Case of Salov v. Ukraine

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(Application no. 65518/01)



6 September 2005



This judgment will become final in the circumstances set out in Article 44 § 2 of
the Convention. It may be subject to editorial revision.

In the case of Salov v. Ukraine,

The European Court of Human Rights (Second Section), sitting as a
Chamber composed of:
Mr J.-P. COSTA, President,
Mrs A. MULARONI, judges,
and Mr S. NAISMITH, Deputy Section Registrar,
Having deliberated in private on 22 March 2005 and on 5 July 2005,
Delivers the following judgment, which was adopted on the
last-mentioned date:

1. The case originated in an application (no. 65518/01) against Ukraine
lodged with the Court under Article 34 of the Convention for the Protection
of Human Rights and Fundamental Freedoms (“the Convention”) by a
Ukrainian national, Mr Sergey Petrovich Salov (“the applicant”), on
26 January 2000.
2. The applicant was represented by Mr V. Ageyev and Mr A. Fedur,
lawyers practising in Ukraine, and by Mr S. Dunikowski, a lawyer
practising in Nanterre. The Ukrainian Government (“the Government”)
were represented by their Agents, Mrs Z. Bortnovska, succeeded by
Mrs V. Lutkovska.
3. The applicant alleged under Article 5 § 3 of the Convention that he
had not been brought promptly before a judge or other judicial authority in
order to have his arrest reviewed. The applicant also complained that his
right to a fair trial, including the principles of the “rule of law” and “legal
certainty”, had been infringed, since the Presidium of the Regional Court
had set aside the resolution of the District Court of 7 March 2000 by which
his case had been remitted for an additional investigation. He alleged a
breach of Article 6 § 1 of the Convention. Relying on Article 10 of the
Convention, the applicant complained of an infringement of his right to
receive and impart information. In particular, he complained that he did not
know whether the information about the death of the candidate
Mr Leonid D. Kuchma published in an issue of the Holos Ukrayiny
newspaper (газета “Голос України”) was genuine as he was not sure about
the latter's state of health. He asserted that under no circumstances should
the communication of such information to a third party be punishable by
five years' imprisonment. He also complained that he had been detained for

eleven days in the Donetsk Pre-Trial Detention Centre and that his licence
to practise as a lawyer had been withdrawn.
4. The application was allocated to the Second Section of the Court
(Rule 52 § 1 of the Rules of Court). Within that Section, the Chamber that
would consider the case (Article 27 § 1 of the Convention) was constituted
as provided in Rule 26 § 1.
5. In a decision of 27 April 2004 the Court declared the application
partly admissible.
6. The applicant and the Government each filed observations on the
merits (Rule 59 § 1).
7. On 1 November 2004 the Court changed the composition of its
Sections (Rule 25 § 1). This case was assigned to the newly composed
Second Section (Rule 52 § 1).
8. A hearing took place in public in the Human Rights Building,
Strasbourg, on 22 March 2005 (Rule 59 § 3).
There appeared before the Court:

(a) for the Government

Mrs V. LUTKOVSKA, Deputy Minister of Justice, Agent,
Ms O. BARTOVSCHUK, Head of Division, Office of the Government's
Ms T. TOTSKA, Deputy Head of Division, Ministry of Justice, Counsel;

(b) for the applicant

Mr S. SALOV, Applicant,
Mr V. AGEYEV, Counsel,
Mr S. DUNIKOWSKI, Advisers.
9. The Court heard addresses by the applicant himself, Mr Ageyev and
Mrs Lutkovska.

10. The applicant is a Ukrainian national who was born in 1958 and
currently resides in Donetsk. He is a lawyer practising in Ukraine.


A. Criminal proceedings in the applicant's case

11. On 31 July 1999 the Central Electoral Commission registered the

applicant as the representative of a candidate for the presidency of Ukraine,

Mr Olexander O. Moroz. The latter was the leader of the Socialist Party of
Ukraine at the time.
12. On 31 October 1999 the Kyivsky District Prosecution Service of
Donetsk (the “Kyivsky Prosecution Service”) conducted a criminal
investigation into allegations that the applicant had interfered with the
citizens' right to vote (Article 127 § 2 of the Criminal Code of Ukraine –
“the CC”).
13. On 1 November 1999 the applicant was apprehended for having
disseminated false information about the alleged death of a presidential
candidate, the incumbent President Mr Leonid D. Kuchma. The applicant
had allegedly disseminated this information on 30 and 31 October 1999 in
the form of a statement by the Speaker of the Verkhovna Rada (Parliament)
published in a special nationwide issue of the Verkhovna Rada newspaper
Holos Ukrayiny (газета “Голос України”). The text of the article
disseminated by the applicant reads as follows:
“Holos Ukrayiny / newspaper of the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine / Special edition
29 November 1999 / free copy

Appeal of the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine to the Ukrainian citizens

We, members of the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine, are forced to appeal to you in this
special edition of the parliamentary newspaper in view of an emergency existing in
Ukraine. In fact, a coup d'état has taken place in the country, but the truth is carefully
concealed from the people. We are being deceived! A person who appeared on TV
and travelled around the country during the last week allegedly as the President of
Ukraine Mr L.D. Kuchma is not the person he is pretending to be. It is only a clone of
the President, who is being used by Mr Kuchma's criminal entourage to deceive
people in the course of the presidential elections in order to retain power. The true
President of Ukraine Mr Leonid Kuchma died on 24 October 1999 in Kyiv of acute
heart deficiency caused by alcohol-related myocardiodystrophy. His body was
cremated in strict secrecy and the ashes were taken abroad. Power has in fact been
actually seized by the groups of Rabinovyches, Volkovs, Kobzons and Pinchuks.

People are being intimidated, and forced to vote for the false Kuchma. There is a
blatant information blockade of the opposition candidates. The Verkhovna Rada of
Ukraine declares that it assumes control over the presidential elections. Each and
every act of unlawful dismissal or other persecutions against people connected with
the elections will be seen as a criminal offence. We bring this to the attention of the
management of businesses and medical and educational institutions.

The powerful propaganda machine aimed at fooling the people has started its work.
Power in Ukraine has been usurped.

The Verkhovna Rada declares that the only legitimate source of power in the State is
the Ukrainian Parliament.

The Verkhovna Rada calls on all citizens of Ukraine not to allow the presidential
elections to be hampered or to be declared unlawful in a manner that will lead to the
establishment of a fascist regime in Ukraine.

Speaker of the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine

A. Tkachenko”
14. Following the applicant's arrest, the Kyivsky Prosecution Service
carried out a formal criminal investigation into the allegations made against
15. On 3 November 1999 the Kyivsky Prosecution Service decided to
detain the applicant on suspicion of having committed a crime under
Article 127 § 2 of the CC (see paragraph 41 below). The applicant was
detained in the Temporary Investigative Isolation Unit of the Donetsk
Region. He remained there until 10 November 1999.
16. On 5 November 1999 the applicant was formally charged with
having committed an offence under Article 127 § 2 of the CC (see
paragraph 41 below). The prosecution service classified his actions as
having been committed by an official.
17. On 10 November 1999 the applicant lodged an application (dated
6 November 1999) with the Voroshylovsky District Court of Donetsk to be
released from detention. On 17 November 1999 the court dismissed his
18. On 11 November 1999 the applicant was transferred to the Donetsk
Investigative Detention Centre No. 5.
19. On 16 November 1999 the applicant underwent a medical
examination. He was found to be suffering from bronchitis and second-
degree hypertension. The medical commission recommended that the
applicant be hospitalised.
20. On 22 November 1999 the Kyivsky Prosecution Service completed
the pre-trial investigation into the applicant's case and committed him for
21. On 25 November 1999 the case file was transferred to the court. On
10 December 1999 the Kuybyshevsky District Court of Donetsk (the
District Court”) committed the applicant to stand trial on charges of
interference with the citizens' right to vote, contrary to Article 127 § 2 of the
CC (see paragraph 41 below). It also decided not to release him from
22. In the course of the trial Judge T. of the District Court on
7 March 2000 passed a resolution (постанову) ordering an additional
investigation into the circumstances of the case. He also requested the
prosecution to reconsider the preventive measure of detention applied in
respect of the applicant and to reclassify the charges against him. In
particular, he stated:

“... in the indictment containing the charges brought against him it was not shown
by the prosecution how Mr Sergey P. Salov had influenced the election results or how
he wanted to influence them...

From the material in the case file it can be seen that the applicant disseminated a
forged copy of the newspaper Holos Ukrayiny to only five persons; no other
information with regard to the attempts by Mr Sergey P. Salov to influence the
election results has been established by the investigation during the judicial
consideration of the case...

The investigation has not sufficiently shown that the actions of Mr Sergey P. Salov
constituted a criminal offence...

The investigative bodies did not consider the issue of whether [the applicant's] acts
could be considered a criminal offence under Article 125 § 2 of the Criminal Code
[libel] ... [i.e. whether] the actions of the defendant could be understood as
dissemination of untrue information about another person (Mr Leonid D. Kuchma) ...
on the basis of motives not directly related to the conduct of the elections. ...

The court considers that the investigative authorities have conducted their
preliminary investigation insufficiently and that this cannot be rectified in the course
of the trial, ... the court cannot convict Mr Sergey P. Salov of a crime under
Article 125 § 2 of the Criminal Code [libel] since it cannot reclassify his actions, and
the case must therefore be remitted for additional investigation...

