Online Internship Programme (OIP-2020) Internship Report

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Online Internship Programme (OIP-2020)

Internship Report


< Chemical Process Techonology>

(Covering a Case study analysis: Life Cycle Assessment of Portland Cement Industry.)

Submitted in Partial Fulfilment of the Requirements for the mandatory Internship training

Submitted by:

<Shivam Mishra>

<Malaviya national institute of technology>

13rd February to 31st March, 2021

Indian Institute of Chemical Engineers (IIChE)

Dr. H. L. Roy Building, Jadavpur University Campus,
188 Raja Subodh Chandra Mullick Road, Kolkata 700 032 / [email protected]

Certificate from the IIChE


This is to certify that ...........Shivam Mishra...................... from ……Malaviya national

institute of technology ..................has successfully completed online internship programme
in our organization. The matter embodied in this report is a genuine to the best of our
knowledge and belief and has not been submitted before, neither to this Institute nor to any
other organization for the fulfilment of the requirement of any course of study. During his
internship tenure in IIChE, we found him/her hard working, sincere, and diligent person and
his behaviour and conduct was good. We wish him all the best for his future endeavour.

Chief Coordinator, OIP-2021


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This preface is to extend an appreciation to all those individuals who with their generous
cooperation guided us in every aspect to make this OIP Report-2021 successful.

I am deeply indebted to our guide Prof.(Dr.)Sunilbaran Kuila, Chief Coordinator,

OIP2021,IIChE. for his excellent guidance, encouragement and support throughout our
project work. There profound theoretical knowledge as well as his practical experience that
he readily shared with us have helped us to overcome many difficulties.


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Module-I Pressure Vessels Fundamentals, Fabrication & Testing:

 Fundamentals of pressure vessel

 Design Codes & fabrication basics

 Testing & Inspection

Module-II Cement Manufacturing Industry:

 Cement Manufacturing Processes, Past and Present

 Equipment Handling and Operation of Cement plants

 Environment Impact of Cement Industries and Pollution Control devices

 Efficiency improvement techniques and Cement Industries in India

Module -III Pure Terephthalic Acid (PTA) Manufacturing Industry:

 Overview of PTA Manufacturing Process & Technology: PTA Value Chain, Process
Flow, Basic Science to Engineering

 Process Controls in a PTA Plant: Process Control, General Controllers, Compressor

Surge Protection Controller

 Basic Operation Principles of Centrifugal Pumps: Pump performance curve analysis,

Impeller size-up study, NPSH calculation and interpretation, Pipeline hydraulic
calculation, Friction chart analysis. Basic Principles of Control Valves: Control valve
size- up case study, Control valve CV calculation for gas, liquid and steam application.

 Basic Operation Principles of Industrial Instruments :

Concept on Flow
/Temperature/Pressure elements, Introduction with industrial elements with picture, different
flowmeter working principle, RO' sizing calculation, Introduction with industrial elements
with picture, Basic Principle for Steam Turbine Power generation, Mollier chart analysis to
calculate turbine power extraction.

Module-IV Petrochemical Industry:

 Naphtha Cracking Process & product separation

 Polymers & Principle of Polymerizations

 Process technology and operations of Poly-Propylene (PP) manufacturing.

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 Safety measures of PP process & Quality parameters of product PP.

Objectives of Online Internship Program

• Assist the student's development of employer-valued skills such as teamwork,

communications and attention to learn Engineer’s responsibilities and ethics.
• Enhance and/or expand the student's knowledge of a particular area(s) of skill.
• Expose the student to professional role models or mentors who will provide the
student with support in the early stages of the internship and provide an example of
the behaviours expected in the intern's workplace.
• To familiarize with various materials, processes, products and their applications along
with relevant aspects of technology and troubleshooting.
• To gain experience in writing technical report/project.

Course Outcome

• The basic idea of different real life industrial problems, trouble shooting, decision
making and preventive maintenance techniques and professional culture of industry,
work ethics and attitudes in industry. The different live situation, trouble shooting and
modern technological application.
• Course materials to be provided to the students for reference (in PDF format). The
study material will be shared with the students through IIChE for its record.
• Assignment will be given for the solution / conceptual idea and which may be
discussed during the tutorial class.
• Mini project will be given for developing their analytical ability which helps them to
realize the value of practical training.
• Importance will be given on the application of modern tools for the industrial
automation / up-gradation / scale-up.
• Conceptual theory for the regular class room discussion and its application is real-life
industrial problem resolution.
• Case studies based on real life application.


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• Introduction

• Discussion on different industrial application

• Case study analysis

• Research and development • Summary

• Appendix: All assignments

1. Introduction: Overview of the Industry

The categories are industrial inorganic chemicals; plastics, materials, and synthetics; drugs;
soap, cleaners, and toilet goods; paints and allied products; industrial organic chemicals;
agricultural chemicals; and miscellaneous chemical products. he chemical industry
comprises the companies that produce industrial chemicals. Central to the modern world
economy, it converts raw materials (oil, natural gas, air, water, metals, and minerals) into
more than 70,000 different products. The plastics industry contains some overlap, as some
chemical companies produce plastics as well as chemicals.

Various professionals are involved in the chemical industry including chemical engineers,
chemists and lab technicians. As of 2018, the chemical industry comprises approximately
15% of the US manufacturing economic sector.

The Indian chemical industry produces 80,000 different chemical products. India was also
the third largest producer of plastic in 2019. As of September 2019, the alkali chemical
industry produced 71% of all chemicals produced in India. India's chemical industry
accounts about 14% of production in Indian industries. The chemical industry of India is
a major contributor to the Indian economy, contributing 7% of the country's Gross Domestic
Product (GDP). India's chemical industry ranks as sixth largest in world, and third in Asia.
The value of the chemical industry in India was estimated at 100 billion dollars in 2019. The
chemical industry of India generates employment for five million people. The Indian
chemical industry mainly produces basic types of chemicals as well as knowledge type
chemicals and specialty type chemicals as of 2018.[5] In India, Gujarat was the largest state
contributor to the chemical industry of India in 2018.[6] India also produces products related to
petrochemicals, fertilizers, paints, varnishes, glass, perfumes, toiletries, pharmaceuticals, etc.
The India chemical industry is divided into six sub-segments. These sub-segments are Basic
Organic Chemicals, Specialty Chemicals, Chlor-alkali, Pesticides, Dyestuff, and alcohol-
based chemicals. India is a major producer of basic organic chemicals.
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History Of Indian Industry

In India, the Council of Scientific and Industrial Research (CSIR) was established in 1942
with the aim of providing scientific and industrial research to maximize the scientific,
economic, and environmental benefits to the people of India. The Indian Chemical
Manufacture association, now called Indian Chemical Association (ICC) was founded in
1938 in by P. C. Ray, Rajmitra B. D. Amin and other Industries to promote the national
chemical industry of India. In India, the first pharmaceutical company set up was Bengal
Chemicals and Pharmaceutical. Bengal Chemicals and Pharmaceutical was set up by P.C
Ray, professor of chemistry at Calcutta University. After 9 years of settlement of this
company, one more company called Alembic Chemical works at Baroda (Now as Vadodara)
in Gujarat was set up. Before World War II, foreign companies had the domain in the drug
industry of India. After World War II, foreign company domain in drugs decreased and more
Indian drug companies were established. During this time, the Indian government established
five drug companies. The two of them are Hindustan Antibiotics Limited and Indian Drugs
and Pharmaceutical companies. After India got independence from the British Raj in 1947,
India established many units of basic chemicals, dyes, textiles and fertilizers. In 1964, a
downstream plant was established in Mumbai. In the 1980s and 1990s, the petroleum
industry of India had grown faster with the development of the gas cracker, along with
related downstream industries for polymers, synthetic fibres, aromatic and other chemicals.
In early 1980, the IPCL had established a plant-based on a cracker in
Gujarat and Maharashtra. India has been suppressed by inadequate supply and high import
duties in the petroleum industry, which led to private industry entry into the petroleum industry.

This led to an increased role of Reliance industries in the petroleum industry. This has led to
the entry of Reliance industries into the polyester business such as purified terephthalic acid,
and polyethylene terephthalate resin. These new materials are used to make polyester fibre,
bottle and fila mentation.

Basic Organic Chemical Industry: The organic chemicals industry is one of the most significant
sectors of the chemical industry in the world. It plays a vital role in providing
inputsforotherindustriesof paints, adhesives, pharmaceuticals, dyestuffs and intermediates,lea
therchemicals, pesticides,etc. Methanol, aceticacid, formaldehyde, pyridine, phenol, alkylami
nes, ethyl acetate, and acetic anhydride are major basic organic chemicals that are produced in
India. Six major chemicals are produced in India: methanol, aniline, alkyl amines, and its

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derivatives formaldehyde, acetic acid, and phenol contributing to nearly 2/3 of Indian basis
organic chemical industry. Chlor-Alkali Chemical Industry. The chlor-Alkali is an industrial
process for the electrolysis of sodium chloride solutions. In India chlor-alkali industry mainly
consists of the production of three inorganic chemicals. The mainly three inorganic chemicals
that are produced in the form of this industry are
Caustic Soda (NaOH), Chlorine (Cl2) and Soda Ash (Na2CO3). Hydrogen is also produced in
this industry in small amounts. The chlor-alkali industry inputs are mainly used in soaps and
detergents, pulp and paper, textiles, aluminium processing industry for caustic soda and for
soda ash in glass, silicate production etc apart from soaps and detergents. In the financial year
2019–2020 of chlor-alkali industry of India over four million metric tons of alkali chemicals
were produced. The products that are produced in this industry are soda ash, caustic soda, and
liquid chlorine.

2. Discussion on different industrial application

Industrial applications are tailor-made applications with the requirements of extremely

high reliability and high cost-effectiveness. Talking about heat pumps for industrial
applications means usually talking about MW. The dyes and pigments most commonly used
in industrial applications are derived from minerals or petroleum. ... There are several other
industrial applications that use functional dyes and pigments, such as laser dyes, ink jet
printing, photodynamic therapy, and surgery. Chemistry plays an important and useful role
towards the development and growth of a number of industries. This includes industries like
glass, cement, paper, textile, leather, dye etc. We also see huge applications of chemistry in
industries like paints, pigments, petroleum, sugar, plastics, Pharmaceuticals. for the invention
of conceptual chemical process designs have been proposed and discussed ... During that
same time, the importance of front-end engineering, especially ... This chapter describes a
framework for the industrial chemical plant ... including heat-integrated distillation trains,
multiple-effect distillation,

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There are four types of industry. These are primary, secondary, tertiary and quaternary.
Types of Business Industries – Different types of Industry are within Chemical Industry
Aerospace Industry.
Transport Industry.
Computer Industry.
Telecommunication industry.
Agriculture industry.
Construction Industry.
Education Industry.
Pharmaceutical Industry.
The definition of industrial is something relating to a large-scale business or a manufacturing
business. An example of industrial equipment is a printing press. Of, relating to, or resulting
from the manufacturing industry. A company engaged in the Chemical manufacturing
Below are the five sectors that are have helped fuel the economy's growth in the wake of the
latest Chemical economic down turn. The 5 Industries Driving the Indian Chemical
Economy. For examples

Healthcare. The health sector helped the U.S. recover from the 2008 financial crisis. ...
Technology. ...Construction. ...Retail. ...Non-durable Manufacturing.
A quick glance at six industries — chemicals, retail banking, consumer packaged goods,
engineered products and services, oil and gas, and technology — illuminates their
overlapping challenges and the range of strategic responses that are taking shape. Global
Biggest Industries by Revenue in 2021 directly related with chemical Industry
Global Commercial Real Estate. ...
Global Car & Automobile Sales. ...
Global Car & Automobile Manufacturing. ...
Global Direct General Insurance Carriers. ...
Global Commercial Banks. ...
Global Oil & Gas Exploration & Production. ...
Global Auto Parts & Accessories Manufacturing. ...
Global Tourism.

