Sayyid Qutb

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Sayyid Qutb is one of the great scholars known to the Egyptian community. He is a

figure who fought for Egypt to be free from western influence. In addition, he is also a

thinker who gave birth to many books, both about Islam, education and poetry. His most

famous work is Fi Zilal al-Qur'an or under the auspices of the Quran.

Sayyid's life journey ended when the government decided to impose the death

penalty. Sayyid was found involved in the assassination attempt on the head of state along

with a number of other members of the Muslim Brotherhood.

Sayyid was born on October 9, 1906 in a small village called Musha, Egypt. His

father was a landowner as well as a politician in his native land, and his mother was a civil

servant.Since childhood, Sayyid was familiar with the holy Koran. His mind was very critical

when he was growing up, he even criticized the pattern of religious teachings taught to priests

and their traditional life.

When he was 23 years old, Sayyid decided to go to Cairo to study. He attended a

British-run education. It was also in this city that he wrote and published the first book

entitled Ashwak, which means thorn. Two years after the end of the world war, Sayyid

decided to go to the United States and study at the Colorado State College of Education (now

the University of Northern Colorado). In this country, the idea of Islam is growing.

After two years of studying in Uncle Sam's country, Sayyid decided to return to

Egypt. US experience as allergic to western culture. This also prompted him to join the

Muslim Brotherhood in the early 1950s and decide to resign as a civil servant. One of his

most famous words was, "All will return to Allah when they die, but the most famous are

those who are close to Allah for the rest of their lives."
In July 1952, Sayyid supported the Free Officers Movement led by Gamal Abdel

Nasser to overthrow the king and replace it with a presidential system. During the coup,

Sayyid and Nasser were very close to a friend.

On several occasions, Nasser often visited Sayyid's house and was creative about the

revolution. This relationship made the Muslim Brotherhood hope that Nasser would give

birth to an Islamic one. However, this did not happen, because Nasser chose a secular

nationalist ideology that was very much at odds with the Muslim Brotherhood.

Importantly, Nasser prepared a secret agenda in it before taking office as president.

Sayyed realized this and decided to step down, but Nasser insisted that Sayyed stay in line by

offering him a job.

"We will give you any position you want in government, whether it's Minister of Education,

Minister of the Arts, or something else," Nasser said at the time.

However, the offers were rejected. Sayyed was upset that Nasser had let him down. Until one

day, Egypt was shocked by the news of the plan to assassinate Nasser by the Muslim


The revelation of the plan led Nasser to accuse all members of the Muslim

Brotherhood of being involved. As a result, Sayyed was hunted down by the military and

thrown into prison. The first three years of being eliminated, were very bad and underwent

various tests. And released in 1964.

Eight months after the Air Minister was released, on the orders of the Prime Minister

of Iraq, Abdul Salam Arif, Sayyed was again imprisoned on the same charges. During the

trial, he was given various charges until the court sentenced him to death. He finally died at

the gallows on August 29, 1966.


Sayyid Qutb merupakan salah satu ulama besar yang dikenal masyarakat Mesir

Perjalanan hidup Sayyid berakhir ketika pemerintah memutuskan untuk menjatuhkan

hukuman mati. Sayyid dilahirkan pada 9 Oktober 1906 di sebuah desa kecil bernama Musha,

Mesir. Sejak kecil, Sayyid sudah akrab dengan kitab suci Alquran. Pikirannya sangat kritis

ketika mulai beranjak dewasa, bahkan pernah mengritisi pola pengajaran agama yang

diajarkan untuk imam dan kehidupan tradisional mereka. Saat berusia 23 tahun, Sayyid

memutuskan berangkat ke Kairo untuk menimba ilmu Dua tahun setelah perang dunia

berakhir, Sayyid memutuskan berangkat ke Amerika Serikat dan kuliah di Colorado State

College of Education (sekarang University of Northern Colorado). Di negeri ini justru

pemikiran tentang Islam semakin berkembang. Setelah waktu selama dua tahun untuk belajar

di negeri Paman Sam, Sayyid memutuskan kembali ke Mesir. Pada Juli 1952, Sayyid

mendukung Gerakan Perwira Bebas yang dipimpin Gamal Abdel Nasser untuk menjatuhkan

raja dan menggantinya dengan sistem presidensial.

Keakraban antara naser dan sayyid dirusak karn penghianatan naser yang berambisi

sesat karna jabatan dan melengserkan sayyid yang dianggap mengundurkan diri dari

pendukung naseer sehingga sayyid dijatuhi hukuman mati. Namun idiologi Sayyit qutb masih

dipakai dalam pemerintahan hingga saat ini...

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