This resolution is not subject to appeal in cassation; however, the prosecutor may
lodge a complaint against it within seven days of its adoption.”
23. On 30 March 2000 the deputy prosecutor of the Donetsk Region
lodged a protest with the Presidium of the Donetsk Regional Court (“the
Presidium”) against the resolution of 7 March 2000 and requested the
initiation of supervisory review proceedings in the applicant's case. He also
sought to set aside the resolution of 7 March 2000 in which the case had
been remitted for additional investigation. The deputy prosecutor considered
that there was sufficient evidence to corroborate the applicant's interference
with the citizens' right to vote (Article 127 § 2 of the CC). On the same date
the registry of the court acknowledged receipt of the protest.
24. On 5 April 2000 the Presidium, composed of its President, L.V.I.,
and the judges R.L.P., P.L.V., R.L.I., M.M.I. and B.A.M., in the presence of
a prosecutor, quashed the resolution of 7 March 2000 and remitted the case
for further judicial consideration. In particular, the Presidium found that the
District Court had remitted the case back for additional investigation
without a thorough examination of the indictment and of the requisite actus
rea and mens rea of the offence with which the applicant had been charged.
It had also not mentioned which particular investigative measures the
prosecution was required to take. The Presidium decided not to release the
applicant from detention. In particular, it stated:
“... In finding that Mr Salov's actions had the mens rea of a crime provided for by
Article 125 § 2 of the Criminal Code of Ukraine, the court, in violation of Article 22

of the Criminal Code, did not examine circumstances essential to this kind of
conclusion. The court did not rule on the applicant's intent in his actions referred to in
the indictment, whereas the bodies responsible for the preliminary investigation found
that Mr Salov had intended to commit a completely different offence. The court did
not deal with this [argument of the prosecution] and unfoundedly concluded that the
applicant's actions might entail the corpus juris delicti of a crime provided for by
Article 125 § 2 of the Criminal Code of Ukraine.”
25. On 24 April 2000 the District Court dismissed a petition filed by the
applicant's lawyer requesting that the case be remitted for additional
investigation. It also dismissed the applicant's application for release from
26. On 1 June 2000 the District Court dismissed a further application for
the applicant's release.
27. On 16 June 2000 the District Court changed the preventive measure
applied in respect of the applicant to an undertaking not to abscond.
28. On 6 July 2000 the District Court, chaired by Judge T., who had
heard the case on 7 March 2000, convicted the applicant of interfering with
the citizens' right to vote for the purpose of influencing election results by
means of fraudulent behaviour. The District Court sentenced the applicant
to five years' imprisonment, which was suspended for a two-year
probationary period as the actions of Mr Salov “in fact entailed no grave
consequences”. It also ordered the applicant to pay a fine of 170 Ukrainian
hryvnyas (UAH)1. It held as follows:
“In October 1999 Mr Sergey P. Salov received, in unidentified places, from persons
whose identity was not established in the course of the investigation copies of a
forged issue of the Holos Ukrayiny newspaper of 29 October 1999. This issue
contained information provided by the Speaker of the Parliament (Verkhovna Rada)
of Ukraine, Mr Oleksandr O. Tkachenko, concerning the death of the incumbent
President, Mr Leonid D. Kuchma ... and a coup d'état perpetrated by criminal circles
surrounding him ... This issue contained an appeal by the Parliament of Ukraine to
Ukrainian citizens urging them not to sabotage the presidential elections ... in order to
prevent the establishment of a fascist regime...

Notwithstanding the false nature of the information contained in the issue in

question ..., Mr Sergey P. Salov decided to disseminate copies of it to voters in the
Kyivsky District for the purpose of interfering with their right to vote and in order to
influence the results of the presidential elections...

According to a forensic examination, ... the eight issues in question were copies of
the original version printed with the use of modern software...

The acts of Mr Sergey P. Salov constituted an interference with the exercise of the
citizens' right to vote..., they hindered the voters' right to participate in the elections ...
[The] dissemination of false information about Mr Leonid D. Kuchma's death was
fraudulent ..., the information could have influenced the results of the elections ... and
could have prevented voters from electing that candidate as President...”

. EUR 32.82.

29. On 15 September 2000 the Donetsk Regional Court, composed of

the judges D.A.D., G.G. and D.A.V., upheld the judgment of 6 July 2000.
30. On 3 November 2000 and 9 February 2001 respectively the Regional
Court and the Supreme Court of Ukraine dismissed, as being
unsubstantiated, the applicant's complaints and his request for a supervisory
review of his conviction.
31. On 22 November 2000 the Donetsk Lawyers' Qualifications and
Disciplinary Commission annulled the applicant's licence to practise as a
lawyer (no. 1051, issued on 17 December 1997). It based its decision on the
applicant's conviction of 6 June 2000.
32. On 23 April 2004 the applicant received a new licence to practise as
a lawyer (no. 1572), after passing an examination before the Donetsk
Lawyers' Qualifications and Disciplinary Commission and paying the sum
of UAH 1,2001. He was allowed to sit exams after the legal effects of his
conviction were annulled (погашена судимість).

2. Proceedings concerning compensation for unlawful detention in the

Temporary Investigative Isolation Unit
33. In July 2000 the applicant instituted proceedings in the
Voroshylovsky District Court of Donetsk against the prosecution service of
Donetsk and the Donetsk Regional Department of the Ministry of the
Interior, claiming compensation for the non-pecuniary and pecuniary
damage resulting from his unlawful 10-day detention in 1999 in the
Temporary Investigative Isolation Unit (Ізолятор Тимчасового
Утримання). In particular, it was contended that he should have been held
in the Investigative Detention Centre (Слідчий Ізолятор) and not in the
Temporary Investigative Isolation Unit, as his status had been that of a
suspect in criminal proceedings.
34. On 15 June 2001 the Voroshylovsky District Court of Donetsk
allowed his claims in part. It also ordered the prosecution service of
Donetsk and the Donetsk Regional Department of the Ministry of the
Interior to pay UAH 3,000 (EUR 500) to the applicant.
35. On 22 November 2001 the Donetsk Regional Court of Appeal
decided that the State Treasury, and not the prosecution service or the
Ministry of the Interior, was liable for compensating the applicant. It
therefore ordered the Donetsk Regional State Treasury Department to pay
the applicant UAH 3,000 (EUR 500) in compensation for pecuniary and
non-pecuniary damage.
36. The applicant alleges that this compensation was not paid to him.

. EUR 194.73.

B. Relevant domestic law

1. Constitution of Ukraine, 1996

37. The relevant provisions of the Constitution of Ukraine read as

Article 29

“Every person has the right to freedom and personal inviolability.

No one shall be arrested or held in custody other than pursuant to a substantiated

court judgment and only on grounds and in accordance with a procedure established
by law.”

Article 34

“Everyone is guaranteed the right to freedom of thought and speech, and to the free
expression of his or her views and beliefs.

Everyone has the right freely to collect, store, use and disseminate information by
oral, written or other means of his or her choice.

The exercise of these rights may be restricted by law in the interests of national
security, territorial indivisibility or public order, for the purpose of preventing
disturbances or crimes, protecting the health of the population, the reputation or rights
of others, preventing the publication of information received in confidence, or
maintaining the authority and impartiality of justice.”

Article 121

“The Prosecution of Ukraine constitutes a unified system that is entrusted with:

1) prosecution in court on behalf of the State;

2) representation of the interests of a citizen or of the State in court in cases

determined by law;

3) supervision of the observance of laws by bodies that conduct detective and

search activity, inquiry and pre-trial investigation;

4) supervision of the observance of laws in the execution of judicial decisions in

criminal cases, and also in the application of other measures of coercion related to the
restraint of personal liberty of citizens.”

Article 122

“The Prosecutor of Ukraine is headed by the Prosecutor General of Ukraine, who is

appointed to office with the consent of the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine, and dismissed
from office by the President of Ukraine. The Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine may express

no confidence in the Prosecutor General of Ukraine that results in his or her

resignation from office.

The term of authority of the Prosecutor General of Ukraine is five years.”

Article 124

“Justice in Ukraine shall be administered exclusively by the courts. The delegation

of the functions of the courts, and also the appropriation of these functions by other
bodies or officials, shall not be permitted.

The jurisdiction of the courts shall extend to all legal relations that arise in the

2. The Judiciary Act of 5 June 1981

38. The relevant provisions of the Judiciary Act of 5 June 1981, with
subsequent changes and amendments, as in force at the material time, read
as follows:
Section 30

Composition of the Supreme Court of the Crimea, the regional courts and the Kyiv
and Sevastopol City Courts

“The Supreme Court of the Crimea, the regional courts and the Kyiv and Sevastopol
City Courts shall act in the following composition:

(1) the Presidium of the court;

(2) the judicial division in civil matters; and

(3) the judicial division in criminal matters.”

Section 31

Powers of the Supreme Court of the Crimea, the regional courts and the Kyiv and
Sevastopol City Courts

“The Supreme Court of the Crimea, the regional courts and the Kyiv and Sevastopol
City Courts shall:

(1) consider the cases that are within their jurisdiction as a first-instance court and
in cassation proceedings, judicial supervision proceedings and proceedings in the light
of newly disclosed circumstances;

(2) supervise the judicial activities of the district (or city) and interdistrict (or
county) courts, examine and generalise judicial practice and analyse judicial statistics;

(3) perform other functions entrusted to them in accordance with the law.”

Section 32

Presidium of the Supreme Court of the Crimea, the regional courts and the Kyiv and
Sevastopol City Courts

“The Presidium of the Supreme Court of the Crimea, the regional courts and the
Kyiv and Sevastopol City Courts shall be composed of the President, the Vice-
Presidents and judges whose number shall be determined by the Presidium of the
Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine on a proposal by the President of the Supreme Court and
the Minister of Justice ...

... The participation of the prosecutor of the Republic of the Crimea, the regional
prosecutor, [or the prosecutor] of Kyiv and Sevastopol in the consideration of cases
by the Presidium of the relevant court shall be obligatory.”

Section 33

Jurisdiction of the Presidium of the Supreme Court of the Crimea, the regional courts
and the Kyiv and Sevastopol City Courts

“The Presidium of the Supreme Court of the Crimea, the regional courts and the
Kyiv and Sevastopol City Courts shall:

(1) consider the cases that are within their jurisdiction in supervisory review
proceedings and in the light of new circumstances;

(2) approve, on a proposal by the President of the Court, the composition of the
judicial division in civil matters and the judicial division in criminal matters;

(3) examine the standardisation of judicial practice;

(4) hear reports by the presidents of the judicial divisions on the activities of the
judicial divisions and examine issues relating to the operation of the registry of the

(5) provide assistance to the district (or city) and interdistrict (or county) courts in
correct application of the law; and

(6) perform other functions entrusted to them by the law.”

Section 34

Functioning of the Presidium of the Supreme Court of the Crimea, the regional courts
and the Kyiv and Sevastopol City Courts

“Sessions of the Presidium of the Supreme Court of the Crimea, the regional courts
and the Kyiv and Sevastopol City Courts shall be held not less than two times a

The quorum for meetings of the Presidium shall be the majority of its judges.

Decisions of the Presidium shall be adopted by an open vote by the majority of the
members who take part in the vote.

Decisions of the Presidium shall be signed by the President of the court.”

Section 37

President of the Supreme Court of the Crimea, the regional courts and the Kyiv and
Sevastopol City Courts

“The President of the Supreme Court of the Crimea, the regional courts and the
Kyiv and Sevastopol City Courts shall:

... (9) manage the activities of the judicial divisions and the registry of the court;

... (11) propose the candidatures of judges for election to positions in the district (or
city) courts, in collaboration with the Minister of Justice of the Crimea, the head of
the Regional Department of Justice or the Kyiv and Sevastopol City State
Administration, and with the approval of the President of the Supreme Court and the
Minister of Justice; ...”

3. The Status of Judges Act of 15 December 1992 (in force at the

material time)
39. Section 7 of this Act provides that any citizen of Ukraine who has
attained the age of twenty-one and has a minimum of two years' legal
experience may become a judge. By section 9(3), judges are appointed for a
maximum initial period of five years, following an examination by the
judicial qualifications commission and a decision of the relevant local
authority. In accordance with sections 33 and 34 of the Act, a judge of the
district court may be subject to disciplinary investigation on the basis of a
request by the President of the regional court.