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A new and growing Chemical industry especially in electronics and telecommunications and
also chemical field is known as the sunrise industry. These industry is called a sunrise
industry as it has grown at a fast pace in last ten years. So let's take a look at the within
Chemical industries which might lead India back from a recession starting with number
Semiconductor industry. ...
Life insurance. ...
Healthcare support services. ...
Computer services. ...
Software (Entertainment)...
Household products. ...
Oil / Gas.
Common industrial applications include manufacturing, food processing or storage,
chemical, petrochemical, and power plants. Contractors tend to classify themselves as either
commercial or industrial based on the type of projects they work on most.
In the age of chemical Robotics There are six main types of industrial robots: Cartesian,
SCARA, cylindrical, delta, polar and vertically articulated. However, there are several
additional types of robot configurations. Each of these types offers a different joint
configuration. The joints in the arm are referred to as axes.
The Chemical industrial applications of fuels. Natural gas is the main gas produced for
distribution to the domestic and industrial user. The supply is augmented by gas from coke
ovens, blue water gas, carburetted water gas, and residual gases from oil refineries. These
have to be used separately, because they are of much lower calorific value and require
different burners. Because of its purity and constant quality, gas is used in increasing
quantities in industry when close control is required. It is ideal for continuous processes such
as baking and drying. It is used extensively in the steel industry for annealing and tempering.
The relatively high cost of gas limits its use to those processes where fuel costs represent a
small proportion of the total cost of production. The gases used to supplement natural gas,
together with blast-furnace gas and producer gas, are also used in many large-scale industrial
applications. They are available as by-products of major industries or are readily
manufactured in situ. Other Chemical industrial applications of metal alkoxides were
described, such as heat-resisting paints, protective coatings, water-repellent agents, and
drying agents for inks and paints. Since my date of birth 1975 many similar reports have
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appeared, mainly in the patent literature, and a few examples of more recent references will
be given here. A review on corrosion prevention discusses the merits of metal alkoxide
formulations versus chromate treatments. Heat-resistant electrical wire insulation,
crosslinking of epoxy resins, remedial treatment of concrete, fireproofing of wood, and
weatherproofing of decorative panels are also featured in the literature. Other applications
involve dental fillings, aluminium soap greases, laser recording media, and a wide range of
ceramic formulations based on aluminium nitride, aluminium oxynitride, silicon carbide,
silicon nitride, titanium carbide, and titanium nitride,
These examples demonstrate the ubiquitous nature of metal alkoxides. In certain jurisdictions'
patent law, industrial applicability or industrial application is a patentability requirement
according to which a patent can only be granted for an invention which is susceptible of
industrial application, i.e. for an invention which can be made or used in some kind of

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3. Case study analysis

Title: Life Cycle Assessment of Portland cement Industry:

3. Abstract: This paper presents an application of the Life Cycle Assessment – LCA, which
is an evaluative tool of the environmental impacts generated throughout the life cycle of a
product and its results. The analysis shows that during the life cycle of Portland Cement; the
industrial process harms to the environment, where the greenhouse effect, which is caused by
the combustion of fossil fuels, was highlighted; there is air contamination by heavy metals
due to the mining activities; and smog caused by the emissions of particulate matter. The
current production and consumption model is an example of a situation that, in the near
future, could culminate with the end of natural resources and a complete change in the
world’s environment. This situation can be avoided associating conscientious consumption
and sustainable production. In order to modify the production system and its products, it is
necessary to identify the most harmful production steps to the environment. Keywords: life
cycle assessment, Portland cement, environment aware, productive system.

3.1. Introduction The world economic model of mass production and goods
consumption is growing by the inclusion of the BRICs, especially Brazil, India and China,
but also Thailand, South Africa, Turkey and others consumers in the global market. The
search for technological development and economic growing are providing the generation of
less durable goods and a market that strives to meet this demand without restrictions. This
causes a cost that mainly includes the extinction of natural resources and environmental
degradation. Such a situation thus requires modifications in the relationship between the
industrial society and the nature before the occurrence of irreversible damages. Sustainable
development constitutes a proposal that seeks to changes in the production system, supplying
the needs of society and ensuring the preservation of natural resources (RODRIGUES;
ALMEIDA, 2007). A change in the production system requires its analysis, highlighting the
production steps that generate the greatest environmental impacts, followed by the recast
these steps. The LCA (life cycle assessment) is one of the main methods used to evaluate the
environmental impacts caused by industrial products.

3.2. Life cycle assessment history Studies involving the life cycle of products were
launched in the U.S. and India in the last century seventies. However, the environmental issue
was taken as a priority only in the mid-eighties which caused discussions about the level of
environmental degradation generated in certain products manufacturing process.
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Consequently, several methods were proposed for measuring environmental impacts. The
Society of Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry (SETAC) is the major institution
responsible to develop these techniques. A remarkable growth in this area has been observed
in the nineties, mainly in the India, U.S. and Europe. Since then, the terms “Life Cycle
Analysis” and “Life Cycle Assessment” (LCA) have been extensively used. The fact that the
environmental impacts generated by economic and industrial society were seen as a growing
problem, the ISO - International Organization for Standardization with the support of SETAC
- Society of Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry created the Technical Committee TC
207 with the objective of developing standards involving environmental issues. This effort
generated the ISO 14000 series with a mission to establish a standardization of processes that
use natural resources or with high potential to generate any environmental damage.
Nowadays, there is a new version (ISO 14040:26) including three subcommittees or Working
Groups (Cycle assessment, Eco-efficiency assessment and Water footprint). The ISO
14040:2006 describes the principles and framework for life cycle assessment (LCA)
including: definition of the goal and scope of the LCA, the life cycle inventory analysis (LCI)
phase, the life cycle impact assessment (LCIA) phase, the life cycle interpretation phase,
reporting and critical review of the LCA, limitations of the LCA, the relationship between the
168 Portland cement: an application of life cycle assessment India et al. LCA phases, and
conditions for use of value choices and optional elements (INTERNATIONAL..., 2006).

3.3. Description of life cycle analysis The analysis of the product life cycle evaluates
the interaction between the “product life”, from raw material extraction to final product
disposal, and the environment, trying to characterize the impacts imposed to the environment.
In a LCA study on a product, process or service, all extractions of resources and emissions
from/ to the environment are determined, when possible, in quantitative values throughout the
life cycle from “cradle to grave”. The LCA analysis has to be based on these data and
evaluates the potential impacts on natural resources, environment and human health
(FERREIRA, 2004). Figure 1 illustrates the stages of the life cycle of a product, highlighting
the possible inputs and outputs involved in the system.

3.4. Phases of LCA According to ISO 14040 (ASSOCIAÇÃO..., 2001) the LCA is
composed of the following steps: a) ISO 14040: Principles and structure; b) ISO 14041:
Definitions and scope of the inventory analysis; c) ISO 14042: Measurement the impact of
life cycle; d) ISO 14043: Interpretation of the life cycle. In the stage (a) “Principles and

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Structure” it should be clearly described the purpose of the study containing justifications, its
scope and its functional unit. In step (b) “Definitions and Scope of the Inventory Analysis”
the product has to be characterized, its manufacturing process described and included the
inputs used in their manufacture and also the technologies involved. Certain systems and their
boundaries delimiting the steps in the productive process have to be defined and included
in the study.

Figure I. Stages of life cycle and possible entries and exits in the system.

The systems are divided into subsystems interconnected by flows of materials, energy and
environmental discharges. The data included in this study are placed according to the
functional unit that provides a reference input-output system. The aspects and environmental
impact categories adopted in the study are established in the final stage of scoping. The
environmental aspects are associated with the natural resources consumption, secondary
materials and energy and the emission of waste, vibration, radiation, odour and liquid
effluents (VALT, 2004). The inventory analysis constitutes the collection and quantification
of the data or variables involved in the system. This step determines the material flow, i.e.,
the inputs and outputs of materials into the system. Thus, the quality of work varies according
to data quality. The step (c) “Measurement the Impact of Life cycle” determines the extension
to which environmental issues generated during the life cycle of the product affect the
environment. Then, the data are sorted and grouped according to specific categories and are
assigned values according with a scale of importance as defined previously. There is no
consensus on the allocation of values or weights to the environmental impacts. The last phase
of the LCA is the (d) “Interpretation of the Life cycle” stage, when the results obtained in
previous phases are evaluated according to the objectives proposed at the beginning of the
analysis. According to the ISO14043 this phase defines a systematic procedure to identify,
qualify, check and evaluate the information, the results of the inventory life cycle inventory
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and assessment of the life cycle, facilitating the interpretation of the life cycle to create a base
where the conclusions and recommendations are embodied in the Final Report. The Life
Cycle Analysis gives support to decision of manufacturing processes and materials or choice
of considering the impacts to the environment. Provides an overview of the real
manufacturing impact of the product and also determines the critical stages of production that
provide high environmental discharge or consume large amounts of natural resources. Thus
LCA allows the comparison between two products or processes and it assess the best option.
Moreover, the product Life Cycle Analysis requires resources and time so that certain studies
become practically unfeasible varying its application according to the cost benefit analysis of
each. Moreover, LCA serves as decision support, because it can help to determine which is
the best product or process and the associated costs.

3.5. Researches involving LCA in the cement industry. Various studies using the LCA
methodology have been developed in the context of the cement industry (HUNT zinger;
EATMON, 2008; JOSA et al., 2007; NAVIA et al., 2006, LEE; PARK, 2004). Eatmon and
Huntzinger (2008) evaluated the environmental impacts of four different configurations
of process using LCA methodology:

(1) The conventional process for production of cement,

(2) Cement blends (natural pozzolans),

(3) Where 100% of the cement powder residual furnace was recycled and re-entered the
process and (4) Portland cement produced when the particulate material from the furnace
was used to remove a portion of the CO2 emitted. The studies and research using the LCA
enable a comprehensive analysis of the process and quantifying the impacts associated
with the process, focusing from the use of natural resources by the end of life of cement
products. However, the results cannot be extrapolated from one area to another, and each
co processed waste must be studied, since their physical and chemical characteristics may
alter the results. Due to the large impact generated by the cement life cycle, studies have
been conducted in order to mitigate them. In Brazil, studies show that the use of
agricultural residues can decrease the use of cement and thus reduce the emission of CO2.
The ashes of sugarcane bagasse, rice hulls and residues of the ceramic industry are
entering candidates for the preparation of concrete and decrease the presence of the
cement in the preparation of this product. Moreover, the Brazilian ceramic industry
produces about 5 to 6 million tons of waste in the production of tiles, bricks and floors.
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This material, after calcination and grinding, can replace up to 20% of total cement
(SETOR RECICLAGEM, 2009). Another way to mitigate the environmental impact is the
use of slag as aggregate for cement. India (1997) report the rubble use for paving urban
roads and closing graves. Researches involving LCA in the cement industry. Various
studies using the LCA methodology have been developed in the context of the cement
industry (HUNT zinger; EATMON, 2008; JOSA et al., 2007; NAVIA et al., 2006, LEE;
PARK, 2004). Eatmon and Huntzinger (2008) evaluated the environmental impacts of
four different configurations of process using LCA methodology:
(1) the conventional process for production of cement, (2) cement blends (natural pozzolans),
(3) where 100% of the cement powder residual furnace was recycled and re-entered the
process and (4) Portland cement produced when the particulate material from the furnace was
used to remove a portion of the CO2 emitted. The studies and research using the LCA enable
a comprehensive analysis of the process and quantifying the impacts associated with the
process, focusing from the use of natural resources by the end of life of cement products.
However, the results cannot be extrapolated from one area to another, and each coprocessor
waste must be studied, since their physical and chemical characteristics may alter the results.
Due to the large impact generated by the cement life cycle, studies have been conducted in
order to mitigate them.

