Energy Efficient Buildings market, the tools that exist and
how UMBRELLA can fit within this market. Following this a number of business models were
generated to be used with both the Free and Commercial UMBRELLA tools. A detailed matrix of
solutions, incorporating over 100 new business models was generated to automatically identify the
appropriate business model based on the user situation using the Free Tool. The Commercial tool
can then adapt and modify the potential business models based on more detailed discussions with
the building owner.
WP5 developed the software components of the Free and Commercial UMBRELLA tools. For the
Free tool this included:
The creation of master templates and design options to automatically generate a simple
block model based on the inputs entered by the user
A simulation scheduler which takes this block model and simulates it using a Dynamic
Simulation Modelling engine via a cloud Kernel
A Multi-Decision-Diagram (MDD) algorithm to sort and filter the solutions. (Note it was
decided that this would not be used with the final Free tool and will instead be integrated
with the Hybrid tool during the commercialisation stage.)
For the Commercial tool, this included:
Also the creation of the master templates and design options to create a first iteration of the
building model
A Genetic Optimise algorithm which can be used to optimise 1000’s of different
design/retrofit combinations to identify the best solution for the building
Climate weather files to allow for an assessment of future climate based on a number of
different potential scenarios
An End of Life solution set to determine the best way to dispose of components at the end of
their life
A value choice weighting tool which allows the user identify easily which solution they
would like to choose based on their own individual objectives and constraints.
An in-use control algorithm to be used for identifying system changes for a building in-use
that do not require any significant investment
WP6 developed the user interface for the Free tool and the database architecture behind it. This
allows for the user to enter inputs into the online web tool, these inputs are automatically matched
to a library of master templates and design options which then generates a box model, the box
model is simulated via a cloud based simulation scheduler and the results are returned to the online
web interface. The results include both the technical interventions and the appropriate business
models to implement the solution.
WP7 demonstrated the use of both the Free and Commercial tools on 4 sites in the EU: UK, Poland,
Italy and Spain. The UK site demonstrated the aspects of the in-use part of the tool, the Italian site
demonstrated the aspects of the retrofit part of the tool and the Polish and Spanish sites
demonstrated the aspects of the design part of the tool. The results highlighted a number of
improvements that could be made before the software is released to the market and in particular
highlighted the need for a Hybrid tool which goes beyond the simple analysis that the Free tool
provides without the comprehensive data that the Commercial tool requires.
Finally WP8 conducted the dissemination of the project at 16 conferences and events, as well as the
submission of 8 academic publications, the delivery of bi-annual newsletters, the generation of
leaflets for general dissemination as well as a standardised project presentation and 2 minute demo
video. WP8 also produced standardization strategy paving the way to the standardization of the
results of UMBRELLA and an exploitation plan which identified the route to market, the ownership
of the various components of the tools and the ownership of IP and joint IP.
The following table outlines the objectives for the project and how they were achieved:
Objective as per p11 of the DoW How it was Achieved
UMBRELLA will comprehensively and WP2 and WP3 carried out a number of tasks with
effectively engage with relevant stakeholders respect to stakeholder engagement and
with an interest in understanding of the end user needs. The results
the development and/or implementation of from these tasks were presented in Deliverables
energy conservation and/or energy generation 2.1, 2.2, 3.1, 3.2 and 3.3. In addition, WP4
within buildings. This will ensure the business conducted an in-depth market review, the results
models and associated tools and techniques are of which are presented in D4.1. All of these
fit-for-purpose. This will include addressing the contributed towards the development of the Free
perspectives of different stakeholders in the and Commercial UMBRELLA tools.
building energy efficiency value chain.
UMBRELLA will show how processes and WP4 carried out in-depth analysis with respect to
business models naturally integrate, for the business models to be developed and how
example where new innovative software is these integrated with a technical software. This
available, the business model should be was a complex and challenging task. The results
enhanced providing better value proposition, can be observed in Deliverables 4.2, 4.3, 4.4 and
more accurate information and new knowledge 4.5.
on what can best be achieved etc
UMBRELLA will integrate lessons learnt from WP2 carried out an analysis of existing and
the past by providing suggestions to the user emerging technologies which are best suited for
which relate to design solutions which have the next generation of high performance
already been successfully implemented buildings from both a design and retrofit
situation. The results can be seen in D2.3
UMBRELLA will contribute towards a WP2, WP3 and WP4 created the roadmap for the
comprehensive review of current and emergent tools to be delivered. WP5 and WP6 created the
practices, initiatives and tools. The project will necessary tools to allow the project meet the
aim to target 2% of European buildings within objectives provided in the DoW. The exploitation
5 years, which will increase the market share of plan will aim to meet these objectives, however
energy-efficient solutions by 10% per year whether this was achieved will only be known
measured on the basis of each technology (see after commercialisation of the project.
Impact section for further details)
UMBRELLA will generate business models WP4 delivered a comprehensive dataset of
which are based on a unifying framework business models which can be used with both the
across different performance measures e.g. life Free and Commercial tools. Over 100 new
cycle, energy, carbon, cost, etc. This allows for business were created, all of which are available
an interactive approach for problem solving, as a dataset which the UMBRELLA agent can
avoiding risks exploit.
UMBRELLA will generate a framework for a The UMBRELLA solution has tools which allow
whole-life performance-based business model a user to start at the Design, Retrofit or In-Use
for the demonstration and marketing of energy stage of a project and also examine the End of
saving measures and energy generation within Life Solutions of each proposed intervention. As
buildings such, the project has delivered a whole-life
solution which can be used no matter what stage
a project is at.
UMBRELLA will provide a new energy toolset The UMBRELLA tools incorporate models
which incorporates all inter-related building which are created based on user information
performance indicators and goes beyond (whether simple for the Free tool or detailed for
existing linear, 'trial and error' approaches to the Commercial tool) to create a model that is
encourage new business models representative of the end users building. A library
of master templates and design options and
interventions has then been created to allow for
multiple solutions and combinations of solutions
to be explored, ensuring that all solutions are
taken into account and no solution is missed
because of a ‘trial and error’ approach. The
business models are linked directly with the user
inputs and hence the solutions provided and
again, this ensures that no potential solution is
left out.
The energy toolset will integrate a common Both the Free tool and Commercial tool have a
methodology for simulation and analysis at the well-defined workflow that can be used by any
EU level to support the business models end user or Agent of the tool
UMBRELLA will provide better decision UMBRELLA incorporates a number of tools
making tool as a result of closer modelling of which put the user at the centre of the results, this
the users natural decision making process in includes: the ability for the user to discard any
designing and monitoring an energy efficient interventions they know will not work, the ability
building for the user to place a priority or constraint on
different objectives appropriate to them, the
ability of the user to weight the options based on
their preferences and analyse the results in this
manner. Both the Free and Commercial tools
ensure that the user is in control of the process
and can examine the solutions that are most
appropriate to their needs.
UMBRELLA will validate the business models Both the Free and Commercial tools have been
in a number of flagship projects located in validated in 4 flagship projects in the UK,
different climatic regions and reflecting Poland, Italy and Spain.
different socio-economic structures
UMBRELLA will ensure the adaptability of the The business model database is a complex
business models, in terms of potential changes database which takes into account multiple
in aspects such as: climate; economics; changing factors relating to climate, economics,
technologies; market requirements; etc. technologies, market requirements etc. The
business model to be used is chosen based on the
inputs of the user and hence is adaptable to the
end user needs.
Table 1 – Objectives of the Project and how they were Achieved
4.1.3 Main S/T Results and Foreground
The UMBRELLA project incorporates technical components of the generation of a set of software
tools incorporating socio-economic aspects of business models which are generate to aid in the
implementation of the solutions which the technical tools provide. An initial workflow of the tool
was generated early in the project as illustrated in Figure 1. This early analysis identified the need
for two software tools, a Free tool and a Commercial tool. The purpose of the Free tool is to provide
an easy to use and understand tool for non-technical users and encourage them to identify potential
changes they could make to their building. It is also a ‘teaser’ for the Commercial tool with the aim
that a % of those engaging with the Free tool will then be tempted to contribute with the
Commercial tool.
EE1 EE2 EE3 EE4 EE5 EE6 EE7 EE8 EE9 EE10 ... EEn
BM10 X
... X X
EE1 EE2 EE3 EE4 EE5 EE6 EE7 EE8 EE9 EE10 ... EEn
BM8 X BM31 X X
BM10 X
Following this early analysis and demonstration and testing of the tools which were ultimately
developed, a third tool has also been identified which exploits results from both the Free and
Commercial tools. This is called a Hybrid tool, which is also a commercial offering, but offers a
more accurate version of the Free tool, without going into the complexities and detail required for
the Commercial tool. This tool will be created beyond the end of the R&D project duration as it
requires some work to create the interface and integrate the different components together. Figure 2
now illustrates these 3 tools, , which types of buildings each target, who the customer is and what
the client offering is. This is the result of final detailed analysis and demonstration activities to fully
understand how the tool can be exploited in the existing conservative Engineering, Architectural
and Construction market.
Small and Buildings < 10,000m2, Building Green Deal etc) to allow end various results (i.e. both
< 5 stories, < 10 technical and Business
Level 2
tenants; complex
Commercial use the potential
control infrastructure;
Existing Clients, tool, which creates detailed
Buildings on-site energy Free tool business models
VE users, model of the building,
manager for
COMMERCIAL implements various design
prospective new implementation
TOOL options and provides the
Large clients, i.e. large
High complex engineering firms end user with detailed
Level 4
Each of the individual components of the tools which have been developed for each of the Free,
Hybrid and Commercial tools is then illustrated in Figure 3 as follows:
It is noted that there is some crossover between the components that are used for the tools, many of
the development can be used for multiple purposes however in different capacity based on the tool.
The individual work that has been carried out for each work package is now provided in the
subsequent sections.
Task 2.1 Mapping of building energy retrofit value chains is intrinsically linked with task 2.2, with
the two interdependent tasks being performed simultaneously and jointly resulting in deliverable 2.1
‘Analysis of Stakeholder Interaction within the Building Energy Efficiency Market’. The
stakeholder identification and mapping of value chains, which form the focus of T2.1 were achieved
in a step-wise and iterative manner. A model of the construction industry was developed with
specific emphasis of its applicability to energy efficient building projects. This model synthesised
insights from a broad ranging review of the literature, and forwarded a coherent approach through
which the analysis of value generation activities across the building energy efficiency supply chain
could be structured. This mapping exercise was validated and refined through the information
gathered from the stakeholder engagement.
Stages or Hubs of Activity were identified across the construction life cycle, within which activities
could be assembled into logically related groups, as shown in Table 2 below.
(2) Initiation & viability check Original proposal, making business case, etc.
(3) Design & planning Designs, building plans, project plans, etc.
(6) End of life and downstream Deconstruction, reuse, recycling, disposal, etc.
Table 2 - Hubs of Activity of an energy retrofit or conventional construction project (after Dunphy
et al., 20133).
These identified stages are discrete in their own right, but they are also inter-linked and co-
dependent. While distinctions can be made to the level of identified Hubs of Activity, the boundaries
between the hubs are not absolute. Furthermore, as the lifecycle of a building is not a linear process
Dunphy, N.P., Morrissey, J.E. & MacSweeney, R.D., 2013. Building energy efficiency: a value approach for
modelling retrofit materials supply chains. In A. Méndez-Vilas, ed. Materials and processes for energy: communicating
current research and technological developments. Badajoz, Spain: Formatex Research Center, pp. 649–657.
(a building can be bought and sold, renovated, upgraded, extended, and refurbished many times in
its lifespan), there is a large amount of movement back and forth between the different hubs. This is
because within the lifecycle of a generic building there will be multiple cycles of design and
construction; occupation and use; renovation and upgrade; deconstruction and recovery/disposal;
before the building finally reaches its ultimate end of life.
Task 2.2 Analysis of stakeholder interests, drivers and motives, was based around the six Hubs of
Activity identified in T2.1 (upstream activities; initiation and viability; design and planning;
construction and implementation; operation and maintenance and end of life and downstream
activities). The ‘Hubs of Activity model and the identified categories of stakeholders were used to
analyse the interests, drivers and motivations of those key stakeholders within energy efficient
building projects.
Initial work comprised literature review and desk based studies. Subsequently stakeholders
interviewed within the context of T3.2 were mapped onto the hub of activity model (see Figure 12
below) and the information obtained from these respondents were used with the developed power /
interest matrices associated with each Hub of Activity to further characterise stakeholder and their
A SWOT analysis is a subjective assessment of data which is organized by the SWOT format into a
logical order that helps understanding, presentation, discussion and decision-making. The four
dimensions are a useful extension of a basic two heading list of pro's and con's. Moreover, a scan of
the internal and external environment is an important part of the strategic planning process.
