Selection of A Selection of A TOC Analyzer: Analytical Considerations TOC Analyzer: Analytical Considerations
Selection of A Selection of A TOC Analyzer: Analytical Considerations TOC Analyzer: Analytical Considerations
Selection of A Selection of A TOC Analyzer: Analytical Considerations TOC Analyzer: Analytical Considerations
Joe Furlong, Product Line Manager , Bob Booth, Senior Research Chemist ,
Brian Wallace, Application Chemist
The task of choosing a Total Organic Carbon analyzer brings one to consider the many
instruments currently on the market.
market. This becomes more difficult
difficult when faced with
understanding that TOC analyzer manufacturers may use different oxidation techniques
which could effect the analytical
analytical data. This article highlights some analytical
analytical differences
between the two major TOC oxidation techniques and offers suggestions for a process to
base the choice upon the user’s unique needs.
Since the relationship between BOD, COD, and TOC was established in the late 1970s,
TOC analyzers have become an analytical backbone in many water treatment and quality
control laboratories worldwide. Typical applications and levels of
of TOC in various water
streams can be seen in Table 1. Important environmental and pharmaceutical
pharmaceutical regulations
such as US EPA’s Information Collection Rule and United State Pharmacopoeia (USP) TOC
in Water for Injection (WFI) have only increased the importance of the measurement.
Table 1
Over the years many TOC analyzers have been introduced by various ma manufacturers
nufacturers which
use different oxidation technologies. The development of different oxidation technologies
were used to gain an analytical and marketing advantage against a competitive
manufacturer. Currently, two major oxidation technologies
technologies dominate the TOC market plac
combustion and UV/persulfate. The late 1980s saw the start of a major deb debate
ate between
which technique was best suited
suited for testing for TOC. This paper is designed to highli
ght the
advantages and disadvantages of both techniques in a balanced and analytical manner.
This will give users appropriate information to make an informed decision as to which
technique serves their needs the best and explain disparities between the two techniques.
Table 2
The range of TOC measurement varies with with oxidation method and detection technique. A
combustion/TCD method, used in Tekmar-Dohrmann’
Tekmar-Dohrmann’s CHNS&O analyzer, may measure up
to 100% carbon in a sample, whereas the NDIR and conductivity detectors vary in range
from as low as 0.5ppb to 25,000ppm.
25,000ppm. Some NDIR detectors give the advantage of
sensitivity to low amounts of TOC while not sacrificing the ability to analyze widely varying
concentrations without
without numerous calibra
tions. The conductivity
conductivity detectors are capable of
measuring very low levels ofof TOC. However, they require dilutions to measure many
environmental samples and are sensitive to various interferences such as chlorides and
other ionic chemicals.
All TOC analyzers offered today are either the combustion method or low-temperature
oxidation. The low-temperature oxidation is a chemical oxidation aided by 100oC heat and
persulfate, UV and persulfate or only UV irradiation. The purpose of the oxidation step is to
convert the organics to carbon dioxide.
dioxide. Then, a detector measures the amount
amount of carbon
dioxide and applies that result to a calibration curve to get the TOC value.
First, to measure TOC, all TOC analyzers either remove or measure the inorganic carbon
(IC), defined as dissolved carbon dioxide, carbonate, and bicarbonate. One common
technique is to introduce the sample and a small amount of 20% phosphoric acid to an
inorganic reaction cell. The sample is usually sparged with carrier
carrier gas to drive off any IC
Figure 1
Data Print
Furnace/Combustion Tube
Figure 1
UV Lamp and
Persulfate Data Display RS232
Reagent Reaction
Data Print
Air, Oxygen,
or Nitrogen
Figure 2
The low-temperature techniques have the advantage of allowing a large volume of sample
to be analyzed thereby improving the low limit of detection. Also the blank value is v
ery low
as long as the reagents are pure, which makes the analysis more accurate.
