UNIT - II: Lipid Metabolism

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UNIT – II: Lipid metabolism

Lipid metabolism: Oxidation of saturated (-oxidation); Ketogenesis and ketolysis; biosynthesis of fatty acids, lipids;
metabolism of cholesterol; Hormonal regulation of lipid metabolism. Defective metabolism of lipids (Atheroslerosis, fatty
liver, hypercholesterolmiea).

 Lipids are a heterogeneous group of water-insoluble (hydrophobic) organic molecules that can be extracted from
tissues by nonpolar solvents, because of their insolubility in aqueous solutions, body lipids are generally found
compartmentalized, as in the case of membrane-associated lipids or droplets of triacylglycerol in adipocytes, or
transported in plasma in association with protein, as in lipoprotein particles or on albumin. Lipids are a major
source of energy for the body, and they provide the hydrophobic barrier. Lipids serve additional functions in the
body, for example, some fat-soluble vitamins have regulatory or coenzyme functions, and the prostaglandins and
steroid hormones play major roles in the control of the body's homeostasis.
 Classification of lipids:
1. Simple lipids: Esters of fatty acids with various alcohols.
a. Fats: Esters of fatty acids with glycerol. Oils are fats in the liquid state.
b. Waxes: Esters of fatty acids with higher molecular weight monohydric alcohols.
2. Complex lipids: Esters of fatty acids containing groups in addition to an alcohol and a fatty acid.
a. Phospholipids: Lipids containing, in addition to fatty acids and an alcohol, a phosphoric acid residue. They
frequently have nitrogen containing bases and other substituents, eg, in glycerophospholipids the alcohol is
glycerol and in sphingophospholipids the alcohol is sphingosine.
b. Glycolipids (glycosphingolipids): Lipids containing a fatty acid, sphingosine, and carbohydrate.
c. Other complex lipids: Lipids such as sulfolipids and aminolipids. Lipoproteins may also be placed in this
3. Precursor and derived lipids: These include fatty acids, glycerol, steroids, other alcohols, fatty aldehydes, and
ketone bodies, hydrocarbons, lipid-soluble vitamins and hormones.
 Fatty acids occur mainly as esters in natural fats and oils but do occur in the unesterified form as free fatty acids, a
transport form found in the plasma. Fatty acids that occur in natural fats are usually straight-chain derivatives
containing an even number of carbon atoms. The chain may be saturated (containing no double bonds) or
unsaturated (containing one or more double bonds).
- Saturated Fatty Acids may base on acetic acid (CH3COOH) as the first member of the series in which -CH2- is
progressively added between the terminals -CH3- and -COOH- groups.
- Unsaturated Fatty Acids contain one or more double bonds and it may be further subdivided as follows:
(1) Monounsaturated (monoethenoid, monoenoic) acids, containing one double bond.
(2) Polyunsaturated (polyethenoid, polyenoic) acids, containing two or more double bonds.
(3) Eicosanoids: These compounds, derived from eicosa- (20-carbon) polyenoic fatty acids, comprise the
prostanoids, leukotrienes (LTs), and lipoxins (LXs). Prostanoids include prostaglandins (PGs),
prostacyclins (PGIs), and thromboxanes (TXs).
UNIT – II: Lipid metabolism
 Saturated fatty acids.

 Unsaturated Fatty Acids

UNIT – II: Lipid metabolism
 Chemistry of Fatty acids
- The carbon chains of saturated fatty acids form a zigzag pattern when extended, as at low temperatures. At higher
temperatures, some bonds rotate, causing chain shortening,
- A type of geometric isomerism occurs in unsaturated fatty acids, depending on the orientation of atoms or groups
around the axes of double bonds, which do not allow rotation. If the acyl chains are on the same side of the bond, it
is cis-, as in oleic acid; if on opposite sides, it is trans-, as in elaidic acid, the trans isomer of oleic acid.
- Naturally occurring unsaturated long-chain fatty acids are nearly all of the cis configuration, the molecules being
“bent” 120 degrees at the double bond. Thus, oleic acid has an L shape, whereas elaidic acid remains “straight.”
- Increase in the number of cis double bonds in a fatty acid leads to a variety of possible like arachidonic acid, with
four cis double bonds, has “kinks” or a U shape.
- Trans double bonds alter these spatial relationships.
- The melting points of even-numbered-carbon fatty acids increase with chain length and decrease according to

