Bloodied Hands and Bloodied Snows

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Chapter one

As the columns of tanks grind past Romulus stare into the gloom, his naturally
enhanced Space wolf senses picking out even the softest detail in the low light
environment of the night world, Vexatus ultra. The chaos forces on the planet were
ones he had seen before, 35 years ago on the snow world of Taranus XX. It was the
same group of Dark Mechanicus and the servants of those who detonated the device
that killed his pack.

Seeing something of interest he urges Blood’ forwards and dismounts, in the foliage
of the low shrubbery, he finds a discarded bolter, overgrown and covered in Chaos
livery. The pattern of the Bolter is old, Mk II at the latest, the clip is empty and the
weapons trigger mechanism is completely shot. Standing up he looks around with
interest, now that he is looking he realizes that there are many spend bolters and
flamers, also many close combat chainswords and power weapons, rusted and broken
in the undergrowth of the planet. He sweeps the dirt back from around the bolter and
his fingers brush something smooth and round, he digs down and unearths a full
shoulder pauldron of chaos, still bearing the livery of the Dark Mechanicus.

“This is definitely the place Blood” Romulus looks around, “we’ve found them at
last.” Romulus remounts Bloodmaw, and still holding the pauldron he moves over to
the head tank in the column. Reaching over he raps a hand on the side door of the
massive vehicle. The great tank moves over to the side of the path, crushing yet more
foliage beneath its tracks. The door swings open and a Tall figure, in imposing power
armour of incredibly old lineage, steps out of the tank. The Inquisitor lord Flarinus
Vren was a revered warrior of the Grey Knights chapter. His crusade against the
forces of chaos, and the daemons with them is legendary in itself. Reaching down
from Bloodmaw’s back Romulus hands the Inquisitor the Pauldron. “I found this
nearby; there are weapons and armour buried beneath the ground, none serviceable.
It’s a battle field.”
The inquisitor looks at the Pauldron for a long time, examining the heraldry, finally he
looks at Romulus, and hands him the Pauldron. “It appears you will finally get your
revenge brother, for the Emperor”
Romulus nods to the Inquisitor “Pro Totus Abbas, do you wish me to scout ahead?”
The inquisitor looks carefully around before speaking, “No that is the task of the
inquisitorial storm troopers, your role in this battle will come when our brothers in the
Battle barge, “Tide of Purity” teleport in their sacred tactical dreadnought armour,
down into the fortress, and you will be there to aid them in the final push for the

“As you command lord Vren, if you wish I will head the assault into the base.”
“No their heavy weapons will cut you down, you may wish for a glorious death
brother but that is suicide, there is nothing glorious in suicide.”
“You are right, I will await the breaching of the main walls before I begin my charge,
any word from the my brethren on the planet?”
“Yes the comm. came through just before you requested my audience, the wolf scouts
have infiltrated the enemy base and are planting charges around the citadel, the land
raiders of your great company along with the vindicator and predators are preparing to
siege the base, and five of your great company pack leader’s wolf guard packs are
ready to Storm the fortress, other forces are still approaching in rhinos, however the
long claws have set up fire points on one of the planets cliff walls, using the natural
overhang as cover, their razorbacks are also in position to fire upon the enemy.”
“And your forces?”
“The grey knights of my company are moving into position on the other side of the
fortress; it is only this column of heavy support that is missing from the breaching
lines. We are very nearly late, but I thank you for this new intelligence, it shows that
the defences on this planet have been tested before.”
“And what does that mean for us?”
“That we have a long battle ahead of us.”

The column of tanks continues forwards, grinding through the undergrowth of the
night worlds forests. Eventually they come to a great open plain, with armies of the
Emperor of main arrayed on all sides, Bloodmaw howls at the sight of so many
friendly people to play with after the battle, Romulus looks down at his old friend,
and thinks to himself “he still acts like a pup near armies..”

Drawing his weapon he reaches it into the air and yells the old Warcry of his company
Heads turn all around to the massive figure astride the even more massive
thunderwolf. As Romulus yells his war cry the hearts of all the loyal soldiers are
lifted, the flagging morale bolstered and the spirit of the emperor reinforced in all.

At about that moment the tanks begin to grind forwards, Vindicators pounding shell
after shell into the city walls heedless of the shots whistling and crackling around
them, Land raiders move forwards laying waste to enemy assault vehicles.

Out of the gloom a terrifying shape appears a defiler of the chaos forces. It upends a
land raider and rips it apart, the explosion sending ripples over the ground. A captain
turns to Romulus and yells “We need your aid great wolf rider”. Romulus sees his
duty and urges Bloodmaw forwards, the great wolf leaps up into the air and bounds
forwards, once they are in range of the defilers close combat arms the pair begin
evading the weapons in earnest, Bloodmaw traps one of the defilers flails in his mouth
and wrenches the daemon engine to the ground, using the distraction that Bloodmaw
caused Romulus leaps of Blood’s back and onto the main chassis.