4. The Judicial Qualifications Commissions Act of 2 February 1994

(in force at the material time)
40. By sections 6 and 7 of this Act, the qualifications commissions had
the power to institute disciplinary proceedings, and to submit conclusions
on the feasibility of appointing a candidate for a position as a district-court
judge and on the renewal of the judicial term of a judge elected for an initial
period of five years. They could also request an attestation for a judge
proposed for a promotion in judicial or administrative rank within the court,
or an assessment of his legal knowledge. The presidents of the regional
courts could request the qualifications commissions to certify or assess
judges' knowledge and qualifications. In accordance with sections 32 and 33

of the Act, the presidents of the higher courts were allowed to request the
institution of disciplinary proceedings against judges of the district courts.

5. Chapter IV of the Criminal Code of Ukraine (extracts): offences

against electoral, labour and other personal rights and freedoms of
the individual and citizens
41. The relevant provisions of Article 127 of the Criminal Code read as

Interference with the exercise of citizens' electoral rights or with the activity of an
electoral commission

“Interference with the exercise by a Ukrainian citizen of his electoral rights, or

interference with the activity of an electoral commission, for the purpose of
influencing election results, shall be punishable by 3 to 5 years' imprisonment.

The same actions perpetrated by means of bribery, deceit, or together with damage
to the property of or physical violence against a citizen who exercises his right to vote,
or against a member of an electoral committee or his close relatives, or with the threat
of using force or damaging property, or through a conspiracy by a group of persons,
or by a member of an electoral commission or other official abusing his powers or
acting in his official capacity, shall be punishable by 5 to 8 years' imprisonment.”

6. Chapter 15 of the Code of Administrative Offences of 7 December

42. The relevant provisions of the Code of Administrative Offences read
as follows:
Article 186-2

Infringements of the legislation on the election of the President of Ukraine and

Members of Parliament

“Public appeals or incitement to boycott elections for the presidency of Ukraine or

for membership of the Ukrainian Parliament, the publication or dissemination of
untrue information about a presidential candidate or a parliamentary candidate by any
other means, and any campaigning for or against a candidate on the day of the
election, shall be punishable by a fine equivalent to three to six times the minimum
citizens' wage before tax.”1

7. Code of Criminal Procedure, 1960 (in relation to remitting a case

back for additional investigation)
43. The relevant provisions of Section III, Chapter 23, of the Code of
Criminal Procedure read as follows:

1. Approximately UAH 51 to UAH 102, or 10-20 euros.

Article 242

Issues to be taken into consideration when the accused is committed for trial

“Judges individually, or the court in the course of the directions hearing, are obliged
to clarify the following issues with respect to each accused:

... whether the actions of the accused have been correctly classified ...;

... whether a preventive measure has been applied correctly to the accused ...”

Article 244

Decisions delivered by the court or a judge in the course of the preliminary hearing

“The court or a judge, in the course of the preliminary hearing, shall be entitled to
deliver decisions on the following:

... (2) remittal of the case for additional investigation; ...”

Article 246

Remittal of a case for additional investigation at the preliminary court hearing

“The court shall be entitled to remit the case for additional investigation in the
following circumstances:

(1) substantial incompleteness or incorrectness of the inquiry or the preliminary

investigation undertaken which cannot be rectified at the trial;

(2) a fundamental breach of the requirements of criminal procedure;

(3) existence of grounds for bringing charges against the accused which have not
been brought against him before; ...

... The court shall rule on the particular facts that are to be ascertained in the course
of the additional investigation and the investigative measures that are to be taken.

... The court shall rule on the applicable preventive measure ...”

Article 252

Lodging of a separate application and complaint against rulings and resolution of a

judge given at the preliminary court hearing

“The public prosecutor shall be allowed to lodge a separate application against a

ruling of the court or resolution of the judge given in the course of the preliminary
court hearing with a higher court within 7 days after its adoption ...”

Article 273

Procedure for adopting a ruling in the course of the court hearing

“The court shall give a ruling on all issues decided by it in the course of the hearing.
Resolutions remitting the case back for additional investigation; instituting an
investigation into the new charges or concerning a person who failed to appear before
the court; discontinuing the proceedings in the case; determining, changing or
annulling the applicable preventive measure; applying witness protection measures or
appointing an expert, as well as any separate resolutions, shall be adopted by the court
in the deliberations room and shall be set out in the form of a separate document that
shall be signed by all members of the court ...

A judge examining a case may issue a decision on issues referred to in this Article.”

Article 274

Application, annulment or change of a preventive measure by the court

“The court may decide in a ruling to ... change, annul or apply a different preventive
measure to the accused if it finds grounds for doing so.”

Article 281

Remittal of the case for additional investigation

“The court, on its own initiative or on an application by the parties to the

proceedings, may refer the case back for additional investigation on account of the
incompleteness or incorrectness of the preliminary investigation only where such
incompleteness or incorrectness cannot be rectified in the course of the hearing.

After an additional investigation the case shall be referred to the court under the
ordinary procedure.

The ruling (or resolution) on remittal of the case for additional investigation cannot
be appealed against, but the public prosecutor may lodge a separate application
against it.”

Article 354

Applications by the public prosecutor and complaints against court rulings and
judges' resolutions

“The public prosecutor shall be allowed to lodge a separate application against a

ruling by the court or resolution by the judge.

... the defendant, his defence counsel and his representative, as well as the victim
and his representative, shall have the right to lodge complaints against the ruling of
the court or resolution of the judge within seven days after its adoption.

... The lodging of a separate complaint or prosecutor's application shall suspend the
enforcement of the ruling.”
44. The relevant provisions of Chapter 31 of the Code of Criminal
Procedure provide as follows:

Article 384

Persons entitled to lodge a protest against an enforceable judgment, ruling or

resolution of a court

“Supervisory review of an enforceable court judgment, ruling or resolution shall be

allowed only on the basis of a protest lodged by the public prosecutor ...

The following persons are entitled to lodge a protest:

... (2) ... the public prosecutor of the region ... – against judgments, resolutions and
rulings of city (or district) courts ...”

Article 385

Time-limits for supervisory review of judgments, rulings and resolutions of a court

“Supervisory review of a conviction, ruling or resolution of the court on account of

the need to apply the law on a more serious offence, or to review the leniency of the
sanction imposed, or on the basis of other grounds resulting in deterioration of the
convicted person's situation, and of an acquittal, ruling or resolution of the court
terminating the proceedings in the case shall be allowed only within one year of its
becoming final.

There shall be no time-limit for initiating the supervisory review of a conviction,

ruling or resolution of the court on any other grounds.”

Article 391

Supervisory review proceedings

“The court considering the case in supervisory review proceedings shall have the
right to summon the defendant, ... the defence counsel, ... in order to hear their
statements. The above persons shall have the right to familiarise themselves with the
application for supervisory review...”

Article 393

The outcome of consideration of applications for supervisory review

“... the court shall have the right, by means of a ruling or resolution, to: ... quash a
judgment and remit the case for fresh consideration ...”

Article 395

Obligatory character of the supervisory court's instructions

“The instructions of the supervisory review court shall be binding in the course of
the additional investigation and fresh consideration of the case ...”

6. The Presidential Elections Act, 1999

45. The relevant provisions of the Presidential Elections Act read as

Section 50

Liability for an infringement of electoral legislation

“1. Persons who have interfered through deceit, threats, bribery or other means with
the free exercise by a citizen of Ukraine of his right to vote, to be elected and to
conduct pre-election campaigning, and chairmen, deputy chairmen, secretaries and
members of electoral commissions, officials or other persons representing State
bodies, bodies of local self-government or non-governmental organisations who have
fraudulently substituted documents, intentionally counted the number of votes
incorrectly, violated the right to vote by secret ballot, or committed any other
violation of this Act, shall be held liable in accordance with the law.

2. Persons who have intentionally published or disseminated untrue information

about a candidate for the presidency shall be held liable in accordance with the law.”

7. Reservation contained in the instrument of ratification deposited on

11 September 1997 (period covering 11 September 1997 – 28 June
46. The relevant provisions of the reservation contained in the
instrument of ratification are set out in the judgment of Nevmerzhitsky v.
Ukraine (no. 54825/00, § 56, 5 April 2005).

8. Appendix to the reservation handed to the Secretary General at the

time of depositing the instrument of ratification on 11 September
47. The relevant transitional provisions of the Constitution of Ukraine
are set out in the Nevmerzhitsky judgment cited above.

9. Resolution of the Plenary Supreme Court of Ukraine (no. 10) of

30 September 1994 on issues relating to the application by the
courts of the legislation on lodging complaints with the courts
against an arrest warrant issued by a prosecutor
48. The relevant resolution of the Plenary Supreme Court of Ukraine
reads as follows:
“... in accordance with Article 236-6 of the Code of Criminal Procedure of Ukraine,
only a warrant issued by the prosecutor for the arrest of the suspect or accused, and
also the resolution of the court (or judge) concerning the application of preventive
measures, may be appealed against to the courts, but not the resolution of the
investigator or body of inquiry to apply the preventive measure of taking the suspect
or accused into custody or to continue their detention...”

10. Decision of the Constitutional Court of Ukraine of 24 July 1999

(No. 6-рп)
49. In its decision the Constitutional Court found that the Cabinet of
Ministers had acted unconstitutionally in passing the resolution of 22 March
1999 (no. 432) that reduced the expenditure of the 1999 State budget on the
needs of: the Supreme Court by 40%, the regional courts by 7.5%, the
district (and city) courts by 6.8%, the Higher Arbitration Court by 26.4%,
the arbitration courts by 19.4%, and the military courts by 15.5%.
According to the information issued by the Ministry of Justice (responsible
for the courts' administration at the material time), this expenditure covered
51.6% of the needs of the first-instance courts and 62.8% of the needs of the
regional courts. The Constitutional Court found that Resolution no. 432
exerted financial influence on the courts and infringed the citizens' right to
judicial protection.

11. Relevant decisions of the Council of Judges of Ukraine (in relation

to the appointment and selection of judges)
50. The Council of Judges, in its Decision no. 13 of 12 December 2000,
found that the existing procedure for the selection and appointment of
candidates for judicial posts, as established by the Ministry of Justice,
Higher Council of Justice and the judicial qualifications commissions, was
not compatible with the need to form a highly qualified judiciary able to
administer justice effectively and independently.
51. On 12 December 2000 the Council of Judges adopted Resolution
no. 10, finding that the decisions of the Cabinet of Ministers to lower
judicial salaries were contrary to the principle of the independence of the



A. The parties' submissions

52. The applicant complained that he had been detained unlawfully for a
period of 18 days without any judicial review of his detention. This period
had lasted from 1 November 1999, the date when the applicant was arrested,
to 17 November 1999, the date on which the Voroshylovsky District Court
of Donetsk had reviewed his complaints about his detention. He alleged an
infringement of Article 5 § 3 of the Convention, which provides:
“Everyone arrested or detained in accordance with the provisions of paragraph 1 (c)
of this Article shall be brought promptly before a judge or other officer authorised by
law to exercise judicial power and shall be entitled to trial within a reasonable time or
to release pending trial. Release may be conditioned by guarantees to appear for trial.”

