Manage and Develop The Team: Submission Details

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Assessment Task 2 BSBCUS501 Manage quality customer service

Manage and develop the team

Submission details

Student’s name Student no.

Assessor’s name

Assessment site

Assessment date/s

The assessment task is due on the date told to you by your assessor. Any changes to this
arrangement must be approved by your assessor in writing.
Submit this document with any required evidence attached. See specifications below for

Performance objective
The student will demonstrate/show the ability/skill to ensure delivery of quality service
through handling customer complaints, monitoring/checking team performance, and
intervening/taking action to develop team abilities to overcome difficulties in providing
quality customer service.

Assessment description
You will use scenario information (provided) to address customer service issues through:
● monitoring customer service team performance to identify causes of customer service
● addressing a complex /difficult customer complaint

● coaching an underperforming customer service employee in a role-play 1


Part A
1. Review the information about Innovative Widgets that you gathered in Assessment
Task 1 and in the Simulated Business document.

Role Play - the acting out or performance of a particular role, either consciously (in training) or

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Assessment Task 2 BSBCUS501 Manage quality customer service

2. Read the scenario provided in Appendix 1 of this task.

3. Review the customer service call data in Appendix 2 and analyse/review data to
identify possible causes of customer service shortfalls/losses.
4. Write a brief report (no more than 1 page) to the board of Innovative Widgets to:
a. Summarise/list customer service team performance
b. Identify/show possible causes of customer service shortfalls
c. Identify/show options/choices to address the problem/s.
This report is composed to discuss the exhibition of the group of client administration in
Innovative Widgets. There are different issues which are found inside the presentation of the
group of client support from the past not many long stretches of client care. The changed
reasons for client deficits are resolved during this report back to illuminate you about the
execution. Some of the answers for the matter happen additionally are decided during this.
Client care Team Performance: From the two or three years, the presentation of the group of
client care in Innovative Widgets has let down in light of the fact the clients are grumbling
about the practices of the staff. The client care's specialty isn't working inside the bearing of
the corporate's approach of offering continuous support to individuals or the client of the
organization. The administrations aren't as acceptable in light of the fact that the item's
conveyance is also not productive. The disappointment of the client are impacting client
faithfulness and that they deal with issues in keeping up relations with the corporate. Per the
customers, the help of the corporate has been postponed and not brief. This gives the matter to
the corporate in leftover on the arrangement of being quick on the administrations. The few
false impressions with the buyers are taken note inside the past couple of months which has
consequences for the relations with the buyers.
Causes to the Service Shortfalls: There are sure causes or the clarifications which are found
for the administration setbacks which are:
• Delivery of wrong item
• Misunderstanding among clients and representatives
• Unfollowing the strategies and accordingly the techniques of the corporate of being well
disposed to the buyers.
• The deferred administrations and answers to the buyers.
Answers for the issues: There are different alternatives through which the issues might be
distinguished and arrangements are regularly given to the issues happening inside the client
administration. These issues might be settled with the right preparing of the laborers. The
client reaction should be provided with greatness. The tolerance inside the clients should be
grown actually like the clients.

The differed arrangements could be:

• Proper preparing to the client assistance group to deal with the customers.
• Prompt answers on the phones or messages.
• Note the make a difference to stay away from errors.
• Note down the orders to stay away from wrong data of the request.

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Assessment Task 2 BSBCUS501 Manage quality customer service

• Prompt conveyance and accessibility of the items inside 3 days.

• Tracking framework should be introduced inside the organization for the Items.
5. Follow the customer complaints policy and procedures provided in Appendix 3 of this
task to draft an email to Yore Mine Co. to clear up the misunderstanding and address
their concerns. Ensure that your support of the customer provided is consistent/regular
with principles/values of customer service set out in the Innovative Widgets business
plan and the customer service plan you develop in Assessment Task 1.