Wrenching the top hatch of the defiler open he looks down into its chassis, inside is a
daemon of the warp, massive and coated in flowing runes, the bound daemon looks up
at him and screams in rage and pain, grimly Romulus unpins a grenade and drops it
into the chassis with the daemon, holding the hatch closed he feels the shudder as the
bomb explodes, quickly opening the hatch he plunges his sword up to its hilt in the
daemons flesh, the daemon screams briefly before it disappears into the warp.

Shuddering the Defiler crashes to the ground and Romulus is thrown clear, Bloodmaw
bounds over to him and Romulus climbs onto his back. Seeing the great engine
wrecked the surrounding inquisitorial storm troopers yell in delight as they see their
champion rise in triumph.

As the tanks widen the breach in the wall terrifying shapes materialize around the
vehicles, hulking fusions of flesh and steel lumber through the gloom, multiple
discharges of energy kicking out from their arcane weapons.
As the obliterators close with the tanks a group of Grey knights battle brothers close
with the enemy, several fall to bursts of plasma from the enemy but the grey knights
close with their foes and begin a bloody contest with the lethal Dark Mechanicus

Meanwhile Chaos terminators bearing chainfists and melta weaponry recover from
their deep strikes and begin to lay waste to the tanks of the imperium. Romulus
charges into this mass of powerful figures, his weapon desperately trying to find
purchase in their armoured forms, Bloodmaw however has no such issues carving
great furrows in the chest of a terminator and neatly biting the head off another.

The brutal fighting continues, as the last terminator and obliterator fall the tanks again
resume their baleful charge. Terrific cracks can be heard as a massive section of
ferrocrete wall collapses to the ground and a horde of chaos marines charge,
screaming war cries onto the battle field. From somewhere inside the walls a
lascannon burst rips through the land raider crusader that bears the revered inquisitor
lord. Romulus yells in shock as a great fireball engulfs the vehicle and a massive
shockwave rips out, throwing Grey knight and Chaos heretic to the ground alike.
Romulus manages to stay on Blood’s back as the wave hits him, all that is left of the
great tank is a smouldering crater.

Feeling the rage return inside his heart Romulus Bellows his Warcry and charges
towards his foes, cutting down marine after marine, the chaos warriors cannot stand
against the fury of the Space wolf. Grimly however the marines fight on, finally
managing to knock Romulus from Bloodmaw’s back, as a champion of chaos
wielding a great power sword prepares to deliver the fatal blow Romulus prays to the
all father in supplication and desperation for salvation. His prayer is answered. From
behind the Champion of Chaos half a dozen Imperial storm troopers open up with
hellguns, the Champion collapses to the ground with his back ripped to shreds.

Standing Romulus thanks the storm troopers and together they begin to fight their
way across the courtyard, Bloodmaw joins them, the team unstoppable. When they
reach the citadel several companies of Grey knights terminators deep strike in
teleporters, appearing around them. The Space wolf, Wolf guard also appear out of
the gloom, hailing Romulus gladly and respectfully greeting the Grey knights. After
greeting their counterparts the Grey knights turn to Romulus, the apparent leader of
their force speaks to him. “Noble Lone Wolf, honoured brother, our holy tactical
dreadnought armour can protect us from the evils of these halls but you are bare in
you defence, apart from your holy armour, let us bestow a Stormshield upon you to
make your journey easier through this keep.”
Romulus dips his head and dismounts, “it would be an honour great Knight, do you
have such an artefact upon your person that I may receive in the name of the
“Indeed I do brother” The terminator clad warrior takes a spare Stormshield from his
belt holster and gives it to the Space wolf. “May this protect you in times of need”
Romulus takes the Shield reverentially, Blessing it briefly with a prayer to the
Allfather he straps it to his arm.

Romulus swings back up onto Bloodmaw and yells his battle cry, “For the black
The ten terminators Spread out in a V Romulus and Bloodmaw in the middle with
advancing Terminators on all sides, any enemy that charged the group would be
funnelled into the jaws of Bloodmaw. In this way the party advances up the steps and
into the keep, a momentary halt as a lascannon targets the doors and rips them
asunder. Then the group moves inside.

The interior of the fortress keep is a maze of daemonic hallways and unholy
desecration. One of the terminators lays waste to the walls and floor as the group
passes, his holy incinerator purifying the ground as the group moved over it, the
squads Psyker then calms the flames in the path of the warriors to allow them passage.


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