Studies On Properties of TMT Steels For Structural Applications IJERTV2IS80657

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International Journal of Engineering Research & Technology (IJERT)

ISSN: 2278-0181
Vol. 2 Issue 8, August - 2013
Studies on Properties of TMT Steels for Structural Applications
K Priyesh
Department of Mechanical Engineering (Manufacturing Engineering),
KMCT College of Engineering,
University of Calicut, Kerala, India

Abstract— India is among the fastest developing nation in the Fe 500, Fe 500D. The following chemistry of steel is used for
world with major constructions like bridges, dams, airports, the production of TMT bars.
residential buildings etc. In a developing economy where
infrastructure is getting boom, „strength‟ of structural members
is of great importance. This is where Thermo Mechanically
Treated (TMT) bars scores over Cold twisted bars (or CTD bars). II. CHEMICAL COMPOSITION AND MECHANICAL
For understanding the proper behaviour of structural members, PROPERTIES OF STEEL BARS
physical properties, chemical composition, mean projected rib
area and macrostructure are very essential. Nowadays there are
many companies which supply untreated and twisted deformed
bars as TMT bars which would do much harm for structural
stability. There is an urgent need to use the phrase “Quenching CHEMICAL COMPOSITION OF STEEL BILLETS
and Tempering” to label the TMT bars. This project is an effort AND INGOTS AS PER IS 2831
to showcase the ways to identify good quality TMT bars. Percent
Min Max
Carbon 0.15 0.25
Keywords— TMT bars; strength; properties; quenching and
Manganese 0.32 0.6
Sulphur ---- 0.055
I. INTRODUCTION Phosphorous ---- 0.055
Carbon Equivalent= C+Mn/6 ---- 0.42

Under Thermo Mechanical treatment, the steel bars are passed Table 1: Chemical composition of steel billets
through a specially designed water cooling system where they

are kept till the outer surface becomes colder while the core
remains hot. This creates temperature gradient in the bars.
When the bars come out of the TMT box to the cooling bay,
the heat flows from the core to the outer surface, further
tempering the bars, which helps them attain higher yield CHEMICAL COMPOSITION OF TMT BARS AS
PER IS 1786:2008
strength. The resulting concentric martenstic grain structure at
the surface imparts superior strength and toughness to the bars. Percent, Maximum
The microstructure of the core is a very fined-grained ferrite Fe
and pearlite. TMT bars are also known as ‘quenched and Fe Fe 415 Fe
tempered rebars’, because of the quenching and tempering 415 D 500
process involved in making the rebars, and thus TMT bars Carbon 0.3 0.25 0.3 0.25
produced by the TMT process scores over Cold Twisted
Bars(CTD) and TOR steels. The production of quality TMT Manganese 0.6 0.45 0.5 0.4
bar depends on three major factors: Sulphur 0.06 0.045 0.05 0.04
1. Quality raw materials Phosphorous 0.06 0.045 0.05 0.04
2. A properly designed and automated mill.
Sulphur and
3. A well designed quenching and tempering technology. Phosphorous
0.11 0.085 0.10 0.07
Deciding the percentage of carbon content in steel has been a Table 2: Chemical composition of TMT steel bars.
major challenge for engineers. While a minimum level of
carbon content in steel is essential to achieve the required
strength, excess carbon threatens its weld ability. In TMT bars, And the table 3 shows the mechanical properties of steel bars
this problem has been eliminated by restricting the carbon content
as IS 1786:2008.
to 0.23% to attain weld ability and ensuring that its strength is
not lost. The various grades of TMT bars are Fe 415, Fe 415D,