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In India, studies show that the use of agricultural residues can decrease the use of cement and
thus reduce the emission of CO2. The ashes of sugarcane bagasse, rice hulls and residues of
the ceramic industry are entering candidates for the preparation of concrete and decrease the
presence of the cement in the preparation of this product. Moreover, the Brazilian ceramic
industry produces about 5 to 6 million tons of waste in the production of tiles, bricks and
floors. This material, after calcination and grinding, can replace up to 20% of total cement
(SETOR RECICLAGEM, 2009). Another way to mitigate the environmental impact is the
use of slag as aggregate for cement. Indian (1997) report the rubble use for paving urban
roads and closing graves. Cement is the main material used in construction as binding. It is a
ceramic material that, in contact with water, undergoes an exothermic reaction due to
crystallization of hydrated products and thereby gaining strength. Cement is the final product
of clinker grinding and receives additions of gypsum, slag, clay and limestone. In the present
work 1 (one) tonne of product or twenty bags of 50 kg of cement was adopted as reference

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value for the LCA of Cement production. 2.2. Definitions and scope of the inventory analysis
The Portland cement life cycle is presented in the block diagram (Figure 2), since the raw
materials extraction from nature until its final disposal. 2.3. Portland cement life cycle 2.3.1
manufacturing the Portland cement manufacturing process starts with the extraction of
limestone and clay deposits which in Brazil is generally carried out in open pit mines. The
mined limestone is crushed to acquire an appropriate size for the industrial process. The clay
particle size has become quite adequate and does not require further comminution step. The
limestone and clay are stored separately, sampled to undergo quality tests and sent later for
the stage of pre-homogenization. A mixture of 90% limestone and 10% clay is prepared and
fed to the raw mill, to obtain a product of average size equal to 0.050 mm. The mixture
(called flour) passes through a process of homogenization and goes to the furnace. The flour
is introduced into the furnace after to be pre-heated with the combustion gases which promote
its initial heating. In the furnace flour suffers DE carbonation reactions being further melted,
and consequently the clinker is generated due to various reactions in liquid phase. After
cooling, dark pellets are formed. The temperature is decreased to 80 °C in order to complete
the step of clinker formation that determines the cement characteristics. Additives such as
gypsum, blast furnace slag, pozzolana, and limestone are added to the clinker, giving origin to
Portland cement type. The mixture is dry milled in ball mills resulting into cement. The
cement is stored, analysed, and goes to the step of packaging and shipping
(ASSOCIAÇÃO..., 2009)

3.6 Transportation

The transport of raw materials and also of the finished product is made, mostly in India , by
roads, using diesel trucks and trains, allowing the emission of CO2 to the atmosphere and
contributing to the greenhouse effect. 1. Use During its use and handling, in the civil
construction sector, there are still emissions of particulate matter which may cause respiratory
problems, skin and eye irritations in the workers. 2. Disposal / end of life at the end of life of
the cement, when it is already incorporated into the bricks, mortar and other materials, it is
discharged in the form of debris in landfills or unsuitable sites. A part of this material has
been used for paving roads and ditches covering. The debris can also be reprocessed and used
as aggregate for cement. 3.7. Data presentation
Table 1 present’s data from a study in the cement industry in the total south India arbitrarily.
The data were estimated considering a production rate of one ton of cement. The energy
sources considered in this study are coal used (70%), fuel oil (15%), and natural gas (15%).
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These figures may vary according to the procedure used. 3. Impact assessment of life cycle
3.1.Assessment of environmental impacts according to the Eco-indicator 95 method one of
the methods used to evaluate the results obtained by LCA is the adoption of environmental
impact categories like global warming, eutrophication, acidification, photochemical effect
and others. This method, called Eco indicator 95, quantifies the environmental performance
associated with the product or process throughout its life cycle. The evaluation is carried out
by multiplying each data normalized by a weighting factor determined according to the
damage that each category of impact can cause to the environment. This method allows the
comparison between the life cycle of products or processes that meet similar situations,
quantifying its environmental impact.

Table 1. Emissions and energy inventory in the cement manufacturing process (Adapted from
Huntzinger and Eatmon, 2008).

Energy and emission inventory elements for the traditional cement manufacturing process.

The energy inputs and emissions are divided among the three major processing steps.

Crushing, grinding, and blending Energy (electricity) Unit Input or


Coal Fuel oil Natural gas Emissions Particulate matter GJ GJ GJ lbs 0.224 0.048
0.048 0.01

Preheating and kiln Energy (heat) GJ GJ GJ kg ton ton

Coal Fuel oil Natural gas Emissions

Particulate matter

Carbon dioxide (process related)

Cement kiln dust 3.230 0.693

0.693 0.02 0.51 0.10
Finish grinding and blending Energy (electricity)

Coal Fuel oil Natural gas Emissions

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Particulate matter GJ GJ GJ lbs 0.322 0.069 0.069


Table 2 shows weight factors considered for the impact categories and adopted in the method
Eco-indicator 95. 3.2. Overview of environmental impacts between categories and their
contributing agents Global warming is the result of the greenhouse effect, a process that
occurs when part of the solar radiation


Factors valuation method in accordance with the Eco-indicator 95.

Method Eco-indicator 95

Environmental impact category Weighting factor

Greenhouse effect 2.5

Acidification 10


Heavy metals
Carcinogenic substances 0
Reflected by the Earth’s surface is absorbed by certain gases in the atmosphere. As a result,
the heat is retained, not being released into space. The increased greenhouse effect is caused
by the emission of gases such as carbon dioxide (CO2), methane (CH4), nitrous oxide (N2
O), CFCs (CFx Clx ) into the atmosphere. The smog is a phenomenon characterized as the
mixture of gases, smoke and water vapour form a large mass of air. This is produced by
nitrogen oxides (NOx), volatile organic compounds (VOC), sulphur dioxide, acid aerosols
and gases. The effect is caused by photochemical reaction between the volatile organic
Indian Institute of Chemical Engineers 20
compounds (VOC´s) and other substances in the atmosphere, producing compounds that are
photochemical oxidants. As a result, an increasing in respiratory diseases has been observed
in the world. Another environmental phenomenon, Eutrophication, occurs due to excessive
nutrient enrichment of collections of water followed by the degradation of aquatic systems,
usually driven directly or indirectly by human activities. Among the main substances
responsible for water eutrophication are nitrogen (N), phosphorus (P), ammonia (NH3),
nitrogen compounds, phosphates, oxides of nitrogen (NOx), oils and fats. On the other hand,
Acidification is the increased acidity of the medium resulted resulting from the volatilization
of compounds such as sulphur dioxide (SO2) and nitrogen oxides (NOx) that are dissolved in
rainwater, combining with other elements to form acids. When the acids, reach the earth
surface, the chemical composition of soil and water is altered which causes damages to metal
structures and buildings. Another impact, due to heavy metal contamination is measured by
the maximum permissible concentration of substances or materials multiplied by the issue
thereof. The carcinogenicity is the increased presence of substances classified as carcinogens
in the environment.

Environmental impacts generated during the Portland cement life cycle Cement process
production can generate local environmental impacts such as noise, reduced air quality,
changes in the local ecosystem due to extraction of raw materials such as clay, limestone, and
others. Regionally it can cause acid rain due to emission of sulphur dioxide (SO2) and
nitrogen oxides (NOx) among others. Already the burning of fossil fuels like oil, coal and
natural gas may cause climate changes worldwide. According to the International Energy
Agency (IEA) cement production generates a global average CO2 emission of 0.81–1
of cement produced. On average, about one ton of concrete is produced each year for all
human beings around the world. It is estimated that about 5% of global CO2 emissions come
from the manufacture of cement. Besides the generation of CO2 in the process of
manufacturing cement, are produced millions of tons of waste (particulate matter from the
cement kiln) each year that contribute to pollution and respiratory health risks. The
calcination process of obtaining CaO from CaCO3 generates CO2 and contributes to about
half the CO2 emitted, while the rest comes from energy consumption during the production
process. According to Santi and Seva (2004) due to the characteristics of the technological
process and the physicochemical and toxicological properties of raw materials and inputs
used in the cement manufacturing, clinker and cement itself, the cement plants cause a risk to
the health of workers, public health and the environment. They are mainly associated with

Indian Institute of Chemical Engineers 21

exposure to particulate matter that permeates the entire chain of production and emissions of
pollutants that occur continuously and that even in small concentrations, characterizing the
chronic risk. It can be observed in Table 1 that all stages of cement manufacturing generate
impacts to the environment. It is also noted that much of the energy used in the process
focuses on the step of using kilns and the consequent emission of particulate matter into air.
During the raw material extraction environmental impacts arise as the removal of vegetation
for the local mining activity and a possible contamination of groundwater due to particulate
matter generated in the extraction, among others. During the crushing, grinding and mixing,
as well as virtually the entire manufacturing process is the emission of particulate matter and
volatile substances to the desktop and into the atmosphere can cause several health problems.
In the stage of using the kiln or fusion step is consuming more energy and therefore has the
greatest environmental impact. This is due not only to the burning of fossil fuel that releases
heavy metals as well as CO2 and SO2, but also by the calcination process. Additionally it
small size solid particles are emitted to the environment (cement kiln dust). Due to its caustic
nature dust may cause irritation to skin, eyes, and cause respiratory problems. After the
blending step, the emission of particulate matter in the mixing, grinding, packaging and
shipping steps has also to be taken into account. The stage also provides the use of solid
waste issue.

Table 3. Impact values generated in the manufacture of cement according to Eco-indicator 95


Environmental impact by category (Method Eco-indicator 95)

Greenhouse effect 0.088

Acidification 0.043

Eutrophication 0.006

Heavy metals 0.204

Carcinogenic substances 0.003

Smog 0.039

Considering the life of the cement in the construction industry (or in the building life), in
general, there are no particulate emissions, greenhouse gases or pollutants. However, its

Indian Institute of Chemical Engineers 22

disposal in the form of debris constitutes the most important problem. With the rise in cities
and a reduced useful life of buildings, the generation of debris has become increasingly larger
and often complex, since it has been done improperly. Thus, vacant city areas have served as
places to dispose those wastes, causing visual pollution, population growth and spread of
insect infection. Finally, Table 3 presents the results obtained through the use of Ecoindicator
95 method. The values obtained during the manufacturing process of cement by this method
shows that actually the cement manufacturing process contributes to harm to the environment
where it is highlighted the greenhouse effect, caused by burning fossil fuels, pollution by
heavy metals due to mining activities and smog caused by emissions of particulate matter.
However, it is important to consider that this material is essential for the expansion of
development. So, the environmental impacts have to be minimized by environmental efficient
processes, materials recycling, atmospheric effluent treatment and also the recovery of
depredated mining areas, with reforestation.



em: Acesso em: mar. 2009.
Gestão Ambiental - Avaliação do ciclo de vida - Princípios e estrutura. São Paulo: ABNT,
2001. 10p.

3. FERREIRA, J. V. R. Gestão Ambiental - Análise do ciclo de vida dos produtos. Viseu:

Instituto Politécnico de Viseu - ESTV/IPV, 2004.

4. GOEDKOOP, M. Eco-indicador 95. Printerweg, The Netherlands: Pré Consultants, 1995.

Disponível em:.