Trans and Cis- Fatty acid

Saturated Fatty acid Unsaturated Fatty acid
UNIT – II: Lipid metabolism
 Structures of some common classes of lipids

Note By: ► Naturally, occurring unsaturated vegetable oils have almost all Cis bonds, but using oil for frying
causes some of the Cis bonds to convert to Trans bonds.
► Fatty acids with Tran’s bonds are carcinogenic.
UNIT – II: Lipid metabolism
 Digestion, Absorption, Secretion, and Utilization of Dietary Lipids
The average daily intake of lipids for an adult is about 81 g, of which more than 90% is normally triacylglycerol (TAG-triglyceride). The remainder of the dietary lipids
consists primarily of cholesterol, cholesteryl esters, phospholipids, and unesterified (“free”) fatty acids.
UNIT – II: Lipid metabolism
 Emulsification of lipid in the small intestine
- The critical process of emulsification of lipids occurs in the duodenum. Emulsification is accomplished by the bile
salts, and mechanical mixing due to peristalsis. Bile salts, made in the liver and stored in the gallbladder, are
derivatives of cholesterol.
- Bile salts, produce in the liver and stored in the gallbladder, are derivatives of cholesterol. They consist of a sterol
ring structure with a side chain to which a molecule of glycine or taurine is covalently attached by an amide linkage.
These emulsifying agents interact with the dietary lipid particles and the aqueous duodenal contents, thereby
stabilizing the particles as they become smaller, and preventing them from coalescing.

 Use of dietary lipids by the tissues

- Triacylglycerol contained in chylomicrons is broken down primarily in the capillaries of skeletal muscle and adipose
tissues, but also those of the heart, lung, kidney, and liver. Triacylglycerol in chylomicrons is degraded to free fatty
acids and glycerol by lipoprotein lipase . Primarily adipocytes and muscle cells synthesize this enzyme. The free
fatty acids derived from the hydrolysis of TAG be transported in the blood in association with serum albumin and
they are taken up by cells where it oxidize fatty acids to produce energy.
- Glycerol that is released from TAG is used almost exclusively by the liver to produce glycerol 3-phosphate, which
can enter either glycolysis or gluconeogenesis by oxidation to dihydroxyacetone phosphate.
Note By: Chylomicrons are large lipoprotein particles that transport dietary lipids from the intestines to other
locations in the body. Chylomicrons are one of the 5 major groups of lipoproteins which enable fats and cholesterol to
move within the water based solution of the blood stream. Chylomicrons transport exogenous lipids to liver, adipose,
cardiac and skeletal muscle tissue.

 Essential fatty acids

- Two fatty acids are dietary essentials in humans
i. Linoleic acid, which is the precursor of arachidonic acid, the substrate for prostaglandin synthesis.
ii. α-linolenic acid is the precursor for growth and development.
- Essential fatty acid deficiency can result in a scaly dermatitis, as well as visual and neurologic

Linolenic acid Linoleic acid

UNIT – II: Lipid metabolism
 Fatty Acid and Triacylglycerol Metabolism
- Fatty acids exist “free” in the body and are found as fatty acyl esters in more complex molecules, such as
triacylglycerols. Low levels of free fatty acids occur in all tissues, but substantial amounts can sometimes
be found in the plasma, particularly during fasting.
- Free fatty acids can be oxidized by many tissues particularly liver and muscle to provide energy. Fatty
acids are also structural components of membrane lipids, such as phospholipids and glycolipids.
- Fatty acids are also precursors of the hormone-like prostaglandins.
- Esterified fatty acids, in the form of triacylglycerols stored in adipose cells, serve as the major energy
reserve of the body.
- Triglyceride breakdown is facilitated by three enzymes:
i. Triacylglycerol lipase (which is activated by epinephrine)
ii. Diacyclglycerol lipase
iii. Monoacylglycerol lipase
UNIT – II: Lipid metabolism
 Release of fatty acids from TAG
- The mobilization of stored fat requires the hydrolytic release of fatty acids and glycerol from their TAG form. This
process is initiated by hormone-sensitive lipase, which removes a fatty acid from carbon 1 and/or carbon 3 of the
TAG. Additional lipases specific for diacylglycerol or monoacylglycerol remove the remaining fatty acids.
- Hormonal control of lipolysis: The breakdown of triglycerides by lipases is under hormonal control. The main
enzymes involved are epinephrine, glucagon and insulin. Epinephrine and glucagon promote the breakdown of fat
(lipolysis) while insulin inhibits fat breakdown.
Epinephrine ( +) ↓↑ (+) Insulin