From: ------------------

To: Yore Mine Co

CC: Department

Date: 10/06/2021

Subject: Clearing up the misconception

Dear Yore Mine Co.,

Most importantly, We apologize you that the gadgets bought from our site inside past
still have not gotten. This mainstream thing has sold more than we have in our stock
which is the motivation to be postponed. In spite of the fact that, we will get new
gadgets tomorrow and it will be straightforwardly sent it to you.
We comprehend that as a faithful client after you cause a deal you to hope to get your
item quickly and we might want to apologize you by and by.
Best Regards,

Part B
1. Prepare to participate in a role-play with Mary (your assessor) to address her
performance issues. You need to prepare to:
a. run structured coaching session
b. ask questions to understand and clarify/make clear Mary’s perspective/angle
c. describe the policy and procedures for handling customer complaints
d. outline techniques for dealing with different types of customers according to their
needs(e.g. dealing with small customers compared to dealing with significant
customers such as Yore Mine Co.)

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Assessment Task 2 BSBCUS501 Manage quality customer service

e. explain techniques for solving customer complaints

f. document the coaching session and its outcomes in accordance with the
recordkeeping policy and procedures developed in Assessment Task 1.
2. Arrange a time with the assessor to complete the coaching role-play and complete the
3. Submit the required documents for assessment as per the specifications below. Be sure
to keep a copy for your records.

Pretend with Jason

Me: hello, Jason

Jason: Good morning.

Me: How are you today? How have u been?

Jason: I am fine. Yet, not actually great since client assistance has been debasing as a result of

Me: I realize it causes you to feel terrible. This is the motivation behind why I called you
today. I might want to take part with my training plan. What do you think?

Jason: Can I? I love to.

Me: Nice to hear that. This instructing plan assists you with taking care of client grumblings.
And furthermore this strategy and methodology has been changed of late. Have you seen that?

Jason: No, I have not. Sorry for that. I truly had no an ideal opportunity to peruse it since our
colleague left.

Me: Well, it is OK. Presently, we will begin our instructing plan.

Training plan

Aphorism: Make our client assistance over and above anyone's expectations.

Representative name: Jason

Date: 10/06/2021

By: --------------------------


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Assessment Task 2 BSBCUS501 Manage quality customer service

Jason can improve her client assistance. We simply need to prepare her however much we

Improvement plan

1) He must know each update we have been finished. This data could assist her to take care of
issues with our customers.

2) He can close the choice by inquiring as to whether there's the rest he will do to help them.
This can assist him with understanding a far superior working and fix relationship Jason can
pick up the telephone expeditiously, also, utilize compelling organization abilities to affirm
opportune help and conveyance.

3) We need following assistance for our gadgets to convey until customer delivered.

Clarification of strategy and methodology.

1. He must be amiable and have the civility to welcome the client pleasantly

2. He should make sure to allow the client to specify what they require and the individual in
question ought to never attempt to intrude on the discussion and contend with the client.

3. He ought to make sure to apologize for what turned out badly with the assistance or then
again item. Being thoughtful might be a fundamental quality that client care ought to have.

You must:
● submit a customer service report

● submit an email to resolve a customer complaint

● participate in a coaching role-play observed by the assessor

● submit a coaching plan (Appendix 4).

Your assessor will be looking for you to demonstrate:

● reading skills to interpret/understand Innovative Widgets information

● writing skills to match your style of writing to the documents’ purpose and
audience/interested people
● communication skills to:

○ articulate/explain-express organisational systems and policies

○ use listening and questioning techniques to understand performance issues
● numeracy/mathematical skills to interpret customer service data

● work skills to:

○ apply Innovative Widgets organisational protocols to complaint resolution/fixing

up and coaching

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Assessment Task 2 BSBCUS501 Manage quality customer service

○ recognise and account for strengths and experience of others to achieve outcomes
○ provide support to team member
○ address complex/complicated difficulties using problem-solving techniques
● technology skills to prepare and present documents

● knowledge of organisational (Innovative Widgets) policy and procedures for handling

customer complaints
● knowledge of techniques for dealing with customers with specific needs

● knowledge of techniques for solving complaints.