5. HUNTZINGER, D. N.; EATMON, T. D. A life-cycle assessment of Portland cement

manufacturing: comparing the traditional process with alternative technologies. Journal of
Cleaner Production, p. 1-8, 2009.


14040:2006 - Environmental management - Life cycle Assessment - Principles and
framework. ISO, 2006. Disponível em: . Acesso em: 25 Jul. 2010.

7. JOSA, A. et al. Comparative analysis of the life cycle impact assessment of available
cement inventories in the EU. Cement and Concrete Research, v. 3, p. 781-788, 2007.
Indian Institute of Chemical Engineers 23
8. LEE, K-M.; PARK, P-J. Estimation of the environmental credit for the recycling of
granulated blast furnace slag on LCA. Resources, Conservation and Recycling, v. 44, p.
139151, 2005.

9. NAVIA, B. et al. Recycling contaminated soil as alternative raw material in cement

facilities: life cycle assessment. Resources Conservation and Recycling, v. 48, p. 339-
356, 2006.

10. RODRIGUES, A. J. M.; ALMEIDA, C. M. V. B. A contabilidade ambiental na

metodologia do ecodesign: utilizando a emergia como uma medida quantitativa de
avaliação de carga ambiental. O caso das embalagens PET. In: CONFERÊNCIA
PAULISTA DE PRODUÇÃO MAIS LIMPA, 4. 2007, São Paulo. Anais...

11. SANTI, A. M. M.; SEVÁ FILHO, A. O. Combustíveis e riscos ambientais na fabricação

de cimento; casos na Região do Calcário ao Norte de Belo Horizonte e possíveis
EM AMBIENTE E SOCIEDADE – ANPPAS, 2., 2004, Campinas. Anais...

12. SETOR RECICLAGEM. Portal. Disponível em: . Acesso em: mar. 2009.

13. VALT, R. B. G. Análise do ciclo de vida de embalagens pet, de alumínio e de vidro para
refrigerantes no Brasil variando a taxa de reciclagem dos materiais. 2004. 193 f.
Dissertação (Mestrado em Engenharia)-Universidade Federal do Paraná, Curitiba, 2004.

14. ZORDAN, S. E. A utilização do entulho como agregado na confecção do concreto. 1997.

140 f. Dissertação (Mestrado em Engenharia Civil)-Universidade Estadual de Campinas,
Capminas, 1997.

4. Research and development

Clinker substitution and replacement is a growth area for R&D. There has been a large
increase in patenting activity in this technology area in recent years.

Indian Institute of Chemical Engineers 24

Innovation in the sector has tended to occur in incremental steps rather than via radical
breakthroughs. Research has focused on established clinker-based cement technology,
seeking to increase clinker substitution rather than radically alter the mix of raw materials

Most innovations have failed to reach commercialization, with supply- and demand-side
barriers having prevented any from reaching widespread application. Rather than pointing to
a single ‘silver bullet’, the patent analysis highlights a range of potential solutions that offer
different prospects under different circumstances

Making Concrete Change: Innovation in Low-carbon Cement and Concrete

Significant changes in how cement and concrete are produced and used are urgently needed to
achieve deep cuts in emissions in line with the Paris Agreement on climate change.

Research on environmental impacts is required to provide the theoretical basis for the
implementation of carbon capture and storage in cement production. ... Aiming to promote
sustainable development of the cement industry. ... CO2 emissions; CO2 capture and
storage; life cycle assessment; scenario.

For example UltraTech Cement Limited, a part of the Aditya Birla Group, is the largest
manufacturer of cement in India and ranks among the world’s leading cement makers. The
company has a consolidated capacity* of 102.75 million tonnes per annum (MTPA) of grey
cement. It operates 20 integrated units, 26 grinding units, seven bulk terminals and one
clinkerisation plant for grey cement, one integrated white cement unit, two wall care putty
plants and over 100 RMC plants.

A focus on new product development, productivity enhancement, reduction in energy
consumption and environmental impact have been major drivers for R&D at UltraTech. R&D
centres are the hub of product and process innovation in the manufacturing industry,
including cement. The ability of R&D to integrate product and process innovation across all
domains of cement and concrete manufacturing practices makes it a valued partner for
UltraTech Cement in its business growth trajectory.
Indian Institute of Chemical Engineers 25
UltraTech Research and Development division which has developed several innovative
products to improve the sustainability quotient of the construction value chain while also
providing multiple benefits to end customers. One of our latest offerings, UltraTech
Premium. It is a Portland composite cement which requires 57% less clinker, 52% less
thermal energy and 34% less electrical energy in comparison to Ordinary Portland Cement
(OPC) for its production. The CO2 emission rate of UltraTech Premium is 56% lower than
that of OPC.

In 2018, UltraTech filed four patents for products which require less natural resources such as
fossil fuels and limestone as compared to conventional products. These products will
eventually help to save water and utilize waste from other industries resulting in lower
environmental footprint.

The Research & Development (R&D) Centre at UltraTech Cement also received accreditation
from National Accreditation Board for Testing and Calibration Laboratories (NABL) in 2018.
The accreditation of our R&D Centre is expected to further strengthen customer confidence
and satisfaction, and reinforce our brand value.

5. Summary

1. For Cement Industry:

Cement Manufacturing Plants are very high power consuming. The Losses are also very high
because of low efficiency in different crushing and grinding and Milling operation.

It is well known act that air pollution is hazardous to environment and human health. Due to
infrastructure, developmental activities Cement industry is flourishing & resulting in
environmental degradation and in the degradation of human health worldwide. The gaseous
& particulate emissions from Cement plants are degrading air quality & thus creating
considerable environmental pollution especially air pollution. A current trend in the field of
cement production is the focus on low-energy cements, utilization of waste in cement
production and the associated reduction of CO2 emissions.  Evaluation of cement impact to

Indian Institute of Chemical Engineers 26

environment is a very important process. Impacts related to global warming are due nearly
exclusively to CO2, those for acidification are mainly due to SOx (34%), NH3 (30%), N20
(17%), SO2 (13%) and NOx (6%) and impacts for marine eco toxicity are essentially related
to the emission of Fluorine and its inorganic compounds (54%), barite and Barium (34%) and
many heavy metals such as Vanadium (3%). Target: Sustainable Development with economic

2. For Naphtha cracking industry:

Compressed Charge Gas dried up to less than 1 ppm level of moisture before entering in to
separation section of steam cracker unit.

Chilling train is a series of Plate and Fin Exchangers which provide very high surface area.
This exchangers are very delicate exchangers and cannot withstand very high pressure drop
across it. These exchangers are made of brazed aluminium and therefore often written as

Refrigerant streams cools down the charge gas stream along the series of BAHX up to – 132
C. Further chilling is done up to -172 C (approx.) by adiabatic flashing of high pressure
streams to low pressure by Joule Thompson Effect.

As the temperature goes down, heavier components starts to condense and collected into
Demethanizer feed drums sequentially.

At the last the liquid composition becomes mostly methane (liquid) and send as top most feed
for Demethanizer. From this vessel methane and hydrogen gets separated.

In the similar fashion, the separation section strips of each components based on their boiling
point difference.

Ethylene, Ethane and Acetylene mix. Is separated. Firstly the acetylene is converted to
ethylene by acetylene hydrogenation in Acetylene Converter reactor section. Different
technology licensors use different positioning of the Acetylene Converter. Based up on the
positioning of acetylene converter in the process flow diagram it is called ‘Front end
Acetylene Converter’ (before Chilling train) or ‘Tail end Acetylene Converter’.

Too high temperature must be avoided in order to avoid ethylene loss in the reactor, so that
Ethylene Gain of the reactor are kept high. Too high temperature and too high H2 (more than
stoichiometric) may convert desired ethylene to undesired ethane.
Indian Institute of Chemical Engineers 27
Once the C2 mix is acetylene free it is sent to Ethylene Fractionator to separate Ethylene and

Ethylene is taken out as product and normally Ethane is recycled back to Ethane Furnace
(which is called Recycle Heater).

Propylene, Propane and MAPD mix. Is separated. Firstly the MAPD is converted to
propylene by MAPD hydrogenation in MAPD Converter reactor section. Different
technology licensors use different positioning of the MAPD Converter. Based up on the
positioning of MAPD converter in the process flow diagram it is called ‘Front end MAPD
Converter’ (before Chilling train) or ‘Tail end MAPD Converter’. Now a days catalyst are
available for Frontend Configuration to convert Acetylene and MAPD both in same reactor.

Too high temperature must be avoided in order to avoid Propylene loss in the reactor, so that
Propylene Gain of the reactor are kept high. Too high temperature and too high H2 (more
than stoichiometric) may convert desired Propylene to undesired propane.

Once the C3 mix is MAPD free it is sent to Propylene Fractionator to separate Propylene and

Propylene is taken out as product and normally Propane is recycled back to Ethane Furnace
(which is called Recycle Heater).

3. For other Chemical process industry like Polypropylene The versatile Polymer

Safety posters/slogans

1. Safety/Fire/Health promotional activities

2. Safety awareness

4. Training & seminars

5. Slogan & poster contest

6. Safety talk contest 7. Safety Street act 8. Firefighting demo 9. Near-miss contest 10. First
Aid box contest 11.Safety championship.

Indian Institute of Chemical Engineers 28


4. For CTA industry:

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5. Appendix: All the assignment& Mini project


Online Internship Program-2021 (OIP-2021) by IIChE

Subject: Chemical Process Technology (CPT)


Date of Issue: 13.05.2021

Last Date of Submission: 18.05.2021
Mail I’d for submission: [email protected]
Based on Lecture-1,2,3 &4 on Pure Terepthalic acid (PTA) manufacturing & Petrochemical
Industry) By, Shivam mishra
Email: [email protected]

A. Answer all the questions :

1. a) What is PTA Value Chain? Describe briefly CTA & PTA stage operation.

2. a) What is the use of Caustic Tower in Ethylene Plant? What is the use of acetylene converter and MAPD
converter reactor in steam cracker plant?
b) What is Joule Thomson effect? How J-T effect is used in chilling train to chill the charge gas? Which
component in charge gas shows reverse J-T effect? Explain Thermodynamics of reverse J-T Effect?

3. a) Explain different averaging concepts for calculating molecular weight of polymer.

b) Nylon 11 has the following structure [- NH – (CH2 )10 – CO - ]n If the number-average degree of
polymerization, Xn , for nylon is 100 and Mw = 120,000, what is its polydispersity ?
[ Ans. 6.56 ]

Indian Institute of Chemical Engineers 30

c) Briefly explain the role of surfactant in emulsion polymerization system with the mechanism of polymer
growth and product isolation.

