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TEST 1 - 2021

I. Choose the word (A, B, C, D) whose underlined part is pronounced differently from the others.
1. A. plumber B. balloon C. abroad D. garbage
2. A. celebrate B. ancient C. volcanic D. label
II. Choose the word (A, B, C or D) that has different stress from that of the rest.
3. A. Chinese B. throughout C. although D. currency
4. A. modernize B. alternative C. dynamite D. pesticides
III. Choose the word / phrase (A, B, C or D) that best fits the space in each sentence. (2.5
1. __________ the tornado hit, there was very little left standing.
A. Despite B. Although C. Before D. After
2. I had an uncle in Germany, ______ I inherited a bit of money from.
A. where B. whose C. that D. whom
3. ______ housing isn’t enough – we also need job opportunities.
A. Exciting B. Affordable C. Immediate D. Technical
4. She sat in the dentist's waiting room, nervously chewing ______ her nails.
A. at B. in C. by D. over
5. Caroline sometimes ______ the facts, so don’t believe every word she says.
A. replaces B. approachs C. prepares D. embroiders
6. For me, my mom is __________ person in the world.
A. the greatest B. greatest C. the greater D. greater
7. Many of the 200,000 graduate job ______ this year may struggle to find satisfactory
A. finders B. fighters C. hunters D. searchers
8. The teacher asked the girl if she __________ her homework.
A. had done B. have done C. had doing D. have doing
9. - Thanh: “Thank you for your help.” - Giang: “______”
A. You’re welcome. B. You’re number one.
C. You bet it. D. You can say that again.
10. - Linh: “______” - Lan: “She’s singing a song about Uncle Ho.”
A. What is the song about? B. Is that song about Uncle Ho?
C. What is she singing? D. Why is she singing?
IV. Look at the signs, choose the best answer (A, B, C or D) for questions 11 and 12. (0.5 pt)
11. What does the sign (A) say?
A. Maximum 40 vehicles are allowed on this road.
(A) B. You shouldn’t exceed this maximum speed.
C. Minimum 40 vehicles are allowed on this road.
D. You shouldn’t move below this speed.
(B) 12. What does the sign (B) say?
A. You can turn left ahead only.
B. Only vehicles turning left should move.
C. You are not allowed to turn left.
D. No vehicles turning left ahead.
V. Read the following passage. Decide if the statements from 13 to 16 are True or
Plastics is the term commonly used to describe a wide range of synthetic or semi-
synthetic materials that are used in a huge and growing range of applications. Everywhere
you look, you will find plastics. We use plastic products to help make our lives cleaner,
easier, safer and more enjoyable. We find plastics in the clothes we wear, the houses we live
in, and the cars we travel in. The toys we play with, the televisions we watch, the computers
we use and the DVDs we watch all contain plastics.
Plastics are organic materials, just like wood, paper or wool. The raw materials used to
produce plastics are natural products such as cellulose, coal, natural gas, salt and, of course,
crude oil. Plastics have become the modern material of choice because they make it possible
to balance today’s needs with environmental concerns.
The term “plastic” is derived from the Greek word “plastikos”, meaning fit for moulding.
This refers to the material’s malleability, or plasticity during manufacture, which allows it to be
cast, pressed, or extruded into a variety of shapes - such as films, fibres, plates, tubes,
bottles, boxes, and much more.
13. Plastics is the term describing a wide range of synthetic materials only.
14. We find plastics everywhere except the clothes we wear.
15. Cellulose, coal, natural gas, salt and crude oil can be used to produce plastics.
16. The word “plastic” in English has its origin in Greek.
17. What is the passage mainly about?
A. Synthetic or semi-synthetic materials
B. Plastic products in everyday life
C. General understanding of plastics
D. Raw materials used to produce plastics
18. What allows plastic to be cast, pressed, or extruded into a variety of shapes?
A. Its high boiling point B. Its toughness
C. Its cellulose origin D. Its malleability
VI.Choose the word (A, B, C or D) that best fits the blank space in the following passage. (1.5 pts)
On March 11, 2020, the World Health Organization announced that the COVID-19 virus
was officially a pandemic after barreling through 114 countries in three months and (19)
______ over 118,000 people. And the spread wasn’t anywhere near finished.
COVID-19 is caused by a (20) ______ coronavirus—a new coronavirus strain that has
not been previously found in people. Symptoms include respiratory problems, fever and
cough, and can lead to pneumonia and death. Like SARS, it’s (21) ______ through droplets
from sneezes.The first reported case in China appeared November 17, 2019, in the Hubei
Province, but went unrecognized. Eight more (22) ______ appeared in December with
researchers pointing to an unknown virus. Many learned about COVID-19 when
ophthalmologist Dr. Li Wenliang defied government (23) ______ and released safety
information to other doctors. The following day, China informed WHO and charged Li with a
crime. Li died from COVID-19 just over a month later.Without a vaccine (24) ______, the
virus spread beyond Chinese borders and by mid-March, it had spread globally to more than
163 countries. On February 11, the infection was officially christened COVID-19.