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Assessment Task 2 BSBCUS501 Manage quality customer service

Appendix 1: Innovative Widgets scenario

You are a customer service manager. It is currently December, and over the last few months,
you have been receiving feedback from customers that customer service is just ‘not what it
used to be’. The board of Innovative Widgets has been made aware of the decrease in
customer service quality and wants to know what you’re going to do to fix the problem.
Mary is a member of your customer service team at Innovative Widgets. Her role is to receive
telephone enquiries and complaints.
You have observed the following:
● Mary has been rude to customers on several occasions. This behaviour contravenes
company policy on the knowledge of the importance of friendly service to customers of
Innovative Widgets.
● Mary has recently developed a habit of letting the phone ring and then placing
customers on hold. This behaviour contravenes company policy on the knowledge of
the importance of prompt service to customers of Innovative Widgets.
● Yesterday Mary received a complaint from a customer:

‘I work as a buyer for the state’s largest supplier of mining equipment, Yore Mine
Co. We provide a lot of business to Innovative Widgets.
I ordered 1,000 x 7 mm widgets for delivery last Friday. I was promised that the
delivery would arrive within three days. It’s now a week later and they still haven’t
arrived. My production manager just telephoned me to say he might fail to deliver a
major order unless the widgets arrive in the next four days.
A few weeks ago a consignment of widgets arrived from Innovative Widgets, but
they were 6 mm widgets rather than the 7 mm I had ordered on that occasion.
I am considering going to another supplier for your widgets even though Innovative
Widgets are the only Australian supplier. I could get them cheaper from China, but
the saving isn’t great when you add in the extra shipping costs.
I’m going to begin legal action if the widgets don’t arrive today. I might order the
widgets from China from now on.'

● Mary misunderstood and thought that the customer had ordered the products yesterday
and argued with him. She accused the customer of being unreasonable as Innovative
Widgets is an industry leader in guaranteeing three day delivery.
When the misunderstanding was eventually cleared up, Mary wasn’t sure how to track
orders or reorder the products. She said there was nothing she could do as Innovative
Widgets’ procedures didn’t seem to cover this issue.
As the customer service manager, you will need to write an email to Yore Mine Co. to clear
up the misunderstanding and address their concerns.
You will also need to demonstrate your knowledge of how to develop team members and
coach Mary to improve the quality of her customer service.

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Use the Innovative Widgets Complaints policy and procedures document in Appendix 3 of
this task to assist you.
The following is an excerpt from Innovative Widgets’ business plan.

Business plan excerpt

Vision statement
To keep every Australian business running smoothly using safe, quality widgets.

Mission statement
● Innovate/ Create new ways of manufacturing and testing widgets

● Deliver consistently/regulalry high-quality customer service internally and externally

● Keep Australian businesses buying Australian widgets through quality products and
second-to-none customer service
● Have the best safety record of any widget company.

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Assessment Task 2 BSBCUS501 Manage quality customer service

Appendix 2: Customer service data

Call Frequency per month

Jan Feb March April May June July Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec

Number of calls 1200 1150 1320 1300 1260 1320 1380 1350 1400 1480 1560 -

Variation in number of –2% –2% +3.5% –1.5% –0.5% +4% +4.5% +3.5% +7% +10% +12%
calls from previous year

Customer service staff

Employee Jan Feb March April May June July Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec

Supervisor John John John John John John John John John (Annua (Annua John
l leave) l leave)

Customer service officer Mia Mia Mia Mia Mia Mia Mia Mia Mia Mia Mia Mia

Customer service officer Nitin Nitin Nitin Nitin Nitin Nitin Nitin Nitin Nitin Nitin

Customer service officer Jonas Jonas Jonas Jonas Jonas Jonas Jonas Jonas Jonas Jonas Jonas Jonas

Customer service officer Taya Taya Taya


Customer service officer Mary Mary Mary


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Assessment Task 2 BSBCUS501 Manage quality customer service

Appendix 3: Complaints policy and procedures

Innovative Widgets
Complaints Policy and Procedure

Purpose The purpose of this policy is to ensure the management of complaints is

carried out consistently/ regularly and reliably fairly and transparently and
in accordance with organisational requirements.