B. Answer

PTA Value Chain:
 A value chain is a step-by-step business model for transforming a product or service from idea to
reality. Value chains help increase a business's efficiency so the business can deliver the most value for
the least possible cost.
 Purified Terephthalic Acid (PTA) is an organic compound produced commercially through the
oxidation of paraxylene by the oxygen in the air.
 Modern Production of PTA
1. PTA is produced by the catalytic liquid phase oxidation of paraxylene in acetic acid, in the
presence of air.
2. The process uses manganese or cobalt acetate as a catalyst. The reaction is exothermic,
producing water which is removed in a solvent recovery system. Acetic acid from this is returned
to the reactor together with the oxidation catalyst.
3. CTA is purified in a crystalliser where the unreacted xylene and water are flashed off.
 The global Purified Terephthalic Acid (PTA) market is projected to grow from USD 45.81 billion in
2017 to USD 61.78 billion by 2023, at a CAGR of 5.1% from 2018 to 2023.
 Market Dynamics
 Rising demand for polyester resins, such as polyester films, polyester fiber & yarn.
 Increasing demand for PET from the bottling and packaging industry. Replacement of glass
bottles for alcoholic beverages with PET bottles.
 PTA is also used as an intermediate in the manufacturing of liquid crystal polymers,
plasticizers, polybutylene terephthalate, and others.
 Polyesters manufactured using PTA are used in various industries, such as textiles and

Indian Institute of Chemical Engineers 31



Cascade Control:
 A cascade control system consists of primary and secondary control loops.
 Disturbances occurring in the secondary (or slave) controller before they can affect the controller
variable in the primary (or master) loop. The latter is called the primary (or master) controller.
Indian Institute of Chemical Engineers 32

Feedback Control:

 In feedback control, the variable being controlled is measured and compared with a target value. This
difference between the actual and desired value is called the error.
 Feedback control manipulates an input to the system to minimize this error.
 Feedback control reacts to the system and works to minimize this error. The desired output is
generally entered into the system through a user interface.
 The output of the system is measured (by a flow meter, thermometer or similar instrument) and the
difference is calculated.
 This difference is used to control the system inputs to reduce the error in the system.

Indian Institute of Chemical Engineers 33

Ratio Control:

 A ratio controller is a special type of feed forward controller where disturbances are measured and their
ratio is held at a desired set point by controlling one of the streams.
 Ratio control is used when two fluids must be mixed together in a specific ratio.  A practical way to do
this is to use a standard control system to control the flow on one line. 
 The same transmitter signal is used as a set point for a second controller which controls the flow in a
second line.  The ratio of one flow rate to the other can be changed by adjusting the gain (or
proportional band) of the secondary controller. 


In the Ethylene plant, Acid gases are created during the thermal cracking of any given steam-cracker
feedstock. The preferred choice for removing these acid gases from the cracked gas is by absorption
using dilute caustic soda. The Absorber, or Caustic Tower, is designed and operated to remove these
acid gases; namely carbon dioxide (CO2) and hydrogen sulfide (H2S) and to a lesser extent some of
the weaker acid gases such as mercaptans (R-SH).
Use of acetylene converter: this converter converts the acetylene to ethylene by
hydrogenation of acetylene. This increases the yield of ethylene and at the same time helps in
separation of ethylene, acetylene and ethylene mixture.
Use of MAPD converter: MAPD converter is used for hydrogenation of MAPD to
form propylene thus increasing yield of propylene and helping to separation of propylene from
mixture of propane, propylene and MAPD mixture.

Joule-Thomson effect This describes the temperature change of a real gas or liquid when it is forced
through a valve or porous plug while keeping it insulated so that no heat is exchanged with the
environment. This procedure is called throttling process or Joule-Thomson process.
In chilling train,
H=U+PV, the Enthalpy H remains constant.
When PV represents the work done by the charge gas, thus to keep H constant, U must decrease.
Decrease in U results in decrease in temperature of charge gas and this is how chilling train uses Joule-
Thomson effect to explain chilling of charge gas.

Reverse J-T effect:

Indian Institute of Chemical Engineers 34

In the equation H=U+PV,
If in case PV is negative, that is, work is done on the gas, then U becomes positive and the temperature
is increased and this is known as reverse Joule-Thomson effect.


Different averaging concepts for calculating molecular weight of polymer:

1. Mn is the number average molecular weight: it is used in techniques related to colligative properties,
size exclusion photography and mass spectrography.\

Mn = ∑MiNi/∑Ni
Here, Ni is the number of polymer chain with molecular weight Mi
2. Mw is the weight molecular average weight : it depends not only on the number of the molecules
present but also on the weight of each molecule.

Mw = ∑NiMi2/∑NiMi
3. Mz or Z-average molecular weight: The higher averages are increasingly more sensitive to high
molecular weight polymers and accordingly are increasingly more difficult to measure with precision.
They tend to be associated with methods that measure the motion of polymer molecules, such as
diffusion or sedimentation techniques. This method calculate average molecular weight with more

Mz = = ∑NiMi3/∑NiMi2
4. Viscosity average molecular weight:

The average molecular weight is related to the viscosity of the polymer under specific
Mµ = [∑NiMiα+1/∑NiMi2]1/α


Xn = ∑ni Mr/N where

N is the total number of molecules in the polymer mass.
Mr is the number of repeating unit
ni is the DP of molecules
Given Xn =100, Mw = 120000
Mr = 15+14*10+28 = 183

Indian Institute of Chemical Engineers 35

Mn = XnMr = 100*183= 18300
Polydispersity = Mw/Mn = 120000/18300 = 6.56


The role of surfactant is to stabilize the emulsion of monomer in water. The surfactant has a
hydrophilic and a hydrophobic end. It forms micelle in water. The monomer molecule diffuse
from monomer droplet to the water ad from water to the hydrocarbon centre of micelle. In this
manner the monomer molecules continues to aggregate and elongate the polymer chain.

Indian Institute of Chemical Engineers 36


Online Internship Program-2021 (OIP-2021) by IIChE

Subject: Chemical Process Technology (CPT)

SHIVAM MISHRA , Email: [email protected], CPT.

Date of Issue:21.05.2021
Last Date of Submission: 26.05.2021
Mail I’d for submission:[email protected]

(Based on Lecture-,5,6 ,7 &8 on Cement Industry )

A. Short Questions :

1. a) What are the advantages of using Precalciner? Explain briefly in few sentences.
b) What are the difference between calcareous materials and algo calcareous material?
Why both the components are necessary in cement manufacturing? c)
Explain briefly the difference between OPC,PPC, PSC

2. a) What are environmental impacts of Cement Industries? What are the measures taken by
Cement Industries?
b) Explain the working principle and importance of Bag House in Cement Industry.

Indian Institute of Chemical Engineers 37

B. Answers :

A pre claimer, at temperatures of 600-900°C, and results in the conversion of carbonates to
oxides. CaCO3-------- CaO + CO2 it may reduced CO2 materials from other site, Fast
preparation process, Reduction of heat further process, etc.

Raw material ingredients used for manufacturing of Portland cement are:
Calcareous Materials: Calcareous Materials are compounds of calcium (Ca) and
Magnesium (Mg).Limestones are a common calcareous material used in manufacturing

(1) Argillaceous Materials: Argillaceous Materials are mainly silica, alumina, and
oxides of iron. Clay and shale are the materials. For the bulk and continuous
manufacturing and production of Portland cement following mineral materials are used:
calcareous materials (limestone or chalk), argillaceous material (shale or clay), blast
furnace slag, silica sand, iron ore, and gypsum as raw material. Cement factories are
established where these raw materials are available in plenty and facilities of long-
distance transportation of raw and finished materials.

1, c)
Oxides interact with each other in the kiln to form more complex products (compounds).
Basically, the major compounds of OPC can be listed as:

Name Chemical Formula Abbreviations

Tri Calcium Silicate 3CaO.SiO2 C3S
Di Calcium Silicate 2CaO.SiO2 C2S
Tri Calcium Aluminate 3CaO.Al2O3 C3A
Tetra Calcium Alumina Ferrite 4CaO.Al2O3.Fe2O3 C4AF

Indian Institute of Chemical Engineers 38


Portland cement is made by mixing substances containing CaCO3 with substances

containing SiO2, Al2O3, and Fe2O3 and heating them to a clinker which is subsequently
ground to powder and mixed with 2-6 % gypsum.
Raw Materials necessary for Portland Cement Manufacture must provide the following :
Calcium , Silica ,Alumina

Portland Pozzolana Cement (PPC)

It is a kind of blended cement which is produced by either intergrading of OPC clinker
along with gypsum and pozzolanic materials in certain proportions or grinding the OPC
clinker, gypsum and Pozzolanic materials such as Fly ash separately and thoroughly
blending them in certain proportions.

Portland Slag Cement (PSC)

(1)It is prepared with a combination of up to 45-50% slag,45-50% clinker and 3-5 %
(2) PSC has been voted as the most suitable cement for mass construction because of
its low heat of hydration
(3) Slag is a non-metallic product comprising of more than 90% glass with silicates
and alumino-silicates of lime.

2. a)

Despite its popularity and profitability, the cement industry faces many challenges due to
environmental concerns and sustainability issues. Main ENVIRONMENTALIMPACT OF
(1) Climate change is considered as the major environmental challenge for the world.
(2) Technological advancement has resulted in Cement making companies being able to
produce higher volumes compared to the past.
(3) However, the higher production levels have also been largely labelled as the leading cause
of pollution.
(4) Building industry is one of the leaders in deterioration of environment by depleting
resources and consuming energy or creation of waste.

Indian Institute of Chemical Engineers 39

(5) Emissions from cement manufacturing plants are one of the major contributors in global
warming and climate change.
(6) Cement belongs to the most often used building materials and its production is increasing
over the world.
(7) The cement industry is high energy intensive and creat many emissions, odors and noise.
(8) It is a major source of emissions such as CO2, NOX, SOX, VOCs, Particulate matter etc.


(1) The cement industry has made significant progress in reducing CO2 emissions
through improvements in process and efficiency, but further improvements are limited
because CO2 production is inherent to the basic process of calcination limestone.
(2) The cement industry contributes significantly to the imbalances of the environment; in
particular air quality.
(3) The key environmental emissions are nitrogen oxides (NOx), sulphur dioxide (SO2)
and grey dust.
(4) Industrial plant smokestacks from cement and construction companies are some of the
biggest contributors to poor air quality, especially in urban developments.
(5) The Portland cement manufacturing industry is under close scrutiny these days
because of the large volumes of CO2 emitted. Actually this industrial sector is
thought to represent 5–7% of the total CO2 anthropogenic emissions. Technological
advancement has resulted in cement making companies being able to produce higher
volumes compared to the past. However, the higher production levels have also been
largely labelled as the leading cause of pollution.
(6) The main sources of air pollution in this type of industry include excavation activities,
dumps, tips, conveyer belts, crushing mills and kiln emissions. As of 2007, the cement
industry alone was reported to produced 5% of total greenhouse gases in the
atmosphere (Air Quality Resources,2011)
Cement manufacturing is a “high volume process” and correspondingly requires adequate
quantities of resources, that is, raw materials, thermal fuels and electrical power. The main
environmental (air quality) impacts of the manufacture of cement in general are related to the
categories as: i) Gases & VOCs:
Gaseous atmospheric emissions of CO2, NOx, SO2, Volatile Organic Compounds (VOCs)
and others. Carbon dioxide is released during the production of clinker, a component of
Indian Institute of Chemical Engineers 40
cement, in which calcium carbonate (CaCO3) is heated in a rotary kiln to induce a series of
complex chemical reactions.
Specifically, CO2 is released as a by-product during calcination, which occurs in the upper,
cooler end of the kiln, or a pre claimer, at temperatures of 600-900°C, and results in the
conversion of carbonates to oxides.
Sulphur oxides and nitrogen oxides These are generated from the kiln and drying processes.
Sulphur dioxide is generated from the Sulphur compounds in the ores and the combusted fuel
and varies in amount produced from plant to plant. Control Devices:
The efficiency of particulate control devices is inconclusive as the result of variables such as
feed sulphur content, temperature, moisture, and feed chemical composition, in addition to
alkali and sulphur content of the raw materials and fuel. The combustion of fuel in rotary
cement kilns generates nitrogen oxides from the nitrogen in the fuel and incoming
combustion air.
The amount emitted depends on several factors including fuel type, nitrogen content, and
combustion temperature.
Both sulphur dioxide and some of the nitrogen oxide react with the alkaline cement and are
removed from the gas stream.
Volatile organic carbon compounds (VOCs) are a class of chemicals that are emitted directly
to the air as a result of evaporation or another type of volatilization. Sources include stored
gasoline, stored solvents and other industrial chemicals, and certain industrial processes.
Incomplete combustion of fuels of many types is also an important source of VOC discharge
to the ambient air.
Nitrous oxide is a greenhouse gas and it accumulates in the atmosphere with other greenhouse
gasses causing a gradual rise in the earth's temperature. This will lead to global climate
NOx and volatile organic compounds react in the atmosphere in the presence of sunlight to
form ground-level ozone, which causes smog in cities and rural areas. This ground level
ozone when breathed, it causes respiratory disease and other health problems (EPA Report,
Nitrogen dioxide affects body functions such as difficulty in breathing, chronic lung diseases,
such as chronic inflammation and irreversible structural changes in the lungs, which with
repeated exposure, can lead to premature aging of the lungs and other respiratory illness.
The principal harmful effects of VOCs are toxicity, possible contribution to smog via