Hormonal regulation of triacylglycerol degradation

- Hormone-sensitive lipase (HSL) is activated when phosphorylated by a 3',5'-cyclic AMP(cAMP)–dependent protein

- 3',5'-Cyclic AMP is produced in the adipocyte by several hormones like as epinephrine or glucagon binds to
receptors on the cell membrane, and activates adenylyl cyclase.
- Fatty acid synthesis is turned off when TAG degradation is turned on. In the presence of high plasma levels of
insulin and glucose, HSL is dephosphorylated, and becomes inactive.
- The glycerol released during TAG degradation cannot be metabolized by adipocytes because they apparently lack
glycerol kinase. Rather, glycerol is transported through the blood to the liver, where it can be phosphorylated. The
resulting glycerol phosphate can be used to form TAG in the liver, or can be converted to DHAP by the glycerol
phosphate dehydrogenase.
UNIT – II: Lipid metabolism
 Various pathway generation during triacylglycerol degradation
UNIT – II: Lipid metabolism
 β-Oxidation of fatty acids
- The major pathway for catabolism of even-numbered saturated fatty acids is a mitochondrial pathway called
β-oxidation. In which two-carbon fragments ar e successively removed from the carboxyl end of
the fatty acyl CoA, producing acetyl CoA, NADH, and FADH 2 .
- In β-oxidation, the fatty acid is broken down to release acetyl-CoA. The process involves 4 main steps:
i. Dehydrogenation
ii. Hydration
iii. Oxidation
iv. Thiolysis
- Beta-oxidation of fatty acids takes place in the mitochondrial matrix for the most part. However, fatty acids have to
be activated for degradation by coenzyme A by forming a fatty acyl-CoA thioester. For short and medium length
fatty acids, they undergo this reaction in the mitochondria. The long chain fatty acids can't go through the membrane
though, so this reaction occurs at the outer mitochondrial membrane.
- The final fatty acid products are acetyl-CoA for the even numbered fatty acids (without double bonds), and for
those with an odd number of carbons, it is 3-carbon propionyl-CoA.
A. Beta-Oxidation of Fatty Acids (even chain)
1. Dehydrogenation (Acyl-CoA Dehydrogenase): This first reaction is the oxidation of the Ca-Cb bond. It is
catalyzed by acyl-CoA dehydrogenases. This catalyst is a family of three soluble matrix enzymes. These enzymes
carry noncovalently bound FAD that is reduced during the oxidation of the fatty acid.

2. Hydration (Enoyl-CoA Hydratase): In this pathway is one in which water is added across the new double bond to
make hydroacyl-CoA. The catalyst in this reaction is Enoyl-CoA hydratase. This is also called a crotonase and it
converts trans-enoyl-CoA to L-B-Hydroxyacyl-CoA. This reaction would be classified as a hydration reaction
because you are adding water.
UNIT – II: Lipid metabolism
3. Oxidation (L-Hydroxyacyl-CoA Dehydrogenase): Here the oxidation of the hydroxyl group at the beta position
which forms a beta-ketoacyl-CoA derivative and it is catalyzed by L-Hydroxyacyl-CoA Dehydrogenase. This
enzyme needs to have NAD+ as a coenzyme and the NADH produced represents metabolic energy because for
every NADH produced, it drives the synthesis of 2.5 molecules of ATP in the electron transport pathway. So, this
reaction is classified as an oxidation reaction.