The UV/Persulfate technique of the Phoenix 8000 allows true parts per billion measurement
of TOC. It stands on the proven history
history of UV/persulfate TOC in the Dohrmann DC-54, DC-
80 and DC-180 analyzers. The ease of handling up to 20 mL of s sample
ample means that the
detection limit is in the range of 1 to 2 ppb C. The blank of the system
system is the contribution
from the persulfate reagent. Since the volume of of reagent is 1/40th that of the largest sample
volume, the contribution is indeed very small. Samples that have extremely low carbon can
be analyzed without the addition of persulfate and thus the blank is reduced even further.
Figure 2 is a typical UV/Persulfate flow diagram.
Instrumental Background
In general this analytical parameter is only important for the low level measurement of TOC
such as surface, drinking, high-purity
high-purity water and water for injection (WFI).
(WFI). Therefore, most
users measuring TOC in industrial water effluent need not to worry.
This analytical parameter has been hotly debated for the past 15 years. Many studies have
been done that compared persulfate against combustion using different “tough
tough”” to oxidize
compounds. Many of these reports seem to conflict with each
each other’
other’s results. However,
some conclusions can be drawn from the reports.
• There is no question that combustion TOC analyzers
analyzers give more consistent
consistent recoveries
than persulfate.
• Humic acid seems
seems to be tthehe most
most c challenging
hallenging compound
compound to analyze. Other than being
difficult to oxidize, is it also difficult to find humic acid with a carbon content that has
been accurately measured and keep in solution in high concentrations. These factors
alone would adversely effect analytical results and a nd conclusion.
• The higher concentration of persulfate increases recoveries for difficult
difficult to oxidize
compounds .
• The newer
newer generation of UV/Persulfate TOC analyzers
analyzers achieve much higher recoveries
than older generation analyzers due to advances in UV lamp design and higher
concentration of persulfate4.
Phoenix 8000
It is generally accepted that the persulfate oxidation technique gives low recoveries on
particulated organic matter. Consequently, this technique reports DOC values, but many
analytical communities accept this value as TOC depending on the nature of the sample,
such as drinking water and water for injection. The combustion technique excels
excels at the
measurement of particulate organic matter, but caution needs to be exercised since the
instrumental sampling technique and instrumental options can give varied results from
instrument to instrument.
instrument. Dr. Theresa Lee-Alvarez
Lee-Alvarez reports in her paper Total Organic
Carbon Analysis of Particulated Samples 6 that a number of factors play an extremely
are role in the
instrumental accurate
sample measu
handling, rement
g, sample of TOC
stirring, with
and particulated
sample volumeorganic
organic matter.
injected. They
The data
presented in table 3 is an excellent example of the TOC values reported between an Apollo
9000 combustion TOC analyzer from Tekmar-Dohrmann that has been properly optimized to
measure particulated organic matter (column 2) and one that was not (column 1).
Table 3
Detection Limits
have recommended
as special procedures
high sensitivity and
catalyst special
and options
lengthy blank to lessen the
checking instrumental
procedures. Theblank such
Apollo 9000
combustion TOC from Tekmar-Dohrmann has a proprietary catalyst with an inherent low
blank and an automated blank measurement that takes about one hour to complete.
The advantage is also given to the persulfate technique since it can analyze up to 20 mL of
sample. This increases the amount of organic carbon to be detected therefore decreasing
the detection limit. Typically, as little as 4 mL of analyte is needed for the Phoenix 8000, as
seen in picture 2, to reach an IDL of 7 ppb 7. The combustion technique has a limited
volume of sample that can be injected
injected since large injection volumes cool the catalyst. Two
milliliters of sample is typically the limit.
While combining the variability of the instrumental blank with the power of sample volume,
low level TOC analysis is easier using the persulfate technique versus the combustion is
analyzer, This
not todifficult.
say low level analysis cannot be done with a combustion TOC
Below are typical applications and recommendations for which TOC oxidization technology
would give the best analytical results.
results. Please be advised that there are exc
eptions for every
application. In the sprit of keeping our recommendations to the point, wwe
e will refrain from
commenting on every exception.