Public International Law Finals Reviewer 2013-10-08

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Primary Reference: Generally entails Usually collective in the

Lectures of ATTY. ANDRE PALACIOS individual responsibility sense that it attached
directly to the state, not
on its nationals
Secondary References:
Public International Law by Bernas, Cruz;
As to sources and application:
Supplementary Internet Sources
Philippine Law International Law
Part I Primary (mandatory) Primary/formal source
• Constitution and Statutes Conventions
Concepts • Jurisprudence • Custom
• EOs, AOs, IRRs, • General principles
Ordinances of law
Q: Does “International Law” qualify as law? • Treaties (PH is signatory)
Is it binding? Secondary (persuasive) Secondary source
source • Decisions of ICJ
Yes. It consists of binding rules • Law books and journals • Writings of highly
accepted as such by the community. • Treaties (PH not a qualified publicists
There are however, two views to reflect: • Restatements of the Law
Not a Law Qualified as Law • US Supreme Court
• There can be no law • States are usually decisions
binding sovereign bound by many rules Res judicata is observed Res judicata is
states not promulgated binding only to parties
• There is no • Social and specific case
international executive, interdependence (Sec.59 of ICJ
legislature and • Predominance of Statute)
judiciary general interest Stare decisis is applicable There is no stare
• No assured position • General respect for decisis being followed
identifying violations law because of
• Commonly disregarded possible consequence Q: Is Philippine law part of the international
of defiance legal system?
Not binding but merely Binding based on
persuasive. There are (positivist theory) belief Yes, Philippine law is part of
international that order and not chaos
international law especially if it contains
organizations such as is the governing
UN, ICJ, etc. but cannot principle of the world provisions giving greater or less validity to
bind states unless states where we live. the legislation of other states, for it has
give their consent. circumstantially the elements of international
Q: Are there similarities (or differences)
between Philippine law and International Definition of International Law
Law? International law consists of rules and principles
of general application dealing with the conduct
Philippine Law International Law of states and of international organizations and
Issued by political Not imposed but simply with their relations inter se, as well as with some
superior for observance adopted by states as a of their relations with persons, whether natural
of those who are under common rule of action or juridical. (Restatement of the Law)
its authority among themselves
Enactment is from a Derived from sources of Theories of International Law
lawmaking authority international law
Regulates the relations Applies to the relations
1. Command theory – (John Austin) law
of persons with the state inter se of states and
and its citizens other international
consists of commands originating from a
elsewhere persons sovereign backed up by threats of
Violations are redressed Violations are resolved sanction if disobeyed. (already
through local through state to state discredited)
administrative or judicial transactions



2. Consensual theory – international law and customary law are usually taken as
derives its binding force from the complementary with each other. A treaty is
consent of states. (however, many generally entered upon into for reasons of
binding rules are not derived from establishing a customary law. But a later
consent) dominant treaty may be taken as superior in repealing
a prior customary law.
3. Natural law theory – posits that law is
derived by reason from nature of man. Q: Are there rules of customary law that are
superior to treaties?
Monism and Dualism
Yes. When customary law has the
Monism – international law and domestic law status of jus cogens or peremptory norms,
belong to only one system of law with they are considered superior than any treaty
international law considered as superior to and custom.
domestic law.
Source of Law
Dualism – (pluralist theory, based on positivism) Historical (material) sense
domestic and international law are two different • Refers to a causal or historical influence
spheres of law. They would favor state law. explaining the factual existence of a
given rule of law at a given place and
Status of national law in the international time.
legal system Legal (formal) sense
National law provides for evidence of • Means the criteria under which a rule is
(international) customs and general principles accepted as valid in the given legal
which are authoritative sources of international system at issue.
Classification of Sources
Sources of International Law  Formal Sources – various processes
by which rules come into existence.
Q: How are rules of International Law • Legislation
created? • Treaty-Making
• Judicial Decision-Making
Rules of international law are created by • Practice of States
general practice of states.  Material Sources – identify what the
obligations are.
Q: How does one know what a particular rule • Treaties
of international law allows (or prohibits)? • State Practice
• Judicial Decisions
Look into subsidiary means and judicial • Writings of Jurists
decisions from highly qualified publicists. Section 38(1), Statute of the ICJ

Normally, sources of international law, The Court, whose function is to decide in accordance
with international law such disputes as are submitted to
to be enforceable, must be accepted by the it, shall apply:
majority of the family of nations. Treaties,
whether bilateral or multilateral, only takes a)International conventions, whether general or
effect inter se the parties thereto. If the particular, establishing rules expressly recognized
by the contesting states;
treaty is a stipulation of generally accepted
practice of nations, it forms part of b)International custom, as evidence of a general
customary law. If treaty is in conflict with practice accepted as law;
customary law based on peremptory norms
c)The general principles of law recognized by civilized
(jus cogens), the latter will prevail. nations;

Q: Is a treaty superior to customary law? d)... Judicial decisions and the teachings of the most
highly qualified publicists of the various nations, as
subsidiary means for the determination of rules of
Generally, NO, because they are equal law.”
in the hierarchy of international law. Treaties



• e.g. Treaties not yet in force; or

§ 102 ALI Restatement of the Law (Third) Resolutions of international
organizations or conferences which lack
(1) A rule of international law is one that has been
accepted as such by the international community of legally binding quality.
states. • Norms which are vague with respect to
a)in the form of customary law; their content or weak with respect to the
b)by international agreement; or
requirements of the obligation.
c)by derivation from general principles common to
the major legal systems of the world.
(2) Customary international law results from a general As confirmed by the ICJ in Nicaragua v. USA,
and consistent practice of states followed by them from
custom is constituted by two elements:
a sense of legal obligation.

(3) International agreements create law for the states (1) general practice (objective element);
parties thereto and may lead to the creation of and
customary international law when such agreements are
(2) opinio juris (subjective element).
intended for adherence by states generally and are in
fact widely accepted.
In the Continental Shelf case (Libya v. Malta),
(4) General principles common to the major legal the Court stated that the substance of customary
systems, even if not incorporated or reflected in
customary law or international agreement, may be
international law must be looked for primarily in
invoked as supplementary rules of international law the actual practice and opinio juris of States.
where appropriate.

Evidence of existence and content: “Consistency” & “Uniformity”

1. principal means (text of treaty and In the Asylum case (Colombia v. Peru), the ICJ
state practice) suggested that a customary rule must be based
2. subsidiary means (judicial decisions on “a constant and uniform usage.” The ICJ,
and teachings of highly qualified however, held:
“The facts... Disclose so much uncertainly and
contradiction, so much fluctuation and
Treaty discrepancy in the exercise of diplomatic
An international agreement concluded between asylum and in the official views expressed on
states in written form and governed by various occasions... that it is not possible to
international law, whether embodied in a single discern... any constant and uniform usage,
accepted as law.”
instrument or in two or more related instruments
and whatever its particular designation. (Art.
In other words, what prevented the formation of
2(1)(a), 1969 Vienna Convention on the Law of
a customary rule in the Asylum case was not
the absence of repetition, but the presence of
 Only the subjects of international law –
major inconsistencies in the practice.
States, international organizations, and
the other traditionally recognized entities
Major inconsistencies in the practice (i.e. a large
– can conclude treaties under
amount of practice which goes against the rule
international law.
in question) prevent the creation of a customary
 Excludes agreements between States
which are governed by municipal law
and agreements between States which
The ICJ also emphasized that a claimant State
are not intended to create legal relations
which seeks to rely on a customary rule must
at all.
prove that the rule has become binding on the
defendant State.
“Soft Law”
• Guidelines of conduct which are neither “The Court does not consider that, for a rule to
strictly binding norms of law, nor be established as customary, the
completely irrelevant political maxims, corresponding practice must be in absolutely
rigorous conformity with the rule. In order to
and operate in a grey zone between law deduce the existence of customary rules, the
and politics. Court deems it sufficient that the conduct of
States should, in general, be consistent with
such rules, and that instances of State conduct



inconsistent with a given rule should generally

have been treated as breaches of that rule, not
as indications of the recognition of a new
Examples of procedural & substantive Rules
rule.” (Nicaragua v. USA) from domestic law principles:
• Right to a Fair Hearing
In the Fisheries case (U.K. v. Norway), the ICJ • Dubio Pro Reo
noted that minor inconsistencies (i.e. a small • Denial of Justice
amount of practice which goes against the rule • Exhaustion of Local Remedies
in question) do not prevent the creation of a • Estoppel
customary rule, although in such cases the rule • Prescription
in question probably needs to be supported by a • Liability for Fault
large amount of practice in order to outweigh the
conflicting practice in question. Decision ex aequo et bono – a decision in
which equity overrides all other rules.
“Specially Affected States”
While a judge may not give a decision ex aequo et bono,
“A practice can be general even if it is not he/she can use equity to interpret or fill gaps in the law,
universally accepted; there is no precise formula even when there is no express authorization to do so.
to indicate how widespread a practice must be, The principle of equity is a general principle common to
but it should reflect wide acceptance among the national legal systems [See River Meuse case
(Netherlands v. Belgium)]
States particularly involved in the relevant
activity.” [The Restatement (Third)]
Treaty vs. Custom
“An indispensable requirement would be that A treaty, when it comes into force, overrides
within the period in question, short though it customary law as between the parties to the
might be, State practice, including that of treaty; one of the main reasons why States
States whose interests are specially affected,
should have been both extensive and
make treaties is because they regard relevant
uniform.” (North Sea Continental Shelf case) rules of customary international law as
In other words, customary law may emerge even
within a relatively short passage of time! On the other hand, treaties can come to an end
when the treaty is consistently ignored by one or
“Persistent Objector” more parties, with the acquiescence of the other
A State can be bound by the general practice of parties (“Desuetude”). This takes the form of
other States even against its wishes if it does the emergence of a new rule of customary law,
not protest against the emergence of the rule conflicting with the treaty.
and continues persistently to do so.
Hierarchy of Sources
The State must be sufficiently aware of the
emergence of the new practice and law.

“In any event, the... rule would appear to be

inapplicable against Norway, inasmuch as she
has always opposed any attempt to apply it to
the Norwegian coast.” (Fisheries case)

Opinio juris sive necessitatis

A conviction felt by States that a certain form of
conduct is required by international law. Treaties and Custom are of equal authority
• Motivated by a sense of legal duty, and • Lex posterior derogat legi priori
not simply by courtesy or comity. (a later law repeals an earlier law)
• Lex posterior generalis non derogat priori speciali
• Can be proved by pointing to an express (a later general law does not repeal an earlier special law)
acknowledgement of the obligation by • Lex specialis derogat legi generali
the States concerned, or by showing ( a special law repeals a general law)

that failure to act in the manner required

by the alleged rule has been General principles of law are subordinate to
condemned as illegal by other States treaties and custom as their main function is to
whose interests were affected. fill gaps in treaty law and customary law.



Judicial decisions and learned writings, as mere 3) National Liberation Movements

subsidiary means, are subordinate to the three 4) Individuals
(3) primary sources.
Q: How does an entity become a state?
“Jus Cogens”
Art. 53 of the Vienna Convention on the Law of In the Montevideo Convention of 1933 on Rights
Treaties provides: and Duties of States, the State as a person of
international law should possess the following
“A treaty is void if, at the time of its conclusion, it qualifications:
conflicts with a peremptory norm of general
international law. For the purposes of the present
(a) A permanent population
Convention, a peremptory norm of general international (b) A defined territory
law is a norm accepted and recognized by the (c) Government
international community of States as a whole as a norm (d) Capacity to enter into relations with
from which no derogation is permitted and which can be
modified only by a subsequent norm of general
other states
international law having the same character.” Entity must claim self determination to complete
the process.
“Obligations Erga Omnes”
Under the international law of reprisals, the Q: What are the fundamental rights of a
general rule is that only the directly injured State state?
is entitled to act against the violation of an
international obligation by another State. Rights of states
1. Self-defense
Obligations erga omnes are concerned with the 2. Independence
enforceability of norms of international law, the 3. Equality in law
violation of which is deemed to be an offense 4. Jurisdiction over its territory and
not only against the State directly affected by the persons and things therein
breach, but also against all members of the
international community. Q: What are the basic obligations of a state?

• In the Barcelona Traction case, the Duties of states

ICJ recognized the existence of norms 1. Non-intervention
which are “the concern of all States.” 2. Non-use of force
3. Pacific settlement of disputes
• In the East Timor case, the ICJ held: 4. Respect for human rights
“In the Court’s view, Portugal’s assertion 5. Other duties
that the right of peoples to self-
determination, as it evolved from the Recognition of states
Charter and from United Nations It’s act of acknowledging the capacity of an
practice, has an erga omnes character, entity to exercise rights belonging to statehood.
is irreproachable. The principle of self- The question of recognition of states had
determination of peoples has been become less predictable and more a matter of
recognized by the United Nations political discretion as a result of recent practice.
Charter and in the jurisprudence of the
Court...” Recognition of governments
It’s the act of acknowledging the capacity of an
entity to exercise powers of government of a
Subjects of International Law
Constitutive Theory of Statehood
Q: Do non-state entities (e.g., natural The constitutive theory of statehood defines a
persons) have rights under the “law of state as a person of international law if, and only
nations”? if, it is recognized as sovereign by other states.
This theory of recognition was developed in the
Yes. Other subjects of international law are: 19th century. Under it, a state was sovereign if
1) International organizations another sovereign state recognized it as such.
2) Insurgents Because of this, new states could not



immediately become part of the international other states. It should not be confused with
community or be bound by international law, and the Estrada doctrine. (Wikipedia)
recognized nations did not have to respect
international law in their dealings with them. Q: What is the difference between an inter-
(Wikipedia) governmental organization (IO) and an
international non-governmental organization
Declarative Theory of Statehood (NGO)?
By contrast, the "declarative" theory defines a
state as a person in international law if it meets An international organization is an
the following criteria: 1) a defined territory; 2) a organization that is set up by treaty
permanent population; 3) a government and 4) a (between and) among two or more states.
capacity to enter into relations with other states. NGO is set up by private persons.
According to declarative theory, an entity's
statehood is independent of its recognition by Q: How are inter-governmental organizations
other states. The declarative model was most created?
famously expressed in the 1933 Montevideo
Convention. (Wikipedia) The constituent document of
international organizations is a treaty. Thus,
Estrada Doctrine every IO is created by stipulations of parties
The doctrine that recognition of a government creating it.
should be based on its de facto existence, rather
than on its legitimacy. It is named after Don Q: Are ALL states bound to recognize the
Genero Estrada, the Mexican Secretary of personality of an inter-governmental
Foreign Affairs who in 1930 ordered that organization created by a group of states?
Mexican diplomats should issue no declarations
that amounted to a grant of recognition: he felt Generally NO. Only state members are
that this was an insulting practice and offended bound to recognize the personality of an
against the sovereignty of other nations. In 1980 IGO. However, the United Nations is an
the UK, USA, and many other states adopted exception. In the Advisory Opinion by ICJ
the Estrada doctrine. (Oxford Reference) (21 June 1971):

