FPFF Question Bank-1 PDF

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Question 1 (1 Mark) Validates to TDMMF5507A – 1a Element

A fire started by spontaneous combustion can be expected in:
• oily rags or stained clothing incorrectly stowed
• clothing stored in contact with an electric light globe
• fats and oils on the galley stove
• paint, varnish and cleaning materials stored in the bosun’s locker
Question 2 (1 Mark) Validates to TDMMF5507A – 1a Element
A common cause of fires in accommodation spaces is:
• drawers and cupboards stuffed with clothing
• water leakage onto personal electrical devices
• not having enough fire detectors in cabins
• careless disposal of cigarettes and matches
Question 3 (1 Mark) Validates to TDMMF5507A – 1a Element
Small quantities of flammable cleaning materials needed at a worksite should be:
• kept in a metal container with a tight lid
• firmly capped and stowed with the tools overnight
• used only on instructions from the master
• used only when a suitable extinguisher or charged fire hose is available
Question 4 (1 Mark) Validates to TDMMF5507A – 1a Element
Structural fire protection refers to the passive measures taken to:
• provide a vessel with a sprinkler system
• provide a vessel with fire fighting equipment
• limit the risk and spread of fire
• limit the size of the engine room

Question 5 (1 Mark) Validates to TDMMF5507A – 1b Element

A number of fires have occurred as a result of welding onboard. The heat caused by the welding
activity is usually transferred by a process known as:
• conduction
• radiation
• irradiation
• convection
Question 6 (1 Mark) Validates to TDMMF5507A – 1b Element
When refuelling, the following precautions should be observed:
• only refill tanks which are less than quarter full.
• mooring lines must be tightened up.
• vessel should be listed away from the jetty.
• no smoking during refuelling.
Question 7 (1 Mark) Validates to TDMMF5507A – 1c Element
The type of fire detection system, which reacts to the visible and invisible products of combustion is
known as:
• a flame detector
• a thermal detector
• a photo-electric detector
• an ionisation detector
Question 8 (1 Mark) Validates to TDMMF5507A – 1c Element
Fires can be caused on board a vessel by:
• a high DC power supply
• low batteries
• a low AC power supply
• faulty electrical leads
Question 9 (1 Mark) Validates to TDMMF5507A – 1c Element
The type of fire detection system, which reacts to the visible smoke produced in the early stages of
certain types of fire is known as:
• a thermal detector
• an ionisation detector
• a flame detector
• a photo-electric detector
Question 10 (1 Mark) Validates to TDMMF5507A – 2a Element
Violent flames and heavy black smoke is typical of which sort of fire:
• wood fire
• paper fire
• fuel oil fire
• electrical fire
Question 11 (1 Mark) Validates to TDMMF5507A – 2b Element
A water extinguisher is most effective against fires of Class:
• A
• E
• B
• C
Question 12 (1 Mark) Validates to TDMMF5507A – 2c Element
Suspecting that fire may be smouldering in a compartment, you would:
a. grab any extinguisher and get to the fire without delay
b. leave it for the skipper to inspect
c. activate the fixed firefighting system
d. get an extinguisher and if the door felt cool, inspect with caution

Question 13 (1 Mark) Validates to TDMMF5507A – 2d Element

In the event of a small waste pare bin fire, you would:
• empty it on the floor and stamp on it
• cover it with a damp towel
• roll out the fire hose to extinguish it
• pick it up and run through the accommodation to the outer decks
Question 14 (1 Mark) Validates to TDMMF5507A – 2e Element
The common alarm signal for a fire emergency is:
a. continuous ringing of a bell
b. one prolonged blast on the ships horn
c. one short blast and one prolonged blast at least three times
d. seven short blasts and one prolonged blast
Question 15 (1 Mark) Validates to TDMMF5507A – 2f Element
A CO2 extinguisher is most effective against fires of Class:
• A
• E
• B
• C
Question 16 (1 Mark) Validates to TDMMF5507A – 2g Element
Communications between member of a fire fighting team:
• must be by hand signal to avoid smoke inhalation
• are not possible when using breathing apparatus
• must be clear, detailed, acknowledged and timely
• must be clear, concise, acknowledged and timely

Question 17 (1 Mark) Validates to TDMMF5507A – 3a Element

A chip pan fire in the galley would be classified as
• D
• C
• F
• B
Question 18 (1 Mark) Validates to TDMMF5507A – 3a Element
The following classes of fire would be most likely to be seen in the machinery space of a vessel
• classes A & B
• classes B & D
• classes C & D
• classes A & D
Question 19 (1 Mark) Validates to TDMMF5507A – 3a Element
A class C fire would involve:
• combustible gas.
• fuel oil.
• electrical insulation.
• wood.
Question 20 (1 Mark) Validates to TDMMF5507A – 3b Element
Water extinguishers are colour coded:
• Red.
• Blue.
• White.
• Black.