Environmental factors internal to the investigated product/system usually can be classified as
strengths (S) or weaknesses (W), and those external can be classified as opportunities (O) or threats
STAM supported Solintel in reviewing the deliverable D2.2 “SWOT analysis of new and emerging
energy conservation measures (ECMs), retrofit solutions and microgeneration technologies”.
Finally, Task 2.4 created the UMBRELLA Generic Dataset an energy efficient solutions database,
starting from those listed in D2.2; these solutions are required to be modelled by the IES software,
the <Virtual Environment>, and as such each of the variables required to model the solutions has
been included as a result of detailed discussions between STAM and IES. This database will now
be used as part of Task 5.1 and Task 5.3 in order to model the energy efficient solutions and link
these to various building typologies and suitable business models through the online web portal.
Work Package 3 “Stakeholders Engagement and Assessment of Requirements” main objective was
to ascertain the knowledge, requirements and preferences of the various stakeholders involved in
the energy efficient building market. WP3 is conceived around the stakeholder. T3.1 creates the
first contact with the stakeholders of the EEB market; workshops and on-line contacts were
established to engage them and determine their needs and preferences. T3.2 deepened the analysis
with face-to-face interviews. These in-depth interviews allowed for more detailed information to be
gathered by creating a confident relationship with the stakeholder. Finally, T3.3 analysed the results
of the interviews to allow a complete understanding of their role and market expectations.
Task 3.1 Stakeholders’ Network: workshops & online component was based on information drawn
from interviews and questionnaires filled in within the UMBRELLA project, supplemented by the
authors’ professional experience. The whole involved two different phases.
In the first phase a draft questionnaire was sent to stakeholders identified within the four Umbrella
flagship projects. Stakeholders were selected by the partners responsible of each one of the flagship
project, according to their contact network and experience. After that, stakeholders were
interviewed in a small workshop setting, in order to understand their needs and requirements and to
refine the questionnaire for the second phase.
In order to understand the actual stakeholders needs in terms of energy efficient buildings business
plan, DAPP in collaboration with the flagship project responsible person, conducted several
interviews through a questionnaire which was circulated among the four flagship project
In the second phase the new version of the questionnaire modified according to the input received
both from questionnaire analysis and the small workshop, was spread around Europe, in order to
reach the maximum audience possible. European contacts were retrieved from the network of the
Umbrella partners and from the contacts that DAPP currently has in the E2B Association.
The questionnaire was implemented in the Umbrella website platform, publicly accessible from all
the internet users. The questionnaire has been created with Google Form, the on-line application
allowing the free creation of survey. The application created automatically a spreadsheet (like MS
Excel) in which all responses are saved.
Task 3.2 In-depth interviews obtained detailed information from the different types of stakeholders
of the Energy Efficiency Buildings (EEB) market. This added to the analysis already performed
within task 3.1 with face-to-face interviews. The Information from their business model, market
views and expectations, involvement in EEB projects and stakeholder’s interaction was obtained
through the interviews. The result of this work is not a market analysis (to be performed in task
4.1), neither an analysis of the results from the interviews (to be performed in task 3.3). It presents
the information obtained though the interview process objectively, as a means of capturing the
initial impressions from the stakeholder interviews.
As considering the whole of the EU would have been too ambitious, ten countries were involved in
the process: Italy, Poland, Spain, UK, France, Germany, Ireland, Denmark, Czech Republic and
Sweden. The possibility of interviewing different stakeholders in different construction contexts,
climatic zones and energy consumption profiles have enriched the data gathering and allowed
having a complete understanding of the different characteristics of the European markets.
Task 3.3 Data analysis relates specifically to the analysis of the information, (primarily stakeholders
in-depth interview transcripts) obtained in other tasks of the work package. The interviews were
conducted face-to-face in a free form, open-ended manner in keeping with a grounded theory
approach. Grounded Theory, developed by Glaser and Strauss (1967) is an inductive type of
research, which aims to generate ideas or theory based or "grounded" in the observations or data
from which it was developed.
Wherever possible, and where interviewees permitted, the interviews were recorded to facilitate
transcription and subsequent qualitative analysis through ‘coding’ of interview transcriptions;
coding means to capture a datum’s primary content and essence.
In addition where applicable, notes were taken to note non-verbal communication or other relevant
observations. Interview guides were developed with the objective of collecting a large list of
potential questions of interest for the project, with informants allowed to speak as much as they
wished on any particular area. The questions were kept short and easy to answer to avoid
participants losing interest in completing the questionnaire. Furthermore the questions were
straightforward and neutral, so as not to influence the users in their answer.
Considering the previous facts, the analysis approach was qualitative in nature; qualitative analysis
of the interviews provides for a comprehensive characterisation of the marketplace, a deeper
understanding of the roles (albeit dynamic) played by the various stakeholders in energy efficient
building projects and knowledge of business models currently adopted in this sector. Consequently,
this analysis will allow for the development of novel business models and supportive innovation
governance policies that will encourage greater uptake of building energy efficiency retrofit and
new builds (input for WP4).
The number of steps required to complete the coding process varies between research methods and
the amount of raw data, but qualitative coding commonly utilizes three or four steps. The portion of
data to be coded during the first iteration of coding can range in magnitude from a single word to a
full sentence to an entire page of text. At the second stage of coding, codes should be analysed to
find similarities between them, and to enable grouping into categories based on their common
properties. If necessary, sub-categories can be developed first from the codes before then linking to
NVivo software was selected to facilitate the analysis of interview transcripts for Task 3.3. NVivo
supports qualitative and mixed methods research and provides a platform to collect, organize and
analyze content from a range of data sources, including from interviews, focus group discussions,
surveys, and web content. NVivo provides a means to analyse data qualitatively by using powerful
search, query and visualization tools.
The software allowed a common analysis approach, and enabled the development of a series of
comprehensive databases to store and save all collated data. Database files were developed for each
individual study jurisdiction, with the ability and option to merge individual country files where
appropriate for analysis. Developed databases provide the added advantage of serving as a data
repository for Umbrella, providing the possibility to be queried at further stages of the research
The information collected within the single interviews, classified under a specific node, provided
useful information to inform work on Task 4.2, taking into consideration the nine building blocks of
the business model canvas, namely: Customer segments, Value proposition, Channels, Customer
relationship, Revenue streams, Key resources, Key activities, Key partnerships and Cost structure.
WP4 - Novel Business Models for Integration of Energy Technologies with Design
The Work Package 4 “Novel Business Models for Integration of Energy Technologies with Design
Stakeholders” has an essential role in the project programme to support a complete understanding of
the European market of energy efficient buildings and their related innovative services and products
and to provide the framework for the subsequent WPs for the final creation of the software.
Figure 5 – Workflow of WP4
Task 4.1 - Market research, analysed the current state of the market which the UMBRELLA project
will target. A large list of stakeholders have been consulted in order to obtain a complete
understanding of the market: building owners, European and national associations, construction
companies, electricity grid operators, utilities, energy service companies, building tenants,
manufacturers of products for energy efficiency, architects, municipalities, public energy agencies,
construction economists, etc. The stakeholders were classified into primary and secondary as
The outcome of the task 4.1 was the deliverable 4.1 describing the current status of the EEB market
in the EU. Besides having a EU perspective, the report focuses on the particular situation of the
national markets of the 10 countries under study. The report also covered an analysis of the
different types of the stakeholders involved all over the life of a building and a general description
of the current strategies followed in the market.
Task 4.2 – Business model options and financial analysis for every stakeholder identified the
potential business models and financial structures for the EEB project and the implications in the
different stakeholders involved in the Flagship Projects. The work undertaken for this task has been
structured in four steps as follows:
The work in Task 4.2 has been carried out with the hypothesis that the best innovative business
models are supported by a coherent project configuration where the energy efficient solutions are
supported by the right actors, at the right time and at a cost-effective level according to the project
budget. Being dedicated to finding new business model options for stakeholders, the work in Task
4.2 was focused on project ecosystems and specifically on the analysis of financial aspects. New
project configurations have been proposed relying for the most part on new project ecosystems,
involving the existing stakeholders in a different manner or introducing new ones leading to a
different investment, costs and income profile. These new project configurations rely on a thorough
review of the financial mechanisms that seemed the most appropriate for each project and of the
promising business models for energy efficiency in the built environment.
The task ensured that that new business models can be successfully articulated together in order to
activate the energy efficient buildings value chain that supports the new project configurations of
the flagship projects. It is a key preparatory task towards the development of incentive-driven
contracts to be tested afterwards in the flagship projects and the creation of generic business models
applicable for EEB stakeholders in Europe.
Task 4.3 – Recommendation for a strong innovation governance and supporting policies involves
assessing the policy frameworks supporting innovation and energy efficient buildings in the regions
of the flagship projects. The assessment builds upon the in-depth understanding of the value chain
for innovative EEBs integrating new services gained through stakeholder interaction. Following the
assessment, recommendations will be made to local authorities for establishing or improving multi-
level (local, regional, national and/or EU) innovation governance so that it acts as it a powerful
support to innovative EEB projects.
Theory-based policy analysis is being used to evaluate the policy context relating to energy efficient
building and innovation in the locations of the flagship projects, viz. Spain, UK, Italy and Poland.
This is being conducted on a multi-level perspective covering national, regional and local
The final outcome of the task 4.3 was a list of recommendations, which is presented below:
Recommendation 1: Policies should aim to develop new market opportunities not attempt
to stimulate demand for particular technologies.
Recommendation 2: Alterations to innovation systems conditions (rules) should be done
on a case-by-case basis with specific objectives in mind.
Recommendation 3: A multi-perspective view should be taken to attempts at improving
innovation governance.
Recommendation 4: The concept of innovation needs to be reframed in recognition that
not all innovation is technological,
Recommendation 5: Industry led partnerships should complement but not replace
stakeholder engagement in the policy making process.
Recommendation 6: Greater efforts need to be made to include the views of smaller
companies and non-governmental organisations in policy development.
Recommendation 7: Support project-based knowledge capture initiatives and develop
inter-firm knowledge exchanges for energy efficiency building activity
Recommendation 8: Review education and training of building professional for
applicability to an enhanced focus on energy efficiency retrofits and
Recommendation 9: Facilitate and promote the development of financial approaches than
decouple project funding from owners ability to get credit
Recommendation 10: Optimise policy mix to encourage building energy front-runners as
well as laggards
Recommendation 11: Review of existing policies for coherence
Recommendation 12: Review of existing policies for applicability to current objectives
Task 4.4 – Adaptability of the Business Models main objective was to ensure that business models
were adaptable all over the life of the building to ensure that business models are not abandoned
once the initial phase has been carried out. Workshops from task 4.2 were used to ask stakeholders
from flagship projects to assess the impact that different business models will have had in the
project if they had been chosen initially. This information was assessed in this task to check the
main project characteristics that make business models applicable.
The different typology of projects was analysed: new/retrofit; public/private building; typology of
buildings: school, office, museum, prison, hospital; type of services included; building status;
country; etc. business models were then assessed to verify under which conditions they could be
Task 4.5 - Business Model Development enabled a deep understanding of the role of business
models for overcoming barriers to energy efficient buildings. This understanding was built upon the
multi-level perspective theory and a clear definition of the performative role of business models.
The multi-level perspective theory aided in the explanation of why there are barriers to energy
efficient buildings. These barriers are due to a lock-in of the socio-technical system and regime,
which greatly influence the energy efficient building market. Due to their performativeness,
business models, and especially innovative business models, are able to reshape the socio-technical
system, which, coupled with pressures from the environmental and energy crisis, participate into
reshaping the socio-technical regime. Through reshaping these system and regime, barriers can be
The research undertaken on the business models in the EEB market ended up with more than 100
different business models, each of them with different characteristics. A classification and
structuration was needed to identify the applicability of the business models and how they could be
automatically identified using the software tools in WP5. The Ontology was developed to assess
and characterise the different types of services provided:
Finally the navigation flow and database for the tool were created as shown in Figure 9:
Figure 9: BM Module navigation flow
WP5 - Innovative UMBRELLA Toolset with Combined Economic and Environmental Aspects
WP5 is the creation of the technical tools required to deliver both the Free and Commercial tools.
This work began in Period 1 with the development of the functionality for scenario generation
which included the creation of the Master Templates and what we then called Search and Replace
tools. The Search and Replace was updated and improved in P2 and is now called Design Option.