1. The Government's submissions

53. The Government maintained that the applicant had been detained in
accordance with the decision of the prosecutor. They stressed that the
prosecutor, pursuant to the reservation made by Ukraine in respect of
Article 5 of the Convention, could be considered “... another officer
authorised by law to exercise judicial power...” (see paragraphs 46-47
above). In this capacity, the prosecutor who had authorised the applicant's
detention had acted promptly in reviewing it. They further stressed that the
public prosecutor's warrant for the applicant's arrest was subject to strict
judicial control, which could be, and in fact had been, initiated by the
applicant. The judicial control provided for in the Ukrainian legislation
required complaints against detention orders to be considered urgently, and
the courts had the power to decide on the detainee's release. The
Government concluded, therefore, that the Ukrainian criminal procedure in
force at the time of the applicant's arrest fully complied with the
requirements of Article 5 § 3 of the Convention. They therefore concluded
that there had been no infringement of Article 5 in this respect.
54. Considering the requirement of Article 5 § 3 of the Convention to be
brought promptly before a judicial body, the Government maintained that
the period of time before the applicant's detention was reviewed had not
been lengthy. They stated that, according to Ukrainian legislation, an appeal
against an arrest warrant could be lodged even on the day it was issued.
They further maintained that the legislation had established strict time-limits
for dealing with complaints against detention and the periods involved were
not excessive. However, possible delays could occur if a detainee or his

lawyer delayed in appealing against the detention order. In particular, the

Government mentioned that on 3 November 1999 the public prosecutor had
approved the warrant for the applicant's arrest. The complaint against the
warrant had been dated 6 November 1999 and, according to the court
resolution, had been submitted only on 10 November 1999. On
17 November 1999 the court had considered the complaint and confirmed
the lawfulness of the arrest warrant. They noted that on 8 November 1999
the applicant had asked for his lawyer to be replaced, which had led to a
delay in the consideration of his appeal.
55. The Government stressed that the delay in lodging the appeal against
the arrest warrant had been attributable to the applicant. In particular, the
appeal had been lodged seven days after the warrant was approved. In view
of the above, the Government concluded that there had been no violation of
Article 5 § 3 of the Convention in the present case in respect of the
promptness of the judicial review of the applicant's detention.

2. The applicant's submissions

56. The applicant maintained that under Ukrainian law, a prosecutor
belonged to the law-enforcement authorities and could not by any means be
considered an officer authorised by law to exercise judicial power. In
particular, in accordance with Article 124 § 1 of the Constitution, judicial
functions in Ukraine were exercised exclusively by the courts and it is
prohibited to delegate judicial powers to other bodies or officials (see
paragraph 37 above). The applicant therefore concluded that in Ukraine a
prosecutor could not be considered a person “authorised by law to exercise
judicial power”. The sole function entrusted to the prosecutor by
Articles 121-122 of the Constitution was to conduct the prosecution on
behalf of the State in court. Furthermore, Ukrainian prosecutors were not
independent and impartial as far as criminal cases were concerned (he cited
Huber v. Switzerland, judgment of 23 October 1990, Series A no. 188,
p. 18, § 42, and Niedbała v. Poland, no. 27915/95, §§ 48-50, 4 July 2000) as
they were a prosecuting party to the criminal proceedings (here, he cited
Assenov and Others v. Bulgaria, judgment of 28 October 1998, Reports of
Judgments and Decisions 1998-VIII, p. 3298, § 146, and Nikolova v.
Bulgaria [GC], no. 31195/96, §§ 49-50, ECHR 1999-II).
57. The applicant therefore concluded that his detention had not been
lawful and that he had not been brought promptly before a judicial officer to
review his arrest and detention. He added that no delays had been
attributable to him.

B. The Court's assessment

58. The Court notes at the outset that the Government's reference to the
reservation in respect of Article 5 § 3 of the Convention should be

disregarded (see Salov v. Ukraine (dec.), no. 65518/01, 27 April 2004; and
for the validity of the reservation made under Article 5 of the Convention,
Falkovych v. Ukraine (dec.), no. 64200/00, 29 June 2004). As to the
Government's arguments with regard to the status of a prosecutor (see
paragraph 53 above), the Court observes that under Ukrainian legislation, a
prosecutor cannot be regarded as an officer exercising “judicial power”
within the meaning of Article 5 § 3 of the Convention (see Merit v. Ukraine,
no. 66561/01, §§ 62-63, 30 March 2004, and Nevmerzhitsky, cited above,
§ 125). Moreover, his status cannot offer guarantees against any arbitrary or
unjustified deprivation of liberty (see Niedbała, cited above, §§ 48-57) as he
is not endowed with the attributes of “independence” and “impartiality”
required by Article 5 § 3 (see Schiesser v. Switzerland, judgment of
4 December 1979, Series A no. 34, pp. 12-17, §§ 27-41). Furthermore, the
prosecution authorities not only belong to the executive branch of the State,
but they also concurrently perform investigative and prosecution functions
in criminal proceedings and are party to those proceedings. The Court
therefore reiterates its position as to the status of the prosecutor, who cannot
be regarded as “an officer authorised by law to exercise judicial power” and
rejects the Government's arguments in this respect.
59. The Court must therefore examine whether the length of time which
passed before the applicant was brought before a judge or other officer
within the meaning of Article 5 § 3 was compatible with the requirements of
that provision. In that respect, it notes that the applicant was apprehended
by the police on 1 November 1999 but that his detention was not reviewed
by a court until 17 November 1999, sixteen days after his arrest. The Court
considers that the Government's explanations as to the delay in reviewing
the applicant's arrest are immaterial as they presuppose that there was no
automatic judicial review of detention and that such a review depends only
on whether the detainee has complained to the court about the lawfulness of
his or her detention (see Niedbała, cited above, § 50). Even assuming that
the Government's arguments as to the applicant's responsibility for the delay
in lodging his complaint against his detention are justified, the Court is
nevertheless of the opinion that his detention for seven days without any
judicial control fell outside the strict constraints of time laid down by
Article 5 § 3 of the Convention (see Brogan and Others v. the United
Kingdom, judgment of 29 November 1988, Series A no. 145-B, pp. 30-35,
§§ 55-62).
60. In the light of the above, the Court concludes that there has been a
violation of Article 5 § 3 of the Convention.


61. The applicant complained about the unfairness of the criminal

proceedings instituted against him. He alleged, in particular, that the

domestic courts had failed to observe the principles of the rule of law and
legal certainty, given that the Presidium of the Regional Court had quashed
a final and binding resolution of the District Court in which his case had
been remitted for additional investigation, thereby putting in issue the
lawfulness of the initial charges brought by the prosecution against him
under Article 127 § 2 of the CC. He relied in this connection on
Article 6 § 1 of the Convention, which, in so far as relevant, provides:
“In the determination of ... any criminal charge against him, everyone is entitled to a
fair and public hearing within a reasonable time by an independent and impartial
tribunal established by law...”

A. Applicability of Article 6 § 1 of the Convention

1. The parties' submissions

62. The Government maintained that the applicant's complaint should be
dismissed since Article 6 did not apply either to the remittal of a case for
additional investigation or to the institution of supervisory review
proceedings. They stressed that Article 6 concerned judicial decisions
determining civil rights and obligations or criminal charges against an
individual. The District Court's resolution of 7 March 2000 had not
determined the criminal case against the applicant. The resolution had only
concerned procedural issues and had been aimed at giving instructions to
the investigating authorities as regards the additional investigative measures
required in the case. The resolution had not resulted in the applicant's
acquittal on the charges brought against him under Article 127 § 2 of the
CC. It had been intended to rectify errors which had been made, in the
court's opinion, by the investigating authorities during the investigation and
which had prevented the court from examining objectively the merits of the
case. Consequently, this procedure did not fall within the scope of Article 6.
63. The applicant contested the Government's submissions. He stated
that the remittal of his case for additional investigation had directly affected
his rights. As to the District Court's resolution of 7 March 2000, he noted
that, by virtue of that decision, the District Court had found that the
indictment, as initially filed, was groundless. He maintained that the
assessment of evidence could not be regarded as a matter of a purely
procedural nature. He submitted that the lack of corroborating evidence of a
person's guilt should in principle lead to acquittal. He therefore concluded
that Article 6 was applicable.

2. The Court's assessment

64. The Court notes at the outset that the criminal proceedings against
the applicant concerned the “determination of a criminal charge” as they

involved all three elements necessary for such an assessment: qualification

in domestic law, the nature of the offence, and the nature and degree of
severity of the penalty that the person concerned risked incurring (see,
among other authorities, Garyfallou AEBE v. Greece, judgment of
24 September 1997, Reports 1997-V, p. 1830, § 32, and Koval v.
Ukraine (dec.), no. 65550/01, 30 March 2004). Nevertheless, in the instant
case the Court must examine whether the applicant, whose criminal case
was remitted for additional investigation at the trial stage of the
proceedings, was nevertheless the subject of a “charge” for the purposes of
Article 6 § 1.
65. The concept of “charge” is “autonomous”; it has to be understood
within the meaning of the Convention and not solely within its meaning in
domestic law. It may thus be defined as “the official notification given to an
individual by the competent authority of an allegation that he has committed
a criminal offence”, a definition that also corresponds to the test whether
“the situation of the [suspect] has been substantially affected” (see, for
example, Deweer v. Belgium, judgment of 27 February 1980, Series A
no. 35, p. 22, § 42, and p. 24, § 46, and Eckle v. Germany, judgment of
15 July 1982, Series A no. 51, p. 33, § 73). Moreover, as the Court stated in
Imbrioscia v. Switzerland (judgment of 24 November 1993, Series A no.
275, p. 13, § 36), the words “determination of [any] criminal charge” in
Article 6 § 1 do not imply that that Article has no application to pre-trial
proceedings (see Tejedor García v. Spain, judgment of 16 December 1997,
Reports 1997-VIII, pp. 2794-95, § 27).
66. In this connection, the Court notes that on 31 October 1999 the
Kyivsky District Prosecution Service of Donetsk instituted criminal
proceedings against the applicant on charges of interfering with voters'
rights. Those proceedings ended on 15 September 2000 with the ruling of
the Donetsk Regional Court upholding the applicant's conviction on the
initial charges brought by the prosecution under Article 127 § 2 of the
Criminal Code. As to the remittal of the case for additional investigation on
7 March 2000 by the Kuybyshevsky District Court of Donetsk and the
subsequent quashing of that resolution by the Presidium of the Donetsk
Regional Court on 5 April 2000, the Court does not consider it necessary to
separate this part of the applicant's criminal trial from the remainder of the
criminal proceedings in their entirety as such a separation would be
artificial. From the Court's point of view, the remittal of the case for
additional investigation marked a procedural step which was a precondition
to a new determination of the criminal charge (see Nikitin v. Russia,
no. 50178/99, § 58, ECHR 2004-...), even though it contained no elements
of a final judicial decision in a criminal case and did not constitute the final
determination of the charges against the applicant, an issue that should be
considered in more detail in the examination of the merits of the applicant's
complaints under Article 6 § 1 of the Convention. Taking into account the
importance of these procedural decisions of the Kuybyshevsky District

Court of Donetsk and the Presidium of the Donetsk Regional Court and
their influence on the outcome of the proceedings as a whole, the Court
considers that the guarantees of Article 6 § 1 must be applicable to these
procedural steps.
67. In these circumstances, the Court accepts that when the applicant's
case was remitted for additional investigation on 7 March 2000 and that
resolution was quashed on 5 April 2000 he could be considered the subject
of a “charge” within the autonomous meaning of Article 6 § 1. Accordingly,
this provision is applicable in the instant case.

