Website Evaluation Using Opinion Mining

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International Journal on Recent and Innovation Trends in Computing and Communication ISSN: 2321-8169

Volume: 6 Issue: 4 41 - 48
Website Evaluation Using Opinion Mining
Aditya Bhatnagar(1), Maaz Nomani(2), Ketan Pujare(3), Dr. Sunil Wankhade(4) .
Bachelor of Engineering, Dept. of Information Technology, R.G.I.T., Mumbai, Maharashtra, India 1
Bachelor of Engineering, Dept. of Information Technology, R.G.I.T., Mumbai, Maharashtra, India 2
Bachelor of Engineering, Dept. of Information Technology, R.G.I.T., Mumbai, Maharashtra, India 3
Head and Professor, Dept. of Information Technology, R.G.I.T., Mumbai, Maharashtra, India 4

Abstract: With the advancement in technology, online shopping has taken a new toll. Customers can access the shopping websites from
anywhere with the help of the internet. The websites display all the products for the customer to choose from and the customer can post any
review or their opinion on the service of the website. The main aim of this project is to provide users with a rating generated according to the
shopping website’s performance and standards. There are numerous shopping websites to visit but the legitimacy of all the websites is
questionable. Fraud can occur on a regular basis from illegitimate websites. The users may not get the service as per their expectations. There
are many renowned shopping websites which do not match their credibility and in turn disappoints the customers or users. The proposed system
evaluates the shopping websites based on the reviews or opinions of the experienced customers. The performance of the website is processed
down to certain parameters. According to these parameters a certain rating of that particular website is generated, which helps the customer to
decide which website to opt for.
Keywords: Natural language processing , Natural language toolkit( NLTK), decision making and linguistics.

I. INTRODUCTION and the frequency of updates. As a result, automated

The large number and the variety of existing Web-sites and support for web designers and web site owners become
their increasing role in social and economic contexts more important. Automated usability tools can help save
demand for flexible methods and tools to support Website time and money in design. User testing can improve
quality evaluation in an efficient and efficacious way. As consistency and quality of the web site. The customers
users, and even more as professionals, we have all wanting to buy the product would like to compare the
experienced that for many websites navigation is all but products and the services provided by different websites
satisfactory, needed information is missing, transaction before purchasing the product. The services and all the
forms are awkward, graphical design is shabby, analytics parameters related to the website can't be compared on the
show low popularity and success, and so on. Every passing existing system . Therefore it makes it difficult for the
day the number of companies, organizations and customers to decide. Although the websites would be rated
individuals publishing their web sites is increasing. but comparing the websites would make it more efficient
Considering all the information available on the web every and can provide a clear to opt for the better product. Hence
individual should desire to find and access useful it was highly important to come up with the solution for
information. For example users want to learn about the customers which would be the evaluation of websites
different shopping websites and what products and services based on the review of the customers and rate it according
they offer using the web. By the help of this information to the sentiments identified in the reviews.
users may learn about the websites and in turn choose a
website which is suitable according to their standards. The
The aim of Machine Learning is to develop an algorithm to
task of evaluating and improving the web sites can be
increase the performance of the system using the given data
intimidating considering the number of web sites available
or past experience. The Machine Learning provides a
IJRITCC | April 2018, Available @
International Journal on Recent and Innovation Trends in Computing and Communication ISSN: 2321-8169
Volume: 6 Issue: 4 41 - 48
solution to the classification problem that involves two features. Opinions of products are given in graph format
steps: 1. Learning the model from a corpus of training data. feature by feature. Review Seer tool is used for automation
2. Classifying the unseen data based on the trained model. and aggregation of sites. Naïve Bayes classifier is used to
Sentiment analysis of natural language texts is an emerging assign score to the extracted features which are done on
field. Converting a part of text to a feature vector is an classified reviews.
essential step in any data driven approach to Sentiment
Aashutosh Bhatt proposed a system that performs the
analysis . Lisette García-Moya, et all addresses the aspect-
classification of reviews given by customer which is then
based summarization task by introducing a novel
followed by finding sentiment for the reviews given. A rule
methodology for retrieving product features from a
based extraction of the feature for the given product is
collection of free-text customer reviews about a product or
done. Their system visualizes the review’s sentiment which
service. Their proposal relies on a language modeling
is then presented in the form of a chart. Classification of
framework that combines a probabilistic model of opinion
reviews along with sentimental analysis increased the
words and a stochastic mapping model between words to
accuracy of the system which in turn provided accurate
approximate a language model of products. Their work
reviews to the user. The main aim of the system is to
extends a preliminary approach introduced which addresses
ensure fair results of sentiments and saving time, that user
the modeling of a language of product features from
used to spend on reading long textual descriptions of
customer reviews. They provide a formalized methodology
reviews, by providing summarized results in charts. Asmita
for the retrieval of product features from the estimated
Dhokrat, et al. [9] gave review about the techniques and
language model of features.
tools used in opinion mining. Paper shows the basic
Madhavi Kulkarni and Mayuri Lingayat proposed a requirements of opinion mining to explore the present
technique which ranks efficiently the products by mining techniques used to developed a full fledge system. It
the genuine reviews of the product. System provides a highlights the opportunities or deployment and research of
method which allows only those users to write a review such systems. The available tools for building such
about a product who have purchased from the website. applications are presented with merits and limitations.
Other users are not allowed to give review. This reduced Farhan Hassan Khan proposed a new Twitter Opinion
the wrong reviewing of product and customer get reliable Mining framework to predict the polarity of words into
product. They have proposed product ranking system positive or negative feelings in tweets. It improves the
which can take product information in query form and accuracy level of the classification. It is constructed using
system provides the product matching with customer’s different stages.
requirements along with product ranking. Arti Buche,
paper provides information about the data sources that
opinion mining uses, machine learning and tasks of Website evaluation is a software developed to evaluate or
rate a website based on the sentiments or opinions of users
sentiment analysis for sentiment classification, text
given to those websites. It facilitates the customers with
classification and the tools available for sentiment parameters covering all the aspects required by the user to
classification, and the performance evaluation. Red Opal choose a suitable website according to their requirement
tool helps users to recognize products which rely on their standards. This system will also protect users from
fraudulent and theft related shopping websites.

