Conceptual Design Development Agreement: June 2010

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Conceptual Design

Development Agreement

June 2010

prepared by Larry Kirkland, PAN Council Member

The Law Office of Sarah Conley

The Public Art Commission Agreement is made available as a service of Americans for the Arts. Use of this
document, or any of its terms and conditions, is wholly voluntary and within discretion of the contracting
parties. This Agreement does not constitute legal advice or create an attorney-client relationship Americans for
the Arts does not warrant the legal efficacy of any term or condition, or interpretation by courts. Both artist
and private entities are advised and encouraged to seek independent legal counsel before entering into a
binding agreement. For legal assistance, contact an attorney. A local branch of the Volunteer Lawyers for the
Arts may be able to provide assistance in advising in identifying attorneys.
Title: Conceptual Design Development Agreement

Situation: An agency, program, municipality or private developer is interested in a

developing a concept for an art project for a specific location.

Purpose: If the client is considering several artists, this is one way to have more
information about each proposed artwork before making a decision. It is also a means for
determining whether a particular idea is really appropriate for the situation and/or
economically feasible.

Number of artists involved: One to five.

Cost involved: Generally $3,000 - $5,000 with reimbursable expenses up to $1,000.

Finished product: Deliverables include drawings, small models, written

narrative, material samples, presentation of lighting needs, discussion of structural
requirements, other consultants that will need to be involved and a conceptual budget for
the work.

A completed concept development will include information necessary to move onto a full
design to include specifications for fabrication and installation of the artwork.
Schedules, the “Agreement”) is made and entered into this ____ day of
, by and between (“Client”), and

WHEREAS, Client is developing (“Project”)

located at (“Site”);

WHEREAS, Client desires to desires to obtain public art design services in

connection with the development of a design for artwork to be installed at the Site.

WHEREAS, Artist is in the business of creating original works of art;

NOW, THEREFORE, for good and valuable consideration, the receipt and
sufficiency of which are acknowledged, the parties agree as follows:

1. Scope of Services. The Artist shall provide design services (the “Services”) and
deliverables (“Deliverables”) as set forth in Schedule A, which is hereby incorporated
by reference into this Agreement. The Services shall result in Deliverables
embodying a conceptual design (the “Conceptual Design”) for artwork (the
“Artwork”) from which a plan for fabrication and installation (the “Final Design”)
can be derived at a later date pursuant to a separate agreement, should Client select
Artist’s Design.

2. Schedule of Performance. The parties agree that time is of the essence. Artist
shall adhere to the meeting schedule as set forth in Schedule A and shall provide the
Conceptual Design to Client no later than _________________ [DATE].

3. Extension of Time. The Client agrees to grant a reasonable extension of time to

Artist in the event that there is a delay caused by the Client, conditions beyond
Artist’s control, or pursuant to those circumstances set out in Section (--) Force
Majeure below. Extensions of time shall comply with the requirements of Section (--
) (Modifications) of this Agreement.

4. Compensation. Client agrees to pay Artist $___________ plus expenses for the
Conceptual Design. The payment schedule is set forth in Schedule B, which is
hereby incorporated by reference into this Agreement.

5. Reimbursable Expenses. Client will reimburse Artist for all reasonable expenses
incurred in the performance of this Agreement. Reimbursable expenses shall be
invoiced by Artist and shall include supporting documentation. These expenses
include travel, lodging, food, materials, printing costs, postage and delivery costs.
Artist agrees that the total fees, plus expenses, shall not exceed $_________ unless
Artist obtains specific advance approval from Client in writing.

6. Invoicing. Invoices for Services and Reimbursable Expenses shall be submitted to:
_________________________________(name) (address). Payment as set forth
under this Agreement will be made payable to Artist and will be remitted by check to
the address indicated in Section X below “Notices.” Client will reimburse Artist
within (30) calendar days of Client’s receipt of Invoice from Artist.

7. Late Payments. If payments are not made on or before thirty (30 calendar days
following Client’s receipt of Artist’s Invoice, but no later than sixty (60) days late, the
completion and delivery of the Conceptual Design may be delayed by an equal
number of days or Artist may elect to receive ______% of the remaining amount on
Schedule A and terminate this Agreement.

8. Representations and Warranties. Artist represents and warrants that the services
rendered pursuant to this Agreement shall result in an original design that, to the
best of Artist’s knowledge, does not infringe on any third party intellectual property
rights. Client shall make available for Artist’s examination and use all information
regarding the Site and Project, including but not limited to: plans, specifications,
reports, narratives, publications, statistics, records and other information pertinent to
Artist’s performance under this Agreement and represents and warrants the accuracy
and completeness of the same. Further, Client shall provide its reviews and
approvals of Artist’s design services in a prompt and timely manner.