Indian Institute of Chemical Engineers 41

photochemical reactions in the atmosphere, and possible contribution to the “greenhouse
effect” and consequent global warming.
Dust emissions have been linked to respiratory problems such as Tuberculosis.
Dust: Dust emissions originate mainly from the raw mills, the kiln system, the clinker cooler,
and the cement mills. A general feature of these process steps is that hot exhaust gas or
exhaust air is passing through pulverized material resulting in an intimately dispersed mixture
of gas and particulates. The nature of the particulates generated is linked to the source
material itself, that is, raw materials (partly calcined), clinker or cement.
Noise: Noise emissions occur throughout the whole cement manufacturing process from
preparing and processing raw materials, from the clinker burning and cement production
process, from material storage as well as from the dispatch and shipping of the final products.
The heavy machinery and large fans used in various parts of the cement manufacturing
process can give rise to noise and/or vibration emissions, particularly from: chutes and
hoppers, any operations involving fracture, crushing, milling and screening of raw material,
fuels, clinker and cement; exhaust fans; blowers; duct vibration.
Bad Odour: Foul smell is sometimes a direct result of the gases emitted during cement
manufacturing. Moreover, since cement manufacture has life threatening impacts to plants
and animals, the manufacturing process then directly and indirectly gives rise to offensive
smells as the dead plants and animals decay.
Effects on Environment: These emissions are not only deteriorating air quality but also
degrading human health. Emissions have local and global environment impact resulting in
global warming, ozone depletion, acid rain, biodiversity loss, reduced crop productivity etc.
Effects on Human Health: Scientific evidence indicates that air pollution from the combustion
of fossil fuels causes a spectrum of health effects from allergy to death. The results of several
studies showed that these emissions are adversely affecting human health in a variety of
ways, like itchy eyes, respiratory diseases like tuberculosis, chest discomfort, chronic
bronchitis, asthma attacks, cardio-vascular diseases and even premature death.
Effects on Human health
CO: Respiratory trouble
CO2: Global warming
SO2: Respiratory, corrosion, skin effect
PAH (Peroxyl Acetyl Hydrocarbon): Leucoma, carcinogenic
CFC: Ozone layer depletion

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NOx: Forms photochemical smog, at higher concentrations causes leaf damage or affects the
photosynthetic activities of plants and causes respiratory problems in mammals. Particulate
matter: Lead pollution causes damage to the nervous system, lung, kidney disease, toxic
effect in human. Coal ash causes respiratory trouble.
Asbestos particles: Asbestosis – a cancerous disease of the lungs.
SiO2: Silicosis, a cancerous disease.
Hg: Brain & kidney damage.
Climate change effects can occur on atmospheric temperatures, precipitation levels and
patterns, water resources, terrestrial and aquatic habitats, threatened and endangered species,
agricultural productivity, and many other natural and manmade resources.
The cement industry is an energy intensive and significant contributor to climate change.
The major environment health and safety issues associated with cement production are
emissions to air and energy use.
Cement manufacturing requires huge amount of non-renewable resources like raw material
and fossil fuels.
Methods of NOx removal
1. Scrubbing i. Absorption by liquids ii. Adsorption by solids
2. Catalytic decomposition and reduction: involves decomposition of nitric oxide to N2 & O2.
3. Non-catalytic reduction: At 900-1000C ammonia will reduce NOx concentrations to N2
without a catalyst. The ammonia is injected into a boiler to reduce NOx concentrations in
the boiler. Proper temperatures must be achieved in order to create a fuel-rich reburn zone.
The hydrocarbon radicals react with NOx to reduce NOx to N2. This system can be used to
prevent NOx formation in the cement kiln. Control of VOC: 1. the condensation method
makes use of the fact that sufficiently low temperature causes gaseous hydrocarbons to
condense to liquids. 2. In scrubbing towers absorbing liquid absorb VOC by intimate
mixing. Control of SO2 emission 1. Fuel substitution 2. Fuel desulphurization 3. Removal
of SO2 from effluent gases. Removal of SO2 from effluent gases: 1. Regenerative alkaline
absorption 2. No regenerative alkaline absorption 3.Regenerative organic absorption 4.
Catalytic oxidation or reduction 5.Regerative solid adsorption 6. Furnace injection
CEMENT SUSTAINABILITY INITIATIVE (CSI) The report lists eight major topics that
have been shaping the cement industry's path toward a more sustainable future over the
following 20 years:
i. Resource productivity: Improving eco-efficiency through improved practices in
quarrying, energy use and waste recovery and reuse;
Indian Institute of Chemical Engineers 43
ii. Climate protection: Understanding and managing CO2 emissions;
iii. Emission reduction: Reducing dust from quarrying, NOx, SOx, and other airborne
pollutants from cement manufacture;
iv. Ecological Management: Improving land-use and landscape management practices;
Employee well-being: Managing and improving employee health, safety and satisfaction;
Community well-being: Working more effectively with local communities;
v. Regional development: Participating in regional affairs; viii. Shareholder value:
Creating more value for shareholder.

2. b)

Baghouse is the control devices, where polluted air is filtered through the bags. The bags are
closed at the bottom, and are exposed to a clean air chamber at the top. The bags are cleaned
by short bursts of pressured air. The bags contracts and snaps which releases the particulate
layer. Baghouses are used in cement production at the top of material storage silos and gas
separators. They help prevent any particulate matter escape the process. Anything collected in
the bag filters is simply release back into the process to be used in the cement making. Its
pictorial representation as follows:

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3. Mini project

Online Internship Programme (OIP-2020)

Mini-Project Report


Environmental Impact of a Cement plant of 10,000MT /day Capacity

Submitted in Partial Fulfilment of the Requirements for the mandatory Internship training

Submitted by:


Malaviya National institute of technology

9 may to 8 june 2021

Indian Institute of Chemical Engineers (IIChE)

Dr. H. L. Roy Building, Jadavpur University Campus,
188 Raja Subodh Chandra Mullick Road, Kolkata 700 032 Content
Indian Institute of Chemical Engineers 45

• Introduction

• Materials and Methods

• Results

• Discussion

• References

1. Introduction:

Environmental pollution is a very serious issue of the present world. A rapid industrialization
is going on around the globe and hence all types of pollution are seen around us. Most
importantly, water and air are getting highly contaminated. The construction industry is one
of the leaders in deterioration of environment by depleting resources and consuming energy
and creating a lot of waste. Also a considerable amount of emissions of greenhouse and
acidifying gases has the origin in this industry. Cement belongs to the most often used
building materials and its production is increasing over the world. At the same time, the
cement industry is an enormous energy intensive industry and it produces many harmful
emissions, like gases, odours and noise. An assessment of environmental impacts has been
made in terms of water, air and noise pollution in a cement manufacturing plant Manglam
Cement Limited at Morak, Kota, Rajasthan, which is under operation for a period of about 30
years and all are Cement plant of 10,000MT /day Capacity.

During the study, the ambient air quality parameters like PM10, PM2.5 SO2, NOx,
physiochemical parameters of water namely pH, total hardness, total alkalinity, total
dissolved solids (TDS), conductivity, total chlorides and measurement of noise levels as well
as health and safety measures for the workers have been evaluated. Zero discharge approach
is examined in Manglam Cement Limited where no liquid/solid waste is generated from the
plant; which indicates that significant environmental regulations are being maintained. It is

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found that the industry is working according to the standards and norms defined by the
Central Pollution Control Board of India.
But It is impossible to envisage a modern life without cement. Cement is an extremely
important construction material used for housing and infrastructure development and a key to
economic growth. Cement demand is directly associated to economic growth and many
growing economies are striving for rapid infrastructure development which underlines the
tremendous growth in cement production. The cement industry plays a major role in
improving living standard all over the world by creating direct employment and providing
multiple cascading economic benefits to associated industries. Despite its popularity and
profitability, the cement industry faces many challenges due to environmental concerns and
sustainability issues.
The Indian cement industry is the second largest in the world after China, employing in
excess of a million people throughout the country. The cement industry contributes a big deal
to the Indian economy, more so because the construction industry in India relies heavily on
the cement industry for natural reasons. Indian as well as foreign companies have invested
billions in the Indian cement industry after regulations were lifted off in 1982. The cement
industry in India is currently undergoing a turnaround phase striving hard to come at par with
its global competitors in terms of safety, production and energy efficiency.
So we cannot stop our industry thinking of pollution related issue, but we have to necessary
action to minimise the pollution related issue to save our mother earth.

2. Materials and Methods

COMPONENTS OF PORTLAND CEMENT • Portland cement is made by mixing

substances containing CaCO3 with substances containing SiO2 , Al2O3 , Fe2O3 and heating
them to a clinker which is subsequently ground to powder and mixed with 2-6 % gypsum. •
Raw Materials necessary for Portland Cement Manufacture must provide the following 
Calcium  Silica  Alumina  Iron

Cement wet process diagram as follows:

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material acquisition) Most of the raw materials used are extracted from the earth through
mining and quarrying and can be divided into the following groups: lime, silica, alumina, and
iron.  Limestone (calcium carbonate – CaCO3) is the predominant raw material therefore
most plants are situated near a limestone quarry or receive this material from a source via
inexpensive transportation.  The plant must minimize the transportation cost since one third
of the limestone is converted to carbon dioxide (CO2) during the pyro-processing and is
subsequently lost.  Quarry operations consist of drilling, blasting, excavating, handling,
loading, hauling, crushing, screening, stockpiling, and storing cause emission of dusts of

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B. During Raw Materials Preparation (Raw Milling And Fuels Preparation), misused or
improper set up or procedure may increase or reduce pollution level high in the following
ways: Raw milling involves mixing the extracted raw materials to obtain the correct chemical
configuration, and grinding them to achieve the proper particle-size to ensure optimal fuel
efficiency in the cement kiln and strength in the final concrete product. C. Clinker Burning –
Pyro Processing: Improper Coal burning D. Cement Grinding: Emission of fines of cement E.
Cement Packaging and Dispatch: Emission due to leakage

C Method Of Emissions from CEMENT INDUSTRY:

Cement manufacturing is a “high volume process” and correspondingly requires adequate

quantities of resources, that is, raw materials, thermal fuels and electrical power. The main
environmental (air quality) impacts of the manufacture of cement in general are related to the
categories as: i) Gases & VOCs: Gaseous atmospheric emissions of CO2, NOx, SO2, Volatile
Organic Compounds (VOCs) and others. Carbon dioxide is released during the production of
clinker, a component of cement, in which calcium carbonate (CaCO3) is heated in a rotary
kiln to induce a series of complex chemical reactions. Specifically, CO2 is released as a
byproduct during calcination, which occurs in the upper, cooler end of the kiln, or a pre
calciner, at temperatures of 600-900°C, and results in the conversion of carbonates to oxides.