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International Journal of Engineering Research & Technology (IJERT)
ISSN: 2278-0181
Vol. 2 Issue 8, August - 2013
MECHANICAL PROPERTIES OF HIGH STRENGTH Number of rows of transverse rib= 2 (two sides)
Area of transverse Ribs, Atr = ⅔ x Ltr x Dtr mm2 -------- (1)
SR. Fe Fe Fe Fe
NO. 415 415D 500 500D Mean projected rib area, Ar = Ntr x Atr x sin θ mm2 -----(2)
Yield Stress, Str
1 415 415 500 500 Values of Depth of transverse rib(Dtr), Length of transverse
Min, N/mm2
rib(Ltr), Spacing of transverse rib(Str), Angle of inclination(θ)
Elongation, are shown in tabulated form.
2 14.5 18 12 16
Percent, Min Mill1
Rib 1(mm) Rib 2(mm) Average(mm)
Tensile Dtr Dtr1=0.88 Dtr2=0.92 Dtr=0.90
Ltr Ltr1=19.30 Ltr2=19.43 Ltr=19.365
3 Strength, Min, 485 500 545 565 Str Str1=7.38 Str2=7.35 Str=7.365
N/mm2 θ θ=75 θ=76 θ=75.5
Table 6: Values of sample 1 from Mill 1
Table 3: Mechanical properties of TMT bars
Putting the values in (1) and (2) we get,
Area of transverse rib (Atr) = 11.619mm2
A. Selection of Steel Samples
Samples of steel bars (Fe415) were obtained from three steel Mean projected rib area (Ar) = 3.05mm2/mm
manufacturing companies randomly referred to as F1, F2 and
F3. Samples of reinforcing steel bars 12mm in diameter were
obtained from these three sources. From each source two
samples (i.e. 6 samples) measuring 1m long were randomly Rib 1(mm) Rib 2(mm) Average(mm)
(Sample 2)
selected from stock piled batches. Dtr Dtr1=1.11 Dtr2=1.08 Dtr=1.095
B. Testing of Physical Properties Ltr Ltr1=19.45 Ltr2=19.49 Ltr=19.47
Universal testing machine is used to perform mechanical tests Str Str1=7.39 Str2=7.39 Str=7.39
such as Yield strength, Ultimate Tensile Strength and
θ θ=74 θ=74 θ=74
Percentage Elongation. The six samples were tested in the
UTM and results were plotted on the stress-strain graph. The Table 7: Values of sample 2 from Mill 1

results so obtained were then compared with the IS

1786:2008. From each source and each sample mean value is Putting the values in (1) and (2) we get,
taken by testing three samples. Obtained values of physical
properties are shown in Table 4.
Area of transverse rib (Atr)= 14.21mm2
C. Testing of Chemical Properties
The six samples were then tested for the chemical properties
Mean projected rib area (Atr)= 3.69mm2/mm
of the steel using a Spectrometer. The results obtained were
then compared with IS1786:2008. From each source and each Mill2
Rib 1(mm) Rib 2(mm) Average(mm)
sample mean value is taken by testing three samples. Values (Sample 1)
Dtr Dtr1=1.20 Dtr2=1.21 Dtr=1.205
of chemical composition is shown in Table 5. Ltr Ltr1=20.54 Ltr2=22.57 Ltr=21.55
Str Str1=6.642 Str2=6.10 Str=6.371
θ θ=54 θ=56 θ=55
D. Testing of Mean Projected Rib Area
Table 8: Values of sample 1 from Mill 2

Third test involves one of the most neglected parts of

Putting the values in (1) and (2) we get,
structural engineering i.e. Mean Projected Rib Area. In order
to determine the Mean Projected rib area (MPRA) we have to
find out Depth of transverse Ribs (Dtr), Length of transverse Area of transverse rib (Atr)= 17.311mm2
rib (Ltr), spacing of transverse rib(Str) and Angle of
inclination (θ). This is done manually, and using Standard
formulas we can determine the Mean Projected Rib area. The Mean Projected rib area= 4.45 mm2/mm
results were then compared with the Indian standard. In the
standard procedure for the calculation of Mean Projected Rib
area, the

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International Journal of Engineering Research & Technology (IJERT)
ISSN: 2278-0181
Vol. 2 Issue 8, August - 2013

Properties Source F1 Source F2 Source F3

Name Sample 1 Sample 2 Sample 1 Sample 2 Sample 1 Sample 2

461.5 481.5 429.03 426.3 377.5 383.1
Yield Strength
N/sqmm N/sqmm N/sqmm N/sqmm N/sqmm N/sqmm
Ultimate Tensile 569.3 568.6 555.9 550.5 542.6 540.8
Strength N/sqmm N/sqmm N/sqmm N/sqmm N/sqmm N/sqmm
20.60% 20.80% 22.03% 22.10% 20.18% 20.92%
Table 4: Obtained values of physical properties