Period 1 also saw the creation of a Parametric Batch tool for optimisation, this has also been
updated and improved to include a Genetic Algorithm which allows for the creation of a more in-
depth solution space to be examined. P1 developed the first version of the MDD algorithm to
reduce the solution space. P2 has seen the completion of the Future Weather files to allow for
climate change analysis, the End of Life Solutions set now incorporating the ICLD protocols, the
value choice tool to allow for optimisation of the final solutions and the in-use algorithm to allow
for system changes in an existing building. In addition, there was an additional task introduced with
respect to integration of the business models so that the software can automatically decide which
business model(s) are the most appropriate for the situation presented by the end user.
Task 5.1 Metadata Engineering and Scenario Generation involved the creation of tools to generate
multiple single and combination scenarios and enable the efficient use of the best case solution sets
for the UMBRELLA tools. As such, two tools were created: (1) Master Templates which allows for
the auto-generation of a building model based on user input such as building typology and floor
area and room details such as system set up and profiles of use and (2) Design Options which allow
the analysis of multiple different design situations or retrofit interventions that could be applied to a
building (Commercial tool) or for the auto-generation of the building model selecting the Design
Option most appropriate to the user inputs. As such Design Options were used for both the Free tool
and Commercial tool, in different capacities. Overall for the project, there was 18 room specific and
16 whole building MT’s along with 575 DO’s created which included 179 interventions and 396
construction design options. This provides a vast library for the UMBRELLA tool to start with and
this can be expanded over time as more MT’s and DO’s are needed.
Task 5.2 Decision-making / Optimisation Multi Decision Diagrams for Design Solution Set
involved the creation of the MDD algorithm to reduce the solution set. as a result of testing, it was
noticed that the solution space of the Free tool is not vast enough to make the MDD valuable within
the Free tool and hence the coding to integrate it with the Free tool would have been redundant
work. Instead it has been decided to integrate the MDD with the proposed Hybrid tool which will
take advantage of the software developed for the Free and Commercial tools to create a bigger
solution space and better results accuracy without going to the full complexity of the Commercial
tool. This Hybrid tool will be developed jointly by IES and TCD during the commercialisation
phase after the project. As part of this task, a navigator to guide the user through the use of the tool
was also created as shown in Figure 10.
Task 5.3 Decision-making / Optimisation GA for Design Stage involved the creation of a Genetic
Algorithm which will further advance the optimisation of the solution beyond that which the MDD
can provide. This work was starting in P1 through the creation of the Parametric Batch tool and
completed in P2 with the full development and integration of the GA and associated interface with
the UMBRELLA Commercial tool. The result is an advanced software tool and interface to allow a
user identify their objectives, parameters and constraints for multiple combinations of
design/retrofit scenarios and find the optimum solution set which can then be taken for further
analysis by the Value Choice tool developed in Task 5.6. An illustration of the interface is shown in
Figure 11.
Figure 11 – Interface for the Optimisation Tool
Task 5.4 Adaptability for Building Use and Climate Change involved the creation of future weather
files for multiple locations to assess climate impacts. Different elements of a building with different
life expectancies and replacement cycles was investigated and a timetable of replacement generated.
This included for example upgrade to facilities to cope with the impacts of climate change
providing provision for increased size of HVAC systems or allowance for night time ventilation.
This allowed for the exploitation of intervention and adaptation to modify buildings at least cost.
The main development has been the generation of the Future Climate Weather Files. This has also
been linked with the Value Choice Tool (DEFT) in T5.6 to allow the user to assess a
range/combination of options and look at them using different future weather scenarios. As such the
impacts of climate change can be analysed and the end user can decide which solution offers a
result which will be most likely to address all future weather situations, e.g. the sizing of a
particular HVAC system or allowance to ensure that the size can be increased over time if
necessary. As such, the user can keep in mind potential future changes to the system that might
have to be made and hence ensure that they install the system with adaptability in mind.
Task 5.5 Optimisation of the End of Life Solution Set created an initial End of Life Solution set. A
number of PDF’s which look at the End of Life Solution for each of the interventions included in
the UMBRELLA tool have been created. A structure has been developed to ensure that if future
interventions/technologies are added to the software, an End of Life Solution can be generated and
added to the dataset for these technologies.
Task 5.6 Creation of the optimisation algorithm for the final solution set involved the creation of a
Value Choice Tool which allowed for the analysis of the final solution set generated by the
UMBRELLA commercial tool. The Value Choice Tool links the results from the MDD and GA
algorithms that have been created in T5.2 and T5.3 along with the solution set that has been
generated in T5.1 through the Design Options and Master Templates. The Value Choice Tool
(DEFT) provides solutions with respect to Cost, Return-on-Investment (RoI), Life Cycle Costing
(LCC), energy, carbon and Life Cycle Assessment (LCA) etc. A weighting function has been
included to allow the end user to weight the solutions based on their individual priorities or
constraints, this ensures that the solutions presented are those which are important to the end user.
An example of the interface of the DEFT tool is shown in Figure 12.
Task 5.7 Development of in-use control algorithm created an optimal control algorithm to optimise
the in-use energy performance of a building. The purpose of the algorithm is to allow for energy
efficient solutions to be applied to buildings which are not in a position to make significant
investment into the building or buildings which cannot make changes due to reasons such as
protection of listed buildings. The in-use control algorithm has been designed using Model
Predictive Control (MPC) and Economic Model Predictive Control (eMPC) to ensure that both user
behaviour and cost of energy supply are taken in account with respect to optimising the building in-
use. This algorithm is used only with the Commercial software as a result of the requirement of a
detailed calibrated model for the building.
An additional task: Business Model integration was not in the Description of Work, however
needed to be included in this deliverable in order to complete the UMBRELLA toolset integration.
Following the creation of innovative business models or ‘The Energy Efficient Building Project
Model (EEBPM)’ from deliverable 4.5, there was the requirement to integrate this within the toolset
to allow users to be given access to basic business model information that was optimised to suit
their needs and the suggested energy efficiency solutions from the tool. Two solutions are offered,
the first provides a short description of the Business Models which are integrated with the Free Tool
and the second is a full dataset of Business Models (in pdf format) which are sold with the
Commercial Tool. For the full dataset, these are a starting point for the Agent to use to engage with
the building owner and understand how the solution can be implemented, however these Business
Models can also be modified and adapted to suit the individual building owners needs and priorities
and hence they are seen as a starting point for the Agent to engage with the building owner. A vast
amount of work has been carried out to produce these Generic Business Models and this has formed
one of the main outcomes and unique selling points of the UMBRELLA project as this is not
something that is included in any other commercial tool in this area (refer to D8.5 for more
information on competing products).
WP6 - Communication Infrastructure and Knowledge Platform for the Support of Increased
Technology Uptake
WP6 developed the functionality for the Free tool, this included the user interface of the online web
portal, the simulation scheduler which takes the information from the end user via the web portal,
creates the box model and simulates the result and the architecture and database for the
import/export function between the online web portal and the simulation scheduler. In addition,
WP6 focussed on the branding and identity of the overall tool and renamed UMBRELLA to
Re:Form, to be used as the final product name.
Task 6.1- Architecture Design created the basic architecture for the online web tool including the
formats to be used for both the front end UI and the back end database structure. The front-end has
been developed in HTML5, CSS3, Javascript, jQuery and Ajax. For the back-end Django 1.4.3 has
been used. Django is a high-level Python Web framework that encourages rapid development, clean
and pragmatic design. The language used is the SQL: Structured Query Language is a special-
purpose programming language designed for managing data stored in a relational database
management system (RDBMS) such as the UMBRELLA tool. The global architecture identified for
the development of the tool is illustrated in Figure 13 as follows:
Figure 13 – Global Architecture Defined for the Tool
Task 6.2 – User Interface (UI) Design created the User Interface for the Free tool. The UI has been
designed to be intuitive and user friendly; making it easy and efficient to operate the UMBRELLA
tool. This means that the operator needs to provide minimal input to achieve the desired output
(optimised energy efficiency solutions, and appropriate low carbon micro generation technologies).
During the development of the project, several prototypes of user interfaces have been developed.
As shown in deliverable 6.1, there had been four different alliterations of the interface (the last of
which was Version 4.0), with each one building on the research conducted and feedback received
from the user community. A mixture of features and aesthetics of the different versions are the
baseline of the actual version. The key advances and developments include the graphical design, the
usability, the dynamism and the parameters adapted to the technological requirement of the
It was still felt that that site required significant upgrades to improve its look and functionality, as
well as back end upgrades to ensure integration with the toolset. It was decided to change
completely the appearance of the user interface to be more professional, with more minimalistic
structure. As such, three more iterations (7 in total) were carried out before the final UI was
In addition to this, although the project is branded as’ UMBRELLA’, as we prepare for the market
launch and exploitation of the toolset, it was felt that the UMBRELLA name did not necessarily the
best fit the market for the tools that were going to be produced. The toolset will need to appeal to
different types of users in the different sectors of in use, retrofit and new build, so a more
professional brand was required that would reposition the toolset to open up to this broad
The brand and logo finally settled on was Re:form (see below). The idea behind the brand name and
concept is that everything the application does helps to ‘reform’ the building. The marque is made
up from a series of arrows going in a circular direction, which represent the things the application
does i.e. improve performance, Increase energy efficiency, reduce energy bills and improves the
buildings lifecycle and are also used to show the different sectors that the tool will be used in.
The word reform can be used as verb (i.e. to make changes to something in order to improve it) or
as a noun (i.e. the action or process of reforming an institution of process). As shown below the
brand is flexible and can be extended to use the ‘Re:’ part of the brand to demonstrate all the things
the application does, for example: Re:form - Re:invest, Re:evaluate, Re:structure, Re:generate,
Re:duce, Re:adapt, Re:analyse, Re:calculate, Re:configure, Re:design, Re:develop. An example of
the brand is shown in Figure 14.
WP7 was responsible for the implementation and validation of the UMBRELLA tools on four test
sites in the EU. There were a number of changes to the test sites as a result of projects being
stopped due to funding and issues with respect to interactions with some of the building owners.
However, all issues were resolved during the course of the project, with 2 of the demonstration sites
being replaced and changes to the scheduled ‘testing’ of each site. In addition, a transfer of budget
for consumables for one site to another was made due to the change in the ‘testing’ nature of the
site. Both the Free tool and Commercial tool were successfully tested on all four sites and have
highlighted a number of important points which must be taken into account for the
commercialisation stage of the project (beyond this R&D project).
Task 7.1 Evaluation Methodology and Benchmark established the evaluation methodology as well
as the benchmarking framework to guide the holistic evaluation of the UMBRELLA system based
on an integrative framework. This evaluation methodology had to include methods for evaluation of
the testability framework metrics, user engagement and usability evaluation.
Each of the test sites was then modelled and tested using both the Free and Commercial tools.
Deliverable 7.2 - UMBRELLA Functional Testing & Usability presented the usability survey that
evaluated seven different categories of the User Interface: structure, use, information for the user,
intuition, appearance, contents and general opinion. The results of the survey were also included in
the deliverable. It can be said that currently, regarding usability, the UI has obtained an acceptable
average mark. However, it was detected that the information provided to the user was a weak point
of the UI that had to be further improved, while the highest marks were the ones related to the User
Interface fast response. This document was the cornerstone to improve the User Interface to a
higher level of users’ acceptance. This deliverable also presented the good results of the UI
regarding accessibility and speed, by showing related test results that complement the Usability
Survey carried out.
Deliverable 7.3 - UMBRELLA Solution Implementation Evaluation presented the results of the
application of the free and commercial tool to each of the demonstration sites as described above.
The Findhorn village in the UK has been examined with respect to In-Use, the Demonte school in
Italy has been examined with respect to Retrofit, the Jurata apartments in Poland and Valencia
apartments in Spain have both been examined with respect to Design. A comparison is made
between the results of the Free and Commercial tools and it is shown that the Free tool is a good
indicative tool to examine the ranking of potential Design Scenarios and Retrofit Interventions and
provide a good % comparison with the given baseline, in comparison to the Commercial tool. The
application of the Commercial tool shows that it is valuable with respect to better design,
understanding retrofit options and optimising a building while in-use.
After performing the evaluation within each of the four demo sites, the results demonstrated that
UMBRELLA rankings of energy saving potential compare very closely to that of a detailed model;
both the ranking order and the % comparison to the respective baselines are very close. These
detailed models take significantly more time and cost significantly more to prepare that the
UMBRELLA tool. As such, the Free tool is a good initial analysis of the intervention the user
should examine in more detail.
Regarding the KPI results, these were very different. This highlights the need for a detailed
commercial model, as the Free tool would not be reliable enough to give a definitive value of
Return on Investment, payback or energy to be saved and this is the reason the results are presented
as rankings and a % comparison to a baseline only. If the end user wants to know with a high level
of accuracy the savings that can be achieved and hence how much money is required to finance the
intervention based on an x number of years return, a commercial model would be required.
As such, the Free tool is used as a first exploration to allow the end user understand their options
and what they should explore further and the Commercial tool is then used to calculate the actual
savings and the business model to implement such a solution.