In other words, the Estrada Doctrine claims that In its advisory opinion on the question put by
the Security Council of the United Nations,
Mexico should not judge, positively or "What are the legal consequences for States of
negatively, the governments or changes in the continued presence of South Africa in
government of other nations, in that such action Namibia notwithstanding Security Council
would imply a breach to their sovereignty. In resolution 276 (1970)?", the Court was of
addition, this doctrine is based on the universally
by 13 votes to 2,
recognized principles of self- (1) that, the continued presence of South
determination and non-intervention, which are Africa in Namibia being illegal, South
considered essential for mutual respect Africa is under obligation to withdraw its
administration from Namibia immediately
and cooperation amongst nations. (Wikipedia) and thus put an end to its occupation of
the Territory;
Montevideo Convention by 11 votes to 4,
The state as a person of international law should (2) that States Members of the United Nations
are under obligation to recognize the
possess the following qualifications: (a) a illegality of South Africa's presence in
permanent population; (b) a defined territory; (c) Namibia and the invalidity of its acts on
government; and (d) capacity to enter into behalf of or concerning Namibia, and to
relations with the other states. refrain from any acts and in particular any
dealings with the Government of South
Africa implying recognition of the legality
Some have questioned whether these criteria of, or lending support or assistance to,
are sufficient, as they allow less-recognized such presence and administration;
entities like the Republic of China (Taiwan) to (3) that it is incumbent upon States which are
not Members of the United Nations to give
claim full status as states. According to the assistance, within the scope of
alternative constitutive theory of statehood, a subparagraph (2) above, in the action
state exists only insofar as it is recognized by which has been taken by the United
Nations with regard to Namibia.



International Law and Philippine Law

Q: Can a corporation which is organized and
existing under the domestic laws of a state
Q: Is International Law superior to the
have rights under international law?
Philippine Constitution? a Philippine
statute? a Philippine executive issuance?
Yes. Corporations organized under
domestic laws may be subjects of
It depends on the case brought about
international law. As such, rights may be
and which legal system they are brought. If
claimed and enforced.
the question is brought in the international
tribunal, international law will prevail over
United Nations (“objective personality”)
domestic law. If the dispute is brought
International personality of an international
before domestic courts, domestic law must
organization effective vis-à-vis all States, and
prevail over international law. This is
not simply Member States. The United Nations
consistent with the dualist theory adopted by
is the only international organization with
the Philippines.
objective international personality: ‘fifty
States, representing the vast majority of the
Q: How may one invoke rules of International
members of the international community [in
Law before a Philippine court?
1945], had the power, in conformity with
international law, to bring into being an entity
International law may be used in the
possessing objective international personality,
same manner as citing primary sources of
and not merely personality recognized by them
Philippine laws. It may be invoked by citing
alone P’: (Reparation for Injuries
treaties, customary law or general principles
Case 1949 I.C.J. Rep. 174 at 178) (Wikipedia)
of international law as written by highly
qualified publicists.
Principle of speciality
[P]rinciple of International law that is included in
Q: What are the Philippine rules on treaty-
most extradition treaties, whereby a person who
is extradited to a country to stand trial for certain
criminal offenses may be tried only for those
Philippine rules on treaty making are
offenses and not for any other pre-extradition
enunciated in the 1987 Constitution and
offenses. Once the asylum state extradites an
Executive Order No. 59 (1997). Treaty
individual to the requesting state under the
agreements shall have the concurrence of
terms of an extradition treaty, that person can be
2/3 of the Senate and ratification by the
prosecuted only for crimes specified in the
extradition request. This doctrine allows a nation
to require the requesting nation to limit
prosecution to declared offenses. US courts
have been divided on allowing standing to assert
Ichong v. Hernandez
the doctrine when the other nation has not
101 Phil. 1155 (1957)
explicitly or implicitly protested certain charges.
(Wikipedia) Another subordinate argument against the
validity of the law is the supposed violation
A person who has been brought within the thereby of the Charter of the United Nations
jurisdiction of the court by virtue of and of the Declaration of the Human Rights
proceedings under an extradition treaty, can adopted by the United Nations General
only be tried for one of the offences described Assembly. We find no merit in the Nations
in that treaty, and for the offence with which he Charter imposes no strict or legal obligations
is charged in the proceedings for his regarding the rights and freedom of their
extradition, until a reasonable time and subjects (Hans Kelsen, The Law of the United
opportunity have been given him, after his Nations, 1951 ed. pp. 29-32), and the
release or trial upon such charge, to return to Declaration of Human Rights contains nothing
the country from whose asylum he had been more than a mere recommendation or a
forcibly taken under those proceedings. United common standard of achievement for all
States v. Rauscher, 119 U.S. 407 (U.S. 1886) peoples and all nations (Id. p. 39.) That such is
the import of the United Nations Charter aid of
the Declaration of Human Rights can be
inferred the fact that members of the United
Nations Organizations, such as Norway and



Denmark, prohibit foreigners from engaging in agreements without previous legislative

retail trade, and in most nations of the world authority, he may not, by executive agreement,
laws against foreigners engaged in domestic enter into a transaction which is prohibited by
trade are adopted. statutes enacted prior thereto. Under the
Constitution, the main function of the
The Treaty of Amity between the Republic of Executive is to enforce laws enacted by
the Philippines and the Republic of China of Congress. The former may not interfere in the
April 18, 1947 is also claimed to be violated by performance of the legislative powers of the
the law in question. All that the treaty latter, except in the exercise of his veto power.
guarantees is equality of treatment to the He may not defeat legislative enactments that
Chinese nationals "upon the same terms as have acquired the status of law, by indirectly
the nationals of any other country." But the repealing the same through an executive
nationals of China are not discriminating agreement providing for the performance of
against because nationals of all other the very act prohibited by said laws.
countries, except those of the United States,
who are granted special rights by the The American theory to the effect that, in the
Constitution, are all prohibited from engaging event of conflict between a treaty and a
in the retail trade. But even supposing that the statute, the one which is latest in point of time
law infringes upon the said treaty, the treaty is shall prevail, is not applicable to the case at
always subject to qualification or amendment bar, for respondents not only admit, but, also
by a subsequent law (U. S. vs. Thompson, 258, insist that the contracts adverted to are not
Fed. 257, 260), and the same may never curtail treaties. Said theory may be justified upon the
or restrict the scope of the police power of the ground that treaties to which the United States
State (plaston vs. Pennsylvania, 58 L. ed. 539.) is signatory require the advice and consent of
its Senate, and, hence, of a branch of the
legislative department. No such justification
Gonzales v. Hechanova can be given as regards executive agreements
9 SCRA 230 (1963) not authorized by previous legislation, without
completely upsetting the principle of
It is [lastly] contended that the Government of separation of powers and the system of
the Philippines has already entered into two (2) checks and balances which are fundamental in
contracts for the Purchase of rice, one with the our constitutional set up and that of the United
Republic of Vietnam, and another with the States.
Government of Burma; that these contracts
constitute valid executive agreements under As regards the question whether an
international law; that such agreements international agreement may be invalidated by
became binding effective upon the signing our courts, suffice it to say that the
thereof by representatives the parties thereto; Constitution of the Philippines has clearly
that in case of conflict between Republic Acts settled it in the affirmative, by providing, in
Nos. 2207 and 3452 on the one hand, and Section 2 of Article VIII thereof, that the
aforementioned contracts, on the other, the Supreme Court may not be deprived "of its
latter should prevail, because, if a treaty and a jurisdiction to review, revise, reverse, modify,
statute are inconsistent with each other, the or affirm on appeal, certiorari, or writ of error
conflict must be resolved — under the as the law or the rules of court may provide,
American jurisprudence — in favor of the one final judgments and decrees of inferior courts
which is latest in point of time; that petitioner in — (1) All cases in which the constitutionality
herein assails the validity of acts of the or validity of any treaty, law, ordinance, or
Executive relative to foreign relations in the executive order or regulation is in question". In
conduct of which the Supreme Court cannot other words, our Constitution authorizes the
interfere; and the aforementioned contracts nullification of a treaty, not only when it
have already been consummated, the conflicts with the fundamental law, but, also,
Government of the Philippines having already when it runs counter to an act of Congress.
paid the price of the rice involved therein
through irrevocable letters of credit in favor of
the sell of the said commodity. We find no
Tanada v. Angara,
merit in this pretense. G.R. No. 118295, May 2, 1997

The Court is not satisfied that the status of Third issue (WTO Agreement and Legislative
said tracts as alleged executive agreements Power)
has been sufficiently established. The parties The Constitution has not really shown any
to said contracts do not pear to have regarded unbalanced bias in favor of any business or
the same as executive agreements. But, even enterprise, nor does it contain any specific
assuming that said contracts may properly pronouncement that Filipino companies
considered as executive agreements, the same should be pampered with a total proscription
are unlawful, as well as null and void, from a of foreign competition. On the other hand,
constitutional viewpoint, said agreements respondents claim that WTO/GATT aims to
being inconsistent with the provisions of make available to the Filipino consumer the
Republic Acts Nos. 2207 and 3452. Although best goods and services obtainable anywhere
the President may, under the American in the world at the most reasonable prices.
constitutional system enter into executive Consequently, the question boils down to



whether WTO/GATT will favor the general and police power. The underlying
welfare of the public at large. consideration in this partial surrender of
sovereignty is the reciprocal commitment of
This Court notes and appreciates the ferocity the other contracting states in granting the
and passion by which petitioners stressed same privilege and immunities to the
their arguments on this issue. However, while Philippines, its officials and its citizens. The
sovereignty has traditionally been deemed same reciprocity characterizes the Philippine
absolute and all-encompassing on the commitments under WTO-GATT.
domestic level, it is however subject to
restrictions and limitations voluntarily agreed
to by the Philippines, expressly or impliedly,
Treaty-making under Philippine law
as a member of the family of nations.
Unquestionably, the Constitution did not EXECUTIVE ORDER NO. 459
envision a hermit-type isolation of the country PROVIDING FOR THE GUIDELINES
from the rest of the world. In its Declaration of IN THE NEGOTIATION OF INTERNATIONAL
Principles and State Policies, the Constitution AGREEMENTS AND ITS RATIFICATION
"adopts the generally accepted principles of
international law as part of the law of the land, WHEREAS, the negotiations of international agreements are
and adheres to the policy of peace, equality, made in pursuance of the foreign policy of the country;
justice, freedom, cooperation and amity, with
all nations." By the doctrine of incorporation, WHEREAS, Executive Order No. 292, otherwise known as
the country is bound by generally accepted the Administrative Code of 1987, provides that the
principles of international law, which are Department of Foreign Affairs shall be the lead agency that
considered to be automatically part of our own shall advise and assist the President in planning,
laws. One of the oldest and most fundamental organizing, directing, coordinating and evaluating the total
rules in international law is pacta sunt national effort in the field of foreign relations;
servanda — international agreements must be
performed in good faith. "A treaty engagement WHEREAS, Executive Order No. 292 further provides that
is not a mere moral obligation but creates a the Department of Foreign Affairs shall negotiate treaties
legally binding obligation on the parties . . . A and other agreements pursuant to the instructions of the
state which has contracted valid international President, and in coordination with other government
obligations is bound to make in its legislations agencies;
such modifications as may be necessary to
ensure the fulfillment of the obligations WHEREAS, there is a need to establish guidelines to govern
undertaken." the negotiation and ratification of international agreements
by the different agencies of the government;
By their inherent nature, treaties really limit or
restrict the absoluteness of sovereignty. By NOW, THEREFORE, I, FIDEL V. RAMOS, President of the
their voluntary act, nations may surrender Philippines, by virtue of the powers vested in me by the
some aspects of their state power in exchange Constitution, do hereby order:
for greater benefits granted by or derived from
a convention or pact. After all, states, like SECTION 1. Declaration of Policy. — It is hereby declared
individuals, live with coequals, and in pursuit the policy of the State that the negotiations of all treaties and
of mutually covenanted objectives and executive agreements, or any amendment thereto, shall be
benefits, they also commonly agree to limit the coordinated with, and made only with the participation of, the
exercise of their otherwise absolute rights. Department of Foreign Affairs in accordance with Executive
Thus, treaties have been used to record Order No. 292. It is also declared the policy of the State that
agreements between States concerning such the composition of any Philippine negotiation panel and the
widely diverse matters as, for example, the designation of the chairman thereof shall be made in
lease of naval bases, the sale or cession of coordination with the Department of Foreign Affairs.
territory, the termination of war, the regulation
of conduct of hostilities, the formation of SECTION 2. Definition of Terms. —
alliances, the regulation of commercial a. International agreement — shall refer to a contract
relations, the settling of claims, the laying or understanding, regardless of nomenclature,
down of rules governing conduct in peace and entered into between the Philippines and another
the establishment of international government in written form and governed by
organizations. The sovereignty of a state international law, whether embodied in a single
therefore cannot in fact and in reality be instrument or in two or more related instruments.
considered absolute. Certain restrictions enter b. Treaties — international agreements entered into
into the picture: (1) limitations imposed by the by the Philippines which require legislative
very nature of membership in the family of concurrence after executive ratification. This term
nations and (2) limitations imposed by treaty may include compacts like conventions,
stipulations. As aptly put by John F. Kennedy, declarations, covenants and acts.
"Today, no nation can build its destiny alone. c. Executive Agreements — similar to treaties except
The age of self-sufficient nationalism is over. that they do not require legislative concurrence.
The age of interdependence is here." d. Full Powers — authority granted by a Head of
State or Government to a delegation head
[In the foregoing treaties] the Philippines has enabling the latter to bind his country to the
effectively agreed to limit the exercise of its commitments made in the negotiations to be
sovereign powers of taxation, eminent domain pursued.