19. A. infecting B. abusing C. pressing D. finishing
20. A. stable B. novel C. unsure D. broken
21. A. revealed B. exposed C. gathered D. spread
22. A. regions B. items C. cases D. sites
23. A. sentences B. orders C. alphabets D. letters
24. A. available B. affordable C. unnatural D. precious
VII. Use the correct form of the word given in each sentence. (1.5 pts)
25. It is thought that they worked in collusion with the ________ network. [terror]
26. The best films are those which transcend national or ________ barriers. [culture]
27. Continue under the ________ and turn right at the traffic lights. [pass]
28. I’d been waiting for twenty minutes and I was getting ________. [patient]
29. These suits have ________ names and a price ticket for information. [design]
30. Mix two tablespoons of sugar, or ________ honey, into the mixture. [alternate]
VIII. Rearrange the groups of words in a correct order to make complete sentences. (0.5 pt)
31. because they are/ Plastic bags/ to dissolve/ will cause pollution/ very hard/./
32. know more about/ and countries/ We learn/ in order to/ foreign languages/ other people/./
31. Plastic bags _____________________________________________________________
32. We learn ________________________________________________________________
IX. Rewrite each of the following sentences in another way so that it means almost the
33. I haven’t gone to the theatre for three weeks.
→ The last time ______________________________________
34. It took Tom one hour to travel to his hometown last week.
→ Tom spent ________________________________________
35. Alcohol is bad for our health, so are cigarettes.
→ Both _____________________________________________
36. Staying at home is better than going out in this rainy weather.
→ I’d rather __________________________________________

TESST 2 - 2021
I. Choose the word (A, B, C, D) whose underlined part is pronounced differently from the others.
5. A. cyclone B. physical C. dynamite D. typhoon
6. A. liked B. stopped C. used D. watched
II. Choose the word (A, B, C or D) that has different stress from that of the rest.
7. A. complusory B. priority C. environmental D. enormous
8. A. effective B. necessity C. inform D. primary
III. Choose the word / phrase (A, B, C or D) that best fits the space in each sentence. (2.5
1. The book, ______ is now out of print, has all the information you need.
A. that B. who C. whom D. which
2. We want to ______ the characters of the town while improving the facilities.
A. submit B. extend C. preserve D. deliver
3. Turn left ______ the traffic lights, and you'll see the hospital straight ahead.
A. on B. for C. at D. of
4. People's voting habits are influenced by political, social and economic ______ .
A. factors B. career C. mission D. accent
5. When George died, he and Anne __________ married for nearly fifty years.
A. had been B. have been C. has been D. have to be
6. The area has become a haven for people tired of the ______ pace of city life.
A. plastic B. direct C. hectic D. distinct
7. We have to continue to try ________ more about this.
A. learnt B. to learning C. to learn D. learn
8. __________ twenty years, he still had feelings for her.
A. After B. When C. Before D. Where
9. - Nam: “How about going camping this Sunday?” - John: “______”
A. That’s a good idea. B. Never mind.
C. The same to you. D. Have a nice weekend.
10. - Nam: “______” - Minh: “It’s awesome but too expensive.”
A. This car isn’t expensive. B. Do you think this new car good?
C. Why do you think this car is good? D. What do you think about this new car?
II. Look at the signs, choose the best answer (A, B, C or D) for questions 11 and 12. (0.5 pt)
11. What does the sign say?
A. No cycling is allowed.
(A) B. You should be careful as there are cyclists ahead.
C. Only cycling is allowed.
D. Cyclists are allowed to move first.
(B) 12. What does the sign say?
A. Vehicles of more than 30 tons are not allowed.
B. You should move below this minimum speed.
C. Vehicles of less than 30 tons are not allowed.
D. You shouldn’t move below this minimum speed.
III. Read the following passage. Decide if the statements from 13 to 16 are True or
People often call English the international language of business, and it is increasingly
true as international trade expands every year, bringing new countries into contact. Many of
the best MBA programs are taught in English, so speaking it well can put you in a position to
get the best training and credentials. Most multinational companies require a certain degree
of English proficiency from potential employees, so to get a position with a top company,
more and more people are learning English.
If your ambitions lie in science or medicine, you cannot neglect English either. Much of
the technical terminology is based on English words, and if you want to learn about the latest
developments and discoveries from around the world, you’ll read about them in journals and
research reports published in English, no matter whether the scientists who wrote them are
from China or Norway. And, of course, with good conversational English, you’ll be able to
network and make important contacts at conferences and seminars.