4.1.4 Potential Impact (10 pages)
Overall Impact
The consortium, agreed at an early stage that the UMBRELLA tool will be made up of two
offerings; a Free tool and a Commercial tool. The Free tool offers a range of energy efficient
solutions using a selection of template building typologies (e.g. office building, dwelling, hospital
and so on) through an online, user friendly and intuitive website, as well as the appropriate business
model to implement the solution. The Commercial tool takes the user beyond the basic analysis
delving into more complex analyses recommending solutions based on a very detailed and accurate
representation of the user’s building. In the last few months of the project, the demonstration
activities also identified a 3rd potential offering, that of a Hybrid tool which combines aspects of the
Free and Commercial tools to offer a more detailed analysis but without the complexity of the data
required for a full Commercial analysis.
For a greater socio-economic the consortium agreed to target specific countries based on floor
distribution per country; these chosen countries are: Germany, France, UK, Italy, Spain and Poland.
With the exception of Germany and France, the other countries are home to the UMBRELLA pilot
test sites therefore we have already performed relevant stakeholder analyses and interviews to
understand each of the different environments and have gauged the initial feedback on the proposed
tool which has ultimately informed the design of the tool itself. It is expected that during the
commercialisation period (i.e. prototype to product) there will be further stakeholder workshops in
these relevant countries which will enable us to not only increase the exposure of the tool but gauge
further the target market to enable a greater impact to the market and environment. In addition, the
next countries to be added will also be examined.
The commercialisation phase will target 2% of the EU building stock within 5 years of
commercialisation of project deliverables. This will result in an increase in the market share of
energy efficient solutions of 15% within 5 years, resulting in reductions of 3.096Mtoe per year. This
is a significant impact to the EU. The partners are confident that this impact will be met as a result
The quality of tools which have been developed
The USP that exists with respect to the integration of a technical and business solution
The route to market and exploitation plan which has been identified
The exploitation lead already being a lead in software development and sales and having a
strong track record in bringing R&D prototypes to commercial products
The commitment of the exploitation lead and project partners to ensure that the
UMBRELLA project is a commercial success
Overview of Dissemination
The project carried out a vast number of dissemination activities to reach as wide an audience as
possible and have the maximum impact as possible. This included
Participation in and presentation at conferences, workshops, seminars and trade-fairs
within Europe and internationally, to make the project visible to the widest audience
possible. The following events were attended by the project partners from March 2014:
o Smart Energy Expo, 8-10 October 2014, Verona, Italy (STAM, DAPP)
o 40th IAHS World Congress, 16-19 December 2014, Funchal, Portugal (LGI)
o Sustainable Places, 16-18 September 2015, Savona (STAM, IES, LGI, UCC)
Release of technical papers and publication by the project partners describing the work
and results of the project in targeted journals and conferences:
o Staino, Aird, Kerrigan, Basu, “An MPC Based Control Strategy for the Findhorn
Ecovillage”, Paper n. 360, UPEC2015, Staffordshire, UK, September 2015,
Constant update of the UMBRELLA project website for active and timely presentation of
the project results, announcement of forthcoming events, and dissemination. The
following dissemination material was prepared and made available for download on the
project web-site:
o Periodic newsletters
o Leaflets
o Project presentations
o Project video
Besides the public project deliverables were uploaded and made available for download:
The periodic project newsletter was released every 6 months, containing news, technical
updates, report of past events, forthcoming events, contacts through social networks. It was
sent to more than 1,000 contacts, which are stakeholders in the energy efficient buildings
market, and then published for download on the project web-site.
Workshops in relevant European events, where the project is presented by taking advantage
of several activities. UMBRELLA participated to a joint workshop session at the Industrial
Technologies 2014 in Athens, with the following title “Energy Efficiency Today:
understanding the market & overcoming green-wash through new technologies”, in the calls
for “Workshop” and “Best Posters”. Besides UMBRELLA participated to Smart Energy
Expo 2014 in Verona (Italy), with its own stand, for the whole duration of the event, where
STAM presented a workshop/seminar dedicated to the project. At the end of the project, a
final successful workshop was organised by the Consortium during the Sustainable Places
2015 event in Savona, with the following session title: “Decision support tools to optimize
energy use in buildings”. Four different partners contributed to the workshop, each of them
speaking about a different topic.
New project leaflets: two different versions of the leaflets were prepared to be distributed in
all the events where the UMBRELLA project was presented or attended by project partners.
New project posters: two different 200x80cm roll-up banners were created. These were
shown at several events: the ECTP-E2B Conference 2014 in Brussels, the Smart Energy
Expo 2014 in Verona, the Facility & Property Management conference 2014 in Warsaw, the
Sustainable Places 2015 in Savona, the SET Plan conference in 2015 in Luxembourg.
Dissemination through the social networks. In order to make the best diffusion of the results
and mission of the project, a Twitter account (, which has
now more than 600 followers, and a LinkedIn group (
Project-4995437) have been constantly updated, with discussions and news on the project
Presentation video: a two minutes video has been created and published on Youtube and on
the project website, in order to clearly shows the capabilities of Umbrella tool to potential
Project presentation: a 31 slides animated presentation was prepared to show the latest
advancements of the project and present the Re:form tool to the audience of different events.
This was uploaded and made available for download on the project website.
4.1.5 Project Website
The website was launched by STAM at month 2 and has been constantly updated, improved and
enhanced with news, links, public deliverables, etc. and information on project development. The
address of the official project webpage is:
4.2 Use and dissemination of foreground
Project logo
A project logo was created at the beginning of the project in order to define a project identity, thus clearly
identifying any kind of internal or public document such as deliverables, reports, internal communications,
publications, and any other kind of document within the framework of the project.
The logo was created as an official icon for the project necessary to give the public an immediate
recognition about the project. The project logo has been used in the following cases:
in all documents developed under the framework of the project, and in particular in documents to be
submitted to the EC, such as deliverables, etc.;
in PowerPoint presentations to be used for communication and dissemination activities carried out by
each Participant under the framework of the project;
on the project website, and in websites of the Participants with a link to the project website.
Two roll-up posters, with a printed area of 200x80 cm, were prepared, the first one shown at the ETCP-
E2BA Conference 2014 in Brussels, Belgium, and at the Smart Energy Expo 2014 in Verona, Italy. It
provides the base concept of UMBRELLA, objectives, Flagship projects and contacts.
Figure 21: UMBRELLA roll-up poster, presented at ECTP-E2BA and Smart Energy Expo 2014.
The design was then updated to include new project developments and results, as shown below.
Figure 22: UMBRELLA updated roll-up poster.
Finally a horizontal banner was produced and shown at the Smart Energy Expo 2014.
Public deliverables, newsletters, posters, presentations and other public documents released during project
duration have been uploaded on the “Public documents” section. Finally, the “Contacts” section reports the
contacts of Project Coordinator and Dissemination Manager, so that visitors can ask and receive further
information on the UMBRELLA project.
Figure 26: Contacts section.
The website structure has been updated during the project, to keep into account any project’s need or
change, to provide news and keep visitors updated about the project results. A section was added to provide
links to the stakeholder’s questionnaires, in order to engage them, to determine their needs and requirements
from the tools and business models to be developed within the project.
The public documents section includes all the public deliverables released, for instance:
D2.1 “Analysis of Stakeholder Interaction Within Building Energy Efficiency Market”
D3.1 “Identification of key stakeholders needs and requirements with respect to Umbrella”
D3.3 “Report on Data Analysis”
D4.1 “Market report”
D4.3 “Recommendation for innovation governance models supporting energy efficient buildings”
D5.2 “UMBRELLA toolset second prototype integrated”
D6.2 “UMBRELLA online dynamic web portal integrated”
Besides the visitors can download the project flyer, the project leaflet, the project presentation, the posters,
the newsletters, which were spread among about 1,000 contacts around Europe, which are stakeholders in
the energy efficient buildings market.
Figure 28: Public documents webpage.
The project website has been continuously updated, including news and information about events relating to
The number of visits per year has been about 2,600, whose average time on site is 2 minutes. Figure 1 below
shows the daily visits profile of the website.
1,453 persons (10.9%) visited the Questionnaire webpage, while 955 (7.2%) visitors accessed the public
documents section. The most visited page has been the UMBRELLA concept section (10.9%). The 10.6% of
total visitors accessed the Umbrella website from mobile devices. Publications
Since publications are one of the most powerful means to disseminate UMBRELLA results, both the
partners from academia and from industry have used them. UMBRELLA partners have been publishing and
will publish the results in scientific literature, dedicated journals and magazines in the field of ICT,
Construction, Energy, and Business Models. Moreover, results have been also published in the
UMBRELLA newsletters and website. The list of all publications performed by the UMBRELLA partners is
reported in the following table, as a result of the achievements and outcomes of the R&D activities.
Table 6: Publications released by the UMBRELLA partners.
Free access
N. Author(s) Title Journal Editor Date Reference / Link / Pay per Description / Abstract
The chapter forwards a value approach
Materials and
to modelling retrofit activities,
Building energy processes for
providing an analysis of typical EER
Dunphy, efficiency: a value energy:
A. Méndez- materials in construction project supply
1 Morrissey, approach for modelling communicating January 2013 fo/energymaterialsbook Free
Vilas chains. The reported research
MacSweeney retrofit materials current research and /book/649-657.pdf
demonstrates a novel application of
supply chains technological
value analysis in the construction
http://www.academia.e This paper presents work carried out
Identification and
du/7564350/Identificati under the FP7 supported project
Dunphy, characterisation of the
on_and_characterisatio ‘UMBRELLA’ aimed at analysing and
2 Morrissey, actors involved in the 16th ERSCP ERSCP June 2013 Free
n_of_the_actors_involv understanding the interactions of
MacSweeney energy efficient
ed_in_the_energy_effic various actors within the energy
building market
ient_building_market efficient building market.
EeB Roadmap - arch/industrial_technol
Kerrigan, Claire Hughes, General overview about the
3 UMBRELLA Project EeB PPP Project August 2013 ogies/pdf/eeb-ppp- Free
Melvin Arup, London UMBRELLA Project.
Review project-review-2010-
Kerrigan, Retrofitting solutions Retrofitting September Overview on development of energy
4 - -
Melvin for future buildings Solutions for 2013 efficient solutions.
The purpose of this paper is to
Energy Efficiency in Emerald investigate, the functioning of value
Morrissey, Journal of Property http://www.emeraldinsi
Commercial Buildings: Group creating configurations and stakeholder
5 Dunphy, Investment and July 2014 Pay per view
Capturing Added- Publishing interactions in networks of
MacSweeney Finance 8/JPIF-01-2014-0008
Value of Retrofit Limited organisations of the retrofit industry for
commercial buildings.
Business Model
Battista, General overview about the
Innovation for High Smart Energy Expo Smart Energy
6 Musso, October 2014 - - UMBRELLA Project, its objectives
Performance Buildings 2014 Expo
Barbagelata and outcomes.
Supported by Whole
Life Optimisation
Developing a
40th IAHS World This paper posits that new collaborative
Sustainable Housing
Congress on 3645_Developing_A_S approaches to developing business
Dunphy, Boo, Marketplace: New
Housing - December ustainable_Housing_M models are required to plan EECR
7 Dallamaggiore business Models to IAHS Free
Sustainable 2014 arketplace_New_Busin projects such that value generation is
, Morrissey Optimise Value
Housing ess_Models_To_Optim maximized while value capture is
Generation from
Construction ise_Value_Generation_ satisfied.
It relies on concepts of sustainable and
energy efficient transition pathways to
address how innovative business
40th IAHS World models can boost the energy efficient
How innovative
Boo, Congress on market. It highlights how the co-
business models can 3720_How_Innovative
Dallamaggiore Housing - December evolution of business models with both
8 boost the energy IAHS _Business_Models_Ca Free
, Dunphy, Sustainable 2014 the wider energy system and the natural
efficient buildings n_Boost_The_Energy_
Morrissey Housing environment is responsible for the need
market Efficient_Buildings_M
Construction of both innovative and sustainable
business models, which are necessary
for ensuring a long-lasting change in
the energy efficient building market.
It provides a rigorous means of
assessing the dynamic and complex
http://www.researchgat supply chains of construction to obtain
Optimization of
Optimization of optimal and sustainable levels of GHG
Supply Chain
Dunphy, Construction Supply 0075_Optimization_of reductions in a whole-of-chain
9 Management in IGI Global March 2015 Pay per view
Morrissey Chains for Greenhouse _Construction_Supply_ approach. Outcomes represent critical
Gas Reduction Chains_for_Greenhous new knowledge, enabling deeper
e_Gas_Reduction understanding as well as enhanced
capacity to maximize energy savings
from the built environment.