Question 21 (1 Mark) Validates to TDMMF5507A – 3b Element

Which of the following colours is used to indicate a foam Fire Extinguisher?
• Red and Yellow band.
• Red.
• Red and blue band.
• Red and black band.
Question 22 (1 Mark) Validates to TDMMF5507A – 3b Element
Extinguishers are carried on commercial vessels because:
• the fire brigade requires them
• the owner thinks it would be wise
• the maritime authorities require it
• the owners insurance company insists on it
Question 23 (1 Mark) Validates to TDMMF5507A – 3c Element
To extinguish a fire in a chip pan in the galley, you would:
a. use the fire hose
b. throw water over it
c. use the fire blanket
d. allow it to burn out on its own
Question 24 (1 Mark) Validates to TDMMF5507A – 3d Element
After you have used the fire hose in a drill, you should:
a. replace it in its storage box immediately
b. dry it thoroughly before restowing
c. have the maritime authorities survey it and replace the tags
d. leave it for the engineer to deal with

Question 25 (1 Mark) Validates to TDMMF5507A – 4a Element

A once used or partly used an extinguisher should be:
• stood up in a convenient corner and labelled ‘Recharge’.
• returned to the service depot on return to port.
• laid on it’s side to indicate it requires recharging.
• hung back on its bracket to await the next inspection.
Question 26 (1 Mark) Validates to TDMMF5507A – 4b Element
Fighting a chemical fire signed with 2RE from the hazchem code requires the precaution of:
• full body protective clothing with breathing apparatus
• no protective safety dress
• breathing apparatus with protective gloves in the case of smoke
• breathing apparatus with protective gloves
Question 27 (1 Mark) Validates to TDMMF5507A – 4c Element
The sides of the fire tetrahedron are:
• heat, oxygen, nitrogen, chemical reaction
• heat, oxygen, flame, chemical reaction
• fuel, nitrogen, oxygen, chemical reaction
• fuel, oxygen, heat, chain reaction
Question 28 (1 Mark) Validates to TDMMF5507A – 4d Element
Which of the following coloured extinguisher would you use for a diesel fire?
• Red and oatmeal band
• Red
• Red and blue band.
• Red and white band

Question 29 (1 Mark) Validates to TDMMF5507A – 4e Element

If the fire was in a compartment and attacked by smothering, the crew should:
• allow the compartment to cool before entering.
• enter the compartment immediately to ensure that the fire is out.
• await the return to port before entering
• open all vents and valves to allow normal operation
Question 30 (1 Mark) Validates to TDMMF5507A – 4f Element
The correct sequence for fire fighting is:
• find the fire, inspect/isolate the fire, report the fire, extinguish the fire
• extinguish the fire, find the fire, inspect/isolate the fire, report the fire
• find the fire, report the fire, extinguish the fire, inspect/isolate the fire
• find the fire, report the fire, inspect/isolate the fire, extinguish the fire,
Question 31 (1 Mark) Validates to TDMMF5507A – 4g Element
The best extinguisher for use on a cooking fat fire is a:
• dry powder extinguisher
• wet chemical extinguisher
• water extinguisher
• carbon dioxide extinguisher
Question 32 (1 Mark) Validates to TDMMF5507A – 4g Element
The best portable extinguisher for a vessel’s engine room is
• water
• foam
• wet chemical
• dry chemical

Question 33 (1 Mark) Validates to TDMMF5507A – 4g Element

The portable extinguisher designed for use on almost all classes of fire is a:
• dry chemical extinguisher
• water extinguisher
• foam extinguisher
• wet chemical extinguisher
Question 34 (1 Mark) Validates to TDMMF5507A – 4h Element
In the restricted visibility encountered in an accommodation fire, you would:
• carry a torch
• stand up straight to keep your head above the smoke.
• use a fan to blow away the smoke and flames
• rig lifelines to assist a retreat
Question 35 (1 Mark) Validates to TDMMF5507A – 4i Element
It is usually necessary to close the ventilation to a compartment where a fire is burning to:
• allow the smoke to blanket the fire
• prevent additional oxygen from reaching the fire
• protect firefighters from smoke
• extinguish the fire by carbon monoxide smothering
Question 36 (1 Mark) Validates to TDMMF5507A – 4k Element
It is necessary to keep closed the hatches or doors to a compartment after a fire has been
contained to:
• to avoid the smell
• prevent additional carbon dioxide from reaching the fire
• protect firefighters from smoke
• to prevent re-ignition

Question 37 (1 Mark) Validates to TDMMF5507A – 4l Element

A serious fire has been isolated in the engine room, you would:
• wait for it to burn itself out
• open the vents to let the smoke out
• spray cooling water on bulkheads of the adjacent compartments
• enter to extinguish the fire with a water extinguisher
Question 38 (1 Mark) Validates to TDMMF5507A – 4m Element
By evacuating a compartment and sealing it off, the side of the fire tetrahedron which you are
removing is the
• chain reaction
• oxygen
• fuel
• heat

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