Liquid Monopropellant Combustion
Liquid Monopropellant Combustion
Liquid Monopropellant Combustion
Technical Notes
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Liquid Monopropellant Combustion 10-mm-diam combustor has a film surface area comparable to a
droplet spray with a 10 m Sauter mean radius. The concept using
in Mesoscale Vortex Chamber wall film evaporation in small combustion chambers was demon-
strated in a 3:14-cm3 -volume combustor [6] with gaseous air used as
the oxidizer. Secondary air injection was recently introduced into the
Ming-Hsun Wu∗ concept to enhance mixing and contain the reaction zone completely
National Cheng Kung University, within the combustion chamber [7]. Furthermore, a portion of the
Tainan City 70101, Taiwan, Republic of China flow residence time in the chamber was consumed by the mixing
and between the fuel and oxidizer.
Yanxing Wang,† Richard A. Yetter,‡ and Vigor Yang§ To circumvent the problem of short flow residence time in a small-
scale combustion chamber and thereby avoid the difficulties
Pennsylvania State University, associated with the mixing of fuel and oxidizer, we studied the usage
University Park, Pennsylvania 16802 of nitromethane (CH3 NO2 ), a liquid monopropellant. A mesoscale
DOI: 10.2514/1.40662 vortex combustor developed in our previous work on gaseous com-
bustion [8] was used because of its potential to implement the
concept of wall film vaporization.
I. Introduction
II. Experimental Setup
A WIDE variety of meso- and microscale combustion devices
have been proposed and are under development to meet the
power and energy density requirements of propulsion and power-
The volume of the combustion chamber is 108 mm3 , with the
chamber diameter of 5.16 mm. The injection and the exhaust
generation applications [1–4]. Most of these devices employ gaseous ports both intersect the circumference of the cylindrical com-
fuels and, in particular, hydrogen, which has a fast reaction rate and bustion chamber tangentially, but at opposite ends. The tangential
high diffusivity, to demonstrate the feasibility of self-sustained positioning of the inlet creates a swirling flow that stabilizes the
combustion at millimeter scales or below. Liquid-phase storage and combustion process. Details of the combustor design, fabrication,
operations, however, are essential for taking full advantage of the and gaseous-fuel operation are found in [3,8]. For the present
high specific energy of a combustion-based power generator using operation using a liquid monopropellant, a high-pressure syringe
hydrocarbon fuels. pump (Harvard Instruments, PHD 4400) was used for liquid
At macroscales, liquid fuels are typically sprayed into a com- injection. A 2-mm-thick sapphire window capable of withstanding
bustor in droplet form to enhance the vaporization and ensuing pressure up to 2.758 MPa (gauge) (400 psig) was installed on
burning rates. If the fuel was injected as a film on the chamber wall, the combustor to provide optical access. The window was replaced
the liquid surface area would not be large enough to sustain the with an end cap featuring a thermocouple port when tempera-
needed vaporization rate. In combustors with dimensions in the ture measurements were conducted. The chamber pressure was
subcentimeter-size range, however, because the specific area of monitored by a transducer (Setra Systems, Inc., Model 207)
the wall film increases as the combustor volume decreases, a liquid connected to a port on the side wall of the combustor.
film can offer a surface area for vaporization that is as large as that The exhaust products were diluted with helium (99.999%) and
of a vaporizing spray. The film on the combustor surface also cools then analyzed by an FT-IR spectrometer (ThermoNicolet 670). The
the combustor wall to create a favorably distributed temperature gas cell of the FT-IR apparatus was equipped with ZnSe windows,
profile that prevents heat losses for both endothermic liquid decom- and the optical path was 10 cm. The cell volume was 100 cm3 , and
position reactions and gasification. Heat transferred to the wall, the temperature was kept at 130 C to avoid liquid condensation. The
which has been considered as heat loss in most miniaturized com- resolution of the spectra acquired was 1 cm1 .
bustor applications, can be used for fuel film vaporization. Atomizers
that are capable of producing submicron-scale droplets may,
therefore, not be needed for liquid-fueled combustion in meso-
III. Results and Discussion
and microscale combustors. Sirignano et al. [5,6] concluded that a To investigate film combustion using tangentially injected liquid
fuels in a vortex combustor, studies were initially conducted with
Received 29 August 2008; revision received 6 January 2009; accepted for the combustion chamber operating on liquid nitromethane and a
publication 12 January 2009. Copyright © 2009 by the American Institute of small amount of oxygen at atmospheric pressure (1 atm). Liquid
Aeronautics and Astronautics, Inc. All rights reserved. Copies of this paper nitromethane was injected from a port tangentially intersecting the
may be made for personal or internal use, on condition that the copier pay the chamber wall. A small amount of gaseous oxygen was also injected
$10.00 per-copy fee to the Copyright Clearance Center, Inc., 222 Rosewood tangentially in the same direction, but on the opposite side of
Drive, Danvers, MA 01923; include the code 0748-4658/09 $10.00 in the combustor. Ignition was achieved by first igniting a methane–
correspondence with the CCC.