e. National Interest — advantage or enhanced the concerned agencies, shall determine whether
prestige or benefit to the country as defined by its a treaty or an executive agreement, or any
political and/or administrative leadership. amendment thereto, shall be given provisional
f. Provisional Effect — recognition by one or both effect.
sides of the negotiation process that an agreement
be considered in force pending compliance with SECTION 7. Domestic Requirements for the Entry into Force
domestic requirements for the effectivity of the of a Treaty or an Executive Agreement. — The domestic
agreement. requirements for the entry into force of a treaty or an
executive agreement, or any amendment thereto, shall be as
SECTION 3. Authority to Negotiate. — Prior to any follows:
international meeting or negotiation of a treaty or executive A. Executive Agreements.
agreement, authorization must be secured by the lead i. All executive agreements shall be transmitted
agency from the President through the Secretary of Foreign to the Department of Foreign Affairs after
Affairs. The request for authorization shall be in writing, their signing for the preparation of the
proposing the composition of the Philippine delegation and ratification papers. The transmittal shall
recommending the range of positions to be taken by that include the highlights of the agreements and
delegation. In case of negotiations of agreements, changes the benefits which will accrue to the
of national policy or those involving international Philippines arising from them.
arrangements of a permanent character entered into in the ii. The Department of Foreign Affairs, pursuant
name of the Government of the Republic of the Philippines, to the endorsement by the concerned
the authorization shall be in the form of Full Powers and agency, shall transmit the agreements to the
formal instructions. In cases of other agreements, a written President of the Philippines for his ratification.
authorization from the President shall be sufficient. The original signed instrument of ratification
shall then be returned to the Department of
SECTION 4. Full Powers. — The issuance of Full Powers Foreign Affairs for appropriate action.
shall be made by the President of the Philippines who may B. Treaties.
delegate this function to the Secretary of Foreign Affairs. i. All treaties, regardless of their designation,
shall comply with the requirements provided
The following persons, however, shall not require Full in sub‐paragraph 1 and 2, item A (Executive
Powers prior to negotiating or signing Agreements) of this Section. In addition, the
a treaty or an executive agreement, or any amendment Department of Foreign Affairs shall submit
thereto, by virtue of the nature of their the treaties to the Senate of the Philippines
functions: for concurrence in the ratification by the
a. Secretary of Foreign Affairs; President. A certified true copy of the treaties,
b. Heads of Philippine diplomatic missions, for the in such numbers as may be required by the
purpose of adopting the text of a treaty or an Senate, together with a certified true copy of
agreement between the Philippines and the State the ratification instrument, shall accompany
to which they are accredited; the submission of the treaties to the Senate.
c. Representatives accredited by the Philippines to ii. Upon receipt of the concurrence by the
an international conference or to an international Senate, the Department of Foreign Affairs
organization or one of its organs, for the purpose shall comply with the provision of the treaties
of adopting the text of a treaty in that conference, in effecting their entry into force.
organization or organ.
SECTION 8. Notice to Concerned Agencies. — The
SECTION 5. Negotiations. — Department of Foreign Affairs shall inform the concerned
a. In cases involving negotiations of agreements, the agencies of the entry into force of the agreement.
composition of the Philippine panel or delegation
shall be determined by the President upon the SECTION 9. Determination of the Nature of the Agreement.
recommendation of the Secretary of Foreign — The Department of Foreign Affairs shall determine
Affairs and the lead agency if it is not the whether an agreement is an executive agreement or a
Department of Foreign Affairs. treaty.
b. The lead agency in the negotiation of a treaty or
an executive agreement, or any amendment SECTION 10. Separability Clause. — If, for any reason, any
thereto, shall convene a meeting of the panel part or provision of this Order shall be held unconstitutional
members prior to the commencement of any or invalid, other parts or provisions hereof which are not
negotiations for the purpose of establishing the affected thereby shall continue to be in full force and effect.
parameters of the negotiating position of the
panel. No deviation from the agreed parameters SECTION 11. Repealing Clause. — All executive orders,
shall be made without prior consultations with the proclamations, memorandum orders or memorandum
members of the negotiating panel. circulars inconsistent herewith are hereby repealed or
modified accordingly.
SECTION 6. Entry into Force and Provisional Application of
Treaties and Executive Agreements. — SECTION 12. Effectivity. — This Executive Order shall take
a. A treaty or an executive agreement enters into effect immediately upon its approval.
force upon compliance with the domestic
requirements stated in this Order. DONE in the City of Manila, this 25th day of November, in
b. No treaty or executive agreement shall be given the year of Our Lord, Nineteen Hundred and Ninety‐Seven.
provisional effect unless it is shown that a pressing
national interest will be upheld thereby. The
Department of Foreign Affairs, in consultation with



Pimentel v. Office of the Executive Secretary, interests. It is for this reason that most
treaties are made subject to the scrutiny
G.R. No. 158088, July 6, 2005 and consent of a department of the
government other than that which
The case is about a petition negotiated them.
for mandamus filed by Pimentel et al. to
compel the Office of the Executive Secretary xxx
and the Department of Foreign Affairs to
transmit the signed copy of the Rome Statute The last step in the treaty-making process
of the International Criminal Court to the is the exchange of the instruments of
Senate of the Philippines for its concurrence in ratification, which usually also signifies
accordance with Section 21, Article VII of the the effectivity of the treaty unless a
1987 Constitution. different date has been agreed upon by
the parties. Where ratification is
Justice Isagani Cruz, in his book on dispensed with and no effectivity clause is
International Law, describes the treaty-making embodied in the treaty, the instrument is
process in this wise: deemed effective upon its signature.
The usual steps in the treaty-making Petitioners’ submission that the Philippines is
process are: negotiation, signature, bound under treaty law and international law to
ratification, and exchange of the ratify the treaty which it has signed is without
instruments of ratification. The treaty may basis. The signature does not signify the final
then be submitted for registration and consent of the state to the treaty. It is the
publication under the U.N. Charter, ratification that binds the state to the
although this step is not essential to the provisions thereof. In fact, the Rome Statute
validity of the agreement as between the itself requires that the signature of the
parties. representatives of the states be subject to
ratification, acceptance or approval of the
Negotiation may be undertaken signatory states. Ratification is the act by
directly by the head of state but he now which the provisions of a treaty are formally
usually assigns this task to his authorized confirmed and approved by a State. By
representatives. These representatives ratifying a treaty signed in its behalf, a state
are provided with credentials known as expresses its willingness to be bound by the
full powers, which they exhibit to the provisions of such treaty. After the treaty is
other negotiators at the start of the formal signed by the state’s representative, the
discussions. It is standard practice for President, being accountable to the people, is
one of the parties to submit a draft of the burdened with the responsibility and the duty
proposed treaty which, together with the to carefully study the contents of the treaty
counter-proposals, becomes the basis of and ensure that they are not inimical to the
the subsequent negotiations. The interest of the state and its people. Thus, the
negotiations may be brief or protracted, President has the discretion even after the
depending on the issues involved, and signing of the treaty by the Philippine
may even “collapse” in case the parties representative whether or not to ratify the
are unable to come to an agreement on same. The Vienna Convention on the Law of
the points under consideration. Treaties does not contemplate to defeat or
even restrain this power of the head of states.
If and when the negotiators finally If that were so, the requirement of ratification
decide on the terms of the treaty, the of treaties would be pointless and futile. It has
same is opened for signature. This step is been held that a state has no legal or even
primarily intended as a means of moral duty to ratify a treaty which has been
authenticating the instrument and for the signed by its plenipotentiaries. There is no
purpose of symbolizing the good faith of legal obligation to ratify a treaty, but it goes
the parties; but, significantly, it does not without saying that the refusal must be based
indicate the final consent of the state in on substantial grounds and not on superficial
cases where ratification of the treaty is or whimsical reasons. Otherwise, the other
required. The document is ordinarily state would be justified in taking offense.
signed in accordance with the alternat,
that is, each of the several negotiators is It should be emphasized that under our
allowed to sign first on the copy which he Constitution, the power to ratify is vested in
will bring home to his own state. the President, subject to the concurrence of
the Senate. The role of the Senate, however, is
Ratification, which is the next step, limited only to giving or withholding its
is the formal act by which a state confirms consent, or concurrence, to the ratification.
and accepts the provisions of a treaty Hence, it is within the authority of the
concluded by its representatives. The President to refuse to submit a treaty to the
purpose of ratification is to enable the Senate or, having secured its consent for its
contracting states to examine the treaty ratification, refuse to ratify it. Although the
more closely and to give them an refusal of a state to ratify a treaty which has
opportunity to refuse to be bound by it been signed in its behalf is a serious step that
should they find it inimical to their should not be taken lightly, such decision is



within the competence of the President alone, VCLT EO 459

which cannot be encroached by this international agreement International
Court via a writ of mandamus. This Court has
concluded between two agreements entered by
no jurisdiction over actions seeking to enjoin
the President in the performance of his official states in written form the Philippines which
duties. The Court, therefore, cannot issue the governed by international requires legislative
writ of mandamus prayed for by the petitioners law whether embodied in concurrence and
as it is beyond its jurisdiction to compel the a single instrument or in executive ratification.
executive branch of the government to two or more related This term may include
transmit the signed text of Rome Statute to the instrument and whatever compacts like
Senate. its particular designation conventions,
declarations, covenants
and acts.

VCLT definition is broader in scope; EO

Philippine Constitution, Art. II, Sec. 2
459 requires concurrence.
The Philippines renounces war as an instrument
of national policy, adopts the generally accepted
Q: May an individual enter into a treaty?
principles of international law as part of the law
of the land and adheres to the policy of peace,
NO. Only states can enter into treaties.
equality, justice, freedom, cooperation, and
This is clear in the definition of the Vienna
amity with all nations.
Convention on the Law of Treaties.
Philippine Constitution, Art. VII, Sec. 21
Q: What are the stages in the treaty making
No treaty or international agreement shall be
valid and effective unless concurred in by at
least two-thirds of all the Members of the
1. Authorization, "full powers" required
[except: heads of state/ government or
DFA Secretary, head of diplomatic
Philippine Constitution, Art. VIII, Sec. 5(2)(a)
missions / ambassadors (adopting text),
(2) Review, revise, reverse, modify, or
representative to international
affirm on appeal or certiorari, as the law
or the Rules of Court may provide, final
2. Negotiation
judgments and orders of lower courts in:
3. Adoption and authentication of text
(a) All cases in which the
4. Expression of Consent to be bound
constitutionality or validity of any
5. Entry into force
treaty, international or executive
agreement, law, presidential decree,
Q: What is the difference between a
proclamation, order, instruction,
signatory to a treaty and a party to a treaty?
ordinance, or regulation is in
Signatory - means having the authority
to enter into an agreement, but still subject
to ratification.
Part II
SUBSTANCE OF INTERNATIONAL LAW Party - a state which has consented to
be bound by the treaty and from which the
Law of Treaties treaty is enforced.

Q: Is a state bound by a treaty to which it is a Q: Can a treaty be invalidated? Or

party? Or one to which it is not a party? terminated? Is there a difference between the
Generally NO, but a NON-party may
take obligation by accepting/signing it. Yes. Yes. Yes. The main difference is
that in invalidity, the grounds are present
Q: Compare the definition of “treaty” in VCLT before perfection of treaty, while termination
and in Executive Order No. 459. Which may be accomplished by subsequent action
definition is broader? of the parties.



Pacta sunt servanda - (obligation of) treaties Article 33

Interpretation of treaties authenticated in two or more
must be complied with in good faith; based on
consensual theory 1. When a treaty has been authenticated in two or
more languages, the text is equally authoritative in
VCLT definition of “treaty” each language, unless the treaty provides or the
parties agree that, in case of divergence, a
International agreement concluded between two particular text shall prevail.
states in written form governed by international 2. A version of the treaty in a language other than
law whether embodied in a single instrument or one of those in which the text was authenticated
in two or more related instrument and whatever shall be considered an authentic text only if the
treaty so provides or the parties so agree.
its particular designation. (see also the
3. The terms of the treaty are presumed to have the
comparison table on p.12) same meaning in each authentic text.
4. Except where a particular text prevails in
Interpretation of Treaties accordance with paragraph 1, when a comparison
of the authentic texts discloses a difference of
G-ood faith in accordance with the O-rdinary
meaning which the application of articles 31 and
meaning given to the terms of the treaty in their 32 does not remove, the meaning which best
C-ontext and in light of its O-bject and purpose. reconciles the texts, having regard to the object
(G-O-C-O) and purpose of the treaty, shall be adopted.

VCLT (1969) Invalidity of treaties

Article 31 (a) error of fact
General rule of interpretation (b) corruption
1. A treaty shall be interpreted in good faith in
accordance with the ordinary meaning to be
(c) duress/coercion
given to the terms of the treaty in their context (d) violation of jus cogens
and in the light of its object and purpose.
Termination of treaties
2. The context for the purpose of the interpretation of
(a) material breach
a treaty shall comprise, in addition to the text,
including its preamble and annexes: (b) supervening impossibility of
(a) any agreement relating to the treaty which performance
was made between all the parties in (c) fundamental change of circumstances
connection with the conclusion of the treaty;
(rebus sic stantibus)
(b) any instrument which was made by one or
more parties in connection with the
conclusion of the treaty and accepted by the Cases:
other parties as an instrument related to the
BAYAN v. Zamora,
3. There shall be taken into account, together with G.R. No. 138570, October 10, 2000
the context:
(a) any subsequent agreement between the (VFA as a treaty in international law)
parties regarding the interpretation of the
treaty or the application of its provisions; This Court is of the firm view that the
(b) any subsequent practice in the application of phrase “recognized as a treaty” means that the
the treaty which establishes the agreement of other contracting party accepts or
the parties regarding its interpretation; acknowledges the agreement as a treaty. To
(c) any relevant rules of international law require the other contracting state, the United
applicable in the relations between the States of America in this case, to submit the
parties. VFA to the United States Senate for
4. A special meaning shall be given to a term if it is concurrence pursuant to its Constitution, is to
established that the parties so intended. accord strict meaning to the phrase.