B. Compliance with Article 6 § 1 of the Convention

1. Submissions of the parties

a. The Government's submissions

68. The Government maintained that, when the District Court had
remitted the criminal case against the applicant for additional investigation,
the procedure governing the introduction of the prosecutor's application
against this resolution had been clearly regulated by procedural legislation.
Article 281 of the Code of Criminal Procedure had provided at the material
time that the resolution of a court to remit a case for additional investigation
could not be appealed against in cassation (see paragraph 43 above).
However, the public prosecutor could lodge a separate application against it.
Under Articles 252 and 281 of the Code of Criminal Procedure (see
paragraph 43 above), a decision by a judge could be challenged by lodging
an application to set it aside with a higher court within seven days of the
resolution. Thus, the domestic legislation set a clear time-limit for the public
prosecutor to lodge a separate application (окреме подання) against a
judge's resolution. Accordingly, any possibility of amending a final court
judgment to the detriment of the accused without any time-limit was
69. The Government maintained that, by lodging a protest against the
resolution of 7 March 2000, the deputy prosecutor had not violated the
applicant's rights and had not harmed the interests of justice. The
Government were of the opinion that the length of the proceedings was the
only factor that could have been affected by the remittal of the case for
additional investigation. However, there had been no delay in the
examination of the applicant's case.
70. The Government stated that, in his protest of 30 March 2000, the
deputy prosecutor had objected to the carrying out of an additional
investigation and had maintained, in that connection, that the pre-trial
investigation had disclosed sufficient evidence for the case to be examined
on the merits. The deputy prosecutor had also stated that the resolution of

7 March 2000 was groundless. The Government contended that any delay in
the lodging of the prosecutor's protest had been attributable to the fact that
the court's resolution was unsubstantiated and contained no clear
instructions as to the particular investigative actions to be taken. The
resolution had thus caused a delay in the examination of the case and a
prolongation of the applicant's detention on remand. By lodging a protest
against the resolution of 7 March 2000, the deputy prosecutor had in fact
prevented a protracted examination of the applicant's case and had
shortened the length of his detention on remand. Furthermore, the
Government maintained that the complaint lodged with the Presidium by
the prosecutor had not affected the applicant as it had concerned a dispute
between a prosecutor and the court and the applicant had not been a party to
71. The Government referred to the Brumărescu v. Romania judgment
([GC], no. 28342/95, § 62, ECHR 1999-VII), submitting, inter alia, that the
Court had found a violation of the principle of legal certainty in that case
because the Procurator-General of Romania had been entitled to lodge an
application with a court to have a final judgment overturned. Moreover, the
exercise of this power had not been limited in time. These factors had led
the Court to find a violation of the principle of legal certainty. However, the
circumstances of the applicant's case, in particular, the nature of the protest,
were different. In particular, in the Government's submission, the resolution
of 7 March 2000 had not been final.
72. They noted that the Presidium of the Regional Court had accepted
the prosecutor's arguments and had found the resolution of 7 March 2000 to
be unsubstantiated. The Presidium had also found that the resolution
contravened the law. The court had allowed the prosecutor's protest and had
set aside the resolution remitting the case for additional investigation,
thereby preventing the further protraction of the proceedings.
b. The applicant's submissions
73. The applicant maintained that the principle of “legal certainty” had
been infringed as a final and binding court resolution had been set aside in
his case. He emphasised that the District Court's resolution of 7 March 2000
had become final but had subsequently been set aside, even though no
application to set it aside had been lodged by the prosecution within the
seven-day time-limit laid down in Article 252 of the Code of Criminal
Procedure (see paragraph 43 above): the protest had been lodged only on
30 March 2000. The applicant reiterated that, in substance, the resolution to
remit the case for additional investigation had amounted to his acquittal on
the charges initially filed by the prosecution under Article 127 § 2 of the
Criminal Code (see paragraph 41 above).
74. The applicant noted, in particular, that the lodging of the protest had
contributed to the length of the proceedings, since it had been lodged in

breach of the procedural time-limits prescribed by domestic law. Moreover,

the lodging of the protest itself had been aimed at delaying the proceedings.
According to the resolution of 7 March 2000, the prosecution had failed to
prove that he was guilty of an offence under Article 127 § 2 of the Criminal
Code (see paragraph 41 above) and consideration needed to be given to the
reclassification of the offence under either Article 186-2 of the Code of
Administrative Offences or Article 125 of the CC. Under Article 186-2 of
the Code of Administrative Offences, the maximum sanction following his
conviction would have been a fine amounting to between UAH 51 and
UAH 102, not eight years' imprisonment (see paragraph 42 above). The
applicant therefore concluded that the lodging of a protest against the
District Court's resolution, and the subsequent resolution of 5 April 2000 by
the Presidium of the Regional Court, had infringed the principle of the
independence and impartiality of a tribunal as enshrined in Article 6 § 1. He
further noted that the domestic legislation and the state of financing of the
courts did not provide sufficient guarantees to prevent outside pressure on
the judges, as was shown in his particular case by the alleged instructions
given by the Head of the Regional Administration, a State body responsible
for the financing of the courts from regional budgets, to the President of the
Donetsk Regional Court. The applicant also referred to the resolution of the
Constitutional Court of Ukraine on that matter (see paragraph 49 above).
75. He further maintained that, following the instructions of the
Presidium of the Regional Court, the District Court had had to convict him.
The judge of the Kuybyshevsky District Court had in effect been obliged to
alter his previous opinion expressed in the resolution of 7 March 2000 as to
the lack of corroborating evidence of the applicant's guilt and to adopt a
completely different opinion. For the applicant, the lodging of a protest
outside the time allowed and the subsequent setting aside of the resolution
remitting the case for additional investigation had upset the balance between
his defence rights and the rights of the prosecution.
76. The applicant further contended that the failure to comply with the
time-limits for lodging the application to set aside the resolution had been
designed to prolong the proceedings in his case. Moreover, the protest had
not been aimed at reducing his term of detention. If the prosecutor had so
wished, he could have changed the preventive measure applied to him or
even have released him from detention. He also observed that the length of
the proceedings in the criminal case was not related to the issue of
77. The applicant claimed that his situation was similar to that criticised
by the Court in the Brumărescu case. In particular, he alleged that, even
though the time-limit for a prosecutor to lodge a separate application
(окреме подання) to set aside the resolution had existed in domestic law, it
had not been complied with by the prosecution and the Presidium of the
Regional Court. He also noted that the judge who had previously remitted
the case for additional investigation had later tried him. The judge had thus

ignored his own previous procedural decision. The applicant concluded that
the guarantees of a fair trial, in particular the guarantees of independence
and impartiality of the tribunal, had been breached in his case.

2. The Court's assessment

(a). Preliminary considerations

78. Article 6 of the Convention, read as a whole, guarantees the right of
an accused to participate effectively in a criminal trial. It is a fundamental
aspect of the right to a fair trial that criminal proceedings, including the
elements of such proceedings which relate to procedure, should be
adversarial and that there should be equality of arms between the
prosecution and defence (see Rowe and Davis v. the United Kingdom [GC],
no. 28901/95, § 60, ECHR 2000-II). In deciding whether there has been a
violation of Article 6, the Court must consider whether the proceedings in
their entirety, including the appeal proceedings, as well as the way in which
evidence was taken, were fair (see Edwards v. the United Kingdom,
judgment of 16 December 1992, Series A no. 247-B, pp. 34-35, § 34).
79. The Court notes that the applicant's complaints under Article 6 § 1 of
the Convention mainly concern four issues, which it will address in turn in
examining the alleged defects of the proceedings in the instant case:
(a) firstly, whether the courts acted independently and impartially in the
instant case;
(b) secondly, whether the principle of equality of arms was observed;
(c) thirdly, whether a judgment convicting the applicant of interference
with electoral rights (Article 127 § 2 of the Criminal Code) was sufficiently
substantiated; and
(d) fourthly, whether the resolution to remit the case for additional
investigation and the applicant's further conviction contravened the
principles of the rule of law and legal certainty.
(b). Independence and impartiality of the courts dealing with the case
80. The Court reiterates that in order to establish whether a tribunal can
be considered “independent” for the purposes of Article 6 § 1, regard must
be had, inter alia, to the manner of appointment of its members and their
term of office, the existence of safeguards against outside pressures and the
question whether it presents an appearance of independence (see, among
many other authorities, Findlay v. the United Kingdom, judgment of
25 February 1997, Reports 1997-I, p. 281, § 73).
81. The Court further reiterates that the existence of “impartiality”, for
the purposes of Article 6 § 1, must be determined according to a subjective
test, on the basis of the personal conviction and behaviour of a particular
judge in a given case – that is, no member of the tribunal should hold any
personal prejudice or bias – and also according to an objective test – that is,

ascertaining whether the judge offered sufficient guarantees to exclude any

legitimate doubt in this respect (see, among many other authorities, Bulut v.
Austria, judgment of 22 February 1996, Reports 1996-II, p. 356, § 31, and
Thomann v. Switzerland, judgment of 10 June 1996, Reports 1996-III,
p. 815, § 30). Under the objective test, it must be determined whether there
are ascertainable facts which may nevertheless raise doubts as to the courts'
impartiality. In this respect even appearances may be of a certain
importance. What is at stake is the confidence which the courts in a
democratic society must inspire in the public and above all in the parties to
the proceedings.
82. In the present case it appears difficult to dissociate the question of
impartiality from that of independence, as the arguments advanced by the
applicant to contest both the independence and impartiality of the court are
based on the same factual considerations. The Court will accordingly
consider both issues together (see Langborger v. Sweden, judgment of
22 June 1989, Series A no. 155, p. 16, § 32). It notes that the applicant's
submissions that Judge T. of the Kuybyshevsky District Court of Donetsk
was influenced by political motives and instructed by the Head of the
Regional State Administration are of little assistance in assessing his
complaints as to the lack of independence and impartiality of the courts
dealing with the case.
83. The Court notes that the Presidium of the Donetsk Regional Court
that examined the prosecution's protest on 5 April 2000 (see paragraph 24
above) and the chamber of the Regional Court that heard the applicant's
appeal on 15 September 2000 against his conviction were composed of
different judges (see paragraph 29 above). However, it notes that under the
Judiciary Act, as in force at the material time, the powers of the Presidiums
of the regional courts in managing lower courts and the judicial divisions of
the lower courts were fairly wide-ranging. In particular, the Presidium
approved the composition of the civil and criminal divisions of the regional
court and supervised the administration of justice by the district courts (see
paragraph 38 above). Furthermore, the Presidium of the Regional Court was
presided over by the President, who at the material time had influence over
the appointment of judges of the lower courts, the assessment of their work,
the initiation of disciplinary proceedings and their career development (see
paragraphs 38-40 above). The Court also notes that domestic legislation did
not lay down clear criteria and procedures for the promotion, disciplinary
liability, appraisal and career development of judges, or limits to the
discretionary powers vested in the presidents of the higher courts and the
qualifications commissions in that regard (see paragraphs 38-40 above).
However, such criteria as the number of cases considered, the failure to
observe time-limits for examining cases and the number of decisions
quashed and appealed against were usually taken into account when
deciding whether a particular judge should be promoted to another rank or
appointed to an administrative position within the court. The Court also

