Methods For Calculating Illumination

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Methods for calculating illumination

The problem of the lighting designer at the

functional level is to determine how many lights and
where to place them to get the correct level of
illumination for a given activity.

These calculations can be divided into two types

• We want to determine the illumination at a

small specific location in the room from a point
light source. Accent or task lighting. This not
much more complicated than exercises we have
already been doing

Simply get polar plot for luminaire and work out

the illumination on surface for a given lamp.
Called the point illumination method.

The lumen method

We want to estimate the illumination pattern from a

set of diffuse lighting sources over a broad area in a
room. This is a more complicated exercise. We will
be using the total flux method, or lumen method to
get rough and reasonable estimates of the
lamps/luminaires needed.

This method is used in areas where a uniform light

intensity of the work area. Used for rectangular
rooms with gridded luminaire pattern.

Uniform: For the present discussion we require the

minimum illumination level to be at least 70% of the
maximum illumination level.

The lumen method

What we have to do is solve an equation of the type

Φ rec

where E is the illumination level required at the

work surface and A is the total area of the plane
where the work is done. The factor Φrec is the flux of
light received on the working surface. The factor
Φrec is not the flux emitted by the lamps although it
will be related to the flux emitted by the lamps.

The main issue is to determine how much flux needs

to be installed, i.e. Φinst, to get the required amount
of received flux Φrec.

Methods for calculating illumination

The first step is to determine how much flux is to be


Φ rec = EA

Multiply the illumination required by the surface


The received flux is related to the installed flux by a

simple formula

Φ rec = MF × UF × Φ inst

MF = Maintenance factor (Light Loss Factor LLF)

UF = Utilization factor

The maintenance factor gives an estimate of how

lighting conditions will deteriorate through use.
Some factors are
• Dust and dirt inside luminaire surfaces
• Aging of light bulbs emitting less light
• Cleaning of room surfaces, e.g. ceiling
Without detailed knowledge of a maintenance plan,
one sets MF = 0.80.

The utilization factor (UF)

This utilization factor is somewhat more

complicated to determine than the maintenance

The utilization factor will depend on the following

The luminaire properties. One needs the light

output ratio (LOR). How much of the light emitted
by the lamps actually leaves the luminaire? An
enclosed lamp in a luminaire with low reflectivity
will have a smaller LOR than a naked lamp.

The respective values of the ULOR and DLOR

also have an impact. The light emitted downwards
will probably reach the work area without
reflections. However light emitted upwards can only
reach the work area after reflection(s) from surfaces.
A large DLOR usually means a higher UF.

The utilization factor (UF)

The reflectance of the room surfaces. Are the

surfaces (walls, ceiling) light or dark in colour? The
larger the ULOR the more important this factor
becomes. Some typical reflectance values are

Colour Reflectance
White, Off-white, light shades of 75-90%
gray, brown, blue
Medium green, yellow, brown 30-60%
or gray
Dark gray, medium blue 10-20%
Dark blue, green, wood panelling 5-10%

(A colour with strong chroma does not reflect other

colours). Reflectances are available from
manufacturers of paints and furniture finishings.

It is usual to make the reflectance of the ceiling

highest, walls slightly lower and the floor darker.
One typically recommends in offices

Ceiling 70-90%
Wall 50-70%
Floor 20-50%

Reflectances of desks should be 20-40%. Do not

choose very dark wood, or bright surfaces.

The utilization factor (UF)

The geometric proportion of the room. The

geometric shape of the room will affect the UF. A
factor called the room index (RI) is defined from
the horizontal vertical areas of the room.

The horizontal areas are

AreaH = 2 × Length × Width = 2 × L × W

The vertical areas are

AreaV = 2 × (Length + Width ) × Height Lum = 2 × (L + W ) × H m

The mounting height, Hm is the vertical distance

from the work place to the luminaire. The RI (the
factors of 2 cancel) is

Area H L ×W
RI = =
AreaV (L + W ) × H m

The utilization factor (UF)

The Direct ratio. This is the proportion of the

downward luminous flux that reaches the work
area directly without reflection. It depends on
• The shape of the room. The Direct ratio
has a low value with a tall narrow room
(small RI) and a high value for a wide
room (large RI).
• The light distribution from the
luminaires. Luminaires that emit light
through a larger solid angle will generally
have a smaller direct ratio that luminaires
that emit light in a narrower beam.

There exist data sheets of UF for rooms of different

shapes and luminaires of a common type.
Catalogues of luminaires often provide data sheets of
UF for rooms.

Getting uniform illumination

As a rule of thumb, to achieve uniform lighting

requires the spacing between the luminaries to be
no larger than 1.5 times the mounting height.

LumnaireSpacing < 1.5H m


The recipe for doing calculations

• Decide on Luminaire type and how many will

be needed.

• Determine room index.

• Reflectances of ceiling, walls and floor


• Utilization factor for luminaire determined.

• DLOR for luminaire determined.