Table 5: Chemical composition obtained by testing TMT from various sources

NAME C Si Mn P S Cr Mo Ni Al Co Cu
0.2062 0.0737 0.539 0.0562 0.033 0.1065 0.0084 0.0593 0.0010 0.0065 0.2492


NAME C Si Mn P S Cr Mo Ni Al Co Cu
0.2374 0.0231 0.0126 0.0524 0.0351 0.1424 0.013 0.0732 0.0088 0.0085 0.3073

Values obtained by testing TMT steel bars from Source F1

NAME C Si Mn P S Cr Mo Ni Al Co Cu
0.2199 0.3061 0.573 0.0502 0.0631 0.1004 0.0179 0.0758 0.0084 0.0092 0.1404


NAME C Si Mn P S Cr Mo Ni Al Co Cu
0.2203 0.2897 0.576 0.0489 0.0635 0.1001 0.0171 0.0763 0.0092 0.0094 0.1417

Values obtained by testing TMT steel bars from Source F2


NAME C Si Mn P S Cr Mo Ni Al Co Cu
0.2224 0.2247 0.4919 0.0696 0.0442 0.0652 <0.006 0.0588 0.0071 0.0061 0.1738


NAME C Si Mn P S Cr Mo Ni Al Co Cu
0.2224 0.2247 0.4919 0.0696 0.0442 0.0652 <0.006 0.0588 0.0071 0.0061 0.1738

Values obtained by testing TMT steel bars from Source F3

IJERTV2IS80657 1510

International Journal of Engineering Research & Technology (IJERT)
ISSN: 2278-0181
Vol. 2 Issue 8, August - 2013

Area of transverse rib = 9.294 mm2

Rib 1(mm) Rib 2(mm) Average(mm)
(Sample 2)
Mean projected rib area = 2.188mm2/mm
Dtr Dtr1=1.13 Dtr2=1.45 Dtr=1.29

Ltr Ltr1=22.25 Ltr2=23.20 Ltr=22.725 E. Testing of Macrostructure

D Now the last test is one of the most important i.e
Str Str1=6.532 Str2=6.731 Str=6.631 Macrostructure. Study of macrostructure is done by preparing
a nitrol solution which contains 5 to 10% nitric acid with
θ θ=56 θ=58 θ=57
balanced ethyl alcohol. Before starting the test each sample
Table 9: Values of sample 2 from Mill 2 should be grinded and polished properly otherwise the
Macrostructure obtained will be of bad nature. After preparing
Putting the values in (1) and (2) the solution, smooth end of each sample is pickled in it for not
less than 2 to 3 minutes, once the sample is taken out from the
beaker we can clearly see the Macrostructure with the naked
Area of transverse rib (Atr) = 19.5 mm2 eye i.e uniform and concentric hardened Martensitic
periphery on outer surface and soft fine grained ferrite pearlite
at the core. Such bars will have desired tensile strengths
Mean Projected Rib area= 4.93mm2/mm coupled with high elongation as required in seismic zones.
Depending on the size and grade, the hardened periphery will
be about 20-30% of the bar cross-sectional area for good
‘Quenching and tempering’ bars. Hence the Macrostructure
Mill3 thus obtained is then compared with the Standard one and the
Rib 1(mm) Rib 2(mm) Average(mm) differences are noted down.
(Sample 1)
Dtr Dtr1=0.66 Dtr2=0.95 Dtr=0.805
Ltr Ltr1=19.71 Ltr2=18.88 Ltr=19.295
1. Physical properties
Str Str1=8.10 Str2=7.98 Str=8.04

The results obtained by testing the samples from three millers

θ θ=76 θ=78 θ=77 F1, F2 and F3 shows those samples from F1 and F2 have
acceptable yield strength, ultimate tensile strength and
Table 10: Values of sample 1 from Mill1 3 percentage elongation. But the sample manufactured by
source F3 shows yield strength of 380.35 N/mm2 which is far
Putting the values in (1) and (2), we get below the standard and hence cannot be accepted for
constructional purpose.