Article 32 Well-entrenched is the principle that the words

Supplementary means of interpretation used in the Constitution are to be given their
Recourse may be had to supplementary means of ordinary meaning except where technical
interpretation, including the preparatory work of the treaty terms are employed, in which case the
and the circumstances of its conclusion, in order to confirm significance thus attached to them prevails. Its
the meaning resulting from the application of article 31, or to language should be understood in the sense
determine the meaning when the interpretation according to they have in common use.
article 31:
(a) leaves the meaning ambiguous or obscure; or Moreover, it is inconsequential whether the
(b) leads to a result which is manifestly absurd or United States treats the VFA only as an
unreasonable. executive agreement because, under
international law, an executive agreement is as
binding as a treaty. To be sure, as long as the



VFA possesses the elements of an agreement subjects of another State due to the
under international law, the said agreement is recognition of extraterritorial immunity given
to be taken equally as a treaty. to such bodies as visiting foreign armed
A treaty, as defined by the Vienna Convention forces.
on the Law of Treaties, is “an international
instrument concluded between States in Nothing in the Constitution prohibits such
written form and governed by international agreements recognizing immunity from
law, whether embodied in a single instrument jurisdiction or some aspects of jurisdiction
or in two or more related instruments, and (such as custody), in relation to long-
whatever its particular designation.” There are recognized subjects of such immunity like
many other terms used for a treaty or Heads of State, diplomats and members of the
international agreement, some of which are: armed forces contingents of a foreign State
act, protocol, agreement, compromis d’ allowed to enter another State’s territory. On
arbitrage, concordat, convention, declaration, the contrary, the Constitution states that
exchange of notes, pact, statute, charter the Philippines adopts the generally accepted
and modus vivendi. All writers, from Hugo principles of international law as part of the
Grotius onward, have pointed out that the law of the land. (Art. II, Sec. 2).
names or titles of international agreements
included under the general term treaty have xxx
little or no legal significance. Certain terms are
useful, but they furnish little more than mere It is clear that the parties to the VFA
description. recognized the difference between custody
during the trial and detention after conviction,
Article 2(2) of the Vienna Convention provides because they provided for a specific
that “the provisions of paragraph 1 regarding arrangement to cover detention. And this
the use of terms in the present Convention are specific arrangement clearly states not only
without prejudice to the use of those terms, or that the detention shall be carried out in
to the meanings which may be given to them in facilities agreed on by authorities of both
the internal law of the State.” parties, but also that the detention shall be “by
Philippine authorities.” Therefore, the
Thus, in international law, there is no Romulo-Kenney Agreements of December 19
difference between treaties and executive and 22, 2006, which are agreements on the
agreements in their binding effect upon states detention of the accused in the United
concerned, as long as the negotiating States Embassy, are not in accord with the
functionaries have remained within their VFA itself because such detention is not “by
powers. International law continues to make Philippine authorities.”
no distinction between treaties and executive
agreements: they are equally binding Respondents should therefore comply with the
obligations upon nations. VFA and negotiate with representatives of
the United States towards an agreement on
detention facilities under Philippine authorities
Nicolas v. Romulo, as mandated by Art. V, Sec. 10 of the VFA.
G.R. No. 175888, February 11, 2009
End of Topic for Midterm Purposes
[These are petitions for certiorari, etc. as special civil actions
and/or for review of the Decision of the Court of Appeals
in Lance Corporal Daniel J. Smith v. Hon. Benjamin T.
Pozon, et al., in CA-G.R. SP No. 97212, dated January 2,
Law of the Sea

The rule in international law is that a foreign Q: How are international rules of the sea
armed forces allowed to enter one’s territory is created?
immune from local jurisdiction, except to the
extent agreed upon. The Status of Forces
Agreements involving foreign military units They are created by treaties and
around the world vary in terms and conditions, customs. The latest was the Convention of
according to the situation of the parties the Law of the Sea (LOS) of 1982 whose
involved, and reflect their bargaining
power. But the principle remains, i.e., the provisions are a repetition of earlier
receiving State can exercise jurisdiction over convention law (Geneva Conventions 1958,
the forces of the sending State only to the 1960) or a codification of customary law,
extent agreed upon by the parties. with matters not regulated is governed by
As a result, the situation involved is not one in the principles of international law.
which the power of this Court to adopt rules of
procedure is curtailed or violated, but rather Q: Who are bound by international rules of
one in which, as is normally encountered the sea?
around the world, the laws (including rules of
procedure) of one State do not extend or apply
– except to the extent agreed upon – to



State parties to the convention or those The Philippines already enacted several statutes
states which have consented to be bound by defining the baselines of Philippine territory:
international rules of the sea shall be bound (a) Republic Act No. 3046 (1961) baselines
as such. All other states are deemed party (b) Republic Act No. 5446 (1968) baselines
to the Convention after failing an expression (c) Presidential Decree No. 1599 (1978) on
of different intention [Article 316(4), Exclusive Economic Zones (EEZ)
UNCLOS] (d) Republic Act No. 9522 (2009) baselines

Q: What rights can a state exercise over: Wikipedia on:

waters that are near its land territory? fish
that are in waters near its land territory? (1) United Nations Convention on the Law of the
other natural resources (e.g., oil) that are in Sea
waters near its land territory? submerged
The United Nations Convention on the Law of the
land underneath waters that are near its land Sea (UNCLOS), also called the Law of the Sea
territory? Convention or the Law of the Sea treaty, is the
international agreement that resulted from the third
Article 2 United Nations Conference on the Law of the Sea
Legal status of the territorial sea, of the air space over
(UNCLOS III), which took place between 1973 and
the territorial sea and of its bed and subsoil
1. The sovereignty of a coastal State extends, 1982. The Law of the Sea Convention defines the
beyond its land territory and internal waters and, in rights and responsibilities of nations in their use of the
the case of an archipelagic State, its archipelagic world's oceans, establishing guidelines for
waters, to an adjacent belt of sea, described as businesses, the environment, and the management of
the territorial sea. marine natural resources. The Convention, concluded
2. This sovereignty extends to the air space over the in 1982, replaced four 1958 treaties. UNCLOS came
territorial sea as well as to its bed and subsoil. into force in 1994, a year after Guyana became the
3. The sovereignty over the territorial sea is
60th nation to sign the treaty. As of October 2012,
exercised subject to this Convention and to other
rules of international law. 164 countries and the European Union have joined in
the Convention. However, it is uncertain as to what
extent the Convention codifies customary
Q: Do other states have rights over said international law.
While the Secretary General of the United Nations
NO. Article 1 of the Geneva Convention receives instruments of ratification and accession and
specifically excludes from the six freedoms the UN provides support for meetings of states party
(navigation, overflight, fishing, lay submarine to the Convention, the UN has no direct operational
cables and pipelines, construct artificial role in the implementation of the Convention. There
islands and structures and of scientific is, however, a role played by organizations such as
research) “all parts of the sea that are not the International Maritime Organization,
the International Whaling Commission, and
included in the territorial sea or in the the International Seabed Authority (the latter being
internal waters of a State”. established by the UN Convention).

Q: How will legal disputes involving state (2) Fisheries Case (UK v. Norway)
rights under UNCLOS be resolved?
The Fisheries Case (United Kingdom v. Norway) was
Under Article 188 of UNCLOS, disputes the culmination of a dispute, originating in 1933, over
may be submitted to the: how large an area of water surrounding Norway was
(a) International Tribunal of the Law Norwegian waters (that Norway thus had exclusive
fishing rights to) and how much was 'high seas' (that
of the Sea (ITLOS), the UK could thus fish).
(b) an ad hoc chamber of the
Seabed Disputes Chamber, or On 24 September 1949, the UK requested that
(c) to a binding commercial the International Court of Justice determine how far
arbitration Norway's territorial claim extended to sea, and to
award the UK damages in compensation for
Q: What has the Philippines done to define Norwegian interference with UK fishing vessels in the
which waters are near its land territory? disputed waters, claiming that Norway's claim to such
an extent of waters was against international law.



On 18 December 1951, the ICJ decided that Norway's definition as the stretch of the seabed adjacent to
claims to the waters were not inconsistent with the shores of a particular country to which it
international laws concerning the ownership of local belongs.

(3) Corfu Channel Incident

The Corfu Channel Incident refers to three separate

events involving Royal Navy ships in the Channel of
Corfu which took place in 1946, and it is considered
an early episode of the Cold War. During the first
incident, Royal Navy ships came under fire
from Albanian fortifications. The second incident
involved Royal Navy ships striking mines and the third
incident occurred when the Royal Navy
conducted mine-clearing operations in the Corfu
Channel, but in Albanian territorial waters, and
Albania complained about them to the United Nations.
This series of incidents led to the Corfu Channel
Case, where the United Kingdom brought a case
against the People's Socialist Republic of Albania to
the International Court of Justice. The Court rendered
a decision under which Albania was to pay £844,000
to Great Britain, the equivalent of £20 million in 2006.
Because of the incidents, Britain, in 1946, broke off
talks with Albania aimed at establishing diplomatic
relations between the two countries. Diplomatic
relations were only restored in 1991.

(4) Exclusive Economic Zones

An exclusive economic zone (EEZ) is a seazone

prescribed by the United Nations Convention on the
Law of the Sea over which a state has special rights
over the exploration and use of marine resources,
including energy production from water and wind. It
stretches from the baseline out to 200 nautical
miles from its coast. In colloquial usage, the term may
include the territorial sea and even the continental
shelf beyond the 200-mile limit. International Human Rights Law

(5) Continental Shelf Q: Are the following binding under

international law:
The continental shelf is the extended perimeter of
each continent and associated coastal plain. Much of
• Universal Declaration of Human
the shelf was exposed during glacial periods, but it is
now submerged under relatively shallow seas (known Rights? Yes.
as shelf seas) and gulfs and was similarly submerged
during other interglacial periods. • International Covenant on Civil and
Political Rights? Yes.
The continental margin, between the continental shelf
and the abyssal plain, comprises a steep continental • International Covenant on Economic,
slope followed by the flatter continental Social and Cultural Rights? Yes.
rise. Sediment from the continent above cascades
down the slope and accumulates as a pile of
sediment at the base of the slope, called the Q: If yes, why are these instruments binding
continental rise. Extending as far as 500 km from the under international law?
slope, it consists of thick sediments deposited
by turbidity currents from the shelf and slope. Human rights, in general terms, are
those inalienable and fundamental rights
Under the United Nations Convention on the Law of which are essential for life as human beings.
the Sea, the name continental shelf was given a legal



Civil and political rights are substantive Interdependent and indivisible

All human rights are indivisible, whether they are civil and
rights which are binding to all states who did
political rights, such as the right to life, equality before the
not express dissent with the convention. law and freedom of expression; economic, social and
cultural rights, such as the rights to work, social security and
Economic, social and cultural rights are education, or collective rights, such as the rights to
development and self-determination, are indivisible,
specific social welfare rights assuring the interrelated and interdependent. The improvement of one
right to self-determination of people and are right facilitates advancement of the others. Likewise, the
substantial overlapping of other subjects of deprivation of one right adversely affects the others.
Equal and non-discriminatory
Non-discrimination is a cross-cutting principle in international
In general, the Western tradition has human rights law. The principle is present in all the major
developed from the Natural Law that certain human rights treaties and provides the central theme of
rights exist as a result of a law higher than some of international human rights conventions such as the
International Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of
the nature of man which demands certain
Racial Discrimination and the Convention on the Elimination
immunities or liberties. of All Forms of Discrimination against Women.

Q: Who are bound by said rules? The principle applies to everyone in relation to all human
rights and freedoms and it prohibits discrimination on the
basis of a list of non-exhaustive categories such as sex,
All states are bound by said rules as race, colour and so on. The principle of non-discrimination is
long as they are declared by the UN which complemented by the principle of equality, as stated in
has an objective personality. Article 1 of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights: “All
human beings are born free and equal in dignity and rights.”
What are human rights? Both Rights and Obligations
Human rights entail both rights and obligations. States
Human rights are rights inherent to all human beings, assume obligations and duties under international law to
whatever our nationality, place of residence, sex, national or respect, to protect and to fulfill human rights. The obligation
ethnic origin, colour, religion, language, or any other status. to respect means that States must refrain from interfering
We are all equally entitled to our human rights without with or curtailing the enjoyment of human rights. The
discrimination. These rights are all interrelated, obligation to protect requires States to protect individuals
interdependent and indivisible. and groups against human rights abuses. The obligation to
fulfill means that States must take positive action to facilitate
Universal human rights are often expressed and guaranteed the enjoyment of basic human rights. At the individual level,
by law, in the forms of treaties, customary international law , while we are entitled our human rights, we should also
general principles and other sources of international law. respect the human rights of others.
International human rights law lays down obligations of
Governments to act in certain ways or to refrain from certain
acts, in order to promote and protect human rights and
International Human Rights Law
fundamental freedoms of individuals or groups.
Universal and inalienable The international human rights movement was strengthened
The principle of universality of human rights is the when the United Nations General Assembly adopted of the
cornerstone of international human rights law. This principle, Universal Declaration of Human Rights (UDHR) on 10
as first emphasized in the Universal Declaration on Human December 1948. Drafted as ‘a common standard of
Rights in 1948, has been reiterated in numerous achievement for all peoples and nations', the Declaration for
international human rights conventions, declarations, and the first time in human history spell out basic civil, political,
resolutions. The 1993 Vienna World Conference on Human economic, social and cultural rights that all human beings
Rights, for example, noted that it is the duty of States to should enjoy. It has over time been widely accepted as the
promote and protect all human rights and fundamental fundamental norms of human rights that everyone should
freedoms, regardless of their political, economic and cultural respect and protect. The UDHR, together with the
systems. International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights and its
two Optional Protocols, and the International Covenant on
All States have ratified at least one, and 80% of States have Economic, Social and Cultural Rights, form the so -
ratified four or more, of the core human rights treaties, called International Bill of Human Rights.
reflecting consent of States which creates legal obligations
for them and giving concrete expression to universality. A series of international human rights treaties and other
Some fundamental human rights norms enjoy universal instruments adopted since 1945 have conferred legal form
protection by customary international law across all on inherent human rights and developed the body of
boundaries and civilizations. international human rights. Other instruments have been
adopted at the regional level reflecting the particular human
Human rights are inalienable. They should not be taken rights concerns of the region and providing for specific
away, except in specific situations and according to due mechanisms of protection. Most States have also adopted
process. For example, the right to liberty may be restricted if constitutions and other laws which formally protect basic
a person is found guilty of a crime by a court of law. human rights. While international treaties and customary law
form the backbone of international human rights law other



instruments, such as declarations, guidelines and principles Article 3.

Everyone has the right to life, liberty and security of person.
adopted at the international level contribute to its
understanding, implementation and development. Respect Article 4.
for human rights requires the establishment of the rule of law No one shall be held in slavery or servitude; slavery and the slave trade shall be
at the national and international levels. prohibited in all their forms.