• Determine necessary flux

Φ rec E× A
Φ inst = =

• Geometry for uniform illumination to decide of

number and size of luminaries. Trial and error.
At this stage might change type of luminaire
and repeat calculation.

A simple example (Szoklay, Example 2.7)

A general open plan office has dimensions

12 ×8.5×2.8 m.

Using D.2.6 data sheet, visual class, means the

illuminance required is 400 lux.

The reflectances of the ceiling are known as 0.70

and the reflectance of the wall is 0.50 m.

The work areas are at a height of 0.80 m.

The choice is made that an enclosed batten luminaire

with diffuser should be used (D.2.7).

• The mounting height, Hm = 2.8 – 0.8 = 2.0 m.

• The RI is

12 × 8.5 102
RI = = = 2.5
(12 + 8.5) × 2.0 41

• From Table D.2.7, the luminaire DLOR = 0.50.


RI C = 0.7 C = 0.7 C = 0.7 C = 0.5 ……

W = 0.5 W= 0.3 W = 0.1 W= 0.5 ……..
….. …. ….. …. …. ….
2.0 0.52 0.47 0.44 0.44 .…
2.5 0.55 0.51 0.48 0.50 ….
…. ….. …… …… ….. ….

• Utilization factor, choose entry in C = 0.7, 0.5

column. UF = 0.55.

• So we need a total installed luminous flux of

E× A 400 × 12 × 8.5
Φ inst = = = 98,000lm
MF × UF 0.55 × 0.80

• For uniform lighting, need minimum spacing of

1.5×Hm=3.0 m between luminaries.

• Table D2.9. Choose 1.20 m long fluorescent

lamps (middle size) of 40 W. (Rule of middle
size). Go for a middle quality lamp Kolor-rite
(CRI index = 1B). Flux output = 1800 lumen.

• Number of lamps needed = 98,000/1800 = 55.

Round up to 56 since want two lamps per

• Geometric experiment, decide on a layout of 7

rows of 4 luminaires. Spacing of 1.60 m along
12.0 m length (with 0.60 m from walls and 0.40
m between ends). Spacing along width is 2.30
m between centres, with a 0.80 m gap from the
walls. Make gap between last lamp to wall
equal to half spacing between luminaires.

Linear Interpolation

Will be using table of values for utilization factors.

Particular RI data for luminaries might not be read
from table exactly (e.g. as in example of Szokolay).

Determine slope

y1 − y0
x1 − x0

How far along?

So y = x0 + m( x − x0 )

Suppose the RI was 2.70 (refer to Szokolay).

For RI=2.5 UF = 0.55; and for RI = 3.0 UF = 0.58

So m = (0.58-0.55)/(3.0-2.5) = 0.060

So RI = 0.55 + 0.060*(2.7-2.5) = 0.55+0.012 = 0.56


The space to height ratio (SHR)

The spacing to height ratio (SHR or S/Hm) is the

ratio of the centre-to-centre distance between
adjacent luminaires, to their height above the
working plane. Used to estimate if lighting is
uniform. For a rectangular arrangement of
1 A
SHR = ×
Hm N
A = total floor area
N = number of luminaires
More precise criteria for uniform lighting.
• The SHR should not exceed maximum spacing
to height ratio (SHRMAX) of the given
luminaire as quoted by the manufacturer, and
• The geometric mean spacing to height ratio of
the luminaire layout should be within the range
of nominal spacing to height ratio (SHRNOM)
of the given luminaire as quoted by the
manufacturer, i.e.
SHR(length) × SHR( width) = SHRNOM ± 0.5

The space to height ratio: Example

SHR(length) = 1.6/2.0 = 0.80

SHR(length) = 2.3/2.0 = 1.15

For linear fluorescent luminaire, SHRNOM = 1.7.

So everything is OK.

Lighting layouts

For uniform lighting patterns a regular arrangement

of lights is desired.

Generally, for linear luminaries, keep the long

luminaire parallel to the long room axis. A diagonal
luminaire arrangement can be distracting, and the
order of room disjointed from order of light source.


With little variation, lighting is monotonous and flat.

This refers to the degree of shadow. The stronger
the shadows the less flat the light. Luminaires with
diffusers produce flatter light.

All parts of room, even where no visual tasks are

performed receive same amount of light. Provide
general illumination of 200 lux, and maybe localized
illuminance of 600 where difficult tasks occur.
Requires flexibility in electrical trunking supply so
luminaries can be moved.

The maintenance factor

The details of the maintenance factor depends on a

number of different inputs.


LLMF = Lamp Lumen maintenance factor. How

well does the lamp maintain its light output as it
ages. Obtained from manufacturer catalogs.

LMF = Luminaire maintenance factor. Main issue is

dust or grime being deposited on luminaire surface.

RSMF = Room surface maintenance factor. How

clean is the room kept, dirt on walls and ceilings
reducing reflectivity and illumination.