9. Approval Process. Within ____ days of Artist’s delivery of the Conceptual Design
to Client, Client shall notify Artist as to how Client wishes to proceed with regard to
Artist’s Conceptual Design.

a. If Client would like to see additional development of the Conceptual Design

prior to determining whether Client will proceed with the Final Design, the
parties may execute an addendum to this Agreement setting additional
compensation and requirements for such services.
b. If Client selects Artist’s Conceptual Design for development into a Final
Design, subject to approval by ___________________ (City Council, art
commission, or other public body) pursuant to Section 9 below, the parties
shall enter into a separate agreement for the Final Design of the Artwork.
c. If Client does not select Artist’s Conceptual Design, Client may not use any
part of Artist’s Conceptual Design for future development without the
specific written approval of Artist.

10. Further Approvals. In the event that further approvals or reviews are necessary for
Client to select Artist’s Design for Final Design, Artist, as part of this Agreement and
for no further compensation except for Reimbursable Expenses, shall prepare the
necessary materials for and be available to personally present the same to the
appropriate body/bodies for approval to proceed with the Final Design of the
Artwork. Client will give Artist no fewer than ______ days notice of the scope of
materials needed and time and location of the meeting.
11. Intellectual Property. Artist retains all copyrights and other intellectual property
interests in the Conceptual Design and in any plans, drawings, renderings,
schematics, design studies and models and the like prepared by Artist in connection
with this Agreement. The Artist is responsible, at his/her option, for registering any
copyrightable material in his or her name with the U.S. Register of Copyrights, at no
additional cost to Client. It is specifically understood that given the Artist’s retention
of all intellectual property rights, in the event Client elects not to proceed with Artist
in the further development of the Conceptual Design, Client does not have the right
to take the Conceptual Design to a third party for further development, including
but not limited to fabrication and/or installation.

12. Transfer of Title. Simultaneous with Artist’s receipt of the final payment, Artist
shall transfer title to the Deliverables to Client.

13. Indemnification. Client agrees to indemnify and hold harmless Artist, his
successors and assigns from any claim or suit arising or resulting from the breach by
Client or its agents of any contractual obligations set forth in this Agreement
including, but not limited to, Client’s warranties set forth in Section 5(b) and from
negligent conduct of Client, its agents, assigns. Artist agrees to indemnify and hold
harmless Client, its successors and assigns from any claim or suit arising out of a
breach by Artist of any contractual obligations set forth in this Agreement including,
but not limited to, Artist’s warranties set forth in this Agreement.

14. Independent Contractor. Artist is furnishing his/her services hereunder as an

independent contractor, and nothing herein creates any association, partnership or
joint venture between the Parties hereto or any employer-employee relationship.

15. Modification. Any modification of this Agreement shall be in writing and signed by
all the parties.

16. Termination. Either party may terminate this Agreement upon thirty (30) days
written notice to the other party delivered by certified mail or in person. Termination
of this Agreement for any cause shall be without prejudice to any obligations or
liabilities or either party accrued prior to or because of such termination. Should
Client elect to terminate the Agreement under this Section, Client does not have the
right to commission any other party to create the Conceptual Design, or any part
thereof, without the written approval of Artist. If this Agreement is terminated by
Client, Client shall be liable under the payment provisions of this Agreement only for
payment for services rendered before the effective date of termination. Artist may
terminate this Agreement upon ten (10) days notice to Client if Client is in material
breach of this Agreement and fails to cure the breach before the end of the ten (10)
day notice period.

17. Death or Incapacity of Artist. Should the Artist become ill, disabled, injured, or
otherwise incapacitated at any time between the execution of this Agreement and the
date of completion, the Artist or one of his representatives will notify Client
promptly. In the event of Artist’s physical incapacity or death prior to the
completion of the Agreement, all payments made up to the point of incapacity or
death will be retained by Artist or Artist’s estate and all work performed to date of
incapacity or death will be compensated. If the Conceptual Design is substantially
completed and it is feasible for the work to be fully completed without undue delay,
Client may elect to proceed under the terms of this Agreement with the written
consent of Artist’s estate. In the event that Client elects to proceed with the
completion of the Conceptual Design, all remaining work to be completed in
accordance with this Agreement will be delegated to Artist’s studio personnel.

18. Force Majeure. The Parties will be excused from performing under this Agreement
if performance is prevented by a condition beyond the control of the Parties such as
acts of God, war, civil insurrection, government action or public emergency (but
only for as long as such unforeseen occurrences exist). Both Parties will take all
reasonable steps to assure performance of their contractual obligation when the
unforeseen occurrences have ceased to exist, but resumption of performance will be
subject to negotiation between the Parties if more than one (1) year has passed since
either suspension of obligations under this Agreement or substantially changed

19. Non-assignability. Artist will not assign, transfer or subcontract the creative and
artistic portions of the Design or the Artwork to another party without the prior
written consent of Client. Client will assign its rights to the Artwork to an agency of
the United States government promptly upon completion of the Memorial and will
provide Artist with thirty (30) days notice of the date of that transfer. Upon Client’s
assignment of rights to the Artwork to an agency of the United States government it
will also delegate all of its duties regarding the Artwork to the same agency to which
it assigns its rights.

20. Severability. Each paragraph and provision of this Agreement is severable from the
entire Agreement, and if any provision is declared invalid, the remaining provisions
will remain in effect.