13. International trade expansion every year makes English more important.
14. More and more people are learning English to be the owner of top companies.
15. English is also important in science or medicine.
16. Journals and research reports written by scientists from China are in Chinese.
17. What is the passage mainly about?
A. The importance of English B. The international language of business
C. English and multinational companies D. English technical terminology
18. You’ll be able to network and make important contacts with ______.
A. ability to write Chinese B. ability to speak Norwegian
C. good conversational English D. research reports published in English
IV. Choose the word (A, B, C or D) that best fits the blank space in the following passage. (1.5
Science and technology (S&T) capabilities are fundamental for social and economic
progress in developing countries; for example, in the health (19) ______ , scientific research
led to the development and introduction of oral rehydration therapy, which became the
cornerstone of international (20) ______ to control diarrheal diseases. Research also
established that two cents worth of vitamin A given to children every six months could (21)
______ child mortality in many countries by over one-third. In agriculture, rice-wheat rotation
techniques have significantly enhanced food production in South Asia. In Central America,
scientifically based natural resource management has been essential in developing the
tourist (22) ______ , a major source of foreign currency.
International programs based on S&T are critical components of U.S. foreign policy, and
particularly foreign assistance activities. Foreign assistance, probably more than any other
international endeavor, (23) ______ opportunities for representatives of the U.S. government
and its partners to join with political and economic leaders, intellectuals, and activists of
dozens of countries in continuing, constructive dialogues and in concrete projects designed
to enhance the quality of life of hundreds of millions of people. S&T are often the keystones
for (24) ______ projects. The shared political and economic dividends from these activities
can be enormous.
19. A. sector B. area C. region D. item
20. A. nations B. sessions C. owners D. efforts
21. A. mention B. reduce C. survey D. conflict
22. A. career B. branch C. industry D. agriculture
23. A. surround B. provides C. combines D. impresses
24. A. friendly B. beautiful C. delicate D. successful
V. Use the correct form of the word given in each sentence. (1.5 pts)
25. All the candidates had excellent ________ credentials. [academy]
26. The tower blocks made a huge ________ impact on the skyline. [vision]
27. I like everything about summer - the light, the __________, the clothes - the whole
caboodle. [warm]
28. It is __________ to drive a car that is not registered and insured. [legal]
29. He's a good teacher but inclined to be a bit __________ with slow learners. [patience]
30. It is a form of anaemia which is nearly always fatal if left __________. [treat]
VI. Rearrange the groups of words in a correct order to make complete sentences. (0.5 pt)
31. eating meat/ the restaurant/ We go to/ whenever we’re tired of/ for vegetarians/./
32. they receive/ if they are not/ Consummers should complain/ the service/ satisfied with/./
31. We go to ________________________________________________________________
32. Consumers should complain ________________________________________________
VII. Rewrite each of the following sentences in another way so that it means almost the
33. The teacher has invited all the students in the class.
→ All the students in the class ___________________________
34. “Why do you like this job?” Tom said to me.
→ Tom asked me _____________________________________
35. She cannot lift the table because she is not strong enough.
→ If ________________________________________________
36. Because his bike was broken, he arrived late for the concert.
→ Because of ________________________________________


TESST 3 - 2021
I. Choose the word (A, B, C, D) whose underlined part is pronounced differently from the others.
9. A. prohibition B. question C. conservation D. respiration
10. A. oceanic B. creature D. consumer D. category
II. Choose the word (A, B, C or D) that has different stress from that of the rest.
11. A. earthquake B. unique C. prepare D. abrupt
12. A. innovation B. population C. prohibition D. television
III. Choose the word / phrase (A, B, C or D) that best fits the space in each sentence. (2.5
1. My grandma remembers the time ______ radio shows were popular.
A. who B. which C. when D. where
2. The background depicts a worker ______ metal in a foundry's workshop.
A. marinating B. steaming C. casting D. operating
3. The state of Michigan has endowed three institutes to ______ research for industry.
A. act B. do C. order D. list
4. Please leave your key ______ the reception desk on your departure from the hotel.
A. around B. at C. with D. into
5. Born in Calcutta, Murray spent most of her childhood and ______ in India.
A. adolescence B. contestant C. life skill D. metropolitan
6. Since winter is coming, I think I'll knit a warm sweater __________ I'm always cold.
A. when B. although C. because D. because of
7. She did not want to move. She __________ in Liverpool all her life.
A. lived B. has lived C. had been lived D. had lived
8. That is the first time I ________ you get angry.
A. has seen B. have seen C. saw D. see
9. - Bob: “Have a nice weekend!” - Nam: “______”
A. I will have. B. I don’t know.
C. I’m not sure. D. The same to you.
10. - Mr. Quang: “______” - His wife: “It’s a holiday. You don’t notice this?”