oxygen or hydrogen–oxygen pilot flame. Liquid nitromethane was
Assistant Professor, Department of Mechanical Engineering. Member
then injected, while reducing the gaseous oxygen to a prespecified
Research Associate, Department of Mechanical and Nuclear Engineering.
level. Three different mass loadings of nitromethane (80, 89, and
Professor, Department of Mechanical and Nuclear Engineering. Member 94% by volume) with a constant oxygen flow rate were investigated.
AIAA. The chemical energy imparted to the system was 70, 100, and 160 W
Professor, Department of Mechanical and Nuclear Engineering. Fellow with the three nitromethane loadings, respectively. The correspond-
AIAA. ing flame temperature and flow development were determined
generation and to increase the flow residence time, so that pure [3] Wu, M.-H., “Development and Experimental Analyses of Meso and
nitromethane operation in the miniaturized combustor was achieved. Micro Scale Combustion Systems,” Ph.D. Dissertation, Dept. of
Combustion of liquid nitromethane monopropellant at atmo- Mechanical and Nuclear Engineering, Pennsylvania State Univ.,
University Park, PA, 2007.
spheric pressure was not achievable because the flow residence
[4] Wu, M. H., and Yetter, R. A., “A Novel Electrolytic Ignition
time was so short that the slow reaction was quenched. Oxygen was Monopropellant Microthruster Based on Low Temperature Co-Fired
required to enhance the chemical kinetic rates of nitromethane Ceramic Tape Technology,” Lab on a Chip, 2009.
reactions to achieve self-sustained combustion at atmospheric doi:10.1039/b812737a.
pressure. Although flow residence time can also be increased by [5] Sirignano, W. A., Stanchi, S., and Imaoka, R., “Linear Analysis of a
lowering the injection flow rate of nitromethane, the lower chemical Liquid-Film Combustor,” Journal of Propulsion and Power, Vol. 21,
input power might result in insufficient heat feedback to evaporate No. 6, 2005, pp. 1075–1091.
liquid nitromethane and decompose the vaporized reactant, resulting doi:10.2514/1.14156
in an oscillatory flame pattern. The study showed that stable nitro- [6] Sirignano, W. A., Pham, T. K., and Dunn-Rankin, D., “Miniature-Scale
methane combustion could be reached as the chamber pressure was Liquid-Fuel-Film Combustor,” Proceedings of the Combustion
Institute, Vol. 29, 2002, pp. 925–931.
increased above 1.793 MPa (gauge); however, the FT-IR spectro- doi:10.1016/S1540-7489(02)80117-1
scopic measurements revealed that estimated chemical efficiencies [7] Mattioli, R., Pham, T. K., and Dunn-Rankin, D., “Secondary Air
of over 99% were not obtained until pressurization exceeded Injection in Miniature Liquid Fuel Film Combustors,” Proceedings of
2.068 MPa (gauge). the Combustion Institute, Vol. 32, No. 2,2009, pp. 3091–3098.
[8] Wu, M.-H., Wang, Y., Yang, V., and Yetter, R. A., “Combustion in
Acknowledgments Meso-Scale Vortex Chambers,” Proceedings of the Combustion
This work was supported by the U.S. Air Force Office of Scientific Institute, Vol. 31, 2007, pp. 3235–3242.
Research under contract AFOSR FA9550-06-1-0183. The authors doi:10.1016/j.proci.2006.08.114
gratefully acknowledge the support of Mitat Birkan, contract [9] Kee, R. J., Rupley, F. M., Meeks, E., and Miller, J. A., “Chemkin III: A
monitor for the program. Ming-Hsun Wu would also like to Fortran Chemical Kinetcs Package for the Analysis of Gas-Phase
acknowledge support from the National Science Council, Chemical and Plasma Kinetics,” Sandia National Laboratories,
UC-405SAND96-8216, 1996.
Taiwan, under grant NSC 96-2218-E-006-293 and NSC 97-2221- [10] Glassman, I., Combustion, 3rd ed., Academic Press, San Diego, CA,
E-006-058-MY2. 1996.
[11] Boyer, E., and Kuo, K. K., “Modeling of Nitromethane Flame Structure
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[2] Dunn-Rankin, D., Leal, E. M., and Walther, D. C., “Personal Power
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doi:10.1016/j.pecs.2005.04.001 Associate Editor