Article 5.
International human rights law lays down obligations which No one shall be subjected to torture or to cruel, inhuman or degrading treatment
States are bound to respect. By becoming parties to or punishment.
international treaties, States assume obligations and duties Article 6.
under international law to respect, to protect and to fulfil Everyone has the right to recognition everywhere as a person before the law.
human rights. The obligation to respect means that States
Article 7.
must refrain from interfering with or curtailing the enjoyment All are equal before the law and are entitled without any discrimination to equal
of human rights. The obligation to protect requires States to protection of the law. All are entitled to equal protection against any
protect individuals and groups against human rights abuses. discrimination in violation of this Declaration and against any incitement to such
The obligation to fulfil means that States must take positive
action to facilitate the enjoyment of basic human rights. Article 8.
Everyone has the right to an effective remedy by the competent national tribunals
for acts violating the fundamental rights granted him by the constitution or by law.
Through ratification of international human rights treaties,
Governments undertake to put into place domestic Article 9.
measures and legislation compatible with their treaty No one shall be subjected to arbitrary arrest, detention or exile.
obligations and duties. Where domestic legal proceedings
Article 10.
fail to address human rights abuses, mechanisms and Everyone is entitled in full equality to a fair and public hearing by an independent
procedures for individual complaints or communications are and impartial tribunal, in the determination of his rights and obligations and of any
available at the regional and international levels to help criminal charge against him.
ensure that international human rights standards are indeed Article 11.
respected, implemented, and enforced at the local level. (1) Everyone charged with a penal offence has the right to be presumed innocent
until proved guilty according to law in a public trial at which he has had all the
guarantees necessary for his defence.
Universal Declaration of Human Rights 1948 (2) No one shall be held guilty of any penal offence on account of any act or
(UDHR) omission which did not constitute a penal offence, under national or international
law, at the time when it was committed. Nor shall a heavier penalty be imposed
PREAMBLE than the one that was applicable at the time the penal offence was committed.
Whereas recognition of the inherent dignity and of the equal and inalienable Article 12.
rights of all members of the human family is the foundation of freedom, justice No one shall be subjected to arbitrary interference with his privacy, family, home
and peace in the world, or correspondence, nor to attacks upon his honour and reputation. Everyone has
the right to the protection of the law against such interference or attacks.
Whereas disregard and contempt for human rights have resulted in barbarous
acts which have outraged the conscience of mankind, and the advent of a world
Article 13.
in which human beings shall enjoy freedom of speech and belief and freedom
(1) Everyone has the right to freedom of movement and residence within the
from fear and want has been proclaimed as the highest aspiration of the common
borders of each state.
(2) Everyone has the right to leave any country, including his own, and to return
to his country.
Whereas it is essential, if man is not to be compelled to have recourse, as a last
resort, to rebellion against tyranny and oppression, that human rights should be
protected by the rule of law, Article 14.
(1) Everyone has the right to seek and to enjoy in other countries asylum from
Whereas it is essential to promote the development of friendly relations between persecution.
nations, (2) This right may not be invoked in the case of prosecutions genuinely arising
from non-political crimes or from acts contrary to the purposes and principles of
Whereas the peoples of the United Nations have in the Charter reaffirmed their the United Nations.
faith in fundamental human rights, in the dignity and worth of the human person
and in the equal rights of men and women and have determined to promote Article 15.
social progress and better standards of life in larger freedom, (1) Everyone has the right to a nationality.
(2) No one shall be arbitrarily deprived of his nationality nor denied the right to
Whereas Member States have pledged themselves to achieve, in co-operation change his nationality.
with the United Nations, the promotion of universal respect for and observance of
human rights and fundamental freedoms, Article 16.
(1) Men and women of full age, without any limitation due to race, nationality or
Whereas a common understanding of these rights and freedoms is of the religion, have the right to marry and to found a family. They are entitled to equal
greatest importance for the full realization of this pledge, rights as to marriage, during marriage and at its dissolution.
(2) Marriage shall be entered into only with the free and full consent of the
Now, Therefore THE GENERAL ASSEMBLY proclaims THIS UNIVERSAL intending spouses.
DECLARATION OF HUMAN RIGHTS as a common standard of achievement for (3) The family is the natural and fundamental group unit of society and is entitled
all peoples and all nations, to the end that every individual and every organ of to protection by society and the State.
society, keeping this Declaration constantly in mind, shall strive by teaching and
education to promote respect for these rights and freedoms and by progressive Article 17.
measures, national and international, to secure their universal and effective (1) Everyone has the right to own property alone as well as in association with
recognition and observance, both among the peoples of Member States others.
themselves and among the peoples of territories under their jurisdiction. (2) No one shall be arbitrarily deprived of his property.

Article 1. Article 18.

All human beings are born free and equal in dignity and rights.They are endowed Everyone has the right to freedom of thought, conscience and religion; this right
with reason and conscience and should act towards one another in a spirit of includes freedom to change his religion or belief, and freedom, either alone or in
brotherhood. community with others and in public or private, to manifest his religion or belief in
teaching, practice, worship and observance.
Article 2.
Everyone is entitled to all the rights and freedoms set forth in this Declaration, Article 19.
without distinction of any kind, such as race, colour, sex, language, religion, Everyone has the right to freedom of opinion and expression; this right includes
political or other opinion, national or social origin, property, birth or other status. freedom to hold opinions without interference and to seek, receive and impart
Furthermore, no distinction shall be made on the basis of the political, information and ideas through any media and regardless of frontiers.
jurisdictional or international status of the country or territory to which a person
belongs, whether it be independent, trust, non-self-governing or under any other Article 20.
limitation of sovereignty. (1) Everyone has the right to freedom of peaceful assembly and association.
(2) No one may be compelled to belong to an association.



Article 21. International Humanitarian Law

(1) Everyone has the right to take part in the government of his country, directly
or through freely chosen representatives.
(2) Everyone has the right of equal access to public service in his country. NOT all is fair in war.
(3) The will of the people shall be the basis of the authority of government; this
will shall be expressed in periodic and genuine elections which shall be by “Armed conflict” is broader than “war”.
universal and equal suffrage and shall be held by secret vote or by equivalent
free voting procedures.

Article 22. Q: What is international humanitarian law

Everyone, as a member of society, has the right to social security and is entitled (IHL)?
to realization, through national effort and international co-operation and in
accordance with the organization and resources of each State, of the economic,
social and cultural rights indispensable for his dignity and the free development
of his personality. It is the law that governs armed conflict
short of war, when a state may use force
Article 23.
(1) Everyone has the right to work, to free choice of employment, to just and (jus ad bello) and how combatants should
favourable conditions of work and to protection against unemployment.
(2) Everyone, without any discrimination, has the right to equal pay for equal
behave (jus in bello).
(3) Everyone who works has the right to just and favourable remuneration
ensuring for himself and his family an existence worthy of human dignity, and Armed Conflict War
supplemented, if necessary, by other means of social protection. Use of arms by two or Use of arms by armed
(4) Everyone has the right to form and to join trade unions for the protection of
his interests. more groups forces of two or more
Article 24.
Everyone has the right to rest and leisure, including reasonable limitation of
working hours and periodic holidays with pay.
Q: What are the fundamental IHL
Article 25. principles?
(1) Everyone has the right to a standard of living adequate for the health and
well-being of himself and of his family, including food, clothing, housing and
medical care and necessary social services, and the right to security in the event
of unemployment, sickness, disability, widowhood, old age or other lack of
livelihood in circumstances beyond his control. Distinguish between civilian population
(2) Motherhood and childhood are entitled to special care and assistance. All
children, whether born in or out of wedlock, shall enjoy the same social and combatants.
Article 26. Action must be focused on attainment of
(1) Everyone has the right to education. Education shall be free, at least in the
elementary and fundamental stages. Elementary education shall be compulsory. military objective. No unlimited choice of
Technical and professional education shall be made generally available and
higher education shall be equally accessible to all on the basis of merit.
means and methods.
(2) Education shall be directed to the full development of the human personality
and to the strengthening of respect for human rights and fundamental freedoms.
It shall promote understanding, tolerance and friendship among all nations, racial (1) Persons hors de combat and those
or religious groups, and shall further the activities of the United Nations for the
maintenance of peace.
not taking part in hostilities shall be
(3) Parents have a prior right to choose the kind of education that shall be given protected and treated humanely.
to their children.
(2) It is forbidden to kill or injure an
Article 27. enemy who surrenders or is hors de
(1) Everyone has the right freely to participate in the cultural life of the
community, to enjoy the arts and to share in scientific advancement and its combat.
(2) Everyone has the right to the protection of the moral and material interests (3) The wounded and the sick shall be
resulting from any scientific, literary or artistic production of which he is the
cared for and protected by the party
to the conflict which has them in its
Article 28.
Everyone is entitled to a social and international order in which the rights and power.
freedoms set forth in this Declaration can be fully realized. (4) Captured combatants and civilians
Article 29. must be protected against acts of
(1) Everyone has duties to the community in which alone the free and full
development of his personality is possible.
violence and reprisals.
(2) In the exercise of his rights and freedoms, everyone shall be subject only to (5) No one shall be subjected to torture,
such limitations as are determined by law solely for the purpose of securing due
recognition and respect for the rights and freedoms of others and of meeting the corporal punishment or cruel or
just requirements of morality, public order and the general welfare in a
democratic society.
degrading treatment.
(3) These rights and freedoms may in no case be exercised contrary to the
purposes and principles of the United Nations.
Q: How were IHL rules created?
Article 30.
Nothing in this Declaration may be interpreted as implying for any State, group or
(1) Custom: laws and customs of war
person any right to engage in any activity or to perform any act aimed at the (2) Treaty: Geneva Conventions and
destruction of any of the rights and freedoms set forth herein.
Additional Protocols
 1st (1864): Wounded and Sick
• International Covenant on Civil and in Armed Forces in the Field
Political Rights  2nd (1906): Wounded, Sick and
• International Covenant on Economic, Shipwrecked Members of
Social and Cultural Rights Armed Forces at Sea
 3rd (1929): Prisoners of War



 4th (1949): Civilian Persons unlawful combatants

 Additional Protocol I: national  soldiers and civilians who fight in a manner
liberation movements not in accordance with the laws of war
 Additional Protocol II: dissident  manner: uniform, emblem (distinction)
armed forces under responsible  treatment: (old) execution upon capture,
command, exercising control of (now) prosecution under domestic law
territory, able to carry out
sustained and concerted military Q: How are IHL rules enforced?
operations, and able to Generally, IHL rules are matter of
implement the protocol). adherence to customs (rules of
engagement). Rules are enforced by
Q: Who are bound by IHL rules? conflicting parties themselves in applying
(1) State parties distinction of combatant from non-
(2) third States combatants and assessing the
(3) “armed groups” proportionality of force used. The
(4) natural persons International Criminal Court may acquire
(5) international organizations, jurisdiction in case of violations of IHL.
juridical persons
Q: Does IHL apply to the Mindanao
Q: What are the Geneva Conventions and situation?
their Additional Protocols?
Yes. Considering the existence of
They are the Geneva Conventions on armed conflict based on the identities of
(1) wounded and sick in the field (2) opposing parties, the intensity of the conflict,
wounded, sick and shipwrecked at sea (3) and by enactment of domestic law (R.A. No.
prisoners of war (4) civilians. The essence of 9851), IHL applies.
conventions is that the persons not actively
In effect, the IHL as a customary law is
engaged in warfare should be treated
deemed adopted by PH by state practice
and opinio juris by enactment of R.A. 9851.
Additional protocol 1: national
The Mindanao conflict per se does not
liberation movements.
concern IHL but the aid to rebels is,
according to 1970 Declaration on Principles
Additional protocol 2: dissident armed
of International Law.
forces under responsible command, over a
controlled territory.
ICRC Flyer “What is IHL?”*
N.B. Individuals are covered by IHL. International humanitarian law forms a major
part of public international law and comprises
the rules which, in times of armed conflict, seek
Q: Do the same IHL rules apply to to protect people who are not or are no longer
international situations and internal taking part in the hostilities, and to restrict the
methods and means of warfare employed.
Yes. IHL applies whether there is
international armed conflict (IAC) or non-
international armed conflict (NIAC).
International Armed Non-International
Conflict (IAC) Armed Conflict (NIAC)
Q: Do terrorists have rights under IHL? means fighting between means fighting on the
Yes. Terrorists, as human beings also the armed forces of at territory of a State
have human rights. They have the universal least two States (it between the regular
right to life and liberty, due process and the should be noted that armed forces and
equal protection of laws However, there are wars of national identifiable armed
no clear rules under the IHL. Terrorists may liberation have been groups, or between
be considered as unlawful combatants. classified as international armed groups fighting
armed conflicts). one another.



To be considered an armed conflict, fighting must  Rule No.2: a State may exercise
reach a certain level of intensity and extend over a diplomatic relation over its nationals.
certain period of time. o Natural persons
o Juridical persons
An unlawful combatant, illegal combatant or
unprivileged combatant/ belligerent is a civilian Nationality of juridical persons shall be in the place
or military personnel who directly engages of registration. Barcelona Traction Case (Belgium v.
in armed conflict in violation of the laws of war. Spain) 1970
An unlawful combatant may be detained or
prosecuted under the domestic law of the Bases for determining membership in
detaining state for such action; subject of course political entity
to international treaties on justice and human  Accident of birth
rights such as everyone's right to a fair trial.  Free choice
Membership in political entity determines
Nationality and Statelessness  Legal rights

Q: Is “nationality” different from Importance of membership in political entity

“citizenship”?  Individual may ask for protection
 State may claim “right” to protect
Yes. Nationality refers to membership in
a nation (ethnic, cultural) while citizenship “diplomatic protection” theory:
refers to membership in a state (political). injury to national is injury to the state

Q: Who determines whether an individual is Wikipedia on:

a national (or citizen) of a certain state? (1) Nationality

Nationality is the legal relationship between a person and

It is usually the state who determines a nation state. Nationality normally confers some protection
their nationals or citizen. This was affirmed of the person by the state, and some obligations on the
in PCIJ Advisory Opinion on Tunis and person towards the state. What these rights and duties are
vary from country to country.
Morocco Nationality Decrees (1923).
Nationality affords the state jurisdiction over the person and
Birth determines personality (Art.40, NCC) affords the person the protection of the state. The most
common distinguishing feature of citizenship is that citizens
have the right to participate in the political life of the state,
Q: Are there international rules on such as by voting or standing for election. Therefore, in
nationality? modern democracies, the terms are synonymous, while in an
absolute monarchy, there may be a legal or technical
distinction between them.
 Rule 1: Each state determines who its
nationals are. The noun national can include both citizens and non-
citizens. By custom, it is the right of each state to determine
Limitation 1: custom, Art.15 of UDHR who its nationals are. Such determinations are part
of nationality law. In some cases, determinations of
(1) Everyone has a right a right to a nationality are also governed by public international law—for
nationality. example, by treaties on statelessness and the European
(2) No one shall be arbitrarily deprived Convention on Nationality.
of his nationality nor denied the right
In English, the same word is used in the sense of an ethnic
to change his nationality. group (a group of people who share a common ethnic
identity, language, culture, descent, history, and so forth).
Limitation 2: treaty, Convention on the This meaning of nationality is not defined by political borders
Reduction of Statelessness (NOTE: PH or passport ownership and includes nations that lack an
independent state (such as the Scots, Welsh, English,
not a party) Basques, Kurds, Tamils, Hmong, Inuit and Māori).

