Youth Survey

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Youth Group Evaluation

Where do you feel our youth group is spiritually?

Is this where you think we should be? If not, where would you like to see us in the future?

What would you like to see different in our youth group?

What topics and lessons do you think would help us get where you think we should be?

Youth Group Evaluation

Where do you feel our youth group is spiritually?

Is this where you think we should be? If not, where would you like to see us in the future?

What would you like to see different in our youth group?

What topics and lessons do you think would help us get where you think we should be?
Personal Youth Survey
Below are several items related to your life and your walk with God. Tell us how you are doing.
1 = I'm doing okay.
2 = I'd like some help on this.
3 = I urgently want help with this; please talk with me as soon as possible!
My Walk with God
___  1. Making progress in my relationship with God.
___  2. Having a regular time to read the Bible and think about Him.
___  3. Praying regularly and effectively.
___  4. Knowing for certain that I'm a Christian and that I will go to heaven when I die.

My Attitude Toward Serving Him

___  5. Deciding what to do when I grow up.
___  6. Knowing what my spiritual gifts are.
___  7. Being committed to serving him in this group and church.
___  8. Willingness to help other people, even non-Christians, in whatever way I can.

My Own Life and Lifestyle

___  9. Feeling good about how I look.
___ 10. Learning to evaluate my schedule and time priorities.
___ 11. Handling money.
___ 12. Fulfilling responsibilities, being dependable.
___ 13. Being willing to look beyond my own needs and wants.
___ 14. Having social skills (starting conversations, meeting new people, feeling comfortable socially).

Witness and Mission

___ 15. Having confidence in sharing Christ with my friends.
___ 16. Knowing how to defend my faith.
___ 17. Caring about the salvation of others here and around the world.

___ 18. Feeling that I've been discipled.
___ 19. Knowing how to disciple someone else.

Family and Friends

___ 20. Being able to have close friends.
___ 21. Being able to have right relationships with boys/girls.
___ 22. Being part of the solution, not part of the problem in my family.
___ 23. Being a good example of what a Christian is among my friends and people in general.

Where are you at spiritually?

Is this where you should be or could you be closer with God?

What are some goals that you have for your own relationship with God?

Would you like some one-on-one counseling or help by Brian? (Matters discussed will be confidential.)

Please write any comments or questions below.

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