Python Notes
Python Notes
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The print statement is always followed by parentheses
containing the output we want to generate.
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Python code contains lots of references to Monty
Python. So you’ll see "spam" and "eggs" used as
placeholder variables
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See the spaces around the plus and minus signs? The
code would work without them–but they make it a lot
easier to read.
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Using a single slash to divide numbers produces a
decimal (or float, as it’s known programming). We'll
dive into floats in the next lesson.
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A float can be added to an integer, because Python
automatically converts the integer to a float. Clever
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You can also use floor division on floats, and the result
will always be a float.
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The delimiter (" or ') used for a string doesn't affect
how it behaves in any way.
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Backslashes that we use for escaping, don’t get
displayed in the output.
To create a new line we use \n.
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Based on what we just learned, can you guess how we
represent tab? That’s right, it’s \t.
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But don’t try to add a string to a number! Even though
they might look similar, they are two different entities,
so doing this will break the code and produce an error
Multiplying a string by an integer, produces a repeated
version of the original string.
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But don’t try to multiply a string by another string. This
will just generate an error. The same will happen if you
try to multiply a string by a float, even if the float is a
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But Beware! Overwriting the same variable with
different data types is not good practice. To avoid
mistakes, try to avoid doing it.
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Even if the user enters a number as input, it’s
processed as a string.
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When the input() function executes the program flow
stops until a user enters some value. Ball’s in your
court user!
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Be careful not to confuse assignment (one equals sign)
with comparison (two equals signs).
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Comparison operators are also called Relational
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Python uses indentation (that empty space at the
beginning of a line) to delimit blocks of code.
Depending on the program's logic, indentation can be
mandatory. As you can see, the statements in the if
should be indented.
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The colon at the end of the expression in the if
statement is important, don’t leave it out.
Like if x>4:
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Indentation is used to define the level of nesting
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The colon at the end else keyword is important, don’t
leave it out.
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Indentation determines which if/else statements the
code blocks belong to.
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The elif statement is equivalent to an else/if
statement. It’s used to make the code shorter, more
readable, and avoid indentation increase.
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str(x) is used to convert the number x to a string, so
that it can be used for concatenation.
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The string "Hello" can be thought of as a list, where
each character is an item in the list. The first item is
"H", the second item is "e", and so on.
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The in operator is also used to determine whether or
not a string is a substring of another string.
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Similar to while loops, the break and continue
statements can be used in for loops, to stop the loop
or jump to the next iteration.
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Remember, the second argument is not included in the
range, so range(3, 8) won’t include the number 8.
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Want to go backward? No problem! We can also create
a list of decreasing numbers, using a negative number
as the third argument, for example list(range(20, 5,