DPR User Manual

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User Manual

Daily Plant Report

Prepared by: Masroor Hussain & Sabir Hussain

Reviewed by: M. Abrar & M. Nabeel
Approved by: Peerzada Zain-ul-Abidin Shah
Daily Plant Report
User Manual

Table of Contents
1. Introduction ................................................................................................................................... 3
2. Objective ........................................................................................................................................ 3
3. Index of DPR ................................................................................................................................. 3
4. Activities ........................................................................................................................................ 5
5. Plant Statistics................................................................................................................................ 6
6. Hourly Generation Summary......................................................................................................... 8
7. Generation VS Forecast ............................................................................................................... 11
8. Energy Meter Reading ................................................................................................................. 12
9. Plant Performance........................................................................................................................ 13
a. Plant Performance .................................................................................................................... 13
b. WTGs Daily Availability Sheet ............................................................................................... 14
c. NPE Time (Non-Project Event) ............................................................................................... 15
10. Hourly Generation & Availability per WTG ........................................................................... 16
11. NPMV (Non – Project Missed Volume) .................................................................................. 17
12. Base Meter Reading ................................................................................................................. 18
Month End Reading: ....................................................................................................................... 18
Year End Reading: .......................................................................................................................... 18

List of Figures
Figure 1 - Summary Sheet of DPR ....................................................................................................... 4
Figure 2 - Activities Worksheet ............................................................................................................ 5
Figure 3 – Plant Statistics Worksheet ................................................................................................... 6
Figure 4 - Energy Yield and Scada Availability Graphs ...................................................................... 7
Figure 5 - Hourly Generation Summary Sheet ..................................................................................... 8
Figure 6 - Scanned Hourly Plant Summary sheet ................................................................................. 9
Figure 7 - Active Power, Wind Speed and Temperature Graph ......................................................... 10
Figure 8 - Generation vs Forecast Sheet ............................................................................................. 11
Figure 9 - Generation vs Forecast Graph ............................................................................................ 11
Figure 10 - Energy Meter Reading Sheet ........................................................................................... 12
Figure 11 - Plant Performance sheet ................................................................................................... 13
Figure 12 - WTGs Availability sheet and Faults Log ......................................................................... 14
Figure 13 - NPE Time ......................................................................................................................... 15
Figure 14 - WTG wise Hourly Generation and Availability .............................................................. 16
Figure 15 - NPMV Sheet .................................................................................................................... 17
Figure 16 - Base Meter Reading Sheet ............................................................................................... 18

HDEC Engineering Private Limited

Daily Plant Report
User Manual

1. Introduction
Daily Progress/Plant report (DPR) is main document in plant operations which serves as the main
document of detailing & defining each aspect of Operations of BOP Substation & WTG on daily
Daily plant report provides daily Key performance indication of BOP equipment and WTGs. Different
sections of report provide overview of daily production, losses and data discrepancies. DPR also
provides calculation of NPMV for daily non-project events at ACT wind farm.
DPR is also used to inform HDEC management and customer management regarding daily Operations
and Maintenance activities at site along with daily production/losses figures.

2. Objective
Main objectives of this manual are described below:
a. To describe different sections of Daily Plant Report and provide instructions to O&M engineer
for completion of these sections.

b. To highlight data sources for development of DPR and how to extract those values.

c. To train O & M engineer for compilation of DPR by collection and inserting required data in
different sections of DPR.

3. Index of DPR
Daily Plant Report consists of following sheets:
a. Activities
b. Plant Statistics
c. Hourly Generation Summary
d. Generation vs Forecast
e. Energy Meter Reading
f. Plant Performance
g. Hourly Generation and Availability per WTG
h. Non-Project Missed Volume
Below diagram shows summary sheet with table of contents in DPR.