Development of a
Procedure to Analyze It describes a procedure to analyse
Journal of Clean
Dinh, Basu Customers’ Choice of customers ‘choice of renewable energy
10 Energy IACSIT Press July 2015 Free
Kennedy Renewable Energy apers/214-HK003.pdf technologies (RETs) using artificial
Heating Technologies: neural networks.
Application in Ireland
Comparison of
Conventional and
Economic MPC in Staffordshire September
12 Staino, Basu UPEC 2015 - - -
Smart Grid University 2015
Applications (Paper n.
Comparison of
Conventional and
Economic MPC in Staffordshire September
13 Staino, Basu UPEC 2015 - - -
Smart Grid University 2015
Applications (Paper n.
After the first year of the project a newsletter has been released every six months on the website and sent to
a mailing list of around 1,000 contacts that collects interested experts, stakeholders and actors in the field, in
order to keep the interested parties informed on the latest developments of the project. The newsletter was
formatted as a 2 pages PDF file, whose design was updated during the project.
At every new release an e-mail was created and sent to the mailing list, using the MailChimp free service,
introducing the latest advancements and forthcoming events, and then reporting the link to the PDF file,
downloadable from the Public Documents section of the project website. The newsletter presents:
The participation in conferences, trade fairs and regulation bodies.
The current activities of the project dealing with development, evaluation and exploitation.
External information relevant to the project, e.g. newly published standards or books, events of
interest, etc.
General information regarding the activities of the project.
Contacts and social media
Such a newsletter is a valuable external communication tool: it provides updated information and raises
interest on the project’s work and outcomes. The newsletter has been intended to provide the essential
information, but in order to remain an attractive communication tool it has to have new interesting contents
in each issue: this was difficult in periods when developments were under course, and no new results could
be shown publicly. For this reason the periodicity has been low, reduced to a six-monthly letter, adding
special issues in the end of the project, when results were available.
- Business
Part of the Related R&D
Disseminate Innovation for Civil engineers,
conference: “Leading projects,
flyers to Dublin, High architects, industry,
1 UCC Other April 2013 Flyers Environmental National/region
relevant Ireland Performance scientific communities,
Innovation in al stakeholders,
audience Buildings etc.
Europe” etc.
Supported by
Whole Life
Related R&D
Disseminate projects,
Jelenia Gora, Spring School of Researcher and
2 NAPE through Other May 2013 Attendance - National/region
Poland Building Physics industries
networking al stakeholders,
Related R&D
Disseminate projects,
Warsaw, Thermomodernizatio Researcher and
3 NAPE through Other May 2013 Attendance - National/region
Poland n 2013 industries
networking al stakeholders,
Related R&D
Disseminate Prague, projects,
Researcher and
4 LGI through Other Czech June 2013 Attendance CESB13 conference - National/region
networking Republic al stakeholders,
Conference: Related R&D
Disseminate “Innovation in energy projects,
Brussels, Researcher and
5 LGI through Other June 2013 Attendance efficient buildings - National/region
Belgium industries
networking and districts for smart al stakeholders,
built environment” etc.
Present paper at the
characterisatio Related R&D
“European Round
n of the actors projects,
Istanbul, Scientific Table on Sustainable Researcher and
6 UCC Present paper Presentation June 2013 involved in the National/region
Turkey paper Consumption and industries
energy al stakeholders,
Production” (16th
efficient etc.
Related R&D
Disseminate Marné la projects,
October Researcher and
7 LGI through Other Vallée, Attendance Greencity - National/region
2013 industries
networking. France al stakeholders,
Related R&D
Disseminate projects,
Brussels, October CONCERTO Researcher and
8 LGI through Other Attendance - National/region
Belgium 2013 conference industries
networking al stakeholders,
“How to Related R&D
Disseminate to reduce the projects,
Warsaw, October Presentatio Forum of public
9 NAPE relevant Presentation maintenance Facility Managers National/region
Poland 2013 n facility managers
audience cost of the al stakeholders,
building” etc.
Related R&D
Disseminate projects,
November UNEP-SBCI Fall Researcher and
10 LGI through Other Paris, France Attendance - National/region
2013 Symposium industries
networking al stakeholders,
Related R&D
Disseminate Paris projects,
November Researcher and
11 LGI through Other Villepinte, Attendance Batimat - National/region
2013 industries
networking France al stakeholders,
“Potential for
Present Poster during: between
Disseminate Related R&D
24th Irish energy
through short Environmental projects,
Dublin, February Environmental efficiency and
12 UCC presentation Poster Poster researchers and National/region
Ireland 2014 Researchers’ carbon
and practitioners al stakeholders,
Colloquium, emissions in
networking etc.
ENVIRON 2014 building
Related R&D
Disseminate projects,
February AGRION Disrupt Researchers and
13 LGI through Other Paris, France Attendance - National/region
2014 100+ industries
networking al stakeholders,
Related R&D
Disseminate projects,
March Researchers and
14 EXE through Other London, UK Attendance EcoBuild - National/region
2014 industries
networking al stakeholders,
Related R&D
Disseminate projects,
Brussels, EERA Annual Researchers and
15 SOL through Other April 2014 Attendance - National/region
Belgium Congress industries
networking al stakeholders,
- Business
Related R&D
Disseminate Innovation for
Workshop during projects,
through Athens, Presentatio High Researchers and
16 IES Workshop April 2014 “Industrial National/region
networking Greece n Performance industries
Technologies 2014” al stakeholders,
and flyers Buildings
Supported by
Whole Life
- Business
Related R&D
Innovation for
Disseminate to projects,
Brussels, ECTP-E2B High Researchers and
17 STAM relevant Presentation June 2014 Poster National/region
Belgium Conference Performance industries
audience al stakeholders,
Supported by
Whole Life
How to reduce Related R&D
Disseminate to the projects,
Warsaw, Presentatio Forum of public
18 NAPE relevant Presentation June 2014 maintenance Facility Managers National/region
Poland n facility managers
audience cost of the al stakeholders,
building etc.
R&D projects,
Disseminate to international/lo
Bangkok, SMARTGREENS Researchers and
19 TCD relevant Other July 2014 Attendance - cal
Thailand 2015 industries
audience stakeholders,
- Business
Related R&D
Innovation for
Disseminate to Part of the conference projects,
October High Researchers and
20 STAM relevant Other Nice, France Leaflets “Sustainable Places National/region
2014 Performance industries
audience 2014” al stakeholders,
Supported by
Whole Life
- Business
Model Related R&D
Disseminate to Innovation for projects,
STAM, October presentatio Booth at “Smart Researchers and
21 relevant Other Verona, Italy High National/region
DAPP 2014 n, leaflets, Energy Expo 2014” industries
audience Performance al stakeholders,
Buildings etc.
Supported by
Whole Life
- Business
Related R&D
Workshop, poster, Innovation for
Disseminate to Presentatio projects,
October leaflets, during High Researchers and
22 STAM relevant Workshop Verona, Italy n, leaflets, National/region
2014 “Smart Energy Expo Performance industries
audience poster al stakeholders,
2014” Buildings
Supported by
Whole Life
“Developing a
Related R&D
Presentation during Marketplace:
Disseminate to Researchers / industry projects,
UCC, Funchal, December Presentatio the “40th IAHS New business
23 relevant Presentation personnel interested in National/region
LGI Portugal 2014 n World Congress on Models to
audience sustainable housing al stakeholders,
Housing” Optimise
from Retrofit”
business Related R&D
Presentation during
Disseminate to models can Researchers / industry projects,
LGI, Funchal, December Presentatio the “40th IAHS
24 relevant Presentation boost the personnel interested in National/region
UCC Portugal 2014 n World Congress on
audience energy sustainable housing al stakeholders,
efficient etc.
“UMBRELLA R&D projects,
Disseminate to Bahrain International - Business international/lo
Sakhir, March Researchers and
25 STAM relevant Other Leaflets e-Government Forum Model cal
Bahrain 2015 industries
audience 2015 Innovation for stakeholders,
High etc.
Supported by
Whole Life
- Business
R&D projects,
“Facility & Property Innovation for
Disseminate to Researchers / industry international/lo
Warsaw, August Presentatio Management - safe High
26 NAPE relevant Presentation personnel interested in cal
Poland 2015 n, poster and economical Performance
audience sustainable housing stakeholders,
property” conference Buildings
Supported by
Whole Life
- Business
R&D projects,
Innovation for
Disseminate to Researchers / industry international/lo
Florence, August Presentatio Med Green Forum High
27 STAM relevant Presentation personnel interested in cal
Italy 2015 n, leaflets 2015 Performance
audience sustainable housing stakeholders,
Supported by
Whole Life
“An MPC R&D projects,
Based Control Researchers / industry international/lo
Staffordshire September Presentatio
28 TCD Present paper Presentation UPEC 2015 Strategy for personnel interested in cal
, UK 2015 n
the Findhorn sustainable housing stakeholders,
Ecovillage” etc.
of R&D projects,
Conventional Researchers / industry international/lo
Staffordshire September Presentatio
29 TCD Present paper Presentation UPEC 2015 and Economic personnel interested in cal
, UK 2015 n
MPC in Smart sustainable housing stakeholders,
Grid etc.
Disseminate to September Presentatio Construction “UMBRELLA Researchers / industry R&D projects,
30 IES Presentation Stirling, UK
relevant 2015 n Scotland Innovation - Business personnel interested in international/lo
audience Model sustainable housing cal
Innovation for stakeholders,
High etc.
Supported by
Whole Life
Presentatio Decision R&D projects,
STAM, Disseminate to n, support tools Researchers / industry international/lo
Presentation, September Sustainable Places
31 IES LGI, relevant Savona, Italy workshop, to optimize personnel interested in cal
Workshop 2015 2015
UCC audience leaflets, energy use in sustainable housing stakeholders,
poster buildings etc.
Re:form R&D projects,
Researchers /
Disseminate to Luxembourg reduce energy international/lo
September industry/businesses/polic
32 LGI relevant Presentation , Poster SET Plan consumption cal
2015 y makers interested in
audience Luxembourg in your stakeholders,
building etc.
UMBRELLA workshops
Three local workshops were organised and conducted in Italy, Poland and Spain, respectively:
In Demonte, Italy, the flagship project involves a public school building that needs deep retrofitting.
The workshop provided participants with valuable insight on how to finance a renovation project
through different sources.
In Jastarnia, Poland, the flagship project involves a new apartment hotel with a small block that is
still in its design phase. The session helped local actors develop new, creative concepts for the
potential reconfiguration of the project’s design.
In Valencia, Spain, the flagship project involves a new apartment building under construction in the
city centre. The conclusions involved governmental financial support measures in a country severely
affected by the real-estate market crisis.
A joint workshop was held during “Industrial Technologies 2014” in Athens, as part of the “Impacts of EeB
PPP projects” leading workshop, presenting the project objectives and first outcomes.
Finally a dedicated workshop was held right after the official project end, at the Sustainable Places 2015 in
Savona, Italy. The workshop was a great success and received an excellent feedback from the audience.
To strengthen the presence on the social networks, a Twitter account has also been created at It has been aimed at publishing news and updates, timely announcing
conferences, workshops and other events: in such a fashion, being Twitter a modern and very widespread
social network, it has been possible to reach a lot of stakeholders and keep them updated with the progress
of the project. There are 619 followers so far.
The aim of the Free tool is to allow for wide dissemination across Europe and multiple end-users and
encourage investigation of a variety of potential interventions as well as educate these end-users about what
they can do to create high performance energy buildings or retrofit their existing building to become more
energy efficient. The Free tool would then promote the Commercial tool, highlighting the importance for
more detailed analysis and encouraging the end-user to do so; this provides another entry point into the
Since this original plan, an additional Commercial tool has been proposed, which will leverage the
developments that have been produced for both the Web Tool and the Full Analysis Tool. We are calling
this a ‘Hybrid’ tool and more information can be found in Deliverable 5.2 explaining how it will work. It
will leverage existing software from IES to create an App based platform that will improve the block model
produced by the Web tool through engagement with the end user to produce a model closer to the reality of
the building, without performing full scale Dynamic Simulation Modelling. The reason for introducing this
tool is to capture another market, the SME Energy Management market, which targets buildings which don’t
have full scale Building Management Systems (BMS) or data collection software (which is quite a large part
of the buildings market). This tool will simulate the data they need to perform analysis and help the building
owner understand potential interventions which they can apply to a higher level of detail than the Free Web
As such, the Free tool will target all buildings, end users and stakeholder types across the EU; the Hybrid
tool will target the SME Energy Management market who are looking at buildings which do not have
sophisticated monitoring equipment installed; the Commercial tool will target existing users of Dynamic
Simulation Modelling software to provide detailed analysis for buildings which have BMS and logged data.