IJRITCC | April 2018, Available @
International Journal on Recent and Innovation Trends in Computing and Communication ISSN: 2321-8169
Volume: 6 Issue: 4 41 - 48

Figure 1: Block diagram of Website evaluation using Opinion Mining

Opinions of the users are extracted from the APIs and the is an existing library of python.The sentences are broken
string is divided for the further feature extraction. The down and thus performed analysis to give a rating about
reviews of the users is extracted and performed sentiment the website which will be displayed on our webpage.
analysis using the Natural language Toolkit(NLTK) which


Figure 2: Use Case Diagram of Website evaluation using Opinion Mining

IJRITCC | April 2018, Available @
International Journal on Recent and Innovation Trends in Computing and Communication ISSN: 2321-8169
Volume: 6 Issue: 4 41 - 48
In fig. 2, There are two actors; The admin and user. The user opinions. However the admin can perform activities like
can login or register into our website depending on the managing the login panel, view and manage users and
registered account of the user. The user then enters the name manage admin database.
of the website to acquire the rating generated based on

Figure 3: Activity Flowchart diagram of Website evaluation using Opinion Mining

In fig.3, the activities that are to be performed ; The user DB, if available the system directly displays the result on
logs in the system and the account of the user is verified, the webpage . However if the website isn’t available in the
the user then enters the name of the desired website in the DB the data is extracted , analyzed & displays the result .
input text area. The system then checks the website in the The result is also updated in the DB.

IJRITCC | April 2018, Available @
International Journal on Recent and Innovation Trends in Computing and Communication ISSN: 2321-8169
Volume: 6 Issue: 4 41 - 48

Figure 4: Sequence diagram of Website evaluation using Opinion Mining

In fig. 4, the sequence of the activities is shown in the then enters the name of the website, it is copied from the
diagram. The user logs in , it’s authenticity is checked and browser to the backend where the algorithm runs, and the
verified and allows the user to login in the system. The user result is displayed on the webpage.


Figure 4: DFD Level 0 Diagram of Website evaluation using Opinion Mining

IJRITCC | April 2018, Available @
International Journal on Recent and Innovation Trends in Computing and Communication ISSN: 2321-8169
Volume: 6 Issue: 4 41 - 48
In fig. 4, the Data flow at level 0 is shown. It shows the connectivity between the system.
functions performed by the admin and thus showing the

Figure 5: DFD Level 1 Diagram of Website evaluation using Opinion Mining

In fig. 5, the Data flow at level 1 is shown. The admin system checks it the DB if not present runs algorithm,
performs activities like entering the website in the input displays the result and updates the DB.
field and the website name is copied in the system. The

Figure 6: Class Diagram of Website evaluation using Opinion Mining

In Figure 6, the classes present are Admin, User,

Webserver and DBhandler. Webserver is the center of this

IJRITCC | April 2018, Available @
International Journal on Recent and Innovation Trends in Computing and Communication ISSN: 2321-8169
Volume: 6 Issue: 4 41 - 48
project. Second row contains all the attributes related to that that are to be performed regarding that particular class.
class. Third row in class diagram are methods or operations

Figure 7: ER Diagram of Website evaluation using Opinion Mining

Different entities present in fig. 7 are admin , webserver, feedback and account management property. The user has
browser and user. The admin is related to the system with attributes like username, password & phone no.
the help of DB, whereas the system is related to the user by

Our system gives the customer a better understanding
This research was supported by our project guide Mr. S.B
about e-shopping websites. It prevents the customer from
Wankhade (Head Of Department), We thank him for
being a victim of fraud. It will give them a detailed
providing us an opportunity to do the project research on
survey about the service or customer feedback regarding
Website evaluation using opinion mining at Rajiv Gandhi
those shopping websites. Our system could be a critic for
Institute of Technology(R.G.I.T.), Andheri, Mumbai
the shopping sites hence driving them towards
and by giving us the support and guidance for
improvement on their drawbacks. .On the basis of data
completing the project research duly.
availability our system can be expanded to different
sectors. It is also open to customer’s views based on their
frequent shopping experience with those websites.

IJRITCC | April 2018, Available @
International Journal on Recent and Innovation Trends in Computing and Communication ISSN: 2321-8169
Volume: 6 Issue: 4 41 - 48
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[3] Nidhi R. Sharma, Vidya D. Chitre, "Opinion Mining
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IJRITCC | April 2018, Available @

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