Mechanism of L-Hydroxyacyl-CoA Dehydrogenase

4. Thiolysis: This is the final reaction of this pathway and thiolase catalyzed this reaction. This reaction cleaves the
β-ketoacyl-CoA. The products of this reaction are an acetyl-CoA and a fatty acid that has been shortened by two
carbons. So, this reaction is classified as a cleavage reaction.

- Repetition of the Beta Oxidation Cycle: The shortened fatty acyl-CoA that was the product of the last reaction
now goes through another beta-oxidation cycle. This keeps happening until eventually you wind up with two
molecules of acetyl-CoA in the final step. This acetyl-CoA is then available to be further metabolized in the TCA
cycle, or it can be used as a substrate in amino acid biosynthesis. It cannot be used as a substrate for
UNIT – II: Lipid metabolism
B. Beta oxidation of fatty acid with an odd number of carbons
- Chains with an odd-number of carbons are oxidized in the same manner as even-numbered chains, but the final
products are propionyl CoA and acetyl CoA.
- Propionyl CoA is converted into succinyl CoA (which is an intermediate in the citric acid cycle) in a reaction that
involves Vitamin B12.
- Succinyl CoA can then enter the citric acid cycle. Because it cannot be completely metabolized in the citric acid
cycle, the products of its partial reaction must be removed in a process called cataplerosis. This allows regeneration
of the citric acid cycle intermediates, possibly an important process in certain metabolic diseases.
- Animals cannot make glucose from even carbon fatty acids. The only scope for glucose synthesis from fatty acids
is from the propionyl CoA left behind after the beta-oxidation of odd carbon fatty acids.
UNIT – II: Lipid metabolism
 Energy yield during β-oxidation of fatty acids
The ATP yield for every oxidation cycle is 14 ATP, broken down as follows:
1 FADH2 x 1.5 ATP = 1.5 ATP
1 NADH x 2.5 ATP = 2.5 ATP
1 acetyl CoA x 10 ATP = 10 ATP
For an even-numbered saturated fat (C2n), n - 1 oxidations are necessary and the final process yields an additional
acetyl CoA. In addition, two equivalents of ATP are lost during the activation of the fatty acid. Therefore, the total
ATP yield can be stated as: (n - 1) * 14 + 10 – 2= No. of ATP
For instance, the ATP yield of Palmitate (C16, n = 8) is:
(8 - 1) * 14 + 10 – 2=106 ATP
7 FADH2 x 1.5 ATP = 10.5 ATP
7 NADH x 2.5 ATP = 17.5 ATP
8 acetyl CoA x 10 ATP = 80 ATP
ATP equivalent used during activation = -2
UNIT – II: Lipid metabolism
- Fatty acid synthesis is the creating of fatty acids from acetyl-CoA and malonyl-CoA precursors through action of
enzymes called fatty acid synthases. It is an important part of the lipogenesis process, which - together with
glycolysis stands behind creating fats from blood sugar in living organisms.
- Synthesis takes place in the cytosol
- In humans, fatty acids are predominantly formed in the liver and lactating mammary glands, and, to a lesser
extent, the adipose tissue.
- Most acetyl-CoA is formed from pyruvate by pyruvate dehydrogenase in the mitochondria.
Acetyl-CoA produced in the mitochondria is condensed with oxaloacetate by citrate synthase to form citrate,
which is then transported into the cytosol and broken down to yield acetyl-CoA and oxaloacetate by ATP citrate
lyase. Oxaloacetate in the cytosol is reduced to malate by cytoplasmic malate dehydrogenase, and malate is
transported back into the mitochondria to participate in the Citric acid cycle.
- The process involves 4 main steps: 1. Condensation, 2. Reduction, 3. Dehydration & 4. Reduction

Acyl carrier protein (ACP): The acyl carrier protein (ACP) is an important component in both fatty acid and
polyketide biosynthesis
UNIT – II: Lipid metabolism

Characteristic Degradation Synthesis

Location Mitochondrial Matrix Cytosol

Activated intermediates Thioesters of CoA Thioesters of ACP

Process 2-Carbon fragments removed as acetyl CoA 2-Carbon elongation using malonyl CoA