An exploitation strategy has been put in place with respect to the method for selling each of the Free, Hybrid
and Commercial tools. The Free tool will only be free up to 5 scenarios per user, after which they will have
to pay for further simulations; this is a result of the cost associated with hosting the free tool and running the
simulations on a cloud based server. The Hybrid solution will have a Bronze, Silver, Gold and Premium
package offering which will provide the end user with increased number of simulations they can run, along
with access to different number of country databases for the Design Options. The Commercial tool will also
have a similar Bronze, Silver and Gold offering along with additional extras for the components relating to
End of Life Solutions, Future Climate Analysis, Life Cycle Costing, In-Use Optimisation etc. As each extra
is purchased, the fee associated with this ‘Extra’ Add-On will go to the owners of that component.
The plan will be to have 2 phases of bug testing and release to our preferred list of beta testers where we will
gain feedback and use this to refine the tool with respect to both the technical software and the business
models. During this time, we will also re-brand the website and tools to the Re: Form branding which has
been identified in WP8 and will put in place a sales plan and sales targets. We will also use this time to
identify the cost of each component, put a value on the joint ownership of various components and put in
place the legally binding joint-ownership agreements. The plan is that within 6-12 months of the end date of
the UMBRELLA project, the prototype will be transferred to a product for commercialisation.
EE1 EE2 EE3 EE4 EE5 EE6 EE7 EE8 EE9 EE10 ... EEn
BM10 X
... X X
EE1 EE2 EE3 EE4 EE5 EE6 EE7 EE8 EE9 EE10 ... EEn
BM8 X BM31 X X
BM10 X
The Free tool and Commercial tool both should follow the same structure with the same expected outcome,
however the Free tool uses simple models for simulation and simple tools for analysis and provides results
that are an indication of the types of interventions and business models that the end user could exploit;
whereas the Commercial tool now uses the same approach but more sophisticated modelling and analysis
tools to provide the end user with accuracy of results and a broader range of business models which are
suited to their unique situation.
The initial exploitation plan also outlined some potential barriers, benefits to the user and initial thoughts
and perceptions for both Free and Commercial exploitable outcomes which has been used to drive the
creation of the free Web UI and the commercial product offering. This was invaluable insight to allow us to
create tools that will be ultimately exploitable to a wide audience of end users.
As a result of this initial exercise, a number of further steps were outlined. The first step was the engagement
with the EU Commission Exploitation Strategy Seminar (ESS), which was held in Cuneo Italy in September
2013. This seminar allowed the consortium to brainstorm the potential exploitation outcomes, identify the
risks and potential obstacles for exploitation and analyse how to address them. Following this, further
research into understanding the market, potential competitors and our target audiences was carried out. This
led to an understanding of the customer proposition which UMBRELLA will offer and ensuring that this is
taken into account with respect to the design of the Free and Commercial tools. Finally, the IP ownership of
the various exploitable outcomes and strategy for exploiting these while ensuring that all partners benefit
was outlined and agreed with all partners. This led to a clear exploitation route and strategy for the final
UMBRELA project outcomes.
Since these meetings and following internal discussions towards the end of the project, we have identified a
third commercial offering, which is a Hybrid version of the software, which will leverage developments
from both the Free and Commercial tools. We have recently developed within IES an Energy Auditing
Application which is targeted for the SME Energy Management market, i.e. those companies who are doing
simple analysis and reduction in buildings, performing Energy Performance Certificates, Green Deal
Contracting in the UK (and similar in other countries), if aspects of the development could be coupled with
this Energy Audit App, this would open up another market for the UMBRELLA product outcomes.
“The energy sector is one of the pillars of growth, competitiveness and development in modern economies.”
Umbrella supports the energy efficiency cause and gives a platform for users to apply and test energy
efficiency solutions (including renewables) on their building(s). The pie-charts below highlight a 100%
increase in the use of renewables between 1995 and 2011, however the renovation rate is still less than 2%.
A key capability of Umbrella is being able to simulate renewable technologies and from this information
forecast performance in monetary and energy saving terms. Through the integration of business models
which describe how the solutions can then be financed for implementation, this should allow for a greater
uptake of the solutions presented to the end user.
In order to identify which countries should be targeted first for exploitation, research with respect to the
countries which have the largest floor area was carried out. The graphs below highlight which countries
should be addressed first with respect to exploitation, these are based on floor distribution per country and
- Germany
- France
- UK
- Italy
- Spain
- Poland
These countries will be targeted first and following this, other countries will be added through the
exploitation strategy.
LoD Description
Level 1 Buildings – Residential: This includes all dwellings, detached, semi-detached or terraced
houses. It also includes small apartment buildings without complex controls.
Level 2 Buildings – Small/Medium Commercial: Commercial buildings with an area less than
10,000m2 are considered small/medium. They will be less than 5 stories tall and are leased by
tenants. They do not contain a BMS, are cooled with rooftop thermal units, and have older
lighting and telecom equipment in place. They do not have staff dedicated to energy
management but may employ a building manager or offsite facility manager. Large apartment
buildings will also be considered in this LoD.
Level 3 Buildings – Large Commercial: Buildings greater than 10,000m2 are considered large. They
will be greater than 5 stories in height and have a greater tendency to be owner-occupied. They
will have a more complex control infrastructure including networked lighting, security, fire,
and most significantly, HVAC controls. They are likely to have rooftop package units that
supply regions or the entire building with heating and cooling. They are likely to have BMS
with varying degrees of sophistication, networking, and portfolio management.
Level 4 Buildings – Complex Commercial: These are buildings which are considered to have
complex control systems for their energy management. These buildings may already have
many existing platforms in place to allow them to control their energy use and are looking for
a single platform to enable better optimisation and Demand Response of all systems. Examples
include hospitals, large manufacturing facilities, supermarkets, logistics facilities etc.
As shown in Figure 37, the Free tool targets all building types within these LoD. The Hyrbid tool targets
simpler buildings that in general do not have any metered or collected data but may have utility bills or
Automated Meter Readings (AMR). The Commercial tool targets full scale complex commercial buildings
from large office blocks with full BMS to hospitals, large manufacturing facilities etc. Without the Hybrid
tool, the LoD 1 & 2 buildings would only be targeted by the Free tool, which would have resulted in quite a
large target group that we would have not exploited from a commercial perspective.
Free solution with Low Cost
suggestions for Solution
further where Detail
exploration is Lacking
Individual Building
Public Authority
Small and Buildings < 10,000m2, Building Green Deal etc) to allow end various results (i.e. both
< 5 stories, < 10 technical and Business
Level 2
Within the Free, Hybrid and Commercial tools, the various components that have been developed to create
these tools have been identified as illustrated in Figure 5. The components are not mutually exclusive, e.g.
some of the tools developed for the Free tool can be used by both the Hybrid and Commercial tools and each
tool follows the same basic methodology and principles.
It should be noted that there is still development work required to bring all tools from a prototype to a
commercial product, and in particular for the Hybrid tool, there will be significant development needed,
however this will be put into the commercialisation plan. IP Ownership of the Exploitable Results (Confidential)
As illustrated in Figure38, each of the components of the UMBRELLA tools which have been developed
have been identified. In addition to this, the ownership and joint ownership of these tools has also been
identified and this is illustrated in Figure 39.
It is shown that in most instances various components are owned by a single consortium partner, however
there are a few joint ownership agreement that must be put in place, these are between:
Discussions regarding these agreements have already begun and are well underway.
The Technology Readiness Level of each of these components is now shown in Figure 40. The diagram
shows the estimated starting TRL of each component and the now finished TRL of each component. As it is
shown, all components that have been developed from UMBRELLA have finished at TRL7 and up.
Please note that the components which are at TRL9 are those which are proprietary and are already existing
and will be used to exploit the UMBRELLA products to their fullest potential, as such they are also shown
Figure 40 illustrates the success of UMBRELLA to develop prototypes which are ready now for
commercialisation, however it also illustrates that further work is required for those components within
TRL7 and TRL8 to bring them to a commercialised product. This is mainly bug fixing, minor development
to integrate the components within the overall software architecture, development to create the Hybrid tool
using the UMBRELLA components and testing and refinement of the solutions in the real world. We plan to
use known beta testers and preferred customers to aid us with this refinement between the end of the project
and the launch of the final tool.
It has been decided that the Free tool will be exploited by IES. This will be done at cost to IES as there are
fees associated with hosting the Free tool on a server and using space to run a simulation each time, i.e. each
simulation run will cost a nominal fee. IES have agreed to bear the cost of the running of the Free tool as
long as STAM and Solintel pass over the Web UI and Database for no financial return. As such, the
following offering will be put in place for the free tool:
Access to Web UI
No charge, therefore no return.
IES as exploitation partner, will
Analysis for up to 5 Scenarios bear the costs of hosting the
website and as such it will cost
them to run this service.
Basic Business Models for up to 5 Scenarios
Analysis for further Scenarios (Pay per Simulation) Any money received from the
Web Premium will go directly
towards hosting and maintaining
Analysis for further Business Models (Pay per Simulation) the site on a commercial server.
The tool will be offered for free for up to 5 simulation scenarios, however should a user wish to run more
simulations for more buildings, they may purchase a Web Premium account. This web premium account
will be a ‘pay per simulation’ model, roughly €0.60 per simulation and this will be used to contribute
towards costs of hosting the free tool on the server. It is envisaged that the Free tool will still run at a loss
even with this structure in place.
The Free tool will run for a trial period of 1 year. The costs required to run the tool, the number of users and
the number of users signed up to the web premium account will be examined. It will also be examined
whether or not the Free tool has been successful at engaging end users to use the Commercial tool.
Following this trial period, it will be decided if the Free tool will continue to run or not. If it is continued to
run, further developments and improvements will be made along with investigations as to how the Free tool
could potentially make money, e.g. link to service/technology providers to promote their products through
the free tool for a fee. These further developments will take both time and money to put in place and as such
a commercial decision by IES whether to develop it further will be taken.
The route to market for both the Hybrid and Commercial tools is now illustrated as follows:
IES will be the main exploitation partner. All consortium members (including IES) have the option to be an
UMBRELLA Agent and exploit the software across the EU. The Agent will purchase a licence for the
software from the Bronze, Gold, Silver, Platinum options presented (either Hybrid or Commercial). Each
corresponding partner(s) who owns their part of that package will receive a return from the sale (note that
costs of each package are still to be decided).
For the commercial tool, it is then up to the Agent to decide, which optional extras, they wish to purchase to
offer to their client base. This will be based on the business of the Agent, how much they think their clients
will want, what they wish to offer them etc. Each corresponding partner(s) who owns that optional extra will
then receive a direct fee from the UMBRELLA Agent for use of the tool/database.
This structure ensures that there will only be licence/royalty agreements between those partners identified
who own joint IP and this licence agreement is private and up to them to arrange/agree. For the sale of the
software itself, there will not be a royalty paid back to all partners for each sale, it will only be the costs
associated with the different levels of offering (Bronze, Silver Gold etc.) or the Optional Extras which will
be a direct payment to the partner(s) owning that level of offering. This structure/offering is now shown in
the following tables.
Finally, IES and LGI will also provide training (this is mandatory for all of IES proprietary software tools
and we would like to keep this here also as this ensures the quality of the output) for both the technical
software and business model database to the Agents at a cost. There will then also be an optional
maintenance and support package which the Agent can choose to purchase if they so wish.
Once the UMBRELLA Agent has selected and purchased their software and received their training, they are
then free to liaise directly with the end user to provide the service within their capabilities.
