CAPE Chemistry U2 Lab - Thermometric Titration (SAMPLE)

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Topic: Thermometric Titration

Skill: ORR/MM/AI

Aim: To determine the concentration of a NaOH solution by thermometric titration, and to

determine a value for the molar enthalpy change of neutralization.

The thermometric titrations make use of ‘heats of reaction’ to obtain titration curves. In usual
practice, the temperature of the solution is plotted against the volume of titrant. Thermometric
titration is performed by allowing the titrant to flow from a thermostated-burette directly into a
solution contained in a thermally insulated vessel, and subsequently, the observed change in
temperature of the solution is recorded precisely either during continuous addition of titrant or
after every successive incremental addition. The end-point is aptly indicated by a sharp break in
the curve.

As the dielectric constant of a solvent exerts little effect on the thermometric titrations, the latter
may be employed effectively in most non-aqueous media. Hence, a broader-sense thermometric
titration may be utilized in a number of reactions with greater efficacy, for instance, in
complexation, precipitation, redox, neutralization. Further, TT can be used to titrate gases against
other gases devoid of a liquid-phase; and to titrate liquid solutions with gaseous reagents.

The standard enthalpy change of neutralization is the enthalpy change when solutions of an acid
and an alkali react together under standard conditions to produce 1 mole of water. Notice that
enthalpy change of neutralization is always measured per mole of water formed.

Materials and Apparatus:

eye protection (goggles), thermometer (0-100ºC), one insulated (polystyrene) cup, burette stand
and clamp, one-holed cork to fit thermometer (optional), pipette (20cm³ and 25cm³), pipette
safety filler, about 75cm³ of 2moldm⁻³ hydrochloric acid (IRRITANT), about 30cm³ of unknown
moldm⁻³ sodium hydroxide solution (CORROSIVE)

Diagram of Apparatus:
1. Stand an insulator cup in a beaker for support.
2. Fill the burette with HCl and record the initial burette reading.
3. Using a pipette and safety filler, transfer 20cm³ (or 25cm³) of the sodium hydroxide solution into
the cup, and measure the steady initial temperature.
4. Using the burette, add a small portion (3-5cm³) of dilute hydrochloric acid to the solution in the
cup, noting down the actual volume reading. Stir by swirling the cup and measure the highest
temperature reached.
5. Immediately add a second small portion of the dilute hydrochloric acid, stir, and again measure
the highest temperature and note down the volume reading.
6. Continue in this way until there are enough readings to decide the maximum temperature reached
during this experiment. You will need to add at least 30cm³ of the acid.
7. Record all measurements in a table.

Trials Burette Reading/cm³ Temperature/℃

1 0 29.9

2 3.1 33

3 6.0 36

4 9.6 38

5 12.6 40

6 15.4 41

7 20.1 43

8 25.2 44

9 27.0 42

10 31.2 40

11 36.2 39

12 39.0 37

13 42.2 37

14 45.4 36

15 48.0 35

Treatment of Results:
1. Plot a graph of temperature against the volume of acid added, and use an extrapolation of the two
sections of the graph to deduce the maximum temperature reached without heat loss.

- The maximum temperature reached without a temperature change is 44℃ and at this
point, 25.2cm³ of the acid was used up.

2. Use your results to calculate the concentration of the NaOH used.

- HCl + NaOH →NaCl + H₂O

∴, mole ratio is 1:1
For HCl,
2 mol →1000 cm³
𝑥 mol →75 cm³
So, 𝑥 = 150 molcm³ ÷ 1000 cm³ = 0.15 mol
If the # of mol of HCl is 0.15 mol, then the # of mol of NaOH is also 0.15 mol.
For NaOH,
𝑥 mol →dm³
0.15 mol →0.025 dm³
So, 𝑥 = 0.15 moldm³ ÷ 0.025 dm³ = 6 mol
∴, the concentration of NaOH is 6 moldm⁻³

3. Calculate the molar enthalpy change of neutralization from the equation.

- Mass of HCl = # of mol ×m.mass = 0.15mol ×36g/mol = 5.4g

Mass of NaOH = # of mol ×m.mass = 0.15mol ×40g/mol = 6g
Mass of sol = 5.4g + 6g = 11.4g

∆H = mc∆T = 0.0114kg ×4200J/kg℃ × (44℃ - 29.9℃)

= 675.108J
Molar heat of neutralization = ∆H ÷ # of mol = 675.108J ÷0.15mol
= 4200.72Jmol⁻¹

During the titration, a steady increase in temperature was observed in the solution. The
temperature peaked at 44℃ because at this point the solution had reached its point of
neutralization. This means that 25.2cm³ of the acid was required to neutralize the 25cm³ of
NaOH solution. The heat was being produced as a result of the positively charged ions reacting
vigorously with the negatively charged ions (Na⁺ reacting with Cl⁻ to form NaCl and H⁺ reacting
with OH⁻ to form H₂O) The temperature began to drop beyond this point because of heat being
lost to the surrounding environment (this is due to the exothermic nature of the reaction) and also
due to the fact that all the ions have been bonded to another oppositely charge ion.

Sources of Error:
➢ The different changes in room temperature because of the wind may have influenced the
temperature of the solution.
➢ Inaccuracies or faults in the measuring instruments may have affected the readings taken.

➢ Ensure to place a piece of cardboard over the top of the styrofoam cup so as to minimize
heat loss from the solution as much as possible.
➢ Take temperature readings as quickly as possible before heat is lost from the solution.

In this lab experiment, the concentration of the NaOH was found to be 6 moldm⁻³, and the molar
enthalpy change of neutralization was found to be 4200.72 Jmol⁻¹

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