Direction Starts at carboxyl end Starts at methyl end

Redox reaction cofactors FAD/FADH2 and NAD+/NADH NADP+/NADPH

Major tissue site Muscle and liver Liver

Hormonal regulation Low insulin / glucagon ratio High insulin/glucagon ratio

Activator FFA generated by hormone-sensitive lipase Citrate

Fatty acyl CoA (inhibits acetyl CoA

Inhibitor Malonyl CoA (inhibits carnitine acyl transferase)

- Ketogenesis is the process by which ketone bodies are produced as a result of fatty acid breakdown.
- Ketone bodies are produced mainly in the mitochondria of liver cells. Its synthesis occurs in response to low glucose
levels in the blood, and after exhaustion of cellular carbohydrate stores, such as glycogen. The production of ketone
bodies is then initiated to make available energy that is stored as fatty acids.
- Besides its role in the synthesis of ketone bodies, HMG-CoA is also an intermediate in the synthesis of cholesterol.
- The three ketone bodies are:
 Acetoacetate, which, if not oxidized to form usable energy, is the source of the two other ketone bodies below
 Acetone, which is not used as an energy source, but is instead exhaled or excreted as waste
 β-hydroxybutyrate, which is not, in the technical sense, a ketone according to IUPAC nomenclature.
 Regulation: Ketogenesis may or may not occur, depending on levels of available carbohydrates in the cell or
body. This is closely related to the paths of acetyl-CoA:
 When the body has ample carbohydrates available as energy source, glucose is completely oxidized to CO2;
acetyl-CoA is formed as an intermediate in this process, first entering the citric acid cycle followed by
complete conversion of its chemical energy to ATP in oxidative phosporylation.
 When the body has excess carbohydrates available, some glucose is fully metabolized, and some of it is stored
by using acetyl-CoA to create fatty acids. (CoA is also recycled here.)
 When the body has no free carbohydrates available, fat must be broken down into acetyl-CoA in order to get
UNIT – II: Lipid metabolism
 Pathology
- Ketone bodies are created at moderate levels in everyone's bodies, such as during sleep and other times when no
carbohydrates are available.
- However, when ketogenesis is happening at higher-than-normal levels, the body is said to be in a state of ketosis.
- Both acetoacetate and beta-hydroxybutyrate are acidic, and, if levels of these ketone bodies are too high, the pH
of the blood drops, resulting in ketoacidosis.
- Ketoacidosis is known to occur in untreated Type I diabetes (diabetic ketoacidosis) and in alcoholics after
prolonged binge-drinking without intake of sufficient carbohydrates (alcoholic ketoacidosis).