takes note of the Constitutional Court's decision of 24 July 1999 and the
relevant resolutions of the Council of Judges of Ukraine which criticised the
lack of financial and legislative guarantees for the functioning of the judicial
bodies (see paragraphs 49-51 above).
84. As to the impartiality of the judge hearing the case, the Court further
observes that pursuant to Article 395 § 1 of the Code of Criminal Procedure
(see paragraph 44 above), the judge hearing a case is legally bound by the
instructions of the Presidium of the Regional Court that quashed the
previous resolution and remitted the case for consideration on its merits. He
is therefore under an obligation to consider the case on the merits.
Furthermore, the judge's failure to comply with the requirements of
Article 395 § 1 of the Code of Criminal Procedure may result in the
quashing of the judgment given in the course of the fresh consideration of
the case by the higher court.
85. Furthermore, the Court notes that any procedural decision given by a
judge must be carefully worded in order to be neutral and to avoid any
possible interference with the principle of presumption of innocence
enshrined in Article 6 § 2 of the Convention. By recommending that a
particular case be remitted for additional investigation or by instructing a
lower court to hear the case on the merits, the judge does not necessarily
become the defendant's ally or opponent (see, mutatis mutandis, Borgers v.
Belgium, judgment of 30 October 1991, Series A no. 214-B, pp. 31-32,
§ 26), but he does express a particular point of view on the case and
therefore additional safeguards should be put in place in order to ensure that
there is no appearance of prejudice of the judge and the court in hearing a
particular case. In that respect, the Court notes that the Presidium of the
Donetsk Regional Court, in its resolution of 5 April 2000 remitting the case
to the Kuybyshevsky District Court for further judicial consideration, found
that the latter had failed to deal with the prosecution's submission that the
applicant had committed an offence under Article 127 § 2 of the Criminal
Code (see paragraph 24 above). Subsequently, Judge T. of the
Kuybyshevsky District Court, in a judgment of 6 July 2000, convicted the
applicant of the offences as originally charged by the prosecution, on the
basis of the same evidentiary material and legal submissions which he had
examined when he previously remitted the case for further investigation
(see paragraph 28 above). On that occasion, the court in its resolution of
7 March 2000 had found that “... it [had not been] shown by the prosecution
how Mr Sergey P. Salov had influenced the election results or how he
wanted to influence them”, that “...the investigation [had] not sufficiently
shown that the actions of Mr Sergey P. Salov constituted a criminal
offence...” and that “...the authorities [had] conducted their preliminary
investigation insufficiently...”
86. Taking into account the aforementioned considerations as to the
insufficient legislative and financial guarantees against outside pressure on
the judge hearing the case and, in particular, the lack of such guarantees in

respect of possible pressure from the President of the Regional Court, the
binding nature of the instructions given by the Presidium of the Regional
Court and the wording of the relevant intermediary judicial decisions in the
case, the Court finds that the applicant's doubts as to the impartiality of the
judge of the Kuybyshevsky District Court of Donetsk may be said to have
been objectively justified.

(c). Equality of arms

87. The Court reiterates that the principle of equality of arms is only one
feature of the wider concept of a fair trial, which also includes the
fundamental right that proceedings should be adversarial (see Ruiz-Mateos
v. Spain, judgment of 23 June 1993, Series A no. 262, p. 25, § 63).
Furthermore, the principle of equality of arms – in the sense of a “fair
balance” between the parties – requires that each party should be afforded a
reasonable opportunity to present his case under conditions that do not place
him at a substantial disadvantage vis-à-vis his opponent (see, among other
authorities, Dombo Beheer B.V. v. the Netherlands, judgment of 27 October
1993, Series A no. 274, p. 19, § 33, and Ankerl v. Switzerland, judgment of
23 October 1996, Reports 1996-V, pp. 1567-68, § 38). The right to
adversarial proceedings means that each party must be given the
opportunity to have knowledge of and comment on the observations filed or
evidence adduced by the other party (see Ruiz-Mateos, cited above, p. 25, §
88. In the instant case the principle of equality of arms dictated that the
public prosecutor's protest lodged with the Presidium of the Donetsk
Regional Court should have been communicated to the applicant and/or his
advocate who should have had a reasonable opportunity to comment on it
before it was considered by the Presidium. Furthermore, he should have
been provided with a copy of the resolution of the Presidium of the Donetsk
Regional Court quashing the resolution by which Kuybyshevsky District
Court of Donetsk had remitted the case back for fresh consideration, so as to
give him the opportunity to prepare his defence in advance of the trial. As
that did not happen and neither the applicant nor his lawyers were present
when the protest was considered by the Presidium, the applicant found
himself at a substantial disadvantage vis-à-vis his opponent, the State
prosecution service.
(d). Lack of reasons for a judicial decision
89. The Court further reiterates that, in accordance with Article 6 § 1 of
the Convention, judgments of courts and tribunals should adequately state
the reasons on which they are based in order to show that the parties were
heard and to ensure public scrutiny of the administration of justice (see
Hirvisaari v. Finland, no. 49684/99, § 30, 27 September 2001). However,
Article 6 § 1 cannot be understood as requiring a detailed answer to every

argument raised by the parties. Accordingly, the question whether a court

has failed to fulfil its obligation to state reasons can only be determined in
the light of the circumstances of the particular case (see Ruiz Torija v.
Spain, judgment of 9 December 1994, Series A no. 303-A, p. 12, § 29).
90. The Court notes that in the present case the Kuybyshevsky District
Court of Donetsk, having reviewed essentially the same evidentiary material
at the trial stage of the proceedings, came to two completely different
conclusions on 7 March and 6 July 2000 as to the need to investigate the
matter further and as to the applicant's conviction (see paragraph 85 above).
91. The Court is not satisfied with the Government's explanations as to
why the applicant was convicted, after his case had been heard for the
second time, on the basis of the evidence and indictment as initially
submitted by the prosecution and the instructions given by the Presidium of
the Donetsk Regional Court, while the evidence presented by the
prosecution had not changed, and considers that the District Court's reasons
for departing from its previous findings were not sufficiently explained in
the judgment of 6 July 2000 (see paragraph 28 above). In particular, the
court did not address the doubts it had raised on 7 March 2000, when the
case was remitted for additional investigation, in relation to the applicant's
administrative liability and the charges of criminal libel (see paragraph 22
above). Furthermore, it was assumed in the judgment convicting the
applicant that he had been sure that the information contained in the forged
Holos Ukrayiny newspaper was false; however, this element of the case was
not sufficiently examined in the judgment's reasoning. Moreover, the court
did not examine its previous consideration as to whether there was evidence
that the applicant had actively tried to disseminate the newspaper, which he
had not produced himself, as truthful information or whether he had
substantially impeded the voters' judgment as to the need to participate in
the elections and not to vote for Mr Kuchma.
92. In the light of the foregoing considerations, the Court considers that
the applicant did not have the benefit of fair proceedings in so far as the
domestic courts gave no reasoned answer as to why the Kuybyshevsky
District Court of Donetsk had originally found no evidence to convict the
applicant of the offences with which he was charged and remitted the case
for additional investigation on 7 March 2000 and yet, on 6 July 2000, found
the applicant guilty of interfering with voters' rights. The lack of a reasoned
decision also hindered the applicant from raising these issues at the appeal
stage (see Suominen v. Finland, no. 37801/97, § 37, judgment of
1 July 2003).

(e). Legal certainty, rule of law and presumption of innocence

93. The right to a fair hearing under Article 6 § 1 of the Convention
presumes respect for the principle of the rule of law. One of the
fundamental aspects of the rule of law is legal certainty, which requires that

where the courts' judgment has become final their ruling should not be
called into question (see Brumărescu, cited above, § 61). This principle
underlines that no party is entitled to seek a review of a final and binding
judgment merely for the purpose of obtaining a rehearing and a fresh
determination of the case. Higher courts' power of review should be
exercised to correct judicial errors and miscarriages of justice, but not to
carry out a fresh examination. The review should not be treated as an appeal
in disguise, and the mere possibility of there being two views on the subject
is not a ground for re-examination. A departure from that principle is
justified only when made necessary by circumstances of a substantial and
compelling character (see Ryabykh v. Russia, no. 52854/99, § 52, ECHR
94. The Court notes, however, that this case differs from Brumărescu v.
Romania (cited above) as the resolution of 7 March 2000 did not concern
the applicant's final acquittal. It reaffirms its position that that resolution
was of a procedural nature and a precondition to the determination of the
criminal charges against the applicant (see paragraph 66 above).
95. As to compliance with procedural time-limits, the Court reiterates
that it is in the first place for the national authorities, and notably the courts,
to interpret domestic law and that it will not substitute its own interpretation
for theirs in the absence of arbitrariness (see, mutatis mutandis, Ravnsborg
v. Sweden, judgment of 23 March 1994, Series A no. 283-B, p. 29, § 33, and
Bulut, cited above, pp. 355–56, § 29). This applies in particular to the
interpretation by courts of rules of a procedural nature such as time-limits
governing the filing of documents or the lodging of appeals. Although time-
limits and procedural rules governing appeals by the prosecution must be
adhered to as part of the concept of a fair procedure, in principle it is for the
national courts to police the conduct of their own proceedings.
96. The Court further notes that the procedural resolution of
7 March 2000 (see paragraph 22 above) was not appealed against under the
ordinary procedure provided for by Article 252 of the Code of Criminal
Procedure (see paragraph 43 above). The only remedy used was an
application for supervisory review. Under Article 385 of the Code of
Criminal Procedure, there was no time-limit for lodging such an application
(see paragraph 44 above). The application for supervisory review of the
resolution of 7 March 2000 was received by the Presidium of the Donetsk
Regional Court on 30 March 2000, when the resolution had already become
final under the ordinary procedure of review. An unlimited time-frame for
lodging an application for supervisory review against a procedural decision
that had become final, as permitted by Article 385 of the Code of Criminal
Procedure (see paragraph 44 above), cannot be considered normal from the
point of view of observance of procedural time-limits, compliance with the
requirements of procedural clarity, and foreseeability of the conduct of the
proceedings in the criminal cases, which are matters of major importance
under Article 6 § 1 of the Convention.