Lamp Type Hours

LLMF 6000 10000 12000
Fluorescent, tri-phosphor 0.99 0.96 0.95
With electronic ballast
Metal halide 0.72 0.66 0.63
High Pressure sodium 0.91 0.88 0.87

The maintenance factor


The LMF and RSMF depend on what is going on in

the room. Rooms dived into a number of categories.
IES handbook. Very Clean (VC), Clean (C),
Medium (M), Dirty (D), Very Dirty.

The LMF further depends on the type of luminaire.

Whether it is a naked bulb, whether it has diffusers,
reflectors, uses louvres.

The control of glare

Glare occurs in both natural (daylight) and in

interior lighting situations. It is most annoying in
the interior light environment where the lighting is
under human control.

The glare annoyance depends on a number of


• In a supermarket people are on the move and

not always looking in same direction

• In a classroom students are usually looking in a

fixed direction

• In a classroom, students are reading, this is a

moderately difficult visual task.

• Students are fixed for a long period of time.

Standards for glare depend on the use of the visual


The glare index

There is quantity called the discomfort glare constant

(g) which is

L1s.6 ω 0.8
g = 0.45 ×
LB P1.6

In this relation

Ls = luminance of the source of glare.

LB = average luminance of the background sources.

P is called the position index. This gives an

indication of the position of where the light index is
located in the field of view. P is small when light is
in field of view.

Area of Glare Source

ω = ------------------------------ = solid angle of glare
(Distance from source)2

Besides this, there is something called the glare


GI = 10 log10 ( g )

Glare index Reaction

0 - 10 Imperceptible
10 - 16 Noticeable
16 - 22 Acceptable
22 – 28 Uncomfortable
> 28 Intolerable

More visually demanding tasks with high

illuminance levels are less tolerant of glare.

Limiting GI Occupations
16 Drawing offices, very fine visual
19 Offices, libraries, keyboard and VDT
work (reflections from screen).
22 Kitchen, reception area, fine
25 Stock rooms, assembly line for easy
28 Indoor car park, rough industrial

(At present time, do not require you to calculate the

glare index, require you to know what it is and when
it is most important to eliminate.)

Control of glare

Consider the factors in that arise in the glare


First of all, glare from all sources is additive

GI = 10 log10 ( g1 + g 2 + g 3 + K)

People get annoyed by all sources of discomfort


L1s.6 ω 0.8
g = 0.45 ×
LB p1.6

Obviously, cutting down the illuminance of the glare

source, Ls is a good idea. This does not mean
reducing the light level in the room. The higher the
illumination of the background, the smaller the glare
constant. So rather than having one very bright
luminaire, have a number of dimmer luminaries.

Most of the visual tasks involve looking horizontally

or slightly down. So keep luminaries out of the low
angle vision. (The factor p in the formula takes this
into account). So do not gives walls too high a
reflectance. Do not give the floors too high
reflectance (no glossy light floors!).

Control of glare

Computer screens. Since computer screens have

shiny surfaces, very susceptible to glare, and can be
disability glare.

Do not want have batten luminaries with lighting

diffusing out the sides.

Keep light sources high, away from field of view.

Computer labs in Bld 29 have troffers with small

ice-cube tray size louvres. The CIE have developed
a Unified Glare Rating (UGR). A relatively simple
way to determine a glare index.


The glare index

L1s.6 ω 0.8
g = 0.45 ×
LB P1.6

Ls Keep luminance of source down. Use of

diffusers and louvres. Problem, cutting down glare
also cuts down total light emitted. Note, reflected
light can also be a source of glare.

P Keep luminaires out of field of view. High

ceilings are good. Field of view is roughly
horizontal and about 1.2 m above floor.

ω Keep area of source small. Note, connected

with Ls.

To cut down glare, avoid luminaires that emit light

to sides (e.g. battern luminaire with a diffuser at the
sides), light emitted more in downward direction
avoids visual discomfort.


In this form of lighting, lighting is directed upwards

to the ceiling. Reflected light from the ceiling
provides the general illumination in the room.

Advantages, elimination of glare

is one of the major advantages.
Re-introduction driven by the
increasing use of computers.

Disadvantage, it is somewhat
inefficient. Low conversion of
electrical energy into usable light.
Ceiling is quite bright, less visual
emphasis on other areas of room,
furniture, floors.

Keep ceiling luminance below 500 cd/m2 average

and 1500 cd/m2 maximum.

To get an even illumination on the ceiling requires

that you have a high ceiling.


You either like it or not. It is possible to use

combinations of direct diffuse and indirect lighting.

Illumination can be calculated using lumen method

in conjunction with transfer function tables.

Need to maintain a uniform illumination on ceiling.

Eliminates light hot-spots that can result in glare.
Harder with low ceiling.

Computer workers prefer diffuse lighting

Workers in computerised office divided into two

groups, half received illumination from parabolic
(PAR) downlights. (PAR lights can be used to task
lighting and cut down electricity bill). Other half
had diffused light sources.

Besides less glare,

concentrated beam down-
lights result in a darker
ceiling. This can result in an
oppressive psychological

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