A. When will they go to school? B. Why don’t kids go to school today?
C. Is it a holiday? D. They are going to school.
IV. Look at the signs, choose the best answer (A, B, C or D) for questions 11 and 12. (0.5 pt)
11. What does the sign (A) say?
A. Traffic on all roads should give way to you
(A) B. You mustn’t give way to any vehicles.
C. You should give way to traffic on major road.
D. You should move before other vehicles.
12. What does the sign (B) say?
A. You should be careful of vehicles from a mini-
B. There is a mini-roundabout ahead.
C. There are many vehicles from a mini-roundabout.
D. There is no mini-roundabout ahead.
III. Read the following passage. Decide if the statements from 13 to 16 are True or
The boom in native population in the early 19th century in the US was even more
remarkable considering the low life expectancies of the time. By one estimate, a white man
who had reached his 20th birthday could expect to live just another 19 years. A white woman
at 20 would live, on average, only a total of 38.8 years. If measuring from birth, which
counted infant mortality, life expectancy would have been even lower. A white family in the
early 19th century would typically have seven or eight children, but one would die by age one
and another before age 21. And, of course, for slaves, childhood deaths were higher and life
expectancy was even lower. About one in three African American children died, and only half
lived to adulthood.
Disease was rampant during this time. During the War of 1812, which concluded in
1815, more soldiers died from disease than from fighting. The main causes of death for
adults during this period were malaria and tuberculosis, while children most commonly died
from measles, mumps, and whooping cough, all preventable today.
13. The low life expectancies made the boom in native population more remarkable.
14. A white woman at 20 would live another 19 years.
15. There were normally more than 8 children in a white family in the early 19th century.
16. Only 50% of African American children lived to adulthood.
17. What is the passage mainly about?
A. The number of birthdays a man has
B. The number of children white families have
C. Life expectancy in the 1800s
D. Average age of woman in the past
18. The main causes of death for adults during this period were ______.
A. diseases B. hard work C. fighting D. hunger
IV. Choose the word (A, B, C or D) that best fits the blank space in the following passage. (1.5
The parent rock of Wales is dominated by strata (19) ______ from Precambrian time to
representatives of the Jurassic Period. However, glaciers during the Pleistocene blanketed
most of the landscape with till, scraped up and carried along by the (20) ______ of the great
ice sheets, so that few soils can now be directly related to their parent rock. Acidic, leached
podzol soils and brown earths predominate throughout Wales.
Wales has a (21) ______ climate dominated by highly unpredictable shifts in Atlantic air
masses, which, combined with the diverse range of elevations, often cause local conditions
to vary considerably from day to day. Precipitation is (22) ______ and often more than
adequate, with annual totals averaging 1,385 mm for the country as a whole. There is no
markedly wet or dry season; roughly 88 mm of (23) ______ are recorded in April, whereas
142 mm are typical in January. Winter snowfall can be significant in the uplands, where snow
or sleet falls some 10 days of each year. The mean diurnal temperature is 10°C, ranging (24)
______ 4°C in January to 16°C in July and August.
19. A. ranging B. approaching C. reducing D. avoiding
20. A. patience B. inflation C. analysis D. underside
21. A. abnormal B. maritime C. adventurous D. industrious
22. A. immature B. inactive C. frequent D. dynamic
23. A. outcome B. delivery C. connection D. precipitation
24. A. behind B. from C. among D. between
V. Use the correct form of the word given in each sentence. (1.5 pts)
25. A lot of people nowadays have become ________ to the internet. [addict]
26. Television is an increasingly important means of ________. [communicate]
27. The era was characterized by political and ________ turbulence. [culture]
28. The novel had interested him but left him ________. [satisfy]
29. They're content to ________ with a very small circle of people. [society]
30. Geologists understand many of the factors that cause ________ eruptions. [volcano]
VI. Rearrange the groups of words in a correct order to make complete sentences. (0.5 pt)
31. designed for drinking/ Many campuses/ as well as for refilling/ reusable water bottles/
offer water fountains/./
32. to get in and/ Don’t turn/ wash your hair/ until you’re ready/ your shower on/./
31. Many campuses __________________________________________________________
32. Don’t turn _______________________________________________________________
VII. Rewrite each of the following sentences in another way so that it means almost the
33. It was such a good wine that I drank 3 glasses in a row.
 The wine _____________________________________
34. They are excited about going to London on holiday.
 They are looking _______________________________
35. I can't understand her because she speaks so softly.
 If she didn’t ___________________________________
36. In spite of eating a lot of pizza, he was still hungry.
 Although _____________________________________

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