97. In the Court's view, the resolution by the Presidium of the Donetsk
Regional Court to consider the prosecution's late request to review the
resolution of 7 March 2000 and to set it aside a month after it had been
adopted can be described as arbitrary, and as capable of undermining the
fairness of the proceedings.

(f). Conclusions
98. Taking into account the conclusions it has reached with regard to the
four aforementioned elements of the criminal proceedings at issue (see
paragraphs 86, 88, 92 and 97 above), the Court considers that the criminal
proceedings in their entirety were unfair. There has, accordingly, been a
violation of Article 6 § 1 of the Convention.


99. The applicant complained that, as a result of the judgment of 6 July

2000 of the Kuybyshevsky District Court of Donetsk, his right to freedom
of expression guaranteed by Article 10 of the Convention had been violated.
This provision reads as follows:
“1. Everyone has the right to freedom of expression. This right shall include
freedom to hold opinions and to receive and impart information and ideas without
interference by public authority and regardless of frontiers. ...

2. The exercise of these freedoms, since it carries with it duties and responsibilities,
may be subject to such formalities, conditions, restrictions or penalties as are
prescribed by law and are necessary in a democratic society, ... for the prevention of
disorder or crime, ... [or] for the protection of the reputation or rights of others ...”
100. The Court notes that it was common ground between the parties
that the applicant's conviction constituted an interference with his right to
freedom of expression, as guaranteed by Article 10 § 1 of the Convention.
However, the parties differed as to whether the interference had been
prescribed by law and had pursued a legitimate aim, namely the “protection
of the reputation or rights of others” within the meaning of Article 10 § 2.
The dispute in the case therefore relates to the question whether the
interference was prescribed by law, pursued a legitimate aim and was
“necessary in a democratic society.”

A. The parties' submissions

101. The Government acknowledged that the applicant's conviction and

sentence constituted an interference with the applicant's freedom of
expression under Article 10 § 1. However, that interference was justified
under Article 10 § 2. It was “prescribed by law” (Article 127 of the CC) and
had pursued a legitimate aim (the protection of the rights of others to elect

the President of Ukraine on the basis of free and fair voting arrangements).
The interference had also been “necessary in a democratic society”. As to
the last point, they stated that the Court's case-law (Ahmed and Others v. the
United Kingdom, judgment of 2 September 1998, Reports 1998-VI, p. 2376,
§ 52) stressed the importance of ensuring the free will of the people during
elections and the need to protect democratic society from interferences, such
as the one at issue, with that process. The dissemination of information
about a presidential candidate was in the interests of the electorate.
However, where false information was imparted, this could have a
damaging effect on a candidate's reputation and effectively prevent him
from conducting an efficient electoral campaign.
102. The Government reiterated that the applicant, acting as a
representative of another presidential candidate, had imparted false
information about the death of the latter's rival. He had thus participated in a
dishonest electoral campaign and had damaged the interests of Ukrainian
society in having fair elections. By convicting the applicant of the offence
provided for in Article 127 of the CC (see paragraph 41 above), the
Ukrainian courts had acted strictly within their margin of appreciation.
Furthermore, the applicant had been given a probationary sentence, which
could not be considered disproportionate in the circumstances of the case.
They concluded that there had been no violation of Article 10 of the
Convention in respect of the interference with the applicant's right to
disseminate information in the course of the elections.
103. The applicant disagreed. He reiterated that Article 127 § 2 of the
CC could not apply to his actions. That provision was so imprecise that he
could not have reasonably foreseen that he might be imprisoned for his act.
Article 186-2 of the Code of Administrative Offences should have been
applied to his act and he should not have been punished for the
dissemination of information (see paragraph 42 above). Furthermore, these
sanctions had been applied only with reference to the candidate
Mr Leonid D. Kuchma. As far as the other candidates were concerned,
much false information had been disseminated about them. However, no
one had been punished. As to his having been given a probationary
sentence, the applicant noted that this proved that even the court realised the
absurdity of the allegations against him.

B. Compliance with Article 10 of the Convention

1. The Court's case-law

104. According to the Court's well-established case-law, there is little
scope under Article 10 § 2 of the Convention for restrictions on political
speech or on debate of questions of public interest (see, mutatis mutandis,
among many other authorities, Lingens v. Austria, judgment of 8 July 1986,

Series A no. 103, p. 26, § 42, and Castells v. Spain, judgment of 23 April
1992, Series A no. 236, p. 23, § 43). This freedom is subject to the
exceptions set out in Article 10 § 2, which must, however, be construed
strictly. The need for any restrictions must be established convincingly.
105. The test of “necessity in a democratic society” requires the Court to
determine whether the “interference” complained of corresponded to a
“pressing social need”, whether it was proportionate to the legitimate aim
pursued and whether the reasons given by the national authorities to justify
it are relevant and sufficient (see Sunday Times v. the United
Kingdom (no. 1), judgment of 26 April 1979, Series A no. 30, p. 38, § 62).
In assessing whether such a “need” exists and what measures should be
adopted to deal with it, the national authorities are left a certain margin of
appreciation. This power of appreciation is not, however, unlimited but goes
hand in hand with European supervision by the Court, whose task it is to
give a final ruling on whether a restriction is reconcilable with freedom of
expression as protected by Article 10 (see Bladet Tromsø and Stensaas
v. Norway [GC], no. 21980/93, § 58, ECHR 1999-III, and Cumpănă and
Mazăre v. Romania [GC], no. 33348/95, § 88, ECHR 2004-XI).
106. The Court's task in exercising its supervisory function is not to take
the place of the national authorities but rather to review under Article 10, in
the light of the case as a whole, the decisions they have taken pursuant to
their power of appreciation (see Bergens Tidende and Others v. Norway,
no. 26132/95, § 50, ECHR 2000-IV). When doing so, the Court must look
at the impugned interference in the light of the case as a whole, including
the content of the article and the context in which it was disseminated (see
Barfod v. Denmark, judgment of 22 February 1989, Series A no. 149, p. 12,
§ 28).
107. Lastly, the Court reiterates that Article 10 protects not only the
substance of the ideas and information expressed but also the form in which
they are conveyed (see Nilsen and Johnsen v. Norway [GC], no. 23118/93,
§ 43, ECHR 1999-VIII).

2. Whether the interference was prescribed by law

108. The Court observes that one of the requirements flowing from the
expression “prescribed by law” is the foreseeability of the measure
concerned. A norm cannot be regarded as a “law” unless it is formulated
with sufficient precision to enable the citizen to regulate his conduct: he
must be able – if need be with appropriate advice – to foresee, to a degree
that is reasonable in the circumstances, the consequences which a given
action may entail (see, for example, Rekvényi v. Hungary [GC],
no. 25390/94, § 34, ECHR 1999-III, and Feldek v. Slovakia, no. 29032/95,
§ 56, ECHR 2001-VIII). The degree of precision depends to a considerable
extent on the content of the instrument at issue, the field it is designed to
cover, and the number and status of those to whom it is addressed (see

Groppera Radio AG and Others v. Switzerland, judgment of 28 March

1990, Series A no. 173, p. 26, § 68).
109. The Court does not find convincing the applicant's arguments
concerning the failure of the domestic courts to apply the Code on
Administrative Offences in his case and not the Criminal Code (see
paragraphs 41-42 above). It therefore dismisses them. Having regard to its
own case-law on the requirements of clarity and foreseeability (see Markt
Intern Verlag GmbH and Klaus Beermann v. Germany, judgment of
20 November 1989, Series A no. 165, p. 18, § 30, and Müller and Others v.
Switzerland, judgment of 24 May 1988, Series A no. 133 p. 20, § 29), and to
the fact that Article 127 of the Criminal Code complied with these
requirements, the Court considers that the interference with the applicant's
rights was prescribed by law within the meaning of Article 10 § 2 of the

3. Whether the interference pursued a legitimate aim

110. The Court agrees with the Government that the interference at issue
was intended to pursue a legitimate aim – providing the voters with true
information in the course of the presidential campaign of 1999. The
question remains, however, whether it was necessary and proportionate to
the legitimate aim pursued.

4. Whether the interference was necessary in a democratic society and

proportionate to the legitimate aim pursued
111. The Court is of the view that the impugned article, disseminated in
a copy of a forged newspaper, concerned issues of public interest and
concern, namely the personality of a particular candidate in the presidential
elections and his alleged death from alcohol-related myocardiodystrophy
and the subsequent coup d'état by the criminal entourage of the allegedly
deceased Mr Kuchma (see paragraph 13 above). The issues mentioned in
the article concerned the elections as such and the ability of the electorate to
support a particular candidate. In the Court's opinion, these are important
issues which may give rise to a serious public discussion in the course of the
elections. Consequently, the principles concerning the scope of political
debate should also apply to the present case (see Ukrainian Media Group v.
Ukraine, no. 72713/01, §§ 39-41, 29 March 2005).
112. As to whether the impugned article was a statement of fact or a
value judgment, the Court observes that the domestic courts qualified the
statements in the impugned article as an assertion of fact, that is, of Mr
Kuchma's death and his substitution by a similar-looking person, and
therefore impeded the voters' ability to elect him as President (see paragraph
28 above). The Court considers that this article should also be described as a
false statement of fact (see Harlanova v. Latvia (dec.), no. 57313/00, 3
April 2003).

113. However, from the domestic courts' findings it can be seen that this
statement of fact was not produced or published by the applicant himself
and was referred to by him in conversations with others as a personalised
assessment of factual information, the veracity of which he doubted. The
domestic courts failed to prove that he was intentionally trying to deceive
other voters and to impede their ability to vote during the 1999 presidential
elections. Furthermore, Article 10 of the Convention as such does not
prohibit discussion or dissemination of information received even if it is
strongly suspected that this information might not be truthful. To suggest
otherwise would deprive persons of the right to express their views and
opinions about statements made in the mass media and would thus place an
unreasonable restriction on the freedom of expression set forth in Article 10
of the Convention.
114. The Court notes that the applicant emphasised that he had not
known whether this information was true or false while he was discussing it
with others. He alleged that he was trying to verify it. Moreover, the impact
of the information contained in the newspaper was minor as he only had
eight copies of the forged Holos Ukrayiny newspaper and spoke to a limited
number of persons about it, a fact that should have been taken into account
by the domestic courts (see paragraph 28 above). The requirements of free
expression and free discussion of information enshrined in Article 10 of the
Convention, bearing in mind the particular context of the presidential
elections, should have also been taken into account by the domestic courts
in considering the applicant's case.
115. The Court reiterates that when assessing the proportionality of an
interference, the nature and severity of the penalties imposed are also factors
to be taken into account (see Ceylan v. Turkey [GC], no. 23556/94, § 49,
ECHR 1999-IV; Skałka v. Poland, no. 43425/98, § 41-42, 27 May 2003;
Cumpănă and Mazăre, cited above, §§ 111-124). In the applicant's case, the
sentence of five years, which was suspended for two years, the fine of
UAH 1701 and the resulting annulment by the Bar Association of the
applicant's licence to practise law constituted a very severe penalty.
116. In short, the reasons relied on by the respondent State were neither
relevant nor sufficient to show that the interference complained of was
“necessary in a democratic society”. Furthermore, the decision to convict
the applicant for discussing information disseminated in the forged copy of
a newspaper about the death of President Kuchma was manifestly
disproportionate to the legitimate aim pursued.
117. Accordingly, there has been a violation of Article 10 of the

. EUR 32.82.