Nationality is a LEGAL BOND having as its basis a Individuals may also be considered nationals of groups
SOCIAL FACT of attachment. Nottebohm Case with autonomous status which have ceded some power to a
(Lechtenstein v. Guatemala) 1955 larger government, such as the federally recognized
tribes of Native Americans in the United States. Article 15 of



the Universal Declaration of Human Rights states that and therefore not within the scope of the Convention
"Everyone has the right to a nationality," and "No one shall Relating to the Status of Refugees.
be arbitrarily deprived of his nationality nor denied the right
to change his nationality." (5) Nottebohm (Liechtenstein v. Guatemala)

(2) Statelessness Background of the ICJ case

The Government of Liechtenstein granted Nottebohm
Statelessness is a legal concept describing the lack of any protection against unjust treatment by the government of
nationality. It denotes the absence of a recognized link Guatemala and petitioned the International Court of Justice.
between an individual and any state. However, the government of Guatemala argued that
Nottebohm did not gain Liechtenstein citizenship for the
A de jure stateless person is someone who is "not purposes of international law. The court agreed and thus
considered as a national by any state under the operation of stopped the case from continuing.
its law".
A de facto stateless person is someone who is outside the Although the Court stated that it is the sovereign right of all
country of his or her nationality and is unable or, for valid states to determine its own citizens and criteria for becoming
reasons, unwilling to avail himself or herself of the protection one in municipal law, such a process would have to be
of that country. This can be a result of persecution or a scrutinized on the international plane where the question is
consequence of lack of diplomatic relations between the of diplomatic protection. The Court upheld the principle
state of nationality and the state of residence. of effective nationality, (the Nottebohm principle) where
the national must prove a meaningful connection to the state
Some de jure stateless persons are also refugees, although in question. This principle was previously applied only in
not all asylum seekers are de jure stateless and not all de cases of dual nationality to determine which nationality
jure stateless persons are refugees. Many stateless persons should be used in a given case. However Nottebohm had
have never crossed an international border. forfeited his German nationality and thus only had the
nationality of Liechtenstein. The question arises, who then
Causes of statelessness: had the power to grant Nottebohm diplomatic protection?
(a) birth
(b) choice The Nottebohm case was subsequently cited in many
(c) political events definitions of nationality.

(3) Statelessness – Status Convention

The United Nations Charter and Universal Declaration of

Jurisdiction of States and Immunities,
Human Rights were approved on 10 December 1948. Of including Diplomatic and Consular law
significance, the Declaration at Article 15 affirms that:
Q: What is meant by “jurisdiction”?
• Everyone has the right to a nationality.
• No one shall be arbitrarily deprived of his
nationality nor denied the right to change his It means the authority to affect legal
nationality. interests.
The Convention relating to the Status of Refugees was
promulgated on 28 July 1951. Despite an original intention, it Q: What are the three forms of a state’s
did not include any content about the status of stateless jurisdiction?
persons and there was no protocol regarding measures to
effect the reduction of statelessness. (1) Jurisdiction to prescribe norms
On 26 April 1954, ECOSOC adopted a Resolution to (legislative jurisdiction)
convene a Conference of Plenipotentiaries to "regulate and (2) Jurisdiction to enforce the norms
improve the status of stateless persons by an international prescribed (executive jurisdiction)
agreement". (3) Jurisdiction to adjudicate (judicial
The ensuing Conference adopted the Convention on 28 jurisdiction)
September 1954.
Q: What principles can be used to justify a
The Convention entered into force on 6 June 1960. state’s exercise of jurisdiction (i) within its
(4) Statelessness – Reduction Convention territorial borders? (ii) beyond its territorial
The Convention on the Reduction of Statelessness is a
1961 United Nations multilateral treaty whereby states agree Territoriality Principle – the
to reduce the incidence of statelessness. The Convention
was originally intended as a Protocol to the Convention fundamental source of jurisdiction is
Relating to the Status of Refugees, while the 1954 sovereignty over territory. For this reason, it
Convention Relating to the Status of Stateless Persons was is necessary that the boundaries be
adopted to cover stateless persons who are not refugees determined.



Effects Doctrine – consists to two [Protective Territoriality Applicable, as long

Principle] applies as security threat is
principles: (1) the subjective territorial generally recognized
principle which says that a state has as criminal by states
jurisdiction to prosecute and punish for internationally
crime committed within the state but Universality Territoriality Not applicable, but
applies certain crimes may
completed and consummated abroad, and be prosecuted by
(2) the objective territorial principle which any other state
says that a state has jurisdiction to Passive Personality Territoriality Applicable as long
prosecute and punish for crime commenced applies as its nationals are
victims of certain
without the state but consummated within its
organized crimes
territory. (Lotus case)
Q: If State A claims that State B acted
Nationality Principle – says that every without or in excess of its jurisdiction, who
state has jurisdiction over its nationals even has the burden of proving that State B
those nationals are outside the state. indeed acted without or in excess of its
Effective Nationality Link – doctrine is
used to determine which of two states of There is no issue of having a burden of
which a person is a national will be proving jurisdiction as both states A and B
recognized as having the right to give are considered equal in international law
diplomatic protection to the holder of dual and both may prosecute crimes committed
nationality. (Nottebohm case) within their own jurisdiction.

Protective Principle – says that a state Q: The President of State A is in the territory
may exercise jurisdiction over conduct of State B. Can the President of State A claim
outside its territory that threatens its that State B cannot exercise jurisdiction over
security, as long as that conduct is generally his person?
recognized as criminal by states in
international community. (Restatement 402[3]). Yes. While jurisdiction of State B is
This conditional clause excludes acts complete and absolute on its territory, it
committed in exercise of the liberty admits two exceptions: (1) sovereign
guaranteed an alien by the law of the place immunity, and (2) immunity of the
where the act is committed. representative of states (diplomatic and
consular immunities). President A is the
Universality Principle – recognizes sitting foreign sovereign and therefore
that certain activities, universally dangerous immune from any claim of jurisdiction over
to states and their subjects, require authority his person.
in all community members to punish such
acts wherever they may occur, even absent Resolving Conflicts of Jurisdiction
a link between the state and the parties or (1) The balancing test
the acts in question. (2) International comity
Ex. piracy, genocide, crimes against (3) Forum non conveniens
humanity, war crimes and terrorism
Foreign State:
Passive Personality Principle – a
state may apply law, particularly criminal United States of America, et al. v. Hon. V. M.
law, to an act committed outside its territory Ruiz, G.R. No. L-35645, May 22, 1985
by a person not its national where the victim The traditional rule of State immunity exempts a State
of the act was its national. from being sued in the courts of another State without
its consent or waiver. This rule is a necessary
Within consequence of the principles of independence and
Principle of Beyond territory equality of States. However, the rules of International
Territoriality Absolute “Effects doctrine”; as Law are not petrified; they are constantly developing
but not long as it has some and evolving. And because the activities of states
exclusive effects to the state have multiplied, it has been necessary to distinguish
Nationality Territoriality Applicable (Blackmer them-between sovereign and governmental acts (jure
applies v. US, 248 US 421)



imperii) and private, commercial and proprietary acts (b) An action relating to succession in which the diplomatic agent is
involved as executor, administrator, heir or legatee as a private
(jure gestionis). The result is that State immunity now person and not on behalf of the sending State;
extends only to acts jure imperii The restrictive (c) An action relating to any professional or commercial activity
application of State immunity is now the rule in the exercised by the diplomatic agent in the receiving State outside his
United States, the United Kingdom and other states in official functions.
2.A diplomatic agent is not obliged to give evidence as a witness.
Western Europe. 3.No measures of execution may be taken in respect of a diplomatic
agent except in the cases coming under subparagraphs (a), (b) and
Relevant Articles of: (c) of paragraph 1 of this article, and provided that the measures
concerned can be taken without infringing the inviolability of his
Vienna Convention on Consular Relations (1963) person or of his residence.
4.The immunity of a diplomatic agent from the jurisdiction of the
Article 3 receiving State does not exempt him from the jurisdiction of the
1.The functions of a diplomatic mission consist, inter alia, in: sending State.
(a)Representing the sending State in the receiving State;
(b)Protecting in the receiving State the interests of the sending State Article 32
and of its nationals, within the limits permitted by international law; 1.The immunity from jurisdiction of diplomatic agents and of persons
(c)Negotiating with the Government of the receiving State; enjoying immunity under article 37 may be waived by the sending
(d)Ascertaining by all lawful means conditions and developments in State.
the receiving State, and reporting thereon to the Government of the 2.Waiver must always be express.
sending State; 3.The initiation of proceedings by a diplomatic agent or by a person
(e)Promoting friendly relations between the sending State and the enjoying immunity from jurisdiction under article 37 shall preclude him
receiving State, and developing their economic, cultural and scientific from invoking immunity from jurisdiction in respect of any
relations. counterclaim directly connected with the principal claim.
2.Nothing in the present Convention shall be construed as preventing 4.Waiver of immunity from jurisdiction in respect of civil or
the performance of consular functions by a diplomatic mission. administrative proceedings shall not be held to imply waiver of
immunity in respect of the execution of the judgement, for which a
Article 4 separate waiver shall be necessary.
1.The sending State must make certain that the agrément of the
receiving State has been given for the person it proposes to accredit Article 5
as head of the mission to that State. Consular functions
2.The receiving State is not obliged to give reasons to the sending Consular functions consist in:
State for a refusal of agrément. (a) protecting in the receiving State the interests of the sending State
and of its nationals, both individuals and bodies corporate, within the
Article 22 limits permitted by international law;
1.The premises of the mission shall be inviolable. The agents of the (b) furthering the development of commercial, economic, cultural and
receiving State may not enter them, except with the consent of the scientific relations between the sending State and the receiving State
head of the mission. and otherwise promoting friendly relations between them in
2.The receiving State is under a special duty to take all appropriate accordance with the provisions of the present Convention;
steps to protect the premises of the mission against any intrusion or (c) ascertaining by all lawful means conditions and developments in
damage and to prevent any disturbance of the peace of the mission the commercial, economic,
or impairment of its dignity. cultural and scientific life of the receiving State, reporting thereon to
3.The premises of the mission, their furnishings and other property the Government of the sending State and giving information to
thereon and the means of transport of the mission shall be immune persons interested;
from search, requisition, attachment or execution. (d) issuing passports and travel documents to nationals of the
sending State, and visas or appropriate documents to persons
Article 24 wishing to travel to the sending State;
The archives and documents of the mission shall be inviolable at any (e) helping and assisting nationals, both individuals and bodies
time and wherever they may corporate, of the sending State;
Article 12
Article 27 The exequatur
xxx 1.The head of a consular post is admitted to the exercise of his
2.The official correspondence of the mission shall be inviolable. functions by an authorization from the receiving State termed an
Official correspondence means all correspondence relating to the exequatur, whatever the form of this authorization.
mission and its functions. 2.A State which refused to grant an exequatur is not obliged to give to
xxx the sending State reasons for such refusal.
3.Subject to the provisions of articles 13 and 15, the head of a
Article 29 consular post shall not enter upon his duties until he has received an
The person of a diplomatic agent shall be inviolable. He shall not be exequatur.
liable to any form of arrest or detention. The receiving State shall
treat him with due respect and shall take all appropriate steps to Article 29
prevent any attack on his person, freedom or dignity. Use of national flag and coat-of-arms
Article 30 2.The national flag of the sending State may be flown and its coat-of-
1.The private residence of a diplomatic agent shall enjoy the same arms displayed on the building occupied by the consular post and at
inviolability and protection as the premises of the mission. the entrance door thereof, on the residence of the head of the
2.His papers, correspondence and, except as provided in paragraph consular post and on his means of transport when used on official
3 of article 31, his property, shall likewise enjoy inviolability. business..