21. Governing Law and Venue. This Agreement and all matters arising out of or
relating to this Agreement will be construed and enforced according to the laws of
_____________. Unless otherwise agreed, any litigation shall take place in the state
or federal courts located in ________________, and the Parties will accept the
exclusive jurisdiction of these courts. Each Party agrees to service of process
through the procedure defined in the Notices Section __.

22. Notices. All notice, submittals, requests, and reports required under this Agreement
will be hand delivered or sent by certified mail as follows:

For Artist:
For Client:
Notice is deemed to have been received either upon the date recipient signs the
return certificate, or five (5) days after the notice is transmitted to recipient, which
ever is sooner. A change in the designation of the person or address to which
submittal, requests, notices and reports will be delivered is effective when the other
party has received notice of the change by certified mail.
23. Dispute Resolution. In the event of any disputes arising from the terms of or
performance under this Agreement, the parties shall first attempt resolution through
good faith discussion and/or mediation. If discussion and/or mediation do not
resolve the dispute(s), the parties may resort to litigation and equitable relief to
resolve disputes that still exist after good faith discussion and/or mediation. In
addition, either party may seek equitable relief (injunction and/or specific
performance) at any time when immediate enforcement or cessation of performance
under this Agreement is required to avoid foreseeable damages to relief-seeking
party’s interests, including but not limited to intellectual property interests.

24. Attorney Fees and Costs. There will be no recovery of fees or costs for mediation.
The prevailing party in any court action or proceeding shall be entitled to receive
from the other party all costs and expenses, including reasonable attorneys’ fees,
incurred by the prevailing party in connection with such action or proceeding.

25. Entire Agreement. This Agreement constitutes the entire agreement between the
parties and supersedes all previous agreements in this matter. There are no other
written or oral agreements, representations or understandings with respect to the
subject matter of this Agreement. This Agreement and its terms may be amended,
modified, or waived only by written agreement, signed by both parties.

26. Non-waiver. No waiver will be binding on a party unless it is in writing and signed
by the party making the waiver. A party’s waiver of a breach of a provision of this
Agreement will not be a waiver of any other provision or a waiver of a subsequent
breach of the same provision.

27. Execution by Conterpart and Facsimile. This Agreement may be executed in

counterpart and by facsimile.








1. Initial Design Development

Option A: Charrette

Artist will participate in a (date) charrette with (participants) to explore ideas for
collaborative and individual efforts for the art program.

Based on the input received, the conceptual design ideas will be further developed by Artist.

Option B: Design Meeting

Artist will present Artist’s exploration of design ideas for collaborative and individual efforts
for the art program to a Committee consisting of (participants) on (date) (time) (location).

Artist is to present design ideas using the presentation format of Artist’s choice sufficient to
provide the Committee with a clear understanding of the proposed design; examples of
acceptable presentation formats include drawings, images, photographs and written

Based on the input received from (Client/Committee), Artist will refine the design concept
and present it for further review and discussion.

2. Conceptual Design

Artist will present the Conceptual Design to (participants) for review, discussion and/or
approval at a meeting to be held at (location) on (date).

Presentation materials to illustrate the Conceptual Design may include:

Drawings, sketches, models, images, computer renderings/animations, photographs
location of artwork(s)
annotated plans or site plans
general size and scale of Artwork
physical properties of Artwork
narratives or other information related to the concept
desired impact of artwork
relationship to project goals
public access to Artwork
physical properties of Artwork
potential materials and methods with samples as appropriate
potential relationships and connections to other sites
preliminary assessment of requirements for sub-consultants, such as structural,
lighting, electrical, mechanical, hydraulic engineers/consultants
preliminary discussion of safety and maintenance considerations
preliminary assessment of installation methodology
preliminary discussion of budget
preliminary discussion of estimated schedule for fabrication and installation
opportunities to integrate artwork into construction
Conceptual Design fees will be paid pursuant to an invoice submitted by Artist to Client
according to the following schedule:

First payment: ($--) to be paid upon execution of this Agreement and receipt appropriate
invoice from Artist

Second Payment: ($--) to be paid upon presentation of complete Conceptual Design and
receipt of appropriate invoice from Artist.

Reimbursable Expenses shall be paid as submitted pursuant to this Agreement.



Client (Program, City, Private Developer)
Basis for Agreement
Desire to create artwork
Municipal Codes
Percentage for art requirements
Special skills and/or abilities of the parties


Description of design services either in body or in an attached Schedule


Originality of Artist’s work
Accuracy and accessibility of all Client’s Site and Project related information.

Time is of the essence
Extension of Time

Fee for services
Reimbursable Expenses
Time for Payment
Late Payment

Need for additional development
Acceptance of conceptual design, and decision to move forward to full design stage.
Rejection of conceptual design and Client’s restriction from further use of concepts.

Artist retains copyright
Artist is responsible for registering copyright with Library of Congress


Requirement that modifications be in writing signed by both parties.

For convenience
For cause







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