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Daily Plant Report
User Manual

Figure 1 - Summary Sheet of DPR

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Daily Plant Report
User Manual

4. Activities

Figure 2 - Activities Worksheet

All the activities are written in this table. There are 05 types of activities included in this table. So, if
any type of activity happens, write in the tables as shown in above picture

a. Activity on WTGs & BOP: If any type of activity is performed related to WTGs or BOP,
please write down in “Activity on WTGs & BOP” list in this table but before doing any task,
work permit (PTW) must be issued for that task.
b. Shutdown Jobs: If O&M team plans shut down for any activity like BOP Annual/Semi
Annual maintenance, please write down in “Shutdown Jobs” list.
c. EPC & Commissioning Activity: If EPC team plans for any activity, please write down in
“EPC & Commissioning Activity” list.
d. Grid Tripping/ Power Curtailment/ Power Shutdown: If NPCC Instructs for Curtailment
or Grid Tripping happens or RCC plans shutdown, please write down in “Grid Tripping/
Power Curtailment/ Power Shutdown” list.
e. Planned Activities for Next Day: If O&M team plans any activity for the next day then please
write in the “Planned Activities for Next Day” list.

HDEC Engineering Private Limited

Daily Plant Report
User Manual

5. Plant Statistics
This sheet gives the complete information about plant statistics of the day like Average wind speed,
Average Temperature, Energy Yield, WTGs Availability etc. This sheet automatically fills up when
we update following sheets

a. Plant Performance Sheet

b. Energy Meter Reading Sheet
c. Base Meter Reading Sheet
d. NPMV Sheet

Figure 3 – Plant Statistics Worksheet

This Column gets the data

This Column gets the data
from Energy Meter, Base
from Plant Performance
Meter & NPMV Sheet

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Daily Plant Report
User Manual

Figure 4 - Energy Yield and Scada Availability Graphs

There are two graphs in this sheet.

a. The first one expresses the relation between Energy Yield and Average wind speed.
b. The second graph expresses the Energy Yield and Availability of WTGs. Here we also note
down manual availability calculated in Plant Performance sheet because Goldwind Scada do
not calculate accurate availability

HDEC Engineering Private Limited

Daily Plant Report
User Manual

6. Hourly Generation Summary

Figure 5 - Hourly Generation Summary Sheet

In this sheet, write down hourly reading taken from EBOP SCADA & Energy Meters. But the above
readings are first noted down in hard format on “Hourly Plant Summary sheet” and then inserted in
excel sheet in DPR. As shown in below picture.

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Daily Plant Report
User Manual

Figure 6 - Scanned Hourly Plant Summary sheet

In this sheet, Folowing values are manually noted:

a. Line Voltages
b. Active Power
c. Reactive Power
d. Frequency
e. Wind Speed
f. Meter 1 (2.8.0)
g. Meter 2(2.8.0)

From a to d are taken form “EBOP SCADA PC”, wind speed is taken from “GW SCADA PC” and
Meter1 & Meter2 values are taken from web IP in “CCTV System & Metering Data PC”.

“Hourly Generation Summary” sheet also have a graph which shows the relation between active
power, wind speed and temperature and this graph is updated automatically after inserting the values
in the sheet.

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Daily Plant Report
User Manual

Figure 7 - Active Power, Wind Speed and Temperature Graph

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Daily Plant Report
User Manual

7. Generation VS Forecast

Figure 8 - Generation vs Forecast Sheet

The forecast wind speed is written in this sheet which is taken from “windy” software or webpage.
Windy app is also installed in our CCR mobile from where user can get the forecast wind speed

Then insert the values of forecast wind speed in this sheet and the forecast active power is calculated
automatically by the formula in column adjacent to forecast wind speed. The actual wind speed and
active power columns are automatically updated when the “Hourly Generation Summary” sheet is

“Generation vs Forecast” sheet have a graph which compares the forecasted wind speed. active
power & actual wind speed, active power.

Figure 9 - Generation vs Forecast Graph

HDEC Engineering Private Limited

Daily Plant Report
User Manual

8. Energy Meter Reading

This table is made of formulae’s,

when the data is uploaded on the left
side table, it automatically sets up.
Figure 10 - Energy Meter Reading Sheet

The sheet has the data of MV, LV & EDG Energy Meters which is taken from “EBOP SCADA PC”.
Total Production is taken from “GW SCADA”. Transformer 01 & Transformer 02, Exported &
Imported Power is taken from web IP in “CCTV System & Metering Data PC”.