Article 31 Article 31
1.A diplomatic agent shall enjoy immunity from the criminal Inviolability of the consular premises
jurisdiction of the receiving State. He shall also enjoy immunity from 1.Consular premises shall be inviolable to the extent provided in this
its civil and administrative jurisdiction, except in the case of: article.
(a) A real action relating to private immovable property situated in the 2.The authorities of the receiving State shall not enter that part of the
territory of the receiving State, consular premises which is used exclusively for the purpose of the
unless he holds it on behalf of the sending State for the purposes of work of the consular post except with the consent of the head of the
the mission; consular post or of his designee or of the head of the diplomatic



mission of the sending State. The consent of the head of the consular 3.The initiation of proceedings by a consular officer or a consular
post may, however, be assumed in case of fire or other disaster employee in a matter where he might enjoy immunity from jurisdiction
requiring prompt protective action. under article 43 shall preclude him from invoking immunity from
3.Subject to the provisions of paragraph 2 of this article, the receiving jurisdiction in respect of any counterclaim directly connected with the
State is under a special duty to take all appropriate steps to protect principal claim.
the consular premises against any intrusion or damage and to 4.The waiver of immunity from jurisdiction for the purposes of civil or
prevent any disturbance of the peace of the consular post or administrative proceedings shall not be deemed to imply the waiver of
impairment of its dignity. immunity from the measures of execution
4.The consular premises, their furnishings, the property of the resulting from the judicial decision; in respect of such measures, a
consular post and its means of separate waiver shall be necessary.
transport shall be immune from any form of requisition for purposes of
national defence or public utility.
If expropriation is necessary for such purposes, all possible steps Wikipedia on:
shall be taken to avoid impeding the
performance of consular functions, and prompt, adequate and
effective compensation shall be paid to the sending State.
Diplomatic immunity
It is a form of legal immunity and a policy held
Article 33 between governments that ensures that diplomats are
Inviolability of the consular archives and documents given safe passage and are considered not
The consular archives and documents shall be inviolable at all times
and wherever they may be. susceptible to lawsuit or prosecution under the host
country's laws, although they can still be extradited. It
Article 35 was agreed as international law in the Vienna
Freedom of communication
Convention on Diplomatic Relations (1961), though
2.The official correspondence of the consular post shall be inviolable. the concept and custom have a much longer history.
Official correspondence Many principles of diplomatic immunity are now
means all correspondence relating to the consular post and its considered to be customary law. Diplomatic immunity
xxx as an institution developed to allow for the
Article 40 maintenance of government relations, including
Protection of consular officers during periods of difficulties and even armed conflict.
The receiving State shall treat consular officers with due respect and
shall take all appropriate
When receiving diplomats—who formally represent
steps to prevent any attack on their person, freedom or dignity. the sovereign—the receiving head of state grants
certain privileges and immunities to ensure they may
Article 41 effectively carry out their duties, on the understanding
Personal inviolability of consular officers
1.Consular officers shall not be liable to arrest or detention pending that these are provided on a reciprocal basis.
trial, except in the case of a grave crime and pursuant to a decision
by the competent judicial authority. Originally, these privileges and immunities were
2.Except in the case specified in paragraph 1 of this article, consular
officers shall not be committed to prison or be liable to any other form
granted on a bilateral, ad hoc basis, which led to
of restriction on their personal freedom save in execution of a judicial misunderstandings and conflict, pressure on weaker
decision of final effect. states, and an inability for other states to judge which
3. If criminal proceedings are instituted against a consular officer, he party was at fault. An international agreement known
must appear before the competent authorities. Nevertheless, the
proceedings shall be conducted with the respect due to him by as the Vienna Conventions codified the rules and
reason of his official position and, except in the case specified in agreements, providing standards and privileges to all
paragraph 1 of this article, in a manner which will hamper the states.
exercise of consular functions as little as possible. When, in the
circumstances mentioned in paragraph 1 of this article, it has become
necessary to detain a consular officer, the proceedings against him It is possible for the official's home country to waive
shall be instituted with the minimum of delay. immunity; this tends to happen only when the
individual has committed a serious crime,
Article 43
Immunity from jurisdiction unconnected with their diplomatic role (as opposed to,
1.Consular officers and consular employees shall not be amenable to say, allegations of spying), or has witnessed such a
the jurisdiction of the judicial or administrative authorities of the crime. However, many countries refuse to waive
receiving State in respect of acts performed in the exercise of
consular functions.
immunity as a matter of course; individuals have no
2.The provisions of paragraph 1 of this article shall not, however, authority to waive their own immunity (except perhaps
apply in respect of a civil action either: in cases of defection). Alternatively, the home country
(a) arising out of a contract concluded by a consular officer or a may prosecute the individual. If immunity is waived by
consular employee in which he did not contract expressly or impliedly
as an agent of the sending State; or a government so that a diplomat (or their family
(b) by a third party for damage arising from an accident in the members) can be prosecuted, it must be because
receiving State caused by a vehicle, there is a case to answer and it is in the public
vessel or aircraft.
interest to prosecute them. A 2002 example of a
Colombian diplomat in London being prosecuted for
the manslaughter of a man who mugged his son was
Article 45 deemed in the public interest once diplomatic
Waiver of privileges and immunities
1.The sending State may waive, with regard to a member of the immunity was waived by the Colombian government.
consular post, any of the privileges and immunities provided for in
articles 41, 43 and 44. Consular Immunity
2.The waiver shall in all cases be express, except as provided in
paragraph 3 of this article, and shall be communicated to the
Privileges are described in the Vienna Convention on
receiving State in writing. Consular Relations of 1963 (VCCR). Consular



immunity offers protections similar to diplomatic must be deemed to include Philippine laws in its totality,
immunity, but these protections are not as extensive, including the principle recognizing sovereign
given the functional differences between consular and immunity. Hence, the proper court may have no proper
action, by way of settling the case, except to dismiss it.
diplomatic officers. For example, consular officers are
not accorded absolute immunity from a host country’s
criminal jurisdiction, they may be tried for certain local
crimes upon action by a local court, and are immune International organizations and staff
from local jurisdiction only in cases directly relating to
consular functions Liang v. People of the Philippines, G.R. No.
125856, March 26, 2001
[T]he slander of a person, by any stretch, cannot be
Republic of Indonesia v. Vinzon, G.R. No. considered as falling within the purview of the immunity
154705, June 26, 2003 granted to ADB officers and personnel. Petitioner
International law is founded largely upon the principles argues that the Decision had the effect of prejudging the
of reciprocity, comity, independence, and equality of criminal case for oral defamation against him. We wish
States which were adopted as part of the law of our land to stress that it did not. What we merely stated therein is
under Article II, Section 2 of the 1987 Constitution. The that slander, in general, cannot be considered as an act
rule that a State may not be sued without its consent is performed in an official capacity. The issue of whether
a necessary consequence of the principles of or not petitioner's utterances constituted oral
independence and equality of States. As enunciated in defamation is still for the trial court to determine.
Sanders v. Veridiano II, the practical justification for the
doctrine of sovereign immunity is that there can be no International Catholic Migration Commission
legal right against the authority that makes the law on v. Calleja, G.R. No. 85750, September 28,
which the right depends. In the case of foreign States,
the rule is derived from the principle of the sovereign 1990
equality of States, as expressed in the maxim par in The immunity granted being "from every form of legal
parem non habet imperium. All states are sovereign process except in so far as in any particular case they
equals and cannot assert jurisdiction over one have expressly waived their immunity," it is inaccurate
another. A contrary attitude would “unduly vex the to state that a certification election is beyond the scope
peace of nations.” of that immunity for the reason that it is not a suit
against ICMC. A certification election cannot be viewed
The rules of International Law, however, are neither as an independent or isolated process. It could tugger
unyielding nor impervious to change. The increasing off a series of events in the collective bargaining
need of sovereign States to enter into purely process together with related incidents and/or
commercial activities remotely connected with the concerted activities, which could inevitably involve
discharge of their governmental functions brought ICMC in the "legal process," which includes "any penal,
about a new concept of sovereign immunity. This civil and administrative proceedings." The eventuality of
concept, the restrictive theory, holds that the immunity Court litigation is neither remote and from which
of the sovereign is recognized only with regard to public international organizations are precisely shielded to
acts or acts jure imperii, but not with regard to private safeguard them from the disruption of their functions.
acts or acts jure gestionis. Clauses on jurisdictional immunity are said to be
standard provisions in the constitutions of international
xxx Organizations. "The immunity covers the organization
concerned, its property and its assets. It is equally
Apropos the present case, the mere entering into a applicable to proceedings in personam and proceedings
contract by a foreign State with a private party cannot in rem."
be construed as the ultimate test of whether or not it is
an act jure imperii or jure gestionis. Such act is only the DFA v. NLRC, G.R. No. 113191, September
start of the inquiry. Is the foreign State engaged in the 18, 1996
regular conduct of a business? If the foreign State is
The DFA's function includes, among its other mandates,
not engaged regularly in a business or commercial
the determination of persons and institutions covered
activity, and in this case it has not been shown to be so
by diplomatic immunities, a determination which, when
engaged, the particular act or transaction must then be
challenge, entitles it to seek relief from the court so as
tested by its nature. If the act is in pursuit of a
not to seriously impair the conduct of the country's
sovereign activity, or an incident thereof, then it is an
foreign relations. The DFA must be allowed to plead its
act jure imperii.
case whenever necessary or advisable to enable it to
help keep the credibility of the Philippine government
Hence, the existence alone of a paragraph in a contract
before the international community. When international
stating that any legal action arising out of the agreement
agreements are concluded, the parties thereto are
shall be settled according to the laws of the Philippines
deemed to have likewise accepted the responsibility of
and by a specified court of the Philippines is not
seeing to it that their agreements are duly regarded. In
necessarily a waiver of sovereign immunity from suit.
our country, this task falls principally of the DFA as
The aforesaid provision contains language not
being the highest executive department with the
necessarily inconsistent with sovereign immunity. On
competence and authority to so act in this aspect of the
the other hand, such provision may also be meant to
international arena.
apply where the sovereign party elects to sue in the
local courts, or otherwise waives its immunity by any
subsequent act. The applicability of Philippine laws



Treatment of Aliens, including Deportation 3. Religious and political offenses are non-
(compared with Extradition) extraditeable

Wikipedia on:
Q: A group of foreigners reside in the
territory of State A. Extradition
It is the official process whereby one country transfers
Is State A free to treat such foreigners in any
a suspected or convicted criminal to another country.
manner that it so pleases? Between country, extradition is normally regulated
by treaties. Where extradition is compelled by laws,
No. such as among sub-national jurisdictions, the concept
may be known more generally as rendition. It is an
Or is State A required to treat them as it ancient mechanism, dating back to at least the 13th
treats its own citizens? century BC, when an Egyptian Pharaoh negotiated an
extradition treaty with a Hittite King. Through the
No. extradition process, a sovereign (the requesting state)
typically makes a formal request to another sovereign
(the requested state). If the fugitive is found within the
Or is State A required to treat them territory of the requested state, then the requested
according to certain international rules even state may arrest the fugitive and subject him or her to
if such rules prescribe that they be treated its extradition process. The extradition procedures to
better than the citizens of State A? which the fugitive will be subjected are dependent on
the law and practice of the requested state.
It depends. The traditional concept was
to a state to treat foreigner/aliens as they Deportation
treat their nationals. But modern concept It is the expulsion of a person or group of people from
a place or country. Today the expulsion of foreign
provides states to exercise certain “minimum
nationals is usually called deportation, whereas the
standards” of treatment. The standards are expulsion of nationals is called banishment, exile, or
quoted in the Neer claim, US v. Mexico, 4RIAA penal transportation. Deportation is an ancient
(1926): practice: Khosrau I, Sassanid King of Persia,
deported 292,000 citizens, slaves, and conquered
“[T]reatment of alien, in order to constitute people to the new city of Ctesiphon in
an international delinquency should amount 542 C.E. Britain deported religious objectors and
to an outrage, to bad faith, to willful neglect criminals to America in large numbers before
1776, and transported them to Australia between
of duty, or to an insufficiency of government
1788 and 1868.
action so far short of international standards
that every reasonable and impartial man
Also check Philippine Law:
would readily recognize the insufficiency.” Presidential Decree No. 1069
Prescribing the Procedure for the Extradition
Q: What is the difference between of Persons who have committed Crimes in a
extradition and deportation? Foreign Country
Deportation Extradition
Secretary of Justice v. Lantion, G.R. No.
Expulsion of an Surrender of an individual
individual from a state by the state within whose 139465, Resolution on MR dated October 17,
where he is alleged to territory he is found to the 2000 [*not the Decision dated January 18,
have committed a crime state whose laws he is 2000]
or has been convicted alleged to have
of a crime within its committed a crime or to In tilting the balance in favor of the interests of the
State, the Court stresses that it is not ruling that the
territory back to his have been convicted of a private respondent has no right to due process at all
state of origin. crime. throughout the length and breadth of the extrajudicial
proceedings. Procedural due process requires a
Principles Governing Extradition: determination of what process is due, when it is due, and the
degree of what is due. Stated otherwise, a prior
1. No state is obliged to extradite unless determination should be made as to whether procedural
there is a treaty; protections are at all due and when they are due, which
2. Differences in legal system can be an in turn depends on the extent to which an individual will
obstacle to interpretation of what the be "condemned to suffer grievous loss." We have
explained why an extraditee has no right to notice and
crime is;
hearing during the evaluation stage of the extradition



process. As aforesaid, P.D. No. 1069 which implements the 3. By nature then, extradition proceedings are not equivalent
RP-US Extradition Treaty affords an extraditee sufficient to a criminal case in which guilt or innocence is
opportunity to meet the evidence against him once the determined. Consequently, an extradition case is not one
in which the constitutional rights of the accused are
petition is filed in court. The time for the extraditee to necessarily available. It is more akin, if at all, to a court’s
know the basis of the request for his extradition is merely request to police authorities for the arrest of the accused
moved to the filing in court of the formal petition for who is at large or has escaped detention or jumped
extradition. The extraditee's right to know is momentarily bail. Having once escaped the jurisdiction of the
withheld during the evaluation stage of the extradition requesting state, the reasonable prima facie presumption
process to accommodate the more compelling interest of the is that the person would escape again if given the
State to prevent escape of potential extraditees which can opportunity.
be precipitated by premature information of the basis of the 4. Immediately upon receipt of the petition for extradition
request for his extradition. No less compelling at that and its supporting documents, the judge shall make a
stage of the extradition proceedings is the need to be more prima facie finding whether the petition is sufficient in form
deferential to the judgment of a co-equal branch of the and substance, whether it complies with the Extradition
government, the Executive, which has been endowed by our Treaty and Law, and whether the person sought is
Constitution with greater power over matters involving our extraditable. The magistrate has discretion to require the
foreign relations. Needless to state, this balance of interests petitioner to submit further documentation, or to
personally examine the affiants or witnesses. If
is not a static but a moving balance which can be adjusted convinced that a prima facie case exists, the judge
as the extradition process moves from the administrative immediately issues a warrant for the arrest of the potential
stage to the judicial stage and to the execution stage extraditee and summons him or her to answer and to
depending on factors that will come into play. In sum, we appear at scheduled hearings on the petition.
rule that the temporary hold on private respondent's
privilege of notice and hearing is a soft restraint on his right 5. After being taken into custody, potential extraditees may
to due process which will not deprive him of fundamental apply for bail. Since the applicants have a history of
absconding, they have the burden of showing that (a)
fairness should he decide to resist the request for his there is no flight risk and no danger to the community;
extradition to the United States. There is no denial of due and (b) there exist special, humanitarian or compelling
process as long as fundamental fairness is assured a circumstances. The grounds used by the highest court in
party. the requesting state for the grant of bail therein may be
considered, under the principle of reciprocity as a special
We end where we began. A myopic interpretation of the due circumstance. In extradition cases, bail is not a matter of
process clause would not suffice to resolve the conflicting right; it is subject to judicial discretion in the context of the
peculiar facts of each case.
rights in the case at bar. With the global village shrinking at a
rapid pace, propelled as it is by technological leaps in 6. Potential extraditees are entitled to the rights to due
transportation and communication, we need to push further process and to fundamental fairness. Due process does
back our horizons and work with the rest of the civilized not always call for a prior opportunity to be
nations and move closer to the universal goals of "peace, heard. A subsequent opportunity is sufficient due to the
equality, justice, freedom, cooperation and amity with all flight risk involved. Indeed, available during the hearings
nations." In the end, it is the individual who will reap the on the petition and the answer is the full chance to be
heard and to enjoy fundamental fairness that
harvest of peace and prosperity from these efforts. is compatible with the summary nature of extradition.

