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Manufacturer Name


1. Is the building constructed of materials, which resist unlawful entry and protect against outside
intrusion? Yes No

2. Is there secure perimeter fencing around buildings and warehouses? Yes No

3. Does facility interior have adequate lighting? Yes No

4. Does facility exterior have adequate lighting? Yes No

5. Does the lighting include the parking lot? Yes No

6. Is private vehicle parking separate from the shipping and loading area? Yes No

7. Are separate gates used for employees, visitors and trucks? Yes No

8. Were gates manned or monitored? Yes No

9. If a manned gatehouse is used, is it equipped with a communication system? Yes No

10. Is there CCTV cameras in place? Yes No

- If yes, do they cover interior areas? Yes No
- If yes, do they cover exterior areas?
- If yes, how long are the records kept?
- If yes, is the recording live? Yes No

11. Are locks installed on all windows? Yes No

12. Are locks installed on all doors? Yes No

13. Do the locking devices impede the employee’s ability to exit in case of emergency? Yes No

14. Is there an alarm system for theft? Yes No

15. Is there an alarm system for fire? Yes No

16. Is there a security process in place for the packing and loading area? Yes No


1. Did you observe an identification system for employees? Yes No

2. Did you observe the recording and identifying of all visitors? Yes No

Section II Certification, Page 28


3. Are the drivers segregated from other employees when they wait? Yes No

4. Are there unguarded entrances to the facility? Yes No

5. Is the password protection option active on all computer systems? Yes No

Data integrity must be maintained to protect data from unauthorized access or manipulation.


1. Is the packing area restricted to those employees assigned to work there? Yes No

2. Are there designated security personnel or devices in the packing area? Yes No

3. Are there designated security personnel or devices in the cargo area? Yes No

4. Did you observe cargo being loaded and sealed? Yes No

If yes, answer questions 5 through 9

5. Was a manager or supervisor responsible for overseeing the loading of cargo? Yes No

6. Were facilities available for the proper marking, weighing, counting and documenting of product?
Yes No

7. Is tamper proof tape used to secure boxes? Yes No

8. Were seals properly affixed and recorded? Yes No

9. Once loading is complete, is the cargo or sealed container stored in a segregated area? Yes No

10. Were there procedures for reporting the timely movement of incoming and outgoing freight? Yes No

11. Are storage areas secure? Yes No

12. Are empty containers inspected upon arrival? Yes No

13. Is there a process in place that documents physical inspections of your cargo? Yes No

14. Is the documentation verified to ensure accuracy? Yes No

15. Is the documentation reviewed from the point the cargo leaves the factory to the point of delivery at the
Container Freight Station, Airline, or Pier? Yes No

16. Is this documentation kept for 90 days? Yes No

17. Do you have documented tracking and monitoring procedures in place with your Foreign Inland Carriers (i.e.
Trucking Company, Rail Carrier, and Courier Service)? Yes No

18. Are preventative security measures taken with your Foreign Inland Carrier? Yes No

19. Does your Bill of Lading list PO numbers, carton amounts by PO, date of pick up, date of delivery,
Driver Signature, and Driver signature and point and date of delivery? (Circle all that apply)
Yes No

20. Are these procedures being randomly checked and verified for compliance and accuracy? Yes No

21. Is this documentation kept for 90 days? Yes No

Section II Certification, Page 28



1. Does the vendor conduct pre-employment screening? Yes No

2. Are there guards in the facility? Yes No

3. If yes, are the guards employed from an outside service? Yes No

4. Are individuals convicted of a serious crime restricted from the loading area? Yes No


1. Does the vendor have written security policies to guard against the insertion of illegal or
unauthorized material into a shipment? Yes No

2. Does the company have a security-training program for its employees? Yes No

Manufacturer Name

Name of Agent Reviewer Date of Review:

Manufacturer Name) Country

Designated vendor representative:

Completion date of items identified:

________________________________________________________________________________ _____ 2.

Section II Certification, Page 28

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