HDEC Engineering Private Limited

Daily Plant Report
User Manual

9. Plant Performance
This sheet has three sections:

a. Plant Performance
b. WTGs Availability Sheet
c. Non-Project Event

a. Plant Performance

Figure 11 - Plant Performance sheet

To fill up this sheet first, extract data from “GW SCADA Daily Data Statistics” with the following
parameters in the form of excel sheet and then copy paste in this sheet.

➢ Average wind speed

➢ Average Ambient Temperature
➢ Average Active Power
➢ Energy Yield
➢ Turbine Up time
➢ Turbine Down Time
➢ Availability

HDEC Engineering Private Limited

Daily Plant Report
User Manual

b. WTGs Daily Availability Sheet

Figure 12 - WTGs Availability sheet and Faults Log

This sheet gives the information about

➢ WTGs Down Time: This time is noted by shift engineer when a WTG stops or trips.
➢ WTGs Up Time: This time is noted by shift engineer when a fault is removed and WTG is
➢ WTGs Service Time: This time is noted by shift engineer when a WTG is put in service mode
by WTG techs.

HDEC Engineering Private Limited

Daily Plant Report
User Manual

➢ WTGs Availability: There are two types of WTG availabilities in this sheet. GW Scada
Availability is directly copied from GW Scada Historian while Manual availability is
calculated by applying Downtime corrections by thy Engineer. This availability is shared with
customer in Monthly DPR.
➢ NPE Time (Non-Project Event): If these is any Non-Project event at Plant then this time
is also noted in this sheet so that correct Manual availability is calculated. This time is
updated from NPE sheet.

c. NPE Time (Non-Project Event)

Figure 13 - NPE Time

All the Non-Project Events like Grid Tripping, Shutdown, and Curtailments are noted down in this
sheet as shown in Figure above.

HDEC Engineering Private Limited

Daily Plant Report
User Manual

10.Hourly Generation & Availability per WTG

Figure 14 - WTG wise Hourly Generation and Availability

This sheet gives the information about each WTG Energy Yield and Availability on hourly basis.
Energy Yield and Availability of WTGs is extracted from “Goldwind SCADA PC’ in the form of
excel sheet and copied here in this sheet.

HDEC Engineering Private Limited

Daily Plant Report
User Manual

11.NPMV (Non – Project Missed Volume)

This sheet is about Non- Project Events like Power Curtailment, Grid Tripping & Shutdown from RCC
Side. For example, if NPCC instructs to Restrict the generation from 22MW to 20MW at 16:03Hrs

Then we write down this event in this sheet like Date, Load before & after Curtailment, start time &
end time and duration. Number of affected turbines are automatically calculated through formula.

Billable NPMV is also calculated as per Given formula in EPA. (NPMV formula is shown in below

NPMV= X*(TDnpe +SUt)

Sut=Σ(1 * A)

That’s formula

Figure 15 - NPMV Sheet

HDEC Engineering Private Limited

Daily Plant Report
User Manual

12.Base Meter Reading

Figure 16 - Base Meter Reading Sheet

The sheet has the data of MV, LV & EDG Meters which is taken from “EBOP SCADA PC”. Total
Production which is taken from “GW SCADA” Exported & Imported Active Powers of Transformer
01 & Transformer 02 are taken from “CCTV System & Metering Data PC” at the 00:00 hrs. of day.

Month End Reading:

At the end of each month, Total Production is taken by extracting Historian data from “GW SCADA”.
Exported & Imported Active Powers of Transformer 01 & Transformer 02 are taken from “Meters
Installed in Meter Room” or from “Signed Monthly Meter Reading”. All these reading should be
taken at the first day & the zero hour of the Month i.e. 00:00.

Year End Reading:

At the end of each month, Total Production is taken by extracting Historian data from “GW SCADA”.
Exported & Imported Active Powers of Transformer 01 & Transformer 02 are taken from “Meters
Installed in Meter Room” or from “Signed COD/Yearly Meter Reading”. All these reading should
be taken at the first day & the zero hour of the Commercial Operating Year i.e. 00:00.

Note: At end of each month/year Operator has to secure a copy of signed meter reading from

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