Area of transverse rib(Atr) = 10.35mm2 2. Chemical Properties

Mean projected rib area = 2.507mm2/mm The chemical analysis of steel bars from source F1, F2 and F3
shows that samples from F1 have average carbon content of
Mill3 Rib Rib 0.2%, manganese content of 0.525%, phosphorous content of
(Sample 2) 1(mm) 2(mm) 0.0549% and sulphur content of 0.039% which is well within
Dtr Dtr1=0.60 Dtr2=0.75 Dtr=0.675 the Indian standards and is acceptable for structural purposes
in constructions. The samples of steel bars from source F2
Ltr Ltr1=20.19 Ltr2=21.12 Ltr=20.655 have average carbon content of 0.22%, manganese content of
0.5745%, phosphorous content of 0.049% and sulphur content
Str Str1=8.30 Str2=8.28 Str=8.29
of 0.0633%. Here the sulphur content is beyond 0.06% which
is totally unacceptable and is a case of rejection because
θ θ=77 θ=78 θ=77.5
increase in sulphur will increase the strength and hardness of
Table 11: Values of sample 2 from Mill1 3 the steel, and the same time will decrease the ductility and
thus making it brittle. More over the increase in sulphur also
Putting the values in (1) and (2), we get decreases the weldability of steel. The samples of steel bars
collected from source F3 have average carbon content of

IJERTV2IS80657 1511

International Journal of Engineering Research & Technology (IJERT)
ISSN: 2278-0181
Vol. 2 Issue 8, August - 2013
0.22%, manganese content of 0.484%, phosphorous content of 1. We should check that the steel manufacturer who has
0.069% and sulphur content of 0.045%. We see that supplied the TMT bar has proper and authentic
phosphorous content has exceeded the permissible limit of quenching and tempering technology.
0.06% which is accepted maximum up to the range of 0.063%, 2. Depending on the brand name ‘TMT’ one must
and this is also a case of rejection because increase in always check for the properties.
phosphorous too increases the strength and hardness of steel 3. We must ensure that the quenching and tempering
but decreases the ductility (thus making it brittle) and notch technology given to the steel manufacturer is through
impact toughness of steel. genuine and authorised firm.
4. By selecting the bars randomly test can be done at
Mean projected rib area the field itself. This will require filing the surface of
one end of the TMT bar using hand file. The worker
As per IS 1786:2008 mean projected rib area for 12mm bar engaged in the job everyday can easily recognise that
should not be less than 1.8 mm2/mm. the samples being tested the surface is hard or soft. Quenched bars have
from three sources F1, F2 and F3 have rib area above the surface harder than the bars which are not properly
standard. Thus we can say all the samples are acceptable as far treated.
as Mean projected area is considered. 5. We can ask for the license and check whether steel
manufacturer has the same for making TMT bars.
Macrostructure 6. A license from Bureau of Indian standard will be
more advantageous.
From the test results, the samples when subjected to
7. Finally, we can make random selection of the
macrostructure from three millers F1, F2 and F3 shows those
samples. First thing to do is to grind and polish the
samples from F1 and F2 are having uniform and concentric
cross section of each sample using grinder and then
hardened martenistic grain structure at the surface and fine
dip it in a solution of nitric acid and ethyl alcohol (4-
grained ferrite pearlite at the core as shown in the figures. And
9% nitric acid). After 2-3 minutes sample is taken out
the samples from source F3 cannot be considered at all
of the beaker and thus one can clearly see the
because it is not showing any macrostructure when subjected
macrostructure i.e tempered martensite at the
to nitrol solution. Hence these types of TMT bar should never
periphery and fine grained ferrite-pearlite at the core.
be used for structural applications.
This is an effective method to identify good quality
TMT bars.

Various physical and chemical tests, test for mean projected 1] C.K kankam, M. Adom-Asamoah/ Materials and Design
rib area and macrostructure conducted on TMT steel bars 23(2002) 537-545

shows that out of the three TMT steel manufacturers only one [2] Owens GW, Knowles PR. Steel designer’s manual.
miller exhibits all Blackwell Scientific Publications, 1992
properties as per IS 1786:2008. While TMT steels from other [3] DGS 527Specification for hot rolled steel bars for concrete
two millers failed due to either lower yield strength or reinforcement.
increase in sulphur and phosphorous content. Based on the [4] Pee kay steels and castings pvt limited.
experiments conducted to test the various properties of TMT [5] Your guide to civil engineering basics TMT bars.mht
steel bars we suggest the following ways to identify and detect
good quality TMT bars for structural applications.

IJERTV2IS80657 1512

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