118. Article 41 of the Convention provides:

“If the Court finds that there has been a violation of the Convention or the Protocols
thereto, and if the internal law of the High Contracting Party concerned allows only
partial reparation to be made, the Court shall, if necessary, afford just satisfaction to
the injured party.”

A. Damage

119. The applicant sought compensation for the pecuniary damage

incurred through his loss of income amounting to EUR 31,500, a
UAH 1,2001 fee he had paid for the renewal of his licence to practise as a
lawyer, the legal costs incurred in the course of the domestic proceedings
(EUR 1,000 allegedly paid to the lawyer Mr V. Filippenko), the fine paid by
him, as ordered by the judgment of 6 July 2000 (UAH 170 2) and
expenditure relating to his detention. He claimed a total of EUR 150,000 for
pecuniary and non-pecuniary damage. He alleged that his unlawful
conviction had resulted in severe mental suffering for him and his family,
and the loss of his business reputation, among other things.
120. The Government were of the view that there was no causal link
between the violation complained of and the amounts claimed by the
applicant. They further submitted that the applicant's claims were excessive
and unsubstantiated and should therefore be rejected. They added that, in
any event, the finding of a violation would in itself afford sufficient just
satisfaction to the applicant.
121. The Court finds that in the circumstances of the case no causal link
has been established by the applicant between the violations found and the
pecuniary damage alleged in so far as the applicant claimed for the costs he
had incurred in connection with the domestic proceedings, his loss of
income, expenditure relating to his detention, etc. Consequently, there is no
justification for making an award to the applicant in relation to those claims.
Taking into account all the circumstances of the case, the Court considers
that the only substantiated claims for pecuniary damage are those relating to
the withdrawal of the applicant's licence to practise law (EUR 194.73) and
the fine paid by him as a result of his conviction (EUR 32.82). It therefore
awards the applicant a total sum of EUR 227.55 under this head.
122. The Court accepts that the applicant has also suffered non-
pecuniary damage – such as distress and frustration resulting from not being
brought promptly before a judge to review the lawfulness of his detention
(Article 5 § 3 of the Convention), from the lack of fair proceedings in his
. EUR 194.73.
. EUR 32.82.

case (Article 6 § 1 of the Convention) and from his conviction and sentence
for discussing politically sensitive information in the course of the elections
(Article 10 of the Convention) – which cannot be sufficiently compensated
by the mere finding of a violation of the Convention. Making its assessment
on an equitable basis, the Court awards the applicant EUR 10,000 under this

B. Costs and expenses

123. The applicant, who was not granted legal aid for the purpose of the
proceedings before the Court, claimed EUR 1,000 as reimbursement for the
costs he had borne in connection with the domestic proceedings. He claimed
no specific expenses for the proceedings before the Court.
124. The Government submitted that those costs were irrelevant to the
case at hand. They also argued that the applicant had not submitted any
documents to show that he had actually incurred them.
125. The Court observes that the applicant has not lodged any particular
evidence in support of his claims for costs and expenses. Neither has he
substantiated or broken down his claims for costs and expenses incurred
before the Court. It therefore decides not to award any sum under this head.

C. Default interest

126. The Court considers it appropriate that the default interest should
be based on the marginal lending rate of the European Central Bank, to
which should be added three percentage points.


1. Holds that there has been a violation of Article 5 § 3 of the Convention;

2. Decides that Article 6 § 1 is applicable to the criminal proceedings at


3. Holds that there has been a violation of Article 6 § 1 of the Convention;

4. Holds that there has been a violation of Article 10 of the Convention;

5. Holds

(a) that the respondent State is to pay the applicant, within three months
from the date on which the judgment becomes final according to
Article 44 § 2 of the Convention, EUR 227.55 (two hundred and twenty-

seven euros and fifty-five cents) in respect of pecuniary damage and

EUR 10,000 (ten thousand euros) in respect of non-pecuniary damage,
to be converted into the national currency of the respondent State at the
rate applicable on the date of payment, plus any tax that may be
chargeable on these amounts;
(b) that from the expiry of the above-mentioned three months until
settlement simple interest shall be payable on the above amounts at a
rate equal to the marginal lending rate of the European Central Bank
during the default period plus three percentage points;

6. Dismisses the remainder of the applicant's claim for just satisfaction.

Done in English, and notified in writing on 6 September 2005, pursuant

to Rule 77 §§ 2 and 3 of the Rules of Court.



In accordance with Article 45 § 2 of the Convention and Rule 74 § 2 of

the Rules of the Court, the partly concurring opinions of Mr Cabral Barreto
and Ms Mularoni are annexed to this judgment.




With much regret I have to dissociate myself from the majority's
reasoning concerning the violation of Article 6 of the Convention.
If I agree with the majority who found a violation of Article 6 with
respect to equality of arms, lack of legal certainty, rule of law and
presumption of innocence, I shall disagree with their reasoning and the
conclusion that the article 6 § 1 of the Convention was violated with respect
to independence and impartiality of the courts dealing with the case and the
lack of reasons for a judicial decision because I share the reasons developed
by my colleague judge Antonella Mularoni in her concurring opinion.


While I am in agreement with the operative provision of the judgment
holding that there has been a violation of Article 6 § 1 of the Convention, I
do not completely agree with the reasoning followed by the majority, nor
with all aspects of its analysis.
I agree with the reasoning and the finding of a violation of Article 6 § 1
of the Convention with respect to the equality of arms (see paragraphs 87-
88 of the judgment) and to legal certainty, rule of law and presumption of
innocence (see paragraphs 93-97 of the judgment). However, I disagree
with the reasoning and the conclusion that Article 6 § 1 was violated with
respect to independence and impartiality of the courts dealing with the case
(see paragraphs 80-86 of the judgment) and the lack of reasons for a judicial
decision (see paragraphs 89-92 of the judgment).
1. As to independence and impartiality of the courts dealing with the
case, the majority correctly points out that the applicant's submissions of
Judge T. of the Kuybyshevsky District Court of Donetsk being influenced
by political motives and instructed by the Head of the Regional State
Administration are of little assistance in assessing his complaints as to the
lack of independence and impartiality of the courts dealing with the case
(see paragraph 82 of the judgment). However, having said that, the majority
embarks on a reasoning of general character concerning the insufficiency of
domestic legislation, which I consider of little help in examining the case
and which leaves room to considerable doubts as to the possibility of
finding a violation of Article 6 § 1 (see paragraph 83 of the judgment).
The majority examines afterwards the issue of impartiality of the judge
hearing the case, underlying that he was legally bound by the instructions of
the Presidium of the Regional Court that quashed the previous resolution
and remitted the case for consideration on its merits. It furthermore
develops a series of statements that I have great difficulties to follow (see
paragraphs 84-85 of the judgment). I consider that the system in force in
Ukraine (at least at the material time) could be, mutatis mutandis, compared
to the cassation procedure and to such a well-known institution in a
considerable number of contracting States as remittal of the case to lower
courts for consideration on the merits. Following the reasoning adopted by
the majority as to the applicant's doubts with respect to the impartiality of
the judge of the Kuybyshevsky District Court of Donetsk (see paragraph 86
of the judgment), I am afraid that more serious doubts could be raised by
future applicants as to impartiality of the judges called to examine the
culpability of the accused after a decision by Cassation Courts on remittal of
the case for consideration on the merits. It seems to me that the conclusion
that “the applicant's doubts as to the impartiality of the judge of the
Kuybyshevsky District Court of Donetsk may be said to have been
objectively justified” is not only a far-reaching one, but could have
undesired consequences for the future.

As to “insufficient legislative and financial guarantees against outside

pressure on the judge hearing the case” and, in particular, “the lack of such
guarantees in respect of possible pressure from the President of the Regional
Court”, I consider such argument very weak to justify the finding of a
violation of Article 6 § 1, partly for the reasons stated above, partly because
it could inter alia and in the absence of any evidence give the idea that the
judge was corrupt.
For all these reasons I cannot follow the majority when it concludes that
a violation of Article 6 § 1 of the Convention should be found as to
independence and impartiality of the courts dealing with the case.
2. As to lack of reasons for a judicial decision (see paragraphs 89 – 92 of
the judgment), it seems to me that the majority draws its conclusions as a
consequence of the analysis developed with respect to the issue of
independence and impartiality of the courts dealing with the case. Reading
the judgment of the District Court of 6 July 2000 (see paragraph 28 of the
judgment), I cannot conclude that such a judgment was insufficiently
reasoned. It is at least as much reasoned as lots of other judgments where
the Court has considered that no problem arose under Article 6 § 1 in this
respect. In the light of the considerations expressed at first paragraph above,
I am not convinced that the District Court should have stated why it had
originally found no evidence to convict the applicant and remitted the case
for additional investigation and yet, on 6 July 2000, following the Presidium
of the Donetsk Regional Court resolution of 5 April 2000 (see paragraph 24
of the judgment), had found the applicant guilty of interfering with voters'
As a consequence, I cannot conclude that a violation of Article 6 § 1 of
the Convention should be found as to lack of reasons for a judicial decision.
As to Article 10, I agree with the majority who found a violation.
However, the only reason for me to find a violation is that the interference
with the applicant's rights was disproportionate, as the penalty was
extremely severe (see paragraph 115 of the judgment).
I do not underestimate the gravity of what the applicant did. The Court
states – and I completely agree – that the article should be described as a
false statement of fact. The information was no doubt false, Mr Kuchma
being alive. It was a clear dissemination of false information with respect to
an important aspect of life of the country, namely the election of its
president. Even assuming that the article could be considered as
contributing to a discussion of a general interest or on political issues, I am
not satisfied that the applicant was acting in good faith in order to provide
accurate and reliable information to the other persons (see, among many
authorities, Colombani and Others v. France, no. 51279/99, § 65,
ECHR 2002-V). The applicant could have tried to verify if the information
was true or false before (and not after) disseminating an article that leaves
no doubt as to the alleged truth of the information. I am not ready to

consider that freedom of expression entails the right to disseminate false

information, maybe for the purpose of advantaging a different presidential
The Court repeatedly stated that the press must not overstep the bounds
set, inter alia, for the protection of the reputation of others (see Colombani
judgment cited above, § 56). Everyone's freedoms and rights encounter
limits when freedoms and rights of others exist.
If, according to our case-law, even a value judgment can be considered
not protected by Article 10 of the Convention when it is devoid of factual
basis, I consider that the false statement of fact disseminated by the
applicant should not get better protection.

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