Purchase of the Base Software (DSM/calibrated model) IES for Use of Proprietary Software
and Development of New Software
Basic Results File for Building Analysis (single scenarios) as part of UMBRELLA
Genetic Optimise of Results for Multiple Scenarios and IES and TCD for Development of
Scenario Combinations GA Algorithms and Integration
IES for Development of the DEFT
Value Choice Tool for Analysis Comparison and Weighting
Tool for Value Choice
Part of Gold Package as additional
End of Life Solutions
USP, no payback necessary
IES for Proprietary software and
Detailed Business Model Analysis for Implementation
NAPE for Costs Database
Currently the three tools are at prototype stage, TRL7 and TRL8. As such, there is still development that
will be needed to bring these tools to TRL9 to be sold in the market. This is briefly outlined as follows:
1. Free tool
a. Update the Web UI to suit the proposed Re: Form branding and also make it more appealable
as a commercial product
b. Merge the Web UI, database and sim scheduler onto the one platform (currently they are
three separate platforms created by IES, Solintel and STAM)
c. Bug Fixing
d. Further customer feedback and changes as a result of the WP7 activities and reports
2. Hybrid Tool
a. Integrate with IES energy auditing app
b. Create function to modify the Master Template geometry file using the app to better represent
the building geometry
c. Integrate with IES Rough Cut Profiling technology to understand the behaviour of the
building better and modify the Design Options to reflect real in-use building behaviour
d. Integrate the MDD algorithm (TCD) to create a simplified value choice tool for the app
3. Commercial Tool
a. Polishing of Value Choice Tool, small functionality to be added
b. More rigorous testing of Optimise (using Genetic Algorithm) coupled with the Value Choice
Tool and Bug Fixing
c. Beta testing and feedback from commercial users
d. Final Branding and Marketing
Currently the least amount of effort required to bring each of the above tools from a prototype to a product is
the Commercial Tool. As such, this will be where the commercialisation will first focus. The Free tool will
undergo some minor changes for re-branding but it will remain as it is for a trial period (time to be
determined, 6-12 months). Based on the use of the Free tool during the trial period, a decision regarding
further work will then be made. The commercial tool will be launched regardless as it does not rely on the
Free tool, it only exploits it. The most amount of work to be completed is for the Hybrid Tool, however we
see this as having a large commercial impact and therefore dedicated development time will be set-aside for
it. A short strategy for the commercialisation period following the end of the project is now illustrated in
Figure 9.
This is the shortest timeframe that we envisage, however overall all it is likely to be between 6 and 12
months before the Commercial Tool is released. Development work on the Hybrid tool will begin in early
2016, however as this will involve new development to integrate various tools together, we cannot estimate
time to completion before we write a requirements specification. They Hybrid tool will be an added bonus
of the UMBRELLA project, leveraging components developed. Realistically, the aim will be to complete
the Hybrid tool by the end of 2016 with a launch in 2017.
Agree the price structure, i.e. the core software, the various
package offerings and the optional extras
The consortium is committed to exploiting the UMBRELLA project results and carrying out the necessary
development and steps to go from a prototype to a commercial product. IES as exploitation partner are
committed to making this happen. Watch this space!
Section A (public)
Template A1: List of all scientific (peer reviewed) publications relating to the foreground of the project.
Template A2: List of all dissemination activities (publications, conferences, workshops, web sites/applications, press releases, flyers, articles published
in the popular press, videos, media briefings, presentations, exhibitions, thesis, interviews, films, TV clips, posters).
These tables are cumulative, which means that they should always show all publications and activities from the beginning until after the end of the project.
Updates are possible at any time.
Is/Will open
Title of the Number, access5
Main Place of Year of Relevant Permanent identifiers4
NO. Title periodical or date or Publisher provided to
author publication publication pages (if available)
the series frequency this
Materials and
processes for
Building energy efficiency: a Dunphy,
communicating A. Méndez- Badajoz,
1 value approach for modelling Morrissey, January 2013 2013 pp. 649-657 gymaterialsbook/book/649- yes
current Vilas Spain
retrofit materials supply chains MacSweeney 657.pdf
research and
Identification and Dunphy, Istanbul,
2 16th ERSCP June 2013 ERSCP 2013 yes
characterisation of the actors Morrissey, Turkey 4350/Identification_and_char
A permanent identifier should be a persistent link to the published version full text if open access or abstract if article is pay per view) or to the final manuscript accepted for publication (link to article in
Open Access is defined as free of charge access for anyone via Internet. Please answer “yes” if the open access to the publication is already established and also if the embargo period for open access is not yet
over but you intend to establish open access afterwards.
involved in the energy efficient MacSweeney acterisation_of_the_actors_in
building market volved_in_the_energy_efficie
EeB Roadmap Claire
Kerrigan, ndustrial_technologies/pdf/ee
3 UMBRELLA Project - EeB PPP August 2013 Hughes, London, UK 2013 p. 44 yes
Melvin b-ppp-project-review-2010-
Project Review Arup
Retrofitting solutions for future Kerrigan, Retrofitting September
4 2013
buildings Melvin Solutions for 2013
Energy Efficiency in Journal of Emerald
Commercial Buildings: Property Vol. 32 (4), July Group
5 Dunphy, 2014 pp. 396-414 m/doi/abs/10.1108/JPIF-01- no
Capturing Added-Value of Investment 2014 Publishing
MacSweeney 2014-0008
Retrofit and Finance Limited
UMBRELLA - Business Model
Innovation for High Battista, Smart
Smart Energy
6 Performance Buildings Musso, October 2014 Energy Verona, Italy 2014 yes
Expo 2014
Supported by Whole Life Barbagelata Expo
40th IAHS
Developing a Sustainable Dunphy, ublication/269103645_Develo
Congress on
Housing Marketplace: New Boo, Funchal, ping_A_Sustainable_Housing
7 Housing - December 2014 IAHS 2014 yes
business Models to Optimise Dallamaggior Portugal _Marketplace_New_Business
Value Generation from Retrofit e, Morrissey _Models_To_Optimise_Value
40th IAHS
How innovative business Congress on ublication/269103720_How_I
Dallamaggior Funchal,
8 models can boost the energy Housing - December 2014 IAHS 2014 nnovative_Business_Models_ yes
e, Dunphy, Portugal
efficient buildings market Sustainable Can_Boost_The_Energy_Effi
Housing cient_Buildings_Market
Optimization of
Optimization of Construction
Dunphy, Supply Chain Hershey, PA ublication/274310075_Optimi
9 Supply Chains for Greenhouse March 2015 IGI Global 2015 pp. 280-310 no
Morrissey Management (USA) zation_of_Construction_Suppl
Gas Reduction
in y_Chains_for_Greenhouse_G
Contemporary as_Reduction
Development of a Procedure to
Analyze Customers’ Choice of Journal of
Dinh, Basu IACSIT Singapore,
10 Renewable Energy Heating Clean Energy March 2015 2015 pp. 312-316 yes
Kennedy Press Singapore 14-HK003.pdf
Technologies: Application in Technologies
An MPC Based Control Staino, Aird,
September Staffordshir Staffordshire,
11 Strategy for the Findhorn Kerrigan, UPEC 2015 2015 no
2015 e University UK
Ecovillage Basu
Comparison of Conventional
September Staffordshir Staffordshire,
12 and Economic MPC in Smart Staino, Basu UPEC 2015 2015 no
2015 e University UK
Grid Applications (Paper n.262)
Comparison of Conventional
September Staffordshir Staffordshire,
13 and Economic MPC in Smart Staino, Basu UPEC 2015 2015 no
2015 e University UK
Grid Applications (Paper n. 360)
A drop down list allows choosing the dissemination activity: publications, conferences, workshops, web, press releases, flyers, articles published in the popular press, videos, media briefings,
presentations, exhibitions, thesis, interviews, films, TV clips, posters, Other.
A drop down list allows choosing the type of public: Scientific Community (higher education, Research), Industry, Civil Society, Policy makers, Medias, Other (‘multiple choices’ is possible).
UMBRELLA “Business Model Innovation for
“Thermomodernization 2013”, Scientific Community,
3 Other NAPE High Performance Buildings Supported by May 2013 > 30 EU
Warsaw, Poland Industry
Whole Life Optimisation”
UMBRELLA “Business Model Innovation for
Scientific Community,
4 Other LGI High Performance Buildings Supported by June 2013 “CESB13”, Prague, Czech Republic > 30 EU
Whole Life Optimisation”
UMBRELLA “Business Model Innovation for “Innovation in energy efficient
Scientific Community,
5 Other LGI High Performance Buildings Supported by June 2013 buildings and districts for smart built > 30 EU
Whole Life Optimisation” environment”, Brussels, Belgium
Identification and characterisation of the actors Scientific Community,
6 Presentation UCC June 2013 “16th ERSCP”, Istanbul, Turkey > 30 EU
involved in the energy efficient building market Industry
UMBRELLA “Business Model Innovation for
Scientific Community,
7 Other LGI High Performance Buildings Supported by October 2013 “Greencity”, Marné la Vallée, France > 30 EU
Whole Life Optimisation”
UMBRELLA “Business Model Innovation for
“CONCERTO conference”, Brussels, Scientific Community,
8 Other LGI High Performance Buildings Supported by October 2013 > 30 EU
Belgium Industry
Whole Life Optimisation”
How to reduce the maintenance cost of the “Forum of public facility managers”,
9 Presentation NAPE October 2013 Industry, Other > 20 EU
building Warsaw, Poland
UMBRELLA “Business Model Innovation for
November “UNEP-SBCI Fall Symposium”, Paris, Scientific Community,
10 Other LGI High Performance Buildings Supported by > 30 EU
2013 France Industry
Whole Life Optimisation”
UMBRELLA “Business Model Innovation for
November Scientific Community,
11 Other LGI High Performance Buildings Supported by “Batimat”, Paris Villepinte, France > 30 EU
2013 Industry
Whole Life Optimisation”
Potential for disconnect between energy “24th Irish Environmental
February Scientific Community,
12 Poster UCC efficiency and carbon emissions in building Researchers’ Colloquium, ENVIRON > 50 EU
2014 Industry
retrofit projects 2014”, Dublin, Ireland
UMBRELLA - Business Model Innovation for
February “AGRION Disrupt 100+”, Paris, Scientific Community,
13 Other LGI High Performance Buildings Supported by > 30 EU
2014 France Industry
Whole Life Optimisation
UMBRELLA - Business Model Innovation for
Scientific Community,
14 Other EXE High Performance Buildings Supported by March 2014 “EcoBuild”, London, UK > 30 EU
Whole Life Optimisation
UMBRELLA - Business Model Innovation for
“EERA Annual Congress”, Brussels, Scientific Community,
15 Other SOL High Performance Buildings Supported by April 2014 > 30 EU
Belgium Industry
Whole Life Optimisation
16 Workshop IES UMBRELLA - Business Model Innovation for April 2014 “Industrial Technologies 2014”, Scientific Community, > 30 EU
High Performance Buildings Supported by Athens, Greece Industry
Whole Life Optimisation
UMBRELLA - Business Model Innovation for
“ECTP-E2B Conference”, Brussels, Scientific Community,
17 Poster STAM High Performance Buildings Supported by June 2014 > 100 EU
Belgium Industry
Whole Life Optimisation
How to reduce the maintenance cost of the “Forum of public facility managers”,
18 Presentation NAPE June 2014 Industry, Other > 20 EU
building Warsaw, Poland
UMBRELLA “Business Model Innovation for
“SMARTGREENS 2015”, Bangkok, Scientific Community,
19 Other TCD High Performance Buildings Supported by July 2014 > 30 EU,Far East
Thailand Industry
Whole Life Optimisation”
UMBRELLA - Business Model Innovation for Scientific Community,
“Sustainable Places 2014” Nice,
20 Flyers STAM High Performance Buildings Supported by October 2014 Industry, Civil Society, > 100 EU
Whole Life Optimisation Policy makers, Other
Scientific Community,
“Smart Energy Expo 2014”, Verona,
21 Other STAM UMBRELLA Booth October 2014 Industry, Civil Society, > 100 EU
Policy makers, Other
UMBRELLA - Business Model Innovation for Scientific Community,
“Smart Energy Expo 2014”, Verona,
22 Flyers STAM High Performance Buildings Supported by October 2014 Industry, Civil Society, > 100 EU
Whole Life Optimisation Policy makers, Other
UMBRELLA - Business Model Innovation for Scientific Community,
“Smart Energy Expo 2014”, Verona,
23 Poster STAM High Performance Buildings Supported by October 2014 Industry, Civil Society, > 100 EU
Whole Life Optimisation Policy makers, Other
UMBRELLA - Business Model Innovation for Scientific Community,
“Smart Energy Expo 2014”, Verona,
24 Workshop STAM High Performance Buildings Supported by October 2014 Industry, Civil Society, > 20 EU
Whole Life Optimisation Policy makers, Other
Developing a Sustainable Housing Marketplace: Scientific Community,
December “40th IAHS World Congress on
25 Presentation UCC New business Models to Optimise Value Industry, Civil Society, > 30 EU
2014 Housing”, Funchal, Portugal
Generation from Retrofit Policy makers, Other
Scientific Community,
How innovative business models can boost the December “40th IAHS World Congress on
26 Presentation LGI Industry, Civil Society, > 30 EU
energy efficient buildings market 2014 Housing”, Funchal, Portugal
Policy makers, Other
UMBRELLA - Business Model Innovation for
“Bahrain International e-Government Scientific Community, EU, Middle
27 Flyers STAM High Performance Buildings Supported by March 2015 > 50
Forum 2015”, Sakhir, Bahrain Industry East
Whole Life Optimisation
UMBRELLA - Business Model Innovation for “Facility & Property Management - Scientific Community,
28 Presentation NAPE High Performance Buildings Supported by August 2015 safe and economical property”, Industry, Civil Society, > 20 EU
Whole Life Optimisation Warsaw, Poland Other
29 Poster NAPE UMBRELLA - Business Model Innovation for August 2015 “Facility & Property Management - Scientific Community, > 30 EU
High Performance Buildings Supported by safe and economical property”, Industry, Civil Society,
Whole Life Optimisation Warsaw, Poland Other
UMBRELLA - Business Model Innovation for Scientific Community, EU,
“Med Green Forum 2015”, Florence,
30 Presentation STAM High Performance Buildings Supported by August 2015 Industry, Civil Society, > 20 Mediterranea
Whole Life Optimisation Other n Countries
Scientific Community,
An MPC Based Control Strategy for the September
31 Presentation TCD UPEC 2015, Staffordshire, UK Industry, Civil Society, > 20 EU
Findhorn Ecovillage 2015
Scientific Community,
Comparison of Conventional and Economic September
32 Presentation TCD UPEC 2015, Staffordshire, UK Industry, Civil Society, > 20 EU
MPC in Smart Grid Applications 2015
UMBRELLA - Business Model Innovation for Scientific Community,
September “Construction Scotland Innovation”,
33 Presentation IES High Performance Buildings Supported by Industry, Civil Society, > 30 EU
2015 Stirling, UK
Whole Life Optimisation Other
UMBRELLA “Business Model Innovation for Scientific Community,
September “Sustainable Places 2015”, Savona,
34 Poster STAM High Performance Buildings Supported by Industry, Civil Society, > 100 EU
2015 Italy
Whole Life Optimisation” Other
UMBRELLA - Business Model Innovation for Scientific Community,
September “Sustainable Places 2015”, Savona,
35 Flyers STAM High Performance Buildings Supported by Industry, Civil Society, > 100 EU
2015 Italy
Whole Life Optimisation Other
UMBRELLA - Business Model Innovation for Scientific Community,
September “Sustainable Places 2015”, Savona,
36 Presentation STAM High Performance Buildings Supported by Industry, Civil Society, > 30 EU
2015 Italy
Whole Life Optimisation Other
Scientific Community,
Decision support tools to optimize energy use in September “Sustainable Places 2015”, Savona,
37 Workshop STAM Industry, Civil Society, > 30 EU
buildings 2015 Italy
Scientific Community,
Re:form reduce energy consumption in your September “SET Plan”, Luxembourg,
38 Poster LGI Industry, Policy > 100 EU
building 2015 Luxembourg
Section B (Confidential8 or public: confidential information to be marked clearly)
Part B1
The applications for patents, trademarks, registered designs, etc. shall be listed according to the template B1 provided hereafter.
