Control de Un Motor DC

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1 // 

Dc motor control with PIC18F4550 and L293D CCS C code
3 #include <18F4550.h>
4 #device ADC = 10
6 #use delay(clock = 8000000)
7 #use fast_io(B)
8 #use fast_io(C)
10 unsigned int16 i ;
11 void main(){
12   setup_oscillator(OSC_8MHZ);            // Set internal oscillator to 8MHz
13   output_b(0);                           // PORTB initial state
14   set_tris_b(7);                         // Configure RB0, RB1 & RB2 as inputs
15   output_c(0);                           // PORTC initial state
16   set_tris_c(0);                         // Configure PORTC pins as outputs
17   output_d(0);                           // PORTD initial state
18   set_tris_d(0);                         // Configure PORTD pins as outputs
19   setup_adc(ADC_CLOCK_DIV_8);            // Set ADC conversion time to 8Tosc
20   setup_adc_ports(AN0);                  // Configure AN0 as analog input
21   set_adc_channel(0);                    // Select channel AN0
22   setup_timer_2(T2_DIV_BY_16, 255, 1);   // Set PWM frequency to 500Hz
23   delay_ms(100);                         // Wait 100ms
24   while(TRUE){
25     i = read_adc();                      // Read from AN0 and store in i
26     if(input(PIN_B3) == 1)               // If direction 1 is selected
27       set_pwm1_duty(i);                  // Set pwm1 duty cycle
28     if(input(PIN_B4) == 1)               // If direction 2 is selected
29       set_pwm2_duty(i);                  // Set pwm2 duty cycle
30     delay_ms(10);                        // Wait 10ms
31     if(input(PIN_B0) == 0){              // If RB0 button pressed
32       if(input(PIN_B3) == 0){            // If direction 1 not already selected
33         output_b(0);                     // Both LEDs OFF
34         setup_ccp1(CCP_OFF);             // CCP1 OFF
35         setup_ccp2(CCP_OFF);             // CCP2 OFF
36         output_c(0);                     // PORTC pins low
37         delay_ms(100);                   // Wait 100ms
38         setup_ccp1(CCP_PWM);             // Configure CCP1 as a PWM
39         output_high(PIN_B3);             // RB3 LED ON
40         }}
41     if(input(PIN_B1) == 0){              // If RB1 button pressed
42       if(input(PIN_B4) == 0){            // If direction 2 not already selected
43         output_b(0);                     // Both LEDs OFF
44         setup_ccp1(CCP_OFF);             // CCP1 OFF
45         setup_ccp2(CCP_OFF);             // CCP2 OFF
46         output_c(0);                     // PORTC pins low
47         delay_ms(100);                   // Wait 100ms
48         setup_ccp2(CCP_PWM);             // Configure CCP2 as a PWM
49         output_high(PIN_B4);             // RB4 LED ON
50         }}
51     if(input(PIN_B2) == 0){              // If RB2 button pressed
52       setup_ccp1(CCP_OFF);               // CCP1 OFF
53       setup_ccp2(CCP_OFF);               // CCP2 OFF
54       output_c(0);                       // PORTC pins low
55       output_b(0);}                      // Both LEDs OFF
56    }
57 }

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