Ketogenesis Pathway
UNIT – II: Lipid metabolism
- Ketoacidosis is a metabolic state associated with high concentrations of ketone bodies, formed by the breakdown of
fatty acids and the deamination of amino acids. The two common ketones produced in humans are acetoacetic acid
and β-hydroxybutyrate.
- In ketoacidosis, the body fails to adequately regulate ketone production causing such a severe accumulation of keto
acids that the pH of the blood is substantially decreased. In extreme cases ketoacidosis can be fatal
- Ketoacidosis occurs when the body is producing large quantities of ketone bodies via the metabolism of fatty acids
(ketosis) and the body is producing insufficient insulin to slow this production.
- The excess ketone bodies can significantly acidify the blood.
- There are two common types of Ketoacidosis i.e. diabetic and alcoholic ketoacidosis.
i. In diabetic patients, ketoacidosis is usually accompanied by insulin deficiency, hyperglycemia, and dehydration.
Particularly in type 1 diabetics the lack of insulin in the bloodstream prevents glucose absorption and can cause
unchecked ketone body production
ii. In alcoholic ketoacidosis, alcohol causes dehydration and blocks the first step of gluconeogenesis. The body is
unable to synthesize enough glucose to meet its needs, thus creating an energy crisis resulting in fatty acid
metabolism, and ketone body formation.
UNIT – II: Lipid metabolism
- Ketone bodies are three water-soluble compounds that are produced as by-products when fatty acids are broken
down for energy in the liver and kidney.
- They are used as a source of energy in the heart and brain. In the brain, they are a vital source of energy during
- The three endogenous ketone bodies are acetone, acetoacetic acid, and beta-hydroxybutyric acid, although beta-
hydroxybutyric acid is not technically a ketone but a carboxylic acid.
- Ketone bodies can be used for energy. Ketone bodies are transported from the liver to other tissues, where
acetoacetate and beta-hydroxybutyrate can be reconverted to acetyl-CoA to produce energy, via the citric acid cycle.
- Ketone bodies are produced from acetyl-CoA (ketogenesis) mainly in the mitochondrial matrix
- When even larger amounts of ketone bodies accumulate such that the blood's pH is lowered to dangerously acidic
levels, this state is called ketoacidosis.
- Ketonuria is a medical condition in which ketone bodies are present in the urine.
- It is seen in conditions in which the body produces excess ketones as an alternative source of energy. It is seen
during starvation or more commonly in type I diabetes mellitus. Production of ketone bodies is a normal response to
a shortage of glucose, meant to provide an alternate source of fuel from fatty acids.
- Causes of ketosis and ketonuria
i. Metabolic abnormalities such as diabetes, renal glycosuria, or glycogen storage disease
ii. Dietary conditions such as starvation, fasting, high protein, or low carbohydrate diets, prolonged vomiting, and
iii. Conditions in which metabolism is increased, such as hyperthyroidism, fever, pregnancy or lactation
- In nondiabetic persons, ketonuria may occur during acute illness or severe stress. Approximately 15% of
hospitalized patients may have ketonuria, even though they do not have diabetes.
- In the nondiabetic patient, ketonuria reflects a reduced carbohydrate metabolism and an increased fat metabolism.
UNIT – II: Lipid metabolism
- Cholesterol is present in tissues and in plasma either as free cholesterol or as a storage form, combined with a long-
chain fatty acid as cholesteryl ester.
- Cholesterol is an amphipathic lipid and as such is an essential structural component of membranes and of the outer
layer of plasma lipoproteins.
- It is synthesized in many tissues from acetyl-CoA and is the precursor of all other steroids in the body such as
corticosteroids, sex hormones, bile acids, and vitamin D.
- Plasma low-density lipoprotein (LDL) is the vehicle of uptake of cholesterol and cholesteryl ester into many tissues.
Free cholesterol is removed from tissues by plasma high-density lipoprotein (HDL) and transported to the liver,
where it is eliminated from the body either unchanged or after conversion to bile acids in the process known as
reverse cholesterol transport.
- Cholesterol is a major constituent of gallstones. However, its chief role in pathologic processes is as a factor in the
genesis of atherosclerosis of vital arteries, causing cerebrovascular, coronary and peripheral vascular disease.
- Biosynthesis of cholesterol: Cholesterol synthesis occurs in the cytoplasm and microsomes from the two-carbon
acetate group of acetyl-CoA.
Biosynthesis of cholesterol in the liver accounts for approximately 10%, and in the intestines approximately 15%, of
the amount produced each day. The process has five major steps:
1. Acetyl-CoAs are converted to 3-hydroxy-3-methylglutaryl-CoA (HMG-CoA)
2. HMG-CoA is converted to mevalonate
3. Mevalonate is converted to the isoprene based molecule, isopentenyl pyrophosphate (IPP), with the
concomitant loss of CO2
4. IPP is converted to squalene and
5. Then Squalene is converted to cholesterol.
UNIT – II: Lipid metabolism
“Mevalonate” Pathway to IPP Synthesis
UNIT – II: Lipid metabolism
UNIT – II: Lipid metabolism
 Steroidogenesis
- It is the process wherein desired forms of steroids are generated by transformation of other steroids. The pathways
of human steroidogenesis are shown in the figure.
Products of steroidogenesis include:
 androgens
 testosterone
 estrogens and progesterone
 corticoids
 cortisol
 aldosterone
UNIT – II: Lipid metabolism
 Elimination of Steroids:
- Steroids are mainly oxidized by cytochrome P450 oxidase enzymes, such as CYP3A4. These reactions introduce
oxygen into the steroid ring and allow the structure to be broken up by other enzymes, to form bile acids as final
products. These bile acids can then be eliminated through secretion from the liver in the bile.
- The end products of cholesterol utilization are the bile acids, synthesized in the liver. Synthesis of bile acids is one
of the predominant mechanisms for the excretion of excess cholesterol. However, the excretion of cholesterol in the
form of bile acids is insufficient to compensate for an excess dietary intake of cholesterol.