7. This Court will always remain a protector of human

rights, a bastion of liberty, a bulwark of democracy and
Government of the USA v. Purganan, G.R. the conscience of society. But it is also well aware of the
limitations of its authority and of the need for respect for
No. 148571, Decision dated September 24, the prerogatives of the other co-equal and co-
2002 independent organs of government.
In extradition proceedings, are prospective extraditees
entitled to notice and hearing before warrants for their arrest 8. We realize that extradition is essentially an executive, not
a judicial, responsibility arising out of the presidential
can be issued? Equally important, are they entitled to the power to conduct foreign relations and to implement
right to bail and provisional liberty while the extradition treaties. Thus, the Executive Department of government
proceedings are pending? In general, the answer to these has broad discretion in its duty and power of
two novel questions is “No.” implementation.

[T]o summarize and stress these ten points: 9. On the other hand, courts merely perform oversight
functions and exercise review authority to prevent or
1. The ultimate purpose of extradition proceedings is to excise grave abuse and tyranny. They should not allow
determine whether the request expressed in the petition, contortions, delays and “over-due process” every little
supported by its annexes and the evidence that may be step of the way, lest these summary extradition
adduced during the hearing of the petition, complies with proceedings become not only inutile but also sources of
the Extradition Treaty and Law; and whether the person international embarrassment due to our inability to comply
sought is extraditable. The proceedings are intended in good faith with a treaty partner’s simple request to
merely to assist the requesting state in bringing the return a fugitive. Worse, our country should not be
accused -- or the fugitive who has illegally escaped -- converted into a dubious haven where fugitives and
back to its territory, so that the criminal process may escapees can unreasonably delay, mummify, mock,
proceed therein. frustrate, checkmate and defeat the quest for bilateral
justice and international cooperation.
2. By entering into an extradition treaty, the Philippines is
deemed to have reposed its trust in the reliability or 10. At bottom, extradition proceedings should be
soundness of the legal and judicial system of its treaty conducted with all deliberate speed to determine
partner, as well as in the ability and the willingness of the compliance with the Extradition Treaty and Law; and,
latter to grant basic rights to the accused in the pending while safeguarding basic individual rights, to avoid
criminal case therein. the legalistic



contortions, delays and technicalities that may neg and the natural environment, toward the purpose
ate that purpose.
of reducing the impacts of human activity.
Dissenting Opinion of Justice Vitug to the
Resolution on MR dated December 17, 2002 1972 Stockholm Declaration of the United
Nations Conference on the Human
The proposal to curtail the right of an individual to seek bail Environment
from the courts of law, acting in extradition cases, as well as
his right to notice and hearing before being arrested, brings
to mind the not so distant past of the Spanish Inquisition and Principle 21
an uneasy realization that we have yet to totally free States have, in accordance with the Charter of
ourselves from the grip of a dark page in history. the United Nations and the principles of
international law, the sovereign right to exploit
My reservation on the draft ponencia is premised on the
following theses – first, it would ignore constitutional their own resources pursuant to their own
safeguards to which all government action is defined, environmental policies, and the responsibility to
and second, it would overstep constitutional restraints on ensure that activities within their jurisdiction or
judicial power. control do not cause damage to the environment
Treaty laws, particularly those which are self-executing, have of other States or of areas beyond the limits of
equal statute as national statutes and, like all other municipal national jurisdiction.
laws, are subject to the parameters set forth in the
Constitution. The Constitution, being both a grant and a 2002 Johannesburg Declaration on
circumscription of government authority by the sovereign
people, presents the ultimate yardstick of power and its Sustainable Development
limitation upon which an act of government is justly
measured. This instrument contains a rule for all agencies The Johannesburg Declaration on Sustainable
of the government and any act in opposition thereto can only Development was adopted at the World Summit
be struck down as being invalid and without effect. When the
great Charter gives a mandate, the government can do no on Sustainable Development (WSSD),
less than to accept it; its rejection would be an act of sometimes referred to as Earth Summit 2002, at
betrayal. The edict in its Bill of Rights granting to all which the Plan of Implementation of the World
persons, without distinction, the fundamental right to bail, is Summit on Sustainable Development was also
clear. No statute or treaty can abrogate or discard its
language and its intent. agreed upon.

Nowhere in the Extradition Treaty with the United States is The Johannesburg Declaration builds on earlier
the grant of bail mentioned but so also it is not declarations made at the United Nations
prohibited. This obscurity must not be held to negate the
right to bail; on the contrary, it should be viewed as allowing, Conference on the Human Environment
at the very least, the evident intendment and spirit of the at Stockholm in 1972, and the Earth
fundamental law to prevail. Summit in Rio de Janeiro in 1992. While
committing the nations of the world
A Constitution does not deal with details, but only enunciates
general tenets that are intended to apply to all facts that may to sustainable development, it also includes
come about and be brought within its directions. Behind its substantial mention of multilateralism as the
conciseness is its encompassing inclusiveness. It is not path forward.
skin-deep; beneath that surface is what gives it real life and
meaning. It can truly be said that the real essence of justice
does not emanate from quibbling over patchwork but In terms of the political commitment of parties,
proceeds from its gut consciousness and dynamic role as a the Declaration is a more general statement
brick in the ultimate development of the edifice. than the Rio Declaration. It is an agreement to
focus particularly on "the worldwide conditions
Resort to overly rigid procedures is being justified as a need
to keep in line with our treaty obligations. Verily, comity in that pose severe threats to the sustainable
our relations with sovereign states is important, but there are development of our people, which include:
innate rights of individuals which no government can chronic hunger; malnutrition; foreign occupation;
negotiate or, let alone, bargain away. armed conflict; illicit drug problems; organized
crime; corruption; natural disasters; illicit arms
trafficking; trafficking in persons; terrorism;
Environmental Law
intolerance and incitement to racial, ethnic,
religious and other hatreds; xenophobia; and
Environmental law is a collective term
endemic, communicable and chronic diseases,
describing international treaties (conventions),
in particular HIV/AIDS, malaria and
statutes, regulations, and common law or
national legislation (where applicable) that
operates to regulate the interaction of humanity



Jessup Problem succeeded. The principle of state continuity must be

applied. But in any case, the elements of a state still exist
upon Alfurna.

Permanent population – no specific definition under

international law. It is enough that the population is
capable of multiplying themselves for existence.

Defined territory – is found in the leased Nasatima

Island. It is not required that the territory is owned. It is
enough that possession and control is exercised.

Effective government – although only 3 out of 11

administrative agencies have transferred to Nasatima
Island, the remaining is scheduled to transfer thereafter.

Capacity to enter into agreements with other states –

is also evident after Prime Minister Fatu was able to
obtain sympathy, compassion and support among 67
55. Alfurna requests the Court to adjudge and other states, aside from Finutafu, to condemn Rutasia’s
declare that: conduct.

(a) Alfurna is still a state, and accordingly, the 55 (b)

Court may exercise jurisdiction over its claims;
It is fundamental to every state to recognize human rights
(b) Alfurna is entitled to make claims in relation as they are inherent to all human beings, on whatever
to the migrants now in Rutasia, and Rutasia has nationality, place of residence, sex, national or ethnic
failed to process those migrants and accord them origin, colour, religion, language, or any other status. All
status consistent with international law; are equally entitled to human rights without
discrimination. These rights are all interrelated,
(c) Rutasia’s treatment of the detained Alfurnan interdependent and indivisible. Violations of these rights
migrants held in the Woeroma Centre, and the are actionable and entitled for claims in any jurisdiction.
proposed transfer to Saydee, violate international
law; and 55 (c)

(d) Rutasia’s conduct disentitles it to any relief Rutasia clearly violated its obligations under international
from this Court in respect of its claims over Alfurna’s law with the kind of treatment to Alfurnan migrants.
assets, and in any event Rutasia’s actions regarding Human rights entail both rights and obligations. Rutasia
those assets are in violation of international law. as a state assumes obligations and duties under
international law to respect, to protect and to fulfill human
rights. The obligation to respect means that Rutasia must
refrain from interfering with or curtailing the enjoyment of
55 (a) human rights. The obligation to protect requires Rutasia
to protect individuals and groups against human rights
Alfurna is still a state. The definition and requirements abuses. The obligation to fulfill means that Rutasia must
under the Convention on the Rights and Duties of States take positive action to facilitate the enjoyment of basic
does not apply as Alfurna never consented for its human rights.
Rutasia’s act of transferring Alfurnan migrants to Saydee
But even if the convention is made applicable to Alfurna, violates the non-refoulment obligation under Articles 6
Article 3 is clear: and 7 of ICCPR. Rutasia may only transfer Alfurnan
migrants to safe (third party) countries.
“The political existence of the state is independent of
recognition by the other states. Even before recognition
the state has the right to defend its integrity and 55 (d)
independence, to provide for its conservation and
prosperity, and consequently to organize itself as it sees Under international law, an inconsistent conduct
fit, to legislate upon its interests, administer its services,
and to define the jurisdiction and competence of its
disentitles a state from claiming any relief from this Court.
courts. The exercise of these rights has no other ‘Good faith’ cannot be invoked if it results to an estoppel.
limitation than the exercise of the rights of other states The doctrine of estoppel precludes Rutasia from denying
according to international law.” or asserting anything to the contrary of that which has
been established as truth or fact by its own implied or
There is also no showing that the Convention had express deeds. Tolerance to Alfurna’s situation by
become a customary international law. To be a custom Rutasia cannot be followed by subsequent sequestering
applicable in the case, state practice and opinio juris of the former’s assets.
must concur. There is none to show that these two ever
existed at least in Alfurna. In any event, the Rutasia violated Alfurna’s sovereign
immunity from enforcement of its assets as the latter did
Lastly, the Convention defines how a state is constituted neither gave its consent nor it had earmarked said assets
but does not set criteria how a state is extinguished or in satisfaction of its claims. Alfurna’s assets were actually



in use for an acta iure imperii as opposed to acta iure protection in administrative detention for reasons of their
gestionis. The former is immuned from any enforcement. illegal, if not irregular entry to Rutasian territory. This
cannot be construed as a violation under Article 31 of
said convention.
56. Rutasia requests the Court to adjudge and
declare that: 56 (c)

(a) Alfurna is no longer a state, and accordingly Rutasia have not violated international law in its manner
the Court lacks jurisdiction over Alfurna’s claims; of receiving mass-influx of migrants from Alfurna. Firstly,
the migration was illegal absent any form of prior
and in any event: communication from Alfurna. Secondly, it is an
established state practice to place migrants with irregular
(b) Rutasia has not violated international law in entry to prison-converted-refuge-camp in absence of
its treatment of the migrants from (former) Alfurna accommodating infrastructure. Lastly, the adverse
and, in any event, Alfurna is foreclosed from making condition of such detentions is a necessary consequence
claims with respect to those individuals because of of overcrowding, thus unavoidable.
its failure to take available affirmative steps to
protect them; In order to reduce the burden of overcrowding, transfer to
Saydee, the next accessible and feasible option, is
(c) the Alfurnan migrants held in the Woeroma logical and legal. The apprehensions that Saydee is
Centre are being treated in accordance with notoriously known to be a human rights violator are more
Rutasia’s obligations under international law, and apparent than real at this point. Rutasia has given
their proposed transfer to Saydee is legal; and sufficient guarantee that Alfurnan migrants will be
extended protection under the “Protection Elsewhere
(d) Rutasia’s conduct in respect of Alfurna’s Doctrine” considering that the former financed Saydee’s
assets is also consistent with international law. operations.

56 (d)
56 (a) Rutasia may have not fully complied with its obligations
to reduce its carbon foot-print but there is no conclusion
Alfurna is no longer a state applying the Convention on that it is the sole contributor for climate change that
the Rights and Duties of States. Article 1 of the said caused inundation to Alfurna. Besides, Rutasia has yet to
convention requires that the state as a person of ratify Kyoto Protocol. In any event, Rutasia took
international law should possess a permanent reasonable efforts to minimize the risk to Alfurna under
population, defined territory, government and capacity to the ACCR Project.
enter into relations with other states.
The liability of MCL as contractor does not extend as a
In the case of Alfurna, its inhabitants are scattered on the sovereign act of Rutasia absent its consent. Rutasia also
states of Finutafu, Rutasia and Saydee. Their territory is lacks territorial and jurisdictional control over MCL to
no longer defined and habitable after the inundation. prove due diligence obligation. In any event, Rutasia
Their government has lost its seat of power and maintained “good faith” considering it has restructured
remained as a fiction under the voice of its Prime Alfurna’s debt twice on separate occasions.
Minister. The only seemingly left is the capacity to enter
into relations with other states, which is also in its verge Alfurna cannot invoke rebus sic stantibus as a matter of
of extinguishment after the United Nations Secretary- defense as it requires that the change must not be
General refused to comment on Alfurna’s unpaid UN anticipated. Also, the imposition of moratorium does not
membership dues. bind Rutasia under the constructive notice theory. Being
an action in personam, notice must be express and
The situation is more real than apparent, that Alfurna personal.
ceased to become a state. Article 34(1) of the ICJ statute
provides that “Only states may be parties in cases before Finally, Alfurna cannot invoke immunity of its assets from
the Court.” The case must be dismissed in favour of enforcement by way of a waiver when it entered the CCL
Rutasia. agreement. Even if such waiver is not considered, the
purpose of the assets in ARB is for acta iure gestionis or
56 (b) a commercial/proprietary act as opposed to a
sovereign/governmental act. In any event. In any event,
Alfurna cannot claim any relief under the “doctrine of Rutasia’s act in seizing Alfurna’s assets is a valid
clean hands” considering it had violated obligation under countermeasure considering Alfurna’s moratorium is
customary international law by failing to provide constructively a repudiation of debts which is a wrongful
adequate evacuation plans for its nationals. act.
The matter raised by Alfurnan migrants is under the
sphere of domestic law, thusre of domestic law, thus it is
not violative of the Refugee Convention. In fact, Rutasia END OF SEMESTER – GOOD LUCK TO US!
adequately provided migrants with temporary refuge and


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