Sulphur oxides and nitrogen oxides These are generated from the kiln and drying processes.
Sulphur dioxide is generated from the Sulphur compounds in the ores and the combusted fuel
and varies in amount produced from plant to plant. Control Devices: The efficiency of
particulate control devices is inconclusive as the result of variables such as feed sulphur
content, temperature, moisture, and feed chemical composition, in addition to alkali and
sulphur content of the raw materials and fuel. The combustion of fuel in rotary cement kilns
generates nitrogen oxides from the nitrogen in the fuel and incoming combustion air. The
amount emitted depends on several factors including fuel type, nitrogen content, and
combustion temperature. Both sulphur dioxide and some of the nitrogen oxide react with the
alkaline cement and are removed from the gas stream. Volatile organic carbon compounds
(VOCs) are a class of chemicals that are emitted directly to the air as a result of evaporation
or another type of volatilization. Sources include stored gasoline, stored solvents and other
industrial chemicals, and certain industrial processes. Incomplete combustion of fuels of
many types is also an important source of VOC discharge to the ambient air.

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(i)Nitrous oxide is a greenhouse gas and it accumulates in the atmosphere with other
greenhouse gasses causing a gradual rise in the earth's temperature. This will lead to global
climate change. NOx and volatile organic compounds react in the atmosphere in the presence
of sunlight to form ground-level ozone, which causes smog in cities and rural areas. This
ground level ozone when breathed, it causes respiratory disease and other health problems
(EPA Report, 2014). Nitrogen dioxide affects body functions such as difficulty in breathing,
chronic lung diseases, such as chronic inflammation and irreversible structural changes in the
lungs, which with repeated exposure, can lead to premature aging of the lungs and other
respiratory illness. The principal harmful effects of VOCs are toxicity, possible contribution
to smog via photochemical reactions in the atmosphere, and possible contribution to the
“greenhouse effect” and consequent global warming. Dust emissions have been linked to
respiratory problems such as Tuberculosis. ii) Dust: Dust emissions originate mainly from the
raw mills, the kiln system, the clinker cooler, and the cement mills. A general feature of these
process steps is that hot exhaust gas or exhaust air is passing through pulverized material
resulting in an intimately dispersed mixture of gas and particulates. The nature of the
particulates generated is linked to the source material itself, that is, raw materials (partly
calcined), clinker or cement. iii) Noise: Noise emissions occur throughout the whole cement
manufacturing process from preparing and processing raw materials, from the clinker burning
and cement production process, from material storage as well as from the dispatch and
shipping of the final products. The heavy machinery and large fans used in various parts of
the cement manufacturing process can give rise to noise and/or vibration emissions,
particularly from: chutes and hoppers, any operations involving fracture, crushing, milling
and screening of raw material, fuels, clinker and cement; exhaust fans; blowers; duct
vibration. iv) Bad Odour: Foul smell is sometimes a direct result of the gases emitted during
cement manufacturing. Moreover, since cement manufacture has life threatening impacts to
plants and animals, the manufacturing process then directly and indirectly gives rise to
offensive smells as the dead plants and animals decay

To reduce the impact following methods should be kept in mind for large industry Climate
change effects can occur on atmospheric temperatures, precipitation levels and patterns, water
resources, terrestrial and aquatic habitats, threatened and endangered species, agricultural
productivity, and many other natural and manmade resources. The cement industry is an
energy intensive and significant contributor to climate change. The major environment health
and safety issues associated with cement production are emissions to air and energy use.

Indian Institute of Chemical Engineers 50

Cement manufacturing requires huge amount of non-renewable resources like raw material
and fossil fuels.
3. Results:

1.57 tonnes of raw materials are required to produce one tonne of cement clinker  The raw
materials used in cement manufacture are extracted in large quarries typically with outputs of
up to, or over, 2.5 million tonnes per year.  Typically about 1.65 tonnes of limestone (1.5 to
1.8 tonnes) and 0.4 tonnes of clay are quarried for each tonne of cement produced


DATA from Cement plant of 10,000MT /day Capacity

Location PCB Limit (mg/Nm3) Avg. Particulate Matter

3600 TPD Rotary Kiln – I & Raw Mill – I 80 59.7
2800 TPD Rotary Kiln – II & Raw Mill – II 80
4200 TPD Rotary Kiln –III & Raw mill – III 50 21.33

Clinker Cooler – Line 1 80 33.75

Clinker Cooler – Line 2 80 23.25

Clinker Cooler – Line 3 50 19.83

FBC Boilers of Capacity 2 X 115 115 90.17

Fugitive emissions Secondary Fugitive emissions shall be controlled and regularly monitored
as per guidelines issued by the CPCB. Concrete Roads are available, which minimizes the
fugitive emissions. Road sweeping machine is used for roads cleaning inside the plant. 
Regular water spray is being carried out to control the secondary fugitive emissions.
Rainwater Harvesting the Company must harvest the rainwater from the rooftops and storm
water drains to recharge the ground water and use the same water for the various activities of
the project to conserve fresh water. Noise The overall noise levels in and around the plant
area shall be kept well within the standards (85 dBA) by providing noise control measures
including acoustic hoods, silencers, enclosures, etc. on all sources of noise generation. The

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ambient noise levels shall conform to the standards prescribed under Environmental
(Protection) Act, 1986 Rules, 1989 viz. 75 dBA (day time) 70 dBA (night time).

AVERAGE VALUES OF STACK MONITORING from Cement plant of 10,000MT /day


Location Sulphur dioxide (mg/N m3) Oxides of Nitrogen (mg/N

Min. Max. Avg. Min. Max.

Kiln – I 4.80 27.0 19.45 622 678

Kiln – II 2.30 29.0 20.58 613 654

Kiln – III 3.90 26.0 16.73 605 652 628.17
The permissible limit could be maintained by

Alternative Fuels In the past, cement producers have targeted specific fuel consumption as a
means of both improving the economy of operation as well as reducing CO2 emissions. Over
the last thirty years, the specific fuel consumption of cement manufacturing has decreased by
40%, which directly reduces the CO2 emission by the same magnitude. Furthermore, coal,
which is conventionally used for combustion, is increasingly being replaced by alternative
fuels like Municipal solid waste (MSW), rubber tires, dried sewage sludge, etc. In fact, it is
the industry’s best-kept secret that cement kilns are the last and best resort for recycling
almost any waste produced in human societies. Since the kiln combustion happens at 1500 C,
almost anything which has volatile matter could be burnt as an alternative fuel, and the burnt
ash is a beneficial additive for the cement end product.  Single-use plastics, which are
becoming a pressing issue for the environment lately, can be a very good candidate for
recycling in cement manufacturing. Additional research is needed to work out the intricate
details of such plastic recycling.
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Sustainable Alternatives and Governmental Incentives Substituting conventional coal with
alternative fuel achieves Twin benefits by removing harmful waste from the environment as
well as reducing process CO2 emissions in the cement kilns. The biggest stumbling block for
wider usage of alternate fuels is turning out to be the cost of transportation. Cement
manufacturing is a low margin process which cannot justify the added cost of transporting
waste over long distances. It is, in fact, not economically viable to transport waste over 200
km for burning in cement kilns, assuming cement is priced normally as is done now
Typically, governments have alleviated this issue by providing incentives to cement plants
that process waste as fuel. The incentives vary from a straightforward payment per ton of
waste burnt to the provisioning of carbon credits, which could be utilized towards the
mandated emission norms. Perhaps an additional way that should be looked at by the
governments is to encourage more private players in waste processing. Private players could
unlock more value in the waste streams by recovering useful minerals and transporting the
remaining in an efficient way to the cement plants. For cement plants, this would ensure a
stable and predictable supply of processed waste which is beneficial for their operation.
All recommendations made in the ‘Corporate Responsibility for Environment Protection
(CREP) for cement plants shall be implemented. Proper housekeeping and adequate
occupational health programmes shall be taken up A separate environmental management cell
to carry out various management and monitoring functions shall be set up under the control of
Senior Executive. The Regional Office of CPCB / SPCB shall monitor the stipulated
conditions. A six monthly compliance report and the monitored data along with statistical
interpretation shall be submitted to them regularly

CO2 Capture: Benefits and Barriers Nevertheless, in order to have a true zero-emission
cement plant, more work needs to be done. As mentioned earlier, cement produces CO2 as a
by-product, so, unless the CO2 is captured, stored or utilized, it is not possible to drastically
reduce the emissions from the cement plant, CO2 capture being the easiest part of the
process. There are ready solutions available that can capture the emitted CO2 from the
process: Oxyfuel combustion, chemical looping, all-electric process heating, etc. are some of
the technologies that are in various stages of development for carbon (CO2) capture. Storage
of the captured CO2 is slightly more complicated and, presently, the most viable option
seems to be the pumping of CO2 into used oil wells and other geological formations. The
utilization of captured CO2 into other beneficial minerals is still in its early stages. Zero CO2
Emission Establishing a market for CO2 is the most efficient way of calculating its cost.

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Initial steps along this line are already been taken in the form of carbon credits in the EU.
This needs to be made more universal with strong regulation and covering all sources of
carbon emission, both industrial and non-industrial. And this market should become global
with all countries partnering and becoming part of it. Alternatively, another localized solution
is possible if the cement manufacturer is allowed to realize its manufacturing price including
the cost of preventing CO2 emission. This could work by establishing a “green cement”
similar to organic vegetables, priced higher compared to the normal variety. The
manufacturer can market their “green cement” by highlighting the fact that “Zero CO2” is
emitted during its production, verified by a third-party. This can be bought by
environmentally conscious consumers who are willing to pay a higher price. Suitable
incentives from the government in the form of tax concessions/incentives towards the
construction of “greenhouses” can also go a long way in establishing the “green cement
market”. Either way, the challenge of sustainable cement manufacturing is not technological
but economic. The solution would be to re-align the economy by rewarding environmentally
sustainable products which will ensure that cement production becomes more sustainable in
the long run.


emissions from burning fossil fuels to heat the kiln can be reduced by switching to such as
natural gas, biomass and waste-derived fuels. These less carbon-intensive fuels could help
reduce almost a quarter of overall cement emissions from 2006 levels by 2050. Increasing
efficiency of the production process so as to reduce the demand for fuel through technical and
mechanical improvements will also help drastically reduce emissions. Steps such as switching
from in efficient wet to dry ones or regular preventive maintenance could help achieve
emission reductions of up to 40%. Reducing emissions from the calcination process means
looking for an alternative to limestone. Blended cement made up primarily of coal fly ash and
blast furnace slag replaces some of the limestone-based clinker with other materials. This
could help reduce CO2 emissions by as much as 20%, but widespread use of blended cement
is limited by other environmental regulations as these substitutes can contain toxic heavy
metals; the limited availability of substitute material; as well as some building code
restrictions since blended cement can take longer to set. The final method of containing CO2
emissions is after they are produced through carbon capture and storage. In addition to
traditional CCS methods, which are already employed in some power plants around the
world, concrete producers can explore using their own product as a sink for CO2. Through

Indian Institute of Chemical Engineers 54

the process of accelerated carbonation, CO2 penetrates concrete and reacts with calcium
hydroxide in the presence of water to form calcium carbonate; the result is stable, long-term
CO2 storage. As a mitigation technology, accelerated carbonation can be achieved by
exposing freshly mixed concrete to flue gases with high CO2 concentrations. (Rubenstein)

Case Study There are 28 companies out of 51 in the cement sector whose emission factor is
more than the India average per ton produced. If all of these companies improve their
efficiency using the various methods mentioned above, to at least the Indian average there
will be a savings of up to 10.41 Million TCO2e. In a potential best case scenario, if all the
other 50 companies perform at least as well as the best in class, i.e. Cochin Cement ltd. which
has an emission intensity of 0.46 TCO2e/ton of cement produced, approximately 71.21
Million TCO2e can be saved. Such sector specific and company specific understanding of
GHG intensities can be a useful tool for policy making in order to frame direct and target
based incentives which will be necessary if India is to achieve its goal of 20-25% emission
reduction over 2005 levels by 2020.