- The most abundant bile acids in human bile are chenodeoxycholic acid (45%) and cholic acid (31%). These are
referred to as the primary bile acids. Within the intestines the primary bile acids are acted upon by bacteria and
converted to the secondary bile acids, identified as deoxycholate (from cholate) and lithocholate (from
chenodeoxycholate). Both primary and secondary bile acids are reabsorbed by the intestines and delivered back to
the liver via the portal circulation.
- Within the liver the carboxyl group of primary and secondary bile acids is conjugated via an amide bond to either
glycine or taurine before their being re-secreted into the bile canaliculi. These conjugation reactions yield
glycoconjugates and tauroconjugates, respectively. The bile canaliculi join with the bile ductules, which then form
the bile ducts. Bile acids are carried from the liver through these ducts to the gallbladder, where they are stored for
future use. The ultimate fate of bile acids is secretion into the intestine, where they aid in the emulsification of
dietary lipids. In the gut the glycine and taurine residues are removed and the bile acids are either excreted (only a
small percentage) or reabsorbed by the gut and returned to the liver. This process of secretion from the liver to the
gallbladder, to the intestines and finally reabsorbtion is termed the enterohepatic circulation.
UNIT – II: Lipid metabolism
 Atherosclerosis is a disease in which plaque builds up on the insides of arteries.
 It is a syndrome affecting arterial blood vessels. It is a chronic inflammatory response in the walls of arteries, in
large part due to the accumulation of macrophage white blood cells and promoted by low density (especially small
particle) lipoproteins (plasma proteins that carry cholesterol and triglycerides) without adequate removal of fats
and cholesterol from the macrophages by functional high density lipoproteins (HDL). It is commonly referred to
as a "hardening" or "furring" of the arteries. It is caused by the formation of multiple plaques within the arteries.
 The atheromatous plaque is divided into three distinct components:
1. The atheroma ("lump of porridge), which is the nodular accumulation of a soft, flaky, yellowish material at the
center of large plaques, composed of macrophages nearest the lumen of the artery
2. Underlying areas of cholesterol crystals
3. Calcification at the outer base of older/more advanced lesions.
 Atherosclerosis can affect any artery in the body, including arteries in the heart, brain, arms, legs, and pelvis. As a
result, different diseases may develop based on which arteries are affected.
1. Coronary artery disease: (CAD). This is when plaque builds up in the coronary arteries. These arteries supply
oxygen-rich blood to your heart. When blood flow to your heart is reduced or blocked, it can lead to chest
pain and heart attack. CAD also is called heart disease, and it's the leading cause of death in the United States.
2. Carotid artery disease: This happens when plaque builds up in the carotid arteries. These arteries supply
oxygen-rich blood to your brain. When blood flow to your brain is reduced or blocked, it can lead to stroke.
3. Peripheral arterial disease (PAD): This occurs when plaque builds up in the major arteries that supply
oxygen-rich blood to the legs, arms, and pelvis. When blood flow to these parts of your body is reduced or
blocked, it can lead to numbness, pain, and sometimes dangerous infections.
 Symptoms of Atherosclerosis
1. Unfortunately, atherosclerosis produces no symptoms until the damage to the arteries is severe enough to restrict
blood flow.
2. Restriction of blood flow to the heart muscle due to atherosclerosis can cause angina pectoris or a myocardial
infarction (a heart attack).
3. Restriction of blood flow to the muscles of the legs causes intermittent claudication (pains in the legs brought
about by walking and relieved by rest).
4. Narrowing of the arteries supplying blood to the brain may cause transient ischemic attacks (symptoms and signs
of a stroke lasting less than 24 hours) and episodes of dizziness, or ultimately, to a stroke itself.
UNIT – II: Lipid metabolism