The list should, specify at least one unique identifier e.g. European Patent application reference. For patent applications, only if applicable, contributions to
standards should be specified. This table is cumulative, which means that it should always show all applications from the beginning until after the end of the
Confidential Foreseen
Click on embargo date
YES/NO dd/mm/yyyy Application
Type of IP Applicant (s) (as on the application)
reference(s) Subject or title of application
(e.g. EP123456)
Note to be confused with the “EU CONFIDENTIAL” classification for some security research projects.
A drop down list allows choosing the type of IP rights: Patents, Trademarks, Registered designs, Utility models, Others.
Part B2
Please complete the table hereafter:
A drop down list allows choosing the type of foreground: General advancement of knowledge, Commercial exploitation of R&D results, Exploitation of R&D results via standards, exploitation of results
through EU policies, exploitation of results through (social) innovation.
A drop down list allows choosing the type sector (NACE nomenclature) :
Description Confidential Foreseen Patents or
Type of Exploitable Timetable, Owner & Other
of Click on embargo Sector(s) of other IPR
Exploitable exploitable product(s) or 11 commercial or Beneficiary(s)
10 YES/NO date application exploitation
Foreground foreground measure(s) any other use involved
dd/mm/yyyy (licences)
Models for Industry
the next
of energy
Commercial Energy YES Q3-Q4 Dataset Architectural, n/a n/a IES
Exploitation of Efficiency 2016 Engineering and STAM
R&D Results Dataset Construction NAPE
Commercial End of Life YES Q3-Q4 Dataset Architectural, n/a n/a DAPP
Exploitation of Solution Set 2016 Engineering and
R&D Results Construction
Commercial MDD and YES Q3-Q4 Algorithms Architectural, n/a n/a TCD
Exploitation of In-USe 2016 Engineering and
R&D Results Algorithms Construction
Commercial The YES Q3-Q4 Software Architectural, n/a n/a IES
Exploitation of UMBRELL 2016 Engineering and Solintel
R&D Results A Interface Construction STAM
Industry NAPE
Commercial Future YES Q3-Q4 Dataset Architectural, n/a n/a BATH
Exploitation of Climate 2016 Engineering and
R&D Results Dataset Construction
In addition to the table, please provide a text to explain the exploitable foreground, in particular:
Its purpose
How the foreground might be exploited, when and by whom
IPR exploitable measures taken or intended
Further research necessary, if any
Potential/expected impact (quantify where possible)
4.3 Report on societal implications
Replies to the following questions will assist the Commission to obtain statistics and indicators on societal
and socio-economic issues addressed by projects. The questions are arranged in a number of key themes. As
well as producing certain statistics, the replies will also help identify those projects that have shown a real
engagement with wider societal issues, and thereby identify interesting approaches to these issues and best
practices. The replies for individual projects will not be made public.
If Yes: have you described the progress of compliance with the relevant Ethics No
Review/Screening Requirements in the frame of the periodic/final project reports?
Special Reminder: the progress of compliance with the Ethics Review/Screening Requirements should be
described in the Period/Final Project Reports under the Section 3.2.2 ‘Work Progress and Achievements’
2. Please indicate whether your project involved any of the following issues (tick No
box) :
Did the project involve children?
Did the project involve patients?
Did the project involve persons not able to give consent?
Did the project involve adult healthy volunteers?
Did the project involve Human genetic material?
Did the project involve Human biological samples?
Did the project involve Human data collection?
Did the project involve Human Embryos?
Did the project involve Human Foetal Tissue / Cells?
Did the project involve Human Embryonic Stem Cells (hESCs)?
Did the project on human Embryonic Stem Cells involve cells in culture?
Did the project on human Embryonic Stem Cells involve the derivation of cells from Embryos?
Did the project involve processing of genetic information or personal data (eg. health, sexual
lifestyle, ethnicity, political opinion, religious or philosophical conviction)?
Did the project involve tracking the location or observation of people?
Did the project involve research on animals?
Were those animals transgenic small laboratory animals?
Were those animals transgenic farm animals?
Were those animals cloned farm animals?
Were those animals non-human primates?
Did the project involve the use of local resources (genetic, animal, plant etc)?
Was the project of benefit to local community (capacity building, access to healthcare, education
Research having direct military use 0 Yes 0 No
Research having the potential for terrorist abuse
C Workforce Statistics
3. Workforce statistics for the project: Please indicate in the table below the number of
people who worked on the project (on a headcount basis).
Type of Position Number of Women Number of Men
Scientific Coordinator 2 2
Work package leaders 2 3
Experienced researchers (i.e. PhD holders) 4 6
PhD Students 0 0
Other 19 22
6. Which of the following actions did you carry out and how effective were they?
Not at all Very
effective effective
Design and implement an equal opportunity policy
Set targets to achieve a gender balance in the workforce
Organise conferences and workshops on gender
Actions to improve work-life balance
7. Was there a gender dimension associated with the research content – i.e. wherever people were
the focus of the research as, for example, consumers, users, patients or in trials, was the issue of gender
considered and addressed?
Yes- please specify
√ No
8. Did your project involve working with students and/or school pupils (e.g. open days,
participation in science festivals and events, prizes/competitions or joint projects)?
Yes- please specify
√ No
9. Did the project generate any science education material (e.g. kits, websites, explanatory
booklets, DVDs)?
√ Yes- please specify Publications
F Interdisciplinarity
10. Which disciplines (see list below) are involved in your project?
5.412: Associated discipline12:
11b If yes, did you engage with citizens (citizens’ panels / juries) or organised civil society
(NGOs, patients’ groups etc.)?
√ Yes- in determining what research should be performed
Yes - in implementing the research
Insert number from list below (Frascati Manual).
Yes, in communicating /disseminating / using the results of the project
11c In doing so, did your project involve actors whose role is mainly to √ No
organise the dialogue with citizens and organised civil society (e.g.
professional mediator; communication company, science museums)?
12. Did you engage with government / public bodies or policy makers (including international
√ Yes- in framing the research agenda
Yes - in implementing the research agenda
Yes, in communicating /disseminating / using the results of the project
13a Will the project generate outputs (expertise or scientific advice) which could be used by
policy makers?
Yes – as a primary objective (please indicate areas below- multiple answers possible)
√ Yes – as a secondary objective (please indicate areas below - multiple answer possible)
15. How many new patent applications (‘priority filings’) have been made? 0
(“Technologically unique”: multiple applications for the same invention in different
jurisdictions should be counted as just one application of grant).
18. Please indicate whether your project has a potential impact on employment, in comparison
with the situation before your project:
√ Increase in employment, or √ In small & medium-sized enterprises
√ Safeguard employment, or √ In large companies
Decrease in employment, None of the above / not relevant to the project
Difficult to estimate / not possible to quantify
Open Access is defined as free of charge access for anyone via Internet.
For instance: classification for security project.
19. For your project partnership please estimate the employment effect Indicate figure:
resulting directly from your participation in Full Time Equivalent (FTE =
one person working fulltime for a year) jobs:
21. As part of the project, have any beneficiaries received professional media / communication
training / advice to improve communication with the general public?
Yes √ No
22 Which of the following have been used to communicate information about your project to
the general public, or have resulted from your project?
√ Press Release √ Coverage in specialist press
Media briefing √ Coverage in general (non-specialist) press
TV coverage / report √ Coverage in national press
Radio coverage / report Coverage in international press
√ Brochures /posters / flyers √ Website for the general public / internet
√ DVD /Film /Multimedia √ Event targeting general public (festival, conference,
exhibition, science café)
23 In which languages are the information products for the general public produced?
Language of the coordinator √ English
Other language(s)
Question F-10: Classification of Scientific Disciplines according to the Frascati Manual 2002 (Proposed Standard Practice for
Surveys on Research and Experimental Development, OECD 2002):
1.1 Mathematics and computer sciences [mathematics and other allied fields: computer sciences and other allied subjects
(software development only; hardware development should be classified in the engineering fields)]
1.2 Physical sciences (astronomy and space sciences, physics and other allied subjects)
1.3 Chemical sciences (chemistry, other allied subjects)
1.4 Earth and related environmental sciences (geology, geophysics, mineralogy, physical geography and other geosciences,
meteorology and other atmospheric sciences including climatic research, oceanography, vulcanology, palaeoecology,
other allied sciences)
1.5 Biological sciences (biology, botany, bacteriology, microbiology, zoology, entomology, genetics, biochemistry,
biophysics, other allied sciences, excluding clinical and veterinary sciences)
3.1 Basic medicine (anatomy, cytology, physiology, genetics, pharmacy, pharmacology, toxicology, immunology and
immunohaematology, clinical chemistry, clinical microbiology, pathology)
3.2 Clinical medicine (anaesthesiology, paediatrics, obstetrics and gynaecology, internal medicine, surgery, dentistry,
neurology, psychiatry, radiology, therapeutics, otorhinolaryngology, ophthalmology)
3.3 Health sciences (public health services, social medicine, hygiene, nursing, epidemiology)
4.1 Agriculture, forestry, fisheries and allied sciences (agronomy, animal husbandry, fisheries, forestry, horticulture, other
allied subjects)
4.2 Veterinary medicine
5.1 Psychology
5.2 Economics
5.3 Educational sciences (education and training and other allied subjects)
5.4 Other social sciences [anthropology (social and cultural) and ethnology, demography, geography (human, economic and
social), town and country planning, management, law, linguistics, political sciences, sociology, organisation and
methods, miscellaneous social sciences and interdisciplinary , methodological and historical S1T activities relating to
subjects in this group. Physical anthropology, physical geography and psychophysiology should normally be classified
with the natural sciences].
6.1 History (history, prehistory and history, together with auxiliary historical disciplines such as archaeology, numismatics,
palaeography, genealogy, etc.)
6.2 Languages and literature (ancient and modern)
6.3 Other humanities [philosophy (including the history of science and technology) arts, history of art, art criticism, painting,
sculpture, musicology, dramatic art excluding artistic “research” of any kind, religion, theology, other fields and subjects
pertaining to the humanities, methodological, historical and other S1T activities relating to the subjects in this group]
This report shall be submitted to the Commission within 30 days after receipt of the final payment of the
European Union financial contribution.