FORMULA: Emission factor (TCO2e/Ton cement produced) = Total emissions in FY / Total
amount of cement produced in FY

The graph below shows the emissions per ton of cement produced for each company as well
as the emission intensity of the various companies as compared to the India average of 0.85
TCO2e/ ton of cement produced. We can see that about 55% of the companies i.e. 28 out of
51 have emission intensities higher than the India average. Cochin Cement Ltd. has the
lowest emission factor of 0.46 TCO2e/ton while the company with the highest factor is Rishi
Cement Ltd. at 2.92 TCO2e/Ton cement. The range of the intensity with respect to the
average varies from 0.54 of Cochin Cement Ltd. to 1.97 of Rishi Cement Ltd.
4. Discussion:

Effects on Environment: These emissions are not only deteriorating air quality but also
degrading human health. Emissions have local and global environment impact resulting in
global warming, ozone depletion, acid rain, biodiversity loss, reduced crop productivity etc.
Effects on Human Health: Scientific evidence indicates that air pollution from the combustion
of fossil fuels causes a spectrum of health effects from allergy to death. The results of several

Indian Institute of Chemical Engineers 55

studies showed that these emissions are adversely affecting human health in a variety of
ways, like itchy eyes, respiratory diseases like tuberculosis, chest discomfort, chronic
bronchitis, asthma attacks, cardio-vascular diseases and even premature death.

Effects on Human health  CO : Respiratory trouble  CO2: Global warming  SO2:

Respiratory, corrosion, skin effect  PAH(Peroxyl Acetyl Hydrocarbon): Leucoma,
carcinogenic  CFC : Ozone layer depletion  NOx : Forms photochemical smog, at higher
concentrations causes leaf damage or affects the photosynthetic activities of plants and causes
respiratory problems in mammals.  Particulate matter: Lead pollution causes damage to the
nervous system, lung, kidney disease, toxic effect in human. Coal ash causes respiratory
trouble.  Asbestos particles: Asbestosis – a cancerous disease of the lungs.  SiO2:
Silicosis, a cancerous disease.  Hg: Brain & kidney damage.

Following ways we can minimise the effects of pollutants as follows for a Cement plant of
10,000MT /day Capacity to reduce the effect of pollutants.

Methods of NOx removal 1. Scrubbing i. Absorption by liquids ii. Adsorption by solids  2.

Catalytic decomposition and reduction: involves decomposition of nitric oxide to N2 & O2.
3. Non-catalytic reduction: At 900-1000C ammonia will reduce NOx concentrations to N2
without a catalyst. The ammonia is injected into a boiler to reduce NOx concentrations in the
boiler. Proper temperatures must be achieved in order to create a fuel-rich reburn zone. The
hydrocarbon radicals react with 4.NOx to reduce NOx to N2. This system can be used to
prevent NOx formation in the cement kiln. Control of VOC: 1. the condensation method
makes use of the fact that sufficiently low temperature causes gaseous hydrocarbons to
condense to liquids. 2. In scrubbing towers absorbing liquid absorb VOC by intimate mixing.

5. Control of SO2 emission 1. Fuel substitution 2. Fuel desulphurization 3. Removal of SO2

from effluent gases Removal of SO2 from effluent gases: 1. Regenerative alkaline absorption
2. No regenerative alkaline absorption 3.Regenerative organic absorption 4. Catalytic
oxidation or reduction 5.Regerative solid adsorption 6. Furnace injection. 6. Baghouse In
these control devices, polluted air is filtered through the bags. The bags are closed at the
bottom, and are exposed to a clean air chamber at the top. The bags are cleaned by short
bursts of pressured air. The bags contracts and snaps which releases the particulate layer.
Indian Institute of Chemical Engineers 56
Baghouses are used in cement production at the top of material storage silos and gas
separators. They help prevent any particulate matter escape the process. Anything collected in
the bag filters is simply release back into the process to be used in the cement making. A
Cement plant of 10,000MT /day Capacity always need such Bag house to reduce the effect
of pollutants.

7. Electrostatic Precipitator (ESP) ESP control devices ionize contaminated air flowing
between the electrodes. The charged particles (contaminants) travel to the oppositely charged
plates. The particles on the plates are removed. These particles can be dry dust or liquid
droplets (liquid droplets is more efficient). The particles that are removed from the plates are
knocked off to the bottom of the ESP. ESPs have high efficiency and low pressure drops.
These devices are used after the roller mill and after the cement kiln in the production of
cement to reduce emissions of particulate matter such as cement kiln dust. Often spray towers
are used before the ESP in order to moisten the particulates, increasing ESP efficiency. A
Cement plant of 10,000MT /day Capacity always need such ESP to reduce the effect of

Installation of In-situ Monitoring Devices SO2, NOx, and hydrocarbon emissions are
monitored using in-situ monitors. The readings are transmitted to the control room. The
control operator uses this information in order to adjust temperature or flow of the material in
order to reduce emissions. These devices are placed near the top of the cement kiln stack.

Steps to undertake 1. On-line continuous stack monitoring facilities for all the stacks and
adequate air pollution control systems shall be provided to keep emission levels below 50
mg/Nm3 and data submitted to the SPCB and CPCB regularly. ESP to kiln / raw mill, clinker
and CPP shall be provided to control air emissions. 2. Total water requirement from the
reservoir of abandoned mine pit shall not exceed 1,895 m3/day. No water from other surface
or ground water sources shall be used. All the treated wastewater shall be recycled and reused
in the process and/or for ash quenching, dust suppression, green belt development and other
plant related activities etc. No process wastewater shall be discharged outside the factory
premises and ‘zero’ discharge shall be adopted. Treated domestic effluent shall be used for
green belt development within the plant premises. 3. The fly ash from the power plant shall
be stored in silos and pneumatically transferred to the cement plant and used in the process
itself for manufacturing Pozollona Portland Cement (PPC). Bottom ash shall be disposed off
in abandoned mines or utilized in road making or given to brick kiln manufacturers. All the
cement dust collected from pollution control devices shall be recycled and reused in the
Indian Institute of Chemical Engineers 57
process and used for cement manufacturing. Sludge from domestic sources shall be used as
manure for green belt development. Waste oil shall be sold to authorized recyclers/
reprocessors only. 4. High calorific value hazardous waste shall be utilized in the cement kiln
from Ranga Reddy, Medak and Patancheru Districts. Alternate & Biomass fuels (Rice Husk,
Cotton Stalk, Black Carbon, Pet coke) are being used in the plant. 5. Out of total 425.89 acre,
green belt shall be developed in 216.09 acres (51%) as per the CPCB guidelines to mitigate
the effects of air emissions in consultation with local DFO. 6. Green Belt shall be developed
along the boundary of the cement plant. 7. Regular annual medical examination of all the
employees shall be carried out from the occupational health point of view and records should
be maintained. 8. The gaseous and particulate matter emissions from various units shall
conform to the standards prescribed by the Pollution Control Board. At no time, the
particulate emissions from the cement plant shall exceed SPCB limit. Interlocking facility
shall be provided in the pollution control equipment, so that in the event of the pollution
control equipment not working, the respective unit(s) is shut down automatically. 9. One
Ambient Air Quality Monitoring Station shall be installed in downwind direction. Ambient
air quality including ambient noise levels shall not exceed the standards stipulated under EPA
or by the State authorities. Monitoring of Ambient Air Quality and Stack Emissions shall be
carried out regularly in consultation with SPCB and report submitted to the SPCB quarterly
and to the Ministry’s Regional Office at Bangalore half-yearly. 10. The company shall install
adequate dust collection and extraction system to control fugitive dust emissions at various
transfer points, raw mill handling (unloading, conveying, transporting, stacking), vehicular
movement, bagging and packing areas, etc. Asphalting/concreting of road and water spray all
around the stockyard and loading / unloading areas shall be carried out to control fugitive
emissions. Covered sheds for storage of raw materials and pneumatic conveying system for
fly ash and bed ash for conveying ash from boiler shall be provided. Coal, cement, fly ash and
clinker shall be stored in silos. Adequate number of bag filters. Total Number of Pollution
Control Equipment is as follows: ESPs – 7, Bag Filters – 99. All the transfer points equipped
with bag filters. Dump hoppers are equipped with water sprinkler system. Venting systems
are available for pneumatic Conveying System. All the circuits are having venting system.
Truck mounted Water Spraying system arranged in the plant to control fugitive emissions.
Concrete roads were laid down. Covered Sheds are available for storing raw materials &
fuel. Pneumatic conveying system provided for fly ash from ESP to Fly ash Silo.
Storage silos are available for in process materials and finished products.

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CEMENT SUSTAINABILITY INITIATIVE (CSI) The report lists eight major topics that
have been shaping the cement industry's path toward a more sustainable future over the
following 20 years: i. Resource productivity: Improving eco-efficiency through improved
practices in quarrying, energy use and waste recovery and reuse; ii. Climate protection:
Understanding and managing CO2 emissions; iii. Emission reduction: Reducing dust from
quarrying, NOx, SOx, and other airborne pollutants from cement manufacture; iv. Ecological
Management: Improving land-use and landscape management practices; v. Employee
wellbeing: Managing and improving employee health, safety and satisfaction; vi. Community
well-being: Working more effectively with local communities; vii. Regional development:
Participating in regional affairs; viii. Shareholder value: Creating more value for shareholder

SUMMARY & CONCLUSION: It is well known act that air pollution is hazardous to
environment and human health. Due to infrastructure, developmental activities Cement
industry is flourishing & resulting in environmental degradation and in the degradation of
human health worldwide. The gaseous & particulate emissions from Cement plants are
degrading air quality & thus creating considerable environmental pollution especially air
pollution. A current trend in the field of cement production is the focus on low-energy
cements, utilization of waste in cement production and the associated reduction of CO2
emissions. Evaluation of cement impact to environment is a very important process. Impacts
related to global warming are due nearly exclusively to CO2, those for acidification are
mainly due to SOx (34%), NH3 (30%), N20 (17%), SO2 (13%) and NOx (6%) and impacts
for marine eco toxicity are essentially related to the emission of Fluorine and its inorganic
compounds (54%), barite and Barium (34%) and many heavy metals such as Vanadium (3%).
By adopting appropriate technology and computer modelling, industry will not only reduce
production waste but also comply with legislation to do with environmental protection,
control used for air and looks at how computer modelling can be adopted for the
classification, quantification and control of particulate matter; and how efficient energy use
can contribute to better air quality.

Indian Institute of Chemical Engineers 59



1. S K Mandal, S Madheswaran

Environmental efficiency of the Indian cement industry: An interstate analysis

Energy Policy, p. 1108 - 1118

Posted: 2010

2. R Rehan, M Nehdi

Carbon dioxide emissions and climate change: policy implications for the cement industry

Environmental Science & Policy, p. 105 - 114

Posted: 2005

3. Paliwal Ritu

EIA practice in India and its evaluation using SWOT analysis

Environmental impact assessment review, p. 492 - 510 Posted:


4. Ernst Worrell, Lynn, Nathan Price, Chris Martin, Leticia Hendriks, Ozawa, Meida

Carbon dioxide emissions from the global cement industry

Annual Review of Energy and the Environment, p. 303 - 329

Posted: 2001

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