Scope The scope of this policy covers the management of customer complaints
by employees and contractors of Innovative Widgets.

Resources The purpose of this policy is to ensure the management of complaints is

carried out consistently/ regularly and reliably fairly and transparently and
in accordance with organisational requirements.

Responsibility Responsibility for the implementation of this policy rests with employees
and management of Innovative Widgets with responsibility for managing
customer complaints.

Relevant ● Privacy Act 1988 (Cwlth)

legislation etc.
● Equal Opportunity Act 2010 (Vic)

● Competition and Consumer Act 2010 (Cwlth).

Updated/ 10/2011 – John Doe CFO


To manage complaints – customer service representatives

1. Greet the customer courteously/politely and give them your name.
2. Listen fully to what the customer is saying. Try to gather all the facts about the
complaint and jot/write them down. Ask questions and summarise what they are saying.
3. Never argue with the customer.
4. Apologise for any product fault or poor service. Be sympathetic/understanding. Ask if
the customer will allow us to send the faulty item to our quality department for testing.
5. When you have all the details about the complaint, ask the customer how they would
like it to be resolved/sorted out.
6. No product replacements are within all staff members’ authority.
7. All staff members can use their professional judgement and refund an additional 10%
of the value of the faulty product up to a maximum value of $25.

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1st edition version: 3
Assessment Task 2 BSBCUS501 Manage quality customer service

8. Complaints involving damage to other property are covered by our insurance. Help the
customer to complete the Claims Form and ask if the customer can obtain quotes for
9. All complaints involving injury must be referred to the Customer Service Manager.
Agree a suitable time for the Customer Service Manager to call the customer.
10. Any complaint that is not covered in the above procedures must be directed to the
Customer Service Manager. Agree a time for the Customer Service Manager to call the

To manage complex complaints – customer service manager

1. Once you are alerted to a complex customer complaint, gather all the available details
about the customer, and the problem being addressed.
2. Before contacting the customer, decide on what actions need to be taken to address the
a. At a system level (create systems/processes), to prevent similar problems
occurring in the future
b. For the specific/exact type customer who has made the complaint
3. Once you have identified actions to be taken, contact the customer as soon as possible.
4. In your customer contact:
a. Summarise/brief the facts and the problem as you understand it and make an
apology for the mistakes Innovative Widgets is responsible for.
b. describe what Innovative Widgets is going to do at a systems level to prevent or
minimise these types of mistakes for all customers in the future.
c. Describe what Innovative widgets is going to do to solve the customer’s specific
problem immediately
d. Describe when you will follow-up with the customer to see if their problem has
been resolved
e. Ask if there is anything else the customer needs to resolve the situation or repair
the relationship.

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1st edition version: 3
Assessment Task 2 BSBCUS501 Manage quality customer service

Appendix 4: Coaching plan template

Coaching phase Notes/questions/planning

Goal and What are your objectives with respect to leadership development
performance (for current or future leadership role)?
How does this fit with your career aspirations?
What specific areas of your leadership capability do you need /
want to develop?

Reality of actual How much of your time do you currently spend on leadership
performance responsibilities (as opposed to management or other activities)?
What leadership development have you undertaken in the past?
What impact did it have on your leadership capability?
What interests / motivates you to more into a new (or more
senior) leadership role?
What feedback have you had about your leadership capabilities in
the past?

Opportunities to What do you think the options are for your leadership
develop development?
Who could you talk to who might have encountered similar
What kinds of activities could you undertake to development
aspects of your leadership capabilities and / or explore your
interest / aptitude for such roles?
How clear are you on the time commitments involved in the
different types of leadership development activities?

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Assessment Task 2 BSBCUS501 Manage quality customer service

Willingness to In order to move things forward, what is the first step you need to
develop and take?
When are you going to do it?
What support do you need / want from me?
On a scale of 1 – 10 how committed are you to taking that action?

2015 Innovation and Business Industry Skills Council Ltd / Modified December 2020
1st edition version: 3

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