Template For TOEFL Independent Speaking 1
Template For TOEFL Independent Speaking 1
Template For TOEFL Independent Speaking 1
I do agree that a higher education means a better career. To begin with, with
the advancement of technology and the advancement of the world itself,
companies are becoming more complex. If they want their company to
succeed, they will need to have intelligent, knowledgeable, and competent
individuals working for them. In addition, having a higher education will give
you an advantage over the other candidates applying for the same job.
Therefore, these reasons are why I agree that a higher education means a
better career.
Template for Preference Question Type
To me, I prefer to ____(Verb) or (I prefer____(Noun) to/over ____ (Noun)for
two main reasons.
The first reason is _____
The second reason is______
Therefore, these reasons are why I prefer to ____ rather than ____.
To me, I prefer eating at restaurants over eating at food stands for two main
reasons (or I prefer to eat at restaurants for two main reasons). The first
reason is I grew up dinning in restaurants, so I am accustomed to eating in
them. Actually, I cannot remember the last time I ate at a food stand. Plus,
eating in a nice building is much more comfortable compared to eating
outside. The second reason is there is a better food selection. I can have
more choices and my food is cooked better, because they have a proper
cooking system. Therefore, these reasons are why I prefer to eat at a
restaurant rather than a food stand.
Template for Three Choices Question Type
I think that _____ (or I would choose _____) for two reasons.
First, compared to ____, ______
Second, ________
So for these two reasons, I believe that ____ (or I would choose ____)
Which of the following choices do you think has the greatest impact on
environmental protection? (1) Governmental regulations (2)
Environmental awareness groups (3) Individual efforts
Your degree requires you to take one course, which one would you
choose? (1) Energy and environment (2) Health and nutrition (3) Solar
I would choose health and nutrition classes for two main reasons. First, I
deal with nutrition every single day. When I am trying to make healthy
choices for my body, I am sometimes uncertain about what the best foods
are the most nutritious. A health and nutrition class would surely ease that
trouble and help me make choices that are good for my body. Second, I am
not very interested in sciences, so I don’t think an energy and environment
or solar system class would be very intriguing to me. I would rather take
classes that excite me rather than the class I was totally disinterested. So,
for these two reasons, I would choose to take a health and nutrition class,
rather than energy and environment, or solar system course.
Template for IF/Imaginary Question Type
If I ____, I would ____.
The first reason is _____
The second reason is ______
So for these two reasons, if ____, I would ____.
If you had a small amount of money, would you spend it right away or
save it? Use details and examples to support your explanation.
If I had a small amount of money, I would save it. The first reason is I grew
up in a family that prided themselves on having money in the bank, so it is
easy for me to save money. The second reason is if there was an
emergency and you would need some money. If you saved it, you would be
ok. However, if you did not save it, you could be in trouble. In addition, it is
more important to save money and pay off your debts, rather than waste
your money on something useless. So for these two reasons, I would save a
small amount of money.
Template for Description or Explanation Question Type
In my opinion, ____
First of all, ______
Furthermore, _____
Therefore, I strongly/firmly believe that ______
Should schools have teams for sports that might carry a risk of serious
physical injury? Explain your answer.
In my opinion, schools should still allow sports that carry that risk despite the
risk of serious physical injury. First of all, it is not the responsibility of schools
to completely eliminate all risk from the lives of students. Otherwise, they
would have to abolish any science labs that used chemicals or sharp objects
because they pose a potential threat to safety. Furthermore, students and
their families should be allowed to make personal decisions about what kind
of activities they are participating in despite risk as long as they are not
simultaneously endangering unknowing bystanders. Therefore, I firmly
believe that schools should allow students to make decisions about what
sports they will play, even when those sports contain some serious risks.
Template for Advantage and Disadvantage Question Type
I believe that it is beneficial to ______, but there can also be some
First, _______
However, I believe that there are disadvantages as well. ______
So, I believe that there are advantages and disadvantages to _______
Many students are asked to evaluate their professors at the end of the
semester. What are the advantages and disadvantages of this?
Agree Disagree
The man/girl agrees with the The man/girl disagrees with the
announcement/letter/article, which is about ______ announcement/letter/article, which is about ______
There are two reasons why the man/girl supports the There are two reasons why the man/girl opposes the
announcement/letter/article. announcement/letter/article.
Therefore, these reasons are why the man/girl believes Therefore, these reasons are why the man/girl believes
that _____ is a good idea. that _____ is not a good idea.
Final Thoughts
Now, it’s your turn. On a test like the TOEFL, the wide-ranging, yet specific
types of questions presented may seem to be overwhelming at first, as there
is no way to have the perfect response ready beforehand. But, after having
covered all the ins and outs of the Speaking section, while breaking down
each of its four speaking tasks into smaller parts, you’ve got a pretty solid
idea on what to expect come test day. When you combine your knowledge
of the Speaking section with these speaking templates, you’ll be not one, but
TWO steps closer to achieving your best score on the TOEFL test.