 Treatment of Atherosclerosis
1. Medication is unsatisfactory for treating atherosclerosis, since the damage has already been done.
2. Anticoagulant drugs have been used to try to minimize secondary clotting and embolus formation.
3. Vasodilator drugs are helpful in providing symptom relief, but are of no curative value.
4. Surgical treatment is available for those unresponsive to medical treatment or in certain high-risk situations.
5. Balloon angioplasty can open up narrowed vessels and promote an improved blood supply.
6. The blood supply to the heart can also be restored by coronary artery bypass surgery.
UNIT – II: Lipid metabolism
 KETOLYSIS: The splitting up of ketone bodies.

- It is also known as fatty liver disease (FLD), is a reversible condition where large vacuoles of triglyceride fat
accumulate in liver cells via the process of steatosis (i.e. abnormal retention of lipids within a cell).
- Causes: Fatty liver is commonly associated with alcohol or metabolic syndrome (diabetes, hypertension, obesity and
- Diagnosis of Fatty Liver: in routine blood screening or images of the liver obtained by an ultrasound test, CT
(computed tomography) scan, or MRI (magnetic resonance imaging) may suggest the presence of a fatty liver or
liver biopsy, in which a small sample of liver tissue is obtained through the skin and analyzed under the microscope
- The treatment of fatty liver is related to the cause. It is important to remember that simple fatty liver may not require
treatment. The benefit of weight loss, dietary fat restriction, and exercise in obese patients is inconsistent. Reducing
or eliminating alcohol use can improve fatty liver due to alcohol toxicity. Controlling blood sugar may reduce the
severity of fatty liver in patients with diabetes.
UNIT – II: Lipid metabolism
- Hypercholesterolemia, or high cholesterol, occurs when there is too much cholesterol in the body.
- Cholesterol is a soft, waxy, fat-like substance that is a natural component of all the cells of the body.
- High cholesterol raises risk for heart disease, heart attack, and stroke. When there is too much cholesterol circulating
in the blood, it can create sticky deposits (called plaque) along the artery walls. Plaque can eventually narrow or
block the flow of blood to the brain, heart, and other organs. And blood cells that get caught on the plaque form
clots, which can break loose and completely block blood flow through an artery, causing heart attack or stroke.
- There are two types of cholesterol -- HDL (high-density lipoproteins, or "good" cholesterol) and LDL (low-density
lipoproteins, or "bad" cholesterol).
- The amount of HDL relative to LDL is considered a more important indicator of heart disease risk.
- There is a third kind of fatty material, triglycerides, found in the blood. They also play a role (generally as
triglyceride levels rise, "good" HDL cholesterol falls).
- The usual symptoms of high cholesterol, especially in early stages. The only way to determine cholesterol is high is
through a blood test.
- The most important risk factors for high cholesterol are: Being overweight or obese, Eating a diet high in saturated
fat and trans fatty acids (found in processed and fried foods), Not getting enough exercise, Family history of heart
disease, High blood pressure, Smoking, Diabetes etc
- Treatment Approach: Lowering your cholesterol level reduces your risk of heart disease and stroke. Changes in
lifestyle -- better diet, more exercise and specific cholesterol-lowering medications are often prescribed like,
Lovastatin, Pravastatin, Rosuvastatin, Simvastatin, Atorvastatin or Fluvastatin, etc
Total cholesterol levels (mg/dL):
 Desirable: Below 200
 Borderline high: 200 - 239
 High: Above 240
LDL cholesterol level (mg/dL):
 Optimal for people with heart disease or who are at high risk: Below 70
 Optimal for people at risk of heart disease: Below 100
 Optimal: 100 - 129
 Borderline high: 130 - 159
 High: 160 - 189
HDL cholesterol level (mg/dL)s:
 Poor: Below 40
 Acceptable: 40 - 59
 Optimal: 60 or above
Triglyceride levels (mg/dL):
 Optimal: Below 150
 Borderline high: 150 - 199
 High: Above 200

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